zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Fanfiction Take A Stand: Star of Ceartais Ch.18- Blood and Thunder
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(AN/ Hey guys it’s Garouge/Chapter here with a fresh chapter of Star of Ceartais. A massive thank you to everyone who liked, followed, faved, reblogged and reviewed the last chapter and big thanks to the SOC Dev Team who helped craft this chapter especially Aussie who beta’d this chapter. So without further ado lets get cracking with this chapter…)
here’s a ff.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/19/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 18- Blood and Thunder
“Andraste.” Luna answered, the name being physically and emotionally painful to say.
Before Aleks could ask anything more, the unmistakeable sound of a gunshot echoed from below. On impulse, both Aleks and Luna went to the edge of the balcony and looked down below to see a dozen or so mammals forcing their way through the building’s entrance armed with assault rifles. “We need to call the ZPD!” Aleks said instantly.
“No, they’ll take too long.” The Vixen replied in an angry voice “We’ll take care of them.” She looked at the invaders not with eyes of Luna Wilde, but as Andraste.
“Wait, what? We? Luna, you need to hide, I’m the only one trained to deal with this.” Aleks said in an alarmed manner, speaking loudly over the rumble of thunder
Luna marched back into penthouse with Aleks on her tail. She went over to the closet near the elevator where the jackets and shoes were usually stored, opened it, moved aside the coats on hangers, then pressed a pressure-sensitive wooden panel. The rear end of the cupboard flipped around, revealing a CCTV monitor showing the lobby downstairs; The concierge sprawled on the ground having been knocked out. There were also twelve mammals with guns with one jackal shooting the lock off the spare key cabinet behind the counter and immediately selecting the spare penthouse key. “It’s The Drowned,” Luna said with hatred, noticing the armbands they were sporting, with their grim logo “they’re coming for me.” She then hit a button at the side of the monitor with the acronym S.O.S, it flashed red for a second before turning off.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Fanfiction Take a Stand: Star of Ceartais Ch.16- I won’t give up, I won’t give in.
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(AN/ Hey folks it’s Garouge/Crewefox here with another chapter of Star of Ceartais. I want to thank you all for helping this fic reach over 900 reviews, 300 followers and over 50k views! You are all awesome. A massive thank to the SOC team who helped craft this chapter, especially to chorpion who beta’d this chapter, so without further ado let’s get cracking with this chapter…)
Fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/17/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 16- I won’t give up, I won’t give in.
The eccentric red panda owner/editor of BarkFeed known as Mr Boehm was sat behind at his desk in his spacious office with Sasha Jones AKA Miss Ojos. She had come in to hand over photos of the ‘Monster of the Meadowlands’ that had saved her from three drowned attackers. Boehm had been looking at the photos for about thirty seconds in silence until he dismissed them as"Crap, crap, mega crap.“
"What? Those photos are good.” Sasha protested.
“Kid these are blurry as hell and look like they’ve been ripped from a cheesy horror film, I’ll give you $50 each for them cuz’ of the crappy quality.” Boehm bickered.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Fanfiction Take a Stand: Star of Ceartais Ch.16- I won’t give up, I won’t give in.
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(AN/ Hey folks it’s Garouge/Crewefox here with another chapter of Star of Ceartais. I want to thank you all for helping this fic reach over 900 reviews, 300 followers and over 50k views! You are all awesome. A massive thank to the SOC team who helped craft this chapter, especially to chorpion who beta’d this chapter, so without further ado let’s get cracking with this chapter…)
Fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/17/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 16- I won’t give up, I won’t give in.
The eccentric red panda owner/editor of BarkFeed known as Mr Boehm was sat behind at his desk in his spacious office with Sasha Jones AKA Miss Ojos. She had come in to hand over photos of the ‘Monster of the Meadowlands’ that had saved her from three drowned attackers. Boehm had been looking at the photos for about thirty seconds in silence until he dismissed them as"Crap, crap, mega crap.“
"What? Those photos are good.” Sasha protested.
