bigredbruisers · 5 months
Karate Cousin
Jason stretched out of the cab, the flight and subsequent cab ride to his Aunts house were so long that caused his muscle which were more used to him either kicking putty or monster butt than sitting down for real long times. But he would go through that again to see his aunt and his kid cousin, by Zordon it felt like it's been years since he's seen them at his Aunts wedding.
If Jason had to pin down a reason on why it took so long to actually visit the both of them would probably be the two biggest pains in his but, Rita and her demonic jerk of a husband Zedd. Thankfully though Zordon, Alpha and Billy didn't detect any sign of either of those cosmic pains getting active so Zordon let Jason go on a vacation to see his aunt. The Red Ranger leader made his way to the door of his Aunts house and knocked on it, excited to see his extended family again.
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augment-techs · 1 year
See position prompt. Scoop me up. Drakkon/Coinless Jason or Tommy/Jason
"I think this is called Two Dead Cows on the Side of the Road."
Also known as the laziest position on earth. "Mm, don't care." Jason supposed it was nice that the bastard had the ability to do literally anything vanilla at all in his life. And if it meant that he wasn't being violent and wasn't likely to take out his anger for Jason on either Adam or Skull, then so much the better. The Red Ranger would have just liked for it to have been on a night that wasn't pushing into triple digits three hours past nightfall and made it so Adam would inevitably have to remove the red sheets and covers for being soaking wet the next morning.
Trying to push the thought out of his head and into a back corner to press and poke at later, pluck out of space time and wonder where his common sense was in all of this, Jason sighed into the back of Drakkon's neck, long and deep so the brush of air left goosebumps roving up and over beads of sweat. He started playing with a nipple, circled by the thickened veins that had been amassing more and more as time marched on and Drakkon refused to Power Down more and more; the touch of his fingers that hadn't known true hard work in years since he'd been made a house pet were like the grain of silk and made Drakkon's moaning hitch. His legs squeezed a little closer together, the wet heat of the lube making a sucking sound as Jason continued to pump in and out between his thighs, smoothing the underside of cock and balls. This was such a lazy position that Jason hadn't even needed to take anything, just had to focus on the touch and taste, the heat of hard muscle and the brush of soft skin as Drakkon continued to squish Jason's ass with the hand trying to pull him closer, the other one holding onto the headboard so they didn't roll over and off the side of the bed with all the sweating and bumping together. Humming and feeling the soft tingle of his upcoming orgasm, Jason bit down into the tyrant's shoulder, other hand leaving his hip to pull a reach around and start thumbing at the head that was swollen for lack of attention but still seemed to make them both nervous even as Jason collected the pre and "threaded the needle" like a pro. (Seventeen times Drakkon had lost his erection because of any kind of returned affections since Jason and he had come to an agreement about orgasms for food and being allowed out into the palace with a chaperone or some kind of tether. Not all of the reactions had been violent. Some of them had simply required Drakkon not looking down, meeting Jason's beautiful brown eyes and not seeing shock or nerves or fear, bending down to stick his tongue in the Ranger's mouth as deep as he could until they were both choking and the head filled with blood and let Jason jerk it to release. There were the tears, of course. Frustration and self-disgust, all winding up into Drakkon's face going red and taut with something inside of him turning over like sour milk that made him grab and pillow or pull his knees up to his face, voice hoarse with the order, "Leave me," where Jason would find his feet and going into what approximated to the library room that held books given by Drakkon himself or Jason's watchers; some little red stones in a gold bowl or atop a silver plate providing him with stimming and possible defense if Drakkon exploded. But he usually just remained in the bed for ten minutes before getting dressed and stomping out the door. When he was having a bad day, the kind that Jason dreaded with hissing and Drakkon calling him a whore or a failure, then he was violent with dishes, or bowls, or tearing pages out of those precious books. Usually he'd storm around like a rabid dog for a little bit, ignoring Jason's efforts to call him back into bed, to offer another chance; he'd pull his clothes on and keep hurling roars of frustration into the air down the tower steps--two, three, four levels--before the noise cut off and Jason dreaded the sounds of different footfalls and another door slamming that wasn't as special as the one keeping him locked in.)
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angrylilfic · 4 years
On the Wild Side part 4
Hi! Idk if anyone still cares but I really love this series and I wanna see it through to the end. Without further adieu, I give you chapter 4!
“You need to tell me what’s going on, we’re all worried about her!”
“Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment Jason, Trini is -”
“Bullshit! Tell us what’s happening to Trini!” 
She could feel herself being carried across the ship, no doubt to the makeshift infirmary. Trini was drifting in and out of consciousness. She could hear everything, but her body felt like stone. She could feel a warm hand stroking her cheek and another one holding her hand. 
“Shit. What happened?” She choked out, as she opened her eyes, her head felt like it was on fire.
Kimberly placed a hand on her back, holding her up, “Hey, slow down, you passed out after the battle.”
Trini looked at her family, Billy was checking the monitors, making sure her vitals were okay, Zack was still holding her hand and looking at her with worry, Kimberly leaned over her, holding her body up.
“Where’s Jason?” She asked. 
Kimberly looked at the boys, silently having a conversation.
“He’s asking Zordon about-” 
“He’s asking him about your new powers! Dude how long have you been able to do that?” Zack said excitedly.
Trini rubbed at her face tiredly, “It’s something new. I don’t know myself. What time is it?”
“Almost midnight, we told our parents we were having a sleepover.” Billy said.  
Jason stormed into the room, the anger coming off him in waves. His look softened when he saw Trini was awake. He walked over to where Trini was sitting up, gently stroking her head.
“How are you feeling Tiny?” 
“Jason what did Zordon say? What’s going on with me?” 
Jason sighed, “You know how he is, he wouldn’t tell me anything.”
“Shit, great. Maybe Alpha knows something?” Trini said, slowly getting up.
“I doubt it, Zordon probably told him not to tell us anything.” Jason scoffed. 
Trini got up off the bed, her hands and head throbbing with pain. She felt her eyes burn and water. Trini stumbled a bit.
“Hey, slow down. Are you okay?” Zack said, catching her from falling. 
Zack’s eyes grew as big as saucers as he looked at Trini. 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
Zack pulled his phone out, flipping it around to show Trini. She gasped as she looked at her reflection. Her pupils were dilated and shining bright yellow. Trini looked down at her hands.
“What the fuck is happening to me?” she cried as she saw. Her fingernails were grown out into claws and patches of fur stuck out from her shirt. 
The boys and Kim looked around at each other, worried expressions mirrored. Trini took a deep breath and opened her eyes, they opened to her regular brown shade.
“We’re taking you to Zordon. I don’t care what he says, I’m tired of not knowing anything .” Jason said confidently. 
“Trini! Glad to see you aw-.” Alpha started. 
“Zordon!” Trini yelled, “Enough games, we want answers!”
His face appeared on the screen, worry set in his features. 
“I already told Jason. It is not-”
“Bullshit! Just be honest with us. What’s happening? And why can’t they do what I can?”
The old ranger sighed, he knew when he was beat.
“Very well, it began with your Earth’s first ranger team. Thousands of years ago, the first earth team arrived on Earth. The Zords took the shape of your strongest animals, but to do that your team had to infuse their DNA with those of the Zords. Their bodies took on qualities of the animals.”
“Okay but why is Trini the only one who’s got those powers then?” Zack asked.
“Because Trini is your alpha.” Zordon replied.
The team gave each other confused looks. Zordon sighed and continued. 
“The red ranger is not always the leader. The first team was led by its yellow ranger. The dynamic you all have built is completely of your own free will yes, but Trini’s powers come from the fact that she is your team's alpha ranger. Her powers enable her certain control over you all.”
“Okay but what does that mean for me? Why is my body freaking out?” Trini said, trying to wrap her head around all this information.
“It means Trini, that your inner alpha is ready to emerge. You will feel the need to protect those you love, as well as inherit cat-like abilities. Your alpha is an extension of you, the spirit of the sabertooth lives within you as both a separate and twin energy. You have already experienced some of your new powers, but there are more.”
“Your claws are an asset to you. You can protract and retract them, they only exist on your suit even though your fingernails may sharpen. Your alpha roar is extremely powerful and can be used as a shield. Most importantly is your alpha gaze.” 
“My what?” Trini asked, bewildered.
“The gaze. When an alpha and an opponent lock stares, you may push them into submission. Additionally, it can be used to hypnotize others. All your abilities can be trained so you can control them at will.” 
“The ranger that is the alpha will inherit the powers of their zord first. This means Trini’s Zord is also the alpha zord and has the strongest will of them all. In time, the rest of you may also start to show advanced powers.”
Trini let out a breath of air she didn’t know she was holding.
“But why wouldn’t you want us to know this? It would’ve been helpful?” Jason said, crossing his arms.
Zordon let out a heavy sigh, “I thought I’d have more time before your animal powers showed. Approximately 150 years ago, there was another team before yours. Their alpha ranger attempted to completely destroy her team using her alpha powers. Her team barely defeated her, and I feared that without the proper training, one of you might share the same fate. Astronema almost destroyed the earth.” 
“ASTRONEMA?” the team collectively exclaimed.
“Yes? Have you encountered her?” 
“Zordon, that’s literally the name of the new mayor. How could she be alive after a hundred and fifty years?” Kim said. 
Zordon pondered a moment, like he wanted to say something. 
“You should all get some rest, we’ll begin training your new powers soon.”
“But what ab-” 
“Enough! Tomorrow we will train.” Zordon cut Trini off. 
His face retreated into the wall and the command room went silent.  
Trini stormed out of the ship. Her breathing became shallow. A pair of arms wrapped around her middle in an instant.
“Hey. It’s okay, c’mon the boys wanna go hangout. You wanna go? Or you wanna go home?” Kimberly asked softly.
Trini shook her head, “Nah, the last place I wanna be is home.” 
Kimberly nodded, the boys had already gone up to wait for them. Trini slipped her hand into Kimberly’s, somehow the feeling calmed her. 
“You guys wanna go to the camp?” Jason asked.
They made their way to the spot on the side of the mountain where they stashed their stuff in the old train car. Everyone set up their tents, Billy and Zack started the fire.
Jason was cooking some beans over the fire, everyone eerily quiet.
“Okay, maybe we should talk then?” 
He looked around at the team, his family.
“Look I don’t know what the whole alpha thing is gonna mean, but we’re still us guys. We’ll work it out.” He said, gripping Trini’s knee comfortingly. 
“I know man, it’s just- I don’t know. If what he said is true, that means our whole dynamic is gonna change. What if he’s right and I’m gonna turn into another Astronema?” Trini sighed. 
“Hey, don’t say that. We know exactly who you are Trin. We’ll be okay.” Kimberly stroked her hair.  
Trini looked up at the sky, letting their words roll over her.
"Guys I have to tell you something." Billy said, wringing his hands.
“While Trini was passed out, I went to the lab to analyze this sample I got off Trini’s suit. I took apart the nanobots and they had parts that were bought in bulk by city hall after the attack with Rita.”
“How’d you know city hall has anything to do with the bot monsters?” Zack said, taking a swig of his beer. 
“I didn’t at first, but then I took a closer look and noticed that the transmitter was custom, not factory made and the only place that sells that specific copper Alloy wire is a store downtown.” 
“Yeah you lost me buddy.” Kimberly shrugged. 
“Let me finish. Okay so I looked through the digital receipts of the store from the last couple months and looked  for anyone who bought that in bulk and turns out, Mayor Astronema’s assistant was the one who bought it.”
“Holy shit. Billy you’re a genius!” Jason exclaimed. 
“Even so, why would she build nanobots and start kidnapping kids?”
The team was stumped.
 Later that night, when Kimberly was curled up in her arms Trini felt her alpha stir. Her mind was alert and she felt through her mind for the source. In her mind she could vaguely make out another pair of yellow eyes. They were piercing and cold. A smooth, eerie voice whispered to her.
“I’m coming for you kitty.”   
 Then the connection was lost.
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Thunder Spirits
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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With the arrival of Lord Zedd Zordon prepared a new set of suits and powers for the Rangers to use against the new evil. However during the testing of these new powers Zordon discovered a potentially fatal flaw Zedd was sure to use against them. The abilities of the suits as well as the attacks they create draw on the Rangers inner Chi. And since Chi is not infinite and needs time and rest and food to restore itself it would be possible for the Chi reserve to be emptied in battle against a particularly strong foe or if many monsters were sent in secession. Zordon refused to put his Rangers in danger and so never revealed these suits to them, however he still gave Tommy the White Ranger powers but never revealed the full power of it… However when Jason, Trini, and Zack told Zordon they were leaving for the peace conference Zordon and Alpha came up with a way to bypass the flaw by  connecting the suits power to the Thunderzords themselves so they would always have a reserve of power. However this ran the risk of destroying the powers if the Thunderzords were ever destroyed. With the power of the Sword of Light, the Dino and the Thunder powers were split and new morphers were made to harness the thunder powers. Red Dragon Power!- Rocky- Red Thunder Ranger- Power of the Dragon! Flame!- Intense flames are produced from his hands. Blue Unicorn Power!- Billy- Blue Thunder Ranger- Power of the Unicorn! Gravity!- He gains control of objects nearby and can launch them at the enemy Yellow Griffin Power!- Aisha- Yellow Thunder Ranger- Power of the Griffin! Rewind!- She can rewind time a maximum of three minutes Green Lion Power!- Adam- Green Thunder Ranger- Power of the Lion! Illusion!- He can create realistic illusions that damage the enemy Pink Phoenix Power!- Kim- Pink Thunder Ranger- Power of the Phoenix! Whirlwind!- She produces a wind vortex that she can shoot or throw at the enemy White Tiger Power!- Tommy- White Thunder Ranger- Power of the Tiger! ROAR!- Saba roars creating a sonic attack Morphers- Spirit Morphers- twin wrist mounted devices Morphing Call- It’s Morphing Time! Power of Thunder! Morphing- The Rangers appear in a mist filled room in the basic body suit. They do various poses and attacks as Ranger colored bolts of lighting strike their bodies forming parts of the suits and the details (Tommy’s includes an added group to form the chest shield) This is all done in front of an artistic version of their ThunderZord. Power from the heavens! (the Rangers raise one hand towards the sky) Power from within! Power Rangers! (the team kick the hand causing a roar of thunder at impact) THUNDER SPIRITS! Power Rangers Avian Armada <—————Powerverse————>Power Rangers Ninjetti
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reddragonjimberly · 5 years
Confessions overdue
Confessions overdue
The crowd roared as Tommy Oliver hit a spinning side kick into his opponents abdomen. Tommy, Adam and Jason were in the ring facing their adversaries for a charity of their choice. Angel grove were fighting to save the Angel Grove children’s shelter.
Kimberly was in the stands directly in front of the ring watching on. She squinted her eyes as she raised her slender arms in the air and leaned to her right to get a better view, careful not to bump into Ernie who was cheering the boys on and to avoid a puddle of soda or what looked like beer on the filthy floor. She fist pumped the air as she saw Tommy get the better of his opponent. Kimberly quickly searched for another competitor and could see that Jason was well in control of his martial arts rival. Jason was letting him attack, parrying and blocking each punch and kick. She knew this game plan of his only too well. Tire the opponent out and attack when they relent. She looked down at her still dry shoes and smiled, remembering all the times Jason would teach this tactic to the original power rangers in the juice bar, Kimberly in particular. Her gymnastics experience according to Jason, made her have an advantage at dodging opponents. She glanced down at Tanya, Justin and Kat who were sat in the row in front of her. They appeared to be nervous but they were shouting words of encouragement to the guys in the ring.
Kimberly furrowed her brow, she couldn’t believe Justin was an actual power ranger. He was only a kid. She remembered how young she was when she became a ranger, still in her junior year in high school but Justin was only in 7th grade. He seemed very mature about it all things considered. Kat and Tommy were rather close to Justin, that probably helped matters.
Suddenly she was jerked out of her thoughts and gasped, clutching her hands to her mouth when she saw Adam hit the floor. Their little group all gave each other nervous looks. Kimberly leaned forward to see rocky who was on his crutches, move closer to Adam and speak to him. Probably offering some insight as he was watching on from ringside with the coach. Adam jumped up, parried a few punches and swept his attackers legs from under him, sending him crashing on the canvas.
The crowd went wild. Kimberly’s eyes quickly darted around the ring searching once again, until they landed on what they sought, the original red ranger. She saw him block an attack, tie up the opposing martial artists arms by hooking them with his much larger arms, land a front kick to his abdomen before flooring him with a spinning back kick. The crown burst into applause and appreciation, after kimberly had already started of course. The announcer then said “Angel grove need one more point to clinch the championship”.
Nervous smiles were shared but Kimberly knew they could do it. She watched on as Tommy dispatched his opponent with ease and felt immense pride swell up inside her as she saw Jason leap up into the air, place his left foot on his opponents leg, feign a kick with his right, swing it back around in a 360 degree turn and plant his right foot firmly into the man’s body which sent him backwards into the ropes and rebounding onto the floor with a resounding thud.
The familiar looking referee who she recognised from the numerous martial arts competitions in the youth centre, signalled a point. They had done it.
Kat turned and smiled at Kimberly who reciprocated with her trademark toothy grin. She high fived Ernie who was gleaming with delight.
“The shelters safe thanks to these guys. You kids always pull through you know Kimberly. You’re actual heroes, All of you” shouted Ernie, attempting to her heard over the deafening roar of the Angel grove fans.
“Thanks Ernie, that’s one way to put it” she replied leaving Ernie looking rather puzzled.
