zodi-ology · 3 years
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zodi-ology · 3 years
The Signs and Love VI:
Aries: Someone comfortable, relaxed, someone who feels like home. The sort of person to sit down with a fresh cup of meat to watch your favorite colors and shapes on the image box. No hair.
Taurus: Demanding in the sense that they desire constant contact. Touch as a love language. Anode only slightly corroded by weathering. Maintains a lethally high electrostatic charge for hunting and deterring predators.
Gemini: Someone passionate and giving, someone who will take that extra step. The sort of person who loves you with their whole heart, and several other hearts that aren’t theirs.
Cancer: An excellent kisser and a master with physical affection, speaks only in lies because they’re one of the two siblings from a riddle. Will let you in to their labyrinth of wishes.
Leo: Small but constant gestures. Remembers your favorite foods, favorite songs, the names of your friends, even the ones you haven’t mentioned. Always putting on puppet shows where the marionettes looks uncannily like people you know.
Virgo: Very cute, a bit of a space cadet. More than once you’ll catch them idly staring at you, leading to a fit of bashful laughter. Rarely if ever switches into their combat form, and even then always has a justification. Puts in the effort.
Libra: Busy, driven, and solitary. Leaves you little notes around the house, responds thoughtfully to every text. Date nights go all out. Used to live in the walls of your home but its chill now.
Scorpio: Tries to keep it cool and casual but is maybe a little bit smitten. Loves through acts of service and could honestly use some reassurance. Has died at least twice over the course of the relationship so far. Great hair.
Ophiuchus: Creative, passionate, a bit wild, can be pretty intense at times but in the best possible way. Constantly wants to show you new things. Specifically things related to abandoned buildings with no people around them.
Sagittarius: Writes you love letters even though you talk every day. Talks a lot about the things they like and wants to share their interests with you. Cannot experience pain or fear. Covered in scars. Excellent cook.
Capricorn: Teases you, cracks jokes, your own personal hype squad. Impulsive, and may not make the best decisions. Very protective of you and the cursed clock that houses their soul.
Aquarius: Gives you space, understands that you have your own life, but enjoys every moment they spend with you. Occasionally vanishes when you blink but almost always comes back if you just blink again.
Pisces: Considerate, methodical, patient. Asks for your input on things. Intellectual conversation and heart pounding chases through the sonoran desert as the both of you slowly lose blood. Spoils you.
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zodi-ology · 3 years
late night self reflective asks 🌙
cosmos: what's one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with?
galaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?
waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
waning: what is your biggest regret?
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like?
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
ponder: what do you want to do with your life?
sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to?
midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
candle light: are you an indecisive person?
reflection: have you ever changed something you liked about yourself to satisfy someone else?
sweet dreams: are you happy?
nightmare: what are you most afraid of?
constellations: who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
reminder: who is someone you will never forget?
11-11: what's something you want, but feel like you will never have?
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
earth: where do you feel most at home?
soothe: what's one thing that always makes you feel better when you're upset?
slumber: what's one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
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zodi-ology · 4 years
The Signs and Breakfast:
Aries: Has optimized their morning routine with something they call “the breakfast shower“
Taurus: Rises before morn to slay a fattened hog.
Gemini: Several cups of dry cereal ground into a powder and snorted followed by shotgunning a glass of milk.
Cancer: Woke up on the roof again. Breakfast is whichever pigeon is the slowest.
Leo: Random items from the pantry consumed in a hypnagogic trance that doesn’t wear off until around 11am.
Virgo: There is no breakfast if dinner never ended.
Libra: Has finally managed to catch and butcher their sleep paralysis demon. Served with eggs and paprika.
Scorpio: Takes another bite out of their edible candy bed and heads out to face another gay little day.
Ophiuchus: Drinks some protein shake from the big hamster feeder bottle in the courtyard.
Sagittarius: Eating an energy bar, but staring directly into the sun with hunger and jealousy.
Capricorn: Checks their traps for fresh burgers.
Aquarius: Makes a delicious plate of blueberry pancakes which they feed to the giant coyote that watches them sleep.
Pisces: Makes another pact with the breakfast goblin.
