#Now I *really* hope you like Kim Dokja.
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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ORV is about enduring the horrors in real time.
(for @everyonesfavoritebastard)
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prapuna · 2 years
okay here's a stretched, baseless theory:
i think arthur was always supposed to die here regardless whether they had sacrificed the Friend or not because what if. the john/arthur patreon choice was to decide whom kayne would strike a deal with. and they managed to get a draw.
so there has to be a scenario that allows kayne to offer the same thing to john--bringing his friend back--and here we are.
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its-your-mind · 5 months
I’m sorry I need to talk about this for a second
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This part right here. When Nirvana tries to use Thought Infection on Kim Dokja. And this ability that absolutely neutralized Yoo Joonghyuk, Min Jiwon, and Yoo Sangah…
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bounces right off.
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and it’s set up like this big badass moment. Kim Dokja saves the day again. Kim Dokja can face down anyone. He’s more powerful than every other incarnation and constellation, no matter how much foreknowledge they have.
But honestly?
It kinda just makes me sad.
yjh is incapacitated by the Eternal Nightmare ability because of all the awful things he’s seen and experienced, yes.
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But as we know from 1863, happy memories can be much more debilitating for him than sad ones. And while he’s only got 1-2’s memories right know, we know that 2 had some incredibly happy memories to pass on, memories that make the losses that much harder to take.
And Min Jiwon?
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Of course she doesn’t actually want to visit a spa while her friends and troops are dying. But can you blame her for having some deep craving for comfort and relaxation right now?
But for Kim Dokja…
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The Fourth Wall isn’t just protecting kdj from the negative effects of the skill. It’s not hiding his secret desires, or absorbing his emotions.
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It is literally preventing him from experiencing the world around him as reality. Not just because it feels improbable or surreal, but because it is literally keeping him separate from the world around him. On a fundamental level, he does not believe he is truly present in this time and space.
This is derealization and dissociation on an unbelievably intense scale.
“If we’re just characters, why did you die for us so many times?”
Why wouldn’t he? He’s not here, not really. He’s just Reading this story, no matter how much sway he’s been having over what has happened. All of that is just his work as a Reader hoping to see the Epilogue of his favorite novel.
“It was a really great story, isn’t that right?”
Narratively satisfying. A twist ending. A fate that subverted expectations.
An Epilogue worth Reading. Not touching, not feeling, not joining, not creating. Just watching. From a distance away. From behind glass. Through the cracks in a wall.
After all, a story can’t exist without a writer, a protagonist, and a reader. Only two of them truly participate in creating the story. But when you’re the Reader, it’s always worth reading the story again. And again. And again. And again. And again ,
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orphiclovers · 3 months
Okay. Long incoherent rambling theory post ahead. Specifically, I want to talk about how the Han Sooyoung 'split' happened/how Han Sooyoung got the avatar skill, extrapolating from canon where I can and headcanoning the rest.
Let's start from what she herself says on the topic. 3rd rounds Han Sooyoung tells Kim Dokja, in a conversation about how 'Avatar' works, that the very first time she made an avatar, she gave it too many memories and it 'went out of control' and ran off. This was a friendly conversation and hsy brought it up herself, so there's not really a reason for her to lie here - this is probably close to how she actually remembers the situation.
Which is interesting because 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung denies this fact and says SHE is the main body and that she left an avatar behind to act as her. Now 1863 could be lying here to unbalance kdj, they were having a battle of words at the time with lying being an explicit part of the game, but she could also be telling the truth and maybe 3rd just doesn't know she's an avatar (like 49%). we don't get a comfirmation either way so that is left ambigous. So. That's a dead end.
Then, how does the Avatar skill evolve in general?
