#ℳ ➙ “Don't Worry Princess- we'll find that Oogtar soon!” | Princess Peach |
red-man-of-mustache · 7 months
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
@peach-cant-sleep liked the Starter Call for Peach!
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Sometimes Mario got in over his head. More often then not he could bail himself out, Luigi could help, or he'd get lucky! A lot of people have called him that up to this point. He had a very specific plight this time around... the battle that left him this way: aesthetically asymmetrical!
His body wasn't disfigured, rather it was his clothes! The overalls were missing a button for the left strap, making him look unruly(ier then usual one might say). And yet, he ambled into the castle searching for the princess to see if somehow someway she had an extra button or mayhaps a stand-in he could use. Problem in mind and solution ahead of him(hopefully) here he came: searching for the woman that could help him right this wrong. Starting with the throne...
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"Peach~ Oh, Peachie~ Where are-a you?"
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