critter-roles · 13 days
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worst tv marathon ever
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critter-roles · 10 months
Ashton x Orym (jealousy fic)
Me on my menace shit, again. No real timeline for this event but they're in Zephra and the world isn't ending. They're both adjusting to being in a more intimate relationship.
Imogen and Laudna slid into their seats sandwiching Ashton between them. Their fully drunk Genasi didn't even raise his head from where he had it buried in his arms, slumped over the tavern's bar. The bartender, a young-looking elven woman, tried to ease Ash's tankard out of his hand. That made Ashton stir to glare at the woman, gripping his tankard tighter and dropping a bag of maybe fifty gold coins on the wooden counter-top. The elven lady pocketed the coin, pouring Ashton another refill to drown his sorrows in. Heartbroken customers, were her bread and butter tonight it seemed.
"Ashton, you know we're not going to leave until you talk to us." Luanda prompted, as her friend continued to stare glumly at his tankard.
"Nothin' to fucking say." Down the hatch went his drink, the burn not even noticeable anymore, but there was still a twisting angry feeling in the middle of his chest.
Imogen took a shot at comforting the stony sap, "Well, you're thinkin' quite loud there." A pause, "Alright there's no need to cuss, what would Orym say about you using' that language with us."
Her response was a bitter laugh from them, "I dunno maybe you should ask his new boyfriend. Since he seems to know Orym so well." Neither of them needed detect thoughts to sense the jealousy radiating off of the genasi's broad shoulders.
Laudna placed a cold hand on Ashton's back, "Oh come now Ashton we all know Orym loves you, he's just catching up with an old friend."
"A friend, right." Ashton snorted, going to chug his tankard again, only to realize with annoyance that it was empty, he looked around to flag down the bar woman.
"Well if it bothers you so much, why didn't you tag along with them to go down to the carnival."
"Cuz' I didn't want to just follow my man around like a lost puppy? I try to at least pretend I have some dignity, and I hate carnivals. All those-those fucking... clowns...!" Ash almost whispered the last few words, with a shudder. Those fuckers were creepy as fuck! They didn't get why Orym would wanna go somewhere full of 'em. "-'Sides, he... didn't ask me to go with him." So much for pretending he wasn't actually as pathetic over the whole situation as he was feeling.
Imogen made a sympathetic sound in the back of her throat, "Ash I didn't know you were afraid of clowns. But you gotta let this jealousy thing go. We know you trust Orym so what's got you so upset, really?"
That was the thing about Imogen, she was good at reading people even when she wasn't reading their minds. She was cutting to the heart of Ashton's bullshit as usual. Ash heaved a deep sigh, and if his milky and gold eyes were a little wet, it's because he was tired! and-and drunk, alright? Fuck off!
"I went to the carnival." They said, softly. "It was so stupid, because he obviously didn't want me there in the first place 'cuz he wanted to catch up with his friend. But I just, I was being an asshole as usual so I went looking for him at the carnival because, yeah I was jealous and insecure." The sound of gravel scraping together, as he rubbed a hand over his face. "I got there, I even found this little pie stall that I know Orym would have loved, and got him his new favorite."
"It's called a Rocky Road pie, probably my new favorite, at least top three." "Oh yeah why's that?" "Obviously, because I think of you when I'm getting it."
Despite their shitty mood, Ash couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips at the memory. But it was quickly gone on a sigh, as he continued. "I walked around for a little, avoiding those damn clowns, until I found them."
"Oh no, tell me you didn't actually catch them in a compromising situation. Because this is Orym we're speaking of, he wouldn't-" Ash was quick to cut off Laudna's misassumption. "Nah if that little fucker had even come closer than I'd have liked to Orym, I would've just beat his ass." He flexed his grip on his tankard, feeling his body tense up at even the thought of anyone else touching Orym, and therein lied his dilemma.
"He deserves better."
Immediately the two witches protested their claim, but they just shook their head. "It's true dammit. When I saw them, no one... no one looked twice at them out in public. Even now when Orym introduces me as his lover, everyone, everyone has this look on their face, even if just for a second. A look that screams pity. I see Orym, and he's so strong and brave and so goddamn beautiful, and then there's me and I just... he should be with someone that isn't just a broken nobody"
"Don't I get a say in this?" Ash tensed at the voice beside him. Orym had been sitting in the stool next to Ashton the witches no where in sight anymore. "Ash, would you look at me?" Orym said gently. The genasi kept his head stubbornly down on the bar top.
Hopping up to sit on the bar top by Ash's head, Orym glanced at the tavern keeper. Serbia, who Orym already knew in passing, narrowed her eyes, but then glanced down at the earthen being who had been sulking like an abandoned puppy since he started getting smashingly drunk, something like sympathy entered her eyes as she turned to attend to another customer.
