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So my last post went over great, so I put together some info based on the questions I got xoxo
Excuse my design skills, I’m a lifter not a designer. 
This is also based on my own time and my own experiences only 
Let me know your thoughts and if anyone wants anything else covered :)
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The names of my rapists:
Tremayne Clarkson - I was intoxicated and he knew it. I also said I didn’t want to multiple times and we had a mutual agreement that sex would not happen. Has two different sexual violent complaints against him.
Jamaal Rhodes - intoxicated again and he knew it (texts proving it). He admitted in our school hearing to hearing me say he was hurting me but also said he didn’t see it as grounds to stop. Changed his story 3 times. Even in texts stated that he was just “in the zone” or moment.
Both go to the university of south Alabama. Both found not responsible.
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catliftpurr's guide 2: being a sneaky lil liftin' novice
Somebody asked me how to start lifting and general tips/advice/etc. So here u guys go i hope it is helpful ꒰◍•̤ु௰•̤ु꒱
Don’t look suspicious or shady, act and dress like you’re actually be shopping. Dress nicely in a cute outfit that won’t bring much attention to you and do your makeup and hair well. Wear a natural looking wig if you have it!
Look for cameras with your EYES. Do not move your head unless you’re pretending to look at a display that’s up high. 
ALWAYS be cautious and aware of everything. Always be listening and watching for LP AND customers. I can’t stress enough how important hearing is to detect footsteps, a bag shuffling, carts, or somebody talking that is nearby and can soon catch you that is blocked out of view. Seriously it saved me from a customer once who could’ve been a snitch.
Make sure the shelves don’t have holes or anything that can be peeked through! As a kid I was fascinated with “spying” on people through the holes in shelves(lol i was into being a sneaky lil shit for some reason and pretending i was a spy or thief(and here we are)) so I wouldn’t be surprised with LP doing that.
Check for security tags/stickers! I mean EVERYWHERE. Hold every tag, even the washing instructions, up to light to make sure there’s nothing embedded into it. You’ll know it when you see it. I like to rip every paper tag anyway to disrupt a possible signal just incase since you can never be too careful. Check the seams, everything.
Be courteous and polite, but don’t overdo it! People will remember rude customers and overly nice ones. Just be casual, only say what is needed. 
If you think somebody is following you, or you’ve been caught, or if you just get a really bad feeling, ditch everything and walk out with nothing. We are doing ILLEGAL stuff and it’s better to just go home with nothing than go to prison with nothing but a fine and shoplifting on your record. 
Research stores before you go! Know what you’re getting into. Do not try to take on anything you have even the slightest of doubts about. Know what their LP is like, what is usually tagged, how busy they can get, etc. etc. Remember though that not every single store is the same and you can just get either lucky or unlucky with yours. 
Blindspots! Make sure you are completely out of the cameras view to conceal. But try NOT have only one blind spot. People will get suspicious if you keep going to the same spot without taking anything from it. Also don’t walk directly to it. Make your way throughout the store, like you’re really shopping. If you do go to the same blindspot twice, grab something from it you don’t intend on buying and have it visible that it’s in your basket/cart. (i prefer always using baskets)
If you go to a mall, have some shopping bags with a couple of your own shirts ready. Don’t just walk in with them ofc, keep em in your bag, go straight to bathroom, then pull them out in the stall. Stores are very less suspicious of people who seemingly already purchased from multiple stores.
Check what the dressing room attendants are like BEFORE you get stuff you’re stealing. What I mean is, don’t double hang or hide a lot of stuff in your pile first thing because if they take your stuff from you and count and see you were trying to sneak stuff, you probably should just ditch the store because now they’re probably onto you and you wasted a store.
^ Remember each attendant is different! Some may be good with counting and always do it, some just take your word for it and let you go in without ever counting. 
Don’t get cocky, don’t get sloppy! After awhile, people get over-confident and start to forget how illegal what they’re doing is and how to be careful.
These are stores I’ve been to that are easy FOR ME. These may be different for your area. I live in a le classy rich white neighborhood so honestly the only crime that goes on here is speeding and bored high school/college kids smoking weed and doing psychedelics when they get the rare opportunity. Therefore everything is laid back for the most part.