“The National championship title goes........ To the ANGEL GROVE SHELTER”, at this announcement everyone stood up, screaming with elation. “I KNEW THEY COULD DO IT” screamed Justin as he and Kat got up to go to ringside and congratulate their team. Kimberly jumped to her feet and followed them with Tanya in front and Ernie following suit. She only had one person in mind.
Kimberly hurried towards the ring as she observed Adam, Tommy and Jason congratulate each other. She didn’t even notice the puddle of the sticky beverage she stood in to. As she neared the ring, her eyes met Jason’s. She saw a twinkle his eye which made her smile and he peeled away from the others and ran towards the side of the ring which Kimberly was approaching. She sped up and ran to ringside, sticking her hands up in the air towards Jason. As she got close, Jason leaned down and slid his arms over the ropes and grabbed her hands as they both squeezed simultaneously with a hunger that they couldn’t explain right now. Jason leaned down and smiled at kimberly, she smiled back “You’ve still got it rex” she whispered through her huge smile. Jason opened his mouth to reply but some guy in a suit bumped into her. She lost her balance and felt her hand slip out of Jason’s, frantically attempting to stay on her feet. Thankfully Jason kept a hold of her left hand and held her steady, making sure she didn’t fall before releasing their grip and giving her a wink before moving to high five the rest of the group. Kimberly silently wished she could continue to hold his hands but shook her selfish thoughts out of her confused head and bounced up and down on her toes whilst Jason joined Tommy and Adam as they held up their cheque that would guarantee the survival of the children’s shelter.
She squealed with delight as Jason grabbed the cheque and paraded it in her direction. She often felt like the odd one out on her return to Angel Grove. She hadn’t been here in such a long time. Jason had just lost his gold ranger power’s a couple of weeks prior to this trip. He knew everyone so well but she felt out of place, everything had drastically changed. Her ex boyfriend was now dating the girl who she had given her powers to. She was happy for them, but it was a bit weird, especially after that darn letter she had sent to Tommy. Her parents divorce still had her rattled. She hardly saw them anymore but Jason didn’t let her dwell on these emotions, he made her feel important, he protected her, he gave her his full attention all the time so that she didn’t feel lonely. This only confirmed and solidified the feelings she felt when she lost him on muiranthias.
He came over to the ropes once more clutching the huge cheque with one hand and leaning his other arm over the ropes. She took his arm and he easily helped her up on to the ring apron. She leaned onto the ropes and put an arm around his neck, moving close to him
Jason raised his eyebrows, “Hey I’m sweating buckets here. I’m surprised you’re not using your “EWW GROSS” catchphrase” he quipped with a huge teasing grin. She just smiled and leaned into him further, burying her head into his shoulder. “I don’t care about that” she mumbled as she felt his free hand stroke her hair.
She didn’t even notice Tommy kneel down and give Kat a very intimate hug. She was lost in her own little world, full of happiness and relief after everything she had endured that day. Content and happier than she thought she would be on her return home from almost being barbecue for a monster with the munchies.
“Another round of shakes for us please Ernie” said Jason who was sat next to Kimberly on their usual table at the juice centre. They were joined by the current power rangers except Justin. Who had to be at home and hide his days adventures from his father
“Coming right up Jason. I’ve got some chilli cooking on the stove too. It’s all on the house.” He replied
“Hey thanks Ernie but you didn’t have to do that” Tommy spoke up this time. Sat next to Kat who had her hand in his.
“ After what you guys achieved today. You deserve more than chilli. You know, you kids are too humble” countered Ernie, walking away smiling, balancing the tray of empty milkshake glasses in his hand.
“If only he knew exactly what you guys achieved today. I think he’d give us the juice bar” Rocky quipped.
Everyone burst out laughing. Rocky had great timing as usual.
Katherine was the first one to stop laughing. She didn’t want to put a dampener on the evening but she was worried about her two friends. They had after all, been sacrificed, dropped into a volcano and turned evil. Nobody had even asked how they were since they were in the Megazord.
She turned to her right towards Jason and Kimberly and gave them the most tender look she could summon, before looking at them directly, her eyes darting back and forth to each their faces, her eyes full of warmth and compassion.
“How are you feeling though guys. Are you okay?” she asked
All of the rangers now turned to look at the original Red and Pink power rangers.
Jason felt kimberly stiffen slightly at this question. He slid his hand onto her rocking knee and felt it relax.
“Yeah you know, Lerigot must have some powerful magic. I feel pretty good” Jason responded casually, with a shrug of his shoulders.
Kimberly placed her hand on his, which was still gently glued to her knee, Unbeknownst to their friends.
“Yeah. It’s like a dream- or a nightmare rather aha. It’s becoming easier and easier to forget” she answered nonchalantly. Her tongue beginning to stick to the bottom of her mouth as the days events repeated in her mind.
“We tried getting to you guys as fast as we could” revealed Adam. All the rangers looked rather guilty. Each thinking they should’ve done more and acted quicker.
“Yeah but you succeeded and you beat that ugly beast on his wedding day” said Rocky. Once again breaking the tension
Thank god for rocky Kimberly thought as they all shared smiles
“So Jase, you’re staying here now right?” asked Tommy
Kimberly’s heart sank. Her hand felt slightly clammy now on top of Jason’s. But she squeezed it harder nonetheless. She looked up at Jason and saw him smile. She couldn’t stop him from coming back home. He looked so happy.
“Yeah probably Tommy. Go back to my mom and dads” replied Jason
“Awesome dude. You know, since rocky is outta action for a while. You could possibly cover for him” proposed Tommy.
“Yeah. It would only be fitting that I stole your powers and your leadership and now you get payback on my injured ass” said rocky leaning back into his throwing his hands up in the air
“Oh please rock head. You were possibly the last one in charge of the team.” laughed Adam.
“Yeah probably. I couldn’t even lead my way to the bathroom today. And I needed help when I got there” he replied
“EWWWWWW” Everyone said in unison
Jason let out a little chuckle “I’ll think about it. Blue’s not really my colour but We’ll see. Thanks bro” replied Jason as he leaned over and high fived rocky. His hand finally leaving Kimberly’s
Kimberly felt like she had swallowed her old pterodactyl Megazord, the throat tightening and her mouth becoming drier. Please hurry up with our drinks Ernie She felt her face redden and her hands get even more sweaty.
“ Buon appetite” Ernie came marching out of the kitchen. Good timing kimberly thought. Ernie was carrying a huge tray with a large bowl of chilli, with fries, freshly cut salad and a couple of salsas. He landed the huge tray on the table much to the delight of everyone sat there.
There were shouts of appreciation from the teens and plenty of compliments. The smoky fragrant aroma of the chilli wafting in the air. Rocky though injured, fought through the pain and was the first one to help himself to the food.
Ernie returned with another tray full of sodas and milkshakes.
Kimberly quickly grabbed a soda before she stopped breathing.
“Hey. You ok Kimmy?” asked Jason as he placed a stacked plate in front of her. He had spent the summer with her in Florida after the achievements at the pan globals and had been on a mission to restore her back to her healthy self. He didn’t relent with the large plate of food he presented her with.
Kimberly smiled at him gingerly and nodded looking down at the plate and back up at him. Jason searched her eyes for what she was hiding from him. It was obvious as her eyes kept focusing on his nose and she avoided eye contact as much as possible.
“You sure?” he inquired, sitting down next to her. Still not taking his eyes off her.
The former rangers were busy with the food and didn’t pay attention to Jason and Kim. All of them but Kat, who had also notices Kimberly’s quiet demeanour. She was a very positive and quirky character usually.
“Yeah. I’m just tired” Kimberly replied.
“Okay. Let’s shovel down this foodand we’ll go home okay”
Kimberly’s Mom was in France and her father wasn’t in Angel Grove. Kimberly spent many a nights at Jason’s home during her younger teens. It was a sanctuary. Somewhere to hide from the arguments at home. Jason’s parents were happy to have her stay at their house.
Kimberly nodded her head and sat down to begin her meal.
Everyone had thanked Ernie, attempted to help him clean up but he wouldn’t have any of it. They had now congregated outside and said their goodbyes for the night.
Adam and Tanya supported Rocky into Adams Black pick up truck.
“Are you sure you don’t want a lift?” asked Tommy as he Walked over to his white Ford escort. Kat was already sat in the passengers seat, looking up at everyone.
“Nah I’m good thanks bro. I’m just behind the park” answered Jason pointing his thumb behind them towards Angel Grove Park. Tommy nodded
Jason turned to Kimberly. “Are you okay walking it?” he added.
Kimberly looked up at Jason, smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Cool. I’ll see you soon guys. If you need anything. My telephone number is the same one as before Jase. Don’t hesitate ok!” said Tommy as he opened the door to his car.
“Thanks Tommy” Jason and Kimberly said in unison. Tommy responded with a smile and a little shake of the head as he got in his car. Jason and Kimberly turned around and headed off for their short walk to Jason’s house.
Kimberly took two steps to every one of Jason’s, just to keep up with him. Jason smiled at this and slowed down a touch before looking down to his left and finding her eyes. The sun had started to set. The warm orange glow seeped through her hair, illuminating her features. Making her more beautiful than he ever thought was possible. They just stood there now. Looking deep into each others eyes.
“Hey guys”
A gentle Australian accent startled them forcing them to break eye contact and look behind them. Kat spoke up quickly, responding to the bewildered look on their faces. “Jase, I just wondered whether I could have just 60 seconds with Kimberly” asked Kat
“Yeah of course” replied Jason. Jason turned to sit at a nearby park bench. Giving the girls the privacy Kat had indirectly asked for.
Tommy was waiting outside the juice bar in his car, a few metres away.
Once Jason was out of earshot. Kat placed a hand on Kimberly’s shoulder and spoke up.
“Kimberly I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help but see there was something bothering you” Katherine’s soft voice layered with her elegant Australian accent made Kimberly feel rather comfortable. She needed trini to talk to right now but she had always had a nice connection with Kat
“It’s nothing Kat. Thanks” kimberly lied through her teeth. She just wanted to get away from everybody and spend some time with Jason before she flew back to Florida in two days time.
“You can tell me Kimberly. No matter what it is. You’ve always been so bubbly and today you were so quiet ” Kat looked at kimberly with genuine care and concern on her face. She initially thought it was because of her and Tommy. But she realised how little Kimberly paid them any attention. But she saw how stiff kimberly had become during the talk of Jason moving back home. She watched as Kimberly glanced back to Jason who was sat on the park bench, intently starting at his hands. “Is it Jase?” she asked quietly.
Kimberly decided she had to share this with someone and nodded.
“Have you told him how you feel?” asked Kat now at a whisper.
Kimberly shook her head and looked down. Focusing on the grass she was stood on. If it was so obvious to Kat, she knew she must be feeling someone for her former leader.
“I think you should Kimberly. Even I can feel the connection between you both” Kimberly looked up at Kat with mild surprise on her face “Oh come on Kim. You spent the summer together, you’re hot, he’s hot. It’s obvious that something will happen if you act, and act fast” Kat advised. Beaming at Kim.
“I think I love him Kat. We had such a good summer. He’s made me feel happier than I have in a long time” Kimberly confessed
“Crikey. Has he said or done anything that makes you think he feels the same?” the leggy blonde asked
“Well, he always looks after me. And sometimes.... The way he looks at me...” Kimberly furrowed her brow, contemplating
“Then go for it. You’ve hit nothing to lose” Kat urged
“But what if he doesn’t love me in that way. What if we have a messy break up. It could ruin everything” Kimberly felt her heart drop. It would be the last thing she could want.
“Kim. When Jason was the gold ranger. Every time I mentioned you. His face would light up. Seeing you two together, I couldn’t think of a better couple. What’s a tiny little risk compared to a bloody lifetimes worth of happiness.
“Thanks Kat, I’ll try and tell him today” replied Kimberly with a look of apprehension.
“Good, don’t miss out on an opportunity like this. Its very rare to find a connection that you two share” Kats smile turned into a frown and she carried on “And Kimberly. I’m sorry if you feel I’ve over stepped. I never intended on this thing with Tommy. It’s recently just happened. It came out of nowhere. I’m so sorry”
Kimberly pulled Katherine into a hug and shook her head. “Please don’t apologise. Tommy was my first real crush. A crush that disappeared and I lost any hold over him when I decided to end it. He’s my friend and so are you. I couldn’t be happier for you both” Kimberly smiled a very a genuine smile
“Thank you kimberly “ Kat gave Kimberly a huge squeeze and walked back to Tommy’s car.
Kimberly turned to Jason. He smiled and stood up to walk towards her and they closed the distance between them. Once side by side, Kimberly placed her hand into Jason’s, much to his surprise and joy, commencing their journey once more to Jason’s house.
When they arrived at Jason’s house. His parents greeted them both with wild hugs and kisses. Kimberly had often felt like family to his parents, they always treated her with love, she knew where he got his good heart from.
They tried to make them eat Mrs Scott’s famous lasagne, but they fought off any attempts. Even the walk to the Scott’s household failed to help lighten their bellies.
During their youth, Kimberly would have sleepovers at Jason’s house when things got too much at home, she would spend the odd night in Jason’s room in his bed, while he took all the remaining cushions and blankets and slept on the floor. Not only were they too grown up now to do that but the Scott’s had used Jason’s room for storage. There wasn’t enough time to clear it up and get it ready for two people.
Mr Scott had proposed Kimberly to sleep in Jason’s bed whilst Jason take the couch. Kimberly felt like a douche letting Jason take the couch. She also didn’t want to be alone. The events of the day, still haunting her. She mentioned that she needed some company and Mrs Scott, thinking it was because of Kim’s parent’s divorce, immediately made other arrangements. Much to kimberly and Jason’s delight.
So they gathered all the cushions and blankets and turned the den into a comfortable sleeping facility for them. The cushions acting as mattresses.
Kimberly had showered, changed into the pyjamas she had brought with her and began to make herself comfortable in the den whilst Jason finished with his shower.
“Kimberly sweetheart, are you comfortable? Do you need anything else?” Janette Scott asked as she clutched the side of the doorframe and peered into the den and saw that Kimberly had snuggled up, laid on the cushion and blanket covered floor, her head resting on the pillows that were stacked up against the couch which acted as a headboard.
Kimberly looked up and noticed Mrs Scott’s beautiful chocolate brown hair, hanging over get slender shoulders. A familiar calming smile engraved on her pretty face.
“No thankyou Mrs Scott.” Kimberley answered before raising herself up by leaning on her elbows.
“OK dear. It’s 10pm which is rather late for us old farts, so I’m heading upstairs. Mason is probably asleep, But I’m just a knock on a door away if you need anything. I’m sorry I haven’t got better sleeping arrangements for you” stated Mrs Scott.
“No no, this is actually more comfortable than I thought. Its fine thank you” countered Kimberly with a smile.
“Okay sweetie. Goodnight” Mrs Scott Took her hands off the door frame and began to take leave.
“Goodnight” replied Kim. Appreciating the warmth and love she felt.
Jason shot down the stairs and nearly bumped into his mom at the bottom.
“Hey there Jason. Gosh you’ve gotten taller baby” said Mrs Scott with a wide grin.
Jason smiled and gave his mom a big hug and a peck on the cheek. He missed his parents, staying away was very difficult for him. But the summer he spent with Kimberly was worth it.
They both bid their farewells after a long hug and mrs Scott began her ascension up the stairs “And you better behave yourself Jay jay” said Mrs Scott through a slight chuckle.
“Mom, I’ve already had a lecture from dad” Jason retorted peering back up to his mom who sheepishly smiled and disappeared behind a wall.
Jason smiled to himself. My parents think I’m dating Kim. I wish
He went through the living room and into the den. His eyes immediately fell on Kimberly who was laid on her side clutching a pillow. She looked so cute in her Teddy bear pyjamas, but he sensed a sadness in her body language and facial expression. He quickly scanned his sleeping arrangements for the night and looked back at kimberly who was now looking up at him
“You sure you’re OK pinky? He asked as he entered the room.
Kimberly curved her lips into a smile and nodded. Glad Jason was back, she could spend some more time with him.
“oh-Kay. So how are we going to do this?” Jason asked as he walked over to where she was laid.
Kimberly looked up at him. The shorts and white sleeveless top he was wearing highlighted his toned physique and she immediately bit her lip. Completely unaware of doing so. “Do what?” she inquired as she looked up at his face
Jason felt his face begin to heat up. He quickly looked down at the cushions. “well you know, umm sleep”
“Oh Scott. You literally spent the entire summer sharing my bed. I’m sure if you sleep next to me on a floor, it isn’t too different from that” she replied with a hug grin that was becoming more genuine, she patted the space next to her on her left with her hand
Jason nodded and got into the makeshift bed. He pulled a blanket over his body and turned onto his Right hand side facing his companion. She ever so slightly moved closer to him. Just enough to feel his body heat radiate onto her.
“So you ready to sleep or do you wanna watch one of our old videos?” he asked pointing to the TV and VCR in front of them.
Kimberly was exhausted. It was only 22:15 but her body and mind were so drained. However, she knew that she would be catching a plane back to Florida very soon. She wanted to spend as much time with Jason as she could. Kim had gotten so used to living with him and seeing his face everyday, that the mere thought of being alone and without him made her heart tremble. The boundaries of friendship had been jeopardised during their time together. After all, which two members of the opposite sex shared a bed at their age.
“I’m all for a movie. Only if I choose though” she answered with a teasing wink
“You got yourself a deal there pinky. But for the love of God. Not when Harry met Sally!” he said as he stood up and checked the videos on the wooden shelf next to the TV set.
