We need the obnoxious atheists back. I know they engineered their own destruction by being annoying and pretentious, but it has become apparent how essential to the ecosystem they were. The religious fanatics have become too bold without their natural predators. Jesus wojaks would have been torn to shreds in 2011.
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bebs-art-gallery · 3 days
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The Lamb of God (1432)
— by Hubert and Jan van Eyck
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godhasatenderheart · 3 days
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cath-lic · 24 hours
All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
marcellus williams’ last statement before his execution.
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.
(indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed, to Him we return).
those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.
isaiah 57:2
i pray for our brother, marcellus williams, that he is reunited with god, and that his family is granted peace. rest in paradise, marcellus.
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Every time you are tempted to fear, remember that God is with you. He was there the last time, the time before that, and the time before that other time. He’s not going anywhere.
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scarsound · 1 day
friendly reminder to my fellow Christians that the seriousness of a sin is not dependent on its social consequences
when Scripture says all sin is equal in God’s eyes, it’s not saying that sexual immorality or gossip has the same social or physical consequences as murder - but that any of these warrant separation from God because they directly counter some aspect of His purely sinless, life giving nature, or His fundamental design of the world
on the same note: there is grace for all sin in Jesus Christ, but the consequences will (and should) look very different (ex. being held accountable + repenting for gossip vs. seeking help, accountability and repentance for [most] sexual immorality (some cases do require prison) vs. repenting but also losing certain earthly freedoms and serving time in prison for murder)
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king-sappho · 3 days
It’s funny to me when people say “christofacists are taking over the US!” And although I agree that christofacism is on the rise it’s misleading to say they are “taking over” Like. Let’s be for real. America was founded on christofacism. Do you remember pledging your allegiance to America ~under god~ when you were 5 years old?? I was born in a Christian American cult. After escaping it I realized how much of the rest of America is not much different to that cult. Look at who our politicians are. They’ve been endorsing Christian ideology from day one. Yes, fascism is becoming more intense but don’t forget this is not a new issue in this country. It’s as old as when english colonizers used genocide to make this country “free” only for rich white christian men. Now days they are just trying to reinstate their power over us.
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godisgreat555 · 2 days
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Yes I Do ✝️ 🩵
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apenitentialprayer · 3 days
My mom is getting hip replacement surgery in less than seven hours. Prayers would be appreciated.
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comikbook · 1 day
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Me and the Devil, 2024, digital painting by myself, Liz Pence
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dailyeffectiveprayer · 13 hours
God is more than enough.
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Its okay to struggle, we pray so we can overcome it
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