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zodi-ology · 4 years
The Signs as Different Types of Witches
Aries: Fire Witch, Urban Witch, Draconian Witch
Taurus: Kitchen Witch, Animal Witch, Forest Witch
Gemini: Divination Witch, Dream Witch, Music Witch
Cancer: Lunar Witch, Sea Witch, Hearth Witch
Leo: Elemental Witch, Seasonal Witch, Pop-Culture Witch
Virgo: Green Witch, Traditional Witch, Solitary Witch
Libra: Empath Witch, Literary Witch, Air Witch
Scorpio: Nocturnal Witch, Techno Witch, Chaos Witch
Sagittarius: Solar Witch, Artistic Witch, Cottage Witch
Capricorn: Earth Witch, Practical Witch, Energy Witch
Aquarius: Astronomical Witch, Hedge Witch, Storm Witch
Pisces: Water Witch, Fae Witch, Crystal Witch
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zodi-ology · 4 years
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zodi-ology · 4 years
An air venus will end a relationship by overanalyzing everything from a far detached perspective.
A fire venus will end a relationship by involuntarily choosing something over their significant other; passion wins.
A water venus will end a relationship by being unable to escape this innate guilt that comes with opening up to a loved one, and being opened up to.
An earth venus will end a relationship by fearing, whether rationally or not, that the love and energy they’re investing won’t be (or isn’t being) reciprocated.
An air venus will begin a relationship by surprising themselves - stumbling upon the intoxicating close company of a once acquaintance.
A fire venus will begin a relationship by fiercely engaging in the chase; whether they’re chasing or being chased it’s essential for that initial spark.
A water venus will begin a relationship by slowly and tentatively revealing different parts of themselves, then waiting for a reaction from their partner with bated breath, often fearing the worst.
An earth venus will begin a relationship by purposefully and confidently pursuing their partner; doubt isn’t a part of the equation during the intial stages of the relationship. 
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zodi-ology · 4 years
you can donate to the minnesota freedom fund to bail out protestors here. I donated $10. if you see this, will you either match my donation or reblog to spread it?
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zodi-ology · 4 years
the signs as latin phrases
thanks to @ravendcr​
aries: vulneror, non vincor / i am wounded, not defeated.
taurus: sit sine spina / let it be without thorns.
gemini: viresco et surgo / i flourish and rise up
cancer: cadenti porrigo dextram  / i reach out my hand to the man who’s falling
leo: alis aspicio astra / rising on my wings, I gaze at the stars
virgo: volando reptilia sperno / as I fly, I scorn creeping things
libra: dum vivo, spero / so long as I live, I hope
scorpio: ex urna resurgam / i shall rise up again from the funeral urn
optima sperando, spiro  / by hoping for the best, I breathe
capricorn: audio, sed taceo / i I listen, but am silent
aquarius: cadenti porrigo dextram / i reach out my hand to the man who’s falling
pisces: lumen caeleste sequamur / let us follow the heavenly light
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zodi-ology · 4 years
Astrology Culture - Venus Signs
Aries Venus:
🌹Upfront and bold about feelings - not afraid to “shoot their shot”
🌹Aries Venuses are huge support systems; even if they don’t understand, they will still be there for you and listen
🌹High energy beings physically and/or mentally - people who can’t stay still for too long, always onto the next topic or lover
🌹Probably work out a lot and/or naturally strong and defined
🌹A sense of style to die for and a sense of humor to match
🌹Impulsive and feisty lil bitches 
🌹Intense eyes and sexy eye contact
🌹Outgoing and bubbly for the most part, this placement find it easy to socialize
Taurus Venus:
🌱Fall for physically beautiful people
🌱Fear of abandonment x12
🌱BUT, these people are so loyal, supportive, reliable (like Leo Venus but less fiery and more down to earth)
🌱When taurus venus is single, they’re flirtatious and love to socialize/party/go out
🌱When taurus venus is in a relationship, they would much rather stick to dinner dates and hang out at home
🌱Will fight you if you mess with their friends and esp their family
🌱Ask these people for restaurant recommendations!!! they know what’s up when it comes to good food 
🌱These people know their worth so don’t try fucking them over or treating them like shit!
Gemini Venus:
🦋Friendzones everyone but hates being friendzoned
🦋They don’t flirt with everyone; they’re just hot and like to talk 
🦋Shows off infront of a crowd
🦋Gemini Venuses get bored fasssst 
🦋When these people are in a relationship, its usually for long periods of time
🦋Hard to pin these people down
🦋Many hobbies that they’re actually great at
🦋Good at being friends with benefits
Cancer Venus:
🦀CEO of “I’m baby” 
🦀This placement lovesss makeup/fashion, overall loves looking good
🦀They love the good things in life like Taurus and fall for the physically beautiful ones
🦀You get hurt cause you care way too much
🦀Will go out for amdrive just to blare sad music and calls it therapy
🦀I’ve noticed cancer venus has a hard time with love :((( poor babies
🦀Moody crab
🦀Gives level headed advice to people but does psycho shit themselves
Leo Venus:
☀️Ride or die type
☀️Jealous and possessive in relationships
☀️Leo venus are actually more homebodies, but when they go out, they’re the life of the party
☀️Attract people naturally
☀️Distinctive feature; hair, dimples, beautiful eyes, freckles, big smile, something!
