zsaddy · 2 months
sorry for always being the first like in your fic, i just check the 'x reader' hashtag constantly
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zsaddy · 2 months
no i don't want to use your ai assistant. no i don't want your ai search results. no i don't want your ai summary of reviews. no i don't want your ai feature in my social media search bar (???). no i don't want ai to do my work for me in adobe. no i don't want ai to write my paper. no i don't want ai to make my art. no i don't want ai to edit my pictures. no i don't want ai to learn my shopping habits. no i don't want ai to analyze my data. i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't fucking want it i am going to go feral and eat my own teeth stop itttt
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zsaddy · 4 months
god the way i need johnny cage so bad its making me feral
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zsaddy · 4 months
the fact that mk11 and mk1 johnny both have ginormous tits!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!!!!
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zsaddy · 5 months
The Outlaw Torn
Pairing: Risotto Nero x GN!Reader
Summary: "The more I search, the more my need for you / The more I bless, the more I bleed for you."
Risotto Nero reflects during a rainy day, all while trying to avoid the way everything reminds him of you.
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~1.3k
Notes: Risotto Nero you will always be famous <3 enjoy some pining Risotto who broods for you. Title based off 'The Outlaw Torn' by Metallica. No spoilers, pre-VA, reader is GN.
AO3 link here!
Napoli during this time of year rains plenty. The smell of the rain against the stone roads makes him pause and inhale deeply. A young child accidentally brushes past him, clinging to her hat as she carries a roll of bread from the nearby bakery. He glances to the other side of the road and notices a businessman holding an umbrella and jogging while he clings to his business papers, some of which were flying behind him. 
Napoli is full of life, even in the rain, something you taught him. Every lesson he learns from you, he keeps close to his heart. He closes his eyes, just letting the rain drench him. A bike bell rings as he feels a draft of air zoom past him. A young boy swears at him in Italian for just standing there, but he does not move or even flinch. 
Napoli is beautiful, but it will never be as beautiful as you. It will never be enough, not in the way you were. 
But he knows why you are not here, by his side, with him, for him. He opens his eyes and looks at his reflection in a window on at a small jewelry store. 
Black sclera… red eyes… those are his most standout and defining traits. You said they were entrancing, that you wanted to look at them for a long time- something he didn’t usually allow. But for you, he could spare the time and have you appreciate his form. 
The jewelers were releasing a new type of ring and diamond cut for the season. A teardrop shape to recognize the rainy season in Napoli. 
Would you like something like that?
His mind wanders briefly before he turns away and continues to walk back to the hideout. 
Patience. Don’t think of such things yet. 
It’s rather selfish, really. It is because of him that you did not get closer to one another. 
Risotto Nero knows better than to let his emotions get the best of him. 
But you, you are an anomaly that ruined him, took parts of him and held it hostage, refusing to give them back. 
He almost wished for you to keep them so you could remember him, at the very least. 
Risotto knows it’s in poor taste to pursue you, after all, what assassin would ever keep a living trace of their existence somewhere? Who would ever allow for someone to get so close to them? Who would allow a piece of their heart to be free outside and possibly get injured as collateral? 
Selfishness, really, is what keeps him thinking about you. If he was the same 18 year old who mercilessly hunted and killed his cousin’s murderer, you wouldn’t even be on his mind. He wouldn’t have ever entertained such a thing. But twenty-something Risotto has admittedly grown softer- perhaps due to a combination of La Squadra and your continued presence in his life. 
He knows you would wait for him forever if he asked. He knows that you love him too deeply, too much for him to ever deserve. He couldn’t have found a more devoted and loyal person in all of Italy if he tried. He knows that and it kills him in more ways than it has any right to. 
But the Risotto in his twenties knows something his younger self would never know.
You shouldn’t be with him. 
You should be free, loved by a man who can offer you safety, comfort, and an easy life that does not put you in danger at every turn. 
Even though every drop of blood in his body rushes for you, even though he would gladly bleed out for you- you don’t deserve his bullshit, he reckons. Even though he yearns to hold you close, prays for a chance to call you his and his alone, he knows it’s for the best you’re not beside him. 
He can’t trust himself around you. You make him want something beyond revenge or money or territory. You’ll be a distraction. 
That’s what he tells himself over and over, because Risotto is a selfish man who only has one thing on his mind- power. 
