The elephant in the living room that the Trans & Queer communities and their allies have been tiptoeing around is that their conception of gender is essentially a religious belief: that all people have a gender, which reflects their true self, independent of any observed reality (a soul in all but name). If you believe this, modern ideas about gender identities, transitioning, etc. follow logically. If you don't, gender discourse will seem like incoherent nonsense.
You're really sending this garbage to an extremely political Trans Scientist and expecting me not to actually bring receipts?
It is Terfs and Transphobes like you whose ideology has no basis in reality.
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An Alberta dentist will appear in court later this month on sexual assault charges. Shouresh Charkhandeh has been charged with four counts of sexual assault, and one count of sexual assault-threaten to cause bodily harm. According to court documents, the charges stem from incidents that took place between 2012 and 2013. Charkhandeh was criminally charged on Aug. 23.
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Protect the rights of gun owners? What the hell does that entail? God I hope Alberta won’t have a mass shooting a week like America does.
And I feel like she is weaponizing the term bodily automy when she talks about vaccines. She doesn’t give a shit about bodily autonomy. If she did she would decriminalize drugs and maybe do safe injection sites. So people who use drugs can do so safely and it will respect their bodily autonomy but then they wouldn’t have to purchase drugs that were made too quickly and some gangs seem to make it poorly. Badly made drugs can cause harm. Anyway and if she truely cared about bodily autonomy she wouldn’t try to strip it from trans people.
And don’t Indigenous people, they are sometimes forced to be forcefully sterilized. And this lady is doing nothing about that.
Bodily autonomy also probably has to do with not being kidnapped by the state against your will. Or ‘arresrs’ and that happens more to people of colour.
And doesn’t it infringe on people’s bodily autonomy when they are beaten the shit of of by cops or killed by cops? It seems like it.
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Thanks for these informative blogs!
You're welcome! :)
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Maybe cis allies could not expect trans people to have pass perfectly, like not pressure them. And realize there are multiple ways to be trans. And unlearn lookism. Like unlearn Western beauty standards. And that not all trans people want operations. Like gender affirming care. But cis allies should learn more about it and try to help us do activism so everyone has access or something.
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Quebec's school year started on a familiar note: thousands of teaching spots were unfilled, and the provincial government had to defend itself for its failure to solve the problem. But as politicians continue to point to immigration — a common justification for the province's ills — as the main culprit, education experts say newcomers are not the underlying cause of the widespread teacher shortages. "There has been a significant increase in the number of children who need a teacher because of the explosion in the number of immigrants," Quebec Premier François Legault told reporters last week, despite also mentioning working conditions and salaries as other reasons the education system is lacking personnel.
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The Oct. 19 election in British Columbia will feature new electoral districts that increase the number of seats in the legislature from 87 to 93. It's part of a regular process, done once a decade, as an independent commission looks at B.C.'s population growth and recommends updates to riding boundaries. Here is a look at some of the new seats[...]
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Quebecers who want to arrange a medically assisted death before their condition leaves them unable to grant consent can do so as of next month, the province announced Saturday as it unveiled details of a plan to grant such requests without waiting for Ottawa to update the country’s criminal code. Quebec’s government said last month it would stop waiting for the federal government to implement the requested amendments and forge ahead with plans to grant early MAiD requests. On Saturday, the province announced such requests could be granted as of Oct. 30. “The issue of advance requests for medical assistance in dying is widely agreed upon in Quebec,” Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette said in a press release. Seniors Minister Sonia Bélanger called the province a leader in upholding “patients’ right to die with dignity.”
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Is there anyway to combat rising transphobia in Canada?
Yes, be an ally and stand up for us.
Don't vote for transphobic politicians, and confront Transphobia when you see it.
Show us love too.
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What do you think about bill 7? I've only just become familiar with it and it worries me
I just heard about it too:
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A Peterborough police officer has been charged following an investigation by Ontario Provincial Police. In a news release on Saturday, OPP said the chief of Peterborough police asked in March that they investigate allegations against an officer. They did not disclose details of the allegations, but OPP said they arrested 27-year-old Mackenzie Rogers on Saturday. He has been charged with two counts of breach of trust and one count of possession of property obtained by crime. Rogers was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 8.
