zilloll · 8 years
Ending: Doors to the Future (All Party Members)
Context: This is one of the highest priority endings in the game (essentially #1 from all but one starting scenario)... if you manage to fulfill the conditions (recruit and keep alive all possible party members, easier said than done). For a list of all possible endings and their requirements, see this post.
There are slight differences in the first scene depending on player character gender and survival status of a certain pair of characters, which I’ll cover in more detail under the cut. If there are other differences, I haven’t noticed.
(last updated 3/04/2016)
NOTE: I personally obtained this ending from the starting scenario “An Unmapped Village”, and saved Tiana. If you’d like to view the version with a male protagonist who saved Atleia instead, there’s one available on Nico Nico (starts close to the end and continues in a second video). If I ever get a version of this with Chaka, I’ll edit him in at that point.
(These aren’t official scene titles. Just me entertaining myself while breaking the script down into manageable chunks.)
1. (More) Politicking at Lemghon’s Manor
Beelzeva: ... As agreed upon, we are now in the process of reducing the troops stationed at the mountain range on the border.
... Your Lordship seems to have cause for displeasure.
Lemghon: But of course... The head of our nation is presented here by Princess Tiana herself.
Come what may, your delegation serves only as a proxy of the Emperor. I cannot help but doubt whether these peace negotiations are truly in good faith.
Tiana: Lord Lemghon!
Beelzeva: The General of the Black Tortoise is a legitimate successor of the royal house of Dingal. I would like to request that you refrain from making such irrational statements.
Besides, by all rights, Your Lordship is a man whose very existence here should have been out of the question in the first place...
Zagiv: ... It is not that we do not understand your side’s concerns. But this is a problem that shall be resolved in the near future.
Tiana: What manner of talk is this? I demand an explanation.
Beelzeva: We of the Dingal Empire mean to give backing to a new Emperor.
A figure well suited to promoting the revolution of humanity... you see.
Lemghon: ... Surely not -- !? Do you really think such an unlawful outrage would be overlooked?
Zagiv: Perhaps from your standpoint this may be viewed as unlawful.
However, in our nation, ability commands more respect than bloodline.
It is simply a matter of marital union with one of the royal family or of similar lineage.
More importantly, such a person would need to be possessed of an outstanding Soul among humanity, as befitting that of a hero.
Tiana: ......! I cannot approve of this. Just how strong is this individual of whom you speak?
You of all people should understand. Or is it your intent to step once more upon the bloody road of conquest?!
*someone walks in*
Lemghon: What business have you here... Sebastian.
Sebastian: Please excuse me. My deepest apologies for intruding upon your conference.
Lord Lemghon... If I may...
*walks up*
Lemghon (freaking out): What!?
Zagiv: ... It can’t be!? No... when it comes to that person...
Beelzeva: Have the messengers fly!
Commence the search for the new Emperor NAME at once!
[... I really have to wonder what kinds of strings were pulled to get Lemghon back into good standing. Not that he has much opposition remaining, heh. And just how awkward the Tiana/Lemghon reconciliation was, though I’m glad to see them on good terms again, even if it’s just them putting up a united front. And of course it’s Lemghon who’s keeping tabs on the player character. And of course Zagiv guesses what’s up just from seeing his reaction. XD]
[This scene was tough to translate due to to all the formal politicking. :P Took some liberties in interpreting nuance and may have slipped up here and there. Beelzeva does initially address Lemghon by name, by the way, but I always find translating 卿 a hassle because I tend to automatically translate -sama as Lord/Lady So-and-So even when totally inappropriate, just to save myself headaches... which leaves no room for distinguishing -kyou very effectively. I’m also choosing to use Emperor as a gender neutral title, which isn’t totally unprecedented.]
[Anyway, in the male version with Atleia, which maybe I’ll edit into this post in the future, Atleia is NOT pleased with the idea that Zagiv might end up marrying the player character; Zagiv is catty right back at her -- right in front of Beelzeva too, lol. Why couldn’t the heroine get a variation on that with Lemghon and Beelzeva? Hmmmmmph. :P That said, my ending replay got bugged at one point and I did catch a glimpse of the female version with Atleia, which is also slightly less dry than this version -- though to be fair, this is probably because Tiana is much more politically canny and is choosing her words quite deliberately. Having seen these variations, I’m pretty sure the subtext is that both Lemghon and Tiana are very well aware of who’s being suggested here. :P This is especially clear from the way Tiana speaks, with more assertiveness than Atleia does, which is a nice extra bit of characterization. I wonder what the male version with Tiana is like though?]
2. Party at the Rostorl Tavern
Esther: Okie dokie! I know the party’s in full swing an’ all, but just for a moment, everyone, attention please -- !
Angeerdan: Whazzthis, Esther. Since when’d you start playin’ the host?
Xenetes: Pops, you’ve been chuggin’ them a lil too fast ever since we got started. Trippin’ over yer tongue, there.
Esther: Ummm well, I can think of a whole bunch of stuff to reminisce about, but.
Somehow, when it comes to the main point, I’ve got nothin’... That sorta thinkin’, though, I guess it’s just me?
And there’s one more thing besides the real important stuff that I think is lacking...
Yulis: It’s not like that, you know~ Everybody’s thinkin’ it, you know~
Angeerdan: Hear, hear! Booze, ain’t enough booze!
Xenetes: ... And nibbles t’go with.
Reig: ..........................
Relra Lonton: Uh-huh, I get it too, Esther.
If I were to use an example, you could say the whole bunch of us are just like clocks, aren’t we.
We are each and every one of us naught but dials upon which the hours are recorded --
But without the hands to point it out, the actual time, most vital of all, cannot be known. I wonder if it’s that sort of feeling...?
Yulis: Um, so like, basically -- defective clocks, huh?
Reig: ..........................
Esther: Clocks that have lost their hands, huh...
That’s right... that’s it, isn’t it! Just as I thought, with NAME gone, we’ve lost our core!
Angeerdan: Mm. I completely concur. If NAME were here in this tavern, the beer’d taste far better...
Xenetes, yer mug’s empty!
Xenetes: I’m all good here, Pops.
But, well, things’re pretty bad for NAME too, y'know.
Just when all the fuss started dyin’ down, in the end it seems like there’s just no escapin’ her fate. Gettin’ all wrapped up in somethin’ or other.
Yulis: Ah, I’ve got it, everyone!
The hands of the clock represent Mistress NAME, don’t they! Squee!
Reig: That one, the time is out of joint...
Relra Lonton: Oh, that was pretty clever, what you said there, Reig.
Reig: ..........................
Angeerdan: By the by, where did NAME go off to anyway?
Relra Lonton: NAME, representing all of us here,
Went to send off everybody who’s obliged to return to their own hometowns, didn’t she?
Esther: Right, right!
Didn’t we all keep this party goin’ so we could wait for NAME to come back?
Angeerdan: That so...? Hrmm. Is NAME really going to return?
Xenetes: What’s up, Pops. You worried?
Angeerdan: Not one ounce... that NAME of ours...
I just wonder if she hasn’t drifted off and away, as the wandering wind blows.
Reig: ..........................
Esther: Right...
Wanderin’ off on another adventure with NAME, huh? That’d be sooo great! I wanna go too...
Yulis: Me too, Mistress Esther.
A party of Mistress NAME, the Hero; the Fantabulous Female Mage; and the Crossdressing Beauty.
We’ll deffo be drowning in requests... Being the World’s Greatest Adventurer won’t just be a dream! Squee!
Esther: By crossdressing beauty, you mean... m-me?
Th -- Wrong! Totally wrong! That’s not how it is!
Xenetes: Mmkay, how’s this sound?
From here on out, all of us’ll set off on a journey to meet up with NAME and end up on an adventure of our own.
And I ain’t talkin’ just the continent of Vyashion, but a journey all the way to the ends of the earth.
Reig: ... I’m in. ... Thus shall I be able to cross swords with that one again someday.
Esther: Let’s gooo!
Relra Lonton: Yeah!
Angeerdan: Don’t you leave me behind, Xenetes.
Yulis: Eek! This turn of events is maybe kinda bad!
[Xenetes consistently calls Angeerdan とっつぁん throughout the game. XD Apparently this is a very drawled/dialectic “Tou-san/chan”, or in other words “father” -- made famous-ish in the West by a Lupin character and typically translated as Old Man or Pops. In this case, the latter is of course a perfect fit for Xenetes and his breezy slanginess.]
[Reig is tough to translate though -- old-timey English leans on the wordy side, but Reig is both terse AND archaic. Most of the snappy translations I could think of for his time lag gag were way too modern. Awkwardly quoting from Shakespeare was the best I could do... (I’m awful at jokes. Van is about as bad. XD)]
[Yulis addresses everyone as -sama. It finally pinged me that they’re going for a kooky “otaku” vibe with that, hence her Mistress-ing here. I also adjusted one of the lines I translated in a previous post accordingly. However, I’m never quite sure how to interpret her “kyaaa”s.......]
3. Those Who Must Part Ways
Iaones: ... Well, if y'think about it it, this is a real treat.
After all, the savior of the world herself has come to see us off.
Van: Hey NAME, whatcha gonna do after this?
You really won’t come over to hang with us?
Roy: You sure are confident that you still have a home to go back to, aren’t you, Van.
Van: Naw, it’s the other way around!
The strongest [最強, “saikyou”] adventurer ever is gonna give his old man the privilege of a visit! Geddit? The. Strongest. [サ、イキョウー, “sa ikyou”]!