He’s too good at his job, too good at killing and ending lives for the sake of his mission. And yet, here he is, untrusted by that very same boss who orders him around, no territory to claim for his squad, and hardly any money from the drug trafficking in the streets. It pisses him off that due to his success, he cannot reap the rewards from his completed assassinations. 
If he allowed himself to be swayed by you, he probably wouldn’t mind this arrangement and would continue to do as told. 
But it’s quite a headache, he has to admit. He knows a few of the leaders even live in mansions by the shore or expensive penthouses and can overlook their territory. He has none of those, and it’s apparent with every passing day how little his boss thinks of him and his squad. 
I don’t even need a mansion… I need that villa near the gardens and the shops below. 
That villa has been your dream for a long time. He can remember the first time you absentmindedly pointed it out to him, wistfully sighing as you admitted you wanted it. 
“My dear grandfather was friends with the owner, so we’d visit sometimes. It’s the most beautiful house ever.” 
Risotto hadn’t ever cared about houses or decorations much, but after a curious look around the place at night, he had to agree that it is a nice home. It would be a lovely place to call his own, but more than that, it would have you, and that immediately made everything better. 
Would you be happy in that home? Would you like to walk beside him to the marketplace below? Would you enjoy sitting on the veranda with him while you two drank cappuccinos in the morning? 
These questions and the many what-ifs he would conjure up plagued him like this every day. He didn’t feel the cold rain pour down on him continuously, only thinking of you smiling at him in your shared villa. It was sunny in that dream, warm and loving. He didn’t mind the terrible weather now, even with how it soaked his clothes and chilled his bones. 
He exhales and lets the rain wash over him more before he decides to continue walking back to the hideout. 
He couldn’t see you yet. Not yet… he wasn’t ready. He didn’t have the influence he wanted- needed- to offer you what you deserved. 
The walk to his place is somber and silent as Napoli is sheltered inside warm houses from the rain. He curses himself for encouraging you to stay away. The farther you are, the closer he wants you. The more he tells himself to stop, the more he wants to go. The more he tries to shield himself from these feelings, the more he falls deeper into these desires. 
Just as he is about to cross the street, he glances to your house. It’s right there, a mere block from his hideout. So close, yet so far. He stops in front of your door, unsure if he should take the risk or make such a jump. 
He’s torn, torn between protecting you from his lifestyle and keeping you bound to him as his love. 
He aches for you, desires you, needs you. But he can’t say that without complicating everything. He swallows, ready to turn heel and continue to his home, to La Squadra and his dirty life. 
Yet, for some reason, he finds himself stepping toward your door. It’s as if his body is on autopilot, forcing him, magnetizing him to you again. He sighs and makes a fist, rapping his knuckles against your door. 
…Well… a few moments away from the rain is never a bad idea. Especially in Napoli, where life is beautiful all around.
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zsaddy · 9 months
I want a big man to lay on me. Not in a sexual way, but on my chest while I run my fingers through their hair.
And feel them relax because of it.
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zsaddy · 9 months
risotto: do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
(y/n): it was autocorrect.
risotto: autocorrect wrote "you're so hot. please step on me."?
(y/n): yes.
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453 notes · View notes
zsaddy · 11 months
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665 notes · View notes
zsaddy · 11 months
just a little touch ; smoke ( fluff ) ⋮ check out my other mortal kombat blurbs here <3
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soft and obedient tomas who shyly lets you grope and pet all over his arms and chest because he loves the soft look in your eyes. your fingertips felt so soothing over his skin, sometimes it leaves him wanting more, but keeps it to himself. one time, you even smothered your whole face between his chest and he was flustered — blushing a furious red over his shoulders and the tips of his ears. now you frequently rub your cheek against his taunt muscles, tightly locking his sturdy arm into yours. only then he watches you with confused adoration, admitting defeat to your curious touches. although he’s still quite honestly dazed from on how this all started, he still allows your hands all over him — gazing at you in amusement and slight concern as you lovingly mark him with your warm touch like a cat.
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zsaddy · 11 months
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i know he's an horrible person but look at those dimples
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zsaddy · 11 months
I can’t tell if your requests are open or not, so i’m sorry if they aren’t and just disregard this <3 Can I request ANYTHING with MK1 Bi-han, i’m down ASTRONOMICAL for him. if you want me to get specific something where he’s learning how to be affectionate and (ironically) less cold with you 😭 to me it seems like he’d be more of a physical touch/actions kind of person, even though that may be few and far between especially at first. also can i just say you’re the best mk writer i’ve seen ♥️
NOTE: They are! I just struggle with writing them sometimes, so I’m MUCH slower at making them than my New Era chapters, but they are!
