lgbtlunaverse Ā· 7 hours
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communication is key šŸ’Ŗ
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 9 hours
there's a massive discrepancy between how shigaraki's death was handled compared to toga's because while both characters desire autonomy & agency, only toga gets to choose to save ochako i.e., to die, and that decision aligns with her desire to do whatever she wants. i'm not the biggest fan of this conclusion, but it does work, so i can't complain too much tbh.
meanwhile, horikoshi reaveals the twist that shigaraki has been groomed and quite literally chained to afo since birth, which reaffirms an utter lack of agency/autonomy as shigaraki's main conflict. imo, "death as salvation" doesn't work for shigaraki's character at all because it is so dissonant to his struggle with autonomy/agency, but it also clashes with rebirth as his leitmotif. shigaraki is barely more than a pitiful sacrifical lamb towards the end of the story and i find that deeply insultinggg21
I find the villain trio's fight for liberation so interesting (and how their bodies represent that struggle ugh much to be said about thattt) and I've really enjoyed the grotesqueness of shigaraki being exploited as his groomer's corporeal vessel, but for him to die still chained to his groomer as a last resort for world peace is underwhelming for a manga that has plus ultra as its motto. nothing about the way horikoshi handled his main villain & victim went beyond an unimaginative cautionary tale
and this is only tangentially related, but i think endeavor overall works as a character because his actions do align with that motto. not really during his final confrontation with dabi because he kinda chooses a suicide pact with his son (helppp), but his fight in kyuushu against the nomu is so good and rlly pushed his character like i can see why he seems to be popular, he does represent an aspect of what makes bnha good when it's GOOD.
my point is that i think this final arc has been criminally unimaginative, it did nottttt live up to its motto. "it's realisitc" "what did you expect" "this is war" idk, i expected for the writer and thus the heroes to go above and beyond one last time.
ā€œI want to save that boyā€ -> mercy kill
ā€œI want to save my brother and eat Udon with himā€ -> watches brothers slowly die in a medical tube
the only one who goes plus ultra and accomplishes her goal isochako and I donā€™t want to see anyone her arc went nowhere just because she didnā€™t end up with her crush, who GIVES a fuck about her crush on a gay boy!!!
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 10 hours
@maximumtriumphmagazine (Baraa Alnajjar)
This account is impersonating a Palestinian children's book illustrator, Baraa Awoor.
Here is Baraa Awoor's GFM, her LinkedIn, and her personal website with her work.
Here's a tumblr post promoting Awoor's work that links to her GFM. I could not find if Awoor has any tumblr accounts.
Now here's an impersonator, "Baraa Alnajjar." @/maximumtriumphmagazine and their GFM.
This post completely rips off the tumblr post, with the only changes being the lack of Facebook links that lead to Awoor's Facebook, as well as changing the surname "Awoor" to "Alnajjar."
The name "Baraa Alnajjar" brings up no results related to children's illustration, while "Baraa Awoor" brings up Awoor's various websites and photos of her illustrations.
The title is stolen, with the original being on the right, impersonator on the left.
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The entire GFM text is nearly identical.
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Additionally, Awoor's GFM mentions that some of her family has been evacuated into Egypt back in April, while "Alnajjar's" has no mention of this.
Here's a side-by-side of the stolen tumblr post that "Alnajjar" copied.
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"Alnajjar's" header photo is also stolen from a threads account. The account's posts are in Arabic, but I couldn't find any mention of Gaza or Palestine on the account from the preview that threads would give me. I did find references to Iraq, however. The most recent post was from two days ago.
While Awoor has not been vetted by any tumblr vetters and doesn't seem to have an account on here, she is a well-known children's illustrator, and as a result. likely has a big audience on Facebook and other platforms, which she likely used to campaign.
While I can't definitively say the impersonator is not Gazan, they are at the very least impersonating two other people, which should not be happening. They are stealing someone else's face and stealing Awoor's work and her words.
Please report the impersonation account as well as the GFM. I'm not sure how Baraa Awoor and her family are doing, but I imagine she could use donations since being a refugee can be very expensive with limited work opportunities.