Nadge: It’s... a pun on strongest and “let’s go” [さあ, 行こう, “saa, ikou”].
[I’ll fix this if I ever think of a replacement joke someday. :P]
Sera: Hn...
Van: Bastard, just now, you snorted, didn’t ya! Whooooarggghh!
[specifically, “snorted in laughter”, so... I... assume he’s happy rather than picking a fight? I mean, he just makes the standard shounen power up scream at the end, not sure how to take this XD]
Dergado: Quit your yowlin’!
Van: Grahh!!
*everyone cracks up*
Roy: Heh... If we keep on like this, the sun’s going to set on us before we know it.
Iaones: ‘Tis truly a pity, having to part ways. How nice it’d be if every one of us here could adventure together again someday.
Sera: Probably impossible.
Nadge: Sera...
Sera: Think about it. Why are we even here?
It’s because each one of us is saddled with their own reasons or places to go back to that we’re all here right now.
Iaones: Well, that’s all naught but what the heavens have decreed.
Thinkin’ about it another way, you could say it’s about as much of a coincidence for the few of us to have even gathered together here like this, after all.
Dergado: Aye, indeed. I suppose if you put it that way, it’s true.
All o’ us fine gentlemen ended up here because we were drawn to NAME.
Roy: Well then, I suppose it’s time we make our farewells.
We all have our own respective courses that must be taken.
Van: Yah. It’s Terane for me and Nadge.
Nadge: Mmhm. NAME, if you’re ever in the area, do drop by for a chat.
Iaones: I’m off to Alnortun. Gotta make a grave for Izkyar, see.
Come on over and pay your respects too, all right, NAME?
Roy: Sera and I have been thinking we should head back to Myse at least once.
Sera: Though it’s a pain.
Dergado: For me, o’ course, it’s the Dwarf Kingdom. If y’ever come visit, there are some enormous kilns there, so I can make you something good.
Sera: Time to leave.
*tries to head off XD*
What’s the matter? Not coming?
Iaones: Ah, let me just say something for everyone here.
NAME, as long as thou remain, is it not impossible for us to disband?!
Dergado: ‘Tis as Sir Iaones says. Despite ourselves, we cannot help but want to go on, sticking together like a party.
Van: NAME! Even if we break up, you plannin’ to put the brakes on our homecomings?!
[another awful pun involving “kaisan” and an awkwardly contorted “kaesan”, orz]
Roy: I concur...
Seems to me this discussion’ll go better if we’re the ones to see NAME off here.
Nadge: ... Well played, Van.
Van: Yeah...
Sera: Or do you hate being sent off by the likes of us?
*the rest of the scene is better watched than summarized :(*
4. Band of Bro Maidens
Vialiali: If -- if we wait here...
Vailaila: Lady NAME will pass by, won’t she.
Irene: I believe so... No, the probability should be quite high.
Karula: Mm, true that. Then, if Miss Clueless really does pass through here --
We’re all gonna pounce her in one go. That’s the plan, yeah?
Lulluantha: I know, I know! That’s what’s called an “ambush,” isn’t it?
Fety: A -- “Ambush” is a rather sleazy way to put it.
Can you not? Drag yours truly into such sordid affairs, that is.
Vialiali: If that’s so, I do wish you’d move out of the way. It’s a little crowded here.
Irene: Shh, I think someone’s coming!
Vailaila: ..........................
Vialiali: ..........................
Fety: No one’s coming.
Karula: ... Um hey. As I thought, this really ain’t doin’ no good.
Fety: Hold it! Don’t raise your voice like that, Ponytail!
What are you going to do if you put NAME on the alert?!
Karula: Jig’s up then, yeah? But ya know, whether or not I blow it or whatever, NAME’s not gonna pass through a place like this.
Just who was it anyway, huh? The one who up and suggested this place.
Lulluantha: ‘Twas Fety.
Fety: H-hey!
Karula: Aww, naw, naw. That ain’t no good at all. Doncha know just how sharp that head of NAME’s is?
That NAME, we go way back as enemies... Like, in other words, I bet she’s already caught wind of us bein’ here.
Not t’mention, most likely she’s turned the tables on us and is tryin’ to avoid a confrontation to the best of her abilities.
Irene: I see... If it’s NAME, that’s definitely something she’d do...
There are a lot of unexplored areas in this forest, so if she were to slip through one of them...
By the way, why are we all waiting around for NAME here anyway?
Vialiali: Why, you ask -- that’s...
Vailaila: Because we wish to remain by Lady NAME’s side, in her service.
Fety: We want to serve her? Puh-lease. Don’t joke around like that.
It’s not like NAME has become anything resembling some sort of great master or whatever.
Rather, NAME is to set out on another adventure with yours truly.
I’ve not had my fill of thrills yet!
Lulluantha: Lulluantha wants to go too! I think it’d be lovely if Vai and Via came along too!
Vailaila: B-But, it is not that we desire to go on an adventure...
Vialiali: H-Hey, Irene!
Isn’t it weirder to be here for no particular reason at all!?
Irene: Err...
Fety: Anyway, pipe down already!
Chattering around about that sort of thing is the most dangerous thing you could do at a time like this!
What I took into consideration is the fact that there’s a stupidly huge beehive up ahead,
So NAME should definitely pass through here!
Karula: Aha. A real smartypants we have here. So that’s how it is~
Fety: W-What’s your problem?! That’s quite the bigheaded attitude you’ve got there! How dare you use the same lines as someone as noble as yours truly!
Karula: ‘Cause lil ol’ me’s just as classy as you are, see! Ain’t no helpin’ it, yep.
Ain’t that so, Irene?
Lulluantha: Irene’s been seriously mulling over something, y’know.
Irene: ... Let me raise a point. If there really is a beehive, there won’t be any way to pass by it without endangering oneself.
But, if our opponent were to take advantage of that sort of “common sense” thinking...?
No, rather, if our purposes have already been leaked somehow...!
Vailaila: ..........................! You, you cannot mean...
Vialiali: The, the culprit is among us...!?
Karula: Welp, if that’s the way it is, us poor lil maidens got no reason to be schemin’ here anymore, I guess.
Fety: Although I can’t stomach having anything in common with Ponytail, I feel the same.
Irene: Then let us wait a little longer, shall we? Maybe she’ll actually show up right in front of us after all.
Vailaila: She’s not coming...
Vialiali: No one’s coming, huh...
Lulluantha: (Thank goodness you got through without a hitch, NAME.)
5. Doors to the Future
Nemea: You will go, then...? NAME.
... I have shed far too much blood. I offered all as sacrifice to the battle I waged against destiny... You, however... are different from me.
You, I understand, have fought with the purpose of a savior. For that very reason, there are people for whom your strength is now a necessity.
You will go despite that, NAME?
Aoife: Unusual to see you so gutless, NAME.
Perhaps it is that very power of yours that shall disrupt this peace. That, I suppose, is what you fear...
*:( :(*
Yes. Your power is great indeed.
Should the whim strike you...
No doubt you would be able to embroil this land once more in an eddy of war...
Nemea: But you have comrades. They are there for you.
They are proof that you have used your power righteously; so too are they the fetters that bind your strength.
As long as your friends are with you, that strength of yours shall never bring forth destruction. Have faith in yourself and your comrades.
Ceryneia: If you go without so much as a word to all those people, they’ll never forgive you.
Those left behind also have much on their minds and in their hearts.
Orphaus: No need to go so far, my dear.
Hereafter, ‘tis all up to NAME to decide.
We’ve none of us the right to remonstrate.
Now then, all being said and done, the time has come. Lead us forth, to wherever it is that you wish.
Whether to return to your comrades’ sides, or to seek an entirely new world, all the freedom in existence lies at your disposal...
... Then, as you please. After all, it is not just a single door to the future that you have opened.
The world, I am sure, shall be blessed with your likes once more.
Your journey of freedom awaits!
Final Comments: It made me so mad at first when I realized what the hero/ine was planning to do. I was relieved when Nemea and co. started talking some sense into her (ORPHAUS YOU TROLL) -- and a little frustrated when the scene ended where it did, even though unlike most people I actually enjoy ambiguous or “into the sunset” endings more often than not. :P
But the more I think about it, the more I genuinely appreciate this ending, especially from a meta standpoint. Like the rest of the game, it’s subtly nudging things in a certain direction, while still leaving options open. Copout? Maybe, but I don’t dislike it, especially considering the sort of personality you must have cultivated in your hero/ine in order to have even reached this result, and the type of game this was to begin with.
(In hindsight, I would NOT recommend gunning for this ending on a first playthrough. x_x Not necessarily for gameplay reasons, though there’s definitely that -- but from a storytelling standpoint, I feel this is one of the few games that deserves to be experienced “as intended,” so to speak. In contrast to, say, Suikoden, which I also adore, but doesn’t lose much from a “perfect” first-time playthrough.)
I do still have gripes about the lack of explicit resolution for a lot of the relationships and the political situation, but I think that just goes to show what unrealistic standards I came to hold for the game’s attention to detail by the time I hit the end. :P Maybe that stuff is in the individual endings though.
Anyhow, believe it or not, I’ve been trying to keep personal commentary to a minimum in these posts, but sometimes I just can’t resist. If anyone’s actually been following along, posts are obviously going to be slowing down considerably now. Stuff to look forward to: probably some other endings, more random Rostorl stuff (obvious bias is obvious), maybe the prologue scenarios... whatever tickles my fancy~
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zilloll · 8 years
Last Battle: Lemghon Meets XXX
Context: At the final dungeon. If you’re over level 50 and Lemghon’s in your party and has the highest affinity, there’s some rather shocking dialogue that occurs before a certain boss.
