zohbrie · 1 month
alright so update ish i guess lmfao
ngl im so turned off from this verse / muse / fandom space just from how putrid the show itself has made everything & a fanbase genuinely being there for it all & trying to snuff out what was here before. its sad to say but since deleting my tw**ter rhae, i've felt so much better !!! less interaction w the "fans" & my fyp on most things now is my newer interests & less disgusting discourses / takes !!
i wont delete this blog, bc i still have some traces of muse, & i hope the more i sift thru my drafts & inbox (16+ things remain lol) the more i gain the motivation to curate this blog as a VERY selective & can enjoy myself more in my book only bubble as ive been w,o distractions
HHHHHOWEVER. this being said, when i do return, im doubling down on book purism idgaf. im not gonna let something i adore & hold dearly to me be ruined by shitty writers (s*ra & r*an, not rpers) & brainrotted misogynists giving takes abt a story thats a commentary of misogyny LMFAO
the only time ive fully enjoyed & let myself write my muse as intended has been privately with ONE PERSON on discord. everyone else has gotten a severely nerfed / diluted version of rhaenyra that im very, very unhappy portraying & has stagnated & prolonged my hiatus(es). my muse for rhaenyra always returns & is always bubbling, so again, this blog is not going anywhere. but, when it is dusted off, my carrd will be updated w the rules & boundaries i intend to set.
tl;dr, gross fandom & being on a more toxic site (t**tter) has me VERY averse to writing anything f&b related. however, i still love rhaenyra & have a bunch of ideas & things i wanna explore !! so, when i return (no promises but looking like by this week lol) i am going to set more boundaries, & my rules will be stricter / more direct. i'll also hate freely so if ur at all even slightly enjoying the show atp just unfollow for ur sake bc im gonna shit on it A LOT. also i will not care abt spoilers anymore, so, that too ! ok thanks for reading
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zohbrie · 4 months
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zohbrie · 4 months
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Nokstella, Eternal City
Elden Ring Gifs 18/???
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zohbrie · 4 months
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a tarnished champion fights their way into the erdtree, where the shattered marika lay imprisoned.
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zohbrie · 4 months
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zohbrie · 4 months
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zohbrie · 4 months
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I mean to fight this war, and win it.
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zohbrie · 4 months
what chess piece represents you?
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you  are  the  Black  Queen.  the  queen  is  the  most  powerful  piece  on  the  board,  meaning  you  are  strong  in  some  aspect  of  your  life.  physically,  emotionally,  mentally,  one  of  these  is  your  strong  suit.  the  queen  can  move  anywhere  she  wishes  upon  the  board,  meaning  you  have  your  hands  full  with  all  the  different  tasks  and  choices  in  your  life.  being  the  black  piece  means  you  work  more  behind  the  scenes,  working  to  make  sure  someone  else's  plans  succeed,  or  pushing  your  own  agenda.  just  be  careful  who  you  trust,  for  all  your  cunning  and  beauty,  there  are  reasons  why  queens  were  beheaded.
tagged by @dioica ! * & tagging you !
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zohbrie · 4 months
what kind of tragedy are you?
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it had to end this way. we all know it. only you were unaware. you had hope. hope, of course, only makes it hurt all the more. we all knew you would look back, oh love, there’s no other version of the story. and yet, alongside you, we still had hope. we believed in you, even though we knew you couldn’t win. and you believed in yourself till the last moment. it isn’t fair, is it? you didn’t know you were doomed.
stolen from @daekarys.
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zohbrie · 4 months
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zohbrie · 4 months
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laruicci | fall 2024
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zohbrie · 4 months
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"On Dragonstone, Queen Rhaenyra collapsed when told of Luke’s death." "East of Blackwater Bay, Queen Rhaenyra was also faring badly. The death of her son Lucerys had been a crushing blow to a woman already broken by pregnancy, labor, and stillbirth." “Brave they were, and dead they are, the both of them. My sweet boys.”
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zohbrie · 4 months
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'Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.'
ROMEO AND JULIET (1968) dir. Franco Zeffirelli
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zohbrie · 4 months
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Marie Antoinette (2006)
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zohbrie · 4 months
It is amazing what a woman can do if only she ignores what men tell her she can't.
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goblet  of  wine  tints  cupid's  bow,  as  lips  break  into  grin.  a  chuckle  from  back  of  throat,  swallowed  down  with  the  grape.   "  it's  why  they  tell  us  otherwise,  "   the  cup  sinks  a  little  deeper.  she  indulges  more  oft  as  of  late  ;  days  seem  longer,  more  tedious,  less  safe.   "  the  fear.  " of their capabilities .. of the life - bringing power they wield. of the nuturing so innate. of the way the moon draws blood out, yet they keep breathing, walking, running. the ability to slip a tunic off & render a room aghast, blaspheme gods old & new & in the sea. blink of an eye could call men to war for it to be their direction. oh, who better to know than that of a common girl & the heir to the throne ? how the unfairness knows no bound of class nor name, or lack thereof.
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zohbrie · 4 months
It is easier to start a war than to end it.
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"  the  greens  naturally  take  the  easier  route.  t'is  on  par  for  the  likes  of  traitors  &  usurpers.  "   visenya  felt  like  embers  still,  a  fresh  heap  of  dust.  rhaenyra's  rage  was  blacker  now  than  the  delivery  day  of  the  twisted  babe.   "  they  took  my  throne,  plotted  against  my  claim  over  my  father's  corpse  for  seven  days  &  seven  nights   ..   my  daughter   –  "   &   the  phantom  pains  of  the  womb  ache,  getting  queen's  palm  pressing  against  the  sore  abdomen.   "  we  will  end  this  war.  with  a  victory,  with  fire  &  blood.  "
꘎    &   lavenders  shoot  their  gaze  over  shoulder  now  to  him.   "  ivestragī  ziry  sagon  qopsa.  pƍnta  jāhor  remember,   pār,   se  kÄ«vio  pƍnta.  "   (   let  it  be  difficult.  they  will  remember,  then,  the  oaths  they  swore.   )  rhaenyra  steels,  as  if  the  words  are  an  vow  taken  herself.   "  nothing  seems  out  of  my  reach  anymore.  "
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zohbrie · 4 months
" what exactly do you think i'm capable of? "
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ringed  finger  twirls  a  silver  –  gold  tress  ' round  it.   "  i  think  you're  capable  of  anything,  uncle.  of  course  you  are.  "   his  titles  &  reputation  perhaps  precede  him  ;  or  he's  playing  coy  with  his  ambition.  which,  in  truth,  rhaenyra  believes  the  case  more  easily  as  the  latter.   "  it  would  be  quite  disastrous  for  me  to  be  exact.  am  nyke  naejot  gīmigon  se  jaelagon hen  nykeā  zaldrīzes  ?  "   (  am  i  to  know  the  wish  of  a  dragon  ?  )
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