#{SCOURGE; IC}「Scourge Sez」
scumbag-the-hedgehog · 3 months
He's here. Quills are out of place. Definitely... disheveled. They did not have those eyebags before, at least.
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"Don't ask me what happened."
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hedgehoghavoc · 9 months
@synnrrgy liked the shipping call and received....
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Are you fucking kidding me-
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"Great, another frickin' cheap imitation I gotta deal with. Alright, no hesitation, I go straight for him an-"
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"...who the sweet whatever below are they?"
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 9 months
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@secr3trings asked: ❛ go ahead. underestimate me. that’ll be fun. ❜ // woah. fleetway jumpscare! from the various things spoken in an adventuring party prompts ( just in case — )
Adventuring Party Prompts
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"Me? Nah, nah, I ain't got a death wish, no thanks." The one time he dealt with anything like this, he was rampaging in super form, and by the end of that brawl he was unconscious and collapsed. There's no way he's about to try and throw down with this... thing as he was.
...but he also was morbidly curious enough to stick around, to try and see what this... Sonic? Whatever it was, he wanted to figure out how to tap into whatever he had access to....
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Crisp, cool air. Soft green blades of grass moving in waves. Another idyllic zone. Probably full of total wimps practically begging for an ass-kicking. But Scourge didn't have time to waste terrorizing random civilians, he was here for the main course. Pretty much every zone he scoured, he could find some version of the blue blur. And this place looked like it was up Sonic's alley. Popping the shrinking warp ring back into his jacket pocket, he took a few stretches, cracking his knuckles before looking out at the horizon over his tinted shades. Time to do a little scouting. A devilish grin plastered on his face showing off a mouth full of dagger-like teeth, the hedgehog took off, kicking up a cloud of dirt as he started hunting down the newest version of his nemesis.
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"...don't talk to me, or even look at me, unless you're giving me black coffee or somethin' greasy...."
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@already-know-this-story asked: Cue Scourge getting a text from Blaze of all people Txt; Have you heard from Amy? She was supposed to meet us somewhere and she's not answering her phone And Amy was notoriously never late
Scourge glances down at his phone as it buzzes. His kneejerk reaction to seeing who it's from (a contact which he'd rather cheekily labeled as "Hot Stuff") was that he'd done something to piss off the princess. It takes a second to process that it's not about that. At first he tries to rationalize it. Maybe her phone's dead. Or there's no signal. And something happened to make her late.
Despite the fact that she always arrives early.
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Something's wrong.
txt; shit txt; no havent txt; aint over here txt; checking her place
He's probably making too big a deal out of this. Maybe she's got a real bad cold or something. Time to be a good boyfriend and take care of her then, right? Throwing out his warp ring and stepping through, he arrives outside Amy's cottage already frantically texting the contact labeled "Cherry Pie."
txt; u good? txt; blaze looking for u txt; im right outside
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"Alright, if the strongest guy I know is the Monkey King, and I gotta be stronger than him, then I gotta figure out the deal with whoever's beaten him before...."
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"...who the hell is Buddha?"
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"...soooo, Hazy, are you gonna introduce me to your friend or what?"
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@fstbmp asked:
There's a crash of broken roof and ceiling, as a blue meteor skids against the floor before coming to a resounding stop in a small crater in the floor. Despite all of this, Olympia, after a brief groan, props head up with elbow and hand, looking leisurely as can be in her impact zone at the nearest person.
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"Come here often?" She just crashed in here herself--
Well, if this part of the castle wasn't already enough of a wreck, now it's a complete mess. Looted artwork that wasn't being cared for in the first place is now smashed into pieces and scattered everywhere as Scourge recovers from the shock of the arrival. He winces and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he gives a once-over of the newcomer.
This is the worst case scenario: one of them just came crashing in when he's in a weakened state after multiple brutal fights with other speedsters, and Fiona and the Destructix are all out. He has no chance of making this uninvited guest leave by force, and the only saving grace is that they'd apparently arrived without any ill intent.
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But he can be a little snippy with her. "...Blue, I live here. The fuck brings one of you here."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 8 months
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"How do ya know if you don't like doing a crime if you don't try it at least once?"
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 9 months
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"Not arguin' with someone with big green eyes. Yeah, sure, whatever you say gorgeous."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 10 months
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It's not fair. It's never fair. They could have convinced him. A decisive victory, an end to the stupid "good guys win, bad guys lose" bullshit and they could have had him. Then the multiverse has to go ahead and take him away forever. No resolution. No sense of finality or closure, not even a fight to the death. He just... disappears. And now he's lost forever, and every other blue bastard has to be a reminder of that.
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 8 months
@timelocker said: "ew"
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"Hey, not my fault I'm all you seem to think about."
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 8 months
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Another Scourge doodle - when you're trying to be cool but then you remember Feelings
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 5 months
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"Every day I travel this great big multiverse, and I could destroy any given planet. It's in my fuckin' wheelhouse, I could handle it easy. But I don't do it. And I feel like I don't get thanked enough for it."
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