<3 Thank you for requesting and being so lovely <3 Sorry for how long the wait was! I kinda treated this like a character study + my headcanons for the man.
Also I couldn’t tell if this was s/o or not so I just defaulted to crush?
The fic is set to be kinda ? told in his POV, but in second still. You’ll see! Also I kindaa got carried away at the end so maybe ??? a bit ooc. I just like writing people pining.
Doing small things for others' convenience was not something Bi-Han was used to doing, nor was he known for doing these things.
“Get up.” Bi-Han stood over you, from where he had swept you and sent you tumbling to the floor. There were a few moments of silence as he watched you hesitate, staring up to him bewildered. Why were you confused? The command was simple enough. You stared at his hand, seeming lost in thought. He rolled his eyes.
How was this the person who could go toe to toe with him? 
“Are you deaf?” He asked you, his stare turning into an icy glare. 
Why did you look so lost? 
Sure, he had never helped you off the ground before, Bi-Han could give you that. The reasons behind this was simple, he was just simply tired of hearing his brothers nag him for leaving you on the floor. It’s not like he helped any others up during sparring. They were capable of getting up themselves, they did not need their grandmaster to coddle them. 
Just because he’s known you for a while, why should you be the exception?
Still, their complaints were tiring and bothersome, so he decided to try to help you up for once. Maybe that would settle their complaints. They were always pushing him to be a little less…icy. Plus, out of anyone, he supposed doing this for you would not be the worst. Sure, you tried to hang around him constantly, but your company wasn’t unpleasant he supposed.
Bi-Han growled as he watched you still lay on the ground, staring at his hand. With a huff, he lunged forward, grabbing your hand for himself. He was going to help you up one way or another, dammit. You were not going to be the person to deny his kindness. Hoisting you up, he was caught off guard as you collided with his chest. 
Did he hit you so hard during training that you were acting dumb all of a sudden?
With a grunt, he steadied you, holding you by your waist. His hands settled quite nicely there, and his hands instinctively squeezed. Your hands were on his chest, as you righted yourself properly. He sent you another glare, this one more instinctual than intentional. You seemed caught off guard, confused, and so many things all at once.
You were confusing.
What was even more confusing was the fact that his mind seemed to want to capture this moment, wanting to sear the memory of you being in his arms permanently in his head. His hands twitched, and his lips pursed at the thoughts that invaded his head. He pushed them away, shooing them away like annoying flies.
A grandmaster should not be plagued by such…odd thoughts.
He sighed as he let go of your waist once you seemed steady enough. You shot him that sunny grin of yours, and commented on how his heart was finally defrosting. It seemed that you finally had your senses back. In return, Sub Zero frowned as he crossed his arms. You always had a knack for trying to make puns out of his powers. Still, despite the disapproving looks he always sent you, you never stopped.
Bi-Han wasn’t sure to think of you as brave for not caring for his warning glares, or stupid for ignoring them. He was inclined to think of the latter. Would you so brazenly ignore a wolf staring you down with predatory eyes? And yet, a small voice in his head told him otherwise.
He didn’t quite like nor agree with the voice. Honestly, he didn’t even know what to make of the voice in the first place.
“Satisfactory job for today.” Bi-Han said, and he felt a strange sense of satisfaction as you beamed at his words. You were always too eager to accept any positive words from him. You gave his shoulder a pat and scampered off, probably to eat since it was around dinner time now. 
He stood there for a bit longer, watching you disappear, and watching the place you last were before you turned the corner. He frowned as he realized he had been staring. How ridiculous, why had he been staring? With a grunt, he turned around and stalked off to his office.
He couldn’t get the feel of your hand out of his head, no matter how hard he tried.
Bi-Han was not known for little acts of kindness.
“You need to eat.” Bi-Han scolded you, shoving a bowl full of food in your hands. Your fingers brushed, and he pursed his lips, not knowing what to make of the tingle it left on his skin. He’s been more oddly aware of his skin whenever he was around you lately, and he wasn’t quite sure why. 
He watched as that stupid confused look overcame your face again as you took it. It always happened whenever he did things like this, but never with anyone else. He felt a bit offended every time. It wasn’t as if he was incapable of kindness. It didn’t sit right with him the idea that you thought he was incapable of it. You looked at him, opening your mouth to speak, but he cut you off. 