I’d translate the entire scene except I’m lazy (and will probably stick it in a post of its own at some point when I figure out where the variations occur), so this post starts exactly where Lemghon starts talking. In other words, there’s probably some overlap with the fixed part of the script, which I’ll reorganize in the future. Maybe.
Obviously, major spoilers ahoy.
Lemghon: Is balance of such import to you, Dragon King? The one who has saved the world from its doom is none other than NAME!
Are you claiming that she became too strong in the process, and must therefore be killed before she becomes the next threat?
Narcisse: NAME is, at present, already in the process of becoming the most powerful existence in this world.
If at that time NAME should then have a change of heart, tell me, who would be able to stop her?
*Lemghon shakes his head*
The Dragon King in His sagacity has judged that she be eliminated before such comes to pass.
Now then, Noel, Coffin, Raven, oh ye who have received the Dragon King’s blessings. Now is the time to repay His good grace.
Raven: ... I made a resolution to accompany Noel. To eliminate all enemies who should stand before her. ... That’s all there is to it.
Coffin: A pity things have come to this, but I won’t hold back!
Noel: Stand down, please, Coffin.
Coffin: Hold it! I’m one of your comrades too, Noel! Let’s fight together!
Noel: ... Mister Lemghon is the child of your daughter, Camilla... which makes him your own grandson, I believe?
... Please. I couldn’t bear it. This much, at least, the Dragon King shall kindly overlook.
Coffin: ... Noel.
Lemghon: My mother by blood... her own mother... was... Coffin, you say...?
*Noel nods*
Coffin: Noel... thank you. But knowing your concern is enough.
From the moment we did battle against the Soul Eater, you and I, our fates became as one!
Lemghon: I shall certainly not call you Grandmother.
However, as one man alone, as a fellow Darkenith --
I shall herewith respond to your dignity with my full strength in turn!
Coffin: Teehee... Much appreciated.
Noel: Yes!
Miss NAME! Please receive my sword’s final blow!
Comments: I like Lemghon’s initial reaction to this in particular because he’s from Rostorl, where the Dragon King religion has an especially firm hold. In fact, considering his family background, the Dragon King should actually mean something to him, even if he’s not the religious type, which he’s almost certainly not, all things considered.
(I just really like considering the fact that he abandoned literally EVERYTHING for the hero[ine]. Of course, it took effort to get him to this point, but still. :P)
Of course, the real reveal here is about Coffin and Camilla (the name Camilla’s riffing on the famous Carmilla, no doubt). I wonder how Noel knew though? Dragon King powers?
(Poor Nemea. He has no clue what’s going on. XD)
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zilloll · 8 years
Event: The Flash Bow
Context: After the rescue mission close to the end of the game, enter the Cat House with Aoife in the active party. Fety must also have been recruited... but she definitely doesn’t need to be in the party.
Ceryneia: My, NAME. ... I wonder what you’ve come here for, with a dark elf woman in tow.
Aoife: ... Ceryneia, I’d like to request that you hand your bow over to me.
*Ceryneia laughs*
Ceryneia: Of all the things I thought I’d be asked out of the blue... lending a bow to a dark elf certainly wasn’t among them.
How did you even come to know of the Flash Bow in the first place?
Aoife: I heard about it from Lord Nemea before. About you using a powerful bow that looses arrows like flashes of light, that is.
I don’t much care for the idea of borrowing a bow from a half elf myself, but it’s meaningless for someone who won’t even join the fray to hang on to it.
Besides, if it’s a bow of that caliber, in the hands of someone like me with inborn skill, it will be possible to unleash its full potential.
Ceryneia: What are you trying to imply! Are you trying to say my skill is no match for yours!?
*Aoife shakes her head*
Aoife: I do not believe some half elf who does nothing but lounge around in a place like this would be able to triumph over me.
*Ceryneia laughs*
Ceryneia: As a dark elf who lacks the ability to do anything but fight, I suppose it’s natural for you to think that way, but it’ll be too late to cry about it afterward.
Aoife: What did you say?!
*somebody steps out*
Fety: What a childish scuffle this is. I can’t stand listening to this any longer, sheesh.
I do wish you’d engage in all this pointless bickering over dark elves or half elves or whatnot only when I’m not around.
My point being, does not each individual have their own talents? Going on and on about racial differences is nothing more than the yammering of rabble who lack confidence in themselves.
At a time like this, when we’re all about to head out to battle, stuff like not wanting to lend a weapon or not wanting someone to use something just because someone’s of a different race is such a low level to stoop to.
Ooohh -- jeez -- frittering away the precious time of yours truly on such a plebeian quarrel is a million times more wasteful -- !
*huffs over to player character*
NAME. You’d better do something about this later --
*does the ojou laugh before leaving again*
Aoife: ... It’s not like anyone called for her. Is she not the one who decided to come out and meddle herself...?
Ceryneia: ... Just who’s the one always going on and on about lower lifeforms and the like...
*both women laugh, then turn away from each other*
Ceryneia: ... NAME. I cannot go to battle along with you all.
However, if you say this bow will serve you well in the fight, then use it.
Aoife: ... If NAME asks me to accept it, I have no reason to refuse.
I’ll use this with care.
Ceryneia: ... Take care of yourself, as well.
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zilloll · 8 years
Zill O’ll Infinite Plus Ending Guide
These endings -- all 53 of them -- are listed in the order the game apparently prioritizes them in (i.e. if you fulfill conditions for multiple endings, you’ll see the one with the highest priority).
There are minimal spoilers in this post. Conditions for each ending are described as vaguely as possible. Some amount of spoiling can’t be avoided, though. Also, as I’m only translating existing guides and haven’t actually obtained many of these endings personally, there may be inaccuracies. I’ll correct them as I find them or am informed.
Ending scripts will be translated and linked to from this post over time (I hope), or you can check the endings tag. Some of these title translations are tentative and may be tweaked.
(last updated: 3/04/2016)
1. The Land of Endings (Astiya)
Select the starting scenario, “The Land of Beginnings” (New Game+ only).
Obtain and have the soul Ulugh equipped on the player character.
Defeat Vashtar at the final battle.
According to some sources, the Dragon King must also be fought at the final battle (in order to trigger the above).
2. Doors to the Future (All Party Members)
Recruit all twenty-seven available party members before the final dungeon sequences (Chaka excepted).
This is supposed to be easier to pull off from the starting scenario “Traveling to a Small Town,” but is certainly not limited to it.
I have seen reports of people seeing Chaka show up in this ending for a female protagonist despite not starting from “Fields of Blazing Gold.” At time of writing, I have not personally encountered this. Ending replays do seem a bit buggy though.
There are slight differences in the first scene depending on player character gender and survival status of a certain pair of characters.
3. Two Heroes (Nemea)
Obtain the soul Ulugh. (i.e. collect the necessary Artifacts)
Defeat Tyra at the final battle. (i.e. release all four elemental seals)
Defeat the Dragon King at the final battle. (i.e. be over lvl 50 and don’t kill him beforehand)
4. Journey of Atonement (Elfas)
Recruit him. There doesn’t seem to be much agreement on which events are required for this, but at the very least his affinity needs to be at Adoration, which means you’ll probably see most of them anyway. I believe the final forced encounter (on the road, not in town) must be lost.
Take him to the final battle.
5. An Impure Beauty (Elfas)
Lose the forced encounter before the statue at Ancient that occurs randomly if Elfas’s affinity is at Love or higher. (The one in which he badmouths a certain character.)
Do NOT recruit him. Instead, witness a certain scene at the final battle.
6. C'mon, Let’s Go (Xenetes)
Complete the “Hannah’s Doll” event.
Do NOT complete the “Insurrection at Noble” sidequest. (i.e. starting from “Fields of Blazing Gold” is a no-no as well, I believe.)
Serve under him for BOTH Rostorl campaigns.
Affinity from doing the above is probably sufficient, but should be highish.
Take him to the final battle.
Apparently, there are significant changes to the dialogue depending on the gender of the player character. Why they’re not split into separate endings the way it is for some of the other characters, I have no idea.
7. Out from Darkness as One Condemned (Lemghon)
Female protagonist only.
Recruit him, obviously. Easier said than done.
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take him to the final battle.
8. Together With You (Sera)
Select the starting scenario, “An Unmapped Village” (female protagonist only).
Successfully recruit Roy.
Affinity must be at Trust or higher. Which it must be anyway to do the above.
Take him to the final battle.
9. Hands to Heal the World (Roy)
Release at least one of the four elemental seals. (Light & Darkness don’t count.)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher. (Probably easiest from “An Unmapped Village,” where he starts at Adoration.)
Take him to the final battle. (Affinity possibly needs to be the highest in the party.)
10. Starting Anew Together (Atleia)
Complete her entire quest chain.
Complete her route for the “Hanging Gardens” event.
Trigger the second Rostorl campaign event via her request.
Complete the “Samson” event.
Like the Xenetes ending, there appear to be differences in dialogue depending on player character gender.
11. Rostorl’s New Queen Regnant (Tiana, hero version)
Male protagonist only.
Complete the “Hannah’s Doll” event.
Complete the “Visit to the Slums” event.
Do NOT complete Atleia’s quest chain.
Complete the “Samson” event.
Affinity must be highish. When she starts praying for you after every visit, you should be good.
12. The Vixen’s Child, Another Vixen...? (Tiana, heroine version)
Female protagonist only.
