zop-story-archive · 9 months
Smoke, dust, death, and bleach permeated the stagnant air of the grimey bathroom. The blood staining the mold-ridden, carpeted floor was a result of its secondary use. Alongside being a space for hygienic needs, it also functioned as a kind of butchery. Many sorts of corpses and roadkill were harvested here for all their worth, with worth having different meanings to each of the two monsterous tenants.
Sylvain sat alone in the bath, a cigarette perched between his blood covered lips as he stared off into nothing. The washed out pink tub was stained dark green inside and out by his roommate's yearly 'egg scraping'. He always found himself so perturbed by the mess left behind, he never asked the lizard what exactly said process entailed. On the floor laid the vampire's latest meal, a five-foot ginger jigalow that wore no shirt and parachute pants. It was facedown on the questionably sanitary floor with a massive, open gash in its neck. The skin had become nearly as white as cotton due to the massive amount of blood drained from the body. Sylvain had no qualms leaving the corpse there, he knew Aldin would find a colorful use for it later.
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At some point, the killer plucked the coffin nail from his mouth and expelled the smoke from his lungs. He found respite in the taste of tobacco coupled with the faint buzzing of the room's singular, exposed lightbulb. More than likely, this would be the most relaxed part of his day. A part of him wanted to light up another nail before hosing himself down, although Sylvain quickly disposed of this idea. It would only delay facing the gory entropy slowly swallowing the city up.
The ashes of his cigarette fell to the bottom of the tub before the vampire flicked the stub onto the floor. He picked himself up and turned the shower on, upon which a stream of opaque, emerald water sprayed down his bloodied body. A faint smell of sulfur came from the liquid, causing his nose to twinge slightly. The vampire's pale face further cringed and grimaced when a loud, persistent knocking on the door clamored throughout the small room.
"Hey! Hey Sylvain, ya in there!?" Aldin, his roommate, yelled loudly enough for half of the city to hear.
Sylvain hissed to himself as he turned the nozzle to the right. "Not now, numbnuts, you can take a piss outside," he replied harshly as the water slowed to a periodic drip.
"Nah nah, it ain't that. I got something to show ya, get your ass outta there!" the lizard urged in his coarse voice.
"Fine. I need ten minutes, you better not bother me again," the pale thing warned forebodingly.
"Okie doke, take yer time!" Aldin chirped, as if oblivious to the threat made, before walking away from the wooden door. Sylvain rubbed his face with a groan as he restarted the shower. The killer was still for a moment as the lukewarm water flowed down the length of his body. He could already tell today was going to be greatly annoying.
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zop-story-archive · 9 months
"Now, let's start from the beginning."
Part 1: The Zombies of Pythonel
Chapter 1, Part 1
Part 2: A Blight in Ivorystel
Part 3: Invasion
Part 4: ???
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