“You didn’t eat breakfast this morning.” He mentioned, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Which it was. Anyone, if they were paying even a smidge of attention to you, would notice how you failed to eat this morning. It actually has been a few days since you’ve eaten breakfast, leading to you complaining and being famished by lunchtime. It had begun to bother him.
Was it just him who noticed these things about you? You even seemed surprised by the information he told you.
How foolish.
“Did you make this?” You asked, peering at the food as you prodded the rice congee with the spoon. Bi-Han nodded, and he felt a strange fluttery feeling in his chest as you took a bite and hummed in delight. You were too pleased by this simple cooking, this was a meal that a child was capable of making. He didn’t like how he craved more of your approval. “This is really good! Thanks Bi-Han!”
Your praise made him feel content. Much to his chagrin, Bi-Han felt his mind churn out some ideas. How would you react if he made you something special instead of this simple breakfast? Certainly you would be more impressed, why shouldn’t you be? His cooking was sufficient. Maybe you’d even praise him more.
Maybe he should make you some more food, sometime.
“You should be eating breakfast, it’s stupid to skip meals.” The cyromancer continued to berate you with a frown. He didn’t like the idea of you skipping meals, it felt…wrong. He watched as you, through a mouthful of food, tried to excuse yourself. He sent you a glare. “There are no excuses. Even a child knows not to skip a meal.” 
“I just said no excuses.” Bi-Han said, shutting you down with a tone of finality. You sent him a sheepish look, one that told him that you were honestly, and truly sorry. You didn’t have any malice behind your actions, at least. He sighed, leaning forward to meet your gaze. “Just so you don’t go running around without at least some food in your stomach, I’ll make you breakfast.”
“Really?” You said. You blinked in surprise, and he nodded. You smiled at him, and he closed his eyes, ignoring how his mind wanted to save that imagery. “I’d like that a lot Bi-Han, thank you.” He nodded, opening his eyes to send you a small glare as he ignored the flutter in his chest.
“You need to wake up earlier though, so you have time to eat.” 
“That’s worth it.”
Bi-Han was not known for letting others close to him. 
“Hold still!”
You swatted his shoulder, huffing as you glared at him. Your confidence around the grandmaster was almost astounding to the rest of the Lin Kuei. Not many would not even think of glaring at the man, let alone swat his shoulder in annoyance. And yet, here you were, doing just that. The oddest part of it all was that Bi-Han was letting you.
Well, more like tolerating you.
Your efforts were not without some push back from Bi-Han. You received your fair share of glares, huffs, and scoffs. And yet, you ignored all of those. The glares he sent your way were deflected, as if they were mere stares. His huffs and scoffs were like entertainment to you. He watched as your grin grew whenever he did these.
When did you stop fearing his intimidating presence? 
Did you ever fear him in the first place?
Bi-Han was left brooding as you tended to his wounds. He felt like a sheltered, pampered dog with a person who fussed far too much over him. His lips pulled into a frown as you pulled his arm into place, making sure to grip it tightly so he could not move and mess up your delicate work. 
“I’m trying to stay still.” Bi-Han grumbled, his voice sounded resigned as he let the arm you worked on go limp. He had learned well enough from your previous efforts that resistance was futile. You would probably chase him down to the ends of the earth to dress his wounds. The thought alone seemed ridiculous.
Then again, it was you. And he wasn’t sure when he stopped minding it when it was you. 
“Well, try harder!” You sassed, rolling your eyes. The grandmaster kept his eyes on yours, finding them more interesting than anything else in the room. No, he was not fawning over your eyes. Such a notion was unfounded. He simply didn’t think anything else was interesting.
That’s it. That’s all.
Your eyes were simply just more interesting than the same old training rooms he’s known since he could remember. Honestly, most things were. But your eyes were especially a standout. They held a certain quality to them. A warmth that could not be replicated, not even by his younger brother’s pyromancy. No, it was unique. Something he couldn’t quite place. 
Bi-Han felt his breath catch as your eyes, the ones he definitely did not find fascinating, met his own eyes. You certainly had to have some sort of magic within your blood. It was impossible that you didn’t in some capacity. After all, why would he be unable to look away if that wasn’t the case?
“What?” Bi-Han asked, his voice rumbling as he continued to look at those strange eyes of yours. He watched as they narrowed once again at him, like he did something wrong. He couldn’t have, though, all he did was stare at you. And you never once complained about it.
“Did you even hear what I said?” You nagged. Realization trickled in, and Bi-Han’s first instinct was to frown. He most certainly did not hear what you said. It wasn’t his fault though. He was far more focused on trying to figure out your eyes than to hear whatever you had been going on about.
