zoratin · 6 years
🍂- what’s your middle name?“Ailith”
🍯- describe your favourite smell“Honey...the smell of medovik always makes my mouth water.”
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?“That’s easy, pizza, quidditch and chocolate.”
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zoratin · 6 years
          Keir paced back and forth waiting for Zora to arrive. He didn’t know what was going on in his life and he felt weird that all of this was happening at the end of the school year. When it came to some things, like flirting, Keir was alright with it, but he didn’t know how he felt about this whole being invited to a party business. It wasn’t like romance was off the table for him. He just always figured it would come at its own pace. When Zora showed up, Keir burst into speech, not realizing what language he was speaking. “Un garçon m'a invité à une fête et je ne sais pas ce que je ressens à ce sujet. Est-ce une date? Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? Devrais-je m'habiller bien? Était-il juste d'être amical? Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis nerveux à ce sujet!” 
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Arms laden with snacks Zora pushed open the dormitory door with her foot, immediately greeted with a furiously fast wall of French that she was helpless to translate. She’d never been that way inclined to second languages. “Slow down!!!” Zora huffed and dropped the pile of pilfered snacks from the kitchen onto his bed before jabbing a thumb at the bed for Keir to sit. “Take a breath...and now tell me all that again, please.” In English preferably, but she hoped after a few deep breaths that Keir would recall she didn’t speak his native tongue and would continue to be useless. It did beg the question why was Keir this nervous in the first place, exams were long gone, studying had relaxed for sixth years. Was the year still haunting him, and in which case Zora needed to be softer, more considerate than usual. Or, was this a Keir-end-of-year-freak-out. Time would tell. “In English though, I’m sorry you know I did try learning some French but honestly all I remember is petit pois.”
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zoratin · 6 years
Warren yelped playfully when she elbowed him even though it wasn’t painful at all. If anything it just surprised him even when it shouldn’t have. He smiled as she moved closer and turned his own body more fully to face her. He knew to look away from her eyes she’d know he was chickening out again like he did at the dance and he wouldn’t be backing down. “China, maybe. The culture there is way outside of my comfort zone though. I’d maybe co for a few days. I love Ireland too much to really leave anywhere near here.” He tilted his head. “What do you wanna see in America?”
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“China would be really cool...” Zora had little more than stories to go off for China, that and the odd travel magazine she’d collected as a kid. She’d stuck up hastily cut out photos of faraway lands to her walls as inspiration for the future. “The parks...” It was easy, she supposed, to overlook the beauty of the national parks when they were surrounded by the beauty of the highlands but Zora wanted more. She wanted the thrill of flying over the Everglades or Mono lake. “The cities are nice but I guess I just want somewhere else to go hiking.” Zora exhaled, and leant her head on Warren’s shoulder. “Guess I just don’t know what to do after school.” Travel was just another way to procrastinate from concrete life decisions.
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zoratin · 6 years
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
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zoratin · 6 years
I need to talk to you. I'm hiding in my room. - K
On my way and bringing snacks. - Z
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zoratin · 6 years
“What in the world could be interesting in America?” He asked trying to hold back a chuckle. “Six nations sure, but honestly, what would you even want to see in America that you can’t see here?”
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“I don’t know! That’s the whole point.” Zora grumbled, not in the least bit offended that he didn’t like her suggestion but didn’t mean she wasn’t going to put up a show. She elbowed him in the ribs, lightly, with her arm that wouldn’t leave a nasty bruise. Zora leant back against the stone and spread her arms wide. “America is different! I’ve never really seen much of England either.” But she’d heard there wasn’t much to see, so what different did it make. Zora levelled with him, scooted a little closer as if to seek the truth by staring him down. “Where would you visit, if you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow?”
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zoratin · 6 years
          She had learned how to be fast from years of training, but she also knew when to conserve energy. But Zora was an athlete too and probably knew the exact same things that Val knew about running long distance. She was fine with paying for whatever Zora wanted from the trolley on the way home. That was a simple thing if the other won this small race. She was going to focus on running now because Valene knew exactly what she wanted if she win. The Slytherin was just going to run as quickly as she could, following the path that she knew. When Zora asked her question, Val focused ahead of her, but smirked. “Why a kiss of course.” 
