ohnoitsjetster · 9 months
Gay asf to be a dentist. Why you wanna drill another man??? Why you wanna make him scream? Why you wanna put your hands in his mouth? Anyway I’m here to shoot you because you’re mistreating your girlfriend who Im in love with and I need fresh human blood to feed my gaint talking plant from outer space
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flyingsnake0 · 11 months
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Ever watched Little Shop Of Horrors?
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fixing-bad-posts · 9 months
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she actually is a dentist. I can turn oN her teeth?
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reality-detective · 3 months
This 👆 should help people out with their oral hygiene and tooth care. 🤔
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guillotin3d · 5 months
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labradorite-princess · 2 months
Please help.
I have to get a crown for my broken tooth. Can you guys please help me out if you can? I'm about $700 short.
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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sirpiglin · 4 months
I'm going into Boring Evil Stickerless General Dentistry Stuff this year and no longer qualify for pediatrucs and their fun stickers, so I have a question:
Optionally, let me know your answer if you're a dentist in the notes! Would you LIKE to give stickers out to adults?
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ineffableriddlebird · 9 months
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During the Dental Appointment VS After the Dental Appointment
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ginax0916 · 4 months
could you write a triplets x younger sister of her getting her wisdom teeth out? the triplets were so funny and cute in today's video!!
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⊹★ 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡 ★⊹
Sturniolo triplets x fem!little sister
Genre: fluff
Synopsis: The triplets little sister gets her wisdom teeth out and her brothers are there for her.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, teeth, needles, & dentist stuff lol
*tysm for the request I’ve been so excited to write this*
This is quite long btw
*n/n = nickname*
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“Y/n come on get up we have to go” Matt shakes me awake.
“Mmm I don’t wanna” I mumble still half asleep.
“I’m sorry but you have to now come on get dressed or we’re gonna be late” He rips the covers off and opens the blinds.
“Matthewwww” I groan carrying out the w.
“I’ll see you downstairs ok?” Matt says.
“Whatever” I roll my eyes.
It’s not that I was trying to be mean to him it’s the fact that I’m getting my wisdom teeth taken out today and I’ve never been so scared. I’ve always had a fear of dentists, since I was a child. It just never went away. Everything in that room is scary. The needles, the tools that go in my mouth, the bright lights, the surgical looking chair, pretty much just everything.
“Y/n! Come on we’re gonna be late!” Matt yells.
“My god I’m coming Matt Jesus” I reply annoyed as I walk down the stairs.
“Good morning kid” Chris says from the couch.
“Morning” I reply quietly as I sit next to him.
“What’s wrong you ok?” He asks noticing my nerves.
“I’m scared” I mumble embarrassed.
“Hey it’s okay to be scared. We were all scared when we got our wisdom teeth out. Plus we’ll be with you the whole time so you’re not alone” Chris softly says as he wraps his arm around me and hugs me.
“You guys ready?” Nick asks.
“Yes” Chris says.
“No” I sigh.
“C’mon kid you’re gonna be okay I promise” Matt holds my hand pulling me down the stairs with him.
It’s only been 15 minutes of the 35 minute car ride. But every minutes seems like an hour. My leg bounces up and down and I’m continuously picking at my fingers and chewing on my bottom lip.
“Stop that y/n” Nick says putting one hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing and his other hand holds mine to keep me from picking my fingers.
“Sorry m’just nervous” I say looking down.
“Trust me I was too but it really isn’t that bad it just feels like you took a really long nap and woke up with suddenly 4 teeth gone” Nick points out making me laugh a little.
“Will a be all woozy like you?” I ask him.
“Hopefully you’ll be worse so we can all get a good laugh” Chris comments.
“Does it hurt?” I ask.
“Does what hurt?” Matt replies.
“The anesthesia” I say.
“Well that would beat the whole purpose of it” Nick chuckled.
“What?” I ask, oblivious to the fact of what anesthesia is since I’ve never had to be on it.
“Anesthesia is like numbing cream. It makes you fall asleep and not feel a single thing. All Doctors use it when preforming surgeries or in your case wisdom teeth removal” Matt explains.
“You sound like a nerd” I giggle.
“Well your dumbass didn’t know what anesthesia was so someone had to explain” Matt laughs.
“Will they give me my teeth back?” I question.
“No I think they throw them away” Chris answers.
“Do you think you could ask them to keep my teeth please?” I say to my brothers.
“We’ll see what we can do” Nick smiles.
The rest of the car ride is just my brothers doing all they can to keep me from remembering the fact that I’m about to get 4 teeth taken out of my mouth. They did a pretty good job the whole time until we were actually there.
“I can’t do it” I say refusing to go in the elevator.
“C’mon n/n it’ll be okay I promise” Nick says smoothing my hair down.
“But what if something goes wrong? What if they take out the wrong teeth? Oh my god what if my gums bleed out? What if-” I ramble on my breathing starting to pick up and tears brimming at my eyes.