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Hi! So a number of months ago I sent an anon about top surgery in Alberta and its wait times/my surgeon disappearing entirely. Update to that! Some guardian angel or something came down from the heavens and said "we have a cancellation, do you wanna come in for surgery in mid-october?" and i said yes because I couldn't risk losing the date and LOSING MY MINDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. That's like 3 weeks out baybee! Anyways yeah! Good news to end what would have been a terrible story!
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Canada's unemployment rate is just the latest economic indicator flashing red. It climbed to 6.6 per cent last month. Excluding the volatile swings of the COVID era, that's the highest it's been since 2017. And economists say the malaise in the jobs market is deepening. "Layoffs are also rising under the surface. And a down-drift in job openings signals that hiring demand from businesses is still slowing," wrote RBC's deputy chief economist Nathan Janzen in a note to clients. In fact, the whole economy is still slowing.
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“A Canada Post worker says she was suspended after refusing to deliver flyers that compare gender-affirming medical care to child mutilation.
The flyer from Campaign Life Coalition, an anti-abortion group based in Hamilton, Ont., calls for a ban on "child sex-change."
Shannon Aitchison said she is the mother of a transgender adult and given that gender-affirming surgery is only available to people aged 18 and above, believes the wording of the flyers is harmful and discriminatory against transgender people.
"It's misinformation. It is lies and misinformation being presented as truth," she said.
This is the third flyer sent by the group since August. The first two were in support of the Blaine Higgs government's changes to Policy 713, requiring parental consent before school staff can use a child under the age of 16's chosen name and pronouns.
Higgs's campaign manager, Steve Outhouse, has previously said the Progressive Conservatives have "no involvement with this flyer or the actions" of the group.
The most recent flyer calls for banning gender-affirming health care for youth.”
“The Medical Consent of Minors Act in New Brunswick gives anyone 16 years or older the right to consent to medical treatment, including taking medications, such as hormones, or going to counselling. Medical professionals may grant parental-consent exceptions for younger teens who are deemed mature enough to make decisions.
Gender-affirming surgeries are available for those over 18 years of age in New Brunswick.”
“Aitchison said she's delivered mail in the past that she personally didn't agree with, but the flyer goes a step further.
"This is the first time I have ever drawn a line in the sand and said … I will not be party to delivering propaganda," she said.”
“When the first of these flyers showed up in New Brunswick mailboxes last month, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers said its workers "have been given the option of not delivering the offensive material if it would cause them mental anguish or if they fear for their health and safety."”
“It's not clear whether the option was given by the union or Canada Post, and why Aitchison was suspended despite what the union said. The union has not yet responded to CBC questions on the issue.
After three days of suspension, Aitchison said she had a disciplinary meeting and is still awaiting a decision. She said the union has filed a grievance on her behalf.”
I really hope she wins, this is horrendous.
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Contrary to the title and framing, this is about a landlord-on-landlord slap fight.
While the very real danger of these illegal rooming houses and their innumerable code violations are actually a lethal risk, here’s what the protesters interviewed had to say:
“Michelle Gauthier, who also attended the rally and is a landlord herself, says illegal rooming houses have been a growing issue in Brampton over the past two years.
She says about 30 per cent of the houses on her street have turned into rentals and illegal rooming houses.
"We really love that feeling of community, and we're afraid it's disappearing," Gauthier said.””
“Many residents at the protest expressed their support for the city's Residential Rental Licensing program.
The program, which began this January, is a pilot project that aims to crack down on rental units that violate health and safety rules.
Last week, Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown said the project has led to 4,700 home inspections and over 600 penalty notices.
Gauthier said 20 students were living in a neighbouring house for a year. She said they were frequently loud at night and were difficult to manage.
After the rental licensing program was introduced, she said the students were replaced with a family.”
I’m sure those students, who clearly didn’t have many options, are totally fine. Somewhere.
“Some landlords have criticized the pilot project, saying it costs them money, makes them do paperwork and, often, their tenants are to blame for the issues flagged by city inspectors.”
Much of the blame, unsurprisingly, seems to be falling on international students and foreigners in general, as opposed to the landlords.
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A group of protesters gathered outside of the Edmonton Police Service Northeast Division on Saturday, calling for police accountability and the resignation of police chief Dale McFee. The protest was one of multiple that have been held since 28-year-old Mathios Arkangelo was shot and killed by a police officer in Fraser on June 29. "I feel if we stop … this thing will be brushed under the rug," said Mathios' older brother Dini Arkangelo. "People will move on with their lives, and stuff like this will keep happening." The shooting was captured by nearby security cameras, and the family released a 25-minute video compilation showing the interaction from multiple angles. 
