#ℳ ➙ “Hey! Come back here! You big-a monkey!” | Headcanons |
red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
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Another fresh headcanon!
Mario gets bored easily. Surprising I bet. He loves to create random, often abstract, art whenever he gets the opportunity or his muse strikes. He's capable of making some pretty good pieces when he assigns enough time to it. I get this idea from Mario Paint. A pencil/pen isn't foreign to him but painting offers a certain freedom is what he figures and most often he'll stick to that. Unfortunately he doesn't have his own studio. He'll have to travel somewhere in order to indulge in this hobby but that's never been a problem for him.
He's got a lot of unfinished projects though...
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red-man-of-mustache · 3 months
A Warm Headcanon
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Mario loves Luigi and of course vice versa. Although sometimes Mario may seem overbearing or let his attitude get the better of him there is ultimately nothing but care in his heart for his brother. He'd move mountains and tread seas for him easily.
One particular issue that comes to mind to contrast this is from eons ago: Mario Power Tennis. When Luigi celebrates his victory Mario feigns a congratulatory gesture but we see him marking up Luigi's kicks out of spite. What's that about? Well, Mario is extremely competitive. He plays for keeps in almost anything he can and that attitude has gotten him far(in most cases) but it also gets him into hot water more often than not.
I bring up this instance specifically however because nearly any other time the bros interact? It's wholesome. Thoughtless teamwork as if they're on the same wavelength, risking their lives for one another, expressing deep concern for one another when they're apart.
Luigi's Mansion 3(can you tell that other post spawned this thought in my mind yet?) shows Luigi crusading through a haunted hotel in order to save everyone doing what he does best: hunting ghosts. Mario is among the last to be saved but when he's freed there is no "playful" putting Luigi down nor is there any posturing like he didn't need his help: Mario just throws himself at him happy that he's safe and proud of his little brother for standing up to this threat. Then, he guides Luigi along allowing him to be in the driver seat since this is his adventure not the other way around.
Again, sometimes Mario gets overzealous with his competitive nature or even temper but that's not the norm. Overall Mario loves Luigi and would never do anything to hurt him.
I hope you didn't need me to tell you that.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
A Headcanon For The Masses!
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During Paper Mario:The Thousand Year Door we see that Luigi is entrenched in his own adventure to save someone called Princess Eclair. When Luigi recounts this however, Mario often falls asleep. Luigi never comments on this, but I like to believe Mario asked him how things turned out again when the bros recruited back at home. Though, upon being awake for the retelling, Mario plainly dismisses it with "I don't believe-a you." Not out of malice but given the ridiculous detail. Of course, his own adventure was pretty out there...
Then, one day, Jerry shows up! Jerry is a Bob-omb who has a cherry stem for a fuse and swore to ensure Luigi never wears a dress again. When asked who he is and why the visit, Jerry would be able to confirm the parts of his story he was involved with causing Mario to regret ever dismissing his brothers claims.
TLDR: When Mario receives the details of Luigi and the Marvelous Compass, he doesn't believe his brother. Then, a partner of Luigi's shows up and makes Mario look dumb
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
Yet another Headcanon!
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Throughout his childhood Mario has been a rowdy, rough & tumble person. Whether that be jumping off random objects in the house, throwing things, getting himself injured frequently, he was very active at most times. Of course he participated in sports half because Papa Mario wanted him to get out that energy and because he liked it.
As he grew up he, of course, calmed down significantly and found a way to channel that inner mischief to something positive. Like adventuring! Being in the Mushroom Kingdom means there's never a dull moment and the beautiful landscape gives him something to look at while there's a drop in the action at least.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
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A not so wholesome headcanon
It's not hard to scare Mario but it is pretty tough to terrify him. Usually, nonsensical things can do the job! Prime example: the piano from Big Boo's Haunt! "A piano with-a teeth? And it moves?!"Mario thought while he desperately scrambled for the red coin it was guarding with ferocity. The encounter with that singular piano was enough to make him weary of any and all pianos. On the off chance they may have teeth and wish murder upon all who are around, Mario can never take that chance again.
That piano has haunted him ever since. He can't shake it and isn't willing to try at this point.