“Hey hey shh it’s ok. We’re right here. And we’re gonna be with you the whole time to make sure you’re safe. Nothing is gonna happen ok sweetheart?” Matt softly says as he bends down to my level and rubs my arms soothingly.
“Ok let’s go” I sigh getting into the elevator.
“Thank god I thought I was gonna have to carry you up there” Chris sarcastically says while wrapping his arms around me engulfing me in a comforting hug. I only hug him back in response unable to form words from my nerves.
I walk into the dental office hand in hand with both Chris and Nick and Matt leading the way. The sound of dental tools fills my ears immediately. The hallways just seem to get longer and longer. If there is a place that gives off creepy mental asylum vibes it’s most definitely the dentist.
“Hi you must be y/n right?” The doctor says.
“Mhm nice to meet you” I quietly say.
“I’m doctor Gabe I’ll be the one working on your teeth today” Dr. Gabe introduces himself stretching out a hand for me to shake which I nicely shake back.
“Follow me to your room and you can take a seat on the chair once we’re in there” Dr Gabe says as we follow him.
“See he’s nice n/n” Chris says pulling me closer.
“Was he good with Nick?” I question pointing to Nick who was now walking ahead with Matt.
“Yes he was really good, didn’t hurt him at all. You’re in good hands sis don’t worry” Chris smiles, my hand still not letting go of his.
“Chris?” I ask.
“Y/n?” He mimics my tone making me smile.
“Can you hold my hand the whole time?” I quietly ask as we still follow Dr Gabe.
“Of course I can kid” Chris replies, kissing the side of my head.
“Alright and y/n just in there feel free to take a seat. I’m just gonna run your vitals and we can get started with the IV and anesthesia sound good?” Dr Gabe explains as I sit on the big chair in the middle.
“Alright this is gonna go on your finger” He says putting the pulse oximeter on my finger. “And I have to put anesthesia as if it were an IV so it’s just gonna feel like a little pinch”
“Look this way n/n” Matt says gently pinching my chin to move my head away from the needle that was about to go in my arm.
“Is it gonna hurt?” I say looking at my brothers.
“It just feels like a little sting nothing you can’t handle I promise” Nick comments.
“Alright 3, 2, 1” Dr Gabe counts before putting the small needle into my arm.
I squeeze Chris’s hand and shut my eyes. I feel Matt rubbing my shoulder soothingly while whispering comforting words.
“You’re ok it’s gonna work soon and you’re gonna fall asleep” He says.
“I wanna see how long I can stay awake” I giggle.
“I tried that too” Nick laughs.
I start to feel a little woozy and tired but I fight it trying to stay awake.
“Tell’em to keep m’teeth” I giggle again slurring my words as the anesthesia starts to take over.
“Don’t worry we’ll tell them” Chris laughs.
“Ok we’re gonna test your memory alright? We’re gonna give you a password for you to remember” The dentist says.
“My memory s’great” I yawn.
“You tired n/n?” Matt smiles.
“Not one bit” I smile and then yawn again making everyone laugh.
“Alright are you ready for the password?” Dr Gabe says.
“You’re gonna give me a password?” I ask forgetting what he had said before.
“Yes y/n he just told you that” Nick laughs.
“No one told me that!” I argue and then yawning again.
“Ok y/n your password is ocean. Remember that ok? I’m gonna ask you what the password is when you wake up” Dr Gabe says.
“Ocean got it” I say giving a thumbs up.
“Good job y/n” Matt laughs.
“Count down from 10 y/n it will help you fall asleep” Dr Gabe tells me.
The 3 of my brothers burst out laughing but I just keep counting thinking it’s right.
“2” I yawn closing my eyes.
“She said it in Spanish” I faintly hear my brother’s dying of laughter. But by that point I’m too far gone to answer.
“You guys are free to come in and stay with her until she wakes up and we’re gonna wait for the anesthesia to wear off so she can go home is that alright?” I hear the faint voice of Dr. Gabs say, but for some reason I feel so tired and numb that I can’t move.
“Yes perfect thank you sir” Nicks voice rings in my ears.
I start blinking slowly to open my eyes. The bright light above me causing them to sting. My mouth feels numb and there’s something in it but I can’t tell what it is.
“You have a good nap?” Matt chuckles.
“S’over?” I say not being able to speak because of whatever is in my mouth.
“Yes you’re done. Wasn’t so hard right?” Nick smiles.
“Let’s go then” I say trying to stand up.
“No no not yet just a few more minutes n/n” Chris laughs gently pushing back on the chair.
“W’ats in m’mouth I can’t speak” I say putting my fingers in mouth.
“It’s gauze y/n you need it because your gums are bleeding” Matt explains.
“My gums are bleeding?” I ask stunned.
“Yes n/n you just got your teeth taken out” Nick laughs.
“What! Nooo they’re probably so sad they’re gone” I pout.
“They’re resting in peace now” Chris starts laughing.
