zinglette · 1 year
friendly reminder for the new twitter refugees:
change your icon/pfp and put something coherent in your blog description or you're going to get blocked bcs people think you're a bot
this site is built around reblogs, so please actually reblog posts(especially art and fics!!)
you can set your likes and follows to private
checkmarks here are a meme and mean nothing
follower counts are private and we like it that way, so get used to not judging people by that metric
drama and discourse is boring, use your blacklist and block button liberally
DON'T CENSOR YOURSELF!! we can swear and say kill and make fun of corporations all we want, and if you tiktok-ify your tags people who have things blacklisted for whatever reason will still see them, and people who want to see that content won't be able to find it!! spell words out normally, you won't get in trouble!!
tumblr live is sketchy as hell and full of fake accounts, if you decide to use it anyway may god have mercy on your soul o7
be nice to the reddit refugees, they're our friends <3
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zinglette · 5 years
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zinglette · 5 years
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like or reblog if you save/use
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zinglette · 5 years
the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” is actually not the full phrase it actually is “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back” so don’t let anyone tell you not to be a curious little baby okay go and be interested in the world uwu
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zinglette · 5 years
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Overwatch: Reload Animations [x]
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zinglette · 6 years
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this is a new tumblr resistance flag. Reblog to get banned immediately 
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zinglette · 6 years
if shes your girl then why is she trying to hit me with a broom and screaming
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zinglette · 6 years
me, a bisexual, watching Clem being a massive bisexual:
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zinglette · 6 years
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bi ochako uraraka icons
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zinglette · 6 years
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Pastel BNHA icons! Free to use, credit isn’t necessary. Just a like or reblog would be appreciated! ♡
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zinglette · 6 years
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zinglette · 6 years
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Gabriel Macht and Patrick J. Adams
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zinglette · 6 years
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I have many feels about McReyes…
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zinglette · 6 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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zinglette · 6 years
Me getting ready to drop an @everyone in the server at 3 am
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zinglette · 6 years
Open letter to YouTube.
YouTube. For all the years of entertainment you’ve made possible, and all the opportunities you’ve presented to so many people, I’m grateful. You’ve provided so much for so many, creators and consumers alike. I owe my job, and in a broad sense my general life to your platform. It takes a LOT to tear down that sort of built up trust. But you’ve managed to do it.
The constant changes to “the algorithm”, fair enough. The “sudden random bugs” that didn’t send out content to all the subscribers. Fine. Even when you, for some godforsaken reason decided that “Subscribe” was no longer enough, but you felt the need to add a bell, and yet a secondary step to go from “most content” to “all content”. Whatever. One would think a chronological feed of whatever recent post has been made by a channel would suffice. But you’re not alone in being guilty of this, every social network is doing it, why not you too. When the “adpocalypse” hit, and so many channels suffered, some even being unable to sustain, still most seemed to rally and say it’s not YouTube’s fault, YouTube is not the bad guy, there are only some bad creators, bad users. They’re doing their best.
I’m no longer convinced of this. When your system automatically flags the majority of content uploaded as “non-advertiser friendly” without having a clue what the video actually is. When you offer no way whatsoever, of whitelisting a channel with good track record. When you manipulate feeds and recommended videos, and prioritize content that will make you money, over content that actually appeals to the user. When you’re SO clearly granting preferential treatement to those who can “make you look good” rather than being good. When a “top tier” creator on your platform can make a multimilliondollar-living out of being as disrespectful and morally despicable as (sometimes) legally possible. When a “top tier” creator on your platform can broadcast a victim of suicide to millions of underage people… and you do nothing.
Not a single action has been taken, the best you could do was to claim your “hearts went out to the family”. Why not add in “one like equals one prayer” and “every retweet saves a child” while you’re at it. You don’t care, this much is clear. You don’t care, as long as you’re making money. You are a business, I know, but you CAN do both. You so badly want to be TV, that you never stopped to consider why so many people have almost stopped watching TV all together, in favour of you. Count your blessings, that you have no competition, I for one would jump ship in a heartbeat. If I’m wrong, tell me. Tell us, something. Anything. Ever.
Hypocritical, bureaucratic, orwellian… Tube.
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zinglette · 6 years
OTPetty: when you start shipping a pairing after seeing how much hate the antis give it
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