kabie-whump · 2 hours
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Sleeping Beauty (1959) dir. Clyde Geronimi, Wolfgang Reitherman and Eric Larson
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kabie-whump · 11 hours
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Magic Whump Week Day 2 - Cursed
Do y'all remember when I was talking about empathy curses (this post)? Well, I'm back and I have more to say.
Honestly, when I first came up with the idea it was years ago and I was using it to whump Nico di Angelo. I imagined that he was cursed by Orcus after he ghostified Bryce Lawrence in Blood of Olympus. I was going to write about empathy curses in generic terms, but really this was meant to be HOO fanfiction, and so that's what I'm giving y'all.
*Cracks knuckles* I haven't written for this fandom since the ye olde 2010s.
It had crept up on him, really.
Nico woke up hurting. That wasn't surprising considering everything he had gone through over the past few days. He'd nearly turned himself into a ghost, according to Reyna and Hedge. He'd survived, but Bryce Lawrence hadn't been so lucky.
He expected fear, or maybe hatred. He'd just sent a living person on a one-way trip to the Underworld, just for scratching his friend. Normal, trustworthy people don't pull shit like that in front of those who are supposed to be helping them.
But Reyna and Hedge showed no sign of walking away from him. If anything they seemed to like him more, to trust him more. The feeling was completely alien.
But, putting all of that weirdness aside, it was to be expected that he'd be in a bit of pain after straining himself so badly. That's why it took him so long to notice.
The trio got back on the road, this time via pegasus since Nico was declared too weak to do any more shadow-traveling. The pain came and went in waves as they soared up the eastern coast of the US but Nico managed to put on a brave face. He'd felt much worse before.
It wasn't until Gaea woke that Nico really started to realize something was wrong. The battle broke out quickly, both camps teaming up to take on her legions of monsters.
It started with a sharp, stabbing pain in his side. Nico gasped, whipping around to search for the attacker, but there was no one there. Then, an intense burning raced across the palms of his hands and up his arms. He dropped his sword on instinct, but when he went to look at his arms they were completely untouched.
The next few came in quick succession - his head, his feet, his back. Nico cried out, stumbling against the side of a nearby tent. Something was attacking him. They felt like battle injuries. But there were no monsters nearby.
"Show yourself," Nico demanded, his voice shaky. He was met with silence aside from the nearby yells of demigods and growls of monsters. "Who are you?" he tried again, forcing himself to stand upright. "I know you're there!"
The next wave of pain had him doubling over, clutching his stomach. His body felt as if it was deteriorating, exhaustion building and building even as he stood still.
"Cut it out!" he gasped.
Seconds later, Will Solace turned a corner, his eyes going wide as he caught sight of Nico.
"Stay back!" Nico warned him. "There's something here. It's invisible."
Will hesitated, glancing around the clearing. "You need help," he decided. Baring his dagger in front of his body, he slowly made his way forward.
"Stop," Nico grunted, but Will didn't stop. Somehow, he made it all the way to Nico's side completely unharmed.
"Maybe I scared it off?" Will mused.
Nico shook his head, then forced out a groan through his clenched teeth as he was struck by a sensation not unlike being impaled through his gut. His knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground, mud soaking through the fabric of his jeans.
Nico's vision was blurred with tears, but he could feel Will rushing over to kneel next to him.
"Where are you hurt? Let me see."
Nico allowed Will to draw his hands away from his stomach. He looked down, expecting to find himself on his knees in a steadily-growing pool of blood, but that wasn't the case. His hands were a bit dirty and he had blisters from his sword, but otherwise everything was fine. He was in pain, but he wasn't injured.
Will frowned, looking Nico up and down. "You're... You're fine."
Another wave of pain, this time in his shoulder. "It hurts," Nico grunted.
"Okay, okay. I'm gonna get you to the infirmary. We can fix this."
Nico was cooperative as Will slung his arm over his shoulders and supported him as they made their way away from the Roman camp and back over Half-Blood Hill. The pain persisted, popping up in random spots all over his body until he could barely support himself. But the time they made it to the infirmary, Will was mostly carrying Nico as he trembled and bit back cries of pain.
It didn't get really bad until the pair shouldered their way into the infirmary. Nico choked on a gasp, clinging to Will to stay upright as he was scooped onto a cot.
"It hurts," he muttered, gripping at Will's shirt. His whole body felt cold and sweaty, his hands trembling. "Gods..."
"It's okay, Nico. I've got you. Just try to stay calm. I'll get you some nectar."
On the next bed over, a girl was trying not to hyperventilate while a pair of healers prepared to reset her dislocated shoulder. She tilted her head back, her eyes squeezed closed as she braced herself.
Then the healers jerked the girl's arm into position, and Nico screamed.
He twisted and hunched into himself, grabbing at his shoulder in tandem with the girl next to him. He could sense Will rushing back to his side but he couldn't see, couldn't think.
"Where does it hurt now? Your shoulder?"
The pain in Nico's shoulder had already faded into the background compared to a new searing across his back.
"M-My back. It burns."
"Your back..." Will trailed off, his hands hovering over Nico's back. "Oh. Oh no. I have to get you out of here."
Nico couldn't protest as Will scooped him up, rushing him out of the infirmary. The pain faded somewhat as the door slammed behind them, finally letting Nico breathe. But it wasn't gone.
"Where are we going?" Nico slurred.
"Away from everything."
"Why? We have to help."
"I think... I think you're feeling other people's pain, Nico. I don't know why, but it's the only thing that makes sense. Maybe if I can get you away from the fighting the pain will stop."
Nico was too exhausted to weigh in on Will's plan. It made sense. The waves of pain felt like battle injuries, but his body remained unharmed. And that would explain why it had been so much worse inside the infirmary.
Will carried Nico to the Hades cabin and laid him down on a bed. The pain wasn't gone, but it had faded enough that Nico could manage rational thought again.
Will sat on the edge of the bed, looking him over. "Better?"
"Yeah, a little," Nico said. "I can still feel it, but it's not too bad."
"Okay, good. I think it's safe to say you're sitting the rest of this battle out."
