zuzak94 · 5 years
Jaime and Brienne: a rant
I’ve never posted anything here but I'm so upset after watching the new episode of Game of Thrones that I need to write down my thoughts. I’m open to discussion.
They totally destroyed both Jaime's and Brienne's characters. I think Brienne was treated worse than any character ever in the show and she didn't deserve that. Thinking that making her sleep with someone would be any kind of a pay off for her means not understanding the character. I think she never really wanted sex, she wanted acceptance for who she really is, from a person she cares about and that was the knighting scene. For me their story should've ended there (plus maybe Jaime dying in her arms). Don't get me wrong, it would be great to have a happy ending for them but it might be too sweet and perfect. The whole point of their relationship was to show a deep personal connection, respect and trust which may or may not lead to something physical. Brienne has been mocked her entire life so she built up a wall to protect herself from being hurt and when she finally let's her guard down she gets just that. From a man who's been earning her trust for years. It's like a huge slap in the face for everyone who loved the character or identfied with her. It's like saying she is not worthy of being loved, as everyone has been telling her all her life. Plus making her beg Jaime to stay was completely unecessary and humiliating. If they really want to play the "Jaime will always love Cersei and he will go back to her" card then why did you make Jaime and Brienne sleep together? They could've just said a sad goodbye again and maybe acknowledged that they care about eachother, that's it. I guess it was supposed to be fan service but it actually was the opposite. Having sex with Jaime doesn't even "make her embrace her feminity" or whatever. Not having sex doesn't mean you are less of a woman, there are asexual people in this world and they are not worse than anyone else. I'm not sure if Brienne is asexual but she is kind of on the spectrum, for her what counts above all is the connection with the person. She falls for people who respect and trust her (it was the same with Renly) not for the looks or anything else. I think she'd rather be friends with Jaime till the end of their lifes instead of lovers for a couple of days only for him to dump her. She is looking more for a companion, someone who loves her for who she is, not a lover who is only interested in her physically (that's why she didn't care for Tormund). And it's totally out of character for Jaime who actually has been protecting her from a similar situation almost from the beginning of their relationship. He saved her from being raped and now he is doing something equally awful, maybe not damaging her physically but psychically. As for Jaime, Bryan Cogman said he didn't really belive in the "redemption arc" because Jaime is still the same person. Fair enough, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person. He has always had the bad and the good part, arguably even more of the good one. I get it that he can't simply be happy with Brienne and forget about Cersei when she is still alive. I understand that he might be afraid of allowing himself to be happy. But then whether you make him kill Cersei to get rid of the evil side of him or, as I said before, at least don't make Jaime and Brienne have sex because it's just too cruel. And I know "it's Game of Thrones" but that's not a good excuse because in this series even the bad things that happen are not out of character.
The satisfying conclusion for them would be: everything that happened until episode 3, Jaime goes back to Cersei just to finally understand that she is the evil, he kills her and then die in Brienne's arms, Brienne writes down his deeds in the book (I can't remember how it's called). It's not gonna happen though. I really want to belive in the theory that Jaime is going south only to kill Cersei but I don't think that's what they are going for. They said in the "Inside the episode" that he wants to protect her. Now I won't even be surprised if he doesn't actually kill her. Very often I see people arguing that Nikolaj said that the season was great so it can't end badly for Jaime and Brienne but I think that actually he was just salty about it. I had a bad feeling when I read the article where he was defending Jaime and Cersei. It's so not Nikolaj that I knew he just had to say that so after the season aired he won't be accused of acting against the character and his believes. Then there was another similar interview where he said that Jaime went north because he loves Cersei and he wants to protect her. While I clearly rememeber him saying, after the 7 th season, that Jaime's "I don't belive you" meant " I don't love you anymore". Also later asked about the ending of Jaime's story, if he was satisfied with it, he said something like "yyy.. yeah..." and Gwendoline laughed. And then recently in an interview with imdb he said "I odn't want to choose between Brienne and Cersei, at least not on camera" and looked down. He clearly got some directions from Dan and Dave not to shit on their writing. It's sad how the actors playing the characters understand them better that the people that write the show. That being said, I don't know if I'm even angry at D&D, they gave us Game of Thrones after all. I'm just disappointed and sad.
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