#twst anniversary
So.... Stock image
[Referencing this post!]
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Yuuup, that’s pretty much the same thing as what we see in the PV… 😅 Same shapes, same pattern order, everything.
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Upon further research, it seems this isn’t even the first instance of this stock asset being used by Disney. It was also used for a limited edition Sally-inspired perfume called Rag Doll. I believe it was sold at Hot Topic back in 2013:
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It’s a little saddening seeing TWST use stock images instead of like… you know, new assets 💦 This is following a somewhat disappointing trend of TWST animated PVs going down in quality and budget, especially over the years. For example, for the anniversaries:
2021 - 2 minutes long; all students included in highly individualized limited event outfits and movement is dynamic.
2022 - 1 minute long; all students and even staff are included but in standard uniforms, noticeable drop in art and animation quality (for example, look at Kalim and Silver in the flight scene). Animation itself is framed like Yuu is taking pictures of everyone—but really, it’s a convenient excuse to hold on static shots of the photos instead of actually animating them.
2023 - 1 minute and ~40 seconds; only the third years in their school uniforms and Grim in ceremonial robes are featured. Animation appears slow and somewhat clunky. And dear god, that weird panning shot of Malleus and Lilia; that Lilia is practically traced from his live 2D model.
2024 - 1 minute and ~10 seconds; basically a glorified slideshow with fancy effects. Only the dorm leaders in their school uniforms are shown.
Then, looking at the Halloweens:
Terror is Trending - 30 seconds; All students included and dorm costumes showcased. Unique shots and framing. Even Ramshackle Ghosts (who are important in the event story) are shown.
Endless Halloween Night - 4 different versions of the same commercial (including different characters doing the voiceover work), each ~30 seconds each; all students featured. Nice lighting, fierce expressions, varied framing.
Glorious Masquerade - 1 minute and 30 seconds. Several static panning shots, but at least the colors are striking when most other things are monochrome or muted. ~20 seconds at the end dedicated to hyping up Rollo.
Stage in Playful Land - ~35 seconds. Only the 3 SSR boys are featured, with most of the animation being in their head tilts. Less than 10 seconds is dedicated to hyping up Fellow and Gidel.
This year’s event… 20 seconds using a stock image and panning up from it to the TWST logo, no new assets.
I DON’T KNOW, maybe I’m overthinking it 😭 I’m definitely not the first person to notice this though… It’s been a point of discussion in my fandom social circles.
But hey, let’s keep our heads high! It’s very possible that we’ll get a more formal animated PV in the weeks leading up to Halloween. In fact, I’m certain of it since this current PV doesn’t show new costumes or the new twisted character, as is tradition. What we see now might just be a bonus material they’re releasing to really get us excited. Plus, we’ll probably also have an ABEMA stream with more Halloween-related news ^^ Let’s look forward to that!
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rayroseu · 6 months
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drdepper · 6 months
here you go, shrimps. But why does it lowkey work tho 😭
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frie-ice · 4 months
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Screenshots from the third anniversary anime trailer of Twisted Wonderland.
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
SR Grim - Apprentice Chef Voice Lines
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Summon Line: Leave it to me. Don't matter what kinda job it is, everything's easy as pie in my awesome hands!
Groooovy!!: All the tasty-lookin' dishes are mine, I tell ya! ...But I guess I'll let ya have a single bite 'cause it's you.
Home: I'll show ya just how awesome the Gastronomy Club is!
Home Idle 1: I can see Crowley lurking right outside Ramshackle... I bet he's lookin' to ask us to do somethin' annoying, so let's just ignore him.
Home Idle 2: Someone ate all the snacks? I-It totally wasn't me... Musta been the ghosts! Yep, mhm.
Home Idle 3: Crewel just nabbed my ribbon and washed it. Said he couldn't take seein' grungy-looking clothes... I ain't grungy!
Home Idle - Login: If we gotta cook, I'll be the taste tester! I'm gonna be the best helper, so do your best, henchie!
Home Idle - Groovy: I thought this school was gonna be all about throwin' magic around, but there's way more types of classes than I thought―
Home Tap 1: Vargas said that the more you exercise, the better your food tastes. But my food is always tasty no matter when I eat it. Weirdo.
Home Tap 2: History of Magic is sooo boring. But if I try to skip class, Lucius snitches to Trein...