Walmart. Little to no LP. I’ve been going to my local Walmart my whole life too though, so the people there know who I am and trust me, especially when I go with my mami. I’ve heard that I just may have gotten lucky though with this and most walmarts have a good LP. Also they won’t prosecute if you take under $25 so definitely do this store as your first to test out your lifting.
Michael’s. Hardly any cameras, super easy to find multiple blind spots, no LP that I noticed.
Target. Lazy/overly casual employees. The lady didn’t even glance at my stuff when I asked “hey do I need a number?” to enter the dressing room. Nor did she ask how much I had. And I asked one employee where something was(i actually intended on purchasing it) and he just seemed really tired and bored of working and didn’t care lol. Again I heard I think I may have just gotten lucky with this and Target is usually on point(geddit).
Bath and bodyworks! If you go at the end of the day, like in the last half hour before closing, all the employees are tired and packing everything up and too busy to offer to help you so their backs are always turned and you literally just drop whatever you want into your bag. No cameras.
Victoria’s Secret. No panties are tagged. Dressing room lady doesn’t count. I just tightly fold all the panties i want and clutch them all in my fist and put a pair of pants or smth over it so it can’t be seen what I’m holding. I saw somebody else just uses a VS shopping bag and puts what they’re “buying” into there and the attendant still doesn’t check.
Aaand I think that’s it for a beginner post! If I remember anything or if anybody suggests anything I’ll add an “*edited” or smth. 
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I dont need justification for why I lift if I want something I take it🤷🏻‍♀️ Government’s been doin it for years. Big business has too. Ulta tosses Too Faced palettes every month and pours bleach in their shampoo so people don’t dumpster dive. I dont give a shit about anti’s because truth is, while they could be doing something with their time like doxxing peodphiles or teaching themselves a new instrument they devote their time to fixating an obession on lifters. That’s just my hot take.
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you ever think abt the peeing in the dressing room post and shudder
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No❤️ Agender/sexuals and multi genders are fine but the rest no secondly 99%of the stupid micro labels were created by idiots on Reddit by straight people who want to feel special or create something which isn’t real
asexuals  👏 transage 👏 otherkin 👏 fictionkin 👏 and 👏 multigender 👏 people 👏 are 👏 all 👏 apart 👏 of 👏 the 👏 LGBTQIAAPPAK+ 👏 community!
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You’re a fucking nonce
An update; A hope born of desperation; Frustration
March 30, 2019 – 8:15 PM
I sit here, approximately one year and three months after my previous post, looking back on how my views and opinions have changed, adapted, and grown since I first started this blog in 2014. I wonder how it must all look to someone who doesn’t know me and has only my blog to judge me. Are there parts I would delete? Rewrite? Emphasize on? Maybe, but that’s not how a journal works, and I don’t think that’s how a blog should work, either.
 Who I am now is partially a result of the path I took to get here, and partially a result of who I am at my core—who I have always been—and I wouldn’t want to change any of the details after the fact. People tend to harbor regrets for the things that they have done, and the things that they have said, but despite my negative outlook on life, and my frequent bouts of depression, I refuse to regret. I have always striven to make the best choices I could given the information available to me at the time. Instead, I choose to learn from the past in an effort to improve the future.
 I actually sat down to write this post out of a desire to explain myself, and my situation, to potential employers, assuming I go forward with my latest ‘last ditch effort’. I apologize if my writing style is roundabout and rambling, but I do ask that you bear with me nevertheless.
 I’ve spent the previous four years of my life trying to find a way to get back to school, to move forward with my life, to make a positive difference in the world. I want to run for public office. I want to create a non-profit. I want for no one else to ever have to live the life that I have lived.
 I know that last wish is an impossible dream, yet it is still worth fighting for. I’ve found myself stymied at every turn, shunned, ignored, attacked, and often told that I will never succeed. My goal? To help other people who are zoosexually oriented be able to live a relatively normal, happy, life. I want to fight for acceptance. I want to fight for understanding. I want the world to look at people like me, and see not a freak or a monster, but rather see just another human. I want the world to stop judging people for how they were born; I want the world to finally understand that we all come into this world equally deserving of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s amazing to me how such a well-known and important phrase from the Declaration of Independence can be so readily disregarded by so many Americans when it comes to other people. We all believe that we deserve those rights for ourselves, but when it comes to the ‘other’, we all too often deem them unworthy.