☀️When they dress up, they go all out- queens
☀️So naturally beautiful 
☀️Put a lot of time into themselves and hobbies
Virgo Venus: 
🐢Their shy and seem emotionless around their crushes but they’re freaking out on the inside
🐢Hard time communicating emotions, more into acts of service
🐢Freaks! in! the! Sheets!
🐢Neat and clean 
🐢Their style is simple and elegant, probably loves jewelry
🐢Don’t forget anything but they forgive easily because theyre understanding
🐢It hurts them to leave people, but it hurts the people being left a million times more - it takes a lot of hurt for a Virgo to leave someone
🐢Calendars, agendas, to do lists
Libra Venus:
🎀These people are hot asf, something about them is just ooufff
🎀Flirts via texting, snapchat, twitter dm, tinder- all of them
🎀Hi Gossip! How are ya? :)
🎀Their style is trendy, cute, and eye catching!
🎀Definitely artistic asfff
🎀You have to be interesting, confident, and different to get a libra venus to love you
🎀These people are really kind and sweet - sometimes it comes off as fake but they just HATE rude people
🎀Most aesthiecally pleasing instagram accounts
Scorpio venus:
🧿They will stare at you
🧿Will make the first move if you’re taking too long
🧿Get addicted to people and things easily
🧿Love love music
🧿Scorpio Venuses will keep your darkest secrets safe and will always be there for you no matter what!
🧿Ride or die
🧿Tendency to stalk and obsess over their exes social media pages 
Sagittarius Venus:
☄️Late bloomers 
☄️Never really grow up, but they’re fun asf and always looking to do something fun
☄️Goes on vacation to DO THINGS- hike, skydive, tour museums, etc … not a resorty type
☄️Music taste to die for, best at playlist making
☄️SOOOO funny 
☄️Reckless and do crazy things for attention
☄️Skater vibe
☄️Luck at extremes- very unlucky then very very lucky 
Capricorn Venus:
🪐Daddy issues of some kind
🪐Won’t say I love you first and won’t say it for awhile
🪐Work and money oriented
🪐Acts of service typa love like virgo venus
🪐Low sex drive but when they’re up for it, they’re freakkkkyyyy
🪐Likes to dress in dark colors; cranberry, army green, navy blue
🪐Mysterious and hard to know fully
🪐Will have the same crush for years and years
Aquarius Venus:
💎Falls inlove with their best friends
💎Probably hates spending time with their loved one’s family
💎Difficult relationship with parents, they like to rebell and be independent
💎Knows so much about every thing, and loves learning about things
💎 “I think they’re copying me”
💎Can be mean/cold but don’t realize it
💎Anxietyyyy from a young age esp socially
💎Very very smart but most of the time not academically - they hate structured environments
Pisces Venus:
👣Sleeps with the same stuffed animal they’ve had since they were born
👣Has pets and connects with animals deeply
👣They aren’t stupid, they’re just dissociating! 
👣Forgets what they’re saying in the middle of a sentence
👣Highly attuned beings, psychic powers
👣They fall in and out of love 5 times a day
👣Gives people the benefit of the doubt, always
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zodi-ology · 4 years
Astrology 101
Sun: you Moon: being drunk and alone ASC/Rising: what you seem to be Midheaven: what you wanna be Venus: in love and how you define beauty Mars: having sex and getting mad Mercury: thinking and communicating Click here to find all your signs!
