zoe-akers · 3 years
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Skull - weekly task 
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zoe-akers · 3 years
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Portrait pratice on illustrator - week 4 task 3 
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zoe-akers · 3 years
Image Regulations
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copyright symbol
Why do we have copyright laws? 
I reason why copyright laws exists is to protect you and your product rights of a design, artworks, music, sound and other, from being used and sold by a individuals other than you without your permission 
How long does copyright last? 
Copyright last for as long as the creator is alive, plus an extra 70 years after they past, but it can also only last 70 years after the product, design, sound or artwork is first published
What will happen if you break copyright laws? 
If the copyright law is broken, so let say you used an artist artwork on a shirt without their permission, the the copyright owner of that artwork has permission to take action the that person to have the product removed from the market as well as they can easily take you to court on it to seize the materials and other legal actions can also be taken 
Find 2 examples of when copyright laws were broken, and what action was taken? 
Ugg boots 
This is a pretty well known case that has been going on for quite some time now. The popular brand “UGG boots” is a shoe brand in Australia that specializes in sheepskin boots has been undergoing a copyright case since 2016 where the US has trademarked the brand first leaving the aussie made Uggs to under laws suits which lost the battle, but yet again the Australian Ugg boot is yet again is taking the legal battle to the next level to keep the Australian uggs alive and sell them around the world again. 
Cheryl Hodges 
This case Cheryl Hodges has had her artworks stolen many time online, her artwork is a painting of a “golden wattle flower”  that has been posted many times without her permission this has had her to get a layer involved and images she comes across she has had to ask for them to be removed which some people realize their mistakes and remove them as well as apologies but some argue with to keep the post up on there page. But as the owner of that image she has easy right to take people to court on small claims 
What percentage, if any, of a copyright image are you allowed to use in your artwork? 
If the artwork is copyrighted you are not allowed to at all use their artwork, but there are some exceptions, you can use the artwork if the artist has given there full permission for you to use, or it its been 70 years after the artist has past away, then from then on the copyright has expired on that artwork and can be used. 
What are moral rights 
The moral rights are the rights of the creators copyrights over there own artworks, which gives the rights to
“attributed as the creator of their work”
“Take action if their work is falsely attributed as being someone else's work”
“Take action if their work is distorted or treated in a way that is prejudicial to their honour or reputation” 
How can you assert your copyright and moral rights when publishing your original work?
Copyright is instantly applied when you finish your work and publish it, this is the same with moral rights as its your right to protect your work  
links used 
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zoe-akers · 3 years
Image types and tools
What is vector art and why is it used in both screen and print ?
Vector art is made up of vector graphics, this includes point, line curves and shapes based on mathematical formula. Vector art  also allows you to scale your illustration size down and up without any negative effects to the resolution of the image. So any art made with a vector illustration software is considered vector art. 
What are the benefits of using Adobe Illustrator to create digital images? 
Adobe gives you all the resources you need and more to complete a professional digital images for you and your client, these include all the tools such as the pencil tool and brush tool as well as gradient tool and many more. 
The purpose of the Pen tool, Brush tool and pencil tool when creating digital images, and describe when it would be appropriate to use these tools?  
Pen tool: the pen tool allows you to be able to create anchor points and paths - this could be used to create perfect straight lines as well as smooth looking curves which could be use to create nice smoothed curved corners with the change of the direction the path takes
Brush tool: The brush tool allows you to create a smooth hand drawn path as well as change the brush stroke to change the texture of the brush - this could be use to add finishing details to illustrations to add the extra details 
Pencil tool: The pencil tool help create freeform shapes, this creates a path which can be altered as you desire - this comes handy when you want to create your own shapes that you can’t create using the shape tools already given to you 
Find three examples of vector art that you like, and answer what tools you think they used and what do you think in these images work well ?
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Cyberpunk vector art by blackout brother
The creation process of cyber punk would have required the use of the pencil tool to create their own shapes to fit their needs, as well as using already existing shape tools such as the circle tool for the background and the circles acting a flashing lights on his eye and clothes. The pencil tool would also have been used to add the shading and highlights, outlining the area and then using the fill tool to fill the shads in. The use of colours really suit the theme of cyberpunk as well as the comic style look to it makes it stand out especially with the black background making the colour pop. 
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Leopard vector art, anonymous, found on adobe website  
The use of shape tools such as a circle would have been used as well as the use of the line tool and use of effects to create wavy lines, or they also could have used the use of the pencil tool to create the wave effect themselves. Using layering the would of started with the background and layered it upward finishing the palm leaves. This vector art stands out well with the blues and reds working well together, the red highlights on the leopards body helps separate the joints of the body parts as well as acting as making the leopard stand out helping you draw your attention to it
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vector art by Malike Favre
The illustrator most likely uses the shape tools, as well as the pencil tool to create other shapes and fill it in as well as a line tool for the bottom of the pool. Through the use of highlights they have been able to create a water textured look which indicates she is floating on the top of the water. The use of colour really pop creating that sense of pop art which really stand out and makes the image 
Zoe Akers - 8623
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zoe-akers · 3 years
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Models 2, activity 4 - drawing of your choice
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zoe-akers · 3 years
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🌸 🌺🌼
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zoe-akers · 3 years
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Melbourne star
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