bigredbruisers · 5 months
"Hehe, not another snot nosed brat but a sort of white sheep in the family. While most of Mistress Rita's family have hearts darker than black holes her younger sister likes to help people especially kids. You brats call her Frizzle and she's been making my mistress look good.... I mean, well you know what I mean!" The monster roared at the blunder of his speech and got ready to gore the young children. Until a T-Rex head constructed of red energy roared out with equal force as its massive jaws clamped down onto the Minotaurs monster body and with a disperse of the energy causing Mighty Minotaur to fly out of the stellarium.
"Wait, are you saying my younger cousins teacher is related to Rita Repulsa's sister?!?" Jason questioned the monster as he dusted himself off and moved some rubble out the way.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
While the younger kids tried to fight off against the Putty minions Jason dealt with Mighty Minotaur, and right now it was a fierce fight. Mighty was massive and incredibly strong with his blows carving out chunks of the stellarium but he was slow, everytime he swung his mace or tried to sheild bash Jason the more nimble ranger dodged and delivered multiple sword strikes causing sparks to fly off the monster.
"Whats Rita doing sending you here, I thought she only liked to terrorize Angel Grove." Jason questioned as he dodged a mace strike from Mighty causing a pillar to topple into nothing but rubble.
"She does, but these snot nosed brat know someone besides you that she wants dead!" Mighty answered as he faked another mace swing and instead sheild bashed the ranger into a wall, shaking the entire building.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
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found these on twitter that might be helpful to all rpers who want to make sure their themes and carrds are accessible to all
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
"You picked a bad day to try and attack this time." Jason growled out at the monster as he pulled out his morpher and then yelled out the iconic line that his teammates called out when Rita's monsters tried to attack.
"It's Morphing Time, Tyrannosaurus Rex!" As Jason yelled a surge of red energy surrounded him as the energy became physical as a red armor formed over his regular clothes, his body and upper arms as well as legs a solid red while his hands and lower arms and feet had gloves and boots with red diamonds. On his chest and shoulders the energy formed in a golden chest peice with massive shoulder pads, and lastly his belt held two holsters one carrying a futuristic Pistol and the other carrying a black green and silver dagger.
"Time to make some burgers!" Jason exclaimed as he summoned his Power Sword, a large double bladed sword with a cross guard design like red feathers and black hilt.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
The monster chuckled, which due to his size caused the Stellarium to shake as an evil smile slowly spread across his cow like face.
"Of course he wouldn't tell you, the ranger code of secrecy but I'll gladly tell you who I am. I am Mighty Minotaur and you children have knowledge about a two miserable people that my mistress wants to know about." The now named Mighty Minotaur answered as he raised his mace signaling his clay like minions to grab the children. Unfortunately as he did so a clay warrior came flying through the stellarium walls as Jason stepped through the newly made hole in the wall, and unlike earlier in the day where he wore a kind smile now there was nothing but anger radiating off of him.
Clearing the dust away from his his face the Minotaur like monsters sported an even bigger grin as he looked at the enraged teen.
"Ahhh, the Red Ranger. Putties capture the brats, the Ranger is mine!" The monster exclaimed as he charged towards the teenager.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
As the small friend group explored the planetarium stellarium wing the creatures that have been stalking them decided to make their move, since their targets were far enough from their protector that he won't notice their attack. From the shadows of the stellarium dozens of creatures sprung forth waving their clay colored limbs around without direction and creating strange sounds.
"So the ranger left you out his sight, a rather dangerous decision given how dangerous earth became." A deep voice taunted the children as a massive minotaur like monster weilding a massive mace and horned sheild stepped out to meet with the clay creature.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Unfortunately for Jason he so caught up in looking for any possibility of a threat that could hurt him and his cousins that he didn't notice that them.and their friends leaving without him. What Jason didn't notice that dozen of other gray colored figures dashed behind him and actually followed the kids into the planetarium, and Jason completely unaware of what plans the forces of evil had for him.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
As the younger kids caught up to each other and began to talk to each, Jason laid back and waited for them to be down talking to each other. As he let his eyes roamed around the planetarium which was oddly bigger than the one at home for such a small town, until he saw a flash of gray grace his peripheral. Jason quickly stiffened up as he began to intensely scan the entire planetarium, praying to anyone that would listen that that gray colored blob wasn't what he thought it was.
He was so focused on hoping that he didn't just see a Putty that he didn't hear his young cousins try to introduce him to their friends.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
"Alright, hopefully it's better than the last time when I visited a planetarium. I'll tell you guys about that incident while we walk to yours." Jason promised his younger cousins as he walked up the stairs to the guest room as he quickly put his duffelbag on the guest bed and quickly joined his young cousins on the trip to the planetarium.
