zoedawnreaver · 4 years
It is always Darkest before Dawn.
Night had fallen upon Maldraxxus, or at least as much as night time could in such a place. The usual bright green and haze filled sky had slightly darkened and the mood grew ever more eerie. The constant battles that were happening just below the Seat of the Primus had tapered down a bit, though smaller skirmishes from each force could still be heard crossing blades from rather close by. This didn’t matter much to Zoe seeing as how she had spent the majority of the day at the Stitch-crafter’s slab putting together her latest flesh construct. Parts of which were literally dropped in front of her during the wee hours of the morning. It seemed a daunting task at first seeing as how this was to be the biggest in terms of size she had attempted to assemble yet. It must have been that the denizens there trusted her skills as well as her competence all the more. To which she was fine with in large part seeing as how she wanted to keep her mind totally occupied after… Well, after a rather emotionally charged event. It weighed heavily on her heart and mind so what better way to help distract herself from it than to focus on her work and the addition of a new ally? This was Zoe’s thought process anyhow.
With just a few more careful moves of her trusty needle and enchanted thread, this latest and greatest flesh vessel was finally completed. Zoe took a few steps back from the slab to admire her handy work. With a wipe of her brow and a smile, she felt a swell of pride in her chest as she inspected it from top to bottom. From what she was told, this particular construct would be to a behemoth on the battlefield who would be able to equal at least one thousand enemy troops in strength, or at least that was the hope. Funny enough, Zoe was in charge of the beginning and end of this process. The middle portion out of her hands was actually choosing which soul would occupy said vessel. A strict vetting process must have been involved so as to make sure for not only smooth integration but one that would embody the aspect of what the goal was to be, so it made sense. Usually Zoe herself was given charge of the flesh constructs she created, so it gave her quite a bit of joy to welcome another new friend into the fold of the ones that already were. By her count, this one would make her sixth. Another important question was what would a good name be? Although, that would have to wait since all that hard work had sapped her of energy and she was running on fumes at that point. She reported her success to the Garalon the Stitch-master and headed off to the quarters that she was given with all the thanks for her contributions to Maldraxxus.
Once the door had shut behind her, the feeling in the air had…changed. Though she was still exhausted from her work, Zoe stood in the middle of the room quietly for a moment and looked down at the floor. Her chest began rising and falling a bit faster as she looked up and took off her gauntlets, to which she gingerly sat onto an end table near her bed. Her gaze then fixated on a mirror hanging on the wall a short distance away. There she would stare at herself, looking a bit worse for wear after a hard day. Without a word, she then reached over and opened the drawer on her end table and pulled out a purple piece of chalk. It was enchanted of course, given to her by her Uncle Lethrick among other assorted magical supplies he put together for her. Taking it into her left hand, she drew a single rune onto each of the four walls in her room in preparation for what she was about to do. The rune in question was the character meaning Silence This would make her surroundings totally soundproof so that no one would be able to hear what was said or done until it was wiped away. Once Zoe made sure everything was in place, she returned to the mirror and gave her reflection a long look once again, but this time she spoke. “Why…? Just why? Why is it that you drive away everyone you love?” Her voice came out in a mix of anger and sadness, breathing being a bit labored as well. “JUST WHAT IN LIGHT’S NAME IS WRONG WITH YOU!” With her sudden outburst, she punched the wall next to the mirror with decent force. “First Nao! Farra!” As she spoke their names, another punch was thrown at the wall as she looked her reflection in the eye. Those golden eyes that were filled with overflowing tears and a face that was contorted into such anger at what she believed to be her fault. “Next it was Livi! Vincent! Ryar! Rain!” Her voice would ring out as she continued, still throwing a punch at the wall for each name she yelled. In doing so, her knuckles and fingers began to bleed with the repeated contact. “How much longer will it be before you do the same to Vittoria huh? And then what? You will be truly alone and left to rot in the hell you made for yourself… All due to the fact that you just seem to have a poison about you. You try to do good, but you only wind up making this worse for everyone.”
Once Zoe had said her peace to her reflection, she would remove her fist from the small hole that was made from her anger filled blows. She stared at the blood dripping down her hand, crudely wrapping it up with some cloth she had ripped off of something. The tears had dried now, giving way to eyes that seemed to be dull and listless. Her face became sullen and blank, as if she was just moving on instinct now. Standing up and using what little strength she had left to walk over and collapse into bed, passing out as her face hit the pillow. All was quiet for a moment before a small rustling broke through. Cheesecake had come out of her little bed that Zoe had brought with the two before they made the trip. She had seen and heard all that had gone on and her Thundertail heart broke at both. The little girl she had seen enter this world and grow up being in such pain hurt her to the very core, but she knew there was very little that could be done to help except one. Cheesecake made her way towards the bed and hopped up next to Zoe, licking her cheek before cuddling up with her. Hoping that she would be able to provide some much needed comfort to her beloved friend. Shortly after, Cheesecake had fallen asleep as well.
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