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red-man-of-mustache · 7 months
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ℳ ➙
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red-man-of-mustache · 21 days
A Humble Headcanon
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We all like helping people right? Riiiight, well, little fun fact to segue into this headcanon: there's a little thing called Helper's High. It's a bump of dopamine/good feels when you objectively help someone whether it be moving a heavy object for them, giving them money, or simply uplifting their mood.
Obviously this isn't to say all people help because of the happy liquid in the brain but it is sorta nature's incentive.
The reason this is relevant is because Mario is known to help any and all who're in need. He never lets it get to his head though he'll joke with that idea. Despite the constant reinforcement of how great he may be at so many various tasks however he'll default to an expert in times of need on certain things. Sometimes the best way to help someone is to let them help you.
For example, although he's got basic knowledge of sewing he'll ask Luigi to mend articles of clothing for him since his precious little brother just does it better. Plus he trusts him enough to leave these things in his hands!
Point being, Mario knows how great he feels when helping others thusly he offers that same opportunity to those around him. Being useful to others is a great feeling and an astounding confidence booster. Mario wishes to prop up everyone around him in some way and this is just a smaller way of achieving that goal.
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red-man-of-mustache · 2 months
Mario, have you ever considered settling down and retire from being a hero?
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"No one's ever asked me something like-a this before."
"Uuuummm-- Considered? Yes. But am I-a gonna do it?? A big ol' noooooo! If I'm not around to save-a the kingdom or protect-a people in far off places from-a evil then who will?? I know Luigi is-a capable but he needs-a help sometimes. Plus, we work-a so well together! So long as I can-a jump or lift-a my hammer then I'm-a gonna save anyone who's in-a trouble! Especially from-a the dastardly Koopa Clan!"
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red-man-of-mustache · 5 months
Eepy Headcanon
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Mario's active imagination lends itself to the influence of the day really easily. Sometimes the focus of his day could be the subject his subconscious explores at night or something small, like a rock. Mario is a very heavy sleeper which has its advantages but also drawbacks. For example: nightmares don't jolt him out of his sleep unless he makes a conscious effort to wake up. The worst and actually most enduring Nightmare he had put him in front of the great Wart and even that wasn't enough to bring him out of his spell.
Just a bad dream and Mario went on about his day, albeit with a slight headache from the tensing of his neck.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
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Bros headcanon time!
Given their unique hats, I think that Mario(& Luigi) go through a lotta trouble to maintain them. Basic cleaning, brushing, and whatnot is expected of course but I am talking specifically advanced stuff. Like sewing! I believe that both the bros know how to sew but Luigi is the better of them both. For example, if Mario's hat had a split he could sew it closed but it would be quite obvious it had sustained damage prior. The thread sticking out, not being tied off properly, you get the idea.
Meanwhile, Luigi would be able to, given the time, mend it to look good as knew! No thread showing, a seamless closing of the split, and so on.
Heaven forbid a catastrophic event such as in the beginning of Odyssey where his hat is destroyed of course, but more often than not the bros are doing their own restoration when it comes to headgear, their trademark clothes, etc etc.
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
A Navigational Headcanon
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Mario travels a lot. Most often, it's on foot too! He's been around the world and back hundreds of times over, trekked the Mushroom Kingdom up,down, and sideways, and been to distant lands then explored them thoroughly while there. This has trained a very uncanny sense of direction within him. He can easily orient himself when outside or inside with little trouble, keeps track of the major directions(North,South,East,West) and memorizes paths. Maps are great, fantastic for getting a grip on where one is and should go but if Mario is just navigating by his wit then he'll more often than not get it done.
Spatial orientation is a sort of "hidden ability" but most people have it in varying forms. Mario's is impeccable since he needs to call on it at a moment's notice in most cases. Even the times he's been on the moon didn't faze him!
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
How does Mario feel about poly relationships? Asking for a friend :)
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"Fine by-a me! So long as-a everyone involved is aware of course."
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
A NSFW Headcanon
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Mario hates MatPat. That's it, that's the canon.