Confident that Serbia wasn't going to kick him out for sitting on the bar, the halfling turned his attention back to his boyfriend. Who seemed to think that he could get out of this conversation by playing dead. "Fine, if you don't wanna talk you can just listen." He said tracing his fingers along the purple edges of Ash's spiky head. "I love you, Ashton Greymoore. Even when you're being a dumbass and think I'm gonna abandon you. I know where that comes from. I know you don't feel good enough sometimes, and that's gonna take time to heal. I'm not going anywhere, I would never abandon you so could you just-" A catch in his throat, he swallowed painfully and his voice came out small and shaky. Ash's head raised quickly abandoning his tankard to wrap his strong solid arms around Orym's hips and thighs.
"Could you just stop trying to leave me?... please." Ashton's mouth fell open, and he couldn't respond for a good minute as they looked at Orym's vulnerable expression with wide eyes.
"I didn't realize that's how you felt."
"It's just been that, I thought we were going to get closer since we became official. And sometimes it's been amazing and I feel like you trust me. But then you turn around and try to run away again at it's just been... I just miss you when that happens."
Ashton stood up bringing him eye level with his lover. They just simply looked at the face of the man that means so damn much for them. Who saw someone worthy of taking a second chance on, and who always made him feel like more than a broken nobody.
"I'm sorry I've been a dumbass." He whispered, before gently kissing Orym, who met his stone lips readily.
"Mazel Tov." Serbia said sarcastically before she slid two Ashari breezers across the bar-top at them and walked away. The couple chuckled, both a little shy, although Orym's rosy cheeks were more noticeable and Ash couldn't resist kissing his halfling again.
"By the way, I didn't invite you to the carnival because you don't hide your fear of clowns things as well as you think you do." Orym laughed as Ashton groaned tapping their foreheads together, "shut up." He grumbled.
"Let's finish our drinks and get out of here, I don't know about you but I'm craving rocky road pie." Orym smiled wrapping his arms around Ashton's shoulders, pressing one more peck to his lips.
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critter-roles · 11 months
"Sometimes i get so caught up on being gay that i forget i'm actually bi."
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critter-roles · 11 months
Man its really poetic that Ashton “fuck fate, it dont get to tell me what to do 🖕🖕🖕” Greymoore was the one to absorb the shard despite multiple powerful authority/quasi-authority figures telling him its a bad idea, and SURVIVING against all odds.
Their power and punk swag is unparalleled 🤌
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critter-roles · 11 months
Hannah Friederichs watching tonight's episode not even three months after Ashton got a new character portrait.
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critter-roles · 11 months
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tried to schedule it but it didn't seem to work mmh
now as a print
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critter-roles · 11 months
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I have a feeling that drink is gonna end up with Fearne.
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critter-roles · 11 months
The Nein Reunion art is out! The Nein's portraits, plus Luc's, are by @agarthanguide. Aggy is by Eren Angiolini (@ErenAngiolini on Twitter)!
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critter-roles · 11 months
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Reborn of earth and fire 🔥
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critter-roles · 11 months
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What if I cry now? What if I just burst into sobs?
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critter-roles · 11 months
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They're gonna be dating soon (real not fake, I'm not insane this time!)
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critter-roles · 1 year
Imogen: --is it [the shard] sticking out of your belly button?
Ash: there's nothing sticking out of my belly button
Orym: (still looking at a naked Ash) I can see that
C3Ep75 Spoilers
Ashrym crumbs are giving:
Orym asking if Ashton is naked after diving into a pool of lava
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critter-roles · 1 year
C3Ep75 Spoilers
Ashrym crumbs are giving:
Orym asking if Ashton is naked after diving into a pool of lava
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critter-roles · 1 year
Ashton Greymoore being of titan blood. Ashton Greymoore being broken apart and put back together. Ashton Greymoore constantly wondering who they are and what their purpose is.
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The Luxon creating and then fighting with the titans. The Luxon being broken apart in the hopes of being put back together. The Luxon wondering “what am I, and what is my purpose?”
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critter-roles · 1 year
In the middle of working and fighting THE STRONGEST ADHD URGE RN
To do what, you ask?
Wanna make an Our House by Madness parody called Xhorhaus SO BAD RN
but no I Must Work :( :( :(
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critter-roles · 1 year
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Why should Ashton choose a god when they just witnessed the greatest miracle be performed by a simple old turtle lady - making FCG admit that they need help too.
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critter-roles · 1 year
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A punk sleeping in their natural habitat
(taken from this post cus it is a masterpiece) time is illusion post the eepy Ashton
[Image Description. Drawing of Ashton Greymoore from Critical Role over a picture of a guy sleeping on the luggage racks of a train. Ashton lays with one hand on their chest and the other out, and one leg dangling from the luggage rack on, in this case, a Jrusar gondola. He is in his new lvl 10 outfit. Their head sparkles. End ID]
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