Kimberly smirked “you still got Jurassic park? She asked. Being back in angel grove had her thinking of her old days. The fact that Jason just called her pinky.... Her thoughts went to her pterodactyl.
Jason dug the video out of the pile and put it into the VCR. He fetched them a couple of cold sodas from the fridge and they laid back together on her cushioned floor, with kimberly leaning on Jason’s shoulder and watched the movie they had watched a thousand times during their day’s as power rangers.
They joked and reminisced old times. Debating which dinosaur was the best. The T-Rex won in the end. They were unknowingly getting closer and closer to each other until Kimberly’s leg was practically draped over Jason’s torso. By the time the end credits rolled, Kimberly’s eyelids began to feel heavy. She couldn’t stop them from drooping. Jason noticed this and turned off the TV from the remote.
He then realised how they were positioned. He felt his mouth begin to dry up and looked to her head on his chest. He dared not to disturb her. He put his arm around her and pulled them closer. He was going to miss her. “Goodnight Kim” he whispered with a heavy heart.
“Night” she muttered without moving a muscle as sleep threatened to take over. She felt his arm gently squeeze her and pull her even closer to him. She couldn’t do this.
“I want you to come back to Florida with me” she opened her eyes and lifted her head off his chest and looked him in the eyes, Kats words echoing in her mind. How could she sleep when she knew she would be flying back to Florida in under 48 hours. Losing him today proved to her that she felt love for the man, and it was not the type of love that you feel for a friend.
Jason was taken aback. This came out of nowhere.
“What” was the only thing he could Conjure.
“Jason. I loved having you around with me this summer. I dunno about you but.... But.. I need you” tears threatened to now flow from her tired eyes, she sat up and faced Jason, intently rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Wow” Jason was stunned as he searched her now fully open eyes for answers
Kimberly continued. “When I didn’t see you behind me when we escaped from divatox, I panicked Jase. I couldn’t focus on holding my breath or swimming to the surface. I woke up on that retched island and was attacked by those freaks. I was scared but I was more frightened that I had lost you”
Jason sat up too and took her trembling hand into his, looking into her eyes, soothing her nerves slightly.
“But when you took that hood off and I saw it was you, Jason I can’t explain how relieved and happy I was that you were safe and that you were with me. You gave me strength and you gave me hope. Just seeing your face made me feel opposite to what I was feeling moments before” Kimberly carried on, squeezing his hand softly, closing the distance between them. Both their fast beating hearts threatening to erupt from their chests.
“Right. That’s probably because of all the times we had each others backs during our ranger days. I did save your butt a few ti-“
“Oh god why are men so stupid” She cut him off and rolled her eyes, before focusing her gaze on the handsome face in front of her, edging closer to him.
“ I fuckin love you Jason” Kimberly was now so close to Jason that he could feel her warm breath on his face each time she exhaled. The intoxicating smell of her familiar perfume mixed in with the combination of the alluring pepperminty scent of her breath laced with the sweet aroma of cola they had been drinking, infiltrated his nostrils. He was stunned. Was he dreaming? He had always loved kimberly. From the moment they grew into teenagers, he had loved her. Too afraid to speak up.
“Aren’t you going to say anything. Didn’t you feel things change between us in Florida” asked Kimberly. A look of fear and desperation on her face as she searched his eyes for an answer she so desperately sought.
“I........I felt it was just on my part” Jason squinted his eyes. He didn’t know why he was confused but he just couldn’t believe his ears, or his eyes.
“So you feel it too?” Kimberly wanted to consolidate her suspicions, she leaned forward and looked into the pit of his soul. Jason could almost taste her now.
“Kim. Do you mean it. Do you actually love me?” Jason sounded rather serious now, as he leant back slightly to look at her face, waiting for an answer.
Kimberly had to make sure he wouldn’t have doubts. She closed her eyes and went for it. His heart beat faster and harder as he felt her push her face onto his, the next thing he experienced was the thing he had wanted to experience for a long time. The pillowy soft lips he often stole glances at for the past few years, gently found their way onto his. Jason let out a shocked sharp breath and Kimberly took full advantage. He sat there in complete bliss as she slid her bottom lip in between his lips into the gap his mouth provided and squeezed his upper lip in between hers. His eyes wide open, attempting to make sense of what was going on.
To her relief, she felt him kiss her back, softly at first. He gently suckled the solitary lip that was implanted in his mouth. Then with a swift movement that made her cling onto his arms as the only source of support in the dizzying tornado of emotions they were sharing, he kissed her back. With such passion that it drove the life out from her body like a priest performing an exorcism. She felt her body go limp against his chiselled physique and uncontrollably gave in to the kiss, their lips pursed tight against each others, adding in a tender flick of the tongue every now and again. Sending them into a euphoric frenzy. Kimberly opened her eyes to admire the handsome features of the man who for so long, had silently passed under her radar. The very same radar he was point blank infiltrating now. After a few more seconds, their lips finally parted and they both sat there staring into each others souls.
Kimberly was the first one to nudge backwards to face the person she had just visited paradise with.
“Do you believe me now?” she had just managed to whimper out the words. Her mouth on fire from the smouldering passion she had experienced
Jason inhaled deeply, every inch of him shaking like an autumn leaf.
“Hell Yeah” he panted. Licking his lips, not wanting to forget the taste of his former teammates prominent cupids bow. A mouth so sweet, the nectar of the gods would pale in comparison.
Kimberly noticed this “Oh you tasted better than I could’ve ever imagined” she teased with a big grin etched on her face. Jason’s face became as red as his old rangers costume but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
Kimberly pulled herself out of the ecstasy she was feeling and deciding to get back to business. She folded her legs under her and sat up straight.
“Jase, I know you love Angel Grove. I know how that offer of being a ranger again is tempting you. And I don’t want to be selfish but I think we’ve got something special here. I’ve never experienced anything like that kiss we’ve shared. Would you be willing to –“ Kimberly was interrupted as she felt a hand on her knee.
“Look Kim. The emotions you’re feeling for me, I’ve been feeling them for a long time. I’m sorry that I’m not talking much but.. I-I’m just... I don’t know how to explain it. I’m just so happy right now”
Kimberly’s eyes lit up. The sleepiness completely evaporated.
Jason continued “No amount of power ranger offers, no city in the world, no amount of money or fame, would be able to take me away from you and this opportunity we have “
Kimberly leapt into Jason’s lap, her arms wrapped around him. Feeling a load fly off of her chest. “Does this mean that you’re coming back to Florida with me?” she mumbled into his shoulder.
Jason leaned backwards to look at her face. “I’d love to. I just hope they have tickets, I don’t want to come back from the airport without you”
“I won’t get on that darn plane without you Jase. And I’m ringing the airline and booking you a ticket first thing in the morning” she said all that rather quickly. Excitement replacing the exhaustion.
Jason gently lifted her chin up and placed a quick, gentle kiss on her mouth. It wasn’t nowhere near the atomic bomb she had felt earlier, but it was just as magical and meaningful. Jason pulled away and his eyes found the clock which was just behind Kimberly’s head.
“We’d better get to sleep. We’ve got tickets to buy tomorrow” he added whilst he got up on his knees with kimberly straddling his torso. She pushed her nose onto his nose and stroked it gently as Jason climbed into to their makeshift bed and gently laid her down on a pile of cushions. He laid down next to her in a supine position, allowing her to put her head on his chest.
Jason spoke first “You know, we’ll have to get another flat and a bigger bed”
“A flat yes. A bigger bed hmm, not really. We were pretty comfortable over the summer. And now that I’ll be practically laid on top of you. It should be enough “ Kimberly replied, closing her eyes because they started feeling heavy again, but a smile beginning to form on her face.
Jason chuckled “Touché. I don’t mind that at all”
“And Jason. Once I’m finished with my gymnastics. We’ll move back here ok?”
“Does that mean this isn’t just a fling” Jason teased. Now closing his own tired eyes.
Kimberly softly bit Jason’s chest and mocked a growl. “I love you Jason”
“I love you too Kim”
For the first time that day, both Jason and Kimberly felt at complete peace. They breathed freely without any tension or worries, and fell asleep with Kimberly’s head resting on Jason’s chest. Smiles etched on their faces. Looking forward to another, albeit different, adventure together.
I hope you liked this guys. I know it’s very long and I hope you didn’t get bored.
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tokupedia · 5 years
Japan World Heroes II Day One Part 3: Double Reds and Hollywood Kaiju Men
Unfortunately, most of my photos of the Double Red panel were either blurry or unable to be loaded and had to be deleted as corrupted files. They suffered the same fate as the time I encountered the beautiful Cadillac Sixteen concept car at the Pittsburgh Auto Show years ago, a digital memory slain by flawed tech. 
I still remember it sitting majestically on a black marble pedestal with soft running water surrounding it, its massive V16 1,000 HP engine purring like a panthress. All the while envious of the guy who got to drive it up to its elegant stone display. But as they say online: pics or it didn’t happen. (even if it did). Sorry, just went on a tangent. Back onto it...
Nevertheless, it was a lighter panel in details than the others from having two guests at the same time (Mr. Sainei and Mr. McLaren). Mr. McLaren (Jack aka SPD Red), stated he was surprised by how DekaPink would take baths when watching a few episodes of Dekaranger in preparation for his role, something like that would never work in the USA. Both of them talked about Koichi Sakamoto briefly and how influential he is on both sides of the Pacific in toku media. They then did a discussion of the Japanese dub of Power Rangers SPD. Mr. Sainei said that he admired Mr. McLaren’s dreadlocks, which was a non existent hairstyle among the Japanese until SPD came along according to him and has since gained small popularity among eastern Sentai fans (that certainly explains Leo in Zyuohger). 
Mr. Sainei says he has the dub of SPD to thank for how Ban is portrayed post-series, as he made his character more calm and mature after doing Jack’s dub voice and finding it was also more reserved and calm than Ban was. Ban’s character is meant to be an upstanding police officer first and a superhero second, using the law to uphold the peace and act on instinct. He also confirmed that any Deka vs. Sentai films are alternate realities that do not fit the Dekaranger or Super Sentai show canon. 
Mr. Sainei said he first got into Super Sentai with Changeman as a child, though he admitted he wanted to grow up to be a pro wrestler when he was a kid. 
Mr. McLaren initially turned down the role of Jack twice so he could star on an ABC show called The Date. The network hated the show and it was doomed from the start, so finally Mr. McLaren accepted the role of a Red Ranger in a Disney backed Power Rangers show. 
Mr. Sainei revealed that to this day in Japanese fan polls, Dekaranger is second only to Shinkenger in terms of popular Heisei Super Sentai shows. This is why the show gets spinoffs long past its original airing such as the Space Squad movies. He also confirmed there are no new Space Squad projects planned at this time or ever unless Toei says otherwise in the future. Mr. McLaren said his agent hasn’t contacted him about the Battle for the Grid video game when asked if he would be in it and if he hasn’t heard of it, he isn’t in it. Mr. McLaren ended the panel by saying that Power Rangers was challenging to work on as you had to build a relationship with the cast over a year and Ryuji Sainei agreed that is the hardest part, especially when starting out.
We got to see Ryuji do his DekaRed morph, but Mr. McLaren left as he had to get back to Hollywood for work.
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Up next were the suit stars of the recent Godzilla: King of the Monsters film. I am ashamed to admit I faded in and out during this one from hunger (mmmm...In-N-Out). 
T.J. Storm was so much of a G-Fan that it resonated from the room. Despite the film’s critical failure, he knows true Godzilla fans loved it from talking to them and that is all that matters to him as he doesn’t care what others think. And he joked that Godzilla loves to take long naps until he’s needed (can’t say I blame the King, he’s almost 70.) 
T.J also said that he doesn’t do his role “professionally”, you are basically a man trying to be a kid again and pretending to be a city crushing dinosaur for fun, that is why he loves his job. He, Richard Dorton, Alan Maxson, and Jason Liles then briefly demonstrated what its like to do motion capture without the suits, with the normally sweet and friendly Mr. Storm getting into character and letting out a terrifying growl and roar.
T.J. also revealed what I posted earlier about his roles and a bit more, he was Rocket Racoon! Apparently he stopped working for Marvel when they refused to credit him for their projects. He and the others are loyal to Legendary Godzilla for their director of the recent film, who demanded the studio give his mo-cap workers credit and they did eventually get it. So happy endings there. They are also working for Netflix, because again, they are actually credited for their work and treated fairly. 
T.J. then told the audience he is an advocate for mo-cap suit actors such as himself and the great Andy Serkis and stuntmen to be recognized at the Oscars, as elites often ignore their efforts for arthouse films in an era where superhero films and action movies are keeping Hollywood afloat financially in terms of the market share of cinema. I asked Mr. Storm how it felt to be part of a 65 year legacy and to follow in the footsteps of people like Haruo Nakajima.
He said he was humbled by it, and he feels he can never fully fill in Nakajima-san’s shoes, but he will always do his best for the fans. He has been a Godzilla and kaiju fan since he was 4 years old when his father took him to the movies to see Godzilla vs Hedorah (Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster), so becoming a thing from his childhood means the world to him. 
Sent my mother home after that when she asked for an Uber taxi as she was bored and hungry. I was a bit peckish myself, but endured for the next panel.
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rangers Thunder Spirits
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(Logo by @masterpikachu6)
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With the arrival of Lord Zedd Zordon prepared a new set of suits and powers for the Rangers to use against the new evil. However during the testing of these new powers Zordon discovered a potentially fatal flaw Zedd was sure to use against them. The abilities of the suits as well as the attacks they create draw on the Rangers inner Chi. And since Chi is not infinite and needs time and rest and food to restore itself it would be possible for the Chi reserve to be emptied in battle against a particularly strong foe or if many monsters were sent in secession. Zordon refused to put his Rangers in danger and so never revealed these suits to them, however he still gave Tommy the White Ranger powers but never revealed the full power of it… However when Jason, Trini, and Zack told Zordon they were leaving for the peace conference Zordon and Alpha came up with a way to bypass the flaw by  connecting the suits power to the Thunderzords themselves so they would always have a reserve of power. However this ran the risk of destroying the powers if the Thunderzords were ever destroyed. With the power of the Sword of Light, the Dino and the Thunder powers were split and new morphers were made to harness the thunder powers. Red Dragon Power!- Rocky- Red Thunder Ranger- Power of the Dragon! Flame!- Intense flames are produced from his hands. Blue Unicorn Power!- Billy- Blue Thunder Ranger- Power of the Unicorn! Gravity!- He gains control of objects nearby and can launch them at the enemy Yellow Griffin Power!- Aisha- Yellow Thunder Ranger- Power of the Griffin! Rewind!- She can rewind time a maximum of three minutes Green Lion Power!- Adam- Green Thunder Ranger- Power of the Lion! Illusion!- He can create realistic illusions that damage the enemy Pink Phoenix Power!- Kim- Pink Thunder Ranger- Power of the Phoenix! Whirlwind!- She produces a wind vortex that she can shoot or throw at the enemy White Tiger Power!- Tommy- White Thunder Ranger- Power of the Tiger! ROAR!- Saba roars creating a sonic attack Morphers- Spirit Morphers- twin wrist mounted devices Morphing Call- It’s Morphing Time! Power of Thunder! Morphing- The Rangers appear in a mist filled room in the basic body suit. They do various poses and attacks as Ranger colored bolts of lighting strike their bodies forming parts of the suits and the details (Tommy’s includes an added group to form the chest shield) This is all done in front of an artistic version of their ThunderZord. Power from the heavens! (the Rangers raise one hand towards the sky) Power from within! Power Rangers! (the team kick the hand causing a roar of thunder at impact) THUNDER SPIRITS! Power Rangers Avian Armada <—————Powerverse————>Power Rangers Ninjetti
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fallenqueen2 · 6 years
Jason’s Reason [Power Rangers 2017]
The Rangers decide after everything with Rita is said and done with that it was time to celebrate with a bonfire. This time it’s Jason’s turn to tell the others all his secrets.
~My headcanon revolving Jason and why he pulled that stunt but didn’t seem too broken up about not being able to play Football anymore. Pre-Poly Power Rangers – Jason/Billy/Zach/Kimberly/Trini~
Jason breathed through his nose when his foot landed the wrong way on the steep hill he was climbing up to get to the place where the others were waiting for him. Jason leaned against a nearby rock and massaged his knee as it throbbed a bit.
“There you are Red, you were taking your time so the others sent me to find you.” Zack’s voice rang out causing Jason to look up taken off guard.
“I’m fine Zack, thanks for looking though.” Jason straightened up and took another step only to grunt in pain as his bad knee gave out on him.
“Whoa!” Zack cried in shock, already moving to support Jason against his own side.
“Sorry about that, just landed funny.” Jason tried to brush it off but the look Zack gave him told him that he wasn’t fooling the Black Ranger one bit.
“We’ll ice your knee when we get to the others okay?” Zack’s voice was gentle and he hefted Jason’s upright and together they staggered up to where the others were already drinking beer by the roaring campfire.
“Jason!” Kim leaped to her feet to help Zack aid Jason and settle him his empty chair. Trini dug around in the ice cooler until she found an ice pack and tossed it to the Red Ranger who easily caught it and with a exhale he placed it on his knee.
“Thanks, Trini.” Jason nodded his thanks and she flashed him a small smile while Billy shuffled his chair closer to Jason while wringing his hands.
“I’m fine Billy I swear,” Jason reassured the other teen, fighting back the urge to hold Billy’s hand; unsure how Billy was feeling about psychical contact after everything they had been through lately.