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
A Familial Headcanon
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Although I don't portray movie Mario, one little aspect I'll steal from it is the fact that Mario existed in a large family unit back home. A huuuuuge extended family all under one roof whether it be uncles, aunts, and cousins all together. He had more than just Luigi to share time with growing up but of course his prescious little brother is whom he spent the most time with. Not only did this instill a set of values into him he likely can't betray but Mario oh-so-greatly would like to start his own family someday. Multiple kids, at least three. Any who's up to that challenge, well... good luck.
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red-man-of-mustache · 5 months
Mario's Bio
Long post, going under a cut-- This is for mobile users, desktop users can also view this here
The stork. Trusted companion to expecting parents. Mario & Luigi were both on their way to the Metro Kingdom via Stork until, unfortunately, the animal was set upon by a particular Magikoopa: Kamek! He'd managed to successfully kidnap Luigi and the stork but not the older of the twins Mario. Kamek foresaw the trouble the bros would cause for Bowser and the Koopa clan in the future and sought to nip it in the bud. Luckily Mario landed amongst a tribe of Yoshi’s who selflessly helped reunite the bro’s and free the poor stork. There was much toil in between but the brave reptiles perservered. After their little adventure the Stork took the bros and continued on it’s course to deliver the duo to their parents.
The Koopa Clan searched tirelessly for the twins, seeking to keep a future enemy from growing too powerful or in this case growing at all! There was a second kidnapping because the stork had actually delivered the babies to the wrong parents, given it was frazzled from being taken prisoner. Fortunately, when the twins were kidnapped again(with a whole host of other babies dubbed the Star Children) the stork on it's way to pick them up attacked the Toadies after they gathered the children, managing to free both Mario & Peach. The Yoshi's, with the guidance of the children, set off again to save their island and the Star Children. They succeeded once more and it seems as though the Koopa Clan went quiet after another failure.
The bros, when returned to their actual parents, were raised with as much love as the pair could receive. Mario was an energetic child who often injured himself being too daring or getting into fights with the other kids meanwhile Luigi was more introverted and preferred to indulge softer things on his own. He scared easily and was an obvious target for bullies. Most of Mario's fighting was spent defending his younger brother whereas other times he may metaphorically step on someone's toes and then refuse to offer an apology. Mario is obviously the more brash of the twins so he wasn't as well-mannered. Luigi would often have to apologize on his behalf and divert whatever was coming his way. They stood up for one another in their own ways but they stuck together and that was all that mattered throughout their younger years.
Once they hit adulthood, Mario picked up plumbing after he flew through a slew of other careers. He was a Doctor, Carpenter, Demolition worker, Factory worker, and much more, Mario’s adventurous attitude didn’t let him wade in one profession for too long,plumbing being the only exception. Plumbing happened to be precious to him because it was something he could share with Luigi along with it running in the family. In fact, Mario’s love for plumbing would plunge him into a world full of adventure. Him and Luigi were involved with a typical call to fix a leak. When they arrived and got to work the foundation of the home had begun crumbling, dropping them near a large green warp pipe. Mario, being the curious fellow he was, wanted to see where it would go. It wasn't attached to anything else within the home and he wished to see why. Luigi followed after concerned for his brothers safety.
The second the bros came out on the other side they were met with their first adventure: save the Princess from the clutches of Bowser. In a foreign land and far from home, the bros didn't let the situation shake them. They valiantly traveled throughout the eight worlds of the Kingdom to reach Bowser in Darkland and smite him.
Their first adventure done, the bros decided to stick around. The pipe that brought them was gone. Not that Mario saw it as a bad thing. It looked like the people of this humble land needed him and Luigi. Though it should go without saying that from time to time he does think about Mama Mario and Papa Mario.
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red-man-of-mustache · 5 months
A Physical Headcanon
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Mario's got a belly to protect his abs
Ahem, Mario's strong we all know that. The impossible feats he pulls off most times are, I believe, attributed to remaining active throughout most of his adult life and simply training whenever he can. He's a solid hunk of muscle but simply loves food a lot hence the reason he's got the tiny bit of gut. It's not enough to impede him of course!
If Mario wanted he could bulk up but giving up starch(AKA Pasta) just isn't in the cards.
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