 I dislike my city’s mayor.
She all too often sides with the wealthy and the corporations. She has never once stood at the front of anything, instead always choosing to let other people take the lead. When a crisis arises, she never knows how to proceed.
 The list is endless, really, and for progressives is quite damning. And yet, what can I do about it?
 I want to run for mayor, but I can’t. My orientation won’t let me, unless I’m willing to risk my life, the lives of my animal companions, and the lives of my family members.
 I dislike my district’s US Representative.
 I dislike my state’s US Senators.
 But I cannot run for either position. I cannot challenge them in primaries. I cannot challenge them in general elections. I cannot challenge their ideas. I cannot stand on a stage and debate them. I cannot oust them from their positions of power, and fight for the people, for the animals, and for the environment.
 I don’t have that privilege. I don’t have that right. I’ve committed the crime of being born attracted to animals instead of to humans.
 But that isn’t to say that I haven’t tried to acquire that privilege—I have; I’ve fought tooth and claw for the ability, through every path available to me, and come up short time and again.
 I’ve been building my network of political connections. I’ve been reaching out to organizations and people for help—organizations and people who make a business out of helping the LGBT+ community. The responses start out considerate and helpful, but promptly turn cold or disappear entirely upon mention of my orientation. The political connections whom I reach out to for help are more willing to be of assistance, but never find a way to actually be of any help. My friends and family are likewise incapable of assistance beyond emotional support and, in the case of my parents, a place to live.
 I keep trying.
 I submitted a scholarship application to the Point Foundation. They promptly turned me down.
 I’ve submitted another five scholarship applications locally. I’ve heard nothing in response.
 For these past four years I’ve been three classes short of being able to apply to Psychology Master’s and PhD programs around the country. And for these past four years I’ve been incapable of returning to school.
 If I had been born in another country, I would have tuition-free education. I would be in school right now, well into acquiring my first, or possibly even second, PhD.
 If I had been born in another state, I might have had tuition-free education by now. I live in Minnesota, a state that has long prided itself on its education system—undeservedly, in my opinion. We appear to be nowhere near having tuition-free education; and yet, Tennessee of all places just found their way to creating a program for it.
 I was told by my local government-run employment agency that they would pay my tuition for one final semester of school—up until the day before registration, when they changed their mind.
 My depression is soul crushing. I feel as though I am weighted down by a thousand pounds of painful emotional baggage, and I can do nothing but continue on, day after day, night after night, through a Herculean effort that no one—not even myself—appreciates. It would be easier, and more rewarding, to simply give up and die.
 If I give up, though, who then will stand up and fight for others who share my orientation?
 And maybe that’s why we are where we are. Maybe that’s why people like me live in the shadows, afraid to step into the light. Maybe that’s why humanity’s atrocities and injustices proliferate throughout history—and why the fight for LGBT rights has been so difficult, so painful, and so very, very, late in arriving.
 For now, I choose to fight. I choose to struggle. I choose to live, and to make of my life all that I am able. Whether that will be enough is for history to decide.
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How to steal gigantic plants
Y'all into tag switching? Lemme tell you a thing or two about tag switching.
Go to your nearest Lowe’s or home depot. Go there. Go to the garden center. Go up to the cashier and ask about plants. Get a feel for their plant knowledge. If they seem to know what they’re talking about, well, You’re not stealing plants today.
BUT GIRL LEMME TELL U 99% OF THE TIME THESE PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HYDRANGEA AND A DIANTHUS use this to your advantage. You want that huge ass hibiscus? Get it. Put a dianthus tag on it. Congrats that hibiscus is now a $1.98 dianthus Say you saw it like that. Call it a dianthus. Act like you know nothing about plants if they call the department head.
WANT AN ALOE PLANT BUT YOU DON’T WANNA PAY $20??? PUT A FUCKING SUCCULENT TAG ON THAT BITCH. Aloes are pretty much juicy healthy succulents. Cashiers that don’t know their plants won’t know the difference. Enjoy your $3 aloe.
WARNINGS: - seriously make sure the cashier doesn’t fucking know plants. I’m the damn plant nerd of my store so they put me in the garden center a lot. I see a LOT of tag switching and I’m not allowed to let them get away with it because my store knows I know my damn plants. - don’t be an idiot and try to put the damn $0.50 mark down sticker on a $80 tree. No one’s gonna fall for that. - if you wanna get a plant cheap, make it look damaged and ask for a discount. The cashier will either mark it down manually or call over a department head.