Same requirements as #11.
13. Towards Our Shared Future (Zillion and Iria)
Recruit them both via Iria’s quest chain.
Iaones must be alive.
Take both Zillion and Iria to the final battle.
14. Towards a New Resolution (Zillion)
Female protagonist only.
Do NOT recruit Iria. Recruit Zillion via Iaones in mid-late game instead.
Either do NOT take Zillion to the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, or do NOT take him to the Alnortun inn afterward.
Iaones must be alive.
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take him to the final battle.
15. Zillion’s Wish (Iria)
Male protagonist only.
Do NOT tell Iria about Zillion during her inn events. (You dick.) Not sure if it’s okay to skip the event altogether.
Witness a scene with Zillion at the Alnortun inn. (New Game+ only)
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take her to the final battle.
16. Final Farewell (Angeerdan)
Serve under him for the first Rostorl campaign and follow up on the aftermath.
Successfully complete the Ladras event.
Iklemn’s affinity must be at Love or above.
Angeerdan’s affinity must be at Trust or above. (Some sources say Love.)
Take him to the final battle.
17. Beyond the Vast Ocean (Karula)
Become her subordinate. (via Khryseis quest chain in Liberdam)
Serve under her for the second Rostorl campaign.
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take her to the final battle.
18. To Lands Unknown (Nadge and Van)
Recruit and keep them both alive. orz
Both affinities must be at Trust or higher.
Take one or both to the final battle. (Unclear on whether it needs to be both.)
19. The Finest Weapon (Dergado)
Complete his quest chain. (”The Scarlet Blaze”)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take him to the final battle.
20. The Return of Ordinary Days (Irene)
Select the starting scenario, “A Large Castle Town” (male protagonist only).
Obtain the Forbidden Grail.
Keep her alive and recruit her.
Take her to the final battle (affinity needs to be highest in party).
21. The Unluckiest Female Mage (Yulis)
Take her to the final battle (affinity needs to be highest in party).
Union Spell-related stuff does NOT affect her ending.
22. The Embrace of Torchlight (Flare)
Male protagonist only.
Keep her alive and recruit her.
Witness an Elfas event with her in your party.
Answer appropriately during the inn event that becomes available after above event.
She does NOT need to be taken to the final battle.
In previous versions of the game, it seems you only had to keep her alive (after witnessing the inn event wherein you now recruit her).
23. An Adventure Without You? No Way! (Esther)
Keep her alive. Easier said than done. For most routes, her affinity will need to be at Trust or higher as soon as possible.
Take her to the final battle (affinity needs to be highest in party).
24. To Live, To Seek (Aoife)
Participate in the endgame event at the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
Obtain the Flash Bow. (Fety must be recruited; endgame Nemea event must have been completed.)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take her to the final battle.
25. Those Left Behind, Those Who Depart (Chaka)
Select the starting scenario, “Fields of Blazing Gold” (female protagonist only).
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take him to the final battle.
26. My Personal Knight (Zagiv, hero version)
Male protagonist only.
Complete the Seaspray Isles event sequence. (Pirate/kraken sidequest must be completed beforehand.)
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take her to the final battle.
27. To a Future of My Own (Zagiv, heroine version)
Female protagonist only.
Same requirements as #26.
28. Welcome Back (Ferme)
Male protagonist only.
Obtain the Legendary Frying Pan(TM).
Answer appropriately during the inn event that becomes available after the above.
Encounter Girdlan during the coup d’etat event. Select the obvious choice. (Result of the subsequent battle apparently doesn’t matter.)
Presumably her affinity will be fine after doing all the above (Adoration?)
She does NOT need to be taken to the final battle.
29. As the Wind Blows (Er)
Male protagonist only.
Don’t kill her, whether by accident or on purpose.
Affinity must be at Friends or higher.
Apparently, she’s seven years old. o_o
30. That Which Never Changes (Iklemn)
Angeerdan must be alive.
Successfully complete the Ladras event.
Do NOT release the Seal of Water.
31. The New Misadventures of Lady Fety (Fety)
Take her to the final battle (affinity needs to be highest in party).
32. No Matter What, Smile (Lulluantha)
Select the starting scenario, “Traveling to a Small Town.”
Take her to the final battle (affinity needs to be highest in party).
33. The Revolution of Humanity (Beelzeva)
Select the starting scenario, “Tower Sealed in Darkness.”
Answer Shalom appropriately when he tries to convince you about something during an event unique to this scenario.
Answer appropriately when Orphaus questions you after the above. (These three conditions appear to be new to the PSP version.)
Successfully complete the “Soul Reap” event via Beelzeva’s route.
Release the Seal of Light, but only AFTER “Soul Reap.”
There may be some things to watch out for if you also want to obtain the Union Spell and release the Seal of Darkness. For Beelzeva’s ending, you MUST fight the guardian instead of the alternate boss if you choose to release the Seal of Darkness. Conditions for the alternate boss are supposedly 1) obtain Union Spell, 2) recruit Beelzeva, but I personally didn’t trigger the event in question despite doing things in that order, so having the Negavanitia soul unlocked probably overrides those conditions.
Do NOT defeat the Dragon King (player character must not hit lvl 50).
Affinity must be at Good Terms or higher.
Take him to the final battle.
34. The Twilight of Humanity (Shalom)
See above comments on Union Spell and Seal of Darkness, which still hold. Note that Union Spell is required for Shalom’s ending, but the Seals don’t seem to be.
Obtain Union Spell before the “Soul Reap” event.
Meet Shalom during the “Soul Reap” event (via Beelzeva’s route).
I have seen someone claim that the above is unnecessary if you proceed to ignore the Seal of Light sidequest while having the other two requirements fulfilled (Union Spell & Dragon King).
Do NOT defeat the Dragon King (player character must not hit lvl 50).
35. The Wish of a Friend (Iaones)
Answer appropriately during the inn event shortly after his recruitment.
Release at least one of the four elemental seals. (As with Roy, Light & Darkness don’t count.)
Affinity must be at Love or higher.
Take him to the final battle.
36. All That Is Pretty (Relra Lonton)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take him to the final battle.
37. Hunters of Truth (Vailaila and Vialiali)
Male protagonist only.
Both affinities must be at Trust or higher.
Take both sisters to the final battle.
38. A Certain Precious Something of Mine (Vailaila)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take her to the final battle.
39. Surely, It’ll Be Found (Vialiali)
Affinity must be at Trust or higher.
Take her to the final battle.
40. Next, For My Own Sake... (Khryseis, hero version)
Male protagonist only.
Donate 10,000G to her. (Unclear if your subsequent response matters, but there should be an obvious answer.)
Affinity must be at Adoration.
41. Smooth Sailing Ahead (Khryseis, heroine version)
Female protagonist only.
Same conditions as #40.
42. ‘Til Voyage’s End (Hildaria)
Male protagonist only.
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Let her pressure you into making a certain promise during the final plot arc. :P (The conversation in question is apparently repeatable.)
43. Settling Things (Reig)
Affinity must be at Adoration.
Take him to the final battle.
44. A New Challenge (Est)
Obtain the Earrings of Frustration.
Learn about the Seal of Light from him. (Affinity must be at Love or higher?)
45. A Changing Heart (Nemo)
Keep chatting with Nemo. At least 99 times? (Each name you ask about counts once. You’ll know if you’re getting there if you get some Easter egg conversations about him and Orphaus’s past.)
46. Onward, Gobgob Band (Gobgob Band)
Obtain the Mask of Oblivion.
Complete Atleia’s quest chain.
Hear about the reconstruction efforts in Rostorl.
Do NOT obtain Stra’s Edge.
47. Two Infinities (Noel)
Go to her rescue during the “Soul Eater” event. (Not at Silva.)
Defeat the Dragon King at the final battle.
Affinity must be at Trust or higher. (Seems to depend primarily on your choice at Silva, or maybe is easiest to adjust from there.)
48. A Certain Pair’s Scheme (Raven and Coffin)
Do NOT go to her rescue during the “Soul Eater” event.
Defeat the Dragon King BEFORE the final battle.
Noel’s affinity doesn’t seem to matter (Friends or higher).
This is generally considered the “best” Noel end.
49. The Will of the Dragon King (Noel)
Go to her rescue during the “Soul Eater” event.
Defeat the Dragon King at the final battle.
Affinity must be at Friends. (Again, seems to depend on your choice at Silva.) Not clear if Good Terms would suffice, but most sources suggest not.
This is generally considered the “worst” Noel end.
50. Light and Shadow (Shalli)
Receive the “Prismatic Eye” request somewhere OTHER than the palace.
Rescue Flare from him. (Mid-game, tricky timing)
Run into him at the Temple of Notune in Ancient. (Late game, requires affinity with Elfas. Love or higher?)
Lose to him at Ladras. Pick the obvious dialogue option.
During the final story arc, meet him at the bottom of the sandwyrm’s remains (in the Dragonbone Desert of course).
51. World’s Best Adventurer (Fugo couple)
Sell them at least 7 artifacts. Equipment does NOT count.
52. The Strongest Ever! The Legend of My Epicness! (Girdlan)
Male protagonist only.
Keep him alive.
Run into him during the coup d’etat and lose.
53. ‘Til the Day We Meet Again (foreveralone)
Don’t fulfill conditions for any of the above endings. GG
0 notes
zilloll · 8 years
Inn Event: Birthday Celebration
Context: New to the PSP version is a mini event featuring your active party members that occurs if you sleep at any inn on the player character’s birthday.