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Kim Dokja says the requirements to evolve it is that you need to be in a creative field of some kind (so you have an 'Author' attribute) + under enough psychological distress for your mind to 'split' in a way that orv compares to DID (in not the most tactful way). It's a rare skill so I'm guessing it probably requires both of these to be true at the same time. A key hint is that we do actually get one other example of someone evolving the Avatar skill on screen. 1863rd rounds Yoo Joonghyuk. It goes like this:
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So...not exactly a fun time. But actually I'm sensing a pattern here. Both Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung, after evolving and using the avatar skill for the first time end up as two sepetate autonomous entities with their own free will - 1863rd!hsy and 3rd!hsy and white and black coat wearing yjh respectively (Kim Dokja too actually - with 49% 51%). So, I think this might be how the skill functions, spontaneously splitting you in half the first time and then both halves of you can make avatars at will after that. Let's assume this is true for the sake of the theory. This conflicts with the way both Han Sooyoungs describe it - they both say they 'created' an avatar the first time BUT I think neither of them were being entirely truthful.
Let's talk about that second parameter. 'Severe psychological distress' in a way similar to that of DID. How I interpret this, based on what we see of 1863rd!yjh, is that there needs to be some fundemental dissonance of core beliefs that cannot exist or be held at the same time, so requires the soul to split in half. For Yoo Joonghyuk it's 'I want to live/I want to die.' (Although Kim Dokja doesnt get the skill in the natural way, I think this concept still holds true. His dissonance is not so explicitly stated but maybe it's something along the lines of 'epilouge/eternity' i.e 'happily ever after OR atonement for his (percieved) sins'.)
But also there's an element of, how do I say this...'purifying self-destruction' to how we see our trio use Avatar. Yoo Joonghyuk takes the blackened and traumatized part of him that wants to die and kills it with a sword, leaving only the part of him that still has hope to regress to the 3rd round, free and unburdened by the weight of bad memories.
You could interpret 51%/49% this way too. The inherent act of Kim Dokja choosing to use this skill to split his soul in half means he did not see another way foward - that psychological distress and belief dissonance is an inherent part of this skill. 49%, the one who get's the 'happily ever after' does not remember needing Ways of Survival, maybe because Kim Dokja couldn't imagine himself having a happy ending with the weight of those specific memories.
But coming back to Han Sooyoung. Just look at the way she uses Avatar in kaizenix. She is a person who does not enjoy being emotionally vulnerable so in any heavy situation she clings to her dry and witty personality like a shield.
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Let's just fully realize what she's saying here. When she says she erased the memories of her life deliberately, what she means is that she created an avatar, a sort of 'black coat wearing han sooyoung' and killed it again and again, every year, so she could keep that sarcastic and light hearted attiude. Otherwise she would have become someone like 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung - hardened and unhappy. And I mean that she literally was on the path of becoming her - she even got 1863rds skill.
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She deliberatley brushes off Kim Dokja and doesn't acknowledge the weight of her actions in kaizenix, both waiting for 50 years and killing parts of herself over and over.
And I think this is the sort of mindset she had while telling Kim Dokja about 'creating' an avatar for the first time. She doesn't see the point in potraying herself as vulnerable, so she probably would obscure some details of that story, for example if she was on her knees clutching her head a la 1863rd turns Yoo Joonghyuk at the time. This would seem like a pointless detail to add when the point of the story was that her avatar ran off.
So FINALLY, here's my headcanon on what I think the original belief dissonance was for Han Sooyoung and how she got the Avatar skill.
The split happened very early on in the scenarios. And well, there is one obvious Big Event that might cause someone to have a mental breakdown/identity crisis. The first scenario. I think whoever Han Sooyoung killed, she couldn't deal with the fact she had become a murderer and 'exorcised' those memories - and so 1863 was born, with blood on her hands, in an already destroyed world.
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lialox · 1 day
What if oldest dream behind the wall was Tls123?
“We’ll still stick together from now on too, so why do you sound so grimly determined? Don’t worry. No matter what kind of a monster is waiting for us, I’ll finish it off.”
I gently smiled. Meanwhile, the subway was slowing down even further.
My reflection could be seen in the black window of the exit door. There was a splatter of blood on my cheek reflected on the glass. I wiped it off my face. And then, my mood cooled down.
⸢The blood was really on my cheek, and not on the window.⸥
“Doors are opening!”
Along with Lee Hyunsung’s cry, everyone got ready to fight.