Edit (9/16/2024):
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The impersonation account has yet to engage with @kyra45 on her reblog, but I did get a response back from Baraa after messaging her directly through GFM.
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The impersonator is definitely not associated with the original in any way.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 11 hours
One thing I really like about how we use the affordances of tumblr is how reblogging yourself is used to break textposts up. It's not just a novel form of punctuation, it's effectively borrowing a structural trick from comics.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 14 hours
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assessing select MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles they add to the existing set
currently, the recognized set of Jin Ling Uncles seems to be as follows: [jiang cheng, jin guangyao, qin su (aunt), mo xuanyu, wei wuxian, lan wangji, lan xichen, nie mingjue, nie huaisang]
in recognizing an individual as a Jin Ling Uncle, the fandom appears to use the following set of rules:
Rule 1: the biological siblings or half-siblings of jin ling's mother and father are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 2: an individual recognized by jin ling's mother or father as a sibling, regardless of legal status or biological relation, is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 3: the spouse of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 4: the sworn siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 5: the biological siblings or half-siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
these 5 rules explain why all of the above listed individuals can be described as Jin Ling Uncles (and aunts):
Rule 1: jiang cheng jin guangyao, mo xuanyu, unknown number of jin guangshan's other bastards
Rule 2: wei wuxian
Rule 3: qin su, lan wangji
Rule 4: lan xichen, nie mingjue
Rule 5: lan wangji, nie huaisang
with these rules in mind, i shall now assess a select number of popular MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts) said ship being consummated adds to the existing set of Jin Ling Uncles. for the sake of argument, let us consider "consummation" as used in the previous sentence to entail legally recognized marriage, on the same level as what wangxian achieves at the end of canon. affairs are not enough to make an individual a Jin Ling Uncle.
wangxian wang and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles, wei wuxian by virtue of being recognized by jiang yanli as a brother, and lan wangji by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao, jin zixuan's half-brother. uncles+0
xicheng xi and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, jiang cheng by virtue of being jiang yanli's brother, and lan xichen by virtue of being the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
sangcheng sang and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie huaisang by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
chengyao cheng and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, chengyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
xiyao xi and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, xiyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
nieyao nie and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie mingjue by virtue of being jin guangyao's sworn brother. however, nieyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
3zun the same reasoning given for xiyao and nieyao also applies here. uncles+0, aunts-1
nielan nie and lan are already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
suyao su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, suyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
susu su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle. if su minshan and qin su get married, that entails qin su divorcing jin guangyao, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
sangyao sang and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, sangyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
ruoyao wen ruohan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with meng yao would make him one by Rule 3. however, ruoyao officially getting together entails that meng yao never married qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
xueyao xue yang is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, xueyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
chengning wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen ning's sister wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengqing wen qing is currently not a Jin Ling Aunt, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make her one by Rule 3. following wen qing's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing's brother wen ning becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
ningxian wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with wei wuxian would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt. while ningxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengxian cheng and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles. while chengxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+0
zhanchengxian zhan, cheng, and xian are all already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
rencheng lan qiren is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following lan qiren's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, lan qiren's brother qingheng-jun posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. following qingheng-jun's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 3, qingheng-jun's wife madam lan posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+2, aunts+1
chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. uncles+1
juniors swear brotherhood + subsequent chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. if the juniors have all sworn brotherhood already, then all of the juniors become Jin Ling Uncles by Rule 4. uncles+4, jin ling becomes his own uncle.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 14 hours
assessing select MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles they add to the existing set
currently, the recognized set of Jin Ling Uncles seems to be as follows: [jiang cheng, jin guangyao, qin su (aunt), mo xuanyu, wei wuxian, lan wangji, lan xichen, nie mingjue, nie huaisang]
in recognizing an individual as a Jin Ling Uncle, the fandom appears to use the following set of rules:
Rule 1: the biological siblings or half-siblings of jin ling's mother and father are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 2: an individual recognized by jin ling's mother or father as a sibling, regardless of legal status or biological relation, is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 3: the spouse of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) is a Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt).
