kimberly-spirits13 · 25 days
why have the people outside of my dorm room been talking about their anal sex adventures for the past hour 😭- I'm pretty sure one of y'all have 100 std's at this point
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kimberly-spirits13 · 25 days
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
Do y'all have any advice on school supplies for college? I'm aware that if there's anything the professors really want us to have, they'll put it on a syllabus or something but I have no idea where to start other than some pens, pencils, calculator, and notebooks for classes (I like handwritten not computerized). Is there anything else you'd recommend?
Edit: also for communal showers, how do you store your dry clothes? I was thinking a shower caddy and then using a draw string bag or something to store new dry clothes
Update: thanks for the recommendations!
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
I Ruined My Summer Vacation
Okay so I ruined my summer with a camp counseling job and I am on the verge of quitting. It's my first week in and it has been a shit show. This is a school that I moved out of because of the problems it has but one of my good friends works there and was talking about how awesome the summer camp was. She told me that it was run by some great people (that I am kind of friends with) and that any problems get taken care of really quickly. It pays $500 a week (net income). So I started yesterday (two weeks late since I was busy and they said it was fine) and within two days this has happened
I got punched by a kid
A kid tried to fight me
a kid climbed onto the library shelves and tore the books down five minutes before carpool
a kid started biting the others and drew blood
a kid stomped on a lizard (and killed it) because another kid was looking at to be funny
a kid has thrown a cussing tantrum in front of other kids because he couldn't climb the tables
a kid broke a table
a kid elbowed another kid in the eye
one kid has gotten sent to the "head counselor's office" 20 times in two weeks and has not gotten in any other trouble
the same kid tried to snap in half another kid's elbow across his knees today (we got in trouble for pulling them apart since we can't touch the kids)
The boys have started slapping the girl's butts to be funny
I listened to a 6 hour long first grader rendition of Ice Spice
The first and second graders play COD and Fortnight with grown men online
We found out that the kids cannot play on the playground because their parents have sat them in front of screens their entire lives and they literally don't know what to do
I got to break up a beat down because one kid took a kid's puzzle box lid and the other took the one kid's baseball cap
the kids have started launching themselves off of the library risers (it's about 8 feet off the ground)
the kids have started dragging other kids up the risers and throwing them off
the kids have thrown things at the SmartBoards when they're angry (they're $8,000 boards btw)
Kids run away and hid from counselors and purposefully get lost so that we get in trouble
the kids are bullying each other and verbalizing that they are "targeting *insert a kid name"
The kids are illiterate
The 3rd and 4th graders struggle with basic multiplication and division (4x1 & 38/2 were the big ones today)
parents are signing up some of the kids for 8am-12pm camps and are not coming to pick up their kids after the paid for camps so we are looking after these kids without further pay because their parents are dropping them off like we're some sort of unpaid babysitter club
kids will make eye contact with you, call your name, and then do something you told them not to do, only to bunker down and not stop once you tell them not to
these same kids will wrap themselves around table or whatever they can find and say. "You can't do anything, you can't touch me!"
The HEAD STAFF has come in and asked to speak with camp counselors that aren't working this week and then ask where the camp coordinators are and we're like "uhhhh in their office?"