"OK this started when the science teacher of my class decided that it would be a great idea to visit the planetarium granted it was until--" Jason began his tail as the three began their way, granted as the three cousins talked about the misadventures that happened at Jason's home town. All the while the three were unaware that they were being watched from a distance by multiple eyes.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Jason gave some scratches to Joxter and the younger kitten giving a smile as Phoebe as explained about the Sabertooth Tiger, he chuckled as Billy almost did the same thing about the Zords even talking Alphas audial processors about the animals that the zords were based on.
"How about I drop off of my stuff in the guest room and we can go explore the town. I remember you guys were talking about some awesome places you wanted to show me when I visited." Jason smiled as he stopped giving Brandy and Joxter pets, while the cats looked betrayed, the teen with attitude started his way to the guest room.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
"Believe me Ralph, it's better if you're not. Otherwise you might be picked by those monsters to try and fight the Power Rangers." Jason joked but given how Finister tried to come up with new monsters, he wouldn't be surprised if he would tried to kidnap kids and test his new creations.
"Speaking of the Rangers, I managed to snag some new souvenirs for you guys before I left Angel Grove." The elder cousin spoke as he reached into his duffel bag and managed to pull out two toys for the two. The toys being plastic and slightly smaller replicas of his friends and fellow rangers zords, with a mastodon zord for Ralphie and a Sabertooth Tiger zord for Phoebe.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
As Jason let go of his aunt, he noticed the recent addition to the family and honestly if he didn't know better he'd say Phoebe could actually be a full member of the family given her looks.
"Hey Phoebe! So have you managed to make any friends, and also sorry if Ralphie managed to scare them away if ya did." Jason joked as he opened his arms up to give the young girl a hug.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Jason chuckled as his little cousin hugged his legs, patting the sport and superhero fan on the head as he looked around for his aunt.
"Ralphie how ya been? Any more crazy field trips you've been on?" Jason asked the little superhero fan, remembering the wild tales Ralphie would tell about his teachers field trips granted Jason would usually yell Ralphie about the monsters he would face all without mentioning the fact that he'd be the one facing them.
"So where's your mom? Did the hospital need its best doctor again?" He asked looking around for his aunt.
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Starter Call
Hello and Welcome, for my first foray back into the RP world, this post is a Starter Call for any of my muses which are
Tatsurion the Unchained
Knuckles the Echidna
Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger
So reblog and comment on which muse would ya like your muse to interact with, and I'll message ya so we can plan out a RP thread.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Hello, I know this blog hasn't really been active in a while and I haven't been the best of RPers but after a few years of inactivity I decided to come back and this time with a semi-updated muse list and now an actual rules list and proper tags!
My Muse List
Ironhide: One of my favorite autobot characters, and one of the few autobots ready to let his servos do the talking for him. I usually try to RP as him as an amalgamation of the various versions of him but I have soft-spot for Gen1 and Animated. His tag is #Autobot-Bruiser
Tatsurion the Unchained(Bob): An awesome character from the underrated cartoon of Kaijudo:Rise of the Duel Masters, he's a gruff guy but he has a heart of gold underneath his armor scales and thick hide. Since there's really only one version of him that has personality he's gonna be that version. His Tag is #Chained-Halfdragon or #Bob-and-Weave(Just Bob) if ya want him to be friendly.
Next up is Raphael of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The powerhouse of the Turtles and one that has temper in him but in reality is a softy when ya get to know him. The incarnation that I'll use are 03, 12, Bayverse and Rise. His tag is #Red-Bandana
Knuckles comes bursting through: This rough and rowdy Echidna is best known of being the muscle of Sonics friends but with recent turns has more depth to him. I'm mainly plan to play him as a sort of amalgamation of his different incarnations but I can RP as a specific version I ya ask me. His tag is #Knuckle-Buster
Lastly the original leader of the Mighty Morphing Power Ranger is Jason Lee Scott or the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger. The first leader and then later on S.O.C of the Mighty Morphers Jason is a Karate prodigy and popular jock but despite that he's a nice guy willing to help out those in need. His tag is #Red-Roaring-Ranger
Rule list:
I try to plan out threads to be usually PG-13, as in there can be some mature elements but let's not get too carried away with them.
If you want me to be a specific version of one of my muses then please tell me, otherwise I'll respond as an amalgamation of the characters various versions if they have them.
You can reblog a starter call of mine for wanna my muses if your interested in RPing, and I'm going to message ya if it's just a generic starter call for RPing to figure out a plot.
Be patient I tend to be slow with replying to reblogs either due to life or I'm having a day of low energy.
If you don't respect the rules I have set you'll get three warnings, and if you try to push beyond that then you'll be blocked.
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