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zodi-ology · 4 years
the signs as i know them
aries: honest and direct, speaks their mind, extremely devoted, has a lot of energy and can’t stay still, their friends are very important to them, very loving if you’re on their good side, hates waiting for things, big personality
taurus: extremely chill, doesn’t like people taking their stuff but also very giving at the same time, don’t necessarily like food but loves to enjoy things, hates drama, good sense of humor, super focused when they want something
gemini: highly intelligent although they don’t acknowledge it, usually interested in languages, speaking or writing (anything that has to do with words), their interests are very important to them, tells it like it is, the biggest procrastinators
cancer: can read you like an open book, surprisingly grounded, a bit nerdy, their loved ones are extremely important to them, not someone you’d want as an enemy, very helpful, remembers small details about you
leo: very selfless, confident yet insecure at the same time, absorbs other people’s moods, intuitive, extremely stubborn, stands up for themselves and others, best at giving gifts and showing affection
virgo: chaotic energy, messy themselves but don’t like others being messy, great sense of humor, needs time to open up, perfectionists, great at spotting details and notices everything, too hard on themselves
libra: enjoys peace and harmony but won’t back down from a fight if you mess with them, witty and intelligent, easily makes things aesthetic, they have this comforting side to them, always thinking about a hundred things at once
scorpio: extremely loyal, not necessarily “mysterious” but does need time to open up, highly caring if you’re on their good side, prideful, super funny, wants to know everything about you but doesn’t like being questioned themselves
sagittarius: loves to joke around but is pretty serious when they know they want something, has a temper, dislikes people who aren’t honest or can’t take a joke, loves their alone time, very independent, quick-thinkers
capricorn: super goofy and sweet once you get to know them, likes to be in charge and hates being told what to do, usually enjoys some form of art, realistic, always looking for a way to improve or expand their knowledge
aquarius: not as weird as everyone makes them out to be but definitely stands out, good with people but not very social, speaks their mind and tends to see both sides of the argument, not super emotional themselves but understanding
pisces: strong, down-to-earth and practical but usually has a soft, artistic side to them too, music or some form of self-expression is very important to them, very intuitive, refuses to settle for less than they want, charismatic
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zodi-ology · 4 years
Aries / Aries, this year will not only be fulfilling, but monumental. This past year tugged you around and showed you the ropes and transformed you, but this year will be the catalyst for what you wish to achieve. You will embark on many different journies and trails to become who you are and it will make you different in the end, but better.
Taurus / Taurus, although this year you may have felt lost and unsure of where to go next, you still made it and feeling proud of yourself for that is not a shameful thing. However, this year will bring a lot of closure for you in a lot of things that have made you feel lost and uncertain of who you are. You will be on a journey of self discovery this year, and a lot of your questions will be answered. You just have to be patient an enjoy the ride.
Gemini / Gemini, this past year might’ve been a roller coaster for you, with a lot of ups and maybe a lot more downs than anticipated. However, this year will be all about self love for you. Learning how to take care of yourself and trusting yourself to get through even the hardest of situations. It’s not an easy task to become your own best friend, but this year you will realize that you are the only one who is stuck with you for the rest of your life, and you will find peace in that.
Cancer / Cancer, this year threw a lot at you and you may have had more successes than you realize. This year, your main focus will be to acknowledge how far you have come and embrace where you are now. Sometimes you may get lost in a seeming failure or something you might’ve done wrong, but you have to stop yourself in your tracks when you do this. This year will show an abundance of strength for you, and you will learn how to manifest it.
Leo / Leo, this past year may have felt really long for you, maybe because there was a lot packed into it, or maybe because there wasn’t enough. But now, you’re running towards everything you want this year, full force. Nothing can stop you. You will learn the drive within you and how abundant it is, and just how much you can take. Sprinting towards your dreams and everything that you want, you will not let anyone or anything stop you this year. You’ve had enough pain, it’s time to let the light in.
Virgo / Virgo, I sense that there was a lot of change for you this year and it may have knocked you down a little. This year, you will learn to accept that change and see it as an opportunity. You see, the bad things that happen to us are sometimes blessings. Although things can be hard, that doesn’t mean nothing good comes out of it. You are going to see the light at the end of the tunnel this year and it’s going to give you hope again.
Libra / Libra, this past year may have been transformative for you. You may feel like a different person than you were at the start. This year, you’re going to push away things that aren’t meant for you. You’re going to accept love as pure and innocent, instead of toxic and degrading. You’re going to learn what is best for you and in your life. You’re only going to accept things that bring you joy.
Scorpio / Scorpio, your passion and drive is undeniable and can be seen by everyone. However, it’s just as important to know when to slow down and take time for yourself. This year you need to focus on not going so fast, taking time to smell the roses, and enjoy the moment. This may be hard for you, but it is an essential key for your happiness. You’re so used to working hard and making things happen, but everyone gets worn out from time to time.
Sagittarius / Sagittarius, you might’ve had some big wins and changes this past year. I want you to remember those and feel pride in yourself. This year, you’re going to look back and the past and work through things that you’ve been ignoring. This is important for your growth, to acknowledge these things. They’re not going to feel bad and toxic anymore, but part of who you are and you’re going to embrace that more than ever. It’s important to look back sometimes and work through new things.