The head staff has yet to inform us of the kid's allergies so last week we almost had to send a kid to the ER because he got bit by an ant and no one bothered to say that he needed an EPIPEN and another kid ran away crying because a junior counselor pulled out a PB&J in front of him and he thought the junior counselor was trying to kill him (apparently he's got the airborne severity of peanut butter allergy but that wasn't in his charts or mentioned to us)
kids have started throwing soccer and tennis balls at each other when they're mad
a kid made a noose out of crafting items and tried to hang the others with it
a boy shoved a straw into another little boy's privates
a kid tried to hide puzzle pieces from his camp mates by shoving them down his pants because there was nothing we could do about it
one of the camp counselors who is a college football player broke down crying in the break room because he cannot get the kids to listen
another girl has cried a few times in one day because she cannot discipline the kids and they are telling her that their parents will sue her if she's mean to them
we tried to get in contact with one of the kid's parents only to find out that they have jet set across the world the Europe and will be out of country for the entire summer so the kids are staying at their very old grandparent's house and cannot be further disciplined
parents literally drop their kids off so that they don't have to deal with them and will not answer their phones if something happens and are always late to pick their kids up, hardly make the payment cut, and their kids behave as such
This is only day two. I've had some people tell me to stick with it since it's so early, and some say that it's obviously not going to get any better. I talked to one of my friends who has been working here for five years and he said it's the most well behaved group he's ever worked with. I hate this job, I hate that I'm waisting my summer. I may just give it the rest of this week and one more week and then I'm out. These are 6-12 year olds in a college prep private school and they are acting like rabid animals the entire day. It's not all of them, but it's enough that most of the counselors have talked about quitting. One of the lead counselors won't even be in the entire time since she's about to have a baby so it will get even worse. I cannot iterate how much I hate this job, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, and I am homeschooling my kids after this. I hope I get COVID so that I can miss the next few weeks.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
Im doing a minor in fine arts and am having to do a bunch of 300+ classes and I was wondering if any artists have any suggestions on carrying cases or bags that they use to transport art supplies since I think throwing everything into my main backpack is a tragedy waiting to happen.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
and now I’m dying my hair with pink streaks
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
Graduating third in the class tomorrow 🎉💅☀️
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 months
What am I supposed to do with my grad cap and gown? Like they're mine now and I graduate on Thursday but idk what to do with them...
I'm thinking about turning the tassel into an ornament or book mark but idk what to do with the cap and gown. Just seems kind of wasteful.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
This exam season is the closest I’ve come to joining the military
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
Break Ups and Make Ups
Jason Todd x reader
Synopsis: Jason breaks up with you to keep you safe only to get saved by you a few weeks later.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, Jason being angsty
Word Count: 3233
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Jason couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned in a bed that felt too large and dreamed of futures he lost from his grasp. Every night was the same. He’d spend his energy patrolling to forget you, drag himself through his apartment, and then come to the realization that he was entirely alone the second the AC hit in the face. What made him even angrier was that it wasn’t even your fault, not entirely at least. To Jason, you were the epitome of perfection and had done nothing wrong. You were meant to be protected at all costs and Jason was sure that he could never protect you when you were with him. Every body he saw, every victim of Gotham he encountered had your face. Maybe it was a fragment of his delusion that caused him to worry so intensely, but to him, it came out of a place of real possibility. 
That’s why he broke it off with you when things started getting serious. All he really remembers from that day was you screaming something he doesn’t remember (or tries to forget) at him and telling him to leave. It was the worst day of his life, and he would have died a thousand times over again to avoid it ever happening. He’d never seen you so upset before and hated that it was because of him. Every night, this was what he saw before he fell asleep, and once sleep had finally taken over there was no rest from his regret. He’d dream of all the futures you could have had together, bringing newborns home from the hospital, you, walking down the aisle with tears flowing from everyone’s eyes, and the endless possibilities of bliss that he threw away that night. 
                  That was what was keeping Jason up last night. He was exhausted, struggling to stay awake as the cycle of regret repeated every time he shut his eyes. 
                  “You alright Jaybird?” Dick asked, standing in the mirror adjusting his tie.
                  “Fine.” Jason gruffed in response.
                  Jason was sitting in one of the many armchairs in the manor staring at the window, brooding. Usually, he’d hear your laughter with the girls from down the hallway, joking about whatever appealed to them at the time. Tonight was different and all he heard were the voices of his sisters, sometimes bringing you up, lamenting the loss of your presence. 
                  “Do you think she’ll show up eventually?” Steph asked, “I mean she kind of has to for press.”
                  “I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t” Jason heard Barbra reply, causing him to cringe.