Enjoy your fucking plants Fuckers
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I think yall honestly are so desensitized to black pain that yall dont realize how much of what you do actually hurts, like you're so used to the hypervisibilty of black people that you forget that..we are people with the same thoughts and emotions you have.
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I’m a lifting tips blog mostly observing don’t block pls x
☆◇♡reblog to be in a ĺìfťïñğ gc♡◇☆
thank you for all the love on my first haul! (: i wanna chat with people in this community so reblog if youre active and wanna chat! i will make a groupchat with people and we can share tips and stories! (:
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So I’ve noticed basically all of the old lifting masterposts have broken links, so I wanted to make a newer, updated one :)
PLEASE if you go to view a link and it ends up being broken, don’t be afraid to message me and let me know. All posts creds go to post creators/source. Some sections are kind of dry, but I’ll be updating this. If I don’t update please yell at me in my inbox lmao.
3 Things to Remember
Boosting 101
Concealing on Floor (Video)
Tied Sweater Method (One sweater)
Tied Sweater Method (Two Sweaters)
Hood Method
Hood Method With a Twist
Double Lined Purse Method
Lifting Facemasks Tips
Boosting Tip 1
Boosting Tip 2
How to Boost VS Panties
Tips for Beginners (HeavenlyLifter’s Guide)
Tips from an OG (Liftblurred - I think her last post before she deactivated :( rip)
Online Scamming Warning
Self Checkout Method Warning
Outfit Tips
Lifting Shoes
Hiding Hauls From Parents Tips
Random Lil Tip 1
Brandy Melville
Things to Lift for Christmas
Things to Stock Up On
Moving Out Lift List
Hiding Tags
Taking the Tags With You
PSA For Soft Tags
1   1.2   1.4   1.6   1.8   2   2.2   2.4   2.6   2.8   3
Getting Caught Masterpost (not too sure if this is older)
Some Tips and Random Stores Masterpost
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How to get these off without a tool?
If there’s a hook in the dressing room use it to get these things off.
Place the wire loop onto the hook and TWIST! Twist until the wire coils and silently pops out/off and or breaks. (Literally that easy.) you may have to untwist it a bit to remove it from whatever it was attached to; dispose of sensor as you see fit.
The end.
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It is just getting free stuff
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You can steal from stores who are like racist homophobic et cetera but just to keep in mind how that will affect its employees and keep in mind that even though it’s illegal and know your rights too. It is a crime and you should be ready to except the consequences of your actions
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Okay so this is my take on shoplifting.
Stealing food,sanitary products etc understandable many people say stealing make up and on the necessities is bad however whatever you still they all have the same consequences when It has up to a certain amount.
Keep in mind that not all of them cut their employees pay and ours for shoplifting that every store is different every country is different et cetera. With that being said if you generally get a kick also had a good feeling from getting some 12-year-old arrested for stealing a lipstick you’re kind of a lowlife.
If I saw someone stealing I would mind my business because you don’t know everyone’s story. If they genuinely can’t afford it they’re working class poor and they want to steal just one lipstick just to be able to enjoy themselves and feel good about themselves leave them alone.
I understand how people feel about stealing about it being wrong regardless but sometimes stuff like this is a grey line and it’s all up to us to debate and discuss it instead of just shaming people without knowing their side of the story
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Okay so regarding tagging,before tagging used to be a helpful way for “borrowers” to locate the certain posts without following all these people
However as time went on antilifters began to catch onto this and use this to locate other peoples post and tried to track them down,report them to be the hero and just irritate people so please don’t tag anything specifically with those obvious tactics like #Shoplifting #Stealing you are making it 10,000 times easier for people to find you.
Preserve this community of yours but in the right way don’t spread misinformation if you don’t know something true don’t post it or ask. ignore or block those anti-lifters. 
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I want the link
Since tumblr is going to shit, reblog this if you would like a l1fting discord or google doc!
I’d highly recommend discord (mainly because I’m used to it) but reblog with your ideas! If it gets enough notes I can create a group/doc in either of the platforms so we can keep in touch!
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