"You've done enough, death boy," Will insisted. "Rest. Wait this out."
Will gave him a small smile, drawing the blankets up over his chest. "Really, try to sleep. I've gotta get back out there."
"Thanks, Solace."
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kabie-whump · 23 hours
Magic Whump Week, Magic With a Price
For Day 1 of @kabie-whump 's Magic Whump Week! Prompt "Magic With a Price/"It's Worth It"
Delving a little bit into some backstory-related angst for my OC Mianu (with a little bit of his loyal knight Darius thrown in) because... well, Magic With a Price is basically his whole deal lol.
Original work. 440 words.
CW: magic whump, emotional angst, vague mentions of near-death experiences, one brief mention of blood (or, more accurately, a lack thereof)
Mianu’s magic is a curse. And he knows it well.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else calls it; a blessing, incredible power, the right passed down to him through his bloodline, the Might of Kings… all such useless names.  
It’s a curse, and that’s all there is to it.
Mianu’s kingdom is one of balance. Equal parts light and dark. And those who are lucky enough to have magic that shines like light… they are capable of so much more than Mianu could dream of. They can protect. They can heal. They can create.
Mianu can only cause harm.
He’d practiced, of course. Ever since he was old enough to become aware of his power and what it could do, he’d practiced. Magic on the whole was never that uncommon, but his shadows were a special case. They were wild. Difficult to control. And every single spell cost him greatly… even when it didn’t do untold damage to all that surrounded him.
His arm, where he channels most of his magic, is now permanently damaged. Blackened and marred, scarred beyond any kind of repair. It’s nearly entirely made of shadow now. It no longer bleeds when it is cut, instead trailing a sort of smoke, remnants of pure magical energy. And every time he casts, it hurts him.
He would never say that aloud. Especially not to Darius.
But Darius always had a way of noticing anyway.
Mianu has his magic under control now. Most of the time. Some days are worse than others. And whenever he needed to use a lot of magic, to fight off those who wished him and his family harm, or in possibly fruitless attempts to fix all of the things that he had done wrong… those were the worst days.
“You need to be more careful,” Darius had told him on one such day. “You could have lost your arm.”
Mianu had let out a dry, humorless laugh. “I lost my arm a long time ago.”
A bit dramatic, perhaps, but true enough. Mianu had lost a lot of things. He’d made so many mistakes. There were so many things he still needed to make up for.
But he’d saved Darius. Or at least, he’d had a hand in saving Darius’ life. His magic had defended them both from more disasters than Mianu could really keep track of at this point. Not that he wanted to count. He was just grateful that Darius was still there. He would forever be grateful for that.  
All the pain, all he had gone through… it was worth it. As long as Darius remained by his side.
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kabie-whump · 23 hours
AHHHHHHHHH i feel so normal about this
(Ventis list y'all should see this)
@scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-whumpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet
@sleepyiswhumping @bitchaknso @unicornbeck @wounds-seen-and-unseen @3-2-whump
@looptheloup @lindsay00000008 @rainydaywhump @scoundrelwithboba
Magic Whump Week Day 1: Magic with a Price / "Its worth it"
This is a little drabble about my gf @kabie-whump 's oc Ventis and my oc Onthyes (who you probably know if you follow Kabie because she has adopted him into many of her stories lol). I recently have thought about changing Onthyes to a paladin teehee so this is about my ideas for that…
Content: Whumpee turned caretaker, healing magic (with a price ;) ), blood loss mention
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
Onthyes squeezed Ventis’s hand, “I’m right here, its gonna be okay.”
Onthyes tried to take a deep breath, shaking. He was losing blood fast, his vision becoming more and more vignetted. He needed to get help, fast.
But Ventis needed it more. 
Ventis had exhausted himself, and it had left him defenseless to the attacks of their enemies.
His magic was strong, but it took so much out of him. Onthyes wished he would take it easy sometimes, instead of pushing himself so hard. He was so insistent on proving himself, showing that he was worthy of being on the team. To Onthyes, there was never a doubt in his mind that he was worthy. 
Onthyes kissed Ventis’s forehead. “I’m going to heal you, okay? Just hold on to me.”
“No,” he whispered back. “You can’t,”
“You need healing, Ventis. I am going to heal you.” He laid Ventis down in the grass, and pressed his hands to his chest. He whispered a prayer and his hands started to glow. He felt his own life force start to drain as he began to heal Ventis. 
“Onthyes, stop,” Ventis pleaded, “you don’t need to do this, I’m not worth it. You need to save your health–” “Stop, Ventis,” Onthyes grit his teeth in pain. “It’s worth it– you’re worth it. To me.”
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kabie-whump · 1 day
it’s over?! 😭 this was such a fun game! 💜
Whumper-Turned-Caretaker CYOA 28 (End)
CW for the series | Masterlist
You chose to let Whumpee choose (you hope they stay).
You decide to leave it up to Whumpee. You’d like them to stay with you, but they deserve the freedom to choose for themself.
The next day, you broach the topic.
“Whumpee….I know you’re getting better, and…it wouldn’t be fair for me to hold you back from your life if you’re ready to go back to whatever it was you had before. Or to move on to something new. I can’t keep you against your will anymore. I’m letting you go. I’d love it if you stayed, but if you want to leave, you’re free to. The choice is yours.”
“Oh.” They blink, taken by surprise. “Thank you.” Then more ardently, “Thank you.”
They take some time to think about it. You’ll give them as much time as they need. You like having them around.
* * *
When you wake up the next morning, Whumpee is nowhere to be found.
You suppose you can’t blame them for leaving, given what you put them through, but you can’t say you’re happy about them going. Especially without saying anything. You start making breakfast, and frown as you have to consciously remind yourself to only cook for one.
You hear your door open. You turn to look at the doorway, confused, and see Whumpee standing there.
“Whumpee?” you say in surprise. “I thought you were gone.”
“I went for a walk.”
Of course. They were still making up for lost time with the sunshine. You give them a smile, doing your best to convey that that’s fine. They have their freedom now. “Oh. No problem. I’ll get some more food cooking.” Still, you make a mental note to get them a cellphone in case things go wrong when you’re not with them. And a house key if they’re going to go out while you’re still asleep.