                  He was in the wrong for breaking it off with you. Jason saw that now, regretting the pride that came in with thinking it was only up to him to keep you safe, or that you couldn’t play some part in it. To your credit, you’d survived Gotham for so many years before meeting him, even as a socialite. Why did he think it would be any different? 
                  “You know, it would be worth just talking to her.” Dick said, “If that’s what you’re brooding over. I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re brooding over.” Dick said.
                  “It’s none of your business.” 
                  “Yea, not really, but you’re acting like you’ve been tossing up the idea of swan diving off Gotham Bridge.” Dick chided, “So maybe you should talk to her. Sounds like she didn’t want to break up anyways, so you’d probably have a chance.”
                  “She’d kill me.” Jason replied coldly.
                  Dick didn’t say anything in response, but Jason knew what he was thinking, “Yeah, and right now, you’d deserve it.” 
                  When the car pulled up to the carpet at the front of the gala, it was all Jason could do to not sink and melt into the floor. There would be plenty of questions from reporters asking where you were. It had been three weeks since he dumped you and the internet had been stirring. 
                  “Just walk past them.” Dick said, “And don’t beat anyone”
                  “No promises.” Jason answered, stepping out of the car, and giving his hand to Cassandra to help her out.
                  Cass nodded at him giving him enough signal of, “I’ll walk with you.” 
                  Reporters and fans shouted at the family. Jason wished that anyone else was the center of attention, but instead all the questions were centered around his relationship with you. 
                  “Where’s Y/N?” 
                  “Are you and Y/N still dating?”
                  “Why haven’t we seen you together?”                   Bruce managed to shove in front of Vikki Vale to protect Jason from her invasive questions and everyone else made their way inside. The lights of the flashing cameras faded through the crowd inside the gala. Jason felt like all eyes were on him. It was one of the first times that he felt like hiding in a corner, wrapped up in a ball at one of these events. Women with hair overdone and plunging V-neck dresses approached him, assuming that he was no longer off the table. It’s not like they cared when we still dating you whether it was appropriate to hit on him. 
                  If you were here, you two would be making fun of everyone here acting like they were on top of the world instead of the true trash of Gotham, but you weren’t, and now he was awkwardly standing next to Dick ignoring the conversation he was engaged in. Jason was pretty sure they were talking about something related to Wayne Enterprises, but he focused on the bitter cold at his side where you were meant to be on his arm. You’d be making some comment about an increase in recent sales for some company WE were working with, and he’d be staring at you wondering how he got so lucky. Now he stares at the floor wondering how he got so stupid.
                  “Dude, you look like a dog that just got its favorite toy taken.” Dick said once the person he was talking to left.
                  Jason left out a gruff in response. He didn’t have a response to that. Instead, Jason was counting down the minutes until he could leave and go crash in his apartment, though, he wasn’t sure that would be any better. Twirling a toothpick from some fancy snack he just endured, he thought about what he’d do if he tried to make it up with you.
                  “Seriously, go home, take a shower, and call her.” Dick urged, “We all know she liked you; you’re just going to have to explain a few things.”
                  “She probably hates me.” Jason answered, running his hand across his face, “I can’t blame her though.”
                  “Maybe she hates you, but maybe she’s just waiting for you to get your head out of your butt.”
                  Before Jason could respond to that, he heard glass shattering in the building and gun shots echoing. He looked towards Bruce, trying to gage whether they would spring into action. Bruce was busy ushering guests out of the building and not paying too much attention to where everyone else was. Dick and Jason ducked for cover, trying to see where the shots were being fired from. As they scanned the room, they saw a dark gas creeping towards the table where they were situated and there was nowhere to run.
                  “Tim’s still on the mission with his team.” Dick said
                  “Can’t blow our cover.” Jason responded, “Isn’t there that new vigilante running around town that Bruce has been trying to pretend he isn’t working with?”
                  “And you think that will help?” Dick snorted,
                  “You’re right. We’re screwed.” 