“Kid these are blurry as hell and look like they’ve been ripped from a cheesy horror film, I’ll give you $50 each for them cuz’ of the crappy quality.” Boehm bickered.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Fanfiction Take A Stand: Star of Ceartais Ch.14- Agendas
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(AN/ Hey Folks it’s Crewefox/Garouge back after a 2 week break, thanks so much for all your support during this difficult time, anyway I’ve got a brand spanking new chapter for all you lovely people, big thanks to everyone who liked, faved, followed, reblogged and reviewed the last update and another huge thanks to the SOC development team who helped me immensely on this chapter. So without further ado let’s get cracking with this chapter…)
Here’s the fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/15/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 14- Agendas
When Skye had gotten the call from ZPD dispatch saying that Jack was in danger, she felt an icy grip pull at her heart. Despite her possessing a tough, no-nonsense attitude while at her work, she let out a pained cry, her mind already jumping to the conclusion that her husband was dead. She had ran down to the underground parking lot with a couple of MCB agents, who were in the process of getting into her car, when a message came over the radio that one of the agents held, that Jack was safe. Skye fell to her knees and whispered “Thank you god.” Tears were falling from her eyes and for once, she didn’t care she looked in front of her subordinates.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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Another commission drawn for the fantastic fanfiction of @crewefox, Take a Stand - Star of Ceartais, that you can read here : www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/… This lion guy is named Kion Priderock… And he have a tendency to go very, very wild, if you know what i mean For this character, crewefox send me some referencial pictures of the Incredible Hulk. And for the rest… Well, you know how i love to draw exaggeratedly muscular guys, right ? Have a nice day, Zieg’
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Take A Stand: Star of Ceartais Ch.8- First Step and First Stumble
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(AN/ I’m Back! After a 2 week break I’m back with a new chapter, sorry about the delay but university work and family problems caused the break last week. Thank you to everyone who liked, faved, followed, reblogged and reviewed the last chapter. A Big thank you to helthehatter for letting me use her OCs in this chapter and my my heartfelt thanks to the development team who have continued to support me through this difficult time and Ta’ to @nick-and-judy-daily for beta reading this and adding the spanish section. Quick note, all the art and comics for this series now has a dedicated tumblr; zootopia-take-a-stand-art so without further ado lets get cracking with this chapter…)
Here’s the fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/9/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 8- First step and first stumble.
By the time Robyn woke up at 9am her parents had already left for work, the apartment had the lingering welcome smell of veggie stew as she ate some cereal at the dining table, as she munched on her favourite chocolate cereal Robyn was sorting her muddled thoughts on three very different subjects; the buzz of saying I love you to Hannah last night, Kodi suggestion of becoming a super hero and the fear of Luna’s mysterious invitation to the Dawson Tech building. It was the strangest thing when Luna just asked out of the blue to come to Olivia’s lab, when Robyn had asked why her big sister replied “We just want to make sure the medicine I gave you caused no side effects.” I mean, what the hell? Robyn thought as she ate her breakfast She asks about the medicine the day I found out I have powers, it way too big of a coincidence.
