zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
You did not wake up today by casualty; there's a plan, you have a purpose, you belong here, now. God is right here waiting to lead you through it all. Trust Him. He is faithful, always.
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
Beautifully written, by one of my dearest friends 💗
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Hi. You may know me or not but my name is Davana and I’m going to be a senior at North Central University. I’ve been on Tumblr since 2011 but it’s about time I start writing down things about the life I’ve lived and the dreams I hope to come in my life. I decided to start fresh on Tumblr at the end of last year because my heart grew towards the need for gratification on my old account and it became an unhealthy thing I would turn towards so I took it down. God has been working on my heart and this blog is a place that I would like to share wisdom and thoughts on Christianity as I continue on my walk through life.
For a while now, God has been placing this phrase on my heart: “Your circumstance does not define your purpose.” Now when I think about this phrase, it does not disclude the validity of the pain and suffering we endure as people of the faith. In fact, it gives way to embrace this type of pain and take away the negativity paired with it to be replaced with the promise of hope God provides. Speaking as someone who lost her mother over a year and a half ago, I understand the pain that can come as a part of a circumstance. One of the biggest roadblocks though in growing and pushing past suffering is the burden of bitterness. It is so easy to fall into a trap of being upset, whether it be at God, people around you, or even yourself. Don’t ever let the bile of bitterness fill your mouth and force you to spit out things that take away from who you truly are as a bride of Christ. Envelop the power of love as you live out life and seek truth from Him.
You may be asking, “So if I’m stuck in this circumstance, how do I live out my purpose?” This is something I’ve learned to embrace over time as I’ve come to terms with things like my mother passing. What I mean by that is that God has planned out our lives for us and so when things like tragedy strike in our lives, there is a much greater plan for it in the calling of our lives. James 1:2-4 explains this by saying, “ Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (NIV). Our purpose will not be defined by the struggles we face in our lives but instead by the way we choose to examine the events and use them as a way to glorify God. In losing a parent, one could easily turn to depression and confusion in not understanding why God would choose to remove their parent. As the months have passed, I have chosen to reflect on the joy God has brought me throughout my life and I pray that it passes on to others as they see it exhibited from the life I lead. There will be times where your circumstances may flood your spirit but be rest assured that through faithful onlooking towards God, your calling will show the purpose of your testimony as you grow and mature in Him. Find a word that represents what makes your life fulfilled through God and use that as a tool to overcome your circumstances and pursue the dreams and plans God has set before you.
I want to leave you with a song recommendation that I know has been a way for me to connect with God through the troubling times. “It Is Well” by Bethel became a song that I would listen to as a reminder that through every trial, my soul with be sheltered by the One who loves me beyond all measure. I hope you find some relief in this song as well.
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
“This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’”
Jeremiah, 33:2–3 (NIV)
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
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No Longer Slaves - Bethel Music
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33 (via godlywoman)
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
The reason you’re let down by the worlds version of love is because it’s not genuine, and you were created for real love.
Norelle Evans (via breanna-lynn)
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
Jesus has gotten me through every one of the hardest days of my life and so I know that I can trust Him with the days still yet to come.
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zoemomblog-blog · 7 years
I try not to ask God “why?” There are better questions. Instead, I like to ask Him “what do you want me to know?” But sometimes, when I can feel myself starting to sink in the quicksand of why, I figure it’s better just to ask Him. I know I’ll never come close to understanding all His mysteries and purposes, but I’ve found He’s very willing to explain things to me. He doesn’t always get an answer to why, but the other day, when I found myself asking, He did. 
Why did you give me something so good, only to take it away?
“I did it so you could be free,” He tells me. 
There’s no freedom in wanting something so badly that you look everywhere for it. It’s misery. It’s bondage. It takes up too much time of your time and energy; it keeps you from seeing people as you were meant to see them.
Now I’ve known good and found it was the one thing that was needed to take away my desire for all else. Wanting one thing I can’t have may hurt, but it is here that I find freedom from wanting what I think I can find. Had this never happened, I would still be striving. The burden was heavy. I am perhaps sadder now than I would have been, but I am free. 
“Now you are light.”
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