liminalweirdo · 2 days
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We all have a role in ensuring our communities breathe cleaner, safer air. Know a spot that still requires masks, offers curbside pickup, or has outdoor seating? Add it to the COVID Meetups Directory at covidmeetups.com and help others find COVID-conscious spaces! You can also add healthcare providers who prioritize clean air—just call, ask a few questions, make an entry, and follow up with an email to confirm. Point them to our flyer that explains the airborne paradigm shift to encourage safer practices.
PLEASE please add to directories like these, it's really really helpful for disabled folks and anyone who is medically vulnerable for any reason.
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berrydastudygirl · 1 day
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Self Care Day Plan
Hi! In this post I want to share with you my self care routine and give you some ideas on how to have the best self care day ever.
Ideal Self Care Morning
wake up early
do skincare
fill your waterbottle
eat healthy breakfast
choose an outfit
(additionally) do some make up
Ideal Self Care Evening
eat healthy supper
clean your room
make the bed
fill your waterbottle
take an everything shower
do a face mask
do skincare
clean your hairbrushes
do your eyebrows
brush your teeth
do your nails
Self Care Activities
home spa
movie night
make matcha
play instruments
grocery shopping
make a smoothie
watch the sunset
go for a walk
sleep (trust me)
clean your make up brushes
do laundry
meal prep
meet a friend
upcoming week planning
visit art museum
listen to podcast
change your bed sheets
make a cupe of herbal tea
declutter your space
room makeover
become a plant mum
go biking
read/write poetry
make a playlist
I hope I inspired you to have the best self care day. Remember, you are worth the time it takes.
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Despite castigation from provincial premiers over lagging federal contributions to health spending, an analysis of 20 years of health funding data shows that federal transfers have mostly outpaced increases to provincial health budgets. In 2023, federal health transfers amounted to $47.1 billion, a 212 per cent increase over 2005, when the transfers were $15.1 billion. Total spending by all 10 provinces grew in that time to $221.9 billion up from $86.2 billion, an increase of 158 per cent. The Canadian Press, in partnership with Humber College StoryLab, collected data on provincial health budgets and federal health transfers from 2004 to 2023 to track annual spending from the launch of the 2004 federal-provincial health accord under former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin.
Continue Reading
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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creature-wizard · 2 days
That one person who survived rabies with the Milwaukee Protocol is a great example of a documented case of a (relatively) miraculous recovery that cannot be reliably replicated. Yeah, this one person survived, but statistically speaking, if you get bit by a rabid animal and don't get the vaccine immediately, you are going to die.
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loltopia5676 · 2 days
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theobjectivemind · 2 days
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inspiredtrans · 22 hours
I'm going to SCREAM why are trans people so mean towards other trans people? I could genuinely pour my heart out about how the trans healthcare system quite literally traumatized me and I'll get a bunch of people like "errrrrr that didn't happen me, you're probably just making it worse in your head, just answer honest to the doctors and everything will go to plan" WHAT
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macgyvermedical · 1 day
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Gee, I thought these people were the ones who were like “If you don’t like it, you can just move to a blue state.”
And now they’re mad the guy is doing just that?
You can’t oppress and discriminate against someone then be mad when they take their highly useful skill elsewhere.
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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"If a pig catches both a human influenza A virus and an avian influenza A virus at the same time, it can spark a process known as viral reassortment — a genetic exchange in which flu viruses swap gene segments." "Those swaps can introduce dramatic changes, producing a new virus with certain properties of a non-human strain coupled with the capacity to infect and spread between people." "The death rate in humans may be upwards of 50 per cent, World Health Organization data suggests, though it's possible that milder infections are getting missed, skewing the case fatality ratio. Still, in a population that's never been exposed, the global impacts could be dire." "More human cases could also be happening under the radar among farm workers who've moved to the U.S. from abroad, don't speak English as their first language, and may be hesitant to seek medical help, he added." "So I think there's probably underreporting on both sides," Armstrong said." "If [H5N1] gets into a population where there's constantly animals going in and out … it might not ever leave."
I've been watching this develop for the past several days, and apart from being terrified most people will not take this seriously (I've seen a handful of people already shout conspiracy on social media and it's alarming to see, as always). What I wanted to point out is that pandemics are going to continue to be our 'normal.' I watched a great video on YouTube a while ago (I believe it was by Vice?) that touched base on how this is going to become our new reality because of multiple factors (such as our proximity to animals, and environments/etc). It was when Covid hit and they did a piece debunking some of the misinformation floating on the internet. If I can find it I will post it here because it was informative and relevant to pretty much any world crisis we will see around any virus that spreads among a human population.
This post isn't trying to fear monger anyone, I just hope more people are aware of what is happening because this is important to talk about. There are already cases (of cows getting this bird flu) in the US, and I won't be surprised if there will be instances in more countries around the world. As usual, keep washing your hands/keeping good hygiene practices, masking up (and if you aren't I hope you consider it), and taking precautions if you do happen to visit/work or go near a pig or poultry farm too:
I'll keep track of this here of course, but please stay informed folks. And also FU to any governments who will try to minimize this or try to diminish the severity until it's too late and community spread happens like Covid because their actions are influenced by capitalistic interests.
Update (April 7th, 2024, 9:32pm EST): to anyone wondering where some of the source information originates from -here is a link to the CDC. They are tracking documented avian virus outbreaks in the US and the public can access it here:
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animentality · 1 year
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icarusxxrising · 1 year
Horrible fact of the day: Chevron just released a new boat fuel that WILL give you cancer.
Not "might", not "could", WILL. It has a cancer ratio of 1.3:1, as in, in a group of 10 people, 10 would contract CANCER.
(Edit: apparently some articles are now saying 1.4:1, and some are saying a little under that. Either way, the consensus seems to be anywhere between a 95-100+% of contracting cancer, with some expectations of this fuel not even needing a full lifetime of exposure for you to get Cancer.)
The EPA's safety limit is 1:1,000,000 as in 1 in a million people get cancer.
The EPA approved it anyways. I am not joking. The EPA approved a boat fuel that has a near 100% chance of giving someone cancer. It has such a good chance of giving someone cancer that if you DIDN'T get cancer YOU WOULD BE AN OUTLIER.
Fuck the oil industries.
Edit: If you find this (rightfully) horrifying, have you considered industrial sabotage? /hj
This isn't something we can vote away. This isn't something the rich are gonna apologize and make a 10 minute apology video for this. They don't care if you starve or wither in hospitals or get blown up in their wars.
If you don't know where to get started:
If you already know what to do, then it's time to do it. Participate in mutual aid, raise awareness in real life as well as online, participate in or train in self defense and emergency medical training classes.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Since folks are exhausted from hearing about Project 2025 and Agenda 47, here are some reasons to feel hopeful about Harris
(It would be wonderful if folks could reblog this, a lot of people are feeling very discouraged right now and could use the morale boost!)
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loltopia5676 · 2 days
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