“Fine is not collapsing on the trail.” Zack scoffed but his eyes gleamed with real worry as he sank into his own chair and Kim just pursed her lips but settled back in her own chair that was right next to Trini’s.
“Zack’s right, my knee may have been mostly healed by our ‘superpowers’ when we got our coins but every so often it still hurts and after the battle with Rita and those putties, it’s been hurting more often. I just need to take it easy and I’ll be fine, no reason to worry.” Jason explained and smiled when Billy was the one to reach over and lace their fingers together in comfort.
“Just tell us next time it starts to hurt okay?” Kim said firmly as she leaned against Trini who just finished passing Zack another beer.
“Yeah and I’ll be sure to carry you bridal style,” Trini smirked at Jason who just laughed.
“Seriously though man, don’t scare me like that,” Zack muttered and Jason reached over his free hand and smiled when Zack shuffled his chair over and let Jason rest his arm around his shoulders.
“I will I promise.” Jason made eye contact with each of them.
“Jason never breaks a promise so I know he’s going to tell us when he’s hurting next time. All of us will tell at least one of us, I don’t want anyone hurt anymore. I want everyone safe and sound.” Billy said firmly as he nodded to himself.
“You got it, Billy.” The others murmured their agreement, eyes softening as they gazed at Billy.
“So um, while we waiting for you, I told the others about what I did. The picture, punching Ty, everything.” Kim broke the silence that had settled over the group as the fire crackled and ashes rose up into the sky above them.
“That’s good,” Jason smiled when he saw Trini take Kim’s hand and the Pink Ranger just held on tight.
“Why are you two way over there? Come over here!” Billy exclaimed as an idea popped into his head and he waved his hands until Trini and Kim had dragged their chairs over to join them. Trini having kicked her feet up onto Zack’s lap with a wiggle of her eyebrows while Kim curled up in her chair and smiled when Billy slowly put his hand on her knee and she covered it with her own hand.
“I don’t actually like football,” Jason said out of the blue as he watched the fire spark and flare in front of the group. He knew without looking he had all their attention now. It was only fair that they knew about him now as well.
“For as long as I could remember I had been playing football, I loved it as a kid. It was the only time I had with my dad you know. It was easier back then before Pearl was born and then I had a little sister who I wanted to be there for. I wanted to go to her recitals and important events or just play tag with her in the backyard… Football always came first.” Jason shifted and before he could move to catch the ice pack, Trini snatched it and pressed it to his knee for him and nodded her head at him to keep talking.
“When I got on the team in high school, it was great my dad came to games we would spend hours together just going over plays… Then it hit me one day while looking at his jersey in the school hallway after he told me how he was contacting some scouts for scholarships to college for football… He intended for me to do this for the rest of my life, to go pro… I just couldn’t stomach the idea of it, I also couldn’t stomach the idea of telling my dad after all these years I didn’t want to play anymore… when the other approached me with the idea of stealing beefcake I realized that was the perfect way to get kicked off the team.”
Jason took a steady breath and carried on when Billy squeezed his hand in reassurance.
“It was a cowardly way but I rather have my dad angry at me than disappointed you know? I didn’t intend to get hurt in that crash, but having a busted knee really helped my cause of not playing football anymore… I had a concussion, a busted knee, and some blood loss so I agreed with my dad’s idea of pleading guilty… Then he left me alone and hurt in jail for 3 days and made me walk across town when I finally was let out. That may be one of the reasons I felt angry all the time, why none of my plans ever seemed to work out and why everyone in this town says my name like it was a curse word. So yeah what I said at the last campfire was true, everyone knows me. I’m Jason Scott, the town screw up.” Jason fell silent and chest silently heaving as he realized that was the first time he had said it all aloud and he felt lighter than he would have expected.
“Oh, Jason.” Kim reached forward and gripped the blond’s uninjured leg in a silent reassurance.
“That’s kind of messed up man.” Zach ran his fingers through his own hair as he absorbed what Jason just told them.
“No worse than some of the shit I pulled in my old schools,” Trini shrugged and winked at Jason who relaxed at the Yellow Ranger’s reassurance.
“You aren’t the town screw up Jason, they just don’t know the real you,” Billy said firmly as he nodded his head to himself as he tightened his grip on Jason’s hand.
“I thought I had a messed up relationship with my dad.” Kim shook her head and Jason sent her a small smile understanding what she was trying to convey.
“Doesn’t matter you’re with us now and your stuck with us oh Red Leader,” Zach announced firmly making the others crack smiles and the atmosphere lightened up.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Jason said firmly. “Now someone pass me a beer and let’s get this celebration started!”
“That’s what I’m talking about.” Trini beamed as she passed Jason a beer bottle.
“A toast!” Billy held up his own unopened beer.
“We faced down Rita and everything she threw at us and we came out the other side. We’re different now but closer and stronger. I wouldn’t go back and change anything since everything that happened means that we are here together now. So to us!” Billy took his time as he managed to get the right words out but none of them pushed him they just kept their attention on Billy with fondness and something else on all their faces.
“To us!” The others raised their bottles as the fire behind them let sparks and ashes rise up into the night sky.
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taikoturtle · 7 years
16: trimberly post canon!
16. things you said with no space between us
The first time Kimberly tells Trini she loves her, the world feels like it’s collapsing all around them, crushing their bodies with an unbearable pressurized force.
“Where’s Jason and the others?” Kimberly’s panicked shout cuts through the cacophony of roaring earth and violent, shifting boulders. 
“He said they were on their way!”
A struggled grunt escapes Kimberly’s gritted teeth but the situation is getting grimmer by the second. As the small ray of sunlight dwindles into nothing but a sliver, Trini’s breathing wheezes out in quick, erratic bursts because it’s slowly starting to sink in that this may be their final resting place.
It started off like any other day. 
Jason had told the group that there would be training later in the evening. After what went down with Rita, he didn’t want them to grow complacent with their skills lest a stronger foe rears its ugly face to threaten Angel Grove. 
Trini and Kimberly were out and about in the forest surrounding the outskirts of the quarry enjoying their time together in the great outdoors. Trini never needs an excuse to spend time with Kimberly, so when she had asked her if she wanted to hang out for a bit beforehand, Trini didn’t give it a second thought; she’d follow Kimberly to the ends of the world if she asked.
Nearly dying really puts things into perspective for oneself, like what - and who - really matters in life.
Ever since that night when Rita snuck into her room and violated her personal space, Trini’s dreamt of wicked monsters with viridescent eyes and tendril claws raking fire across her skin. She feels the ghost of those fingers wrapped around her throat whenever she looks into the mirror and sees the fresh scars malevolently reflecting back at her.
That night when Trini felt the air get ripped from her lungs and all hope drained from her soul, only three things crossed her mind.
Her family.
Her friends. 
And Kimberly Hart.
Nothing surprised her more when Kimberly flashed through her thoughts with a separate, heavier feeling that felt distinctly different from the other Rangers.
It was a gradual development that honestly Trini should have seen coming a mile away but it somehow blindsided her when she least expected. With the desire to make up for her past transgressions in addition to her empathetic patience, Trini has had the pleasure of growing alongside Kimberly as the latter developed into the person she one day hoped to be.
She’s beautiful, both inside and out, with all of her quirks, strengths, flaws and all.
Trini has had time to come to terms with the emotions she harbors towards her best friend and though it offers little respite from carrying around the burdensome secret day in and day out, she reasons that as long as Kimberly is happy then that’s all that really matters. 
An explosion in the quarry was what drew their attention away from their alone time in the woods. Wasting no time at all, the pair dashed towards the source of the noise as fast as their legs allowed, and when they reached the rim of the fresh dusty crater they were met with a vile creature.
Adorned in golden armor and massive shoulder guards sporting a flowing tattered cape that billows in the wind like an ethereal shadow, the humanoid monster cackled in the air menacingly and for a second he reminded them of Rita.
“We have to do something,” whispered Kimberly quietly as her armor began materializing on her skin.
Trini didn’t like engaging in the dark not knowing a lick about their enemy, but she couldn’t let her go it alone. Yellow started crystalizing around her limbs before solidifying over her face and hiding the worried look plaguing her expression. “I’ve got your back.”
Except she didn’t mean it quite so literally.
The enemy had a powerful staff capable of performing magical, destructive spells, which is why Trini and Kimberly are currently trapped beneath a rocky ceiling closing down on them like a trash compactor. 
The girls had called the others for backup before they engaged the enemy, but he proved to be too much for them to handle. Manipulating the elements themselves, the monster managed to hurl them into a crevice deep in the side of an outcrop before casting a spell causing the ceiling above them to come crashing down.
Kimberly is lying on the ground with her back to the floor and arms pushing back against the ceiling while Trini’s hunched over her body, arms on either side of her torso, her back the main shield that’s preventing it from crushing them both. Aching upward with all her might, Trini’s arms shake as she braces herself against the crippling weight of the lowering stone roof. 
Her visor peels away just as Kimberly’s does the same. Sweat drips down the side of her face and though they’re minutes away from being buried alive, Trini breaks out into a bleak smile. “Never thought I’d die going out on top.”
Kimberly laughs, but it’s dampened with emptiness and despondent sorrow. “Always with the humor.”
The ceiling surges down with a sudden burst and Trini’s forced down to her forearms and elbows to better bear the weight. Her chestplate scrapes against Kimberly’s and she realizes that she’s practically lying down on top of her at this point. Kimberly’s dark, frantic eyes gaze into Trini’s and they’re so damn close to each other. Trini thinks that if the ceiling doesn’t kill her first, then the proximity surely will.
“Trini, I–” Kimberly pauses, her features riddled with fear and regret. “I… I love you.”
Trini’s eyes widen with surprise. What? Why now?!
“I just wanted you to hear that before we… before the end,” Kimberly clarifies after noting her reaction. “I don’t want to die without you knowing how much you mean to me.”
No, no fuck this. Trini did not live through years of social estrangement and family struggles for the girl of her dreams to finally return her feelings only to have it simultaneously ripped away.
“I love you too,” Trini grunts in response as she holds up the weight of the world with renewed vigor, “and because of that, we’re not dying here today. I won’t allow it.”
Kimberly’s laughter fills the narrowing space and this time there’s a lightweight lilt to her dulcet tones. “Stubborn.”
Their surroundings shift and rumble and Trini doesn’t actually know how much time they have left. She’s hoping that the others will show up, but there’s no way of communicating to them their location, so now’s a good time as ever.
Trini’s head dips down and she captures Kimberly’s lips with her own in a fervent kiss. It’s uncomfortable and awkward thanks to the limitations imposed by the frame of their helmets, but it’s good enough considering their dire situation. 
It’s a kiss born out of desperation however it carries the hopes and promises of more to come in the future. It’s a kiss that was long overdue and Trini makes a mental note to stop waiting until she has near-death experiences to make life-changing decisions or have monumental epiphanies.
“I’m not dying until we get a proper kiss,” Trini murmurs before breathing heavily from exertion.
Kimberly flashes her a half-hearted grin, “Then Jason better hurry his ass up.”
Jason and the others wind up finding them not a moment too soon. They manage to take down the mysterious enemy with the help of the Red Power Sword and they trap him in an alternate dimension, safe and secure with no way of harming humanity any further. 
The moment he’s sealed away, his associated magic fades as well and the girls shimmy their way out of their narrow, would-be tomb. They’ve never been happier to see sunlight before and Trini’s about fifty percent positive that she’s developed claustrophobia, but that doesn’t really matter because the positives that she gained from the terrible ordeal far outweigh the negatives.
The second time Kimberly tells Trini that she loves her, they’re on Kimberly’s bed pressed up against one another with nothing between them at all.
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bigredbruisers · 5 months
Starter Call
Hello and Welcome, for my first foray back into the RP world, this post is a Starter Call for any of my muses which are
Tatsurion the Unchained
Knuckles the Echidna
Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger
So reblog and comment on which muse would ya like your muse to interact with, and I'll message ya so we can plan out a RP thread.
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ajgrey9647 · 9 months
"I'm yours. Only yours." Jason x Tommy
Couple Stubborn Asses
Time seemed to slow down and he felt as though he couldn’t draw breath, even as he paced agitated circles about the Command Center. Refusing to power down, the green and white boots clicked a steady rhythm as he moved, first one way and then around the other. Gloved fists twisted, clenched, and unclenched spasmodically.
Despite the other Rangers’ best efforts, nothing calmed Tommy’s panicked fretting. 
‘Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok. Jason, you have to live…’
He couldn’t get the awful sound of Jason’s agonized scream to quiet in his mind, couldn’t drown out Goldar’s triumphant cackle. The sight of the Red Ranger dropping limply to his knees before collapsing backward, his sword clattering to the packed stone, the hollow, sickening thud of his body striking the ground.
As the Green Ranger mindlessly shoved and fought his way to Jason’s side, he’d been laser focused on the crimson staining the crisp white of his best friend’s uniform and the smear of blood across his mouth guard. Unable to tell if the Red Ranger was still breathing, he couldn’t stem the enraged roar as he tackled Goldar, pummeling him so viciously that the golden ape had barely managed to drag himself away.
Scooping Jason’s limp body to his chest in a perverse bridal carry, his arms dangling like a rag doll’s, head lolling over Tommy’s bicep had been surreal. This couldn’t be happening. Not Jason, not the Red Ranger, their leader…
‘Please be ok, please be ok… Because I swear to God, I’m going to wring your neck like a fucking chicken when you wake up!’
Why had Jason let Goldar goad him in a fight like that? When Tommy was grappling with Rita’s newest monster of the week? And the others had been unable to teleport to the battlefield, blocked by the evil witch’s magic?
‘Fucking bullheaded, stubborn…’ Tommy swore hotly to himself. ‘Why couldn’t he just fucking WAIT!’
“Tommy?” Kimberly’s voice cut in, her small hand settling on his shoulder like a bird. “He’s going to be fine, alright? Billy and Alpha have him and they’re going to bring him around. You know they will…”
The Green Ranger shrugged her off and growled deep in his throat.
“You need to let Trini scan you, make sure you’re alright,” she tried desperately.
Whirling, the distraught teen snarled, a choked sob of fear flowing beneath the hostile sound.
“I’m fucking fine! Jason’s the one bleeding out!”
The emerald helmet obscured his scalding tears and for that he was thankful. 
“Easy, man!” Zack soothed, stepping between Tommy and the Pink Ranger. “Kim’s right. Jase’s in good hands, he’s strong and tough. I just know he’s going to pull through.”
But the Green Ranger wasn’t having it. Hissing, he turned his back and continued his anxious trek around and around, determined to wear a path in the bright blue tile. He chewed and sucked his inner cheek until he tasted the coppery blood coating his tongue. It made him feel marginally better.
“Goddammit!” he bellowed, making the others jump. Kimberly even let out a tiny, high-pitched squeak.
Zordon’s face swam in the otherworldly tube above the Ranger’s, his own expression tight with worry.
“Tommy, you must calm yourself. This isn’t helping Jason. Only serving to keep you isolated from your friends,” the sage advised. “Allow them to be here for you.”
“I want Jason!”
He hadn’t meant to scream at Zordon nor utter such a private sentiment, but there it was. He attempted to play it off as best he could considering the circumstances. 
“I mean I’ll feel better when Jason wakes up! This is killing me, Zordon! Waiting and wondering! I can’t bear this!”
He collapsed to his knees, not even feeling the sharp pain as he struck the tile heavily. His gloved hands went to his visor in a bizarre attempt to hide his pain and fear.
Before the others could come to his aid, Billy was rounding the corner, relief radiating from his brilliant blue eyes. It’d been a VERY close call. Jason had lost so much blood, the wounds nearly fatal. But, with Alpha’s assistance, a pack or two of blood, and Ranger healing, Jason had made it out of the woods at least.
The Red Ranger was still very weak, grumbling and muttering angrily like a bedraggled kitten. Jason hated being weak and helpless and he was mad at himself for being so boneheaded. With Alpha’s help, he had managed to sit up on the bed, though the movement left him shaky and short of breath.
“Ayi yi yi, Jason! You need to get some rest!” Alpha scolded. “But Tommy’s out there beside himself with worry! Is it alright to let him back here for a moment? So he can see you’re still alive…”
‘Poor Tommy,’ the injured Ranger groaned. ‘He’s probably about to shit a brick.’
“Of course, Alpha,” he gasped, one hand bracing the bandages to his lacerated belly. “Send him back.”
Scuttling off towards the door, the little robot didn’t have a chance to exit because the Green Ranger was barrelling past him, nearly dropping him to his metal ass.
“Tommy! Ayi yi yi! Everything’s fine,” he tittered in surprise as Billy’s hand shot out and grabbed his wrist before he could topple over.
But the Green Ranger was frozen in place, staring at Jason’s pale face, a sharp contrast to his dark hair and eyes, unable to make a sound. Was this just a hallucination? Was Jason really sitting there looking at him like he was daft?
He’d almost lost him, his best friend, his partner, his leader. 
His love…
Then his hands were popping the clasps on his helmet as he darted towards the bed. He tossed it absently to the floor where the enamel emitted a sharp crack before it rolled into the shadows. Tommy’s hazel eyes were wide and blazing with an emotion Jason wasn’t able to name.
For a moment, he considered that the Green Ranger was going to deck him, knock his head around for his dumbass actions. But it wasn’t exactly anger glowing there; it was merely a small part of it.
Reaching Jason, the gloved hands briskly glided along his cheeks, cupping his head as the fingers threaded his thick hair.
“You foolish, willful ass!” Tommy hissed, his lip lifted in his signature snarl. 
