drawlody · 3 days
Happy Father's day to our fav dad!Father of humanity ADAM (or Dadam as we like to call him)
Friendly reminder that since the last extermination is like June we can say Adam die around father's day :)))))))
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Imagen just imagen his kids in heaven being all happy that father's day is near n have been preparing stuff like dinners n plants for Adam
But on the day is the day they received the news that's he dead Some angry demanding to know why, some just cry
Dinner grow cold
Gifts sent to no one
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drawlody · 26 days
Behold! Hazbin archangels designs base on some fics
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When an Angel Cuckolds You, You Cuckold Him Back!
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Beyond Paradise
When u do a lil trading on Discord (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Mad thanks to Zappy n Zero for providing me with this delectable food ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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No shit i was squealing like a fucking rat reading the new stuff hehehee ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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drawlody · 29 days
Help me look for an Adam Hazbin AU plz
Saw an a cool AU but ive lost track of the og post so im trynna find it
So Eve after gave birth to Cain, kill herself to be with Lucifer, leaving Adam behind with a young son. The angels saw that n give Adam a girl to raise along Cain , passing the title "Father of humanity" to his son. But the thing is the girl love Adam not Cain n after a whole lotta arguement the angels were all like " we dont care if u think of her as a daughter give her your seed". Cain is mad rightfully so but not at his father but at his wife for not loving him n neglecting their kid in favour of the one she have with Adam, Abel. Yada yada Cain kill Abel n the girl use that as an excuse to have even more kids with Adam
If ya know where the og post it plz help me out im trynna send it to a friend 〒▽〒
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drawlody · 1 month
Take a wild guess on what this blasphemy agaisnt life itself is (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I trust ur ability Tumblr nerds
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drawlody · 1 month
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This being a tag on twitter rn make me so happy:)) just people showing off our lovable asshole >:D
The jp side of the fandom is feeding me well with the abundant of Adam art, unfortunately I can't understand shit:(
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drawlody · 1 month
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I like my men in pretty dresses hehehee
+Sans be rocking those shorts x fishnett +Simon coming in with the sass (I like this one colour the most its so whimsical) +Adam one is taken from a dtiys on twitter lol +Jax is here cause idk who to put n then I remember Goosework posted a pic of him in a maid dress last year:))
At first they r 1 colour but i recently discovered gradient map n yeah :DDDD
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drawlody · 1 month
Everyone want a piece of the original D ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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This is fanart for a fic by ZappyBoiKenobi on ao3 , I have to go n add another pic cause their update rate is insane:)))) i mean 1-3 chap daily w(゚Д゚)w
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Never change Micheal, u n ur alchoholic ways 🍺🍺🍺
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Check out the fic if u like Mama-bear Sera, the hell trio being desperate hoes, Dadam , Eve being a psycho bitch, etc..
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So many tags
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drawlody · 1 month
Billy is truly silly 💙❤️(Check out the mod it's so so good my gawd)
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Like dude the animation?!???? The music?!?? The lyrics even u have no idea how many times I replay that part it sound so good n again the ANIMATIONNNN there r SM movement, the way he move , like it doesnt fully stop the drag out of the movement keep going on until the next one it look kinda sluggish if that make sense just so so cool N that just the silly billy section I haven't get to the others yet, they add MINI GAMES INTO A MOD, A FNF MOD LIKE BRO BROOOOO
Heavily inspried by MarcoJurez19's art (they work on the mod I think)
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drawlody · 2 months
I distinguish PHOBIA vs REGULAR FEAR by simply asking "is that thing trynna kill u?"
If for example u r being chased by a tiger n u r afraid of it, it's just regular fear. But if that tiger is just chillin in a cage sunbathing n u still can't stand to look at it? That, that's a phobia
I myself have thalassophobia , a fear of deep body of water, I will flip out if my head goes under water in the ocean/lakes/rivers.
I've seen video showcasing this phobia by showing a buncha scary big fish, storm n shit n thats just funny to me ya know? Like the imagery is purposefully unsettling, they r trying to kill u there,anyone would be put off by that. What make me uncomfortable is much more "wholesome" than that, like those pics of people swimming with fishes n reef, those got my heart beating a bit faster than usual¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
*NOTE: in this case, phobia refers to a very strong irrational fear, not being a little scared of something. if you can handle snakes but they make you nervous, that's not a phobia.
