zuvia-faq · 11 years
how to show Likes in theme MERCURY?
None of my themes are coded to show Likes. Sorry.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hi! I changed the appearance of the mainlinks (Using Lazarus) and the custom links disappeared.. How do I get them to work again? They don't seem to work with any code..
You’ll have to reinstall the theme if you’ve done heavy editing because a number of things could have messed it up. Be sure to select the ‘more links’ option when you have the default code.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
do you still have your small pixels/icons? i've been looking for it and i couldn't find it in your blog anymore. please help. thanks in advance!
zuvia > Resources > Icons 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hi, I have your theme the guardian and for some reason when I search for my t-ara tag I can't find it's content any idea why? (could you answer in private so that I can see your response? thank you ^^
Tumblr can’t track tags that have hyphens in them. I have the same issue with any theme that I use.
Try changing the tag to “tara” and then you’ll be able to find it.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
I really like this theme, but I'm not sure if it's just my own page but I can't seem to find the next page button and I don't like infinite scrolling. I installed it correcting but that's my only issue. I've only made color changes and edited the side bar picture, I'm not sure what's wrong.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hello! I've been using your #19 Flameo Hotman theme for 6 or 7 months now and recently it's decided to bug on me. The sidebar images #1 and #4 are no longer rounded to fit the circle, but square and overlap the sidebar circle. I don't know what caused it to do that as I haven't touched the code in months. I've tried fixing it on my own, but I know little to nothing about html code. If you could shed some light on the situation, it would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Hi there, 
I’m not sure what happened but the code probably got mixed up somewhere. (It can be as easy as an unclosed bracket sometimes.) I just installed the theme on a side blog and everything works fine. So if you’d like you continue using the theme, simply reinstall it and it should work. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hey Zuvia! Thanks for answering my mainlink question earlier this year. But it seems I have another problem. I'm using Espoir, and whenever I post a picture the picture doubles itself! I've tried reinstalling and it still won't work. :/ what's happening?
Choose only one post size. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Lets just say, I'm not being able to install themes. :( I know, you have given a nice "HOW TO". But, still, it isn't working... What do I do?
I'm afraid I can't install a theme for you, dear. :c 
Are you sure you're doing as the directions say? I've installed multiple themes doing the same exact steps. 
However, if my tutorial isn't working for you, you can try following Manatopia's tutorial as it is more fleshed out and has images. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Good day! I'm using your Nocturne theme, and all the text and pictures inside the body of audio posts do not appear. Is there any way to fix this?
Hi there, 
It's coded so that the info appears when the audio post itself has info in it. Although I realize not all posts do, and some place the info only in captions.
(This is what I'm talking, in post edit)
If you want to add captions to the posts, find {/block:Audio} and paste this before it:
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Nevermind, I found it.. It says the background is "fixed", but when I add a background it repeats.. How do I fix it?
Use this tutorial.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hello! I'm using your theme #25 Mercury, and when I add Link titles to sidebar links, half of the text is covered by the sidebar image. I've tried using a short title such about "About them" and longer titles such as "About the characters. When the title is two lines long, the first line is still cut off. I was wondering if there's any way to fix that, or if there is a character limit for the links?
Hi there,
Unfortunately there is a character limit for the links. I would recommend using the dropdown menu if you want to include longer links.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
I was wondering about Theme 24. The music player that plays on Castiel's picture. How do I get it to work? It keeps buffering.
Hi there, please see this post. If it keeps buffering, you might have to use a different MP3 file. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hello, I recently installed a thema and used a code for music player. Everything is working, however I saw a link to your tumblr to change the icons of the player, how can I change? I do not find any tutorial to teach.
If you're using my music player, find these lines.
Change the bold part with your icon URL. It's usually the same for other music tabs. Just find the "img src" part of it and change the URL.
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
I'm sorry, I'm using Mercury light and I it's been fine for a while but recently whenever I go to customize my theme I keep getting the message "your custom html theme seems to be invalid" pop up, and it tries to recover the theme I was using beforehand. I haven't messed with the theme, I don't know what triggered it, and I've tried reinstalling. Any ideas?
I've gotten this message before too, and a couple of other theme makers have encountered it as well. I don't think we've come across a solid solution yet, but apparently changing your theme too many times in a day causes the message to pop up. 
Reinstalling the theme worked for me, deleting cookies worked for someone else, and deleting the "DOCTYPE" code at the top of the theme code worked for another person. 
If you come across something that works for you, lemme know. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
I'm using Peaches n’ Cream and i can't press play to the music i've reblogged. Is there a way to fix it?
Hi there, 
Chances are you can't click the play button because of the hovering permalink. 
Uncheck "Hovering Permalink" in appearance options and you should be able to play the audio posts. Or, you can also enable captions. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
I'm using your music player on my blog but it seems to be playing the songs all at the same time and the player shows that multiple songs are playing, there is a play and stop button for each song. I don't know if what I'm saying is making sense, but could please help me out? You can take a look here: bubbastyles(.)tumblr(.)com thanks xx
You pasted the "" code four times. You only need one. 
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zuvia-faq · 11 years
Hi I was wondering if there was a way where you could add the names of the songs or a next button to your music player in the theme Swan Song because mine only shows up as a play/pause button.
No, you can't in that theme. It's not coded for it.
If you want song names, again, I recommend these music players.
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