Zora thought she’d misheard, that the wind had caught and jumbled up Valene’s words. Only as she glanced over her shoulder at the surefire smirk, Zora’s feet slowed. “Wait—” It had slipped by Zora that this might be all a rouse. That whilst she was thinking with her stomach Valene might’ve been flirting with her all along. Her headband had slipped so she pushed it out of her eyes with her good arm. “Val…” It was awkward she shouldn’t have let her feelings get all jumbled up, the night of the ball was a mess and now she felt like she was trying to straighten everything out with everyone. Yet she felt like she was clutching at straws trying to see something in her fellow housemate, with Valene everything was out in the open and dare she say it, easy. How the tables had turned loudmouthed Zora silenced by the threat of a kiss. “I’m not very good at this,” she mumbled.
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zoratin · 6 years
These were all fantastic date ideas, he should be writing these down, dammit! “You know I wouldn’t miss playing some Quidditch.” He smiled tilting his head to the side. “That and I’ll definitely have to see you this summer. It’s always weird to go from seeing everyone every day and living in the same dorm to having to plan day trips to see friends. I’ll make sure to ask my grandparents to open up our floo for you. I mean, I’m sure it’d be fun in Scotland but we can like switch it up on weekends. Invite the team some days ya know?” She got so animated talking about the trips they could go on, he could feel himself getting pretty hyped about it too. “Where to first then?” 
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“Oh I know,” Zora hummed. If there was ever a common thread between them it was their love for the sport. She couldn’t imagine Warren doing anything else. Tried not to wonder too much about what it’d be like to face him on an opposing team instead of side by side. “Definitely, hey love to come visit. Thanks.” She nudged him, grateful that he was considerate despite being a pain in her ass. “I don’t know, where do you want to visit?” Zora kicked her legs out and sighed, there was too much to do, she didn’t even know where to begin. “Maybe America…never been think it would be interesting.” Truth be told, Zora hadn’t been much further than one family trip to France. They’d always vacationed in the south of England, or stayed up north for brisk summers. Travelling had never been much of an interest for her. “Hey next year we could go see the six nations, if you want?”
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zoratin · 6 years
          She wasn’t looking for a reaction from the other girl because she knew that some people couldn’t handle her directness. She was too much for herself sometimes. Valene just couldn’t help but flirt with Zora. Seeing her all flustered was adorable. “I can keep up on you.” She wasn’t the fastest runner at Hogwarts, but she was competitive and she couldn’t help it. “I disagree,” Val replied, a smile on her face. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t known that Zora was drunk at the ball. She just knew that drinking brought out a person’s true self most of the time. “Wait. What do I get if I win? More importantly, what do you want if you win?” She took off as soon as she said that. 
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Zora glanced over her shoulder at Valene who was by all accounts probably just as athletic, if not more so than herself. Of everyone in hogwarts this would be the most evenly matched race. Which, only made Zora ever more keen to win. Not that she had a particular prize in mind. Under pressure Zora defaulted to her favourite treat of all. “Anything I want off the trolley on the way home.” Home had a certain irony. The train had always seemed like a pointless journey to Zora until she learnt to use it as a last bid attempt at chatting with friends before the summer. Now it was a rite of passage. She waved her hand at Valene and headed in the direction of the lake. They could go about partway round and turn back on themselves, she hoped choosing their track would give her a one-up. “What about you…?” Zora asked, little breathless but determined not to yield to Val. If she could hold a conversation, even if it was between huffs, then in theory it seemed like she was putting in little effort.
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zoratin · 6 years
Warren chuckled while he nodded and reached for a jelly slug. If he was chewing it’d be rude to speak with his mouth full meaning he’d be less likely to speak his mind or ramble on and on and put his foot in his mouth. At the reminder of not much time left it felt like she was reminding him to say something before they left school and lost all chances. Like he didn’t know that, he thought with a frown as he palms started to sweat a bit. It was hot out, it was totally the heat and not nerves.
A topic change! Yes. “What does that entail exactly?” He smirked and turned, angeling himself so he was facing her better. “Like would you have to prefect a technique or something? Imagine what training would be like.” He pretended to stuff slugs into his mouth like his jaw was unhigned. “That’d be nuts.”