Then his mouth was covering Jason’s in a passionate kiss, his thumb tenderly brushing the Red Ranger’s jaw. 
For his part, the injured Ranger sat stock still in stunned shock, eyes wide as his best friend kissed him deeply, pouring every fiber of his emotion into the lip lock. Was this really happening or was this a hallucination brought about by severe blood loss? Perhaps even he was dead…
Pulling back roughly, Tommy’s forehead rested against Jason’s, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Do you know how it would have destroyed me to lose someone I love so deeply?”
The feel of Jason’s soft exhalations ghosting his lips brought him back to reality. At the same time, a gasp behind him made him jump.
‘Oh. My. Fuck…’
Did he really just suck Jason’s face in front of the other Rangers and Zordon and Alpha?
Sure as fuck he did…. And he’d confessed his love all in one fell swoop…
‘I wish I was dead.’
Risking opening his eyes, Tommy looked into Jason’s confused face, his poor dry tongue snaking out to lick his lips in the aftermath of the kiss attack.
“Jason, I… I mean… I didn’t…”
He felt the weight of the other’s eyes squarely on his back. No one dared utter a word.
There was no coming back from this, no way to spin it or play it off as a fever dream. He’d gone and fucking done it!!!
‘Fucking idiot! Jason will never talk to you again!’
Lips trembling, Tommy backed away from the Red Ranger, his legs staggering and struggling to keep him upright. He nearly slammed into Kimberly and Zack in his panic. The two Rangers stared at him, their expressions unreadable. 
“Tommy…” Zordon tried but it was too late.
The teen was off and running, scooping up his errant helmet as he dashed out the door, through the Command Center’s main room, and straight out into the desert night. He didn’t even teleport, unsure he could accurately do so while in such a harried state.
Embarrassed tears flowed freely and he was sure that they would all be repulsed by him, would order him to leave the team with his dirty, disgusting lustful behavior towards their leader.
“Fucking hell, Tommy! Will you slow down?” a weak voice rasped. 
The Green Ranger spun around to see a determined Red Ranger huffing and puffing his way after him, one hand holding tight to his injured belly, sweat beading his brow.
“Jason, what the fuck are you doing? Why did they let you out of bed?” Tommy yelled, crossing back to catch his best friend before he passed out from exhaustion.
“You should know… better than… anyone,” Jason panted, bracing himself on Tommy’s shoulders. “I don’t… listen… that well.”
Despite the circumstances, the nervous teen chuckled.
“That’s the understatement of the century, Jase.”
Helping the Red Ranger settle himself on the rocky outcropping, Tommy perched next to him, ready to have his ass chewed out mightily for what he’d just done.
“Why did you run from me?” Jason whispered. 
The green clad shoulders hunched.
“Because I embarrassed the shit out of myself? I told on myself?”
Jason’s brow scrunched.
“You love me?”
Taking a deep breath, Tommy lifted his face to meet Jason’s gaze.
“Yes, I love you. No, I don’t mean like a friend or brother. I ‘love you’ love you. Romantic love…” he hissed. “You know, the whole butterflies in the pit of my stomach, excited to see you everyday, lost in your beautiful eyes, coming of age romance movie style love.”
Now that it was out in the open, Tommy groaned and dropped his head to his knees.
“So, if you want to beat my ass, scream at me, insult me, tell me how I disgust you… go ahead. I don’t care anymore…”
Jason stared wildly at his Green Ranger. He’d never anticipated that Tommy felt this way about him. He was sure that he had a thing for Kimberly… how the fuck had he been so off base?
Swallowing nervously, he took a deep, calming breath. How did he feel about this? If he admitted he returned Tommy’s affection, what would that mean? How would the others respond? How would KIMBERLY respond? Would they openly hold hands, kiss, cuddle, go on dates? Was he ready for that even with another Ranger? What would his parents say?
Jason shook his head.
‘How do I feel about Tommy? That’s the real question. We’ll figure everything else out.’
He gently placed a hand on the other Ranger’s hand resting on the rocky ground between them.
If he were honest, he’d always felt a pull towards Tommy and he too had felt the butterflies swarming in his belly when the Green Ranger slung a friendly arm around his shoulders or when they sparred in the Youth Center. 
‘I do have romantic feelings for Tommy…’
“Hmmm?” The Green Ranger rolled his head to the side to look at Jason’s flushed cheeks.
Softly, the Red Ranger’s fingers fluttered along Tommy’s hand and up his arm playfully. 
“I’m yours. Only yours,” Jason breathed. “If you’re alright with that, Tommy.”
The other teen’s eyes widened and he sat up, turning to face Jason. 
“What did you just say?”
“You heard me.”
“You mean… you like me too?” Tommy stuttered, unbelieving. 
“I mean… I love you too.”
Tommy looked down at himself in panic, his hands palpating the green silk and golden shield.
“What’s wrong?” Jason frowned in concern.
“Just making sure I’m not on death’s doorstep and imagining all this. It’s too good to be true.”
Grinning, the Red Ranger leaned heavily against Tommy’s side, feeling an overwhelming exhaustion settle over his shoulders. 
“Oh God, Jase. We’ve got to get you back inside! You still got turned into Goldar’s personal pin cushion and I’ll kick your ass if you start bleeding out again up here!”
Jason chuckled as one again Tommy scooped him up in arms, only this time he was able to incline his face towards the Green Ranger’s.
“Kiss me again?” he breathed, biting his lower lip.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!”
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings CROMWELL, CT - The sprint toward the end of the season normally starts after the AHL All-Star break as well as the February 24th NHL Trade Deadline. It increasingly looks like the Hartford Wolf Pack will still be playing hockey when the calendar flips over to April. However, the past performance over two weeks losing four road games in varying different ways does raise some red flags. The "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" routine is coming not only game-to-game but period-to-period over this stretch. Head coach Kris Knoblauch showed his displeasure over the first loss against Wilkes Barre/Scranton in their second shutout of the season 3-0 as they headed out last weekend. His mood improved a little. The games in Utica, two of them and the finale of the road trip in Hershey point to some underlying problems that need to be addressed. The first period of the first game in Utica the team went down 5-0 easily the worst period of the season as "Dr. Jekyll" showed up. Knoblach pulled starter Adam Huska for just the second time this season he was not alone in the first period debacle, but can’t pull all your players off, although it might have been an improvement. “Yes, it was five nothing, but it wasn‘t five nothing, It wasn’t the full indication of how we played,“ remarked Knoblauch. “It wasn’t a good period. We were turning pucks over and give high marks to Utica, they turned our mistakes into goals. We have to balance our play better an show more urgency.” Then "Mr. Hyde" appeared as the Wolf Pack recovered and roared back to tie the game at five starting with Vitali Kravtsov’s second goal just 10 seconds into the second period and Vinni Lettieri’s goal with 14.8 seconds left in regulation to knot the game and put all the momentum on its side. Kravtsov’s play has markedly improved and Knoblauch thinks brighter days are ahead for the Russian rookie. “He is in a really good spot right now. He is cheerful and working hard getting used to the North American rink. He's realizing there is not as much room out there. It's tighter space. The rinks are smaller and he will get hit more often. When you make the turn there isn’t that extra space, it just the boards. He understands it better now (systems and playing style) and is starting to make a positive impact on our lineup. He’s played both the left and the right side. With Fogarty back, he has shifted to the right side.” The Pack gained a point but lost the game in the three-on-three OT with 34 seconds remaining. Knoblauch, in Charlotte two months ago, after 1,625 Wolf Pack franchise games, pulled starting goalies in back-to-back games. He would shorten that time span in doing it again just 11 games later, as he lifted starter Tom McCollum and inserted Huska. Utica’s Jason Bailey, the ex-Sound Tiger recorded his second hat trick in as many games becoming the first player since Mark Mancari, then of the Portland Pirates on January 22-23, 2011 against Providence and Worcester, to record that feat. Bailey earned the AHL/CCM Player of the Week (primary assist goes to AHL VP of Communications Jason Chaimovitch for providing that great stat on Mancari). The Wolf Pack has been outscored 20-12 in this stretch. “We're giving up too many chances. We have to tighten things up right now,” said Knoblauch. Defensive combinations are being contemplated. “We're looking to change things up. We tried several things in practice. For the first time, we have now three lefties and three righty shooting defensemen, but we haven’t made a decision yet. I’ll have to have something ready by 7 pm tomorrow night.” Then in Hershey again the team's lackluster defensive play cost them dearly with the player suffering most being Libor Hajek, in Hartford on a conditioning stint, was a minus-4 in three games. Certainly not the direction the Rangers were hoping for in this rehab stint with the Wolf Pack. “We all have to realize Libor has missed a significant amount of time with injuries, I wouldn’t call them struggles. He is getting back into game shape, getting the feel and flow of a game. Its not an easy thing to do. It’s a progression for him. It’s a matter of getting his timing down and feeling comfortable,” said associate head coach Gord Murphy. All-Star Joey Keane had a tough night in Hershey too, getting beaten on a one-on-one in front of the net that led to a goal. “You don’t want guys running around trying to make hits, bumping into each other either. To put yourself in the proper position, you've got to move your feet and skate on the right side of the puck. We got away from that a little bit. We have had a couple of good days here to get our skating legs back I think it's going to help us this weekend,” commented Murphy. The team defense took it on the chin as the opponents outscored the Wolf Pack 20-12 “We have a good defensive corps to start. We have to work on the fundamentals that were first looking out for our own zone on out, “ remarked Murphy in charge of the defense “ We gotta box people out better, watch their sticks and keeping them (opponents) to the perimeter. Maybe we’re a little fatigued on the road, back-to-back games. We probably sat back more than we should have and weren’t aggressive enough.” Up-front, Letteri, and in Hershey, Boo Nieves, have maintained their point-a-game pace of late, but the secondary scoring has been spotty. Shawn McBride has been the exception picking up his first pro goal against Utica and then picking up an assist in Hershey. The team has also been snakebitten as Nick Jones with an open net in Hershey managed to hit goalie Phoenix Copley in the mask as he was getting back to the net. NOTES: Huska was reassigned to the Maine Mariners (ECHL) after practice to continue getting playing time while Igor Shesterkin and Tom McCollum are in Hartford. He will be return next week when Shesterkin is recalled when the Rangers season starts up again when the NHL All Star break ends. A logical move. In a curious move, Maine goalie Francois Brassard, who played in just seven games, and was a training camp invitee this year, signed to a PTO deal. The Rangers assigned him to Hartford. In addition, they sent forward Lewis Zerter-Gossage back to Maine. Talk continues of a possible deal to be announced when the NHL All-Star break ends involving Alexander Georgiev possibly? The Wolf Pack’s leading scorer Vinni Lettieri (42-18-17-35) was rewarded as the Shesterkin replacement in the AHL All-Star Classic in Ontario, CA. “I am obviously very grateful. I appreciate my teammates, the coaching staff, the training, and equipment staff; they all helped me and are part of this too." Knoblauch is his regular season and now All-Star coach. He praised his top point-getter. “He was a possibility of an All-Star, but his play over the last four weeks clearly earned him the honor and unfortunately Igor won’t be going.” Knoblauch was his ever-gracious, self-taking no-victory laps on being named the coach of the Atlantic squad. “The only reason I’m going is because of the guys in that locker room. Joey and Igor were deserving of their selections and we're only limited to two players, but they’re several others in there, in my opinion, who are worthy of being there.” Shesterkin and forward Di Giuseppe were reassigned to the Wolf Pack Wednesday. Di Giuseppe was scratched all four games he could have played since his recall. Meet the new Rangers, same as the old Rangers when it comes to recalls. The Wolf Pack recalled defenseman Jeff Taylor from Maine. He played in three games (now 10 in total) in Maine and scored a goal and an assist after playing just eight of a possible 30 Wolf Pack games. Mason Geersten helped Utica’s Vincent Arseneau earn an unpleasant hat trick. Aresenau, who lost a majority decision in a Hartford scrap two weeks ago to Geersten, got pushed down late in the game last Friday, in Utica. He decided he wanted another crack at Big Gert with nine seconds to go. It was a big mistake getting knocked out with a thunderous right hand from the 6’4 225 lb. Geersten, a defenseman playing left wing. He lost the fight decisively and got an instigator penalty. He was suspended by the AHL for getting the instigator in the last five minutes of a game. See the fight HERE The Islanders sent Bridgeport defenseman Sebastien Aho and sent rearguard Ryan McKinnon to Worcester (ECHL) for the break. Ex-Pack Jordan Owens is playing Canadian senior league hockey with the Brantford Blast (ACH0) that’s Allan Cup Hockey Ontario. Last year he with the Sheffield Steelers (England-EIHL) in Melbourne, Australia (Melbourne Mustangs AIHL) playing hockey. Ex-Pack, Akim Aliu, who made headlines across the US and Canada regarding two months ago about a 10-year-old racially charged pair of incidents with his then, head coach, Bill Peters in Rockford (AHL) in several tweets on Twitter. The firestorm led to the dismissal of Peters by the Calgary Flames. Aliu gave his first full interview with Hockey Night In Canada host, Ron McLean this past weekend. See it HERE. Aliu was signed on Tuesday to a deal to play defense by HC Litvinov (Czech Republic-CEL) for the rest of the season. Ex-Pack, Robin Kovacs, was traded from Lulea HF to Orebro HK (Sweden-SHL) and as expected the team announced, a three-year deal that he was going to get after the season ended. In a sign that we're all getting old, congrats to Easton Armstrong, the second son of the Wolf Pack's original founding member, Derek Armstrong and his wife Shannon. He played for the Los Angeles Jr. Kings U-16 team (TIEHL) signed a standard WHL player agreement with the Regina Pats (WHL) who drafted him as their 10th pick 214th overall in the 2018 WHL Bantam Draft. He could play this weekend in the two Pats home games, Friday night against the Lethbridge Hurricanes and Sunday afternoon against the Saskatoon Blades. Easton will be wearing jersey #37 as jersey #17, Dad’s old Wolf Pack number is retired (Bill Hicke). The Pats GM and VP of Hockey Ops is the father of Derek’s former coach and Wolf Pack great, John Paddock. Older brother Dawson, who was born in Hartford currently plays with the Utah Outliers (WSHL) with 26 points in 28 games. Derek played junior hockey with the OHL Sudbury Wolves and next weekend will be an honorary captain at the AHL All-Star Classic in Ontario, California. He will be joined with former Wolf Pack teammate and former New Haven Nighthawk, goalie Robb Stauber as the other honorary captain. Lukas Sillinger, the middle son of ex-Sound Tiger Mike Sillinger announced his commitment to Bemidji State (NCHC) to join his older brother Owen. Younger brother Cole is with Medicine Hat (WHL) while Dad is a scout with Regina (WHL). Read the full article
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angrylilfic · 5 years
On the Wild Side
A new fic based off a weird dream I had :D I hope you enjoy. My homegirl @bihoodnerd helped me :)
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(not my gif but it's beautiful and I miss them)
A new day dawned on Angel Grove. Ever since the battle with Rita, the town had been busy rebuilding. All had been quiet for the past couple months, leaving the rangers to a regular summer and a hopeful senior year.
Kimberly buried her head into Trini’s back as their phones’ alarms went off, “Trin...Trin get the alarm....Trini!” Kimberly yelled as she gave Trini a shove.
Unfortunately, Kim overestimated her strength and her tiny girlfriend went flying off the side of the bed.
“Shit!” Trini came up over the side, messy curls falling into her face, “what the hell babe?” 
Kim gave her a sheepish look as Trini turned their alarms off. Kim rolled herself into a burrito as Trini got up.
“Let’s go, I know you, if you don’t get up now you’ll be trying to brush your teeth and pull your jeans on at the same time.” 
Kimberly gave a muffled groan as she burrowed deeper into the blanket. Trini rolled her eyes and ruffled through Kimberly's closet, a mixed mess of their clothes.
“If you get up we can stop by Krispy Kreme on the way to school.” Trini said while pulling one of Kim’s T-shirts on. 
Kim groaned one last time as she finally got up, “You know I thought senior year was gonna be easy, instead here we are scrambling in the morning just like last year.” 
Kim tugged on a pair of leggings and brushed her short hair out. Kimberly's phone buzzed with a text as she was putting on mascara.
“Check my phone I think it’s the boys.” She said, checking herself out in the mirror.
Hey lovebirds! We’re out front let’s roll
Trini wrote back a short response and unplugged both their phones and grabbed their backpacks.
Jason honked the horn as they were rushing down the stairs. As they were walking out, Kim’s mom called to them,
“Have a good first day girls! Tell the boys we said hi.”
The girls yelled their good-byes from the doorway, ready to get the day on with. Jason’s fire engine red pickup was waiting for them as they walked down the driveway.
“Morning!” Jason smiled at them from the driver’s seat as the girls piled in the back with Zack.
“Morning Jason. Sorry about the delay, you know princess here is a heavy sleeper.” Trini teased while throwing an arm over her girlfriend's shoulder
Kimberly gave her arm a pinch as the boys laughed.
“Alright so what’s the plan for breakfast?” Zack asked, already thinking about a glazed donut.
“Same as usual, but we gotta be there on time to get our schedules.” Billy said as Jason pulled onto the main road.
With breakfast in hand, the gang walked through the school parking lot, watching as all the kids piled into the main building. Inside, the teachers were handing out schedules to everyone.
“Alright guys let’s compare.” Kim said as they all sat down in the auditorium for their first day assembly.
“Zack and I have third and fifth together.” Billy said, bumping fists with the boy.
“Billy, me, and Trini have first together” Jason said over Trini’s shoulder.