Not that he disliked your voice. It was nowhere near ear splitting and headache inducing. He’d never admit it, but it was the complete opposite of that. And by complete opposite, he meant it was tolerable. Nothing more, nothing less.
“No.” Bi-Han bluntly replied, knowing that you’d chew him out if he even bothered to lie. You seemed to read him better than he could read you. It was a bit frustrating. He wasn’t exactly an open book, yet you made him feel like one. Meanwhile, you were open with almost everything and almost everyone. So why could he not figure you out?
“I said you need to be more careful.” You repeated, an exhausted tone in your voice. He frowned, both at your insistence and your condition. Have you been skipping out on sleep again? After searching your face, he determined that no, you were just exhausted by him. 
“I am careful.” He retaliated, dropping his gaze to look down at his hands. They were clasped together as he hunched over. He detested the way his mind started to drift back to thoughts of you again. How would your hand fit in his? Were your hands soft and gentle? Or were they rough and calloused like his? Were they warm? Cold?
Why did he always think of you?
“Clearly, you’re not careful enough.” You nagged. For emphasis, you tightened the bandage you were wrapping around his bicep. He should not like the fact that you were concerned over him. He didn’t need you to be concerned over him. “Honestly, for being grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, I thought you’d be more careful.” You muttered.
Bi-Han sent a half hearted glare your way, being met with one of the same intensity. He couldn’t even muster up a retort to send your way. It was just because he knew you wouldn’t care whatever harsh comment he had. That’s it.
His mind fixated on the gentle way you smoothed out the bandages. Your fingers tracing over his muscles such care that was foreign to the cryomancer. It felt…domestic. His heart skipped a beat at the idea of a domestic life.
Since when did he crave for those kinds of things?
“Someday I might not be here to patch up your wounds.” You threatened, but both he and you knew it was a half hearted lie. You would always be there to bother Bi-Han. Whether it be to nag him, make stupid jokes, or just to…be there.
He’s grown soft, he realized, if he’s actually grown to tolerate you and your presence without too much thought. Looking back, the man realized that, he’s actually grown to be used to you being with him for a while now. This realization would have made the man angry or terrified long ago.
Now he was just…okay with it.
And so Bi-Han sat there, with the overwhelming realization that he’s grown to trust you.
Bi-Han was not known for being vulnerable.
The grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, as much as he would never admit it, is very much human. 
He had dreams. Dreams of ascending to higher things than just being a member of a clan that listened to a god to a drop of a hat. He had aspirations of growing stronger and better than he was now. He had flaws, much like any other person. He was ambitious to a fault and was too harsh and blunt, even to his own kin. 
But most of all, Bi-Han felt weaknesses.
It wasn’t often, but he sometimes thought of his parents.
Bi-Han’s relationship with his father was strained. To be the firstborn of a clan that was so revered meant he had a lot of expectations on him since he was born. He had to command respect without being harsh. He had to be confident, but not cocky. He had to give up who he was, or wanted to be, for the clan. Because Bi-han was now the clan’s life blood.
The cyromancer never asked for such a destiny. But who was he to deny a path to power since birth? He supposed it was only worthy of him, as he rose to the challenge when he knew many would crumble under the immense pressure. He alone withstood the harshness of his father’s teachings when others did not see that side of him.
No one else had to see the sheer disappointment in his father’s eyes everytime he did not live up to his expectations.
It was suffice to say his father expected much of him. Bi-Han, after all, was going to inherit a lot of power and responsibility. It was only fair. Still, bitterly, the cyromancer remembered how much easier his brothers’ expectations were. But it was fine. It was not as if they were trained to be the next grandmaster of a clan.
It was probably for the better, for now he was a man who could hold his own.
Still, sometimes he wished, deep down, that he had a father instead of a teacher.
Bi-Han’s relationship with his mother was better. Where his father surmounted a lot of pressure upon his son to forge him into a diamond, his mother took care and time to polish him. The man was ever thankful for and adored his mother.
When father had been harsh, she had always been there to provide guiding words to help quell his fears. She gave him compassion and kindness in his times of need. His mother had always been proud of him, even when he felt as if he fell short.
Bi-Han had been hit the hardest by his mother’s death.
Tonight was one of those nights where his weaknesses managed to snag their claws into him and tear at his chest. Lying down on his bed, he stared up towards the ceiling. It was dark in his room. He preferred it that way. But the cover of darkness did not help his mind as he looked into the inky black darkness. 