Home Tap 3: Whenever Sam recommends something, I get this strange urge to just buy more stuff. Wait, think he's using magic on me or somethin'?
Home Tap 4: The chefs were sayin' I should wear a helmet, not a hat. C'mon, not like I'm sheddin' or nothing. ...Right?
Home Tap 5: You really want a bite of my special tuna can shaped cake? Fiiiine~ But only one bite, okay? Go on, have some. Eat it, eat it!
Home Tap - Groovy: Aww maaan, all the cream spilled out of the bowl 'cause you didn't hold it good enough... [slurp]
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 6 months
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ツイステ Twisted Wonderland 4TH ANNIVERSARY - New Game Features
Warning : some of these features will be available on the 15th of March and some of them will be live on the 18th.
GuestRoom New Feature
GuestRoom level cap will increase (with corresponding rewards),
a second floor will open (see the little 1F or 2F under the level box in top left corner) and the sum of the decor for both floors will give you higher Style / Dorm Points,
the majority of Events BGM will become available at the Shop against GuestRoom Medals.
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Single keys into 10-keys
your single keys can now become 10-keys and give you a guaranteed SR card,
check the little black box in the lower right corner of the mirror gacha screen.
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Events Retrospective Shop
All-Mighty Sam is now offering time-travel IN STOCK NOW !!
Retrospective Medals can be purchased with jewels and used to time-travel to Events of the Past (that you either missed, didn’t finish or loved so much you want to rerun them),
Event Free Cards, Event Groooovy Items and Event Items to level up Magic Spells will all be available at Sam’s Shop.
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Main Story Favourite Chapters
You can now ♥️ a chapter while reading thru the Main Story and it will be saved for easy re-reading.
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Buddy Level-Up System
Everyone gets closer at Tea Time, and a new kind of Items is available now to increase Buddy Levels,
You will receive “Happy Tea” as drops during Alchemy Lessons (yes, it does sound suspicious, but well…) and you can use them in the Cards interface.
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Teachers Items Gacha
Sam has convinced all other members of the Staff to go along with the Gacha trend and you can now get 5 items you need from them in exchange for “Rewards Medals” that you get as drops during Lessons (Sam keeps trading other items for Recycle Medals, no competition here).
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Other Functionalities
new HOME setting for your Cards Outfit Arrange,
new “Skip Ticket” Item if you’d like to skip more lessons than your daily 10,
you can now level up Magic Spells quicker, just choose the level you want to reach (as long as you have enough Grimoire Books),
you can now save your most-used Teams for Exams and reuse them later when the right Element / Defence Exam is featured,
you can now pin your favourite Helpers for GuestRoom Collect Battles selection (among your Friends featured Cards),
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stupidneko · 6 months
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Happy 4th anniversary twst🥰🎂
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tinyfantasminha · 6 months
TWST anniversary commercials over the years be like
1st anni: EVERYONE IS HERE!! IN EVENT OUTFITS!! Grim interacting with everyone representing how far we have come!!
2nd anni: Everyone is still here!! But with slightly worse animation...
3rd anni: Everyone is- No, it's only the third years and the animation has gotten even more even more lazy and worse if that's even possible
4th anni: Fuck you you're not getting any animated bits this year, have a slideshow with pre-existing images from the game AND new dorm leaders art I guess (you like OTHER characters that aren't the dorm leaders??? why would you?? sucks to be you)
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kaymarie-bell · 6 months
TWST Anniversary Cards: 4th Anniversary edition
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shitfan-page · 6 months
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Grim Masterchef & NRC Staff for TWST 4th Anniversary!
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twstgameplay · 6 months
[JP] 4th Anniversary
March 11th 16:00 - March 24th 23:59 (JST)
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Twisted Wonderland’s 4th Anniversary Campaign has begun! With this event, the players are receiving a brand new SR Apprentice Chef Grim card!
Information found below:
Grim Card Requirements
Stamp Card Info
Shop Info
We’ll be getting the following new functions:
Part 1 (beginning 11 Mar):
Event Recall - Previously completed stories will be available to enjoy in the same way the original events were presented (instead of just the story in archive form). If the event story has not already been unlocked through normal play through, it will require gems to unlock. Missed rhythmics will be made available in the RHYTHMIC page once cleared. This is available through the Story tab.