“Babe, you and I have almost everything together.” Kimberly smiled at the shorter girl.  
The bell rang and their principal came out to talk to them.
"Settle down students. I know you’re all excited to be back, especially after the whole Power Rangers debacle from last year. I’m excited to announce that your new mayor is here to talk to you all.”
A tall woman with short, light blonde, almost white hair and icy blue eyes walked to center stage.
“Hello everyone, my name is Mayor Astronema. I’m here today to introduce myself and officially reopen Angel Grove High. I will also be discussing what’s going to happen as we move forward from the attack on Angel Grove.”
Trini got a strange, prickly feeling in the back of her head. The mayor stared directly at the rangers, her piercing eyes landing on Trini.
“After the attack last year, a big portion of the city, including the school was nearly destroyed. Thanks to various organizations and the city council, we are pleased to tell you all that the school has been rebuilt and improved with a variety of new equipment. Rest assured everyone, despite the fear of the Power Rangers and the monsters that come with them, we have everything under control.” The bell rang.
“Now, everyone get to class. We wouldn’t want to have to give anyone detention on the first day now would we?”
As everyone spilled out of the auditorium, Trini pulled the group to the side.
“Yo did anyone else get weird vibes from the new lady?”
“Definitely, but for now let’s just get to class.” Jason said as the five minute bell rang.
The group split as everyone went to their respective classes. Still, Trini couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going on.
“Okay but can you believe her? Homework on the first day? C'mon man can’t we just chill for a little?” Zack whined while stuffing his face with a sandwich.
“Ugh I know! She wouldn’t even let me go to the bathroom, I thought I was gonna die.” Billy said biting into an apple.
Trini was stealing curly fries off Kim’s tray when a deep rumbling started. Across the school, the earthquake alarm system sounded.
“Attention students, this is not a drill. Earthquake procedures are now in effect everyone please listen to your teachers.”
Students immediately rushed under the tables, covering their heads. The team took the advantage and rushed out of the cafeteria into the hallway. As the shaking got worse, the school started trembling.
“We gotta morph! It looks like the new support beams aren’t gonna hold.” Jason yelled over the rumbling.
Their armor pulled itself over their skin and the rangers sprang into action.
“Trini, Kim, you guys get to the gym. I was in there earlier and most of those ceiling panels are still loose.” Jason commanded. The girls took off.
“Billy, you and Zack head to the tech wing, they plugged a bunch of generators and other equipment, it could start an electrical fire.”
“Where are you gonna go?” Billy asked as the building shook.
“I’m gonna take a lap and make sure all the support beams are holding up.”
Everyone took off to their assignments. Trini and Kim got to their spot first.
A group of kids were huddled under a wrestling mat as the ceiling tiles came down.
“Damn shitty ass school budget.” Trini said while the shaking worsened.
“We gotta get everyone out, you go left, I’ll go right.”
The girls moved quickly, Trini grabbed the mat and held it up to shield everyone as Kim rushed people out.
The shaking stopped momentarily, leaving the girls alone in the gym.
“Good job babe, c'mon let’s go get the boys.
"Shit! Bill the whole room’s on fire!” Zack said as they slid to a stop in front of the tech classroom.
“There should be a fire extinguisher somewhere, you go get it and I’ll see if I can contain the fire.”
Zack took off while Billy tried to look for some way to stop the fire from spreading. Over in the corner of the room, he spotted an eye washing station.
“This is all I could find Billy!” Zack came back with a mini extinguisher from the teacher’s lounge.
“It’s ok I have a plan, there’s an eye wash station over there, if I can get to it, I can open up the hose inside and maybe put the fire out. Just clear a path for me.”
Zack sprayed a line to the station as Billy slid into the room and punched the box open. Water started spraying into the room and put the fire out.
“Hell yeah! We’re awesome.” Zack high fived Billy.
“We’re awesome yeah, but let’s go check on Jason.”
Jason took off toward the middle of the school, where he knew most of the damage had happened during the battle. There was a big chunk of the ceiling that was threatening to come down. A beam had come down already on a bunch of students.
“Jason!” Billy said into their coms.
Turning around, he saw the team coming towards him.
“Hey guys, we gotta balance the ceiling and get these people out!”
Trini and Zack lifted the beam off the students while Billy, Jason, and Kim jumped to the ceiling to try and hold it up. They ripped a piece of floor up to keep the ceiling from collapsing. 
Trini and Zack ushered the students into a classroom when a particularly violent shock knocked loose a sharp piece of shrapnel and sent it flying towards Kim and the boys.
It’s like Trini was seeing everything in slow motion.
“Kimberly!” She yelled as she rushed towards them. A loud roar thundered from her chest and her helmet peeled back. A flash of yellow light sent the shrapnel the other way.
The earthquake came to a stop. Trini turned towards Kim.
“Trin your eyes-” 
“Attention students, everyone please make your way to the football field immediately.”
Trini blinked her eyes as they pulled their ranger armor back. Whatever that was, it felt like the beginning of something big.
“Fuck I didn’t even get to finish my sandwich!” Zack whined.
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makinjakenpancakes · 7 years
This is kind of a long request and you could write them in the same fic but do you think you can write a fic where Jason is given a second chance to play football and the rangers go support him/ Jason wants to give his game jersey for Kimberly to wear. (I don't know if they did this at your Hs but at mine when there was a football game the guys on the football team would give there game jerseys to their gf so they could wear them during school).
“The football season is over,” Jason said.
“It’s just an All-Star Game, a few people who are alumni returnwith the starters and they want you to play a few plays and return to thebench,” Kim said as she took his hand. “It’s all in good fun and they also don’twant to injure your knee more.”
“We still have Ranger powers, we are still rangers,” hesaid.
“You can move out of the way, anticipate and it’s just a fewplays,” she said.
“I’ll go talk with coach,” he said and sighed. “I betterpractice not being made of steel or bronze… I sucked in science.”
“We’re not Superman and Wonder Woman; we’re Power Rangersand you’ll do great,” she said. “Plus I can watch from the bleachers with ourfriends.”
“See you at lunch?” he said.
“Obviously,” she said and kissed his cheek. “Start payingattention in AP Bio, I’m sick of sharing notes.”
“Are you sure it’s smart to play in this game?” Trini saidas she ate the terrible school pizza.
“No, but Kim does,” he said as he looked over the dubiousslice.
“So where does she keep your balls?” Zack said between bitesof pizza.
“That’s so crass,” Billy said. “Maybe Jay misses the game.”
“I don’t,” he said. “Well kind of.”
“Prove me wrong,” Zack said as he got up. “I’m done withthis trash. I have to get to chem.”
“Apologize to boss-man,” Trini said.
“Stop calling me that, go to chem and if you guys want toshow up at the game I’d appreciate it.” Jason said, he lost his appetite as Kimcame over and Zack left.
“I’ve never been to a football game,” Billy said.
“I’ll teach you the rules,” Trini said. “I can make itunderstandable.”
“I need to practice faking a hit,” Jason said. “See you atthe ship tonight?”
[Game Day: A WeekLater.]
Jason left the locker room in uniform. People where filinginto their seats. He looked out to see all the seats filling up. Even when hewas at his best; the stadium was never this full. He could feel the energy ofthe crowd. He chewed his lower lip as his heart raced.
He missed this feeling. Jason had never done drugs but hewas sure this was how they felt. The roar of the excited fans made him feelunlike himself. The alumni and starters stood behind them. He looked to thembefore they made their entrance.
“You would have been able to choose any college and youwould have been picked for the NFL, Scott,” coach said as Jason turned to him.
“My future is more important than millions of dollars andsponsorships,” Jason said. “But I’m going to show you what you’re missing outon.”
He heard the announcer; confetti cannons went off as thealumni strided put of the locker room. Jason lead the starting line. The cheerswere infectious and he waved. He was brought back to his former football days.He looked around to see the Rangers cheering him on.
They waited on the field for Stone Canyon. He was nervousbut he remembered the rush that fueled him. The cheering that made him feelunstoppable. He waved at the crowed and they cheered. He looked over to see Kimin a Tiger’s jersey and his friends holding signs.
After the coin toss the teams lined up. Jason felt thethrill of the crowd. He looked around. He could feel the excitement of thecrowd. He yelled out orders to his team. “Blue Fifty-Two, Green Seventy-Five,hike-hike,” he yelled as the ball moved to his hand.
He took hold of it, backed away and looked for his wide receivers.He dodged and weaved before he tossed. Jason wanted to make sure not to use hispowers but it was hard. His throw was held back but he made sure to not be tackledHe was faster on his feet but it wasn’t like he had super speed. The wide receivercaught the football and was tackled but he had made a down so they still hadthe ball.
.They walked forward and he yelled out in code what formationto line up for. He had to call an audible because the Stone Canyon defensecould tell who to cover. He yelled and a few people moved around as he calledfor the ball. He felt the football in his hands and he brought it to his chestas he ran and passed it to his half-back and he ran through the defensive line.Jason felt amazing and he wanted to play the whole game.
“Huddle,” he yelled and his players circled around him. “I’mgoing to pass and we’ll get the first touchdown and I think I’ll sit out for abit and give the other All-Stars some game time.”
Jason ended the quick huddle and they would have to make theplay quick; or their time would be up. He yelled out a few calls and felt theball touch his hands. He went back before he bobbed and weaved as he looked foran open receiver. He saw him and threw. He had seen a guy jump at him and hejumped back like he was hit.
“Touchdown!” the Announcer yelled and it was the first timehe heard the voice.
Jason went to the bench and he saw the Rangers. Kim wassmiling ear to ear as they all waved signs with his number. It was like thefinals of his junior year. He was a superstar then and he was enjoying theformer glory. He limped to the bench and watched the game.
As if they were in a cheesy sports movie that he loved; thetwo teams were tied. The third string quarter back was on the field and he wasn’tas good as he had been when he was in high school. The ball went to his handsand he was tackled; his helmet flew off as he crashed into the ground.
“And he will need to return to the locker room and JasonScott will be our last hope,” said the Announcer.
He heard his friends get louder, they stomped and cheered.He grabbed his helmet and faked the limp. The season was over, this game wasfor fun. But his competitive side was trying to jump out. He saw the time andit was only a minute and they had a whole field to get across. The Tigers coulddo it and he would make sure they won.
“Let’s take this one home, boys,” Jason said, “We’re goingto do the play. You know what to do Hawkeye and Damo, keep me safe.”
Jason was pointing and calling out the Tiger’s codes so theother team didn’t know the play. They had a lot of ground to cover and he knewwho could made the play. The All-Star Team lined up and Jason called the snap.He moved around in his pocket as his wide receivers ran down the field. Hedodged a tackle before he tossed the ball and it soured through the air and itwas caught. The wide receiver ran and was tackled ten yards before the redzone. Jason looked up to see Kim.
“I love you,” she mouthed slowly so he could read her lips.
Jason waved his team forward; they only had so much time toget to the first down. He had to admit he put a little bit of Ranger strengthbehind that pass. He yelled out a few more calls after they got into formation.He was a bit further back and the ball flew into his hands. He acted like hewas going to throw it until he saw the open and he ran.
“TOUCHDOWN! TOUCHDOWN ANGEL GROVE WINS! Jason Scott runs theball in for a touchdown with now one second on the clock!”
Kim heard whistles as she walked through the halls with hisAll-Star jersey on. A few other girls wore jerseys but she got the mostattention. Jason came over to her and smiled. She kissed him and he kissed herback.
“Told you so,” she said.
“You were right.”
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jphbk1982 · 7 years
Open Window Chapter 24: War
War Trini got up and looked around her at her surroundings. Immediately fear crept in as she realized where she most likely was. The first thing she could think to do was morph to offer some comfort. After she had morphed she began to scan her surroundings. Currently she seemed to be standing in the middle of a desert of some kind. The color of everything was off, a dark shade of red. She also noticed how the heat was almost unbearable. "Trini!" Tommy's voice rang out in the sky above her. Trini glanced up to see an opening in the red sky and a green object coming through it. Soon she realized the green object was a Ranger, Tommy. "Tommy!" Trini called back out to him as he landed on the ground in front of her as graceful as anyone could hope to from a height of that drop. Trini ran over and immediately embraced him. "Are we were I think we are?" "Yeah." Tommy replied as he nervously glanced around. He squeezed Trini a little tighter as memories of his previous visit came rushing back to his mind. "How did you get here?" Trini asked as she stepped back to look up at him, her visor disappearing. "Zedd.. he said.." Tommy hesitated. "You would die, and I had to come.." "Tommy... how do we get out?" Trini asked. "I'm not sure.. last time the way out was at the volcano, but it'll take Zordon and Alpha opening a portal for us." Tommy answered. "I don't even know if they know we are here." "We got to go there anyway." Trini stated. "It's um.." Tommy began to survey their surroundings. He was not familiar with this particular part of the dimension. He did see a forest up ahead though and knew that the last time the volcano was on the other side of that. "Let's um.. go this way." "Right." Trini agreed as the two began to make their way into the forest. (****) "Billy.. what the.." Zack said as he stood up and shook some cobwebs out of his head. He glanced around his surroundings. "I don't know." Billy responded as he too got to his feet. "Where are we?" Zack asked as he glanced around at the wide open field in front of him. If not for the ominious red glow of everything it would almost be a peaceful scene. "I think.." Billy began as he too began examining their surroundings. "I think we are in trouble." "Yeah.. I can figure that.. but where are we?" Zack questioned as he bent down and ran his hand along some of the grass beneath their feet. "I think we are in Zedd's dimension.. the one Tommy was in." Billy surmised. "Oh boy." Zack responded. "So how do we get out?" "The opening to the dimension is over a volcano.. so we got to find that." Billy answered. Zack glanced around the area. "Dude.. it doesn't look like there is a volcano anywhere around here." Zack stated as he motioned around him. Billy glanced around for a moment, his visor disappeared and Zack could see he was deep in thought. "From Tommy's story.. I'd say we go this way." Billy said as he pointed at a heavily wooded area in front of them. "Lead the way man." Zack said as he motioned for Billy to go on ahead of him. (****) Jason reached desperately next to him to make contact with Kimberly. Everything was pitch black around them as they fell but he knew where he had last seen her and he kept feeling around till he felt her arm. He moved pulled her close to him and wrapped her in an embrace. Suddenly the blackness was gone, replaced by a red hue and Jason could see Kimberly's features. Jason glanced to beneath them to see the ground approaching and at the last minute he spun them so he landed back first on the ground with Kimberly landing on him. "Jason.." Kimberly said after a couple of seconds of silence. She lifted her head and looked down at him looking up at the sky. Panic set in and she grabbed his head in her hands. "Jason.. Jason.. babe.. look at me." "I'm..." Jason began as he blinked a couple of times and then made eye contact with Kim. "I'm okay.. just had the wind knocked out of me." "Thank God." Kim said as she collapsed onto him briefly before rolling off and coming to rest in a seated position next to him. Jason sat up and glanced around. "Kim... you know where we are don't you?" Jason asked as he glanced over at her. She nodded. "Yeah.. I think I do." Kim answered before she got to her feet and extended her hand to help Jason up. "This is not good." Jason said as he dusted himself off absentmindedly and glanced around. "Agreed." Kim stated as she noticed they were on a rocky surface surrounded by rocks all around them. Very similiar to the quarries surrounding the mines. After a couple of seconds both she in Jason turned to look at one another. She could tell Jason was searching her eyes to see if she had any answers and she was doing the same to him. After a moment he nodded and she subconsciously nodded in response. "We gotta find a way out." Jason stated. "The volcano right?" Kim questioned. "Right." Jason answered. "How will we find it?" Kim inquired as she glanced around once more. "Um.. Tommy said there was a forest and it was beyond that." Jason remembered. "I don't see any trees at all." Kim countered. Jason looked around. "We got to get to higher ground." Jason said as he pointed to the top of the quarry. Kim nodded and started to move in that direction. Jason reached out to take her by the hand, stopping her movement. She turned to him. "We should morph." (****) "Alpha.. something is not right." Zordon said breaking the silence of the command center. Alpha looked up from the control panel in front of him to face Zordon who moved closer to him. "The Rangers.. scan for them." "Right Zordon." Alpha responded as he pressed some buttons to complete the action. After a couple of seconds he turned back to Zordon. "Zordon.. there is no trace of the Rangers anywhere." "I knew something was wrong." Zordon said his voice laden with concern. "Alpha... scan Zedd's dimension." "You don't think?" Alpha asked before he began the scan. After a couple of moments his question was answered. "Oh no Zordon.. I'm detecting six power coins there." "I was afraid of that Alpha." Zordon responded. "You must hurry and open a portal there like you did once before." "I'll try Zordon." Alpha responded as he intitiated the sequence. "It's... um.. it's not working Zordon." "What's wrong?" Zordon questioned. "There is no opening... it's like it's being held shut." Alpha answered. "Alpha.. if the opening is being held shut that can only mean.." Zordon began. "That Zedd is there.. holding it shut himself." Alpha finished. "Precisely." Zordon agreed. "And if he is there.. the Rangers are in great danger." "What can we do?" Alpha responded, his tone clearly panicked. "There is nothing we can do from here Alpha." Zordon answered in his own defeated tone. "We have to hope that the Rangers can find a way out." "They would have to..." Alpha began. "Hit Zedd with enough force to cause him to lose his grip on the dimension.. that would free them all." "Then let's hope that's what they can do." Zordon stated. (****) "Tommy.. I don't like this." Trini said as a wave of uneasiness crept over her in the darkened forest they were making their way through. "I don't either.." Tommy replied. "Trini.. you remember when I told you about this place.." "The creatures... Zedd's creatures?" Trini asked. "Yeah.." Tommy answered. "I hope someone knows we are here.." Trini said as she glanced around the trees unable to shake the feeling of being watched. "I'm sure the other guys will notice." Tommy reacted. They walked along for several moments before coming to a clearing in the woods that Tommy recognized immediately and stopped. "What is it?" Trini asked as she narrowly avoiding bumping into the back of Tommy. "This is.. um.." Tommy began. "We should get to moving." "Tommy.." Trini said as she heard movement all around them. "Quick.. come on!" Tommy began as he led them in a run through the thick forest in front of them. Trini was struggling keeping up with his pace as she ducked and moved around the various branches and tree trunks in their path. She kept one eye on Tommy the whole time though and was shocked when suddenly he stopped cold as if he had ran into something. After a split second she watched as Tommy went flying past her. "Tommy?!" Trini called out in confusion before she felt an arm wrap around her neck from behind. Trini glanced out of the corner of her eye to see a dark face leering around her shoulder. Trini gripped the arm and pulled with all of her strength managing to break it's grip. Trini spun around and threw a punch the creature knocking it back into some bushed and causing it to cry out in a horrible roar. "Let's keep going." Tommy said as he had made his way back to Trini and grabbed her by the had so they could run together. (****) "This just sucks more and more as we keep going." Zack commented as he pushed a large branch out of his face and glanced to his left to see Billy similiarly struggling. "These trees.. they look dead.. but.." Billy said as he bent a branch back expecting a break but being surprised at it's durability. "Everything is all messed up here bro." Zack said as overtook Billy by a few steps. "You can say that again." Billy said as he jogged a little bit to come to rest at Zack's side again. "How can we even be sure we are going in the right direction?" Zack questioned. "It's all the same." "Well.. there are differences.. subtle ones but they are there like.." Billy began to explain. Zack held his hand up to his mouth to shush him. Zack began to glance around and suddenly Billy heard what had alarmed Zack. It was a horrible roar echoing through the woods to their right. "What was that?" "Honestly.. I don't think I want to know.." Zack said as he lowered his hand and then picked up his pace, which Billy matched as the two looked for any signs of an end to the woods in front of them. (****) "There.." Jason said as he pointed into the distance. "That's got to be it." Kim said. "Only one I see." Jason said as he motioned for them to descend down the side of the hill they were on and into the forest in front of them. "Jason.." Kim said as she caught up with him. He turned to her. "Tommy talked about creatures.." "Yeah.. we should probably expect to run into them." Jason said as he clinched his fist and a small grin formed on his face. Kim found herself smiling too. She wasn't sure why she was or why Jason was for that matter, but something in his smile filled her with an insane amount of confidence. She shook her head and the two entered to woods. "How