Though he did not feel the chill of his own powers, he knew that the temperature in his room was dropping quickly due to his lack of self control. He should have better control than this. The old man would despise this as much as he despised him.
He needed water. Water would help him get back into the right mindset.
Bi-Han trudged towards the kitchen, a layer of frost following in his wake. Thoughts of the parents he no longer had filled his mind as he went, trying to drag him down. Shards of ice born from his irritation grew on his forearms. 
Why were the dead haunting him so much?
It was irrational for him to allow them to have such a chokehold on his thoughts, even after all this time. The cyromancer owed them nothing. He had no need for them to whisper into his mind, telling him how he needed to be more than he was now. How Bi-Han was still not enough,
The knob on the kitchen grew icy as he gripped it. Fragile shards dropped as he turned, shattering like glass on the floor. His steps felt like molasses as he walked towards the sink. The glass he grabbed immediately grew cold, almost threatening to shatter in his hands.
He glared at the sink as it refused to relinquish the water he desperately needed. Bi-Han felt his frustration grow, and he clenched his fists. He trembled and shook from anger. He was the grandmaster, dammit! He should not be struggling with any of this.
The glass shattered in his hand.
“Bi-Han?” A voice rang out amongst the whispers in his head. He froze, the ice on his hands sticking to the sink like his father’s teachings stuck to him. Like a cornered animal, Sub Zero’s head whipped around and he glared instinctively at the intruder. 
It was you.
You stood in the doorway, eyes wide as you looked at the mess that was Bi-Han. He cringed inwardly, detesting how you saw him at his lowest. Slowly, you stepped into the room, looking at the shards of ice and the frost that had overtaken the room.
“Are you okay?” You asked, now in front of Bi-Han. Instead of the fear he had imagined in your eyes, you only showed concern. Slowly, you reached out a hand to cradle his now bleeding hand. You examined his hands, taking out the bandages you seemed to always carry for his sake and began to patch him just like you always did.
The words Bi-Han wanted to say caught in his throat as he stared at you. He was bewildered. Why were you not running? Why were you still here? It was illogical for you to be staying here when he was like…this. 
“I saw all the ice.” You said, your voice gentle and soft. It soothed the pain. It silenced the whispers in his head.  “I was worried for you.” You murmured, your gaze focused on his hand that you held so carefully, as if it would break if you breathed too hard.
Normally, he hated being treated lesser than he was. But he knew with you, that wasn’t the case here.
“Sorry if I’m overstepping but…” You said. You paused, uncertain over something. Then, slowly you wrapped your arms around him, giving him a warm gentle embrace. For a moment, Bi-Han stood there stiffly, not knowing what to do. This type of affection was lost to him.
Slowly, though, he wrapped his arms around you too. 
And he sobbed into your shoulder.
Bi-Han, most of all, was not known for being soft.
Standing outside in the garden, you stood by his side. You always seemed to find your way there. Bi-Han could not think of a better place he would rather you be. It only felt right that you were there, after everything you’ve been through with him.
The cyromancer glanced at you, letting out a breath as he saw the frost nip at your nose and cheeks making them flush. Bi-Han, in that moment, was jealous of the gentle snow and cold and how it brought the color to your cheeks.
It should be him. 
If he made a light snowstorm like the one surrounding you both, would you look at him with even a fraction of the admiration he held for you? If he made an ice sculpture dedicated for you, would you swoon for him and fall into his arms?
No, none of those felt right.
He watched silently with thinly veiled admiration as you spread out your arms, embracing the cold weather. A large smile pulled at your lips, and it also pulled at his heart. The joy on your face was nearly infectious, and he had to fight to keep his lips from quirking up. And yet, if you were to open your eyes and look over, you would see the ghost of a smile on his lips.
No person should have this amount of control over another over a damned smile, and yet here you were. You were able to make the icy grandmaster smile without lifting a finger. All you had to do was to have to smile. By the Netherrealm, you could just look at him at this point and his heart would be jumping for joy.
You had him wrapped around your finger, did you know that?
No. Of course not. You were too oblivious to his feelings. If you did, you would and should be trying to hug him, and not the snowflakes that surrounded the both of you. So instead, Bi-Han just admired your all too perfect face, trying to commit the sight to memory.
By the elder gods, he really wanted to kiss you.