“So, have you decided what you’re going to do?” you ask over breakfast. You don’t want to pressure them into making a decision if they’re not ready yet, but you would like to know if they are.
“Um, I…I think I’m going to stay,” they answer, a little timidly.
“I would love to have you stay,” you respond genuinely, “On your terms this time. But if you ever change your mind, you’ll still be free to leave.”
* * *
The first thing you do after learning they’re staying is move the lock you put on their door so it locks from the inside instead of the outside. You intend to respect their privacy either way, but you hope having the ability to lock you out will give them some added security and control. You do also get them a phone and house key. And you offer to pay for any therapy they want: for all the help you’re willing to give them, you know you’re not a professional.
Over time, they continue to get happier and more at ease. Once in a while, the old fear rears its head, but you work through it and it doesn’t dominate their life. Occasionally, you have a moment where you miss the way things were before. But there are so many more moments where you appreciate what you have now. You’re glad you changed yourself and your relationship with Whumpee for the better.
Thanks for playing!
@kabie-whump, @whumpanthems, @whumpsoda, @3-2-whump, @generic-whumperz, 
@taterswhump, @alivenova, @whumped-by-glitter, @expressionless-fr, @whumpycries, 
@whumpsday, @moons-cozy-corner, @echo-goes-aaa, @whumplr-reader, @starfields08000, 
@whump-blog, @ivymyers, @currentlyinthesprial, @lumpofsand, @coffin-hopping, 
@ragin-cajun-fangirl, @catnykit, @indigoviolet311, @dragongodryss, @kira-the-whump-enthusiast,
@risk606, @natthebatt, @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94, @whatwhump, @venusski
@hermitcrabs-1,  @croixph, @mj-or-say10, @kawaii-cakes, @gevwer,
@fourwingedwriter, @turtlesnap1, @whump-till-ya-jump
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kabie-whump · 1 day
this is probably my 3rd time reblogging this post but it's my Fave magic with a price concept
We all know about magical fatigue as a whump trope for magical overuse. Now I raise you: Magical euphoria.
Magic that feels good to use. It leaves the user dizzy and lightheaded, a giddy energy rushing through their entire body. It's enough to leave the most stoic whumpee giggling madly, to make the most obedient soldier go rogue. It's a power that ultimately, inevitably, controls its user.
Mages aren’t trusted to act on their own. They can’t be, not when each spell costs them their sanity. Not when, in a daze of manic joy, they’re just as liable to destroy the enemy as their allies.
And so they need a handler.
Imagine Caretaker in this situation. Forced to watch Whumpee throw themselves into madness, to turn themselves into an unthinking weapon under the demand of some uncaring general. Having to put aside their affection for Whumpee as a person, and analyze them as a tool.
It’s Caretaker who decides when Whumpee is still fit for battle. It’s caretaker who has to look into their dazed and distant eyes, blood dripping into a too wide smile, and decide if Whumpee has anything else to give.
It’s Caretaker who decides when they’re too far gone, when Whumpee needs to stop. And if Whumpee can’t, it’s Caretaker’s job to make them stop. Even if that means using force, even if it means hurting them, because letting them run wild isn’t an option.
And when the battle’s over, when Whumpee is either led or dragged away to the medical wing, Caretaker’s the only one brave enough to tend to their injuries. They wrap bleeding, scorched fingers without a word, the only sound being Whumpee babbling, mad ramblings. Caretaker knows they won’t remember any of this. They still talk to Whumpee anyway, soft, comforting words they hope will bring Whumpee back faster.
And when whumpee’s eyes finally clear, when their body sags with exhaustion they’re just now able to feel, Caretaker feels nothing but grief, because it’ll start all over again tomorrow.
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kabie-whump · 1 day
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Magic Whump Week Day 1: Magic With a Price
// burns, self-harm adjacent
I know this one might be overplayed, but I wanna talk about a whumpee with fire powers, except they're not immune to being burned, even by their own fire.
Every time Whumpee's hands light up in flames the motion is accompanied by clenched teeth and heavy breathing as they do their best to appear tough in the face of fresh burns spreading across their already scarred skin. They shake, bite back screams, and sway on their feet as their vision starts to fade, their ears ringing.
The first time Whumpee used their fire powers in front of their team, the team didn't notice the damage at first. they were too impressed by the display, too distracted by the ongoing battle. Besides, Whumpee is so used to it by now that they can control their reaction fairly well, even after the fight is over. But then, after everything has gone quiet, Whumpee stumbles over to Healer, a strained smile on their face as they present their charred hands.
"When did this happen?" Healer asks, perplexed.
By the time Whumpee is finished explaining the whole team has caught on to the situation and they're all horrified.
"You don't have to... do this," Leader says, watching as Healer performs a prayer over Whumpee's hands that slowly but surely knits the burned skin back together. "You shouldn't be using your powers if this is the price. It's not worth it. We can get by without you."
Whumpee just shakes their head, wincing as they flex their now healed fingers. "It is worth it, Leader. I promise."
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kabie-whump · 1 day
ooooh i love this
Magic Whump Week Day 1
9/23: Magic with a price / "It's worth it."
Prompts List | Masterpost
Fandom: Original Work
Words: 1000
Tag List: @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion @scaewolf
CW: on the run, passed out, unconsciousness, fever, magic whump, arguing
A/N: some pre-canon Trials of the Six whumpening featuring our main character, Hiel, and his close friend and fellow Ice Mage Iska.
How Hiel hated when Iska tested the limits of his Mage energy.
It had to be an experiment of sorts, he had no reason to do so otherwise. No legitimate reason, in Hiel’s eyes. But Iska liked doing it without warning, using every last drop of Mage energy and then collapsing, shivering violently but hot to the touch.
So no, this was not an uncommon occurrence.
But did he have to do it while they were being pursued by Tyan mercenaries?
Hiel’s breath came in wheezing gasps as he ran, Iska’s feverish form limp in his arms. A stitch throbbed at his left side, and his arms and legs burned from exertion, but still, he ran. Better to run himself to exhaustion and escape to deal with the consequences than get caught and tried in a court that would never be fair to the likes of them.