                  You were currently speeding through the streets of Gotham, riding at full speed towards the hotel where the gala was tonight. Bruce had asked you to avoid it since all the others were on a mission or at the gala. It was a precaution he had in place just in case something happened. You were still bitter about what happened with Jason. He was an idiot. Jason thought you had no idea of his persona as Red Hood. He had no idea that you were the recent vigilante in Gotham, Batman took in for your skills. Here you thought Jason would be a better detective. 
                  Flying towards the police lights, you pulled your bike near Gordon’s patrol car and jumped off, helmet in hand. 
                  “What do you have?” You asked.
                  “We’re waiting for Batman.” Gordon replied, “Hostages have been released other than the Waynes.”                   “Batman’s not coming.” You countered, “He’s on a mission with the League.”
                  “He never told me about that.” 
                  “You think he’d tell you about a classified mission with the League?” You lied, “I’m all you have, so get over it.” 
                  “You really are with the Bat.” Gordon sighed, “Bane sent his men to capture the Waynes and is demanding a ransom of $1 billion.”
                  “He does realize that most of that is kept in separate investments, right?” You mumbled.
                  “Apparently he doesn’t” “He’s got them in an east river warehouse and will begin executions at 12am. First one to go is Jason Todd.” 
                  You looked at the time blaring on his phone, beads of sweat starting to form on your forehead, “Two hours.” 
                  “Surely he doesn’t think we could retrieve $1 billion in two hours.” Gordon responded.
                  “I don’t care what he thinks as long as you convince him that the money is coming.” You said, “I’ll recover the Waynes.” “Keep him ignorant, it’s our best option.” 
                  The drive felt like hours even though it was thirty minutes through the traffic. All the while you were thinking about what Gordon said, “First to go is Jason Todd.” You were still upset with him, but that didn’t negate the fac that you loved him. Jason breaking it off with you felt like someone tore your soul out of you. You were pretty sure once you explained everything to him, he’d understand, but you didn’t have the energy to track him down and convince him to listen to you. Serving around a slower driver, you sped onto the side road that led straight into the warehouses. Bane has a usual point of operation here that you were sure he was staking out in. He wasn’t the most intelligent guy on the block, but it was too risky for the special ops team to come flying into the building with such a threat. 
                  You haphazardly parked your bike and sprinted towards the warehouse you knew they’d be in. The comm in your ear began buzzing and you clicked the button to turn on the feed. 
                  “He’s about to start executing.” Gordon said.
                  “What? There’s still an hour and a half left?” You whisper yelled, “Did your men screw it up?” 
                  “Haven’t found out yet, Bane has demanded that the time be dropped.” “Are you in there?”
                  “Almost, how much time do I have?” 
                  “Fifteen minutes.” Gordon replied. 
                  “When I knock him out, I expect that you put him in the most uncomfortable cell in Black Gate.” 
                  “Without a second thought.” Gordon said, confidence lacing his voice.
                  There were 10 guards outside the warehouse heavily armed. Bane must have been juiced up which meant he was more confident in not needing security, just someone to collect the money and bring it inside. If you were on your own, you’d probably kill them all and let GCPD handle it, but you were in Batman’s turf and had to respect his bounds. Instead, you opted to tranquilize them and leave the clean-up to GCPD to save time.
                  “I’ve got 10 unconscious out front, make sure they’re in cars before they wake up.” You said, “Don’t come in with sirens and lights on.” “I’m going in”
                  “Understood.” Gordon responded quickly. 
                  Going to the roof, you looked a window down to see Bane dragging Jason with a bag over his head, to the front of a room where a camera was. There was one other man with a mask on holding a rifle pointed to where Jason was now kneeling. He ripped the bag off Jason’s head to show reveal him with a busted lip and a fresh bruise appearing on his jaw. He must have said something that rubbed one of the recruits the wrong way. Your heart began to race as you watched in horror. With your boot, you kicked the glass once and watched as the shards fell to the ground. From below, Jason heard the crashing of the glass and didn’t look up in case it was falling on him. A loud pop echoed through the building and the sound of metal hitting the floor sounded in his ears. Another shot was fired and after a few seconds, the man standing behind him stumbled backwards and finally fell. 