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drawlody · 2 months
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drawlody · 2 months
*Miku beam u into oblivion*(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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drawlody · 2 months
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Maybe I should just stop doing this weird "saving fandom for later" cause its making me late to events n its just overall annoying having to wait why am I opposing this onto myself ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I haven't even read the thing n I already got a fav, I blame the over-enthusistic fans on here which is like, keep going yall ur joy is contagious (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Never have I got this much of a reaction to a woman hotdamn (0////0)
OK leaving the characters aside I haven't even got to the world-building yet cause from what I've seen its amazing. Detailed very detailed, each species r unique in their own way n they actually interact n affect each other, not just each mind their own business n ain't I love good world building, haven't read one of those since Made in Abyss n Interspecies Reviewers (yes I consider that good world-building fight me)
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drawlody · 2 months
Let's give a round of applause to our fav totally-fuckable bad boi👏👏👏 Also can u tell what my fav ships r:)))
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I did this cause 1.hes my fav 2.this poll got an awful less of a reaction compare to the "sluttiest waist" one n Im annoyed by that
To say I'm suprised by the lack of candidates is ehhh r we really not use to how the show is by now ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Wait Lucifer got 1st place in the other poll n I like Adamsapple should I do smth with that info hmmm
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Bonus shirtless Adam ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) this is actually my 2nd time drawing him lol
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drawlody · 2 months
5m doodle turn serious x my blorbos x cn palette
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drawlody · 2 months
there’s absolutely nothing better than reading a 100k word fanfic, that is until you remember you have a body that is starving, thirsty and incredibly sleep deprived and hasn’t used the bathroom since the sun set 8 hours ago
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drawlody · 2 months
It's time I contribute to the Adam nation with my interpetation of Sinner!Adam >:DDD
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Going over some design choices here yes yes:
1 horn cause i saw some fics on ao3 where he would, in mad denial, ripped off it on his own n its just so cool??? like the self-rejection there? lovely 💗💗💗
Skirt also ao3 again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wanted to use a leather jacket but that aint working well with robes so here an alt:D I thought it would be hella funny to have the skirt be imagery of the exorcists causing mayhem, like fallen or not, the hatred for sinners n the pride of a general is still very much there (The excorcists r 1 big fucked up family n no nothing u said will convince me otherwise:))
Revoke wings privilege cause yes , i saw the hc of Adam hugging himself with his wings while in distress going around n yeah thats totally him alright. SooOooOooo what better ways to ensure misery than to take away his 2nd fav bodypart :))) I swear i love him
Angelic steel tail, so i have a certain scene i wanted to draw n for that to happen he need smth enough to fight ok?
Lamb characteristics, everyone know the whole ''sacrificial lamb'' deal we got going on with Adam so yeah it's that (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ He got hooves but he will kill himself before letting others see them:D
I got the "underwear with his own name" thingy from *cough*rule34*cough* ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) dont question it
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Charlie is like the least enjoyable to draw , idk why tho
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Doing all this really get rid of my perfectionism cause the need to get these out fast is stronger:D (like this panel is 30m of work)
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I am also digging this b&w colouring on a grey bg thingy
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He's not "Daddy", he's "Grand-daddy x1000" ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
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Never has my ref board got this messy omg i mean half of them r for the Overlord! design (coming soon give me a few days:))so yeah its a 2 in 1
I spent like 30m or smth coming up with the actual designs n several hours just to choose the palette (i really hate this stage(╬▔皿▔)╯)
Wait the Overlord! may take longer since im kinda make this into an AU maybe? So i'll need to come up with a Fallen!Excorcist design, peferably with bird traits . Ya can check this post for the initial ideas ✍(◔◡◔)ada
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drawlody · 2 months
Yoooo, hol up.
Imagine an AU where Hazbin Hotel and Adventure Time take place in the same universe :0
Maybe when Adam dies, it causes the Lich to be created from his hatred, while his more fatherly love side is buried deep inside and becomes Sweet P.
Hell eventually becomes the Nightosphere after the lack of human souls in general, pretty much. And maybe a war with heaven that leaves both sides at a huge loss.
ngl, did this for a moment between Simon and Sweet P (Adam) UvU
I'll take anything if it mean my favs interacting, unlikely friendship but this is my house n i decied what goes:DDD
But then how would AT underworld work since they both have their own specific way to which a soul is deal with after death, or r we going with ''only human goes to hell/heaven n the rest living things goes through the underworld system"???
You know this probably mean Finn n Jake wont meet afterdeath n that lowkey make me sad, also Finn def goes to hell:)))) like he got blood blood on his hands
I cant imagen what Adam Sweet P gonna be like lol since u say he's born from the fatherly love right??how does one radiate both child n parent energy lol. I feel like he will probably be more like Eden!Adam with the whole innocent shabang but the sailor-mouth version as Sweet P is so much funnier 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
Imagen if he keep his memories (maybe leaving out wtv memories that cause him pain for plot- convience reasonings:))) n Simon is just hella confuse like why is this child acting as if he's a living encyclopedia rn (lmao i have to gg search that word its so long)
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