far do you think that was?" Kim asked. "Not that far.. not real good with distance.." Jason replied. "Then.. I say let's not walk." Kim said as she raised her eyebrows at Jason. He nodded in response and the two took off in a run in the direction they knew they needed to go. Jason was struggling keeping up with Kim. Despite being an athlete he had found himself lately focusing more on strength training and Kim was freaky fast. He watched her lead the way for them and found himself smiling. "I literally could not catch you if I tried!" Jason called from behind Kim, prompting her to look over her shoulder at him and smile. She slowed her pace a little and allowed Jason to pull next to her. "Watch this." Kim said as she leaped up and grabbed a branch above them and swung through the air effortlessly propelling her way ahead of Jason. "Show off!" Jason called out as he struggled to close the new distance between them. He could tell she slowed down once more and he nearly ran her over when she came to a complete stop. "Woah..." "Jason.. we are here." Kim said as she stuck an arm out to catch Jason as he attempted to stop. She glanced up at the large volcano in front of them. Jason stopped and began to catch his breath and he followed Kim's eye line. "Well.. I guess we climb now." Jason commented. "Let's." Kim responded as she began to move up the side of the mountain. (****) "Are those the things that killed Rita?" Trini asked as she moved next to Tommy. "Yeah." Tommy said as he lowered his head briefly. "They are no joke." "I gathered that." Trini responded as they both split around a tree and stopped on the other side. "I think we are here." "This is it." Tommy responded as he looked up the mountain in front of them. "On my list of things to do today... this didn't make the cut." Trini joked. Tommy glanced over at her and cracked a small smile. "Yeah.. well let's get up there and hope that we find the door open." Tommy said as he motioned for them to start climbing. (****) "This forest goes on.. FOREVER." Zack said as he stopped and leaned on a tree and tried to collect his bearing. Billy had said he knew they were not going in circles, but for Zack's money you couldn't prove it. "Look.." Billy said pointing in front of them. Zack followed the direction of the gesture and saw an opening in the treeline and a little bit of light pouring in. He smiled and made eye contact with Billy. "Let's get out of here." Zack said. He started to move forward but for something around his midsection. He glanced down and saw two arms wrapped around him. "What the.." "Zack?" Billy asked as he watched Zack going flying backwards and land up against a tree. He was about to race over to him when he felt something push hard against his chest and found himself off on the ground. "Billy.. bro.. we got company." Zack said as he got up and squinted enough to see the outline of something that was coming towards him. "Let's light em up." "Got it." Billy responded as he got up and began to swing. He made contact with something in front of him and heard that same horrible scream from earlier. Billy threw caution to the win and tackled the creature propelling them both out of the woods and at the foot of the volcano. It was in the light he got a good look at the faceless black creature beneath him. "Watch out Billy.." Zack yelled as he came flying past Billy to land in the side of the mountain. He fell to the ground and got to his feet quickly. "I guess these are the.." Billy started to speak before two more of the creatures emerged from the woods and grabbed him. "I got you.." Zack said as he performed a flying kick that knocked both creatures off of Billy. Billy got up and kicked the one he had pinned down into the other two. He glanced at Zack who was now aiming his canon at all three of them. Without a warning Zack blasted all three of them and they disappeared into the woods. "We got to get up there." Billy said as he pointed to the top of the volcano. "Way ahead of you." Zack said as he jumped up and began to climb. (****) Tommy reached down and offered a hand to Trini as he pulled her up onto the ledge of the volcano opening. "Thanks." Trini said as she looked behind him to see the smoke billowing up. She could feel the sweat drenching her inside of her suit from the heat already. "This is it." Tommy said as he glanced around. "So what do we do now?" Trini asked. "We..um.. wait I guess." Tommy answered. "I can't open the portal... Zordon did that last time." "Okay.. but if they don't know we were here." Trini said as she placed a hand on Tommy's arm. "I.." Tommy began to speak when his eyes caught a gleam of something to their left. "Trini look." "What?" Trini asked as she spun around to see two figures approaching them. After a couple of seconds she recognized them and they spotted her and quickened their pace. "Trini.. Tommy?" Kim called out as she ran up to them and embraced Trini. Jason followed suit and looked back and forth between them. "We thought we were the only one here." Jason stated. "Same." Tommy responded. Jason glanced down at the lava boiling beneath them. "I guess we had the same idea." Jason suggested. "We were just saying what if no one knows we are here." Trini said. "Yeah Billy and Zack will miss us.." Kim reacted. "I wouldn't count on that." Zack's voice from behind Kim startled her. The group looked to see both he and Billy approaching. "Oh boy." Jason said almost under his breath. "Looks like we are all trapped here." "Yeah.." Tommy agreed as the group gathered around each other. "How long do you think we'll have to wait.. it's a little hot up here." Zack asked as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead and moved as far away from the opening as he could. "We just gotta hope that Zordon and Alpha find us." Billy stated. "And soon." Trini added as she peered over the edge at the bubbling lava. "The portal came from here?" "Yeah.." Tommy answered as he walked over beside of her. The group lined up to peer down together. "Looks like everyone has found each other." Zedd's voice infiltrated the group. All six of the Rangers looked up in unison to see him hovering over the lava pit. "Zedd.." Jason said through gritted teeth and a clinched fist. "I guess at least this way you can die together." Zedd stated before he raised his staff and fired a blast at the Rangers that sent them all flying over the edge of the volcano and tumbling down the side of it. "Grab on to something!" Kim called out as she fumbled for anything to take hold of. She looked around to see the rest of the group trying in vain to stop their fall. Just when she thought she had found something to hold onto she felt the ground connect with her back in a thud that removed all of the breath from her. "Guys.. you okay?" Jason's voice called out to the group around him as he was the first to his feet. No one had a chance to answer before another powerful blast hit the ground by them knocking them all away from each other and flattening the nearby forest. "Gah..." Tommy grunted as he found himself still rolling from the impact. He came to rest up against a broken tree trunk and glanced around to see the rest of the team all looking worse for wear. "We gotta regroup." Jason said as he got up and moved closer to the group. He looked up to see Zedd hovering overhead. "Pathetic." Zedd commented as he landed on the ground in front of the scrambling Rangers. Jason saw none of the rest of the group had recovered fully so he charged Zedd alone. He threw several forceful punches at Zedd that were blocked. The last attempted had landed Jason's fist in Zedd's hand and he was now effectively attempting to crush his hand. Jason winced in pain before he felt relieft as a green fist connected with Zedd's jaw causing him to release Jason. "Let's take the fight to him." Zack said as he moved past Jason and hit Zedd with a punch of his own. Jason tackled Zedd around the waist as the other two continued their punches. Soon they had Zedd pinned up against the side of the volcano. Jason felt the ground shaking beneath them but before he could warn the other two a Rangers a powerful charge came from within Zedd and sent them flying. "Come on Kim." Trini said as the two ran at Zedd and hit him with flying kicks that knocked him back to the ground as he was attempting to levitate. "You two.." Zedd said as he grabbed them both by the throat and slammed them hard into each other then flung them aside. He was then met with a straight on punch to the face from Tommy then a kick to the stomach by Jason. Zedd used his staff to knock both of them away and then turned to see a blast from Zack's canon heading straight at him. He absorbed it in his staff and fired it back at Zack knocking him to the ground and out cold. "You forget about me?" Billy asked as he came up behind Zedd and put his lance over his throat and begin to choke him. Zedd reached up to try to break the grip but found Billy much more tenacious than he expected. Zedd threw himself backwards with all of his might and felt Billy's body go limp behind him as they crashed into the rock wall. "Hey Zedd." Kimberly called out, prompting Zedd to turn to see an arrow flying right at his head. He reached up to catch it and cocked his head at Kimberly. He suspected she was up to something and he quickly flung the arrow at her and it exploded as it connected with her chest and she fell back into a heap next to Billy. Trini lunged at Zedd and stabbed him in an exposed part of his chest with her dagger. Zedd cried out and forcefully removed the dagger and turned it around on Trini and stabbed her in the same spot before he punched her and knocked her into the pile of Rangers he had incapacitated. "Trini!" Tommy called out as he produced his Dragon Dagger and charged at Zedd. He swung hard at Zedd who barely got his staff up to block but the force of the blow sent a green charge up and down the staff and caused Zedd to lose his grip on it. Tommy was relentless now as he hit a series of spin kicks before following it with a stab to Zedd's stomach with his dagger. "You.." Zedd mustered before he pulled the dagger from his chest and retrieved his staff. He aimed it at Tommy and fired but the blast deflected off of his golden armor and knocked Zedd backwards. "Rita.." "Yeah... she sends her regards." Tommy stated as he walked over to Zedd and kicked him as he attempted to stand. He glanced over to see Jason was on his feet now and had ran over to the rest of the Rangers to check on them. Tommy saw Jason's head snap around and even behind the visor he could tell the look on his face alone could practically kill Zedd. "You can send her mine then." Zedd said as Tommy turned to see the sharp end of Zedd's staff coming at him. Before Tommy could move the staff went directly into his chest, even through the gold armor. Tommy was shocked when he looked down and saw it piercing the right side of his chest. His eyes widened as he saw the red energy crackling down it and he felt it coursing through his body now through the still embedded staff. "Tommy!" Jason called out as he ran over just as Tommy slumped to the ground. Zedd backed up satisfied with his damage and watched as Jason knelt over the fallen Green Ranger. "That's it!" Jason's voice boomed through the area as he stood up and grabbed Zedd by the arm and had flung him to the ground before Zedd had time to react. Jason was on Zedd within seconds sending powerful strikes down at him. Zedd reached over for his staff but Jason produced his sword and brought it down on Zedd's forearm severing it. Zedd's cry in pain was deep and loud. Jason continued his assault before he felt himself being pulled from Zedd's prone body. Jason looked to see himself surrounded by dark creatures. An army of them pulling and tearing at him. Jason summoned all of his strength to resist their pull and began to systematically break free and stab one after the other as he began to make his way back towards Zedd who was getting up and backing away. "I've never encountered any Ranger quite like you.." Zedd stated as he glanced down at his missing arm. He reached for his staff with his other hand and watched as Jason continued to advance on him even as his creatures tried their best to prevent him from doing so. Zedd waved his staff over the stump that used to be his forearm and after a couple of seconds a new one began to form. Jason glanced back up at Jason who seemed to be unfazed by his demonstration of power. "It's going to be an honor to kill you." "No.." Jason said as he severed the head from the last of the creatures and it fell to the ground between him and Zedd. "I'm going to kill you." "Take your best shot." Zedd taunted. Jason started to spring off his leg to lunge but heard movement behind him. He glanced back to see the rest of the Rangers getting to their feet. Each were wounded, but they were still going to fight. Jason waited for a moment as each one took their spot in line next to him. "We will." Jason answered Zedd's taunt. Zedd felt himself backed up into against the wall and did not like that feeling. He began to levitate to remove himself from that position. The Rangers looked up and Jason turned to the group. "We got to stop him." As if on cue, he felt his sword being pulled from his hand and watched as the rest of the weapons all began to come together in front of the group. This was something new that none of the Rangers had ever seen or been told about before. The weapons all seemed to lock onto each other, much like their Zords and after a couple of seconds a massive weapon came to rest in Jason's hands. He held it up and glanced at it as the rest of the Rangers gathered around him. "Blast him." Kim said as she motioned up at Zedd and placed her hand on Jason's arm. Jason aimed the weapon at Zedd and within seconds a powerful blast made up of all the colors of their coins came out of it and hit Zedd in the chest. The blast instead of propelling Zedd backwards it seem to surround him and after a second he fell to the ground. Immediately the atmosphere changed and Jason felt the air cool. He glanced around to see blue skies and white clouds above them. He examined their surroundings to see they were in a field nearby to the mines. He saw Zedd lying on the ground in front of them, not moving. He glanced around at the rest of the Rangers and watched as each of their individual weapons returned to each of them. "We did it." Zack said with excitement as he turned to the group. "We got out." Trini added. "Yeah it appears so." Tommy said. He walked closer to Zedd. "Is he?" "I don't know." Billy said as he too approached Zedd. As he got within a few feet of him Zedd's hand shot out and grabbed Billy by the ankle and flung him into the group of Rangers. "Dead.. hardly." Zedd said as he got to his feet. "Maybe you destroyed my dimension but I'll rebuild it." "Not on our watch." Jason countered as he steadied Billy and then stepped in front of him. "Billy.. the crystal." Kimberly whispered into his ear and he teleported to the command center. Jason turned around confused to see Billy gone. Kimberly gave him a nod and suddenly he understood. Jason turned back to Zedd and dropped his stance. The rest of the Rangers moved up to stand next to him. "What is this?" Zedd asked as he was prepared to continue the fight but noticed the slumped and suddenly defeated postures of the Rangers. "We're beat Zedd." Tommy spoke up. Zedd turned to him and then the rest of the group. "I mean... if that didn't stop you.." Trini chimed in. "What... else can we do?" Zack finished for them. "Nothing.. you can do nothing." Zedd answered as eyed the group. He wasn't sure what was happening and part of him was suspicious but it was not the first time his enemies had surrendered to him before. He had expected this team to be different though. "What do you want Zedd?" Jason asked. "The crystal." Zedd answered without hesitation. "Once you have it then what?" Jason questioned. Zedd looked around for a moment and considered Jason's question. "Once I have it... I will return to my own world and rule once again." Zedd answered. This was not true, as he had destroyed his world and had fully intended to use earth as his new kingdom. "I have no use for earth.. I just want the crystal." "Okay then.." Billy said as he teleported in and Zedd looked to see the zeo crystal next to him. "We will take you at your word Zedd, because we could fight.. but the damage.. there would be nothing left anyway." Jason stated. "Wise choice for someone so youthful." Zedd said as he walked over to the crystal. Billy stepped back and joined the group. Zedd put his hand on the crystal and felt energy and power flowing within it. This pleased him much as he was afraid he was being duped. "Well Rangers... you should have fought because.." "Billy.. now!" Jason called out as Billy produced a remote control and pressed a button. The Rangers all ducked for cover and Zedd turned to see a black energy come out from the crystal and engulf him. "Ahhhh!" Zedd cried out and then there was silence. "Did it work?" Zack asked as he was the first to raise his head and look back in the direction of the crystal. He saw Zedd standing in front of the crystal. He did not appear to be harmed but he was looking down at his hands and Zack saw black energy crackling up and down his body. "I.. don't know.." Billy said as he and the rest of the group got to their feet. "Only one way to find out." Jason said as he produced his sword and moved on Zedd. He swung and Zedd moved to block the shot. Both immediately knew that there was not the normal strength behind his block their normally would have been and Zedd went to a knee. He quickly scrambled backwards and away from the Rangers. "What have you done to me?" Zedd asked feeling enraged and perplexed by the feeling washing over him. "We have brought you down a few notches." Tommy answered. "You no longer have any of the power of the zeo crystal." Billy added. "How?" Zedd asked as his body began to glow red displaying his anger. "The crystal was full of negative energy that counteracted the energy you had absorbed from the real crystal." Billy answered quite proud of his accomplishment. "You have no idea who you are messing with." Zedd responded. "I was Lord long before I encountered that crystal." "Prove it." Zack said as he stepped forward with his ax. He glanced next to him to see the rest of the Rangers lining up. "I will." Zedd countered as he raised his staff and charged at the Rangers. He ran through the line knocking them all to the ground and then spun around and fired a blast with his staff at the group who all rolled clear. "My turn." Kim said as she leaped through the air and fired three arrows off of her bow and they exploded upon contact with Zedd knocking him to the ground. Kimberly smiled at the result and watched as Trini went flying by her and jammed her daggers into each shoulder of Zedd and then flipped off his chest with a kick, removing her daggers in one motion as she did so. Billy and came up from behind Zedd with his lance and swung at the back of his legs at the same time that Zack blasted him with his canon. This sent Zedd hard to the ground once more. Just as he got to his feet he felt two distinct strikes on each side of his chest, one from Jason's sword and the other from Tommy's dagger. Zedd fell backward and his staff fell to the ground in front of him. "Surrender and this will all be over." Jason said. "No.." Zedd said as he felt pain, real pain for the first time in a long time. He grabbed his staff and mustered all of his remaining power to fire off a ray that began to form various creatures like the ones the Rangers had fought in his dimension. A whole army of them began to come up at out the blast. "I think it's time for the Zords." Billy suggested. "Agreed." Jason said as the group looked behind them to see the Zord's approaching from a distance. Zedd turned to see this just as Tommy was calling the Dragonzord. He looked at his new army and then fired another shot at them that caused them all to begin to come together and form a giant version of the creature. "Looks like this is gonna be a fair fight." Billy said as he pointed to the behemoth creature in front of them. Suddenly their was a loud roar and he turned to see the Dragonzord approaching. "Come on guys." Jason said as he teleported up into the T-Rex cockpit. The rest of the Rangers followed suit as the Dragonzord reached the creature first and swung at it with it's tail. The creature caught the tail and yanked the Zord down to the ground. Tommy winced from his perch on the ground. He was glad they were in fields and the damage was limited to some trees. "Let's not waste time." Trini said and as if on cue she felt her Zord dipping and knew it was going into formation to make the Megazord. After a few seconds she smiled from her perch on the chest of the Zord and glanced over at Jason in the middle. "Alright.. let's give the Dragonzord a hand." Jason said as he saw said zord take a shot to the stomach and stagger backwards. The Megazord moved in front of Tommy's zord and Trini made it throw punch that connected with the blackness where the creature's face would be. It staggered backwards and Zack threw a kick that doubled it over. "Okay.. let's do this." Tommy said from the ground as he instructed the Dragonzord to fire some missiles at the creature. They hit in the chest and the explosion from it knocked the creature to the ground and even caused Tommy to stagger backwards. "Dang..." Billy said as he saw the creature with a giant hole in it's chest. "Let's put it out of it's misery guys... swords." Jason said as the Megazord retrieved it's two swords and with one motioned split the creature down the middle. The Rangers watched as it fell to the ground and scattered into many smaller creatures that dissipated into the ground. Tommy turned to Zedd on the ground and both Zords walked to stand behind him. Zedd got to his feet and looked up at the towering giants. He glanced back down at Tommy. "It's over, Zedd." Jason's voice boomed out of the Megazord. Tommy nodded upon hearing it. Zedd glanced up at the zord and back down at the staff in his hand. He saw the black energy continuing to crackle ever so slightly in his hand and realized he was even weaker now. "It's not over Rangers.. I'll return.. the crystal will be mine again." Zedd said as he backed away from them and disappeared into a flash of red. (****) "I don't know what to say Rangers." Zordon said. "Except that I'm incredibly proud and happy to see you all here and safe." "Yeah.. no one has ever done that to Lord Zedd." Alpha added as he glanced down the line of Rangers. "Well.. it was Billy's plan that did it." Jason said as he pointed at his friend in blue. "I don't know about that.." Billy said as he smiled shyly. "No it totally was Billy." Kim added. Billy glanced up to see the team smiling at him. He shrugged. "Well it was a good plan I guess." Billy said with a chuckle that the rest of the group shared. "It was a great plan Billy, and it took all of you to pull it off and to defeat Zedd." Zordon said as he looked at the group in front of him. "No one has ever accomplished what you have as Rangers... it's an honor to be a part of this team." "Thank you Rangers." Alpha added. "Hey.. we aren't retiring or anything." Zack said. "I mean.. we'll always be here if anyone else wants to get at that crystal." "Right." Jason added. "Absolutely." Kim agreed. "But right now..." Tommy spoke up prompting the rest of the group to look at him. "I gotta get home before my mom comes looking for me... Zedd I can handle.. my angry mom on the other hand.." The group all burst out into laughter before each teleported out to go their respective ways.