                  With the immediate threat to Jason neutralized, you jumped down, landing on Bane’s shoulders. 
                  “You picked the wrong day Bane. I’m not in the mood” you said.
                  “I’ll kill you all!” He screamed, reaching his arms around his back, trying to grab you off him. 
                  “Is that the most intelligent thing you can think of right now, big guy?” You laughed.    
                  Reaching into your utility belt, you pulled out a large knife and positioned to cut into the tubes that pumped his venom. Before you could do that, Bane reached around and grabbed your leg. With a grunt you were thrown to the ground but recovered quickly. Jumping back up, you ran towards him, launching yourself in the air to kick his jaw. A tooth flew past you and blood began to run out of his mouth. These were the moments you were grateful for steel-toed boots. Bane stumbled for a moment before regaining his strength and barreling towards you. You ran back from him, giving yourself space and leading him to a place where you could get back on top of him. He started reaching his arms back again causing you to glide your knife over his arm. Blood was drawn again, and he recoiled in pain. Taking this opportunity, you ran the knife through the pipes, venom spewing out everywhere. He fell back right as you flung yourself off him and out of his reach. Quickly, his muscles started constricting and falling back into their regular form. It was a disgusting sight to and you found yourself grimacing at the sight. 
                  In the commotion of it all, you weren’t aware that the camera had knocked over. Bruce and Dick were still sitting patiently, waiting for you to uncuff them. 
                  “Target neutralized, I’ll bring out the Waynes and Bane.” You said into the comm.
                  “Got it, ETA five minutes.” Gordon answered 
                  You grabbed the keys that were hanging on the wall next to where Bane had been standing and began to uncuff Bruce and Dick. 
                  “You always manage to get yourself into trouble, don’t you?” You asked, a smirk evident in your voice despite your mask.
                  “You know it.” Dick said.
                  “Thanks for the rescue.” Bruce stood up as you helped Dick off the floor, “We can drag Bane out. It seems you’ve got some explaining to do.” 
                  Jason was sitting and staring at the wall, contemplating his life. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but you could bet it was something about being glad he broke it off with you after something like this happening. You watched for a minute as Bruce and Dick dragged Bane out of the room, giving you two a moment.
                  “Jason.” You said, trying to get him to turn around.
                  “You gonna uncuff me?” He asked.
                  “I was getting there.” You knelt behind him and unlocked the cuff.
                  The clank of metal quietly rang out. An awkward silence fell, and you weren’t sure what to do so instead you started assessing injuries. You moved to kneel in front of him and examined his lip and the bruise that was getting darker by the second.
                  “Anything feel broken?” you asked.
                  “No.” He moved away from your touch, something that hurt your heart, “Who even are you? Batman’s new recruit?” 
                  “Jason- do you?” You huffed and began to pull off your mask, “You’re an idiot.” 
                  Once you had your mask off, he started at you, lost for words. So many emotions ran through his eyes, confusion and then realization being the two most prominent ones.
                  “Y/N?” He asked bewildered, “How did you keep this from me?”
                  “I figured you knew, Red Hood.” You said, tucking your mask under your arm.
                  “You knew about that?” 
                  “You’re not very inconspicuous about it, Jason.” You laughed, “I mean every time patrol ended, Red Hood would head in the direction of your apartment and then you’d drop by thirty minutes later after taken a shower and typically with some sort of wound dressing. Plus, it helps that I went to the cave a few times.”                   “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked, hurt lingering in his voice.
                  “I realized you probably didn’t know anything about it and planned to talk to you about it but you kind of dumped me before I got the chance.” Your smile faded and was instead replaced with a stoic look. Jason knew you were upset, “What do you think I was yelling at you for?” 
