#2024 elections
elumish · 2 days
My September 2024 election reminder: ideological purity will not win you anything.
I see people on the left saying that they can't possibly vote for Harris because she's too pro-Israel, because she's too far to the right on immigration, because she's too far to the right on criminal justice, because she was a cop (she wasn't), because you think this policy or that policy is too conservative.
Not voting for her only increases the chances that we get a president who is even further to the right.
Those are our two choices. Like it or not, support the American political system or not, we have two choices, and one of them is further to the right on every single policy that you have opinions about.
So if you think Harris is too far to the right on Israel/Gaza, remember: Trump is so much further to the right. You don't like that the Biden administration is providing military aid to Israel (a thing that Harris cannot actually stop even if she wanted to, given that she's not president)? Trump has already proven, on a policy level, to be more pro-Israel. Remember when he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, functionally acknowledging Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem? He is extremely pro-Israel and has materially proven it. Harris, on the other hand, has been calling for a cease fire since March and has recognized out loud the need for Palestinian sovereignty.
If you're wondering why she hasn't changed U.S. policy on Israel, I would like to remind you once again: she is not currently the President of the United States.
Holding on to your precious ideological purity and not voting for someone whose policies you find distasteful will not result in policies you like. It only increases the risk of policies that are so much further away from what you want.
Voting is public transportation. Voting is harm reduction. Voting is moving us a little bit closer towards the policies we want or, at the very least, keeping us from moving further and further away.
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returnofrukuss · 3 days
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usa2024election · 3 days
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Imagine that. Maybe this is the one time he's telling the truth. He said something about moving to Venezuela if he loses this time. Hopefully he's in prison instead. But just imagine; 2028 election without him on the ballot! What a relief that would be...
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platypus-beans · 19 hours
Every day I find myself getting more and more pissed.
Whether you like it or not, either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is going to win the election. The voting population not for either do not have enough to elect a third party, especially since none of yall can agree on which candidate you want.
None of the candidates are actually going to stop Isreal, some might say they will, but the president doesn't work alone and if the other branches don't want to do it, it won't get done.
All you are doing by refusing to vote blue because "both sides are bad!!!" for either candidate is putting America in jeopardy. Trump wants anyone not like him dead or bowing at his feet. He can say project 2025 isn't his until he's blue in the face, but everyone knows the truth.
Yes, it is *kamala's* campaign you are hurting. Trumpies are incredibly ride or die, to the point where they are still desperately spreading that "immigrants eating dogs and cats" shit because they can't accept their beautiful leader would lie to them.
The American public has fallen into this state where if the ideal isn't happening, they'll throw their hands in the air and won't do anything. It's like this with tipping culture mist evidently. The people aren't being payed properly and rely on tips, so in retaliation people refuse to tip.
You are not going to get the ideal situation by putting your loved ones in jeopardy by throwing your vote somewhere it doesn't matter.
Change happens slow and with plans, not with one stint. Your revolt is litterally a common statistic of the election which has only become more relevant because of cultish behavior on the right.
A woman of color being a viable candidate for the presidential election is fucking monumental and you're all treating it like its nothing and demanding more. You're not gonna get more in the next month and couple days. Let go of your damn pride because nothing good will happen for Palestine, or Congo, or Venezuela, or anyone else if you let Trump get in.
Is Kamala Harris perfect? No. Is she even great? Not at all. But her even getting this close to the oval office is progress.
But no. Throw away your vote. It's fine. I'm sure all the Palestinians will love you once Trump gets into power and gives Netanyahu the go ahead to kill them all with no mercy.
I'm done being fucking scared.
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king-sappho · 3 days
It’s funny to me when people say “christofacists are taking over the US!” And although I agree that christofacism is on the rise it’s misleading to say they are “taking over” Like. Let’s be for real. America was founded on christofacism. Do you remember pledging your allegiance to America ~under god~ when you were 5 years old?? I was born in a Christian American cult. After escaping it I realized how much of the rest of America is not much different to that cult. Look at who our politicians are. They’ve been endorsing Christian ideology from day one. Yes, fascism is becoming more intense but don’t forget this is not a new issue in this country. It’s as old as when english colonizers used genocide to make this country “free” only for rich white christian men. Now days they are just trying to reinstate their power over us.
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beets-and-hottea · 1 day
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If they kiss on the lips dressed as Cass and Dean Kamala will win 
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sofiaflorina2021 · 2 days
Kamala Harris 2024 Presidential Campaign Slogans
These are the slogans of Kamala Harris 2024 presidential campaign: "When we fight, we win", "We're not going back", and "Let's win this".