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“I’m pretty sure I’d have to train real hard for this. Definitely a career and not just a hobby y’know.” She grinned, happy enough to go along with the farce if it gave them something to talk about. “Okay! Maybe not that intense.” Zora thumped him lightly on the shoulder with a roll of her eyes. “I’m not going to injury myself for these bad boys. She plucked a vivid citrus orange one from the bag and dangled it between them. Zora thought about teasing him with it but chewed off one end instead. She hummed at the burst of flavour and nudged him, much lighter this time. “You going to visit me? We have a quidditch tournament in the town every summer and need a few more star players on my team to win.” Felt easier to broach the topic of post hogwarts with flying tied into the mix. They’d gone to games together in previous summers to watch the professionals, but Zora had never thought to invite Warren round. Mostly because her family would immediately jump to assumptions. Maybe it wouldn’t matter so much this summer. “Tiny little island so there’s not much to do. There’s a castle not too far away it’s literally called castle island. Muggles are obsessed with it. They come out every summer in little boats to go look round it.”
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zoratin · 6 years
          This was the only bit of summer she could really enjoy because as a seventh year, she was joining the adult world. So she was going to spend her time enjoying the little bit that she got before working. Val knew that her summer was only slightly planned out. She wasn’t sure if she was going back to Finland for the whole summer or if she got to work in England. Val was hoping that she could work in England, but she wasn’t going to bet on it. She hadn’t spoken to the Hufflepuff since their kiss at the unity ball. Valene couldn’t tell if Zora had been avoiding her or what; she wasn’t going to pressure the other to talk to her. “I am. Do you want to join me? ‘Cause I only have one request: you run ahead of me. So I can watch you run.” 
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Zora really didn’t know how to respond to that. Didn’t know if it was a good idea to address that or just let it slide. She grinned, mostly because she didn’t know what else to do, “think you can keep up with me?” It wasn’t as if Zora was the fastest runner at school. Val might just have the edge over her. That didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be competitive as hell. “Nothing to see behind me Val, unless you want to eat my dirt.” She flashed her a crooked smile. Felt easier to be blasé and make jokes than it was to address whatever had happened at the ball. Zora didn’t know how she felt, what to do, but she wasn’t prepared to bring the mood down with telling Val just how drunk she was that night. “Run around the lake?” She’d made a habit of doing hard sprints in amongst her long slow runs and in the height of Scottish summer she liked to dip her toes into the cool water afterwards. Zora took off in the hopes that Val would catch her up, and not linger three paces behind her. “Come on or I’ll tell everyone I beat you.”
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zoratin · 6 years
          “This weather is amazing,” Valene exclaimed as she walked outside. Her plan was to get some training in today. Summer weather was one of her favorites, as long as it didn’t get super hot. She was looking forward to getting back to Finland or spending the summer in England or where ever she was sent. Hair pulled into a bun and workout clothing on, she figured she looked ready to get going. 
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It wouldn’t be long until they all were ferried home and Zora wasn’t sure if she was ready to face life without hogwarts just yet. Home was full of uncertainties. She’d taken to burning her mornings with long torturous runs. It stopped her from overthinking and the harder she ran the better she felt. The summer weather wasn’t helping and as she surveyed the grounds, mid decision whether today she might skip her run, Valene rocked up behind her with the same idea. They hadn’t spoken, much less seen each other since the ball, Zora decidedly preferred to deal with her embarrassment by avoiding it altogether. “Y-yeah, it’s pretty good today. You going for a run?”
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zoratin · 6 years
Warren was studying for his apparition final when Zora next to him. He smiled fondly but fiddled with the book in his lap. He didn’t know if he was ready to talk about the dance. He should have just kissed her in the moment, now he felt he’d have to recreate the moment which was near impossible when he kept staring at her lips or realizing he was being creepy, like really creepy. “Limbo was easy. I’ve had time to think through the rest though I think.” He glanced back up at her before quickly averting his eyes. “Are those Jelly Slugs?”
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“You’ve been thinking Warren? That’s dangerous.” She teased. Not sure whether to address the way her stomach fluttered with nerves, as if she’d just taken a low barrelling swoop on her broom, or not. “Yeah they’re pretty good, you want some?” Zora took a jelly slug for herself biting into it eagerly as she held out the bag for him. It was easier to build a bridge with food she’d found, not that they’d fallen out, but things were just different. Warren looked all antsy and she was pent-up on outdated and unspoken feelings. Zora chewed on another jelly slug with a mirthful hum. “Not got long left. Everyone else seems to have plans for their lives already never mind the summer.” She sighed and leant back. It was easy enough to say she’d tried her best this year with studying, but whether that was enough remained to be seen. “Think I could be a professional jelly slug eater?” 