Memory Shop - Items that were previously available during events (such as extra cards and groovy items, etc.) will be available in the Memory Shop. Memory Medals are required to purchase items from this shop, which can be bought in the gem shop, or during this event in the Tuna Can 2024 Shop. You must have finished the event either via the original run or from the Event Recall for items to be available for purchase.
Crewel/Trein/Vargas Item Gacha - New Item Gacha will be available that require "Reward Medals" to roll in. These Reward Medals will be dropped during lessons. The Item Gachas will have items from those respective lessons available. In addition, Crewel's Item Gacha will have the new Buddy Lv Up Items.
Buddy Lv Up Items - The Friendship Herb Tea will be available to increase Buddy Levels of cards. There will be three tiers (L, M, and S) and will be dropped during Alchemy and Special classes.
Other Changes
Up to 25 teams can be saved for use during battles. Support or Guest cards cannot be saved in a team.
Support Cards can be pinned, so that they will be easily accessible whenever you need that support.
There will be an option to favorite specific story chapters available from the Archive screen.
Single Magical Keys can now be converted to a Tenfold Magical Key, given that you have 10 single keys available.
Lesson Skip Tickets will become available. This cannot be used for Special lessons.
Collect Battles can be completed in a batch similar to Tests.
Magic Lv can be increased multiple levels at once instead of one at a time.
Battle Speed can now be set to 3x.
AP, BP, and RP can be refilled in batches instead of one at a time.
The Trouble sequence in the Guest Room can be skipped.
The Guest Room invite time will be reduced.
Part 2 (Beginning 15 Mar):
Second Floor of the Guest Room - A second floor to the Guest Room will be added that can be decked out with its own theme, furniture, and BGM. This will unlock at room rank 31.
Event BGM added to Guest Room - The BGM Shop will have previous event BGM available.
Other Changes
New voice lines for alchemy and flight classes.
New voice lines for when changing attire form on the home screen.
Room rank maximum raised to 40.
Part 3 (Beginning 18 Mar):
New Cumulative Missions - Missions regarding cards/lessons/exams will be added to the Missions tab.
Weekly Missions Updated - Clearing Rhythmics 3 and 5 times will be removed, and instead will be replaced by Win 5 and 10 Collect Battles.
Grim Card Requirements
Grim is a temporary card and will disappear if you don’t complete some requirements:
Collect 500 Tuna Cans [2024]
Read 「4th Anniversary」 Event Story Episode 2
The Tuna Can [2024] is an event drop and you can get 1, 2 or 5 randomly by completing lessons (History, Flying or Alchemy). You can see how many you have on the bottom of the Event Page. Left is how many you have right now (so if you spent some, the number is lower), right is how many you have collected until now (this is what you need to make Grim permanent).
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To quickly go to Grim’s lessons from the event page, click on the Lesson button on the Main Event page or go all the way to the right on the Lesson Page, right after Diasomnia.
When you click on Grim’s card to level him up, you’ll get a message reminding you that he isn’t permanent yet, so items and madol spent on him will also disappear if you don’t make him permanent in time. Just click the black button to proceed.
One of the missions is to level up one of Grim’s magic to Lv.5 and we suggest you start with his M1 if only to complete the missions faster, because you use Tuna Cans to level up magic and the amount needed for each magic is different. (To level up magic, just click on the 4th tab: 魔法Lv)
Stamp Card Info
On the bottom left of the Event Page you’ll see a Stamp Icon, click there and complete some missions for rewards.
The event ends on the 25th, but the First Stamp Card only goes until the 15th 14:59 (JST), so pay attention to the time limit.
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The Second Stamp Card goes until the 25th 14:59 (JST)
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Shop Info
In Sam’s Shop, you’ll find the following shops:
Anniversary Medal Shop
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Extra Chef Grim copies will be available in the shop after you collect 500 Tuna Cans and make him permanent.
Anniversary Medals are obtained by pulling/rolling on the Anniversary Showcase. You get 1 medal per roll (10-roll = 10 medals), so you’ll need to roll 100 times to grab that beautiful Anniversary Magical Key and 150 rolls to get the Limited Rerun SSR Magical Key and choose any of the already released Birthday Boy SSRs, Union Birthday SSRs, and Event Rerun SSRs.