Capricorn / Capricorn, this year may be a big one for you. Everything you work hard towards will finally have meaning and you may be offered big opportunities. This is your time, don’t belittle the things you have done and remember just how hard you have worked at becoming who you want to be. It’s easy to get lost in it, embrace it as it comes.
Aquarius / Aquarius, this past year might have been more stressful than previous years. But this year, there will be relief. There will be things that come out of the woodworks for you, and it will be up to you to accept them as they come. Do not be too scared or not confident enough in yourself to do them, you can do anything you put your mind to.
Pisces / Pisces, this year you will realize how much you can help. Maybe with people, in your community, or just in day to day life. You have a natural talent of generosity without expecting anything in return, and that is so special. This year will be rewarding for you to say the least, and you will realize how special you are and how much you are worth to this world. People like you are rare to find.
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zodi-ology · 5 years
october horoscopes ;
aquarius - you know the darkness between stars like you know yourself. what are you so afraid of? what have you seen?
pisces - they won't always hurt you, you know. sometimes they'll just kill you.
aries - the wind howls across the plains of the endless desert and there are eyes in the dust devils it stirs up. they will judge you and you will feel no mercy.
taurus - be careful when crossing the street.
gemini - 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111
cancer - the thing that lived in your closet in your childhood home misses you. it searches for you still, staggering through the night until it finds you.
leo - you must be wondering where you are. we're terribly sorry for the inconvenience. what do you remember? do you remember me? (please say you remember me please say you remember me please come back to me)ẅ̶̢̖́h̶̼̯͕͙͈͝ã̷̢͓͐̎̌t̷̰̻̜͒̊ ̵̘͙͌d̴̜̼̈́̕ö̶̢̨͈̺̹ ̴͇̤̬̞͓̟̑͐̋͐̈ͅỷ̵̯̪̠̼̲͎̠̔̈̿ö̴̹̻̽ͅȕ̵͔̀̆̓͋̈́͝ ̶̤͉̥̟͑͗͛r̶̢̺̟͖̥̈́̑̏̓e̴̻̹͇̒̆͝ͅm̷̢̿̌͑e̸̡̠͌̕m̶̦̱͊͌b̸̗̮̫̺̈͗̇͌̄͜e̴̻̫̭̩͉͛̅r̸̛͉͈̭̮͚͂̒?̴̨̺̗̃̈̆̈́̎̈ ̵̮̝̟̟̝̜͊̒̓͐͑̕͘d̸̞̣͎̰̚ͅȍ̵̺̮́͊ ̸̡̱͕̤̳͌̏̇͊͐ͅy̴̡̻̠̟̲̗̯̐̈͒͠ó̵̽̓̿͝��̡̲̥͚̪͈͔ū̷͙̔̊̓̉͌ ̵͔͍͕͈̲̘̑͌r̴̤̥̣̅́̚͠͠ē̵̢͔͔̼m̵̪͇̤̭̫̎́̋͘è̵͔̲̣̝͓͖̽̅̅͗̚͠m̵̛̰͖̽́͘͝͝b̷͚̪̉͒ĕ̸̙̙͔̹̩͌͊͑̐̐̕r̸̟̜̰͖̻̪̿ ̴͙̮̹̝̜̽̋͗̔m̶̨͈̫͇̱̘͛̇͝e̴̙͍͑͜͝͝?