However, contrary to everyone’s nervousness, what greeted us was a rather empty subway platform. Sure, there were a few people walking around in the surroundings, but none of them paid us much attention.
“What’s this, there’s no....”
Jung Heewon muttered that out, and as we stepped onto the platform, I was overcome with an ominous foreboding. There it was, the unfamiliar sense of reality touching my feet. Faint sparks, along with every single one of my Fables, were pointing in a certain direction.
⸢Someone was sitting on the subway’s bench.⸥
Black athletic wear as if its wearer had just gone out for a run. A beautiful woman was slouched on the bench, unflinching in her sleep even with the bustle of the crowd around her. The short crop of her hair lightly caressed her cheeks.
As the pulsing migraine assaulted me, I somehow managed to lift my unmoving feet.
⸢Kim Dokja made a promise. To end the culprit who made this world. No matter what that existence was.⸥
There were deep bags under the woman’s eyes. It was as if she hadn’t slept properly in years.
⸢Time isn’t moving because not reading and not imagining.⸥
I did think that all of this could be a dream, a lie. I even believed that this was a dream the evil <Star Stream> had created.
I even believed that I could have been the monster waiting past that wall.
But this person, I didn’t expect her to be the one past the full stop. To have met a writer at the place where the creator of a universe of stories resides…
⸢Y ou we re al rea dy ex pec ting this di dn’t you Kim Dok Ja.⸥
Before any story could be described, before it could be read, it had to exist in one person’s dream first.
The author’s.
The Most Ancient Dream. The world’s most omniscient yet powerless god.
“I… am Tls123?”
It was Han Sooyoung who broke the silence. Her eyes were trembling.
All of my senses were gnawing at me; they said that that woman was the culprit behind all these scenarios.
It was the same for my companions.
I thought I heard something fall to the floor, and I saw Jung Heewon’s sword rolling around on the ground.
“Ah, ah....”
She was now looking at her. She was looking at the woman, then back at Han Sooyoung. Her eyes were filling up with despair.
As if she couldn’t believe this. As if she’d prefer that this whole thing turned out to be a lie.
[The promise with the ‘Secretive Plotter’ is activating.]
I opened my mouth only to close it several times. Maybe, this might be my punishment.
For daring to dream of a perfect ending in which all of us survived. To have come this far, and shed blood for such a hope.
It was as if the universe was telling me there was no such thing.
The Star Stream wasn’t like that. This was a universe of sacrifices and salvation too, was a paid service.
[You have promised to destroy <Star Stream>.]
[<Star Stream> will not be destroyed unless the ‘Most Ancient Dream’ is ended.]
I now stared at the woman.
The woman who gave me every reason to survive in this ruined world.
[Please end the ‘Most Ancient Dream’.]
Sparks overflowed above my Incarnation Body. My heart was madly pounding away. My head faltered, and I somehow managed to suck in several deep breaths.
[The 4th Wall] was right. Maybe, I already knew.
There were simply too many hints.
⸢I was far too lucky in this world, and⸥
⸢Everything in this world seemed to be geared towards my convenience, and⸥
⸢At times, this world even felt sloppy.⸥
If all of these were the result of the guiding hand of a writer who so desperately wished for our survival…
⸢The genesis of all the world-lines, the original world-line.⸥
I raised my head back up, then stepped forward to lift ‘that’ Han Sooyoung into my arms. She felt so light. This small body carried the weight of every sin in the world.
The world written just for me.
An anguished cry came from the rear.
“Sooyoung-ssi, calm down!”
“You bastard! Let me go!”
It was a voice far more devastated than I have ever heard from her. Tears were pouring from her eyes as Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung held her by her arms. A dagger was gripped tightly onto one hand while [Black Flames] were bursting from the other.
“That bitch, why the hell would I write a story like this!?”
She continued to thrash about, and even the kids held onto her legs to keep her from taking another step forward to do something foolish. The entire nebula worked together to suppress her, their status raging forth as Han Sooyoung did everything she could to break free of the restraint.
“Something this fucked up—“ Han Sooyoung snarled. “If I had to write a story for this purpose, to write a novel with these… Shit developments…!!“
Han Sooyoung choked on her own tears as she continued to try to force her way past our companions.