Tuna Can Shop
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The Event Background will be available in the shop after Mar 18th 0:00 (JST)
Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
The Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop has a list of all Birthday Boy, Birthday Jacket, and Bloom Birthday SSR Cards. Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Anniversary) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SSR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SSR cards:
Halloween Riddle
Groom Ace
Starsending Deuce
Halloween Cater
Gala Leona
Camp Ruggie
New Year's Ruggie
Beans Azul
Masquerade Azul
Halloween Jade
Beans Floyd
New Year's Kalim
Silk Jamil
Boa Jamil
Halloween Vil
Silk Jamil
Boa Epel
Halloween Rook
Groom Idia
Masquerade Idia
Masquerade Malleus
Halloween Silver
New Year's Sebek
Keep in mind that you can only pick one from the Magical Key (Limited Run SSR) Shop
Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
The Magical key (Limited Run SR) Shop has the following Event Rerun SR cards:
New Year's Cater
Halloween Trey
Halloween Leona
Beans Jack
Halloween Jack
Halloween Ruggie
Halloween Azul
Camp Floyd
Gala Jamil
Masquerade Jamil
New Year's Vil
Groom Epel
Masquerade Epel
Beans Rook
Starsending Ortho
Silk Malleus
Masquerade Sebek
Boa Sebek
Halloween Lilia
Keep in mind that you can only pick two from the Magical Key (Limited Run SR) Shop
Anniversary Pack (Paid Gems) Shop
For 200 Paid Gems, you can get a pack with the following:
1 Magical Key (10-Set)
10 Starshards L
10 of each elemental Grimoire
20 of each elemental Textbook
100,000 Madol
Anniversary Pack (Gems) Shop
Other Anniversary Packs are available in the usual Gem Shop for 50 Gems apiece:
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🎊 twst 4th year anni ABEMA stream 🎉
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***TWST JP news + anniversary spoilers below the cut!***
The stream starts with Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek's VAs replying to a bunch of quiz questions. I think Ace or Deuce responds with "810" when asked how many items there are on the Heartslabyul lounge's coffee table. Sebek's VA also has a hilarious answer when asked how many Draconians (wakasama fans) there are, he pulls out some super absurdly high number with tons of zeros in it.
There is then a Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles-type section where the VAs decorate their own cake for TWST's anniversary. It’s a team effort! Ace and Deuce put on the cream, Sebek added cookies on top, and Jack and Ruggie did the final decorations. It ended up looking pretty cute ^^ (Ace's VA is the one that added all the whipped cream peaks; it was mostly thanks to Ruggie's VA that the cake still looked aesthetically pleasing at the end.)
Actual game-related news time!!! The SR Grim card for the 4th anniversary is... drumroll please...!! 🥁Apprentice Chef Grim!!! ABGKSKVUkvuDSQEVUOFDFIHAFVA HE'S SO CUTE, HE EVEN HAS A LIL TUNA CAN CAKE 😭
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For anniversary, there will be a series of free items given out if you log in during the event period (11th to 25th), which includes THREE 10-pull keys (released on the 11th, 15th, and 18th, respectively). You can receive up to 12 days' worth of freebies. There will be an anniversary banner as per usual; you can earn tokens by pulling on this and then trade them in for a SR magical key (50 tokens) and/or past event-limited SSRs (150 tokens), including past years' birthday cards (100 tokens). There will be a new "Event Recollection" feature which allows you to experience events that you may have missed getting the initial chance to play through yourself.
Mr. S's Mystery Shop will sell items from past events such as limited Groovy materials and spell upgrade materials. This is called the "Memory Shop".
You will be able to mark (multiple) parts of the story as your "favorite". This will be indicated with a pink heart icon.
Battles will have a new feature which allows you to save team compositions for them. Up to 25 compositions may be saved at a time. You can also pin your supports, so you no longer have to scroll to find a specific friend's character to borrow.
There will be 3 new item gachas added to the "Item Lotto" of the shop (for Crewel, Vargas, and Trein). Previously, there was only Sam's. You use a new type of medal (obtained by taking classes) to roll on the teachers' lottos, and can pull items related to what you'd typically earn in each of their classes.
Crewel's gacha may provide an herbal tea which can be used to boost Buddy Levels, including those for characters that are otherwise unable to take Alchemy classes. That means Crowley, Rollo, etc. are fair game. (Yes, you can force feed them tea to obtain FRIENDSHIP✨) The tea may also drop during Special Lessons or Alchemy class.
We finally get magical key conversion! On the summoning screen, you can turn 10 single pull keys into one 10-pull key (which guarantees at least 1 SR; single keys do not have this benefit).