He would be moving much faster if he wasn’t carrying Iska.
Even as the thought crossed his mind he immediately banished it. No. Never. Even if he acts like a reckless idiot sometimes.
If Iska hadn’t used his Mage energy to slow down the mercenaries, Hiel might not have had the chance to run.
But did he have to use all of it?
At least, Hiel considered as he reached a small creek, when Iska wakes up I’ll have a justified reason to tear into him about the risk he just took.
He hissed through his teeth as he stepped into the water, the cold seeping through his boots as harsh as if he had put his foot into a fire. Muttering curses under his breath, he began moving upstream as quickly as he dared, not wanting to trip and drop Iska into the creek no matter how much he deserved it.
It wasn’t until he reached their small shelter, easily concealable from searching eyes, that his heartbeat began to slow. Hiel exhaled slowly and lay Iska on his bedding before sitting on his own blankets and taking off his wet boots. His feet, numb from the cold water, ached as they began to warm up again.
Iska groaned softly, opening his eyes. “Ugh…” he mumbled, “everything hurts.”
“I wonder why,” Hiel muttered, eyeing the other Mage’s flushed face. “Couldn’t possibly be because you toed the line of your Mage energy again. Because you’d never do that when we’re actively being pursued. Or at all. Right?”
Iska chuckled. “Right… so you’d rather I didn’t freeze their feet in place so we could escape?”
It took all Hiel’s willpower not to slap Iska right then and there. “Of course not! I’d rather you didn’t use every last drop of Mage energy and pass out!” He realized he was raising his voice, and quickly lowered it, but his next words were no less vehement. “Do you have any idea how reckless you’ve been acting lately?! And how worried I am every time you do this?”
He ran a hand through his hair, barely aware that he was brushing his own Mage energy. It pressed against him, patiently waiting to be called upon. “Every time something like this happens, I wonder if this will be the last. If this time is the time you finally go too far.”
Hiel sighed deeply and held his hands out, allowing his Mage energy to cascade through them and form a tiny dagger of ice. “We’re not invincible, Iska,” he said, breath pluming out like a small cloud of steam, “our Mage energy is not limitless. You should know this better than anyone. Go too far, try to expend what you don’t have…” he snapped the dagger in half.
Iska stared at Hiel for a long moment. “You done?” he finally asked.
Hiel sighed, letting go of his Mage energy. The shelter suddenly seemed to become warmer, and he watched the broken pieces of the dagger melt in his hand. “Yes,” he said quietly, letting the water drip onto the ground.
“You’re right,” Iska admitted, “and… I’m sorry I caused you anguish. I wish… I wish I had an answer for you. Because you don’t deserve to drag my unconscious ass around when I pass my threshold.”
Hiel exhaled sharply. “So you don’t have reason to go so close to the edge?”
Iska closed his eyes, thinking. “I suppose I do, technically. Now I know for certain how much Mage energy I can use before it begins to hurt me.”
“Any amount of Mage energy hurts,” Hiel remarked. “You think our bodies like having enormous amounts of it coursing through us? Just touching it, it affects us.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do.”
They rested in silence for a few moments. Hiel contemplated freezing his sopping wet boots just for the satisfaction of watching the ice spread through the saturated leather. It would be better than the tension.
“...would you rather we didn’t use our gifts, then?” Iska asked quietly, eyes still closed. “Just not be Mages?”
Hiel stiffened, his breath catching in his throat. “I… I don’t know,” he confessed as he came to that realization, comparing his life before and after living publicly as a Mage.
“Now, I might be saying this because I got a pretty high fever,” Iska said, opening his eyes and turning to face Hiel, “but the ancestors allowed us to have these gifts for a reason. There had to be one, right? Because, y’know, they’re no longer attached to Rymn the way we are and can see the big picture and all that.”
Hiel raised his eyebrows. “And?”
“What I’m saying is: it would be pretty shitty of us to be Mages and not use that for the benefit of others. That’s why we started this whole thing, right?” Iska sighed and lay back, head resting on his arms. “I understand you’re tired. I am too. But I think we’re doing the right thing. And I promise I won’t go near what I’ve found is my absolute limit from now on.”
Hiel turned his words over in his mind for a long moment. “All right,” he finally said.
“Besides,” Iska continued, “my life wasn’t nearly as exciting before we outed ourselves and nearly got executed.”
Hiel rolled his eyes. But he couldn’t disagree. 
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kabie-whump · 1 day
*cracks knuckles*
It's go time
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kabie-whump · 2 days
omg yay i’m so excited to read these!
Magic Whump Week 2024
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Here are my entries for @kabie-whump's magic whump week! This event was the push I needed to finally share some of my writing for my favorite ghostship! Exploring magical settings was also a fun bonus~
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Day 1: Magic with a price / "It's worth it." - whatever the cost
tags: gen. implied death/ressurection. 100 words Summary: Phana might be dead but that doesn't mean he's gone. Kit's going to get him back, no matter what it takes.
Day 2: Cursed / "You'll have to wait this out." - slow fevers
tags: gen. cursed/sick character. 100 words. Summary: Beam's been cursed. It's not looking good.
Day 3: Human battery / "Give us more." - blood bag
tags: teen. vampire au, captivity. 100 words Summary: Phana is too tired to fight against his vampire captors.
Day 4: Loss of control / "Leave me alone!" - don't hold me close
tags: gen. fallen angel, established relationship. 100 words. Summary: Kit's grace is acting up again. He doesn't want his boyfriends caught in the crossfire.
Day 5: Drugs / "What did [you/I] take?" - pink potions for your love
tags: teen. noncon drug use, partner betrayal, brief emeto/vomit mention. 200 words. Summary: Phana gives Beam and Kit a potion with unexpected side effects.
Day 6: Ressurection / "Welcome back." - come, kitty cat, come out to play [author's favorite ⭐]
tags: m. ressurection, torture. 100 words. Summary: Phana plays with his favorite cat.
