zezepages · 2 years
"Stratching a words into a diary of hers"ও
She played a song, going to flashback to the memories that left in her mind. She don't mind to take a look to the worst or the good, she's already accept the fact of her life.
But with this pages, she turned into the story-teller. She will pour all the stories here. Talking about anything in her mind, while she had a bad intuition about what should she choose, but she's going on.
Pictures, book, food, music, all the things that would be shared here is definitely hers.
And you, could see what in her Diary, choosen people! ❀
This has been Risa Zemira ( Zeze ) the handler of Zezeezip on her cyber.
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zezepages · 2 years
"Crew Festival Detail."
The concept.
Konsep dasar dari festival ini adalah perpaduan antara musik dan tari dimana musik dan tari merupakan salah satu media penghantar emosi yang cukup baik dan diakui. Musik dan tari sendiri juga merupakan gabungan antara ketepatan gerak fisik, aestetik dan pertunjukan.
Musik dan tari yang memiliki banyak genre bisa mewakili setiap emosi yang menikmati sehingga kami hadir untuk membantu para penikmat untuk menyalurkan emosi mereka melalui acara ini.
The Job-description of all Division.
Divisi Acara
Jobdesk: Mengkonsep keseluruhan acara dari konsep dasar yang sudah ada sebelumnya dan mengemas acara tersebut menjadi sebuah acara yang menarik. membuat timetable, dan juga jadwal serangkaian acaraa.
Divisi PDD
Jobdesk: Mengedit seluruh kebutuhan acara dari mulai desain proposal, poster acara, ticketing, twibbon, id card dan keperluan lainnya.
Divisi Humas
Jobdesk: Mengirimkan proposal kerjasama, membuat kerjasama dengan pihak media partner dan sponsorship dari awal hingga akhir.
Divisi Logistik
Jobdesk: Mencari visualisasi venue, booth, denah venue, walkie talkie dan kebutuhan acara lainnya.
Divisi Ticketing
Jobdesk: Mengurus ticketing dari awal pembelian, sampai mengirimkan ticket melalui akun masing-masing.
Divisi Keamanan
Jobdesk: Menghandle akun acara, menjadi keamanan pada hari H pada awal acara hingga selesai.
If theres something that need to be asked, kindly reach out us on @imonday and @Zezeezip on Twitter. Thank you.
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zezepages · 2 years
Dearly, Arkhana.
”Cause i never knew, i never knew, you could hold moonlight in your hands”
All the shining stars are around you. You should know, my universe has been filled in by you. My universe that runs, for a moment seems to pivot on you.
You were the first word that i ever wanted to write, and they said, the muse that have been writen will never die.
Arkhanya, in my sight, you are more like a rays of light in the dark places. Whenever things get rough and i lose all the pieces of light in my hope, you appear out and hold my hands, save me from desctruction.
When i'm with you, i just wanna know that you are owning the stage, the world, and the universe. They pointed at you, because you hold a moon-light in your hands. The moon who i adore, and i find my moon-lights by look at you and to be around you anytime.
I lost at the second i saw your eyes, i lost in them.
It was a lovely season of a year, and i've spent it all with you. The dazzling moment, i've record it on my mind, back on 2021, it saved in a small box of my heart.
Looks like all the stars are your rival. You are brightest more than them. And you are the main character of my whole story.
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