The Guest Room will receive a second floor to decorate. This will be unlocked once you reach a Guest Room rank of 31.
The Guest Room rank cap will be increased from 30 to 40. Additionally, all properties of floor 1 appears to carry over to floor 2. This means the same comfort level and attributes will be present across both.
New BGMs will be added to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. There will also be new voice lines added to Alchemy, Flying, and the outfit selection screen. The official TWST soundtrack will be released on the 29th of May, though preorders are tentatively open now. It is 140+ tracks (149, to be exact!) across 4 discs and goes for 4620 yen (inclusive of tax; without tax the soundtrack is 4200 yen). Japanese retailers are offering different dorms' A5 sized holographic sticker sheets as bonuses for preordering.
That's it for now, mostly quality of life changes! There will most likely be a 4th year anniversary PV/animated short on the actual anniversary day (the 18th)!
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rayroseu · 6 months
5th Anniversary Diasomnia Crumbs!
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Also WITH THE RAMSHACKLE GHOSTS... I was prepared that they might not be included in this groovy but they're here!! 😭💝✨ They're here and happy with all the faculty members!! I'm!!! I LOVE THIS ARTSTYLY BECAUSE IT MAKES EVERYONE LOOKS SO SOFT,,, Goodbye,,, Yuu found family group picture finally happened,,, I can die in peace 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💝💞💝💖
ALSO Vargas trying to strike his best pose that highlights his flexed muscles brilliantly DESPITE being at the corner of the group pic is everything, PEAK CHARACTER COMPOSITION, he looks so content that hes not even aware that Trein is just so done at him, he barely even smiled lol 🤣
Faculty teachers are so silly this is everything I've ever wanted 😭💝💖💖💝💖💝
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I'd like to remind that in 4th Anniversary, the feast happened as per Crowley's curtesy 🥺 The fact that the catering of the party is focused on meat and Grim is waving a barbecue is a nod to that 😭🙏🏻✨
Also love how Crowleywas in charge of the 4th Anniversary because the 4th year is the last year you'll get while studying in NRC!! So it feels like he's sending us off to an unknown realm or whatever because we're out of candidates to guess who'll be the groovy for 5th Anniversary XD (plspslpslsmeleanoranddawnandbaulcmoncomnonnnkahs)
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Not these bunch having a group pic again halfkwhdkhsj Their poses are so in character XD Of course Vil is still flawless even at the back and Malleus has the most normal pose because he's not accustomed to cameras 🥺✨✨
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I really do hope they do an animated pv for 4th Anniversary as well and not just a call back video for the released cards... 😭😭
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OKAYY NGLL i missed seeing new art of Malleus... I'm so glad he's back 😭😭 and beautiful than ever 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
I love how they drew his lips here!! ✨✨💞💞
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I'm so excited for this to be translated actually 😭😭🙏🏻✨✨ I love more silly stuff from TWST lol
Laughing at this cover though,,, NOT EVERYONE BEING GIVEN TUNA CANS FROM GRIM,,, OMG
Are we finally having the tuna can lore and why its Grim's favourite food this year?? OMGONGDKS😭😭
theyve been highlighting that nowadays... I feel like tuna cans will never be the same once Book7 or 8 even leaks something about Grim 😭😭
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Babes wake up, new diasomnia family photo just dropped ‼️‼️😭😭😭💚💚💚
Lilia is so adorable kahdkhwd Not him holding a can upside down 😭🙏🏻💞💞💞 never stop being silly old man,,, 🥺🥺 💖💖
His :3 is my everything,,, 💞💞🙏🏻🙏🏻💝💝✨✨✨
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fishiscat · 2 years
Hedgehogs - Riddle Rosehearts
GN Reader
Summary: Riddle pinning for the Reader and getting jealous over a hedgehog.
Word count: 773
Note: First fan fic I've ever written let's see how I do! (unedited)
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Riddle never thought a day would come when he would find himself to be jealous of an animal, after all, who would even stoop down so low to find themselves that desperate and pathetic, and over an animal of all things!
But right now, just in this quiet moment, how couldn't he?
The afternoon sun filtered down in a warm glow against your skin and the breeze carried the smell of roses from Heartslabyuls garden, it was something fairytale-like, while it was just you and him alone together and sitting peacefully upon a picnic blanket as small brightly colored mammals wiggled their way around the both of you.