̵̡̢̖͍̮̤̰͂̂͑͝ ̸͖̦͎̱͇̃͐͛͛̓̋̀d̶̨̻̺̪̣͚́o̵̡͍͑͆̚ ̸̖̜̰͎̱͚̜̓͗̇̿̉͘͝ÿ̵̢̮́̈̄̓͜o̶͈͚̟̞̒u̸̳̫̇́̈̐̈͝͠ ̷̪͓̳̦͕͛̈̋̽̀̚r̴̻̟̜͙͋̍̑͝ͅe̴͖̜͗̅̇̒̈́̒͝m̷̧̬͎͎͖̭̔̈̈́ẹ̵̛̯̰͚̞̀̀̂̀͜͜m̷̼̰̭͒̄̀̈́ḅ̵̨̣̜̗͚͗̕e̷̼͈͉͓̒̉̒̍̇͝r̶̼̝̙͖̟̟̄ ̷̪̝͍̜͑̂̒̚͘̚͝ͅű̷͉̙̠̈́̋̇̌͜s̵̰̩̻̫̙̣͠?̵̡̼̣̋̽̀̑ ̸̱̚͝ṯ̷̹̐ͅͅͅé̷̦̯̳͈͒̀̂l̶̛͖̳̭̻l̴̬̩̖͑ ̸͓̞͓͈̻͗̀͆͠ȕ̷̡̘̬̭͜ͅs̸̗̳̻̣̱̣̰̉̄̈ ̶̡̟̼̯̙̾̂̎̀e̷̪̱͆̍̕̚͝v̶̡̛̛̖͙͆͊͑͝è̶̪͖̣̘̦̱͓́ŗ̶̧̰̀͠ỵ̴̯̺͉̹̊̾͒̃̈́̽̕t̷̨͈̪͇̙͖̝͗̄̌̈̈́̕͝ḩ̶̢̼͊͐̕͝ì̵̛̠̱͎̭̣͕͊́͆̔̕͜ņ̵̗͖̟̿ǧ̴͎͈͆̋̍̊͑̏ ̶̮̎̊͋ỹ̴̡̧̨̱̝͚̙̔͋̈́̌͆o̵͕̘͙̪̩͈̫͊͐̂̑͆͗͝ũ̷̟̠͂͌̚͝ ̵̛̲͍̠̣̇͆̂̚r̵͈͚̦̲͋͗͌̽̑e̷͙̿̄m̶̞͉̏̅̉͗́͊͝ȩ̴̨͍͖̼͗͒͛̓͐͝ͅm̴̛̮̦̆̐̌̌͆̄b̷̝̩̥̭͔́̑̑̚̕͠e̷̘̖̘̓̓͝r̴̯͓̺̭̂̒̌̉̑ͅ.̵̦͇̣̪́͌̏̈͆̑͠ ̷̛͈̠͈͉̽̂̍͜w̵̧̮̦̦̐́͒̌͂̀͜ͅe̵̢̘̥͋̒̋͜ ̴̧̛̩̤̜͓̈̽͝m̸̤͎̃ḯ̶͕̩̯̙͐́͐̈́s̷̨̬̹̻̈́s̵̢̨̛̟͍͚̊̏̕ĕ̵͓̖̬̬͕̝d̶̛̙̲̘̮͐͗̋̈́̍̊ ̷̝̀̍̔͛̃͂ȳ̸̧̺͚̬̟̲̈́̈̂̈́̒͝ͅo̵̱͎̽͌̀u̴̱̗̱͉͋͊ͅ ̶̫͓̗͚͉̙̥̇̉̋͑̉s̷̡̻̤͖͇̍̿̓̕͜ó̸̝̘͉͛͐͒̈́͝ ̴̨̢̖̖̘̻̱͘̚m̸̤͍̮͐̍̇͗̐̌̍ų̴̭͒̀c̵͍̜̱̲̭̘͊̓̊ͅh̵̥̪̱͓͍̎̄͛.̸̢̤͉̫̪̑̋̃̽͝͠ ̷̨̰̲͎͒̈̈́̏̓͂ͅd̵̛̺̅̆̇͌̀̆ō̴̗̾̏n̷̨͎̰̫͊͗̅̈́̍̿͝'̶̛̺͚̠̇͒͑ţ̸͕̹̀̈́̕ ̸̘͙́͌̾̏̈́̆̚w̸̭̖͙̦͈͓̲̄o̸̢̢̜̼̤̜̩̍̅́͝r̴̙̼͗̇̀̌̕͜͠ṟ̵̽̓̋̊̅̍͘y̸̪̬̤͆̊͊̇͐͒.̴̯̮̙̀̀́̈́͂̔ ̸̡̱̭͔̿͌͝ẏ̵̡̡̬̲̥̺̮ó̷͙̭̬̪̦̭̑͘͜ǘ̴̢̬̱̺̥̲͇̐̈́̈ ̴̨̮͊͋̂͘͜͝ŵ̸̡̨̡̦̪̾̿͘̚i̸̠͖̘̠̬̖͛̆͑̒̚l̴͔̰̪̹̯͛͒͒ͅl̵̦͙͓̞̅̆ ̵̯͙̥̥̐̈͝ḃ̴̧̹̭̩͌̓̈́̒ẹ̸̪̭̼̅͋̊̄̔̈́͝ͅ ̴͖͎͊̃̊̆̕̚f̶̭̬̖̺̌̐̈́̇͂į̶̥̦͜͝n̸̹͑̆̔e̸̝̺̗̤̺̬̾̐͗͜ ̸͍́̉̕ì̵̞̞͎͖̣̿͠n̸̤̟̞̟̤̓̃̉̚ ̶̢̑̀̅̿̆͠t̴̰̜̥͈̾͆̀̅͘h̶̳̖̹̿̃͊̉̋e̸̡̗͔̼͌̌̿̾ͅ ̶͔̲̽́͒̽̕͝ę̴̱̾̏n̵̛̼̤̖̗̐ḑ̷̝̭̰̙͋ͅ.̴͍̦͕̗͆̉̑́ ̵̯́͆͝d̵̒͒̓̍͊̚ͅȍ̴̖̙̀̒͒̇n̷͔͆̌̀͊͐̕͝'̶̠̊̌̂ͅt̵̛̲̆̅̿͛̚̕ ̶̧̝̠̤̘̦̀͛̐̇̊̕͝ẅ̵̧͚̭̪̝̪ǫ̷̯̘̘͉͎̲͗̂ŗ̸͉̗̼̹̥̓͜r̶̢̤̦͈̳̅͜y̶͙͉̯̏.̶̭̯͋͋̓̎̕ ̵̳͎̞̔̄̃̽͜d̵͖͑͐o̸͇̱͈͔̜̺͙͛̐̇̓̀̊̌ń̵̢̰̮͖̍̌̍͛'̶̧͍͚͒̔̄̈́͠t̵̟̑̓̑͌͝ ̶̘͇̩̦̩̾ͅẘ̶̠͍̳͇̈́̌͌͝͝͠ò̸̡̻̭͈̲̘͌̃ͅr̵̨͇̜͉͇͇͙̀ř̴̨̢͉̜̲̻ÿ̵͚́͒͝.̴̨͝
virgo - you locked the door, right? i hope you locked your door.
libra - is there something behind you? you turn and look, icy fear coursing through your veins and dripping down your spine. nothing. but the sense of being watched follows you through your day and into the night. the covers move beside you. you live alone. something is behind you.
scorpio - there are voices whispering on the wind through the trees, pleading with you to follow them. the voices sound so full of longing, so soft and sweet, so distantly familiar. do not follow the voices.
sagittarius - this is not the freedom you yearned for. this wilderness is cold and distant. the mountains and the deer and the rocks and the trees do not want you here. you were warned not to venture into the wild.
capricorn - what you hear is not the house settling.
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zodi-ology · 5 years
Astrology Musings