I haven’t confirmed whether this is a recurring event or not (I assume so). It also appears (again, haven’t personally confirmed) that this event cannot occur for characters starting from the PSP-only prologue scenario “Tower Sealed in Darkness.”
Each recruitable character has two possible lines, one “normal” one and one that they’ll switch to if their affinity with you is at the Adoration level. (With the exception, of course, of characters who can only be recruited at Adoration, or characters you recruit too late to hang out at inns with.)
The Adoration lines are quite heartwarming, for the most part. Even some of the Normal lines put a smile on my face.
Normal: Heh, with how hectic everything’s been, don’t tell me you even forgot your own birthday?
Adoration: In this life I’ve led ‘til now of battle and adventure, never have I had the chance to celebrate the birthday of a child of my own. That I am able to celebrate the occasion of thy birth today... makes this old man happy beyond words.
Normal: NAME. Don’t get caught up in a celebratory mood just because it’s your birthday, now. There’s still much to be done. I’ll save my real congratulations for after everything’s settled.
Adoration: That’s right, it’s your birthday, isn’t it? You should just take it easy for today. We can wait until tomorrow to resume our days of fighting...
Normal: Allow me to offer my felicitations as well, NAME.
Adoration: Though I have cursed the occasion of my own birth countless times, you I congratulate... from the bottom of my heart. That I may do so, I suppose, is itself a most blessed occasion for me. I am grateful, both to you and to this day upon which you were born.
Normal: Happy birthday! I made up a song just for you, Sis. To celebrate, y’know. Ah -- sor -- don’t beat me up! I-I won’t sing any songs! S-Sorry for getting carried away...
Adoration: ... Huh. So it’s already been this long since we left Noble. Someday, we’ll return, won’t we. Back to Dad’s fields.
Normal: Very well. Let’s feast tonight! I’ll drink to you with all I’ve got.
Adoration: I see, it’s your birthday...? Even as one rejoices to witness thy growth, one feels a little lonely too, knowing the short lifespan given a child of humanity. Well, no matter! I’ll drink with all I’ve got tonight, with nothing but joy for thy maturation!
Long ago, I also had the chance to offer well-wishes to my dear sister. That counts among my happiest memories. And now today, I get to congratulate you, NAME. Happy birthday.
Normal: Congrats, NAME!
Adoration: Congrats! I’ve been... real happy, travelin’ with you, NAME! It’d be so great if we could stay together forever like this from now on...
Normal: I wish you a h-happy birthday. Miss/Mister NAME.
Adoration: I -- If I had the utensils, I’d have baked you a cake, but... But I can still congratulate you properly even if it’s just the sentiment and no cake, right!? Miss/Mister NAME, I wish you a happy birthday.
Normal: ... Well, rather than it being the birthday of some lesser being, just come right out and say that it isn’t the birthday of a noble elf! So, NAME, congratulations on this day that isn’t the birthday of the noble and elegant elf, yours truly!
[... what if you share her birthday? XD]
Adoration: Don’t get cocky over just one year! Yours truly, the noble elf, is already more than 1600 years old, you know~! You’ve got to run through a whole lot more birthdays before you can even come close to comparing with my noble self, you know! How’s that for an idea, NAME~!
[1600? Who’d have thought.]
Birthdays... I do not understand very well, but the fact of Lady/Lord NAME’s birth does indeed warm my heart. It is for this reason that birthdays are celebrated, isn’t it. The real Flare must have also received birthday wishes from others, I suppose? At that time, I am sure she must have felt much the same as I do now.
Normal: The heavens have turned, and the stars have once more aligned to match with the time of thy birth. May the blessings of the sky god be with thee. That’s from the scriptures on the birth of the sky god Notune, you know. Comin’ from me, blessings probably come across as wishy-washy, but this should suffice for now.
[Ossan.... XD]
Adoration: The heavens have turned, and the stars have once more aligned to match with the time of thy birth. May the blessings of the sky god be with thee. Well, this isn’t really about your birthday though, nor the heavens, nor the stars, but about how blessed we’ve all been, having thee around.
Normal: Congratulations, NAME. Celebrating your birthday like this reminds me of the way things were back in Rostorl. I wonder if everyone’s doing well?
Adoration: Congratulations, NAME. Over this year... all sorts of things have happened, but I feel like I was able to weather it all thanks to you being around... I’ll be in your care next year too, all right, NAME?
Normal: It’s your birthday, isn’t it. Congratulations. How old are you now, NAME?
Adoration: It’s your birthday, isn’t it. Before, I never once thought I’d be able to do something like celebrating a birthday in such a sincere manner. Congratulations, NAME. I’ll be looking forward to things from now on, too.
Normal: Have a good one, NAME. Let’s both of us live it up next year, too.
Adoration: In times like these, see, all the more reason to gather up everyone and celebrate, no? So Imma make you all “whoo!” today. “Whoo!”, y’hear!
Normal: I’ve not prepared anything in particular, but I can at least offer a word of congratulations.
Adoration: Congratulations, NAME. It’s best if you relax, at least for today. Lately it seems you’ve been pushing yourself, but don’t do anything too absurd. I should like to celebrate your birthday next year as well, after all.
[This guy... XD]
Normal: NAME, congratulations. Lulluantha’s super happy too. Let’s keep it up from now on too, kay.
Adoration: Happy birthday. Being able to travel with NAME really makes me happy! Starting tomorrow, let’s continue on our journey with plenty of cheer, kay? Together with Lulluantha, always!
Normal: NAME. Happy birthday.
Adoration: Though the fighting still continues, let’s keep doing our best from now on. That way, see, I’ll be able to wish you happy birthday again next year, NAME.
Normal: ... Cheers.
Adoration: ....... ‘Tis not just a matter of years. Since thy victory and my defeat, thou hast attained new heights. For the day we face each other once more, I too...
Relra Lonton
Normal: Alrighty, to commemorate the occasion, I’m gonna compose a song for you, NAME.
Adoration: Birthdays are real nice, eh. Whether it’s you or your mates, everyone gets to be happy. Wouldn’t it be nice if our comrades multiplied a whole bunch, so that every day became someone’s birthday? That’s what I think, y’know. If that were the case, I’d get to sing congratulatory songs each and every day.
Normal: It’s been quite a while since I got to wish someone happy birthday. Congratulations on another year, NAME.
Adoration: You’ve grown much until now, NAME, this day upon which your very life came into being. Somehow, it’s truly moving. Gets me thinking how nice it would be if I were able to keep watching over your growth from now on.
Normal: Birthday? Hmph, cheers, I suppose. I hope you’ve gained not just in years, but in actual ability as well?
Adoration: Your birthday...? At least for today, you should take it easy. Tomorrow, we’ll be back into the fray. Still... congratulations, NAME.
Normal: My congratulations on the occasion of your birth, Lady/Lord NAME.
Adoration: Lady/Lord NAME. Congratulations are in order. Hehe, even though there’s no need to suppress my emotions, somehow I end up falling back on my usual habits... My feelings of felicitation are genuine, however... it would be wonderful if I have managed to convey them.
Normal: NAME. Happy birthday.
Adoration: Happy birthday. It’s thanks to you, NAME, that nothing bad’s happened to us all this time. Difficult battles lie ahead of us, but as long as we’re with NAME and company, I’m sure we’ll be fine!
Normal: Nghhh! Cheers on your b-day! Let’s keep it going!
Adoration: NAME, congratulations! Sayin’ that really has that friendship sorta feel, huh. The burning in my soul’s kicking it up a notch!
[This kid tho... XD]
Normal: Happy birthday, NAME. Well, I’ll be in yer care from now on too.
Adoration: It’s been a real relief with you watchin’ my back, missy, and it’s all thanks to this day. I’m real grateful, y’know, for today. Of course, to you too, missy. ... Thanks.
[Like I said in another post, I’m translating お前さん as missy. “Sonny” probably works as the male equivalent, though Xenetes actually seems to drop pronouns more often when talking to the male hero; “kiddo” as a gender-neutral option doesn’t capture the sense of casual respect. Anyway, this one’s probably my favorite line of all, though like Lemghon’s, which comes in at a close second, I’m not sure I managed to do it justice.]
Normal: Congratulations! Now then, maybe NAME’ll treat us all to something today! Thanks so much, y’know, for bein’ alive and all, NAME.
Adoration: NAME, happy birthday. In your honor, maybe I should let you check out the magic I’m in the middle of researching?
Normal: Happy birthday. Just for today, you should take it easy and rest.
Adoration: Hehe, how many years has it been since I last wished someone happy birthday like this...? After all, I didn’t have anyone to celebrate for... NAME, congratulations.
Normal: Congratulations, NAME. From now on, I’ll continue to be in your care.
Adoration: Wishing you happy birthday normally is a good way to make sure you don’t lose your sense of normality, you see. As you continue to be hailed as the “Infinite Soul” and continue to be imposed upon for all manner of difficult tasks, at some point you cannot help but find that you no longer understand what “normal” is. You lose sight, too, of the fact that you do not bear the world upon your shoulders alone. At that point, you are no longer a hero, but a monster. That is why, on your birthday, I want to wish you well with the most normal of words. That is... Congratulations.
[I stared when I first saw this. It’s got to be one of the chattiest moments he has in the entire game... and I like it.]
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zilloll · 8 years
Inn Event: Reig
Reig switches back and forth between お前 (not the politest, but fairly normal form of address) and うぬ, which is both archaic and aggressively condescending. The latter connotation is kind of lost in English, unfortunately.
