zororonosworld · 2 years
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Symbiosis Stiles & The Nogitsune,Teen Wolf.
Trying to make a nice painting is like cooking a very weird, complicated recipe: you spend a thousand years trying to make it right, you gobble it down in 2 seconds, and then you stare unfocused into the void, wondering if it wouldn’t have been better if you’d just eaten 7 cheeseburgers instead
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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@were-cheetah-stiles here you go Cat, I may have tagged you in some of these before. But I can’t wait for this mini series!!
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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it’s steo time
“Stiles, that’s costumed Halloween party.”
“Yeah, and I’m spiderman.”
“Hoodie isn’t going to make you spiderman.”
“I look like Peter Parker anyway, and you put on a whole body art to look like a venom. Do you want this prise so badly?”
“And what if I do?”
“Then you gonna win. But also, my coatume won’t ruin our kiss.”
“Nah, just the normal one. Come on.”
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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It’s funny because I actually have asthma.. On another note. He can be my Spider-Man any day. Or you know.. Dereks.
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
Photo by Adonisjing Photography
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
Steo | Stiles x Theo | things went a little different in this version | thus the: a little bit AU tag
"You are mine, Stiles! And I'm yours. We belong together!"
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"Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?!?" Stiles pushed Theo away. The chimera just tried to hug him.
Theo was gritting his teeth. Trying to fight off the 2 creatures in him. He was clenching his fists so hard when his claws extended, piercing his palms. That pain somehow helped him stay grounded. He heaved as he saw the blood dripping from his fists. He kept taking deep breaths to calm himself down.
He was so hurt. He's emotions are a mess of anger and sadness and confusion as to why Stiles cannot understand what he was talking about.
"What happened, Stiles? If this is some kind of a sick prank, stop it. You have no idea how much you're hurting me, baby. Please." Theo pleaded with teary eyes and that 'please' finished on a cracking voice.
"B-Baby? What are you saying? You're insane!" Stiles stormed off.
Stiles left Theo on the parking lot. He walked fast to his jeep and hopped in, slamming the door and immediately starting the engine. He glanced at Theo who was still standing where he left him. Still breathing heavily and clenching his bloody fists. Stiles cursed as he drove away.
Stiles pulled over when he was in a safe distance from the parking lot. He slammed his steering wheel and grabbed at his chest. He felt so... weird while confronting Theo. The chimera said so much crazy things. That they belong together. And calling him 'baby'.
What's even crazier is that Stiles didn't feel awkward when Theo called him that. It felt... oddly familiar. And it drove Stiles crazy. Ever since Theo came back, Stiles kept feeling on edge. It's like something in his mind is trying to come to the surface. And his heart kept beating fast as if trying to make that something resurface faster.
"You know him?" Liam asked Scott and Stiles.
They had just defeated a strange creature in school that tried to steal Scott's powers. They were helped by a new werewolf.
"I know I look nothing like when we were kids." Theo answered.
"Theo?" Scott remembered.
"Hey, Scott." Theo nodded. He then looked at Stiles. "...Stiles." Theo greeted him with a smile. Expecting something from Stiles.
But Stiles stayed frozen on his spot. Theo furrowed his eyebrows at that. He was expecting Stiles to come running to him and then hug him and kiss him. But none of that happened. They just took off as the rest of the pack thanked Theo.
Stiles went on to their senior scribe with Scott and the others. Scott asked him if he was okay because he didn't look happy to see Theo. Stiles simply answered: that's not Theo.
And that's what Stiles went on with for the rest of the days that followed. He was suspicious of Theo. And he made that known to everyone. Scott seemed to really remember Theo. But still Stiles insisted that they interrogate 'Theo' in the locker room. There, Theo narrated what happened to him and how he was turned into a werewolf.
"I came back looking for a pack... I also came back for you, Stiles." Theo stared at Stiles, expectantly again.
Stiles looked back at Scott to confirm if Theo was lying. The true alpha shook his head, confirming through Theo's heartbeat that their childhood friend wasn't lying. Stiles still did not believe Theo.