Earlier in the day he had asked you if after classes you'd join him in caring for his dorm's beloved hedgehogs, originally thinking the experience would be a soft joyful one of two things he happens to be quite fond of coming together.
But right now he couldn't say that that situation played out as he originally thought.
All your attention was pulled from him once your eyes were on the hedgehogs, instantly you were giggling and smiling to yourself about how small and sweet they were. Furthermore, There was a particularly small red hedgehog that seemed just as joyful as you were about the new company, which only caused you to fall further for the small mammal's charms.
Riddle felt a squeezing pull in his chest and found himself wishing that you would pay more attention to him and not the hedgehogs that you had originally come to see.
Closing his eyes and looking down while taking a deep breath Riddle worked to calm his own childish jealousy and avoid ruining a lovely hangout.
When he had opened his eyes back up to look at you he paused at a tender scene in front of him. You had the small red hedgehog resting in the palm of your hands and while so sweety giggling at the small thing as you lifted it until you could meet its eyes.
Riddle felt the squeezing feeling in his chest return but with the addition of a noticeable warmth this time.
Swallowing deeply he continued to observe your acting rather closely.
He watched how you ever so gently hold the hedgehog and bring it in closer towards your lips so you could coo out words of praises of love and babble excitedly about its appearance, how your eyes had become lidded and soft yet you could still see how they were filled with fondness and adoration, how soft laughs and giggles spilled from your lips alongside with a small yet heartfelt smile and how just so lovingly your cheeks darkened with a blush that spread easily over your checks and towards the bridge of your nose, you looked absolutely lovely and it was all due to some small mammal. Some small mammal that currently had all your attention and was being granted such a pleasure to be looked upon so lovingly by you.
Riddle would rather die than tell anyone that at that moment he deeply wished that he were in the place of that small red hedgehog. He could almost feel it, to the one who solely holds your loving gaze, to have your warm hand hold his face tenderly with such care and love, to have himself be pulled in close towards your lips so that sweet words could be whispered for just for him.
Shaking his head at himself Riddle can feel his body further heating up with embarrassment due to his quite shameful and undeniably pathetic thoughts, just before Riddle can open his mouth to excuse himself to calm down elsewhere you open yours to speak.
"You know Riddle, this hedgehog color matches your hair, it almost makes me think of a little hedgehog version of you, isn't that cute?"
While speaking you moved your face closer to place your nose against the hedgehogs and let out a soft laugh as the two of your noses rubbed together.
Riddle lets out a small gasp at your words not quite expecting the sudden comparison, recovering quickly Riddle furrows his brows together as the heat in his chest now makes its way to his face and takes display across his cheeks, Riddle then moves closer to your side, he had finally captured your attention and with that, he steadily meets your gaze and starts to lean in even closer, to the point your noses are barely an inch apart and in a soft yet somewhat commanding voice he asks-
"If you see us as that similar, then why do you not give us the same treatment, Perfect?"
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frie-ice · 4 months
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Screenshots from the second anniversary anime trailer of Twisted Wonderland.
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
SR Grim - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together"
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Grim: It's… It's…
Grim: Look, [Yuu]! My super special awesome cake's finished!
The cake looks like a tuna can…
Grim: Yeah! I made it look like the most delicious thing in the world. See how even the word "tuna" looks good?
Grim: As for what I put inside the cake… That's a surprise for when we eat it! MYAHA!
Grim: I bet this is gonna be the bestest thing on the table. We gotta hurry and get it back to Ramshackle!
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Slowly… Slowly…
Grim: Gently, gently… Careful…
We're almost back to the dorm, you got this!
Grim: Gah, carrying a cake so it doesn't collapse is so hard…!
Grim: …But all the guys we passed on the way here from the cafeteria said it totally looked tasty, yeah?
Grim: Y'know, maybe my genius ain't just in eatin' food, but makin' em, too.
Grim: Back when you and me took the Master Chef course, I thought all this work was a pain, but…
Grim: Now I'm thinkin' that it was good we did it. 'Cause now tasty things can be made into even tastier things!
Grim: Myahaha! Thanks to this cake, today's party's gonna be the cat's meow!
Grim: Ah! But that annoying guy Trein is gonna be there… He might get mad if I get too excited.
Grim: Maaan, he's always findin' things to nag me about. Like the other day, he tried scolding in me when I was runnin' in the halls.