“Isn’t the snowfall just wonderful?” You asked, peeking open an eye to look at him. Bi-Han, snapping out of his stupor, crossed his arms like he guarded his heart. He paused, trying to think of something, anything. 
What should he do? Should he try to flirt? No, knowing you, you’d probably laugh at his attempt and think he was trying to make a joke. That, and flirting wasn’t really his style anyways. That was something the arrogant actor would do, and he wanted you to fall for him, Bi-Han. Not Johnny Cage.
So instead he just nodded.
It seemed a sufficient enough answer for you. Your smile grew, and Bi-Han wondered for a moment if you were the embodiment of the sun. No, of course not. You were far more radiant than that stupid star, if anything, the universe should revolve around you.
His world already did, anyways.
“It’s nice to have something gentle for once, it’s usually a blizzard out here!” You exclaimed, and Bi-Han’s mind couldn’t help but to run in circles over your words. Did you prefer a gentleman? The ghost of a smile on his lips disappeared, replaced with his usual frown. 
He wasn’t exactly a shining definition of a gentleman.
“Aw, you stopped smiling.” You pointed out, and Bi-Han’s heart skipped a beat. So you weren’t as oblivious as you seemed. You noticed his smile, and even seemed to mourn the loss of it. Did you like it? If he were better at it, he’d smile just for you. His lips pursed, and he suddenly wishes he could smile on command. He’s never wanted that before.
Bi-Han’s eyes wander, and they look towards you hair and the snowflakes that decorate it. You looked absolutely ethereal. It was like the universe was trying to set him up for failure. How could the universe decorate you just so…perfectly?
“Man, I should have brought gloves.” You complain. You bring up your hands, which were trembling slightly from the cold. You exhaled into them before rubbing them together to try and bring back some warmth into your body.
“Here.” Bi-Han said, and his body worked faster than his mind as he grabbed your hands. For a moment, he was pleased with himself. Then, in the next, he felt foolish. His hands were probably cold, what was he thinking? He stared at you, trying to gauge your reaction to his impulsive actions.
At first, it was shock. Then, that melted away into something that felt…bashful? Bi-Han’s heart skipped a beat, and he forced himself to engrave the look on your face into his brain. He never knew someone could look so breathtaking.
“Oh, thank you.” You said, your face becoming ever more flushed. The grandmaster’s heart swelled with pride and joy. He made you feel this way. Certainly that had to mean something, right? You bit your lip, and he couldn’t help but be entranced. How could someone have such kissable looking lips? “I…um…I need help with something else too…” You trailed off, swallowing as you nervously looked away.
“Hm?” Bi-han hummed, entranced by the usual shyness. He leaned ever closer, eyes searching your face. Whatever it is you wanted, he would give. 
“My lips are cold too.” You managed to mumble out, before giving him the most hopeful smile he’s ever seen. Bi-Han’s lips grew into a soft smile as his stomach did backflips. He leaned forward, until his lips hovered just a breath away from yours.
“I can help with that.”
Then, he gave you a kiss.
Bi-Han was not known for doing small things for others, nor for his kindness. He never was known for letting others in or for vulnerability. And most of all, he was not known for his softness.
And yet, he’d be all of that and more, if it was for you.
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zsaddy · 1 year
staring problem┊when you stare at their arms for too long
sub-zero , scorpion &. smoke
♡ gawking at their muscles in the game inspired me to write this.
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bi-han isn’t particularly amused by other people’s idiocy, but when it came to you — he looked forward to it. your staring problem was painfully obvious, he’s impressed how a person could have no awareness of their prying gaze. it’s when he curiously turns your way after debriefing training modules with his brother that he expected you to flinch at his icy glare and leave in embarrassment, but your dilated eyes remained on his flexing biceps. bi-han’s breath hitched by this sudden feeling of exposure from your dumb, mindless staring. he’s fuming at the fact that he was flustered instead and it isn’t until he sees the glimmer of saliva in the corner of your agape mouth that he believed you are utterly hopeless. with a dry swipe of his thumb over your wet lips, you finally break your hard gaze away from his sinewy arms to realize bi-han was caressing your mouth. “you’re a moron.” he says sternly, but there’s a hint of rare adoration in his insulting words.