Reig: ..............
Heroine: (..............)
Reig: ..............
Heroine: (..............)
Reig: ..............
Heroine: (..............)
Reig: ..............
[believe it or not, very mild spoilers ensue]
Even Nemea, in whose veins runs the blood of demons, hath no complete defense against my swords.
You, child of fragile humans, should be no match at all.
Yet... thou received my blades and stood anew.
What is it that brings you such strength...?
Is that so...
That is thy strength...?
Is such strength the mightiest of all...?
Or is my strength mightier still...?
Mayhap an answer shall present itself at journey’s end...
0 notes
zilloll · 8 years
NPC Chat: Checking Affinity with Nemo
Context: Talk to Nemo at the Cat House to check affinity levels. There are little Easter egg/event-related conversations scattered throughout the game, and his dialogue changes a bit during the endgame arc; this post only includes his standard set of lines (and the endgame dialogue tweak).
As a general rule of thumb, affinity rating starts at 80 points upon meeting and bumps up 10 points per unique visit (usually once a day, obviously can only be done prior to recruitment, abuse the inn if necessary)/personal event. There are exceptions: some characters will start higher (or lower) depending on scenario, a few events/choices can bump down affinity for certain characters, and at least one character’s affinity can be boosted multiple times in one day (supposedly Er).
For characters without (m)any personal events, the only way to raise affinity is to keep them in your party (~2 points per level up as an active party member).
(last updated: 2/28/2016)
I am Nemo, Knower of Names. A Knight of the Destroyer’s Round Table...
... is what I’d like to say, but you know all that, doncha.
Well, then. Let this high and mighty sage of darkness here teach you all about the names recorded in the Book of Fate, of which you know naught.
**select a name**
[if Yulis] Yulis... that dopey chick...?
[anyone else] XXX, eh... [if Nadge] He’s a good fella, really...
Adoration (激烈, 180-255): ... Peaking so strongly you’re setting off all the alarms, the two of ya. Your feelings are so fervent it’s kinda gross.
Love (熱愛, 160-170):  ... Burning real hot, eh. Me, I hate that kinda thing myself. You call that sorta thing love? Gag.
Trust (信頼, 140-150): Hey, hey, really now? A relationship of unwavering trust? Feels kinda clingy, somehow.
Friends (友情, 120-130): Bosom buddies... kinda rings of hypocrisy. Welp, you go right ahead and have your fun playing at friendship.
Good Terms (好意, 100-110): You’re kinda on good terms now. But you’re not quite there yet, either! That is to say, you’re not quite friends yet.
Acquainted (知り合い, 80-90): You’re acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less. You know each other’s faces, that’s about it. Jeez, how boring.
Disdain (軽蔑, 40-70): Relations between you guys are pretty cold. You’ve been scorning them, haven’t ya?
Unknown (知らない): Whoa there, this here’s not a name you know, eh? Too bad, but I ain’t telling.
[the following statuses I haven’t personally confirmed yet:]
Hate (憎しみ, 0-30) [apparently possible with Tiana if you only meet her for the first time after the excursion with Atleia]: You and them’re mutual enemies. Nothing but hatred, there. Indeed, the best of all relations.
Dead (死亡): If you wanna know about that guy, they’ve died, y’know... Y’all are different from us demonkind -- here today and gone tomorrow. If there’s a next time for you, let ‘em have a better end next time, all right?
Fallen (闇落ち) [apparently possible for characters who would otherwise be recruitable; doesn’t kick in for fallen NPCs as far as I can tell]: Y’know, this guy... maybe it’d have been better if you’d never gotten to know them at all? Well, maybe that would’ve just postponed the final outcome, though.
Well, that’s more or less how it feels. Good reference point, huh? Though really I just couldn’t resist prattling on a bit.
You in the mood to keep shootin’ the breeze with me? I’ve got plenty of time to kill; there’s all sorts of stuff I could teach ya.
> I still have things I want to ask Nemo
> Nah, I’m fine
Alrighty, drop by again. Whatever happens to the world, I’ve got more than enough time to spare, y’see.
* * *
During the final story arc, Nemo’s opening lines change to:
I’ve sensed the presence of a former comrade. Wafting over from Ancient, that is. You better watch out.
Somebody’s up to something over thereabouts. Well, could just be nerves on my part.
Anyhow, leaving that aside, you feel up to chatting with me, the Great Nemo?
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zilloll · 8 years
NPC Chat: Xenetes on Cooking
Context: After the first major Rostorl event, Xenetes shows up somewhere a little different from his usual haunts.
What he has to say (which differs slightly depending on whether you’re playing a male or female hero) has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, but it’s kind of spoilery anyway and hints at some backstory for another character.
NOTE: Xenetes calls Eris the rather rare 叔母貴 (read obaki, I assume, like ojiki, aneki, aniki, etc.; the modern connotation is affectionate and often kinda “gangster”), which I think is super adorable. Impossible to translate though.
Heroine version
Heya, if it isn’t NAME. You doin’ well?
Usually don’t drink here, but the cookin’s pretty damn fine. I drop by every once in a while.
Speakin’ of cooking, my auntie Eris’s is actually super delish. Unexpected, yeah?
I’ve had the chance to eat Auntie’s cooking, see. It was way too good. Even ended up gobblin’ up Auntie’s share.
Well, whatever the case, missy, when y’ever fall for someone someday, you really gotta think about who it is you’re falling for.
Screw up, and it’ll be real tough on ya, methinks. Well, if we're talkin’ love, I guess that ain't something you can sort out so easily though.
Hero version
Heya, if it isn’t NAME. You doin’ well?
Usually don’t drink here, but the cookin’s pretty damn fine. I drop by every once in a while.
Speakin’ of cooking, my auntie Eris’s is actually super delish. Unexpected, yeah?
I’ve had the chance to eat Auntie’s cooking, see. It was way too good. Even ended up gobblin’ up Auntie’s share.
Well, whatever the case, if y’get married, you wanna be the kinda guy whose bride makes him yummy yummy stuff to eat.
Why’s that, y'ask... Well, no biggie, really.
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zilloll · 8 years
NPC Chat: Visiting Zofor
Context: Early on in the game (roughly before the first major Rocen development), it’s possible to run into Zofor in the slums of Ancient. Choose to help him, and you can visit his secret hideout in the slums up until a certain point of the game.
This doesn’t actually do anything plot-wise (except opening up an alternate option for one step in Dergado’s sidequest chain), but chatting with NPCs is half the fun in this game, and Zofor has interesting things to say.
Pattern 1
Humanity is caught up entirely in the determination to live.
Utterly so, even to the extent of tragedy.
It is in doing so that humanity becomes unforgivable.
To a farcical extent. An irresponsible extent.
Pattern 2
As they age, people grow more set in their ways.
The older one gets, the amount of things one must discard in order to change steadily accumulates; and the older one gets, the courage or perhaps heedlessness necessary to discard such things runs ever drier.
Pattern 3
Every person, no matter who, cages a monster within their breast.
Mankind’s hatred of monsters is a manifestation of their awareness of that ugly existence within themselves, pressing ever against the bars.
Slay the monsters outside, or slay the monsters within, but neither release nor resolution can be obtained.
Backstory Reveal (one time only)
I possess the power of prophecy.
In my mind, the misfortunes of humanity arise in form of words.
However, fate cannot be altered.
It was a futile endeavor for me to attempt anything such as holding misfortune in check.
In the end, I myself became shunned as a harbinger of misfortune, and was chased out from my village.
I was not yet ten.
Even now, I’ve not forgotten the horrifying look on my mother’s face that day.
Nor my feelings at the time.
‘I’m no harbinger of misfortune like those bastards say,’ I thought fiercely to myself.
Yet though I cling to that thought even in my advanced age, even now the world trembles thus in terror before me.
This is fate, you see...
There is no one who can flee from destiny.
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zilloll · 8 years
Party Chat: To the Evil Dragon’s Chasm
Context: Orphaus asks you to investigate something during the final story arc.
(last updated: 3/03/2016)
NOTE: I’m pretty sure “Azragoza” is some sort of reference, but I’ve no clue to what (Ezra? Azrael?). The other named dragons (7 dragons in all, 4 named, 3 just have epithets) in the game are Ishvar, Shamma [either this or this], and El’azar, sooo...
Sir Orphaus said he sensed a powerful sinister aura from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, did he not? That being the case, we must not tarry.
Perchance the evil dragon Azragoza’s seal has weakened.
You’re taking Sir Orphaus to investigate the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, aye? If that’s so, take me along as well.
We may very well be able to catch a glimpse of that evil dragon Azragoza or whatever it was.
This is a portent of Azragoza, he who lies sealed within the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
His awakening is but a matter of time. Should he be revived, none shall be able to control him. If you wish to stop him, now is your only chance.
I can sense something sorta like a sinister aura too, just like Mister Orphaus said. Probably best if we hurry...
In my opinion, there’s no doubt something’s stirring in the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
I can’t feel a thing myself, but if Mister Orphaus says so, it’s not good if we don’t hurry.
Before the evil dragon Azragoza has a chance to awaken, let’s take Mister Orphaus to the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
That Evil Dragon’s Chasm place is where Azragoza is sealed, isn’t it? Of course I know about it.
Yours truly is an elf overflowing with nobility and intelligence, after all.
I sense a powerful, sinister aura coming from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
Very likely the sealed Azragoza has awakened.
About that mighty sinister aura coming from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, huh... Wish it were just my imagination, but even lil ol’ Iaones here’s got a bad feeling about this.
