zuretha-metal · 6 months
why do people always only expect you to have one thing. one disorder one pet one gender one pronouns one name one favorite movie one crush one best friend. like why do I have an inventory limit
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zuretha-metal · 8 months
The "B" is *not* for "buses"
Via mastodon(aka the fediverse)
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zuretha-metal · 9 months
>listening to nin
>hear a new layer to song ive relistened to over and over
>"wow i cant believe i never noticed this before! i wonder what kind of synth he used. its very forboding in a specific way only nin can achieve"
>pause song to write post praising nin
>the synth specifically keeps playing despite the rest of the song being paused
>look outside window
>garbage truck
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zuretha-metal · 10 months
There are multiple posts saying that Legolas is the Texan amongst the Fellowship of the Ring and you’re all wrong it’s Gandalf. It’s 1000% Gandalf. Gandalf followed a wild horse for two days to tame it and would regularly ride up to the Shire with a cart full of homemade fireworks. Gandalf's the Texan.
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zuretha-metal · 11 months
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zuretha-metal · 11 months
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
Don’t lie to your doctor about being a hoe
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
The more I think of Astarion's love-hate relationship with heroic characters, the more I think of this quote from The Last Unicorn:
And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this!
Now I'm unwell
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
every friend group should include
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
Update 8/27/23
Hey, y'all. These oast couple months have been interesting. One of my physicians is moving on to the biggest and best job, my favorite coworkers quit, and we're officially down two nurses in-clinic. Podcasts might literally be the only thing holding me together, lol.
Penumbra S5: Okay, so this season so far has just sort of... made me cry? It wasn't much of a tearful reunion in Juno, but listening to them bicker like the old days and get back to the basics (the first thing that drew me in about this show was the space noir private eye vibes) was refreshing. So refreshing, in fact, that I went back and re-listened to, "The Case of the Murderous Mask", "The Train From Nowhere" -- the end of Season 1, Season 3 in it's entirety, and then I re-listened to Season 4 just to listen to Juno and Nureyev be in love and listen to Juno pine. The lady has some big emotions, and I love him for it. As for Second Citadel, that first scene of Season 5 hits like... really hard. And I was so scared for Talfrin, but then Angelo was there. The second he swooped in and announced himself, I started sobbing. I'm glad Damien was able to be reunited and that they've learned what is happening to their world. Quanyii is a little scary right now but I think I would be too if I took a magic edible and bad tripped my way through the Mirrored Planes and gained horrible knowledge and as soon as I woke up, I found out the love of my life had gone missing and the place was getting bombed. Definitely an understandable reaction. Our little lizard kissing boquet made me cry at the end of the episode. You know why. Last season brought everyone together only for this season to send them sprawling apart to possible doom.
Desert Skies -- I didn't get to listen to much of this yet, but it is a trip. If their frozen burrito aisle didn't send me, the fact that they refer ghosts glitching and having unfinished business by using the acronym "SUB"bing has my absolutely dying. I have no idea how to explain any of this to anyone, and it's still like...weirdly well-written. It's wholesome for being so, so nuanced.
Midnight Burger -- KB got burnt out about halfway through the second season. Still, I've got about 4 new episodes the listen to, and I'm very excited. We have a chaplain at our hospital who does the same three prayers on a loop, but she prays so nice it reminds me of Effie, and I actually feel better after hers.
Batman: The Audio Adventures -- This is great to listen to. It gives me spooky noir detective vibes and also lets me simp over a man who can't eat dinner until 2:22 in the morning because he's got two occupants in his mind. These voice actors are so good, and they paint a picture of Gotham that is so immersive and interesting. I had to stop listening so my boyfriend could catch up, so I'm excited to listen to more.
Things are so busy right now as our clinic transitions to make sure we can still see patients, and also because I've accepted a position in as an extra in a dinner theater production. Our first rehearsal is tonight, so wish me luck!
My Running Favorite Podcasts List:
The Penumbra Podcast - Juno Steel mysteries. I've dipped my toes into Second Citadel, not sure if I want to sacrifice my soul for it just yet. As for Juno's stuff, I would die for every member of the Carte Blanche and the first episode still gives me chills, even on the fourth relisten.
Welcome To Night Vale - my first podcast. My favorite baby. I listened to this thing walking the mile to and from campus and the mile across the highway to work for a year. I based my marching band tech assignments in Night Vale 's school district. Go Scorpions! (The web address is floating around somewhere out there if you're interested in the Big Rico's Sell-A-Slice fundraiser for new marching band uniforms!)
Good Morning Night Vale - Great recaps of episodes and the cast are just...abolsute goblins. Very feel-good. Good for my soul, good for yours, good for the All Mighty Glow Cloud's - all hail ❤
The Two Princes - Absolutely lovely. Short, dynamic, and absolutely charming. I listened to this one a while back and don't remember much except a totally relateable main character, a cursed forest -- also lots of gayness and a flying ship. Beauty and grace.
The Orbiting Human Circus - Strange. Very Pan's Labyrinth in the realm of, "reality?" I love the music and the old-timey feel. Still picking my way through the Naughty Till New Year's collection, but I'm a sucker for the stories they bring to the table.
The Magnus Archives - I cried a bunch. Made art. It's beautiful. The only smart man in this podcast is Joshua Gillespie. Amen to my man with all the braincells who said, "Put the key in a bowl of water and freeze it." I, of course, picked all of the stupid people as my favorites and all of them are dead. Except one.
Marsfall - Just started this one. Chaos. Amazing imagery. Also ANDI - I'd die for that sweet boy. And for some reason it just makes me think of Starkid's Starship? Bc like, it's detrimental AND campy. Excellent.
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
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My little work doodles of my Baldur's Gate characters, their in-game versions, and their original forms from my past DnD campaigns. My monk (Emilia De'Limon), is very wise, but like my post-it says, she can be crude as she is not well-practiced in conversation or quite so empathetic as her party-members. And my Circle of the Moon druid (originally a shifter but had to be flexible due to game constraints) (Sarief Longtooth) is smart and level-headed, but will bend over backwards to help someone in need to the detriment of herself at times. I love my smart-yet-dumb, low-charisma queens.
I have only had maybe 3 hours of playtime between the two of them, but they've quite possibly been the three best hours of my life
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
Everyone picks new outfits for Astarion to wear. Meanwhile, I'm just dying his default camp clothes furnace and black so he looks like a slutty Austen novel man. We are not the same.
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
dr who is so crazy imagine your species goes extinct except for two theater kids who call themselves The Orthodontist and the Administrator and they just go around causing problems and destroying your entire culture's reputation
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
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TrigunAU where everything is the same, except they wear the Barbie and Ken outfits for the whole series.
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
"These games are fiction, which means you can do things that aren't morally acceptable in society"
yes but have you considered that I'll feel really bad if I'm mean
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zuretha-metal · 1 year
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So this was basically Man in Glass, right?
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