zkor10-blog · 7 years
Looking through tumblr, I came across https://www.tumblr.com/search/picturebooks. It is a blog that explores the classic and contemporary illustrated books for children (of all ages). It shows the front cover of the picture book, then gives a brief explanation of the book. This blog can definitely be used as a classroom guide to choose what books to read, and even encourage students to choose a book of their choice using this blog. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
Knowledge and remembering: 
 Who is the main character?
 What is the name of the family restaurant called?
 Where does Alberts family live?
  When did the restaurant across theirs opened up?
 How did the family restaurant name come about? 
What does he mean when he says ‘I’m a fake Aussie. I was made in Thailand’?
What does Albert mean by when he says ‘I felt like a walking billboard for his parents’? 
What does it mean when the text says “It still has ‘grand opening’ painted on the windows, even though it’s been opened for a month”?. Why would this make a difference in comparison to Albert’s family’s restaurant across the road?
When have you been embarrassed by your parents? Did you act in the same way as Albert? If acted differently, how was it?
Why is Alberts dad concerned about the restaurant across theirs? What kinds of words are said within the text for his dad to be concerned?
Why do you believe Albert feels embarrassed by his family? Provide some evidence from the text that shows that his embarrassed by his parents, restaurant and culture.
What do you think about Alberts relationship with his family? Do you think he respects his family? If not, show some evidence from the text.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the front and back cover illustrations to show the relationships between the Thai and Australian divide Albert feels.
How could you improve and create a better sign for Albert’s family restaurant to attract more customers? 
Design a sign for your own cultural restaurant that you would want to create.
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
The ‘Yaama Ghubhii: Indigenous Connect Song’ video, for years F-6, can be used to show students how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People connect with their land. 
An activity with this video could be making the students listen to the words of the song. And make students think about questions like: What are some of the things the students talk about in their song? What sort of instruments can you hear? How would you describe this style of music?
Furthermore, make students write down places and things they feel connected to, just like how these students feel connected to their land through this song. This activity helps students to understand the connection between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and their own descent. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
1. Write a sentence using every word in the Wordle attached to this post.
(food, silence, transparent, hollow, died, night, cold, no, strength) 
It was a cold night. The moon was shining through the transparent sky. It wasn’t helping as the silence in the street was settling on me as I was walking to my car. I had no strength to drive and my day was a long and restless one. I was determined to get to my destination as my hollow stomach was a short drive away from being satisfied with the food my wife cooked for me at home. If I had to wait any longer, I would have died from starvation. 
2. Re-write the sentence for the attached image of the food being placed in the rubbish bin.
‘Someones trash is another mans treasure’ 
3. Briefly describe another short ten-to-twenty minute front-loading lesson you may do, before the book is read.
For this front loading activity, I would first discuss the front cover with the whole class. Explore the words and the illustration on the front cover. I would then make the students to think of some ways they could save the children within their own ways. Maybe starting with their own environment, and helping them understand to be grateful of they have. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
I was placed in a year 4 classroom. The school I was at was an islamic school. My school had a big emphasis on islamic teaching, whereby teaching students the right manners by incorporating that within their teaching. Students would for example tell some sort of lie regarding a situation, and the teacher would straight away relate it to islamic ruling on ‘lying’. The teacher would explain to the student on why lying is bad, and that we should always tell the truth no matter what. I also found it very interesting that all the students there were very understanding, and respectful. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
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In this poster, I have annotated a students work whereby he explains what his dog does. In terms of the ‘6+1 traits of writing’ I have focused on conventions. The student is lacking punctuation, commas, and spelling words. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
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As I spent my placements with grade 4′s, I had an opportunity to create a poster that involved shapes. The topic was introducing irregular and regular shapes. As I was teaching grade 4s I kept the poster simple, and created a poster where the shapes are ‘talking’ stating how many sides and angles they have, in a way. A common issue amongst the students were that they would get confused on how many sides and angels each shape had, so I created this poster to help them refer back easily. 
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
I remember when I was in middle years, every night before bed, my father used to read to us siblings a poem of Dr Seus. We then used to discuss the meaning of the poem, and what it relates to in our daily lives. 
Prompt One
When I was in grade three I remember my teacher reading to the class Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. We sat in silence absorbing every word, it was fantastic!. The teacher read Roald’s next book Charlie and The Glass Elevator as well and it was also a big favourite. Years later I was lucky enough to be teaching my own grade 3 and 4′s when the Harry Potter series came out. Once again a class sat in silence absorbing very word as this time I read the novel to the grade.
For your reflection this week we would enjoy discovering your memories of being read to. Preferably this would come from your own classroom experiences, otherwise, it can be a reflection on what a parent read to you, or if that doesn’t fit, you can share what you would like to read to a class when you have the chance.
All of the ECL310 team look forward to sharing in this,
be creative, make a video, a Wordle, a sound recording, a cloze activity, anything you like!
Good luck!
The ECL310 team!
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zkor10-blog · 7 years
I remember when I was in middle years, every night before bed, my father used to read to us siblings a poem of Dr Seus. We then used to discuss the meaning of the poem, and what it relates to in our daily lives. 
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