At the very least, we gotta prevent the evil dragon’s revival! Let us hence, NAME.
This sinister aura’s coming from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, isn’t it? If the evil dragon were to be revived, it would be a great disaster.
I think it’s best if we hurry and take Orphaus over to investigate.
It’s a request from Orphaus; let us heed him. Whatever may have arisen in the Evil Dragon’s Chasm, it should do us no harm to investigate.
After all, it would be foolish to sit here and do nothing, only to regret it when problems arise later.
Y’know, Mister Orphaus seems to want us to take him to the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
Please, NAME. Let’s take Mister Orphaus with us, kay?
It seems like Mister Orphaus sensed a powerful, sinister sort of aura coming from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm. You heard about it too, didn’t you NAME?
I guess there’s no way the current Mister Orphaus can make it all the way to the Evil Dragon’s Chasm. Not unless we take him there.
Relra Lonton
The Evil Dragon’s Chasm, see, that’s where Azragoza lies sleeping. It’d kick up a great fuss if the evil dragon were to be revived, ya know.
If that happens I’ll be real troubled, so you hang in there, NAME. Protect the world’s peace!
Just as the name implies, the Evil Dragon’s Chasm is where an evil dragon named Azragoza has been sealed, I hear.
I’d rather not think of that as being the source of the sinister aura, but considering the urgency of the honorable Sage himself, it really seems this is no trivial matter...
A powerful sinister aura from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm...? That’s right, we ought to take Orphaus with us to investigate.
That man is no ordinary person. He may very well be able to catch something the rest of us miss.
It’s only when Orphaus sounds fulla crock that he’s actually telling the truth, y’see. This stinks of real talk.
Don’t know anything about that evil dragon Azragoza or whatever, but I do get how bad it’s gonna be if that guy gets revived.
You ‘n’ me, missy, we both believe what Orphaus has t’say, yeah? That bein’ so, shouldn’t we go at once?
Dilly-dally too much, and that big bad dragon’s very likely gonna wake right up.
[Am translating お前さん as “missy”. Male protagonist is just going to have to deal. Or mentally replace with “sonny”. :P]
Mistress NAME, it seems Master Orphaus wishes for us to take him to the Evil Dragon’s Chasm.
Seems like he senses a powerful sinister aura coming from the chasm. Course, I totally don’t feel a thing myself, though.
[edit: Decided to tweak Yulis’s gratuitous usage of -sama to “Mistress/Master” from the more generic Lord/Lady I usually resort to because I realized this fits her kooky “otaku” vibe better.]
Like Orphaus, I too sense a powerful sinister aura from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm. I believe there is a need to investigate.
If it happens that the seal upon the evil dragon Azragoza has weakened, and we do not repair the seal by whatever means necessary...
A powerful sinister aura from the Evil Dragon’s Chasm... Judging from Orphaus’s demeanor, every last second counts.
We must prevent the revival of the evil dragon. Let’s take Orphaus with us, posthaste!
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zilloll · 8 years
Party Chat: Beelzeva’s Whereabouts
Context: During the final story arc, you can ask your active party members where to look for Beelzeva.
(last updated: 2/24/2016)
Speaking of lakes, eh... Come to think of it, it seems there were rumors of underwater ruins at the Lake of Illusion...
Though I can’t say I recall the exact details.
Ruins wherein an arcane spell slumbers...
There are many such places protected by magical means, so it will no doubt be difficult to find.
Ruins sunken under a lake? Even if y’find them, I wonder what’ll be the best way to approach?
Swimming’s out of my element, y’see.
[Apparently hero/ine is a bad swimmer too, based on the Aquirus events, but I’m going to assume he’s talking about himself. :P]
If it’s ruins submerged in a lake, there are underwater ruins at the Lake of Illusion. I daresay that is where he is.
Where Beelzeva disappeared off to? Umm, I kinda have no clue.
Haven’t been around from time to time before myself, see.
Maybe there’s somewhere you maybe met him before, or something?
Ruins sunken in a lake? At the Lake of Illusion there are some underwater ruins, or so I‘ve heard from customers.
Where Beelzeva disappeared to? Ruins submerged in a lake?
An elf brimming with nobility and elegance and intellect hasn’t got anything to do with ruins constructed by lower life forms.
Ruins submerged in a lake...? I’m afraid my experience is of no use here. My deepest apologies...
I see... The ruins where the Arcane Light’s supposed to be lying dormant are themselves sleepin' in a lake. That’s how it is...
Journey far and wide and I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
[Thought about translating 禁呪 as hex; term itself is fairly neutral but the individual characters and the context do carry that sort of connotation; “forbidden spell” is a mouthful, and as a term “spell” seems a little ordinary in context, what with low spell/high spell/union spell/etc. Hex lacks grandeur though.]
I’ve heard talk in the past of underwater ruins at the Lake of Illusion. Perhaps it might be there.
Ruins submerged in a lake...? In the past, I heard Est speak once about the Lake of Illusion.
There, perhaps.
Ruins sunk in a lake? Sorry, NAME. Lulluantha’s got nooo idea.
Ruins sunk under a lake, huh...? Nothing’s coming to mind.
I’m not terribly familiar with the south, so I guess maybe it could be somewhere there.
I know not.
Relra Lonton
“The olden powers into slumber fell... The olden shadow, beneath new moon... The olden light, amidst illusion...”
If this lore’s got any truth to it... I reckon that’s where it is.
I’ve heard there’s magic of incomparable power sealed at the Tower of Magic and the Tower of the New Moon, but... A lake, huh?
My apologies. Doesn’t seem like I can help out here.
Ruins sunken in a lake...? If they’re protected by magic, finding them’s not going to be that easy.
It’s a pain, but we may have no choice but to search all the land routes.
Where Beelzeva’s got to? The heck do you think I’d know that for?
Speakin’ of which, Beelzeva of all people...
Just now, you weren’t preparin’ to make a run for it were ya?
[Could be misinterpreting, but I think he was about to make another terrible joke :P]
Ruins sunk in a lake?
Oh yeah... The Lake of Illusion’s got that sorta feel, huh? Wanna go take a gander?
Ruins submerged within a lake? A taboo incantation? That’s kinda maybe amazing?
... You dunno where it is? Kinda maybe losin’ my enthusiasm here?
Lord Beelzeva...
There are underwater ruins at the Lake of Illusion; shall we go take a look?
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zilloll · 8 years
Party Chat: Rescuing XXX (spoilers)
Context: During the final story arc, you receive a request to rescue a certain person.
(last updated: 2/28/2016)
Of the islands to the southwest of the continent, there should be a place called the Isle of the Gate of Darkness. Let us hence, NAME!
I want to save Lord Nemea, no matter what it takes! Lend me your strength, NAME!
Go to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness, that island to the southwest that Orphaus spoke of!
Lord Nemea yet lives! At the Isle of the Gate of Darkness, still... still may he be saved!
NAME, I beg you! Please, no matter what, go to Lord Nemea’s aid!
Seems there’s an island southwest of the continent, the Isle of the Gate of Darkness, aye? Well, it’s probably the sort of thing you’ll understand once you go see it for yourself.
We can’t have Sir Nemea turning into Ulugh the Destroyer now, can we? We must rescue him at all costs.
I am in no mood for this. Nemea can rot in the interdimensional rift for the rest of his life for all I care.
We’re the only ones who can help Nemea now. Let’s go, Name.
To the island in the southwest linked to the interdimensional rift, the Isle of the Gate of Darkness!
This is terrible! If Mister Nemea were to turn into the god of destruction...!
Miss NAME! Let’s hurry and do as Mister Orphaus said, and head to that island in the southwest!
I’ve no interest in the likes of Nemea, but if the god of destruction were to be resurrected, that would be a great nuisance for us elvenkind!
Go to that island in the southwest and stop the destroyer god’s revival already!
Orphaus imparted to us that Nemea can be saved if we go to an island to the southwest of the continent.
To survive even after falling into the interdimensional rift... That Nemea really ain’t some ordinary fella.
Let’s hurry to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness!
If we head to the island southwest of the continent, we’ll be able to rescue Lord Nemea, won’t we? Let’s go, NAME!
In order to save Nemea, we’ve no choice but to head to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness... To that island southwest of Vyashion...
And in order to keep the god of destruction from manifesting, we can’t afford to tarry. Let’s go, NAME!
Turns out the Dingal Empire ain’t any good without Lord Nemea around. Sucks, but like, my power’s just not enough.
That’s why we should go rescue Lord Nemea, yeah? Over to that island in the southwest, the Isle of the Gate of Darkness.
To fall into the interdimensional rift and yet preserve his life is certainly a feat one would expect of Nemea the hero. Still, is that his limit?
Let’s head southwest of the continent to wherever that island is, NAME. The advent of the god of destruction and his ilk, we shall not allow.
If we don’t rescue Mister Nemea, he’s gonna turn into the god of destruction, isn’t he? That’s definitely no good!
If we go to the island to the southwest of the continent, Mister Nemea should be savable, y’know. NAME, you’ll go help him out, won’t you?
There’s no way we can let Mister Nemea become something like the god of destruction! I’m definitely going to try and save him.
You’ll lend your strength too, won’t you, NAME? Let’s go together -- to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness!
Let us hence to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness.
Relra Lonton
If the hero Nemea were to become the god of destruction, it’ll kick up a great fuss among minstrels all over the world. That is, I’d be troubled too, ya know.