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thegloober · 6 years
Trick or Treat: Here’s one scary stat for each team after the opening month
Happy Halloween, hockey fans!
On the most frightening day of the year, let’s take a minute to reflect on the first month of the NHL campaign, which comes to a close Wednesday night with just one game on the slate between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Vancouver Canucks. And in the spirit of Halloween, let’s do so with a twist: find below one scary statistic — scary good? Scary bad? Either way, they’re scary — for every team in the NHL:
Anaheim Ducks — 14.3 shots That’s the average shot differential in Ducks’ games so far this season, and not in favor of Anaheim. In the era of advanced statistics, this run of the mill metric tells you everything you need to know about how things are going for the Ducks. Injury issues aside, Anaheim needs to sort things out — fast.
Arizona Coyotes — .938 SP As we wrote yesterday, it turns out the Coyotes are as good as their recent record would suggest. Better yet, even when things fall apart or Arizona hits some tough times, they’ve had one of the best goalies in the NHL over the past calendar year. Since Jan. 1, 2018, Antti Raanta has a .938 save percentage, the best of any starting netminder in the league.
Boston Bruins — 6 starts When the Bruins signed Jaroslav Halak in the summer, he was seen as a great second option, a backup who could offer support to Tuukka Rask. Boston’s netminders have split the starts through 12 games though — six apiece — and Halak has far more impressive numbers. That Halak and Rask are splitting starts is worrisome, and the Bruins have to hope their No. 1 netminder, which should be Rask, finds his form in short order.
Buffalo Sabres — 3 points If he wasn’t considered the pre-season favorite, Casey Mittelstadt was certainly in the top five when it came to Calder Trophy hopefuls. He was a projected second-line pivot in Buffalo. But a promising performance during his cup of coffee to end last season has been followed up by a slow start. In 12 games, Mittelstadt has one goal and three points and is averaging the second-lowest ice time of players to skate in every game for the Sabres this season. He’ll come around, but it’s been a tough start for the youngster.
Calgary Flames — .878 SP Admittedly, this entire list could be composed of goaltenders, but was there any doubt Mike Smith would fall into the “scary bad” category? Despite a 24-save showing against the Toronto Maple Leafs, Smith has a ghastly .878 SP in nine appearances so far this season and his inconsistency could become an issue. Don’t be surprised if we see a lot of David Rittich in the coming weeks.
Carolina Hurricanes — 12 games Sebastian Aho has registered at least one assist in every single game the Hurricanes have played this season and his 12-game assist streak ties him with Ken Linseman and some guy named Wayne Gretzky for the longest season-opening helper streak in NHL history. Aho’s four goals and 17 points put him among the league leaders, and it appears he hasn’t missed a beat from his otherworldly performance for Finland at the World Championships.
Chicago Blackhawks — 11 goals After winning the Hart, Lindsay and Art Ross Trophies in 2015-16 with a 106-point campaign, Patrick Kane has seen his point and goal totals dip in each of the past two seasons. Last season’s 27 goals and 76 points made for his lowest per-game averages since his early 20s. But lo and behold, Kane looks like he’s going to rectify that this season. In a dozen games, he’s already nearly halfway to last season’s goal total — he has 11, as noted above — and his 18 points put him well on his way to another point per game season, at the very least.
Colorado Avalanche — 55 points Maybe this falls into both the good and bad categories. Combined, Nathan MacKinnon, Mikko Rantanen and Gabriel Landeskog have scored 24 goals and 55 points. They have been, far and away, the most effective trio in the league this season. The bad news? The rest of the Avalanche have combined for 17 goals and 48 points. Usually, it’s depth that wins in the long run. Colorado seems to be lacking in that area.
Columbus Blue Jackets — 118 days Blue Jackets GM Jarmo Kekalainen has one of the most important decisions to make of anyone in hockey. Come the trade deadline, which is, you guessed it, 118 days away, Columbus will need to decide the fates of Sergei Bobrovsky and Artemi Panarin. It seems unlikely both — or even one of the two — signs on to stay in Columbus beyond this season. So, will the Blue Jackets hold on to both and go for it at the risk of losing Panarin and/or Bobrovsky for nothing? Or will Kekalainen trade one or both of his Russian stars?
Dallas Stars — 21:14 Miro Heiskanen isn’t going to win the Calder Trophy. That’s a safe bet. But the Stars may have one of the NHL’s most impactful rookies this season in the young blueliner. He has been leaned on heavily by coach Jim Montgomery, and Heiskanen has stepped up to the challenge. If this is how he plays as a rookie, too, the Stars may have a future Norris Trophy candidate on their hands.
Detroit Red Wings — 16 goals The Red Wings’ goal differential is an ugly minus-16 and we’re not even through the first month of the campaign. At this rate, Detroit is on pace to end the season with a goal differential of at least minus-100. The Red Wings’ front office may be opposed to going into tank mode, but it might not matter. This team appears destined for top-three odds in the draft lottery.
Edmonton Oilers — 134 points As a general rule, you shouldn’t put much stock in on-pace numbers before, say, mid-season. It’s too easy for a big game or two to sway things. When it comes to Connor McDavid, though, it’s hard to wave off his current on-pace totals of 67 goals and 134 points, as ridiculous as it may sound. The Oilers’ human highlight reel has been on overdrive this season.
Florida Panthers — .871 SP There’s no use picking on James Reimer or Michael Hutchinson individually, because neither Panthers netminder has been all that good. In five starts, Reimer has been torched for 18 goals against on 148 shots. Hutchinson, meanwhile, has surrendered 14 goals against on 87 shots. It’s not as though the Panthers are giving up great opportunities all that often, either, which makes the combined .871 SP of the two netminders worrisome at best.
Los Angeles Kings — 22 goals Patrick Kane and David Pastrnak, the league’s two leading goal scorers through the first month of the campaign, have combined for 22 goals this season. The entire Kings roster — from Ilya Kovalchuk and Jeff Carter to Anze Kopitar and Tyler Toffoli — has combined for 22 goals in 11 games. At their current pace, the Kings would match the 2001-02 Columbus Blue Jackets for the fourth-lowest single-season goal total in a campaign of at least 80 games since the beginning of the post-expansion era.
Minnesota Wild — .955 SP Last season’s Devan Dubnyk wasn’t the Devan Dubnyk that Wild fans have grown accustomed to seeing. He was quite frankly pedestrian after two top-five Vezina Trophy finishes in his previous three campaigns. But Dubnyk has been at the very top of his game through the early part of this season, and his 5-on-5 SP is something to behold. Of the 29 netminders with at least 300 minutes played at 5-on-5, Dubnyk’s .935 SP is second best in the NHL. His .937 all-strengths is fourth among netminders with five starts.
Montreal Canadiens — 11 points The knee jerk reaction to the Canadiens’ swap of Alex Galchenyuk and Max Domi this off-season was that Montreal had made a horrible mistake. Well, who’s laughing now? After getting into suspension trouble in the pre-season, Domi has reined it in and is off to a roaring start. He has five goals and 11 points in 11 games, which puts him well on his way to setting new career-best marks. Montreal has also been a surprising success story in the early going.
Nashville Predators — 10 goals No player in Predators history has scored more than 33 goals in a single season, if you can believe it. It’s a record that has stood since Jason Arnott’s 33-goal campaign in 2008-09, though Filip Forsberg matched the mark during the 2015-16 season. Barring injury, though, Forsberg is in line to smash the Nashville record this season. He already has 10 goals in 12 games, and a 40-goal season seems well within his reach.
New Jersey Devils — 0 points Here’s a list of the four players picked immediately following the Devils’ selection of Pavel Zacha, who has yet to register a point this season, at the 2015 draft: Ivan Provorov, Zach Werenski, Timo Meier and Mikko Rantanen. You can’t say with a straight face that New Jersey doesn’t wish they had a mulligan. This is a make-or-break year for Zacha, and it isn’t starting well.
New York Islanders — 97 points Speaking of players the Devils passed on in 2015, there’s this kid in New York you may have heard of named Mat Barzal. Well, he’s five games away from playing his 100th contest in the NHL and only three points shy of his 100th NHL point. The Islanders aren’t going to forget about John Tavares, but his departure might be less of a sore spot if Barzal continues to prove himself to be one of the game’s most talented offensive players.
New York Rangers — 11:54 Vladislav Namestnikov went from a top-tier producer with the Tampa Bay Lightning to a struggling second-liner with the Rangers once he made the move at last season’s deadline, and this season hasn’t gone according to plan for the pivot. He has one goal and three points and has the lowest average ice time of any forward to appear in at least 10 games for New York this season.
Ottawa Senators — .909 SP Craig Anderson began the season playing out of his mind, giving off the appearance that he was destined for another big year. His past five outings have been ugly, though, with Anderson posting a combined .890 SP as his season-to-date SP dove to .909. Anderson has lost four games in a row, and the Senators appear as though they’re about to start their slide to the bottom of the standings.
Philadelphia Flyers — 4.00 The Flyers average the sixth-best shots against total in the NHL. They are in the top half of the league in possession percentages. Yet, the only team that has allowed as many goals against per game is the Senators. Not a single goaltender the Flyers have used this season has a SP above .900, and Brian Elliott, Calvin Pickard and Michal Neuvirth all have goals-against averages above three. Yikes.
Pittsburgh Penguins — 81 points Connor McDavid is first in league scoring since the beginning of 2018 with 81 points in 54 games. He’s tied, however, with Evgeni Malkin, who also has 81 points. The difference? Malkin actually has a higher per-game rate than McDavid, scoring his 81 points in two fewer games. The Penguins pivot has 19 points in 10 games this season and looks primed to pick apart the league again.
San Jose Sharks — 0 percent That’s Erik Karlsson’s shooting percentage. He hasn’t scored once this season. Don’t mistake this for a bad statistic, though, because this is to say that eventually the dam is going to break given that Karlsson ranks third on the Sharks in shots. It’s coming, and when it does, San Jose, which is already ninth in goals per game, is going to be that much more explosive.
St Louis Blues — 14 points It would be too easy to pick on the Blues’ goaltenders, so let’s give those in St. Louis a reason to be hopeful. Ryan O’Reilly has proven to be arguably the best summer acquisition in the NHL through the early season. In 10 games, O’Reilly has three goals and 14 points and he’s been a bonafide No. 1 center. He is skating nearly 21 minutes per game and winning 62 percent of his faceoffs.
Tampa Bay Lightning — 93.2 percent Say what you will for a powerful power play, but it’s killing off the penalties you take that makes all the difference. The Lightning are the league leaders through the early part of the season, killing an outstanding 93.2 percent of their penalties. Incredibly, they’ve only surrendered one more goal against (three) than they have goals for (two) on the PK.
Toronto Maple Leafs — 10 points William Nylander? Who needs him, right? Kasperi Kapanen has slid into the lineup seamlessly and he’s earning his keep with six goals and 10 points in 12 games. The injury to Auston Matthews means Kapanen is without his regular center, but that didn’t stop him from skating a season high 19:11 against the Calgary Flames.
Vancouver Canucks — 7 goals Nothing in Vancouver has been as exciting as Elias Pettersson’s start. The Swedish sensation has scored seven goals in his first seven big league games, and he’s done so in highlight reel fashion. He’s better than a point per game player so far, and Pettersson is giving Canucks fans great hope for a better future.
Vegas Golden Knights — 6.3 percent Remember all those times last season we asked when Vegas’ luck would finally run out? The answer was Oct. 3, 2018, because nothing has gone the Golden Knights’ way to start the campaign. Despite having some of the strongest underlying numbers in the league, Vegas’ 6.3 shooting percentage has resulted in a mediocre sophomore season for the NHL’s newest franchise.
Washington Capitals — .888 SP Last season was supposed to be Braden Holtby’s down year, with his post-season performance being the catalyst for him returning to form. Instead, the playoff run Holtby had is starting to look like an outlier. He has an ugly .888 SP through eight appearances this season, and since the start of the 2017-18 season, Holtby’s .905 SP ranks 29th out of 35 netminders to play at least 41 games.
Winnipeg Jets — 3 goals Winnipeg is hoping that a trip to Finland will light a fire under Patrik Laine. The Finnish sniper ranks second in goals across the past two seasons, but his slow start has been concerning. He’s shooting 6.8 percent on 44 shots and poor recent performances have found him skating on the fourth line. His current pace would see him end the season with 21 goals and 35 points.
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About the Author
Jared Clinton
Jared Clinton is a writer and web editor with The Hockey News. He’s been with the team since 2014. He was born, raised and resides in Winnipeg, where he can be found missing the net on outdoor rinks all over town.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/trick-or-treat-heres-one-scary-stat-for-each-team-after-the-opening-month/
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