She’d have to discuss it with Hannah and Kodi today, the wolf was picking up Kion, Hannah and herself in his newly acquired pick up truck and head to the Sherwood community centre for another day of volunteering. As Robyn finished her breakfast and put her bowl in the sink she asked herself mentally Should we tell Kion what’s going on? Even though he was older than his three friends he was kind and wise beyond his years, he was sort of the cooler older brother of the gang, it felt wrong to keep him in the dark but on the other hand it seemed unfair to pile any more stress onto the already troubled lion. “Not yet.” Robyn told herself as she went to get changed out of her PJs.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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And this time it’s the turn of Hannah to show us her Star of Ceartais costume :) This is a commission for @crewefox , related to his famous fanfiction Take a Stand - Star of Ceartais, that you can read here : www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/… And yes, it’s Hannah. I don’t have forgot her stripes ! It’s just that she use some makeup to cover it when she chase the criminals (to hide her identity). And you may have noticed that i decided to enlarge her ears to reinforce the rabbit aspect of her hibridization. For references, Crewefox provided me a lot of pictures of a specific superhero (but as always, i’m so bad with this kind of stuff, i don’t remember the name XD), and i have used some ingame pictures of Tracer from Overwatch (Blizzard) to help me design her guns, and a little bit of her pose. And for the rest, Zootopia the movie, and the official artbook. WELL ! I wish you a nice day, See'ya ! Zieg’
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Zootopia Fanfiction Take A Stand: Star Of Ceartais Ch.7- The Things We Keep Hidden
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(AN/ Hey folks it’s Garouge/Crewefox here with another chapter of Star of Ceartais. First off I’d like to thank everyone who has supported this fic and protested against the Troll Mafiaguy2017, whose hurtful rhetoric has no place in the zootopia fandom. And to Jill Fine, if you’re reading this please know I’m sorry for the online bullying you’ve endured and that I will always have your back. Thank you to everyone who, liked, followed, faved, reblogged and reviewed the last update. A big thank you to the development team for this fic @nick-and-judy-daily, @raykamino , @senny74 and @alexboehm55144 who helped me structure this upcoming chapter and gave lots of ideas for future chapters, also thanks Alana for beta reading this, all you guys are AWESOME! So without further ado let’s get cracking with this chapter…)
here’s the fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/8/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais
Chapter 7- The things we keep hidden.
“Last chance ass hats; leave.” Robyn said, standing her ground.
The horse with the bolt cutters had heard enough and swung the bolt cutters down at Robyn, she dodged them easily and kicked the stallion in the gut with such a force he was knocked into the side of his pick up truck with a visible dent….that was impossible Robyn was around the 17 pound mark in weight yet she managed to kick and launch 1500lb horse with little effort, The medicine!? She thought it gave super strength too! When Robyn realised what she had done she felt a surge of energy course through her, she was going to teach these thieves a lesson she bared her canine like teeth and grinned at the other horse who looked terrified and simply said “Playtime.”
“What the hell are you!?” The thieving horse babbled.
“I’m not sure myself.” Robyn tittered, loving the petrified look on the horse’s face.
“Little freak!” The thief crowed before throwing a punch down towards the much shorter hybrid.
Robyn saw this move coming and easily sidestepped the equine grabbing his arm as she did so, she flipped him on his back with a judo throw then like flash but him in a crippling arm lock “You really are as a dumb as you look.” Robyn sniggered, unaware that Kodi had gotten out his phone and started recording what was transpiring.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
Dental Issues
So I am 18 years old and have never had braces. I have an issue where my wisdom teeth are growing in sideways and are pushing on my other teeth which is not only extremely painful but causes my teeth to be embarrassingly crooked. My mom created a go fund me and I figured I’d spread the word. If you want to help me afford to even see a dentist please check out gf.me/u/d6faa to see a picture of how screwed up my teeth really are and maybe help me out. I will post updates if anything happens!
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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A new commisson for Star of Ceartais, the fanfiction of the amazing @crewefox , that you can read here : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/1/Take-A-Stand-Star-Of-Ceartais It was a pleasure to draw with pencils again, this time… And to design a cool “super hero” costume for the great Robyn Wilde. Now she’s ready to kick some ass. But not mine, please ^^“ References used : Zootopia the movie, the official artbook, pictures of a marvel or dc heroin (i don’t even know XD) provided by Crewefox, and some pictures of athletes making long jump (for the position). Have a nice day, Zieg’
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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Yo, my second drawing of Robyn (left) and Hannah (right) from @crewefox ‘s awesome fanfiction Take a stand: Star of Ceartais. If you haven’t checked it out, you’re very welcome to do so! Star of Ceartais is the sequal to the Zootopia fanfiction Take a stand!! :)))))
You’ll find all of Crewe’s stories hereeee~
Hope everyone enjoys!!