Let’s go to the Isle of the Gate of Darkness southwest of the continent and prevent the destroyer god’s revival. If we can rescue Nemea while we’re at it, that’s a real bargain, eh?
Rescuing Nemea has become a matter of preventing the second coming of the god of destruction...
It’s not hard to imagine just how nigh impossible the difficulties awaiting us from now on are surely going to become...
Let’s go to the island to the southwest of the continent. That’s where we’ll rescue Nemea from the interdimensional rift he’s fallen into.
The task of rescuing Nemea at the southwestern Isle of the Gate of Darkness is one and the same as the task of preventing the resurrection of the god of destruction.
Let us waver not and set our course, my lady NAME.
Rescuing Nemea is the same thing as preventing the destroyer god’s resurrection, isn’t it?
The location is the Isle of the Gate of Darkness, to the southwest. Let’s go for it, sis*.
[*This was actually written お兄ちゃん, the same thing she calls Zelashel. i.e. “big bro,” so presumably she’s addressing the player character like all the other characters do in this chat. Note that at one point in the recruitment process she does mention starting to think of the hero/heroine as an older sibling -- though it was gender appropriate at the time. Which makes this probably the only awkward typo I’ve noticed in the entire game. Still, I feel a little vindicated now in my laziness re: translating terms of address with the assumption of a female player character. :P]
Us, rescuing the Great Hero Nemea -- nghhhhh, I’m all fired up! Let’s up and at ‘em, NAME!
In order to prevent the resurrection of the god of destruction, we’re gonna have to rescue Nemea from the interdimensional rift too.
T’do that, we better head to that island in the southwest. Aren’tcha lookin’ forward to whatever’s waiting for us there?
The western seas are a place of course no civilian ships dare sail near, but even pirates refuse to approach. You really going to a place like that?
Lord Nemea... can still -- be saved...?
Please do, NAME. On my behalf as well.
We must quickly rescue Nemea and prevent the resurrection of the god of destruction.
Hurry to the southwestern island, NAME.
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zilloll · 8 years
Inn Event: Lemghon
Mild spoilers (callbacks to previous conversations), cuz Lemghon.
This is the version of the event when he’s at Adoration, by the way. I hear it’s slightly different at lower affinities.
There are a few things I’ve been mulling over.
Is this... the world you have all been seeing?
No matter who it is that -- suffers, or is in anguish, or has been wounded... you nonetheless take their hand and proceed onward.
Until I left the royal court, I did not believe in the existence of such a world. Nay -- could not believe.
In the struggle for dominance, belief in others leads inevitably to death.
Trust no one, rely on no one.
Grab hold of your opponents’ weaknesses, use those as leverage, and then, extinguish them.
That is what it means to grasp for power.
... My hands are already drenched in blood. A man like me... I wonder if I even have the right to enter that world of yours?
... Is that so. ... Even if the whole world should turn against us... you shall be here for me.
For me, that alone is enough.
Comments: "Against us” could arguably be “against me” or even “against you”, or even something like “even if you make the whole world your enemy.” That said, I’m pretty sure this line is a callback to a previous conversation (the confession event, which I think reveals the crux of his relationship with the player character, and is also obliquely referred to in some of his lines on alternate routes). His opening lines here, at least, are certainly a direct callback to what he says to Xenetes at the end of the whole Ryuga mess. (In fact, it’s not until the final two lines of this inn event that he reverts to a singular "you”.)
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zilloll · 8 years
Party Chat: Corns Uprising
Context: Exactly what it says on the tin. Specifically, after visiting the Cat House.
(last updated: 2/21/2016)
So you’ve truly raised the banners of revolution... Has this been weighing upon you to such an extent, Zsilak, Nadge...?
But as humans, mayhap we haven’t the right to intervene.
For those mild-mannered Corns to revolt... Nay, I suppose it is because of that gentle nature that they’ve been so deeply troubled?
All the more so, mayhap, because they lack the hardy bodies of us Dwarves...? ‘Tis a sad thing, NAME.
The Corns have lost their way. Even should they resolve things by force, somewhere, without fail, rifts shall arise.
Nadge, too, must understand this. And yet he has chosen the path of war...
That gentle Nadge has gotten himself mixed up in a thing like that...
Let’s go to Alnortun, NAME!
Even Mister Nadge of all people has joined the uprising.
Mister Nadge is one of our comrades. The thought of fighting him... Whatever shall we do...?
My, you vulgar creature. Is it such a marvel to witness the listlessness of an elf such as yours truly?
No matter how one resolves things by force, it is but proof of the baseness of one’s standards. It is because of this that you are such barbaric, lowly beings.
It is impossible for me to understand his feelings. For what reason could he have joined the rebellion...?
If we don’t stop them...! A dreadful secret lies within the lightstone tunnels!
[Is “holite” the way 聖光石 got localized? Cuz that’s pretty clever.]
So even Nadge has joined the rebellion... Despite his kindness, despite his consideration for his comrades, he’s been driven to their side.
But there’s no future for the Corns. We’ve got to stop him, NAME.
I’ve long predicted a day like this would come.
That day just so happens to be now, and just so happens to involve the Corns. Beyond that, there’s naught to say.
Settling things through battle, thinking it’s okay to win by force...! That’s just not right!
NAME, please, get them to stop!
Relra Lonton
NAME, I won’t go as far as expecting you to understand, but...
As a Lilbee, I kinda get it. Zsilak and Nadge’s feelings, that is.
But this just ain’t a pretty way to go about it. If things go on like this, the Corns are only gonna become even more hated...
So Nadge has joined the rebellion... It’s hard to imagine that the Empire will stay silent about this. We must hurry!
Hmph, idiots. All they’re doing is shortening their lifespans further.
Whether you’re Corn or human, take one wrong step and you’ll fall straight to the depths of hell. That’s the way life goes.
Nadge! Dammit! Even he’s up and joined the rebellion!
Doin’ something like that... humans and Corns are only gonna...
Considering it from the Corns’ perspective, I get why they felt the need to revolt.
But, it was ‘cause of Nemea makin’ a big song and dance over racial equality that Zsilak became a general, wasn’t it?
Enemies we may be, but I feel sorry for the guy.
[It’s not super clear who he feels sorry for -- “koitsu” -- but given the context, probably Zsilak.]
Kyaa! An uprising! I wonder if they stand a chance!
Inciting revolt and letting Lord Nemea’s magnamity go to waste... I’ve misjudged him.
This is bad... If Nadge is dear to you, we must go to his aid.
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zilloll · 8 years
Party Chat: Angeerdan’s Watchword
Context: After the first invasion event, if you sided with Angeerdan and follow through on the aftermath, he gives you a passphrase. If you somehow forget what it is, you can ask for a reminder from your active party members.
... Results may vary.
(last updated: 2/21/2016)
You’re referring to the watchword you need to say to the lady at the port of Aquirus, aye? Of course I know it.
‘Tis “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.” Mayhap I appear to be a senior, but my powers of recollection won’t lose to some young whippersnapper’s!
You mean the watchword you need to say to the lady at the port of Aquirus? Course I know it, if you’re askin’ me.
“The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above”... th-that’s it, isn’t it?
Eh, the watchword? Sure, I remember.
“The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.” It'll be fine as long as you say that to the lady at the port of Aquirus.
What the heck! What’s wrong with you! Saying something like “what’s the watchword again?”! It’s not like it’ll kill ya if I don’t tell you!
After all, a noble elf such as yours truly is hardly one to bother with remembering such meaningless things! You get that, don’t you!
[I’m awful at casual forms, but you get the gist. XD]
The watchword Angeerdan taught you? As I recall, it’s that thing he toldja to say to that lady at the port of Aquirus, isn’t it?
But, hmm, what was it again? One forgets things so quickly at this age, y’see. Well, if I think of it, I’ll let ya know.
[Ossan, pls... XD]
It should be fine as long as you say it to the lady at the port of Aquirus.
As for the watchword itself... I do believe it was, “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.”
There’s a watchword we’ll need for when we’re going to meet Grandpa Angeerdan. You remember, don’t you, NAME?
“The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above,” kay? That’s what you gotta say if you go meet that human lady over at the place in Aquiris where they dock their boats.
NAME, the watchword Mister Angeerdan taught you was “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above,” wasn’t it?
If you say that to the lady where the boats are docked at Aquirus, she’s supposed to guide us to where Mister Angeerdan is.
Relra Lonton
That human lady at the port of Aquirus seems to be a Dingal operative, eh? Stuff like watchwords give off a feeling of spies and informants and such.
I’d sure like to try saying the watchword too. “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.” Stuff like that’s just not something you’d normally say, huh?
It’s “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.” There should be a lady at the port of Aquirus who’ll guide us if you say that to her.
That said, you sure are an odd bird, lending a hand to that disgraced Angeerdan.
Ah, the line you’re supposed to say to some woman at the place where the boats are docked in Aquirus. Damn straight I remember!
“Your eyes shine brighter than the sun,” that’s what it is. Just like I’ve always said, y’know. Pickup lines are pickup lines. *snicker*
[合い言葉 => 愛言葉. “ai kotoba.” Immature joke, or just a blockhead being a blockhead? You decide. :P]
If you say the watchword to some female person at Aquirus, it’ll be perfecto! ‘Fraid I’ve forgotten the watchword though.
Did you forget the watchword? ... It’s “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above,” all right? The Imperial Army demands discipline, so make sure you get it together.
The watchword you need to say to the woman at the port of Aquirus? It’s “The Empire’s radiance outshines the sun above.”
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