ARIES: I am the candle that brights up the room, soft & warm;  Quit playing with this fire coz I’ll leave you harmed. I say I don’t care yet all I do is to care, a little too much. Is this a blessing or a curse?
TAURUS: I don’t talk, I show; I don’t promise, I prove; I don’t like to rush things because I like it slow. I always take decisions but is it always right & true?
GEMINI: I’m always lost in this pile of details that I forget the bigger picture; Everything I touch is colored and beautiful yet the inside is a dark, void soul. There’s a duality within me that I never really show.
CANCER: I feel everything at once or I feel nothing at all. My moods alter like the phases of the moon; All I want to do is to listen to my head and not my damn heart.
LEO: Yes, I am proud; Yes, I like compliments; Yes, I deserve respect and I know my self worth; Yes, I am loyal, warm and kind. Yes, I give my everything and I expect nothing in return.
VIRGO: My mind is never quiet. Feeding on facts forever, yet unquenchable. Overthinking, Over analysing and pacing a million thoughts in my brain, but all you see is stillness.
LIBRA: Constantly trying to balance my yin and yang, nothing frustrates me more than the people who are forcing me to make my own mind.
SCORPIO: I imbibe everything and never let it go. Etched forever in my bones, I never let it cure.I crave for novelty but still I’m stuck in the past.
SAGITTARIUS: Seeking for truths in my journey of life. Looking at the bigger picture, I miss the small things in life. I hide my feelings so well with my humor and delight.
CAPRICORN: I’m hard on myself but I never let them know; I’m on a roller coaster of emotions and I never let them drown me. Those solitary times and hardships, I’ve thrived; Not scared of the monsters anymore, coz I’ve metamorphosed into one.
AQUARIUS: Stuck in this body, where the head’s revolting against my heart; I think what I feel, I feel what I think. I continually seem left out because these mortals never really get me.
PISCES: Everything is so fluid; Pulling and pushing away my fears and woes like waves. Not everything is as rose-colored as I dreamed and I’m frantically trying to escape; Wake me up when it’s over.
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zodi-ology · 5 years
How I see the signs
Aries man: He is really nice but loves to tease and joke around. His jokes can be rude sometimes but he can be a good person.