                  “I thought you were just yelling because you were mad.” He answered, shame now replacing his look of hurt.
                  “Yeah, I’m pissed with you. I feel like you thought I can’t handle myself, even if you didn’t mean to come across that way. I was trying to get you to stop so we could talk about it. You were bound to get in and get out.” Tears began swelling in your eyes and you quickly wiped them away. 
                  “Y/N I’m so sorry.” He said.
                  “Yea, so am I.” Your head hung low for a second before you picked yourself back up, not wanting to break down in front of Jason right now.
                  “No, it’s not your fault.” Jason grabbed your hands, “This has been the worst few weeks of my entire life. I can’t live without you. Day and night, you’re the only thing I think of. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything right now. I’d rather die a thousand times over than not have you.” 
                  At this point you started crying and Jason grabbed you, pulling you into his chest. You cried into his suit that was already ruined by the dirt and tears from tonight. He was crying to, no matter how much he didn’t want to be.
                  “I’m so, so sorry Y/N. I never meant to hurt you. I just thought this was best for you. I didn’t want you ending up hurt or dead or- I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”                   “Jason” You laughed through tears, “I’m a Gotham CEO, I was already unsafe by myself.” 
                  “I didn’t think about that.” He said, making you laugh more. 
                  “Do you think you’d have me back?” Jason asked, a now solemn look coming across his face.
                  “Yes, absolutely.” 
                  Jason pulled you into a kiss that felt like it lasted forever and once it was over, he rested his head in the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply.
                  “I missed you so much.” He said. 
                  “I did too.” 
                  Jason’s family was going to be ecstatic about this. They probably weren’t going to let him live down you realizing he was Red Hood before he realized you were a vigilante.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
I found a roommate!! It’s so real rn I’m so excited
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm really proud of you<3 have a treat 🍰
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
HELL YEAH, FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!! I’m sooooooo happy you were able to beat it! Cancers a bitch and a nightmare to have! That is genuinely AMAZING!!!!!!
THANK YOU it sure does suck
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
so happy you're cancer free!!!
Thank you so much!!! I am too!
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
I wanted a batboys headcanon, a reader brother who is an Android, like Marvel's Vision, what would it be like for them to have a brother who is a robot? Pleaseee me notice
Hellooooo thanks for the requests 😂 I’m in AP Exam season so I’m not on here too much rn but here’s my two cents on the matter
okay so if batbro is like Vision, there’s some sort of power source that is VERY visible and easy to access
They are all super protective of you in that sense since they don’t want you getting hurt *rip vision* *you were ✨almost✨ indestructible*
Bruce or Tim would probably make some sort of mask or armor to protect the energy source
When you were younger or first introduced into the batfam, they’re always running diagnostics and computer programs to see what’s up with you so get used to it
Jason had a can of WD-40 that he threatens you with sometimes to be funny
Bruce is always concerned that you’ll get programmed or hacked by a villain and they’ll have to have some sort of terrible contingency plan
Dick is mostly just trying to help you incorporate into society normally
It helps if you can disguise the robot/ cyborg part but he’s always making sure your social life is an A+
Damian wants to push your limits and see how far you can train and fight
It takes him a while to not see you as a computer tbh but he comes around after you save his butt a few times
Duke models his armor off of your systems and Luke is typically trying to incorporate little pieces of it into Wayne Tech
Stephanie is the type to write on you with expo markers if you have a metal armor body or something
Cass doesn’t treat you as if you weren’t human but treats you like everyone else so she’s super awesome to be around
Babs has definitely sat down with you to go through diagnostics if you’re cool with it and she’s the best for that since she’s not testing you like a machine but trying to understand how you can best live
You’re often called in for League problems and the entire batfam worries about it since there protective
Alfred doesn’t bat an eye and anything since he’s used to everything by now
Is of course, very kind and understanding of anything you need or are going through
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