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In one private chat group conversation, a Mountie was accused of saying a new female employee "was overweight and insinuating that the shape of her vagina was visible through her clothing."
In another, a second RCMP officer allegedly bragged about "Tasering unarmed Black people" and called a sexual assault investigation "stupid" — drawing comments from other members of the online group who "made fun of the victim" and said, "she's a dumb Mexican c--t."
An investigator with the RCMP's professional standards unit detailed those allegations and many more in a search warrant sworn to obtain evidence now being used to call for the firing of three Coquitlam Mounties for violating the force's code of conduct.
The CBC has obtained a copy of the search warrant — which recounts behaviour which led the officer who sparked the investigation to complain to RCMP brass about what he saw as "atrocious" and "racist and horrible" activity in a private group operating on the Signal messaging app.
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More from this article below the cut, because I think it's important to understand just how much fucked up shit they were saying:
(tw misogyny, domestic violence, racial profiling, anti-Indigenous racism, racism)
The documents reveal that investigators also reviewed 600,000 messages posted to the RCMP's internal mobile data chat logs — finding evidence of "frequently offensive" usage by the three officers facing termination of "homophobic and racist slurs."
"The reviewers had identified a variety of comments that were 'chauvinist in nature, with a strong air of superiority, and include flippant or insulting remarks about clients (including objectifying women), supervisors, colleagues, policy and the RCMP as a whole,'" the warrant says.
Code of conduct hearings against Const. Philip Dick, Const. Ian Solven and Const. Mersad Mesbah had been slated to begin in Surrey this week but have been adjourned until March of next year. All three officers have been suspended since June 2021.
Although Dick, Solven and Mesbah appear to be the only Mounties currently facing code-of-conduct hearings, the court documents say seven other officers were also part of the private chat group — including two supervisors.
Among the details contained in the search warrant are allegations one of the officers facing discipline joked about a domestic violence victim, calling the victim "a dumb f--king bitch, should've worn a mouth guard."
The whistleblower — Const. Sam Sodhi — claimed that outside of the private chat group, members of the group also "belittled Indigenous people, talking about how they were 'stupid' or 'drunk' and saying they have 'unfortunate bodies' and all have fetal alcohol syndrome."
"They would say, 'We're not going to the reserve,'" the search warrant claims Sodhi told investigators.
"We're not going there because we're not going to help those people."
According to the court documents, Sodhi was posted to Coquitlam in 2019.
"As part of that process, he wrote a letter about wanting to work in an urban centre and help at-risk youth that didn't have role models," the warrant claims.
But Sodhi claimed that on his second day at work, Dick — his trainer — asked him: "Are you a cool brown guy, or are you a Surrey brown guy? Because in that letter, you're whiny, like, 'Ooh, I want to help brown people.'"
Sodhi claimed there were two chat groups for members of the Coquitlam detachment assigned to Port Coquitlam — one for all members of the watch and a second private group that began on WhatsApp but then moved to Signal. He said he was told once he was "worthy" of the private chat group, "we'll add you to it."
The officer claimed he was admitted to the private chat group in March 2021 but left after a few days because of the "constant negativity." He said he was then accused of "not being a team member" and encouraged to return.
According to the search warrant, Sodhi complained to his superiors in May 2021, and a chief superintendent mandated an investigation into five Mounties — including a corporal who was accused of failing to take measures to prevent misconduct.
The probe initially focused on text communications between the RCMP's own laptops — known as Mobile Data Terminals. Investigators reviewed messages between the five men from January 2019 until May 2021.
"When members of the [Signal] chat group realized there was an investigation, they opined that the investigation was probably about 'MDT chats' ... since the private chat group was kept 'amongst the trusted' and 'there's no way this got out,'" the warrant says.
Examples cited from the RCMP computers include statements like, "Why do brown guys have unusually high pitched voices." "As an idiot woman would say ... 'toxic,'" and, "I just racially profile pulled over a car."
A review of the chat logs also allegedly found the three officers facing termination "appeared to use 'goldfish' as a slur for Asian people."
"For example, they talked about how 'goldfish' have 'bulging eyes' that 'can't see anything,' how a Korean church in the detachment was a 'goldfish church' and how 'goldfish' were bad drivers (a common Asian stereotype)," the warrant says.
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