ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Y’all, I’m about to say something I never thought I’d say in my life: I’m actually feeling hopeful for bellarke.
I know, I know okay but think about it. Bellamy was ultimately convinced to join the cult because The Conductor was right; he is missing something in his life. He thinks he can justify all the hurt and the anger and the sorrow he feels because it’s been for the sake of his people, but in reality it hasn’t. It’s been for the sake of Clarke. With a few exceptions, all of his most defining regrets were for her. Mount Weather, letting Gina die, poisoning his sister, risking everyone’s lives to defeat Josephine, he did it all for her. That’s the truth he’s been running from: he loves selfishly, yes, but not in favor of his own desires. He loves selfishly because he puts Clarke above all else, over and over again, and he knows simple friendship can’t justify that kind of sacrifice.
It’s clear in the next episode Clarke is being tortured for her memories much like Octavia was, and I truly think that watching her memories, their memories unfold in search for answers about the flame is what’s going to snap Bellamy out of it. She’s going to make him realize that the emptiness he feels is born of his love for her, and the fear that she doesn’t return those feelings. Ideally, he’ll get to the radio calls in her memory and realize she does, and that will be the catalyst for their confession, but that may be too perfect even to dream :) Regardless, what really struck me during Bellamy and the conducter’s conversation about love was that Bellamy feels empty because he does not love the right way, and that’s so true. I think he believes Clarke loves him, to some degree, but he is in love with her and he’s terrified she doesn’t feel the same way. Until he realizes that she’s in love with him too, he’s going to feel empty, and no amount of greater good cult mentality propoganda will change that. Thus, the only thing that can truly break him out of this trance is finally reaching the answer he’s been searching for all these years: Clarke
Plus I mean the bellarke hurt comfort torture angst? Are you kidding? Bring it on
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
The fact that Echo doesn't stop talking shit about Clarke's relationship with Bellamy shows how much toxic she is
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Well, if you're actually asking, use spaces, or put season 7 too. Most people would use the one with spaces. I filtered all of the ones with spaces because I saw that that's the one almost everyone used :/ and honestly, I really freaking hope they're wrong, or else it's definitely not going to impact me as much as it would have.
Ok. I can do that. But you should filter the one without spaces too.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Really hope oppents heir is wrong tbhhh
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
From things I've seen, Opponents heir has told people not to repost the spoilers???
I haven’t seen them say that. I’ve seen it repsoated all over the place.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Who is opponents heir, and are they actually trustworthy...?
Everything they’ve posted so far about what we’ve seen has been true.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Please tag with more spoiler tags than just one! I just read your spoilers and now its absolutely ruined my time. I have a bunch of other tags filtered but it just so happens the ONE you used I don't.. just please use more than one so more people don't end up suffering through getting something ruined (or possibly ruined) for them.
I tagged The 100 Spoilers
What else should I have tagged?
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
This is a public service announcement that Wells and Clarke were originally best friends and that didn’t stop him from being in love with her. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Yes! Don’t support anyone till you know the facts! If Arryn is lying then she is the abuser and Bob is the victim! So just be quiet till the truth is out.
we don’t know exactly what happened in a relationship we are not a part of, but when in doubt it is always better to support the victim.
if you support the victim and you’re wrong, at least you have shown that victims can share their story and be heard.
if you defend the abuser and you’re wrong, you are silencing victims and enabling abuse.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Going personal on here real quick.
I know that everyone is so unbelievably shocked and upset about these allegations, take a deep breath, and leave the internet for a while, it’s not going anywhere, you can delete your apps without losing your content, it will still be here when you get back.
Listen to music, doodle, draw, write in a notebook, cross stitch, do something that doesn’t involve a screen for a bit, or find something new to watch, take you mind off things.
These are very serious things that are being said right now, and as a survivor of verbal/emotional abuse myself, hearing these things made me sick.
I will not defend Bob, nor will I attack him. When Amber Herd made accusations against Johnny Depp, I jumped the gun without hearing both sides of the story. Then to hear that she was lying and was the actual abuser, that made it so much worse.
My ex to this day still says awful things about me, still calls me a psycho, still tells everyone i keyed his car (I didn’t) that i threw his phone at him and smashed the screen (I didn’t, he dropped it while we were shopping) tells everyone I’m the biggest liar and I was the abusive one, so please everyone, take a moment before passing judgment. I’d like to hear another side of this.
Just remember, we do not have an objective or complete understanding. I know I don’t interact on here a lot, but my DMs are open to anyone who wants to talk, to vent, to anything.
Take a breath everyone, your feelings of hurt are valid.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Hey I just saw your comment about Echo and how the actress is racist. Where did you hear that and what did she say?
Hey! I never new exactly what it was. I had just seen tons of people taking about it. But apparently she wore a Bindi and then deleted the photo when people called her out on it and she never apologized and kept wearing it. From how people were making it seem though I’d assume she did black face or something. But now that I know what it was it makes me think twice about trusting the word of strangers on the internet.
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
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Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi 
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
Echo, knocking on Bellamy’s door: Hey
Bellamy: Hey
Echo: I can’t sleep
Bellamy, closing the door: I can. Goodnight
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
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this is the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life….catholics are out here memeing better than I ever could
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
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Let’s all take a moment and thank modern family for this
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ziggy-flowers · 4 years
The conversation that made me find out my husband liked me.
Him: that’s weird looking.
Me: Your face.
Him: You want my face.
Me: pshh! You want me to want your face...
Him: Yea, maybe.
Me: wait.... What?
Que awkward silence and him changing the subject then basically ignoring me for two days until when I finally see him again twos days later he confesses that he likes me and wants to be together 😂
Also, we were best friends. So me insulting his face was a joke and I meant no harm. We messed with each other all the time.
Now imagine Bellarke. 😂
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