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kuai liang is constantly amused by your adamant staring at his arms. his pride swells when he catches your blatant gaze memorizing every curve and scar that represented his hard work and dedication. and to save you the embarrassment, he simply never called you out for your staring problem — rather he quite encouraged it. reading off a scroll sent by the fire god himself, kuai liang made sure that you could barely see past his thick muscles, the words written on the parchment shadowed by his strong form. he looks over your direction where you mindlessly hum at his faint words, greedily taking in the image of his arms without any shame. it’s not until he finishes the last words of the letter that you continue to hum at the silence, eyes slowly blinking like you were in a perverted daze. after holding it in for weeks, he finally boasts a vibrating laugh. “you have no shame, huh?” he quirks an amused brow when you turn away in realization, a smug grin on his face.
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tomas never felt more confused in his life, were you okay? your constant staring over the past few weeks made him highly concerned over your wellbeing, every possibility swirling in his mind. did he knock you down too hard during training? is there some mind numbing enchantment that lingered down the halls that he wasn’t aware of? he refused to believe your unblinking eyes was on him for any reason other than some minor accident. and it’s when he’s sharpening the blade in his grasp, he feels your familiar gaze burning against his prickling, tense muscles — following each stroke with unwavering focus. after observing you from the corner of his eye for the past few minutes, he concluded that you were indeed checking out his arms the whole time. tomas was flustered, nonetheless, yet he couldn’t pretend to be oblivious much longer. “it’s not very polite to stare you know.” his words were confrontational, but playful. when you profusely apologized, his eyes crinkle as he smiled.
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© aweina : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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zsaddy · 1 year
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His facial expression and crossed arms are very nice.
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zsaddy · 1 year
Reader see smoke eating a cinnamon roll. And she said out loud, "cannibalism. "
How would smoke react?
Smoke is cute and sweet like cinnamon bun.
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You tuck a loose strand of hair behind you ear while you quietly nibble at your breakfast. Eyelids weigh heavy, still craving to close for a bit longer but the day already started. You need not spend this dragging morning isolated.
Tomas comes to provide you company, carrying his own breakfast. Eyes catch the rather honey sweet treat covered in shimmer glaze and your amusement shines through your gaze.
"You sure you want to be eating that, Tomas?"
A brow goes raised and grey eyes look from his plate to you. "I'm rather sure. Why? Is something wrong with it."
A cheek rests against a palm and coquettish becomes your gaze. "Well, it's just you and that cinnamon bun might just be too alike..."
"What?" comes a scoffing laugh, "How am I similar to it? Because I'm bad for you?"
Now you laugh, "No no! You're both...sweet."
Silence. Silence and a wide gaze. Wide gaze and a pinkish hue to Tomas' face. You see it and he know you do. There is little he can do to stop your laugh while the skin of his and tips of his ears flush red.
A hand covers his face, practically steaming from embarrassment. Arms wrap around him and so you place a kiss to his temple.
"I love how sweet you are, Tomas. You're my personal cinnamon roll."
And so he the red grows stronger.
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zsaddy · 1 year
Mk1 raiden w an S/O who is the type to just stare and admire him w/o realizing it? Like one who is just constantly 😍😍😍 about him
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A chin rests in the curve of a palm and there's a sigh passing through lips. It not exacerbated nor is it peeved. The breath that you free from your lungs is longing. How could it not be when eyes mull over the point of a jaw, the dip of a nose and lips that smile so naturally?
You often find yourself in situations like this. You'll sit an admire the man next to you who remains unaware of the adoring yet silent praise you give him. Maybe it better this way. There so much natural beauty for there to be had when he didn't notice your gaze.
Though there are the times he does notice. His eyes glide over to yours and your smile widens. Raiden would blink before swallowing a lump in his throat, he's embarrassed and shy. And all you can do is laugh lightly.
"Why do you stare at me like that?" He'll ask, a nervous smile at his lips.
Hand at your chin moves in favor of pointing to him. Your eyes crease close with your wide and bright smile. "Because you're cute."
Raiden's blushing then, laughing breathless and embarrassed. The compliments you give him are not unwanted but he can't help the flattery he feels when you give them. His hand would find yours, giving it but a soft squeeze.
"I should be the one saying that to you." Is what he says before the tips of your noses dust across each other.
It does not end there. Your hands find his jaw and his find your cheek and soon you're embracing in a dance most delicate. Lips to each other, moving slow and steady. You cannot help but think to yourself how wonderful this is. How wonderful he is.
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zsaddy · 1 year
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zsaddy · 1 year
When I was “I want him” about a male character im not saying I wanna fuck him. I want him like a spoiled little girl wants a pony, I want to him so I can put him on my shelf for safekeeping, I want him like a good hearty stew on a winter’s evening, I want to put him in a jar and shake it.
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