zizimorelikegg · 3 years
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Matching icons for you and the boo
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
Me do do to
Am i the only one that ships Rick and Jerry from Rick and Morty. 😬
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
We Happy Few: Bobby x Reader
(Think I’ll make this a two-parter.)
I was on a mission, to sail to England. No American had set foot on the island in almost two decades but I decided it was about time someone did. A sign on the edge of the island read:
Danger Picket’s Fort Ahead
And sure enough, a crumbling mess of a fort rose from the mist.
“Is that a fort?” I raised an eyebrow “It doesn’t even look up to date.”
As I pass I could see soldiers patrolling around the perimeter. I pull out my binoculars to get a better look. 
“Are they wearing -” I look harder “Masks?”
I’m suddenly started by the sound of something brushing up against your boat. It was a mask. It was white with big eyes and a forced smile on it. You pick it up out of the water. 
“This look’s like a woman’s mask.” You pull out your journal and draw it in. 
May 10th, 1964
Today I have discovered what I believe is England. I found a very poorly maintained fort as well as a strange mask. I don’t know what is going on here, but I must find out. I heard that after the war England cut itself off from the rest of the World, but I wonder how they are getting along without us.  
The rest of the island was mostly cliff based so finding a place to dock was rather difficult. I found a nice spot under a bridge and decided to dock there. I set up a nice little camp with a warm fire and start making myself something to eat.
I had brought enough rations to last me the trip to England, and back but I would need something while I was here. Finding currency would be difficult but I didn’t think too much about it.
“The old guide book said that Brits are very hospitable. I hope they have something good to eat. I could really go for a slice of chicken pot pie right about now.”
The next morning I began to climb up the cliff. It wasn’t an easy task but I didn’t think I’d need to worry about getting back down anytime soon. Just as I climb up, I see the ruin that has befallen the Empire. Buildings were near rubble, the grass and weeds were so overgrown that it looked like a jungle. 
“Oh dear.” 
I start making my way over to the buildings. I could hear people talking and I start to move faster. 
“People?” I thought to myself “Maybe they can explain what is going on.” 
I push myself between a narrow alley to see a neon nightmare. Rainbows were painted on everything from street to rooftops, bright lights glared down at me. Televisions were plastered all over the place. Grown adults were playing hopscotch and splashing in puddles. But what was most disturbing was that they were all wearing white masks.
“Remember Uncle Jack say always take your Joy!” it said
I raised my eyebrow. “What is Joy?” I asked myself
My thoughts were interrupted by someone pulling on my jacket.
“’Ello deary.” 
I looked down to see an old woman smiling up at me. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I’m new,” I said nervously 
“New?! We don’t get many new people here!” She said excitedly “Where are you from?” 
I became very nervous, “I’m from A-mer-i-ca.” 
Everything came to a halt. Everyone was staring at me. The old woman let out a blood-curdling scream and I ran down the street.
I was screaming and crying as I ran down the street. “What did I say?!” 
Suddenly there was a blue blur and I was knocked out cold.
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
General we happy few love in the gaming comunity <3
Never been big in the gaming comunity, even though i love my games ^^ Think i only found one rare instance where it just took me away by storm and didn’t expected it to, because it didn’t seem like my type of game at all XD Many already didn’t liked it and gave it a bad name, but i wanted to try it for own sake so i could judge it on my own, i did and i STILL LOVE IT HIGHLY TO THIS DAY!!!! We happy few is AMAZING in every turn, but sadly alot of the fandom have been ruining it for many, haven’t seen it myself since i said in the beginning that it isn’t something i am highly in or check up on very much. But it gave me so much, still one i replay to this day, characthers i felt in love with instantly, the lore, music, backgrounds and gave me at least 2-3 people i would consider amazing friends and people i can talk to ^^ I wished i commissionsed more people for art for the game, but can’t do anything about that now. I just know I LOVE IT, CONTINUE TO SUPPORT IT AND SPREAD THE LOVE AROUND.
Because despite the hate it has gotten then it is still amazing and those flaws in my opinion makes me laugh every so often in this depressing mood the game is set in XDXD
I still have love for this game and hope people still wanna continue make art and wonderful cosplays i see around, so if you do any of the above, then i more then LOVE to be in contact with you. Or just a general fan of the game <3 We have a fan group on Facebook where me and another one is a leader of it, it is flourishing and still many new people continues to come, it is amazing T__T So if you want to join in there then you are more then welcome to do so and show tons of support there to <3  
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Yeah my little love rant XDXD
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
I love the voice actors for the bobbies so much. I just had to get a lil video of it, and his pose makes it even better.
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
Song: Yakuza OST - Baka Mitai
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
I don’t really see Youtube Videos where you interact with the bobbies and trigger their dialogue. So I thought I would share some that I’ve gotten. I love the bobbies so much and this interaction makes me quake.
Rights to Compulsion Games.
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
Bruh the way how they talk about bobbies
My poor bois.
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
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you shouldnt stare at the sun
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zizimorelikegg · 3 years
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My Madness combat oc
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
Henry stickmin character oc
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My baby oc
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
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do it cowards
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
Yey I edit my picture to video
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
I like shipping this two
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
Sad cake
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zizimorelikegg · 4 years
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