zoltanbago · 1 year
Project Secret Sky: Mysteries of the Third Reich
Allied pilots noticed strange light phenomena over the European battlefield. These unidentified flying objects were called “foo fighters”.
But what could be behind the mysterious fireballs?
The Nazis or some other unknown power?
The Thule Society and the Vril Society, as well as the Ahnenerbe, played a significant role in the Third Empire.
What consideration led to the creation of these organizations?
And what role did they play in the rise of the Nazis to power?
The deployment of the Wunderwaffe or the “Wonder Weapon”, could have decided the outcome of the Second World War.
But what was the mysterious Wunderwaffe?
Perhaps this covers the atomic bomb or some other weapon?
Between the two world wars, the plan for the first space station orbiting the earth was already born.
Would the Nazi scientists have been able to carry out this huge project?
And what were they going to use the space station for?
The mysterious Die Glocke or the “Bell” was an anti-gravity device that may have been part of a propulsion system.
Did this strange machine really exist?
And what was the purpose of the project?
Ahnenerbe launched many expeditions to ancient archaeological sites around the world. And to places as far away as Antarctica.
But what were the Nazis looking for in Antarctica?
What did they do on the ice continent?
According to some, there is a “Hollow Earth” that can be entered through the poles.
Were the Nazis in touch with the strange inner world?
Maybe UFOs come from inside the “Hollow Earth”?
The story of the mystic Maria Orsic and the “Vril ladies” is about a cosmic relationship in which the Aldebaran beings and the Nazis made a deal.
Perhaps they had something to do with an advanced cosmic civilization?
And did the aliens share some of their knowledge with them to gain world domination?
The Nazis researched the knowledge of the ancient Vedic civilization.
Have they reconstructed the machinery of a prehistoric advanced civilization?
Or have they deciphered the technology of a crashed flying saucer?
I am looking for answers to such interesting questions in my book.
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