And @oggzz​ , Bruh, I love you as usual. Good job getting me into this.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 7 years
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A new commission drawn for @crewefox  and his famous Zootopia fanfiction, Star of Ceartais, that you can read right here : www.fanfiction.net/s/12439999/… Crewefox asked me to draw Olivia Dawson Flaversham and her personal mecha-armor “Spitfire”.
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zootopiangirl ¡ 8 years
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Kidnapping Step Daughter = Bunny on a Rampage
Here’s a sneak peek of the next chapter of Take A Stand where Judy goes to war with the Underworld Trio by the amazing @ziegelzeig. This is last chapter before the epilouge. Who will live? Who will die? Find out on Sunday and if you’re not caught up yet here’s a link to Fanfiction.net https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12105029/1/
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zootopiangirl ¡ 8 years
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Another commission drawn for the fanfiction Take a Stand, written by the amazing @crewefox. You can read the fiction here : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12105029/1/Take-A-Stand This time, Crewefox asked me to draw Jack Savage in a complete intervention gear, with a gun and a bow, looking ready to go into action. I think we will have some explosive content in the next chapter ^^ See'ya !
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zootopiangirl ¡ 8 years
Zootopia / Robin Hood fanfiction TAKE A STAND Ch.27 Dark Promise
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(AN/ Hey Guys it’s Garouge/Crewefox here with another chapter of Take a Stand, this is a real quick update, so thank you to everyone who supports this fic and let’s get cracking with this chapter…)
Here’s the fanfiction.net link… https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12105029/27/Take-A-Stand
Chapter 27- A Dark Promise
“Look at your daughter then look at my kit,” Marian instructed to the Hopps matriarch, before taking a gulp of her beer “they love each other just like any other couple, nature had nothing to do with it.”
Bonnie was quiet for a few seconds, she then opened her can of beer, downed half of it with one gulp before saying to Marian “Fine, let’s talk.”
“Ok, there’s one thing I want from you before we continue any further,” Judy demanded “I want you to apologise to Nick and me.”
Nick noticed Bonnie’s fur stand on end and whispered to his girlfriend “Wrong move carrots.”
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zootopiangirl ¡ 8 years
Zootopia Take A Stand: The Star of Ceartas ADVANCED PREVIEW
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Ok so I know the first TAKE A STAND isn’t finished yet (About 4-6 more chapters left) but I couldn’t help sharing the Prologue I’ve written for it’s sequel. Set 15 years after the events of the first fan fic this story sees a Natural Disaster devastate Zootopia and five young heroes rise to protect the citizens from the spiral of lawlessness engulfing the once great city. This Prologue however is set before the disaster happens and involves a grown up Luna Wilde giving her teenage sister some advice. The art for this was drawn by the amazing @senny74 and features @helthehatter OC Kodi Jones, thanks to both of you for helping with this project. Oh and if you don’t want to read don’t worry I’ll put a ‘read further’ link on it, so without further ado let’s get cracking with this new story…
Prologue: Wilde Sisters
Robyn Heather Wilde wore a sulk mixed with frustration as she sat inside the principal’s office, the fifteen year hybrid girl wasn’t looking the two faculty members in the eye as they kept watch over the scrappy teen. If you were to take a brief glance at Robyn you would almost certainly assume she was a very tall hare with long ears and red fur but if looked closer at her you’d notice something a little more canine about her; her inside of her paws had pads which no bunny or hare possessed they also had sharp claws unlike dull rabbit ones, her coat was thicker and fluffier than a bunny, also the fur colouring on her face resembled a European red fox complete with white speckles on her cheeks that looked like snowdrops, if she was talking you would notice her very sharp predator like teeth but the dead giveaway was her tail which instead of a cute fuzzy wuzzy little cotton tail was long and beautiful brush. Robyn had been dubbed many things; a hybrid, a interspecies child, a box, a funny and by crueller tongues a freak. The teen didn’t care if she had no official species name, she liked who she was and knew her family and her friends loved her, and despite her tough exterior a lot of mammals would say she was beautiful. But at the moment there was dent in the beautiful image, a swollen and cut right eyebrow and a busted lip that had yet to scab over.
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