“In pieces” I sigh. Making them all laugh.
“Alright y/n we’re gonna test your memory alright?” Dr. Gabe says as he comes back into the room.
“M’ready” I give a thumbs up.
“What was the password I gave you earlier?” He says.
“There was a password?” I ask confused.
“Yes and you said your memory was really good” Matt smiles.
“It is good! You’re lying there was never a password this is a trick question” I argue.
“There was a password y/n” Dr. Gabe laughs.
“Well I don’t know!” I shrug.
“The password was ocean y/n. But I’ll give you a new one alright?” The dentist smiles.
“I will remember this time I swear!” I screech.
“Ok the new one is pineapple, remember ok?” He says.
“I will!” I smile as he walks out of the room.
“Get this fat thing off my finger” I say throwing the pulse oximeter off my finger.
“Y/n! No you’re meant to keep that on” Chris says.
“Finger not detected” The machine says.
“Oh shut the fuck up” I stick my tongue out at it.
“Tongue in your mouth y/n” Matt says as he puts the thing back on my finger.
“Chris?” I whisper.
“Yea?” He whispers back.
“Did you hold my hand the whole time?” I say.
“I did” He smiles and kisses the top of my head.
“Look at him being a good brother” Nick laughs.
Chris laughs plays with my hair and Matt sits at the edge of the long chair drawing shapes with his finger on my leg.
“Alright she’s almost ready to go home so here’s a little goody bag it has everything she needs inside. Here are some syringes to help clean her gums and where her teeth used to be. Some gauze if she needs extra and some instructions on how to brush her teeth and other stuff” Dr Gabe explains as he comes back into the room.
“I can brush my own fucking teeth” I say crossing my arms.
“Y/n! Don’t curse!” Nick slaps my arm.
“Don’t slap an injured patient” I raise my middle finger at him.
“Y/n put it down” Matt says holding my hand so I can’t put it up.
“Alright y/n what was the password?” The dentist says.
“The password?” I say quietly.
“Yes what was it n/n?” Nick asks.
“Ummm wait let me think really hard” I say putting my hands on my head.
“Pineapple!” I scream.
“Shhh quiet down” Nick laughs putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Very good y/n you’re free to go home. We’ll go get your a wheelchair” He says as he takes off the iv and the pulse oximeter off and then leaves the room once again.
“I can walk on my damn own” I say trying to get up.
“No no you can’t just wait for the wheelchair” Matt says pushing my back down.
“But look I can!” I say getting up quickly but falling forward face planting on Matt chest.
“What did I tell you hm?” He says, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from falling.
“You’re braindead” Nick laughs.
“Says you” I stick my tongue out again.
“Put your bloody tongue back in your mouth” Nick laughs.
I get wheeled out of the dental office and to the parking lot where my brothers help me into the car.
“Wait did they let me keep my teeth?” I ask.
“No they all got destroyed when they took them out” Nick says.
“Noooo what’s the tooth fairy gonna think about that?” I mumble making them laugh.
“C’mon wake up we’re home” Chris shakes me awake.
“I’m awake” I say with my eyes still closed.
“C’mere” Chris says as he picks me up and carries me into the house and sets me down on the couch.
“It was kinda fun” I randomly say.
“What was?” Nick asks.
“Gettting my teeth taken out” I say.
“See it wasnt so Bad” Matt nudges me.
“Alright I have something for you n/n” Chris says reaching to his pocket to take something out.
“For me?” I ask.
“Yes now close your eyes and put your hand out” He says and I do just that.
“Open’em” He mumbles.
“Oh my god! My teeth! I thought you said they were destroyed” I smile.
“We asked them to keep them for you” Nick chuckles.
“Thank you thank you! Tooth fairy is gonna love these”
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Do you guys want more snaps with either of the triplets?? Or more texts? Lmk what y’all what in the requests pls 🙊🙏
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2lemon4lyfe · 3 months
Hello there, 👋
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for reaching out to me, Tamer.
Everyone, Tamer is a denist from Gaza whose dreams were shattered when this most recent Zionist occupation and bombardment began. He planned to move to Germany for his career, and was saving to support his stay abroad, but had to give up that dream and use his savings in order to keep his parents and brother alive. They have lost their home and community, both in terms of infrastructure and friends, and have been dispalced 4 times since in an attempt to escape bombardment. He is now assisting with surgeries at Al-Aqsa where he witnesses unbelievable levels of suffering and tragedy. He and his family hope to cross the Gaza-Egypt border and restart their lives away from bombardment, starvation, and terror. They need between $6,000-8,000 dollars per person in order to cross, and have raised €14,758 of their €40,000 target. Please donate what you can, this family is suffering and Tamer only wants to keep his remaining loves ones alive. Sharing is also greatly appreciated!
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notspiders · 10 days
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goodwilltemptation · 1 year
Dental Phantoms
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grickle14 · 10 months
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Dentist's orders.
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