Vote Kamala Harris! 💙💙💙
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madampresidentkamala · 15 hours
Humanity vs Evil
The difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is that Trump’s flaws come from a disordered personality and from hatred. Kamala’s flaws come from her humanity. She is human. She is real. She is compassionate and courageous and yeah she did flub up a few interviews as vice president. Because she is a good and genuine human being. She’s been accused of not knowing where she stands because she stands out by not giving the simple easy answers that we crave. She understands the nuance to important issues. Most things are not all or nothing. That is a cognitive bias that all human beings are prone to, but we must fight it. All you have to do to understand who Kamala Harris is, is to read her book. She cares deeply for others and she cares deeply for diversity and justice. When she falls down, because she is human, she fights and gets back up. The things she is criticized for, her joy, her laughter, her occasionally imperfect interviews, her complex view of issues etc., are all things that prove her humanity. We need her leadership. America is a beautiful and wonderful place but we have our skeletons. We have our prejudices. We need to fight them. We need to move towards unity.
Donald Trump has abandoned his humanity a long time ago. I’d argue he abandoned it when Barack Obama became president. He believed his birth certificate conspiracy would have prevented a black man from becoming president, and it didn’t. He knew it was a racist conspiracy. His own mother was an immigrant. It wasn’t about Obama’s father being an immigrant. It was about the color of his skin.
Let’s make the right choice this November. Let’s choose unity. Let’s choose cohesion. Let’s choose justice. Let’s choose a person who does genuinely care about our economic well being.
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The people who are going to decide the 2024 Presidential election are not the people who talk about politics online.
You won't reach them through social media. You're not in their algorithm.
If you want to influence their vote, it comes down to things like door knocking, phone/text banking, reaching out to the individual people you know IRL.
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reality-detective · 42 minutes
Election 🗳 Fraud 2024... Fμ¢% that and don't think these people will get away with it. You see something say something, document it and report it. This is a felony, it's treason 🤔
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itsslowsonic · 2 days
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If you still trust "polls" from the so-called "MSM". Such as CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC. You are politically naive. Why do I say that? Look at this picture. What did they say back in 2016? "Hillary Clinton has an 80% chance" to win, right? Did that happen? Did she win? (Evidence - https://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2016/09/12/presidential-forecast-updates/newsletter.html) If polls can decide who is the next president, why the fk do we need the thing called "ELECTION"? If price controls work, why the fk do we need the thing called "MARKET"? Is physical disability the only type of disability? Brain disability is a serious problem for a lot of people.
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usa2024election · 1 day
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Coral Murphy Marcos at The Guardian:
Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, called Donald Trump “just deranged” on Sunday after he said women would no longer be thinking about abortion if he is elected as president in November. “This guy just doesn’t understand what the average woman is confronting in her life in this country, and how could he? He’s not lived a normal life,” Whitmer said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. Whitmer also reaffirmed her support for Kamala Harris, describing her as a person “who has worked hourly jobs, who knows how important it is that women have healthcare and access to the medical care that they need”. Whitmer was asked to comment about a speech the former president delivered on Saturday, saying women “will be happy, healthy, confident, and free” if he is elected president. “He’s just deranged,” the governor of Michigan said.
On CNN’s State Of The Union Sunday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) called Donald Trump “deranged” after his Truth Social screed on women would no longer be thinking about abortion if he is elected.
From the 09.22.2024 edition of CNN's State Of The Union:
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batboyblog · 2 months
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President Biden's plan for the first 100 days of his next term:
—Restore Roe v. Wade
—Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act
—Expand Social Security and Medicare
—End all medical debt
—Raise the minimum wage
—Pass the PRO Act for workers
—Ban assault weapons
—Lead the world on clean energy
—Permanent child tax credit
—$35 insulin cap for all
—Build more housing
—Invest in child care and elder care
you want that? FIGHT! for it, check if you're registered to vote and then find a way to volunteer, everyone can make a difference everyone!
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jaegerisim · 3 months
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Some of yall needed to hear this
Credits to @/mattxiv on Instagram
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jdsquared · 2 months
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Walz is a former school teacher, served in the army, and was very pro-active in getting progressive stuff passed in his legislature. Besides codifying abortion/IVF rights, see this list of his accomplishments. A solid pick.
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