Rule 4: the sworn siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
Rule 5: the biological siblings or half-siblings of a recognized Jin Ling Uncle (or aunt) are Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts).
these 5 rules explain why all of the above listed individuals can be described as Jin Ling Uncles (and aunts):
Rule 1: jiang cheng jin guangyao, mo xuanyu, unknown number of jin guangshan's other bastards
Rule 2: wei wuxian
Rule 3: qin su, lan wangji
Rule 4: lan xichen, nie mingjue
Rule 5: lan wangji, nie huaisang
with these rules in mind, i shall now assess a select number of popular MDZS ships by how many Jin Ling Uncles (or aunts) said ship being consummated adds to the existing set of Jin Ling Uncles. for the sake of argument, let us consider "consummation" as used in the previous sentence to entail legally recognized marriage, on the same level as what wangxian achieves at the end of canon. affairs are not enough to make an individual a Jin Ling Uncle.
wangxian wang and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles, wei wuxian by virtue of being recognized by jiang yanli as a brother, and lan wangji by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao, jin zixuan's half-brother. uncles+0
xicheng xi and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, jiang cheng by virtue of being jiang yanli's brother, and lan xichen by virtue of being the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
sangcheng sang and cheng are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie huaisang by virtue of being the brother of the sworn brother of jin guangyao. uncles+0
chengyao cheng and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, chengyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
xiyao xi and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, xiyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
nieyao nie and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles, nie mingjue by virtue of being jin guangyao's sworn brother. however, nieyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
3zun the same reasoning given for xiyao and nieyao also applies here. uncles+0, aunts-1
nielan nie and lan are already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
suyao su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, suyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
susu su minshan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle. if su minshan and qin su get married, that entails qin su divorcing jin guangyao, meaning that Rule 3 no longer applies to her. uncles+0, aunts-1
sangyao sang and yao are already Jin Ling Uncles. however, sangyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+0, aunts-1
ruoyao wen ruohan is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with meng yao would make him one by Rule 3. however, ruoyao officially getting together entails that meng yao never married qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
xueyao xue yang is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jin guangyao would make him one by Rule 3. however, xueyao officially getting together entails jin guangyao divorcing qin su. uncles+1, aunts-1
chengning wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen ning's sister wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengqing wen qing is currently not a Jin Ling Aunt, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make her one by Rule 3. following wen qing's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing's brother wen ning becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. uncles+1, aunts+1
ningxian wen ning is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with wei wuxian would make him one by Rule 3. following wen ning's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, wen qing becomes a Jin Ling Aunt. while ningxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+1, aunts+1
chengxian cheng and xian are already Jin Ling Uncles. while chengxian getting together entails wei wuxian divorcing lan wangji, lan wangji is still a Jin Ling Uncle by Rule 5. uncles+0
zhanchengxian zhan, cheng, and xian are all already Jin Ling Uncles. uncles+0
rencheng lan qiren is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. following lan qiren's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 5, lan qiren's brother qingheng-jun posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Uncle as well. following qingheng-jun's admission as a Jin Ling Uncle, by Rule 3, qingheng-jun's wife madam lan posthumously becomes a Jin Ling Aunt as well. uncles+2, aunts+1
chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. uncles+1
juniors swear brotherhood + subsequent chengyi lan jingyi is currently not a Jin Ling Uncle, but officially getting together with jiang cheng would make him one by Rule 3. if the juniors have all sworn brotherhood already, then all of the juniors become Jin Ling Uncles by Rule 4. uncles+4, jin ling becomes his own uncle.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 14 hours
postcanon lan xichen is doomed to suffer, not just because of anything that happened, but also because the moment jiang cheng finds out about lan sizhui, he's immediately going to declare war on lan xichen for the title of Best Uncle
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 15 hours
I think he technically is a cousin (a-yuan is described as wen qing's cousin, so...) but if the former shixiong/brother/it's complicated of your sort of adoptive father/uncle/older brother figure can qualify for the best uncle contest, then so can your cousin who's a generation above you dammit.