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zoratin · 6 years
Quidditch was over, with it a sense of peace had come, or perhaps more poignantly, disappointment. Zora had thought this would be their year but the team had been through so many haphazard changes. She knew she wasn’t the only one upset about it. Their paths hadn’t crossed since the dance, but she didn’t need to see him to know that Warren was still brooding about it. Armed with jelly slugs Zora found him in the courtyard. “Hey, what’s up?” She sat cross legged in one of the many nooks, packet of sweets open in her lap as she leant her head against the stone. Zora knew what to say about quidditch, even apparition given the final exams were coming up this week, but she didn’t know how to talk about the elephant in the room. “You all recovered from the dance? Didn’t break you trying to do the limbo did I…”
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zoratin · 6 years
“Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.” Wynn repeated, flicking the pamphlet through again with a heavy sigh. He’d spent the better part of the last year preparing for this only to find out he’d have to wait until next year to be licensed. Being that his birthday fell a few days too late after the school year. To say he was annoyed would be true but not nearly as much as he thought he would have been. It was more the nerve he’d worked up in preparation for this. To be met with a technicality was a small swing to his not so large ego. “Has anyone actually read this? It’s a bit … morbid. I mean …” His lips pursed his lips out, nose scrunching up as he looked up at his classmate just across the way. “maybe the wait won’t be so terrible.”
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Zora didn’t need to study any longer, in fact she’d been thrilled at the idea of taking a break with friends before they boarded the train home but, nerves had gotten the better of her. She had a feeling it wasn’t that simple. Not that scouring her textbooks for the answers to questions she may or may not have fudged was a practical use of her time. She just didn’t want to go home a failure, no-one did. She hadn’t heard Wynn speak until he started mumbling about something being morbid. Curiosity killed the cat as Zora definitely wished she hadn’t looked up to see what he was reading. It’s fine. “Once you’ve had enough practice it’s easy enough.” Or, so she’d heard. “There’s someone on hand in the classes and exam just in-case. It’s totally safe here.” She’d been given a lengthy lecture about how apparition in a classroom was controlled, totally safe, any accidents could quickly be remedied. It’d nearly tempted her into the class. “There’s other ways to travel anyway, you don’t have to learn.”
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zoratin · 6 years
“Cheat?! I would never!” Warren exclaimed loudly with a smile. As competitive as Zora was, Warren could probably match that. It’s why they made a great team, they understood each other and read each other well. He copied what Zora had done previously and shimmied his way under the pole. When it was just his head that had to make it through Warren made sure to push his nose down with his finger before making it through unscathed. “Ha, like you said easy!” He glanced around. “But we’re making a scene. What do you say we skip out and maybe hit the pitch? Bet I’ll beat you in a game of one on one.”
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“Right! You’d never cheat Warren Durrin.” She stood back to give him space to shimmy his way under the pole, unable to help herself from laughing at the sight of Warren wholeheartedly getting into it. “Yes! You’ve nearly made it.” When he did, she clapped, genuinely happy that he’d made it under the silly pole. Zora definitely had to agree with him that they were making something of a scene in the middle of the dance floor. She waved her wand and the pole disappeared. “C’mon then!” She bounced on her heels and stuck her arms out. “You challenged me Warren, gotta follow through on that now.” Zora made for the door, no doubt in the direction of more mischief and general trouble.
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zoratin · 6 years
Bonnie grinned at the knowing tone in her voice. Over the years, her dislike and distrust for brooms became less of a thing and more of topic to steer clear from. Which suited her just fine. “I don’t know, Zora. I just feel like too many things could go wrong? Why isn’t it faster? Floo and Apparating seems to be flawed in so many ways,” she sighed before sitting down. Her head bobbed to the side as she thought about where she could go after. “Okay, don’t make fun of me but Buckingham Palace is at the top of my list. Kelly Holmes got an award there and I’ve always dreamt of going. What about you?”
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“As if I’d make fun of you, Buckingham Palace seems…real swanky.” It wasn’t as if Zora was hugely invested in the royal family, especially when they were so distant to her, but she could see why the tourists loved them. Besides, Bonnie’s motives she could understand. “What about the Olympic park in London? I’ve always wanted to go see it…the athletic stadium would be wicked to run around. Don’t you think?” Zora hummed at the thought. Her heroes weren’t quite the same but that didn’t mean she couldn’t admire Kelly Holmes, although Zora had always admired the sprinters. “I don’t know.” She shrugged, trying not to put too much weight on the thought of apparating herself. She’d wholeheartedly believed when the time came she could do it but, the class had been a little overwhelming last year and she’d never gone back to it. “Maybe lapland, go see the reindeers and chase some dogs in the snow!”
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