Grim: It pissed me off, so I tried pokin' fun at him, but then he just came at me!
Grim: Obviously I ran, but that old man is faster than he looks…
Grim: And then he just caught me in no time, I wasn't expecting that. Just nabbed me by the neck.
Grim: "Try to be a bit more like Lucius," he said… But I ain't a cat, y'know!
Grim: Don't know if Trein snitched on me or what, but even Crewel got mad at me, saying "Stop causing problems."
Grim: But then Crewel whispered later, "If you're going to tease Trein-sensei, make sure you don't get caught."
Grim: Myahaha! Crewel might be a teacher, but sometimes he's got a wicked side. He gets me.
Grim: …Though, he can be a huge stickler if ya mess around in class or get bad grades.
Grim: I remember the other day was pretty scary. He had us all lined up in a row, and was grilling everyone on who spilled the chemicals on the table…
Grim: No one fessed up, and Ace and Deuce were silently keepin' their heads down, so I stayed quiet too.
Well, we all got held responsible, in the end.
Grim: Tch. Trein and Crewel are both way too strict!
Grim: I like Vargas's class the best. 'Cause I don't need to take difficult notes in his class!
Grim: Like the other day, he started going on and on, saying, "If you want to be a great mage, then you need to have muscles as rippling as mine!" or whatever…
Grim: I was just nodding along, and then class ended with just him talkin' about his own muscles. Myahaha, waaaay too easy~
Grim: …Hm? Wait a mo'.
Grim: Do you think… The reason that Vargas showed up here randomly one morning a few days ago to go exercise together…
Grim: The sun wasn't even up, it was still dark, so that was a real pain!!
Grim: …Man, I think I might like Crewel or Trein better after all, ‘cause they don't cause me problems.
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Y'know, now that I think about it, all the profs here are really strange… Is this school really alright?
Grim: Oh. But I think the strangest guy ain't one of the teachers, but Sam. I'm sure of it!
Grim: And that's cause… Remember the other day when I lost at rock-paper-scissors and I had to go buy snacks by myself?
Grim: Before I even got inside the store, I heard Sam talkin' with someone inside.
Grim: But… When I got inside, he was all alone.
Grim: When I asked who he was chattin' with, he said his "friends on the other side," but… WHAT DOES HE MEAN FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE!?
Grim: He wouldn't tell me no matter how many times I asked. It's so eerie. But man, he's got a ton of cool stuff for sale, so I keep going back.
Grim: I remember then, too, before I could say what I wanted, he already had out the perfect number of snacks I had money for.
Grim: Oh yeah, and Crowley came in the shop right after me. Looks like he's always shoppin' at the Mystery Shop, too.
Grim: He started braggin' to me that he gets to order whatever he wants.
Grim: So I told him I wanted some special tuna cans then, and he says, "This privilege is for teachers only!"
Grim: He just kept on bragging, he's the worst! Crowley's so useless!
We should be thankful, since he let us attend here.
Grim: THANKFUL!? He should be thanking me for gracing this school with my genius!
Grim: And I bet Crowley'd gobble down the whole feast we got prepped if I take my eye off him for even a second…
Grim: No way I'm gonna give him a single bite. This time I'll make sure he's jealous of me.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu]. You 'n me're gonna protect this cake with our lives!
Grim: I might not be able to rely on you to do everythin' yourself, so good things we also got those ghosts.
Grim: If all us Ramshackle folk work together, we could even take on two Crowleys. We'll stun him silent!
Grim: I bet the ghosts're feelin' real alive right now. They were really getting' excited for Founding Day.
Grim: They were all, "It's so wonderful everyone is throwing a party here at Ramshackle~"
Grim: They also said that everything's getting' amped up 'cause we came to Ramshackle.
Grim: Myahaha. So that means… All the fun and happy times are all thanks to me!
1. Exactly!
Grim: Yeah. So you just keep on following me, no worries. Grim: As the boss, it's my job to take care of my henchie!
2. I think you're going a little overboard there.
Grim: Myah!? Y-You… You don't get how good I am to ya, huh!? Grim: I'm always pushin' myself hard doin' things for ya. Like, uh… Uh… ALL SORTS OF THINGS!
Grim: So let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together!
Grim: Ah. Looks like everyone's here.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu], open the gate. We gotta bring the cake in quick!
Grim: I bet everyone'll be so surprised and happy. Myahaha. I can't wait~!
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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