He kept suspecting Theo of everything that happened after that day. And the chimera grew more restless as the days went by.
"What happened?!? Why is my Stiles like that?" Theo questioned the Dread Doctors. "I did what you asked me to do. You assured the effects of the Wild Hunt will not apply to me!"
"It is not always accurate."
"Fix this!"
"Nothing can be done."
Theo walked out of the lair and proceeded to enact the Dread Doctors plans. Theo kept doing what he was told while trying to get closer to Stiles who kept moving away from him.
Things went on as planned. Theo got his pack. With the price of killing Scott and losing Stiles's trust. He hated it. But he wanted a pack and this is what the Doctors gave him. He wanted to try one more time to get Stiles.
He snuck into Stiles's room and saw the whiteboard of all the mysteries Stiles was trying to solve. And in the center, is his name.
"What the hell are you doing here?!?" Stiles reached for his bat.
"I'm not here to hurt you, Stiles." Theo held his hands up.
"Really hard to believe, Theo." Stiles has the bat in ready position. To hit Theo's face if needed.
Theo looked deeply into Stiles's eyes, and he knew the other teen wasn't faking the 'I don't understand what you're talking about' situation. He shook his head and sighed.
"You've really forgotten." Theo said in a surrender. "No matter, you and I belong together. You will be by my side, Stiles. Hopefully, sooner."
And with that Theo left Stiles. He wanted to fix this but The Beast is an urgent matter. And dealing with it will also keep Stiles safe.
Everything was going well, his chimera pack even worked together with Scott's to uncover who The Beast is. But not everything went Theo's way. He was sent to hell. The ground opened up and he was dragged below. He tried to fight it but he knows there is no escaping it. He held onto the floor. Calling out to Stiles.
"Stiles! Help me, Stiles!!!" Theo pleaded as he got dragged down.
Stiles just watched as Theo disappeared. His heartbeat and breathing was erratic. He was uneasy. As if his heart and mind were telling him something. Something important.
But the days went on. A new problem arrived at Beacon Hills: The Wild Hunt.
"Remember me, Lyds!" Stiles screamed before he was caught by the riders. The next thing he knew, he was in a train station.
And then something hit him... memories.
Memories of Theo. Theo confessing to him. Him saying yes. Theo hugging him. Theo taking him on dates. Theo kissing him. Theo calling him baby. Theo tucking him to sleep and saying 'I love you.' before sneaking out his room through the window.
"T-Theo?" Stiles was crying now. He ached from all the memories and the feelings that came rushing back to him.
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They do belong together. Theo is his boyfriend in middle school. For some reason, he couldn't remember anything after that. Even when seeing Theo there at senior scribe. And then the wild hunt arrived. He figured out that Theo could've been captured by the Hunt as well before, that is why he forgot about him. But Theo got out. He should've remembered him, right? But he didn't. Why?
"Ohmygod! Theo!!!" Stiles understood now. Theo looking at him expectantly that night. Theo trying to get close to him. Trying to get him with him. "Ohmygod! Oh shit!" Stiles started bawling. He kept wiping at the tears that kept running down his cheeks. "How could I forget?!? Why did I fucking forget?!?" Stiles started pulling at his hair. Beating himself up for not remembering his boyfriend Theo.
He gets now that that feeling he got from seeing Theo is not really suspicion. But something else.
Theo rose from the ground and immediately looked at who freed him from his hell. Liam briefed him of what was happening and what he was planning.
"Scott approve this? How about Stiles?" Theo said while flexing his claws.
"You remember Stiles?" Liam blurted out.
"Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?" Theo replied.
Both were silent for a while and having been in the Wild Hunt, Theo figured out the whole situation. And he knows exactly what to do. He had to break Stiles out of the Hunt. The Dread Doctors' experiment on him; sending him into the Hunt for research, is definitely handy right now. He would do everything. Everything. To get Stiles back.