Day 7: Magic exhaustion / "I can't..." - a gentle, coaxing whisper
tags: gen. fae, established relationship. 100 words. Summary: It's hard to deny fae anything, especially when you love them.
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kabie-whump · 2 days
less than 24 hours left my dudes
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kabie-whump · 3 days
this is so good!
The Snake
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He felt it before he saw it. 
Callum crashed into the forest dirt as the snake wrapped itself around his feet. One minute it’s enveloped his legs. Five minutes and the creature's khaki green stomach crushed Callum’s stomach. 
He reached down to get his knife. In that minute, The snake rested its head on Callums chest, teasing him with its tongue.
It stared at the vampire with its paralysing, molten gold eyes.
No… It can’t end like this. The black scales, hard as steel, rippled as the snake tightened their mother.
For my mother…
Callum’s fingertips reached the knife hilt.
For my kingdom… 
The snake tensed up ready to pounce.
For the power.
He flipped it’s body over, fangs protracted.
It’s worth it..
The snake screamed as Callum sunk his teeth into the snake’s neck. He gripped his knife. The snake’s vice grip loosened enough for him to slip the knife out of the sheath and plunge it into the snake’s soft underbelly. Like a soft ribbon, the snake's body unravelled itself, as Callum dragged the knife up to the creature’s throat.
He let go. He originally planned to find a Steel-scaled snake smaller than this one, but this one would do. Especially at such a size; the snake was as thick as a tree trunk. He reached for the iron chalice in his back pocket and filled it up with the creature's blood. His tongue dripped with spit as the warm liquor pooled into the cup. And rose higher, and higher. Until it was full.
Thanks to this, I can make it back in time, Callum thought. He cradled the chalice in his hands, like a newborn. I can save everyone. Just as the elder said, there are bloods more potent than humans.
Swallowing the spit that gathered in his mouth, Callum tipped his head back and let the warm pour down his gullet. 
Gulp, gulp, gulp.
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kabie-whump · 3 days
oooh fuck yeah
Magic Whump Week Prompts!
In case you haven't heard, I'm doing a little magic/fantasy themed whump event from September 23rd to September 29th (Ventis's birthday).
Here are the prompts:
Day 1 - 9/23: Magic with a price / "It's worth it." Day 2 - 9/24: Cursed / "You'll have to wait this out." Day 3 - 9/25: Human battery / "Give us more." Day 4 - 9/26: Loss of Control / "Leave me alone!" / bonus: emotional powers Day 5 - 9/27: Drugs / "What did [you/I] take?" Day 6 - 9/28: Resurrection / "Welcome back." / bonus: came back wrong 🎂 Day 7 - 9/29: Magic exhaustion / "I can't..." 🎂
I want this to be very chill and relaxed for anyone who participates. You can post anything you want - art, writing, original content, fan content, prompts, singles sentences, full-length novels - I'll just be thrilled to see someone participating!
The idea is to post each prompt fill on the day of the prompt, but feel free to post early or late! If you decide you want to write for any of these prompts in 2027, sure!
As for the content of your prompt fills - be as creative as you want with it! Try to match the vibe of each prompt, but they're really just there to give you ideas. You won't be burned at the stake for not matching them exactly.
If you want me to see what you post, use #MagicWhumpWeek2024 and #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day[insert day here] (ex. #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day3 for 9/25)
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates! (Send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I was unclear about anything I've never done this before teehee)
Tagging those who showed interest in this:
@sapphicccici @whumperofworlds @geode-crystal @tildeathiwillwrite
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kabie-whump · 5 days
Magic Whump Week and Whumptober are gonna be so hype not even exaggerating I'm so excited for y'all to see what I'm cooking up and I'm even more excited to see what everyone else is cooking up
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kabie-whump · 8 days
Ooo yay an early start! These are all so good 😭💜
whatever the cost
Day 1: Magic with a price/"It's worth it." (for @kabie-whump's magic whump week)
tags: gen. implied death/resurrection. 100 words.
Summary: Phana might be dead but that doesn't mean he's gone. Kit's going to get him back, no matter what it takes. [read on ao3]
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kabie-whump · 8 days
One week left! I’m so excited!
More info: Reblogs, on-theme media recommendations, gifs, moodboards, quotes, are all accepted as valid additions to the event! There is no such thing as too low effort! All I ask that you please don’t post any AI generated content.
Tags for interest: @sapphicccici @whumperofworlds @geode-crystal @tildeathiwillwrite @tellmetheskyisblue
@the-rad-pineapple @violets-whumperflies @ablatheringblatherskite @sleepyhead-whump @arcticfox37
Magic Whump Week Prompts!
In case you haven't heard, I'm doing a little magic/fantasy themed whump event from September 23rd to September 29th (Ventis's birthday).
Here are the prompts:
Day 1 - 9/23: Magic with a price / "It's worth it." Day 2 - 9/24: Cursed / "You'll have to wait this out." Day 3 - 9/25: Human battery / "Give us more." Day 4 - 9/26: Loss of Control / "Leave me alone!" / bonus: emotional powers Day 5 - 9/27: Drugs / "What did [you/I] take?" Day 6 - 9/28: Resurrection / "Welcome back." / bonus: came back wrong 🎂 Day 7 - 9/29: Magic exhaustion / "I can't..." 🎂
I want this to be very chill and relaxed for anyone who participates. You can post anything you want - art, writing, original content, fan content, prompts, singles sentences, full-length novels - I'll just be thrilled to see someone participating!
The idea is to post each prompt fill on the day of the prompt, but feel free to post early or late! If you decide you want to write for any of these prompts in 2027, sure!
As for the content of your prompt fills - be as creative as you want with it! Try to match the vibe of each prompt, but they're really just there to give you ideas. You won't be burned at the stake for not matching them exactly.
If you want me to see what you post, use #MagicWhumpWeek2024 and #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day[insert day here] (ex. #MagicWhumpWeek2024Day3 for 9/25)
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates! (Send me an ask or dm if you have any questions or if I was unclear about anything I've never done this before teehee)
Tagging those who showed interest in this:
@sapphicccici @whumperofworlds @geode-crystal @tildeathiwillwrite
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kabie-whump · 12 days
✧・゚ Ripe, About to Fall - Part 13 ✧・゚
This is an 18+ slowish burn pet-whump story with added romance.
