zouiam · 1 day
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zouiam · 3 days
the idea of music growing on you is so weird. what's going on in your brain that makes it go "mmmmm :/" for the first 6 listens and then "ok!! ❤️" on the 7th
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zouiam · 4 days
I hope there will come a day when the general population of the internet will understand the complex concept of "The fact that a woman sang a song does not necessarily mean that she is using the lyrics to report, with the greatest factual accuracy that her overly emotional little lady-brain can manage, real events that actually happened in her real life and to express her genuine deepest feelings about those events with perfect sincerity and a totally straight face." I realize that this will require a lot of people to learn difficult lessons like "Women can write things that are not autobiographical" and "Women can have a sense of humor" and "Women can understand and choose to follow or consciously subvert the genre conventions of an art form." I still hold out hope for that day, even though it is not this day.
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zouiam · 4 days
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the philosophers of our time are on tumblr dot com
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zouiam · 5 days
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zouiam · 5 days
ugh why must I be always so repulsed by my own vulnerability but I find it very moving and impressive if other people are vulnerable with me????
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zouiam · 6 days
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zouiam · 7 days
Backing off from someone because you think they don’t like you only to find out they were reserved around you because they like you so much. Porcupine dilemma self fulfilling prophecy etc etc
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zouiam · 8 days
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zouiam · 10 days
Do you ever write a sentence and then realize “Nah, that’s too self aware for you” and backspace a bunch of times.
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zouiam · 11 days
bro we have to shotgun the weed. its not gay its just financially smart to do it. we get twice the value out of weed. come on just kiss me
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zouiam · 11 days
thank you queens for your show of solidarity in my inbox against harry's current follicular situation
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zouiam · 11 days
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lemons everyone's favourite breakfast food
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zouiam · 11 days
personally i’m a fan of when a story is like. the love was there. unfortunately. this all could have actually gone a lot easier for everyone if the love hadn’t been there but here we are
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zouiam · 11 days
i got an email from google saying my ads were disabled because i violated their policy by having “adult or mature content” on my blog and this was the picture they said was the violation
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zouiam · 11 days
going up to a character i enjoy and being like "i'd like to award you the highest honour i can bestow" and the honours in question are like. bad at sex. undiagnosable mental anguish. loser's temperament. actual body horror shit. nicotine addiction.
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zouiam · 11 days
personally i’m a fan of when a story is like. the love was there. unfortunately. this all could have actually gone a lot easier for everyone if the love hadn’t been there but here we are
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