postcanon lan xichen is doomed to suffer, not just because of anything that happened, but also because the moment jiang cheng finds out about lan sizhui, he's immediately going to declare war on lan xichen for the title of Best Uncle
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 16 hours
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I saw this on Reddit and fucking cackled.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 19 hours
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 21 hours
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post canon cql:: lan wangji's letter to wei wuxian
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 1 day
My name is Yasmin, a 28-year-old mother of threeā€”Elin, Nasr, and Jameel.
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Iā€™m from Gaza, where every day is a struggle between hope and survival. Life was never easy, but we held on to the dream of building a safe and secure future for our children. After years of living in rented homes, we finally completed building our own house, a place we could call home.
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But then, tragedy struck.
In the early days of the war, our home was bombed, leaving us with nothingā€”not even a single wall to return to. At the same time, I am battling cancer, and I had to leave with my children and family to the south of Gaza to continue my treatment. My husband, Mohammad, stayed behind in the north to care for his brother, whose leg was amputated and who needed his help.
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For a month, Mohammad cared for his brother, but one day he went out to find food. That was the last time I heard from him. Iā€™ve lost all communication since, and I donā€™t know if he has been captured or, God forbid, killed. The uncertainty is unbearable, and my children keep asking for their father.
Now, I find myself alone, trying to provide for my three young children while also continuing my cancer treatment. I am in desperate need of help to travel for further treatment and to support my children, who have already lost so much.
I am humbly asking for $5000 for myself and $2500 for each of my children, Elin, Nasr, and Jameel, so we can continue our fight for survival and rebuild our shattered lives.
Your support will give us a chance at life, hope, and a future. Please help us during this time of unimaginable hardship.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 1 day
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Keep reading
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 1 day
sheā€™s a poor little meow meow. she was born in a wet cardboard box all alone. sheā€™s suffered more than jesus. sheā€™s misunderstood. sheā€™s a silly guy. she experienced the horrors. she did all those crimes. she has done nothing wrong. she deserves to kill. sheā€™s the most interesting girl in the world. i didnā€™t say a name, but she popped into your head, didnā€™t she?
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 1 day
It's not a miswording (and presumably not ai either)
The Jupiters Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE for short) did fly by earth and did test its habitability, not because that was in doubt but as a check to make sure JUICE could correctly identify a habitable atmosphere. Earth was just serving as a positive control, a test you know should come back positive to confirm the testing mechanism is functional.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 2 days
The only example of straight oppression is the fact that Amsterdam for straight people is associated with the red light district where generally straight men can pay for sex with beautiful European women. However, for gay people, Amsterdam has a legal gay cruising, clothing optional section of a park where gay men can have sex for free in public.
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lgbtlunaverse Ā· 2 days
A unique agony as a shijie lover is loving her precisely for the reasons people think she's lame and keep trying to "fix". I love that she's a bad cultivator with a weak golden core and that she's in poor health. I love that she's conflict averse and so not always a great mediator because she prefers to keep the peace and shut down conflict. Madam Yu yells at her every day to stop embarrassing herself by lowering herself to a servant's level, and every day Yanli is like "Yes mom" and then turns around and keeps doing what she likes anyways. She is not naturally suited to sect leadering and while she's extremely dutiful and would give it her all I think she'd enjoy it as much as her father does(which is to say, not at all). I love that she's totally unhinged about her brothers and that she was so scarred from the last time her family died when she wasn't there to see it that she recklessly throws herself onto a battlefield just so that she can at least be present this time. It's not even the first time, she's determined to help out with the war effort despite having zero fighting abilities and literally no one expecting her to do that. I love that she's uncomfortable with anger and struggles to stand up for herself. Xuanli are cute and I love that she seemingly banged her man before the wedding. Most of all I love that she died hating Wei Wuxian while still loving him enough to put herself between him and a sword. My beloved!!
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