Title from 'Liquid Smooth' by Mitski
First | Previous
Chapter Summary: Ventis is free, but believe it or not things are a little more complicated than that. Happily ever afters don't come easily.
Chapter Content: cauterization, drugs, drug addiction, rejected seduction attempt
Onthyes wasted no time after Ventis’s body thumped into his arms. The genasi was clearly hurt - pale and barely conscious and covered in blood, but there was no time to do anything about it right then. This was their one chance.
So Onthyes ran.
Ventis’s head bobbed against his shoulder as Onthyes sprinted through the garden, the sound of Athos’s enraged screaming growing fainter and fainter. Ventis whimpered and made a weak effort to twist out of Onthyes’s arms and Onthyes just held him closer, whispering, “It’s okay. You’re okay now,” into his impossibly soft hair.
He slipped out of a garden gate just as a carriage pulled up on a nearby road. The door opened and Theodore appeared from the inside, waving Onthyes over frantically.
“He’s hurt,” Onthyes panted as he laid Ventis down on the padded bench.
The carriage jolted as it began to move, and Theodore came to kneel next to Ventis, pulling his robes away to reveal a stab wound in his side. “Shit. What happened?”
“Athos.” Onthyes tore away the bottom of a curtain, pressing the red velvet hard against the wound.
Ventis groaned, his eyelids fluttering.
“Can you heal him?” Onthyes asked, sparing a glance out the window to check for pursuers.
“No, I don’t practice healing magic. Only…” Theodore paused, considering something. “How far are we from your friend’s house?”
“A little over an hour. Why?”
“I could cauterize the wound. He might not last that long with us just putting pressure on it.”
Onthyes winced. He hated the idea of causing Ventis any more pain, but he knew it was necessary. “Do it.”
With a short nod, Theodore reached out and pulled the wad of velvet away from Ventis’s side. “Hold him,” he advised as his fingers began to glow with bluish energy.
Onthyes grabbed Ventis’s arms, holding him still. When Theodore touched the injury Ventis let out a scream, his legs kicking out as he tried to twist away from the source of the pain. The carriage filled with the sickening scent of burning flesh. Onthyes pressed his lips to Ventis’s forehead, whispering, “Shh. It’s alright. It will be over soon. Stay with us. You’re okay.” The genasi passed out fully moments later, and Onthyes and Theodore both let out sighs of relief.
They rode in silence after that. Theodore dozed off, his head lolling against the window as the swinging lantern cast flickering orange light across his face. Onthyes couldn’t bring himself to sleep.
It was the middle of the night when they finally arrived at their destination. Onthyes scooped Ventis into his arms gently, carrying him inside while Theodore paid the carriage driver generously - some gold for the ride and even more for his silence.
Shayah was waiting for Onthyes inside, ready to help him get Ventis into a spare bed, which had already been prepared for him. She had agreed to house them for as long as they needed and asked for nothing in return, and Onthyes had never been more glad for her friendship.
He had met Shayah during his time in the city guard. She was new then - a fiery half-orc who could lift more than half of their squad combined with her pinky finger. She and Onthyes had become fast friends, but she lacked discipline and it didn’t take long for her to get kicked out. They’d stayed in touch after that, but with Onthyes’s promotion to squad leader and eventual move to working in Athos’s manor they didn’t see each other much. Still, she’d accepted Onthyes’s request for aid happily when he’d gone to her a few days ago.
“So, this is him?” Shayah mused as Onthyes undressed Ventis. “He’s pretty.”
“He’s hurt.”
“I see that. I ain’t much of a healer, but I’ve got some supplies, and there’s some old clothes of mine in that dresser I don’t mind him wearing.”
“Thank you, Shy.”
“Don’t mention it. ” Shayah left the room, nearly running into Theodore as he entered. She patted him on the top of the head, between his horns. While his expression remained neutral, visible lightning crackled between his fingertips at the touch.
“Do you need me for anything?” he asked Onthyes, his voice hushed.
Onthyes shook his head. “No, I think Shayah and I can handle it for now. Thank you for your help tonight.”
“I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ve got business to take care of.”
“Where are you going? It’s the middle of the night.”
Theodore was already headed back the way he came, soon followed by the sound of the front door opening and closing.
Shayah helped Onthyes undress Ventis, carefully peeling sheer white fabric away from his blood and sweat soaked skin. The garment shimmered in the dim lantern light as Shayah folded it, gold and jewels clinking together.
She whistled. “It’s a shame - all the bloodstains. We could’ve made a fortune off of this outfit alone. Probably still could, honestly.”
“We should burn it,” Onthyes countered. “If we sell anything of Athos’s he might find out, and then it would only be a matter of time before he finds us.”
Shayah huffed. “You’re no fun, as always.”
They finished cleaning and dressing his wound, wrapping bandages around his midsection. Shayah’s clothes fit him about as well as a grain-sack would fit a mouse, but at least he seemed comfortable. Ventis would surely be hurting in the morning, but for the moment he was stable and firmly unconscious, which was good enough for Onthyes.
Onthyes settled into a chair at his bedside while Shayah turned in for the night. It felt surreal - seeing Ventis free and safe after many long months of planning and biding his time. It would be a lot of responsibility, helping him heal after everything he’d been through, but it was a responsibility that Onthyes was eager to take on.
His biggest concern was the nightspill. From what he’d gathered, Ventis has been taking it daily since even before he became Athos’s pet. It brought him comfort; an easy escape. It must have a firm hold on him by now, and it would surely be an ordeal to get him sober. Still, Onthyes didn’t think he could truly heal while he was still taking it, so it would have to go.
Then there was the matter of Ventis’s… conditioning. He’d mentioned it offhand a few times - the idea that he wasn’t a person, that he couldn’t see himself as a person.