Aries woman: She sociable af. Loves triuble for some odd reason but keeps herself restructed to the rules. So she would hang out with bad but she herself is really responsible.
Taurus man: Can’t keep hid mouth shut. Always commenting on something, sucks at jokes because he is looking everything with so much logic. Really cool once you get to know him. And caring.
Taurus woman: Hardworking. She is ambutious and she gets what she wants with hard work. She doesn’t settle for lesd. She wants the best.
Gemini man: I love gemini man. He is funny and loves ti talk. He talks too much but in a way that you like it. He is very charming and cute.
Gemini woman: Yeah I don’t like tgem that much. Thet have two sides and you never know which one to expect. Loud and funny, sociable and can’t keep a secret to herself. Loves embarassing people no matter if its meant for public or not.
Cancer man: He is such a sunshine. Emotional but really doesn’t show ut and hided it really well. He can’t handle emotions too well so he just tried his best to hide them… Tho it shows.
Cancer woman: Really chill. Brave tho. She loves stucking up for what she feels its right. Emotional. She can hide them but she doesnt want to.
Leo man: oh leos…prideful af. Wouldn’t go over their pride for any price. Good liars and actually care so much but never know hoe to show it so he comes out as an asshole.
Leo woman: Strong but also fragile when it comes to heart matters. She pretebds not to care but she really REALLY cares. Confident in her actions.
Virgo man: Critical but great humor. Sociable and loves to talk. Tho he never talks about his private life because he loves keeping private things private. It’s what makes him so mysterious but sexy.
Virgo woman: Shy and quiet at first, once you get to know her she is crazy and funny, never shut ups. She can kill a bug and then feel sad bc she feels guilty for killing it. She hides her feelings and never shows the real her which makes her come iut as a cold hearted bitch. (but real marshmellows on thr inside)
Libra man: Gentlemans but fake af. Very good at seducing and at getting what they want. Hard to figure out when are they sincere and when not.
Libra woman: Complicated. And fake. She wants to be the dominant one in the relatioship. Confused when in love. She is kind of like in denial when she is in love. Would be a complicated mother.
Scorpio man: Sexy. I find them sexy. He just knows how to show what he wants you to show. Whether is it sexiness or anger or joy… He judt sgows it in the best way possible.
Scorpio woman: Like a scorpio man. She can be really sexy but on the other hand she can pretty much be the messiest woman in your life. Shows you waht she wants to show you.
Sagittarius man: where. To. Start? Would give uo the thing or a person he loves for any price. Would do anything to keep it. Dont trust him too much. They are decieving but are kinda okayish.
Sagittarius woman: Honestly, she doesnt give a fuck what anybody thinks. Especially if she was a kid veing bullied at a young age than she would show them who they messed with. She is really smart but can sometimes think really shelfishly.
Capricorn man: Sex. All he thinks about. And money. How to get money. He is actually a really good person to trust with finances but God never trust him with a girl. He’ll have her wrapped around his finger in a secind.
Capricorn woman: Loud and doesnt care if she hurts anyvodys feelings.. I mean she does if its the person she really cares for but not if youre just a classmate/stranger/friend of a friend. Isn’t quiet for anybody.
Aquarius man: Pff… Be careful of those. They can charm you with a few words and you’re done for it. They know how to make you fall in love but when he falls in love thats… Thats a challange for him. He grows confused and doubtful.
Aquarius woman: So insecure but so goddamn beautiful. She can’t walk away from someone who is really close to her. Ever, never. She is emotional af. Cries at everything but she is also really tough. She will never tell you whats wrong.. But you can guess when it is when she starts dustancing herself from you.
Pisces man: Those charming motherfuckers. He doesnt have to do a thing and you’ll fall for him like a domino. Popular. Lovely smiles but can be a prick sometimes so be careful of those.
Pisces woman: Either really open or very reserved. They can really make your day better with everything they do but they can also piss you off by being to naive and with their moods. They are really confused and not deternined and that can be really annoying when picking somewhere to go or what to do.
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zodi-ology · 5 years
The signs as sines
Aries: sin(θ)
Taurus: sin(360°)
Gemini: sin(270°)
Cancer: sin(π/2)
Leo: sin(π/4)
Virgo: sin(40°)
Libra: sin(3π/4)
Scorpio: sin(π/6)
Sagittarius: sin(80°)
Capricorn: sin(10π)
Aquarius: sin(420°)
Pisces: sin(2π/3)
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