Meanwhile, Stiles saw Peter in the Hunt as well. Peter saw him crying his eyes out. In that moment, Stiles was so down and lost hope that he told Peter everything about Theo.
"I just don't fucking understand why I couldn't remember!" Stiles stomped his feet on the ground.
"... You, ignoring the feeling and the anxiety meds." Peter scoffed.
"It made you suppress that itching feeling of something, well someone, missing in your life."
Stiles went silent. All those years of anxiety was his subconscious trying to tell him to remember Theo. All the overthinking, the uneasiness, the insomnia. "I gotta get out of here, Peter."
"Well, I have an idea." and then Peter showed him where the riders enter and exit the station.
Theo ran around with Liam and the others. So many plans, so many plan Bs as well. Some hitches here and there but they manage to get Stiles back.
"Stiles!" Lydia hugged him by his jeep, the place where he reappeared after getting through the rift his friends opened in the Hunt.
"Lyds! Ohmygod! You remembered me. You guys did it." Stiles hugged her.
Lydia then drove them back to the pack house to see the rest of their friends. They all took a few minutes to get the memories of Stiles back and when they did, they all hugged him. Stiles was teary. He was so thankful that he got back with his friends. But it would've been better if his boyfriend was there.
He wasn't made aware that Theo was back, so when Liam came back from the extra room with a chained up Theo in tow, Stiles froze for a while and just stared at him.
"Theo." Stiles muttered under his breath.
Theo was chained, hands and feet. And he has dried blood on his face; his nose, the corner of his lips, and his eyebrows.
"Why is he bloody?" Stiles asked Scott.
"... Malia."
Theo wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "I guess I should get going. Oh wait, I can't!" Then he held his chained up hands.
"Oh yeah, it's time you get going." Liam held up Kira's sword.
"NO!" Stiles startled everyone with his very firm and strong 'no.' Everyone looked at him. Theo was also surprised of his reaction.
Stiles and Theo's eyes locked onto each other. Stiles was holding it but Theo broke it. He looked away. He sees no point in it. Stiles doesn't remember him anyway; is still what he thinks.
Theo looked back at Liam to have him unlock the cuffs on his hands and feet. Stiles just kept watching Theo, who rubbed his wrist that was hurting from the weight of the cuffs. He then said goodbye and started to walk out of the house.
Theo was walking towards the door, where Stiles is. Theo stared at Stiles as he walked by. Stiles suddenly stopped him by placing his hand on his chest.
"Theo." Stiles said, voice cracking a bit.
"Welcom back, Stiles." Theo said after looking at the hand on his chest.
"I remember now, Theo... baby." Stiles whispered.
Theo's eyes widened. "Stiles?"
Stiles hugged him and cried. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Stiles kept repeating. And Theo kept hushing and assuring him.
"It's fine, Stiles. It's okay now." Theo kept rubbing Stiles's back, just like how he used to before.
Scott and the others were confused at the sudden change of treatment of Stiles to Theo. They looked so familiar with each other. Like they share something between them that is definitely more than just friends.
Because at that time, Stiles and Theo were already kissing.
"I'm so sorry, Theo. But I remember everything now." Stiles said before kissing Theo again.
"It's okay. I forgive you. But you have a lot of making up to do, babe." Theo said as he lifted Stiles up against the wall and started kissing Stiles on his mate mark on Stiles's neck.
Stiles whimpered and cursed from the sensation that rushed to him from the kissed and sucked mate mark.
"O-kay, I think we should all leave for now." Scott figured what was going on. Stiles and Theo are together, and it seemed like they were from way back. Maybe they kept it a secret to everyone, including him. He will get the whole story from Stiles later. Or maybe tomorrow. And then Stiles moaned as Theo made him wrap his legs around his waist. Yup, Scott is definitely gonna ask about it tomorrow, not tonight, tomorrow.
Scott signaled for everyone to leave the pack house. Leave Stiles and Theo alone for the night.
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thank you. more on my master list here
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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zororonosworld · 2 years
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