When Onthyes had first proposed the idea of escape to him he’d laughed it off, insisting that he wouldn’t be able to survive outside of captivity. Onthyes believed him to a certain extent. He probably wouldn’t be able to adapt to life without his gilded cage; not without help, at least. Onthyes had no idea how much of Ventis’s apparent submission and subservience was a genuine part of his personality and how much of it was conditioned into him. He would have to be careful, lest he risk forcing Ventis to change himself in the name of what Onthyes believed his personality as a free man should look like.
Onthyes wanted Ventis to embrace his freedom, of course, but how could he do so without imposing his own beliefs on him, without controlling him just like Athos did?
Eventually Onthyes drifted off in his chair, his upper body slumped forward onto the bed, his hand inches away from Ventis’s.
Ventis was still asleep by the time Onthyes woke up. His complexion had a little more life to it than it had last night, but he clearly still had a long way to go before he could be considered “better”. Theodore was there, his back turned as he stood at the dresser and quietly busied himself with something Onthyes couldn’t see. The scent of sausages seeped underneath the door and into the bedroom and he could hear Shayah shuffling around in the kitchen.
“Morning,” Onthyes said through a yawn, sitting up stiffly. The way he’d slept had left his back sore and achy, but at least he had stayed by Ventis’s side. There was no way he would have found himself a more comfortable place to sleep and risked missing any changes in Ventis’s currently stable condition.
Theodore turned and Onthyes finally got a look at what he was doing. In his hands was a glass vial, filled with shimmering blue liquid. It glowed softly, casting a ghostly light up onto his face. Nightspill.
“Do you know how to do this, or should I figure it out for myself?” Theodore asked, picking up a syringe in his other hand. “Or maybe Jasper knows…”
Onthyes couldn’t figure out what to say at first. How could Theodore be handling that stuff so casually? “What? Where did you get that?”
“There’s a den nearby. I saw it from the carriage. I went last night and bought a few vials, since we didn’t manage to steal any from Athos.”
“But…” Onthyes shook his head, perplexed. “Why?”
“Jasp- sorry. Ventis takes it, remember?”
“Not anymore.”
“Hm?” Theodore’s brow creased in confusion.
“He can’t keep taking that stuff, Theodore. It’s not good for him. We talked about this.”
“Oh. I thought… When you said you wanted him sober I thought you meant in the future. As in, weeks or months from now. You want him to stop taking it right now?”
“Of course I do.”
“But that…” Theodore shook his head. “It won’t work.”
“Why not?”
“First of all, he’s far too weak right now.” Theodore moved to perch on the edge of the bed, the vial still in his hands. “I have doubts that he will be able to survive the withdrawals even going into them completely healthy. That hole in his side definitely won’t help matters.”
Onthyes bit down on the inside of his cheek, his gaze tracing Ventis’s face. There was a tension in the genasi’s muscles that suggested his sleep was less than restful.
“Secondly, I don’t believe that you and Shayah are prepared to face the consequences of him getting sober,” Theodore continued. “He may act human enough when he’s sedated, but the reality is that he’s not. I knew him before he started taking it. His magic is volatile. He struggled to control it on his best days, and on his worse days…”
Theodore took a breath, his gaze flitting away from Onthyes. “He got himself killed once, five years ago. He lost control of his powers - of his emotions, really. That’s what triggered it. His magic got away from him while he was on the palace roof and the winds pushed him off. Our physician resurrected him, of course, but he was never the same after that. That’s when he started using the nightspill, I believe. Faced with the pain of withdrawal, he might hurt himself or us if we aren’t prepared.”
“What do you suggest we do, then?” Onthyes asked bitterly. “Let him stay addicted to it?”
Theodore shrugged. “At least until he’s healed, yes. Then maybe you can suggest the idea to him. But don’t force it, especially not now. If you make him quit now it will surely kill him.”
Onthyes hated this. He hated this so much. But Theodore was right - Ventis was too weak right now to face nightspill withdrawals. “Fine. You’re right. He’ll stay on it for now. But forever is not an option. Not while he’s under my care.”
It was then that Ventis’s hand twitched, his fingertips scraping against the well-worn blankets. He let out a soft gasp of pain, his face twisting as he returned to reality.
“Ventis,” Ontheys said softly.
Ventis groaned, his eyes fluttering open. He started to sit up and Onthyes and Theodore both reached out to stop him.
“Don’t move,” Onthyes muttered, keeping a hand on his shoulder. “You’re hurt, remember?”
Ventis blinked hard, seemingly struggling to take in the room around him. “I… What? Where am I?”
“You’re at my friend’s house. You’re safe. Athos isn’t going to find you here.”
Ventis only seemed more confused. He tried to sit up again, then winced and settled back into the blankets heavily. “I jumped… I jumped off the balcony?”
Onthyes nodded, relieved that Ventis was beginning to remember what happened last night. “Yes, you did. I caught you, and we escaped.”
“He stabbed me.” Ventis’s hand drifted to his side, hovering over the bandages. “It hurts.”
“I know.” Onthyes took his hand, drawing it away from the wound slowly. “I’m sorry.”
“My medicine?” Ventis looked up at Onthyes, his eyes wide and vulnerable. “I didn’t bring any. It all happened so fast.”
Theodore had shrunken into himself as Ventis woke up. Onthyes had gleaned from talking with him that the brothers weren’t exactly on friendly terms, and he could tell that sharing in this vulnerable moment with Ventis had him wanting to crawl out of his skin. Still, he cleared his throat, holding out the vial of nightspill. The liquid lit up as it shook in the vial, and Ventis’s eyes locked onto the blue light with uncharacteristic intensity.
“I got you some,” Theodore said.
Ventis heaved an audible sigh of relief as he rolled up his sleeve with shaking fingers. “Thank the gods.”
The vial was passed to Ventis, who took it reverently. He stared at it for a long moment, then looked back up to the other two. “I do not know how to do it myself,” he admitted sheepishly. “My mast… he always did it for me.”
Theodore and Onthyes shared a look. Theodore clearly didn’t know how, and Onthyes would never ask Shayah to, given her uncomfortable history with the substance. That left him.
“I watched Athos do it a few times. I’ll try,” Onthyes offered reluctantly.
Ventis shuffled closer to Onthyes, his fingers cold as he handed him the vial. Onthyes drew the contents into a syringe carefully, then took Ventis’s arm. “Try to relax,” he muttered.
Ventis nodded, but his breaths were too quick, his muscles too tense. Onthyes didn’t blame him for being anxious. He would be nervous if someone with absolutely no experience was trying to inject him with drugs too.
The genasi turned his face away as the needle touched his arm. “Try not to miss,” he whispered.
Onthyes tried to repeat what he had seen Athos do a few times before, finding a vein on the inside of Ventis’s elbow before inserting the needle at a shallow angle. There was a moment of resistance before it slid home. Ventis flinched.
Slowly, Onthyes pushed down on the plunger, watching the blue glow follow the spider-web pattern of Ventis’s veins under his skin until it dispersed completely. Ventis sighed, his eyes falling closed as his body finally relaxed.
Onthyes removed the needle, feeling a little sick. He really hadn’t wanted to do that. It was a connection with Athos that he had never imagined himself having. He helped Ventis settle back into the pillows, and soon his breaths evened out into a deep sleep.
Ventis slept through most of the day after that. In the meantime, Onthyes stayed by his side while Shayah went to the market to buy food for the four of them as well as some new clothes for Ventis. Theodore had wanted to accompany her, but he hadn’t even made it all the way to the market before the pair had had to duck out of the way of some patrolling guards and tear down multiple posters of him, Onthyes, and Ventis. The three of them surely wouldn’t be able to appear in public for quite some time.
By that evening Ventis was awake and sitting up in bed, finally alert. Onthyes got him to eat, but the genasi only had a few bites before claiming to have lost his appetite. Onthyes wished he could know what was going on in his head. It must be so strange - being free for the first time in all these years.
That night, after Shayah had gone to her bedroom and Theodore had fallen asleep on the couch, Onthyes laid out some blankets and pillows on the floor of the spare bedroom, just past the foot of the bed Ventis occupied. He kneeled on the light padding, humming to himself as he arranged the fabric to make a makeshift bed.
“What are you doing down there?”
Onthyes paused, looking up at Ventis who peered down at him from the bed. “Just… getting comfortable,” he said.
Ventis tilted his head, the crystals on his cheek glinting. “When I said you could sleep in here with me I had no intention of banishing you to the floor.”
“Oh. You mean…?”
“Yes, hero,” Ventis said with a soft laugh. “Join me. I will not bite.”
Onthyes was careful to give Ventis his space as he climbed into the bed, slipping under the covers but keeping a respectful distance from him. Even then, he was hyper-aware of the mere inches of space between them.
Ventis turned onto his side face Onthyes, the tip of his horn pressing into the pillow under his head. Their faces were so close like this and Onthyes couldn’t help but recall the night of their first escape attempt, that tiny moment when their lips had brushed - so short that Onthyes hadn’t had a chance to react. Ventis seemed to be thinking about it too, his gaze flicking between Onthyes’s eyes and lips.
Onthyes turned onto his back and decided it would be best to just stare at the ceiling until he fell asleep. Then he heard Ventis huff, felt his cold hand on his opposite cheek, turning his face towards him so they were looking at each other again.
Ventis had shifted closer and now he moved in slowly, his eyes fluttering closed. His lips parted slightly…
Onthyes jerked back.
Ventis opened his eyes, frowning as he stared at Onthyes. “What?”
Onthyes cleared his throat, his heart pounding in his ears. “I… We can’t.”
Ventis smiled softly and started to lean in again. “We’re alone. No one’s stopping us this time,” he whispered.
“But we shouldn’t. You’re injured.”
“I can barely feel it.”
Of course. The nightspill probably numbed the pain. But it also numbed his emotions, his ability to think clearly. Onthyes would be taking advantage of him if he let this happen.
“You’re high.”
“I can still perform, I promise.”
And yes, maybe the low, sultry way he said that made Onthyes’s blood run hot, but he knew better. He had to control himself. “No. I can’t. It’s just not right.”
Ventis finally scooted back, letting go of Onthyes’s face with a sigh. “I don’t… I don’t understand. You worked so hard so you could have me to yourself and now you just… You don’t want me?” There was genuine hurt and confusion in his voice.
Was that really what Ventis thought? This whole time, did he really think Onthyes just wanted to take him for himself, to own him just like Athos did? He tried not to feel hurt, but it still stung. He thought he’d made it clear that he was better than that, that he didn’t see Ventis as something to be owned.
“Ventis…” Onthyes bit his lip. He didn’t want to lie. It would surely be a lie for him to say he didn’t hold any desire for Ventis. “It’s not like that. I… I care about you. And yes, I am attracted to you. But I don’t think it would be right for us to do anything right now. I want you to decide that you want this, not just out of some feeling of obligation but out of genuine desire on your part.”
“But I do want this,” Ventis insisted.
“I just can’t trust that you really mean that right now. How do I know that this isn’t the nightspill or Athos’s conditioning talking?”
Ventis’s face fell. “It feels real. It’s real to me.”
They lapsed into silence for a moment. Onthyes didn’t know what to say. He wanted Ventis, really. But he just couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t be taking advantage of him. He was still a pet only yesterday. But how could Onthyes decide that he was the only who could tell Ventis what he really wanted? His values were at war with each other.
Sighing, Ventis turned onto his back, the motion making him wince. His hand drifted to his side, pressing gently against his stab wound.
“I’m not saying no,” Onthyes started softly.
Ventis glanced over at him. “I’m listening.”
“I’m just saying… Not right now.”
“Then when, Onthyes? I want this, but I don’t want to wait around for you to decide that you believe me when I say I’m ready.”
“When you’re sober,” Onthyes decided. “If something happens between us I want you to be in your right mind. Get sober, and then maybe I’ll give you what you’re asking for.”
Ventis hummed. That clearly wasn’t the answer he was looking for. “Alright. We’ve waited this long. I guess we can wait a little longer.”
@scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-whumpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet
@sleepyiswhumping @bitchaknso @unicornbeck @wounds-seen-and-unseen @3-2-whump
@looptheloup @lindsay00000008 @rainydaywhump @scoundrelwithboba
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