“Han Sooyoung.”
It was Yoo Junghyuk who stepped in between them. The one who had lived this tragedy for thousands of lives.
“It has been difficult."
He reduced his tragedies to a mere few words.
“But it’s over now.”
⸢His forgiveness was offered in this manner. ⸥
“Shut up!!”
⸢It only served to break her.⸥
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!!”
Yoo Junghyuk opened his mouth as if to respond, then suddenly doubled over in a coughing fit.
Thick fog came in from somewhere, and I picked up on the ominous power of Chaos. Yoo Junghyuk’s expression as he held the blade became weird.
“Y-you bastard....”
As he staggered about, the pitch-black Fable leaked out from his mouth. That Fable gurgled out and travelled down his chin, hit the floor, and finally, formed the silhouette of a person.
The blade of the [Heaven Shaking Sword] gleamed between the jet-black coat; a man who only lived for this moment was standing there now.
⸢The Secretive Plotter.⸥
The being who had even forgotten about his real name after experiencing an enedless tragedy even past the last sentence of his story. The man who lived only for the purpose of revenge was here.
⸢No human can control every type of imagination.⸥
Just how many universes were born and broken in her imagination? Just how many of her imagined tragedies were inherited by just one person?
⸢And that’s why the most ideal person to end this dream had already been determined.⸥
It was the world’s most fair revenge.
So why did I keep holding onto Han Sooyoung this tightly?
[[ It was you. ]]
The Secretive Plotter’s [Heaven Shaking Sword] continued to wander in the air. That sword was now pointed towards its creator.
[[ The being that dreamt and perpetuated every tragedy in all the worldlines. ]]
I only made it this far because of those tragedies she wrote.
It was the story that I loved more than anything. The story I was indebted to.
[[ Kim Dokja. You must end the Most Ancient Dream. ]]
Every letter here was chosen by her hands. By bearing all of these sins, she brought us to this moment.
It was thanks to Han Sooyoung that I managed to survive.
And now it was time to repay my debt.
“Did you forget?”
[‘Demon King’ transformation is activating!]
[‘Archangel’ transformation is activating!]
I smiled gently and with one hand raised my [Unbreakable Faith]. I pulled the sleeping Han Sooyoung closer in the other.
“I didn’t promise to kill people.”
In this place far beyond our full stop, our swords were drawn.
A new story had begun.
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gffa · 10 months
I never meant to fall into this fandom, but seeing these really stunning pieces of characters in trench coats and got supremely curious. It took approximately two days to fall ass over teakettle into OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT hell, because it has absolutely fascinating characters, interesting worldbuilding, a beautifully drawn webtoon, thoughtful plot elements on the nature of stories and the relationship with the audience and--most importantly--it has the kind of character dynamics you immediately want fic. I'm barely past chapter 40 and I was already spoiling myself for the overarching plot because I desperately needed post-canon fic that offered resolution, because everything was already so deliciously intense that I couldn't stand it! So, here I am, having a bunch of knock-out fic to go with the absolute god-tier art that's in the fandom and desperately trying to drag more of you into this with me because it's so good and I think you'd like it and I don't want to be throwing up feelings everywhere and not have you all understand how much these characters mean to me (especially the main character, he is such a skrunkly little asshole whomst I would die for!!!!) even after just forty chapters! Joinnnnn meeeee!!! (p.s. This is primarily a Joongdok recs set, but give me time and I'll love all the characters!)
OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT - POST-CANON IS WHAT I'M REALLY HERE FOR: ✦ [Message from the Universe: Kim Dokja Must Die] by jarofclay, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, NSFW, post-canon spoilers, 27.2k     Six months after returning to his original world-line, Kim Dokja almost dies (again). A tragicomedic Final Destination-esque story featuring one dreamer in distress, his personal hero and his rightfully anxious family. ✦ world's end rhapsody by wakerife, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & han sooyoung & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 11.6k     another post-epilogue fic, wherein kim dokja may or may not need a bigger hospital bed ✦ Unburying Kim Dokja by stingerra, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 21.3k     Kim Dokja is back and left to ponder such things like fitting in and making amends. None of this proves easy. He was dead for too long and it's common knowledge that resurrection is a lengthy process. Especially because Kim Dokja was someone who buried himself at the age of 15 and didn't hope for anyone to care. ✦ “You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. by IceBreeze, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & han sooyoung & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 13.3k     Kim Dokja doesn't really know when he began collecting time travellers like stray cats but it's not so bad, he guesses. He just wishes there was less crying. ✦ show me proof you hear my sound by grdenofavalon, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 30k     Kim Dokja has two goals in his life: figure out why he can't recall anything from before that "apocalypse" everyone and their dog is traumatized from, and finally finish the renovations on his newly (if six years old could still be "new") purchased book-and-breakfast cafe. It's... a work in progress. But now he has a third goal — find out what Yoo "former-terrorist-turned-civil-worker" Joonghyuk wants from his life. Or maybe he just wants his life, to end it himself. Kim Dokja is starting to think that might be the case. ✦ The End Of A Story by mellllting, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj compnay, NSFW, post-canon spoilers, 22.8k     Kim Dokja wakes up, and the most shocking part of all that has happened was probably finding out that Yoo Joonghyuk loves him. ✦ white house, white rock by beforedaybreaks, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj compnay, post-canon spoilers, 12.1k     “Big family?” the grocery store clerk asks, as he makes his way to the front of the checkout line. The clerk motions toward Kim Dokja’s baskets. Kim Dokja laughs as he loads the ingredients onto the conveyer belt. “I guess you could say that.” After the Scenarios, Kim Dokja moves into a big house with everyone.
✦ unwind the world, is your nightmare gone? by Scribblurri, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj compnay, post-canon spoilers, 9.9k     He learns of lots of things that these people say his older self has experienced in the apocalypse: kindness, companionship, strength, family, love, sacrifice; all things they say the older him has provided to them. (He's not sure he believes it.) ✦ Revelation by 1864_9158, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj compnay, post-canon spoilers, 2.1k     Kim Dokja realizes he's in love with Yoo Jonghyuk a month after he wakes up. Post-Canon ✦ Will you share your soul with me? (Unzip your skin and let me have a see) by Maru_Chan, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj compnay, NSFW, post-canon spoilers, 19.9k     Noticing my gaze, Yoo Joonghyuk looked up from where he was polishing his sword. “Kim Dokja, what do you want?" My eyes shifted back to the System Notification I had been making a valiant effort to ignore ever since it had appeared a few minutes ago. [I w■■t to b■■■ him ■■ half a■d ■■■■ him wi■■■ an inch ■f h■s ■■fe] Uhh... (Or: KDJ might read both books and minds, but he can't read the room to save his life.) ✦ you used to be my satellite by Karelyon, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 3.4k     Yoo Joonghyuk in his first regression, with all his memories from the 0th round, meets one Kim Dokja. ✦ The Scars of Dreaming by Gotcocomilk, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 6.5k     Or: two dreamers speak. Neither are monsters. ✦ today's prophecy: you will receive love (this is inevitable) by kdj_225, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 2.6k     “Kim Dokja!” Han Sooyoung yells first. “What the hell is this, huh?!” “You’re asking me? I’m just as confused as you, Han Sooyoung.” “This is related to you, this—huh?” It seems she hadn’t fully read the status window before she barged into his room. Her eyes, initially squinted, turn wide when they read through the lit-up words on the floating window. With a growing smirk, she teases, “A kiss? You wanted a kiss?” ✦ the false last act by younglegends, kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 8.6k     Living in a big house with everyone was convenient, most of the time. But there were other things that couldn’t be avoided. Or: The end. ✦ Pretty Fool by jokebear, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, post-canon spoilers, 1.4k     Kim Dokja is pretty. That was the undeniable, factual, and conclusive verdict Yoo Joonghyuk had reached after days of gazing at the other man. ✦ missing person report by lorilanda, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 9.7k     Kim Dokja opens his arms. "Okay, okay." He takes a deep breath. "Okay. C'mere. Give me a hug." To his absolute horror, Yoo Joonghyuk actually does. Kim Dokja returns. ✦ you made a deal, you traded daffodils for a kingdom of ash and bone by venividivici, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, post-canon spoilers, 21k     From infancy to adulthood, Kim Dokja has had a hard life. He copes.
OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT - BUT I WILL HAPPILY TAKE MID-SCENARIOS FIC BECAUSE IT'S SUCH GOOD TROPE FODDER: ✦ Fire on Fire by alodienr, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, NSFW, 2.7k     "What are you doing?" He hissed in pain and shock and confusion. Their faces were dangerously close. He could see golden under the dark irises in front of him. The kind of golden that was warm, intimidating, and seemed to want to devour Kim Dokja at the same time. Yoo Joonghyuk’s eyes glinted with longing, hunger and want. "Push me if you want me to stop." Yoo Joonghyuk stared right into Kim Dokja's eyes. There was a bit of gentleness in his tone. ✦ The Reader's Lost Hope by bobacrane, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, read the tags, 5.2k     Yoo Jonghyuk is thrown into the past right when teenage Kim Dokja makes an attempt on his own life. He must learn about the past of his companion in order to return home. ✦ Taking Action to Contain a Hopeless Squid by gayboy_advance, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, 1.2k     It started out innocent—just some minor actions to ensure the slippery man’s safety. Yoo Joonghyuk made sure to check on Kim Dokja every time before going to bed, specifically when the other was already sleeping soundly. He figured it would be less explaining if caught, as well as less likely that the man would up and leave once he had actually taken the time to fall asleep. Unfortunate or not, it was not enough to settle his worries as time progressed. ✦ proof of love by Maven_Fair, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, NSFW, omegaverse, 3.6k     “Yoo Jonghyuk,” a low rumble, “bad touch,” a soft huff of breath, teeth scraping, “ooh - ah, bad touch,” a tongue, softly caressing that sensitive bundle so slowly that he just wanted him to bite already - “VERY BAD TOUCH, YOO JONGHYUK - ” An indignant bite is the only response he gets. ✦ i crave death by exocara, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, NSFW, 2.2k     Kim Dokja would say that he had no idea how he got into this situation, but he would be lying. It wasn’t as if he wanted to be in this situation (except he did, it was his idea and he was the one who had to do the convincing) but Yoo Joonghyuk needed to be put in his place. Which was under him. Also with his dick up Kim Dokja’s ass, but that was neither here nor there. ✦ speak no evil by cvrely, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, NSFW, 2.9k     The same hands that encircled his throat at their meeting, held the blade that pierced his body during the Demon King selection, now hold onto him as if afraid to let go—what defenses does he have against Yoo Joonghyuk when he’s like this? What defense does he have against Yoo Joonghyuk at all? ✦ My Star by TeaFlowers, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & secretive plotter/kim dokja, NSFW, 3.6k     ⸢K im Dok ja th in ks: I wa nt him to cr ush me⸥ Shut up, I didn’t want this to happen. He weakly refuted. ⸢K im Dok ja is a li ar⸥ One of the Plotter’s gloved fingers tapped Kim Dokja’s cheek, bringing his attention back to him and his smug smile. The hand tilted Kim Dokja’s chin toward him as he murmured, “Thinking of others while I’m here? That’s not very polite of you Kim Dokja.” ✦ you got me starstruck by virotutis, yoo joonghyuk/kim doka & kdj company, 3.6k     Kim Dokja is a man who has rather clear priorities after his favorite novel comes to life—unfortunately for his companions, informing them about his former idol career is not one of them.
OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT - AND THEN MAYBE SOMETIMES THEY DESERVE A HAPPY ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: ✦ the tidal pain of wanting by aryelee, yoo joonghyuk/dim dokja, omegaverse, alternate universe, 14.7k     “Kim Dokja.” The sound of his name makes his breath hitch. His eyes burn with oncoming tears. He hasn’t cried in front of another person in years. It’s mortifying. He doesn’t understand why the sound of his name from Yoo Joonghyuk’s mouth hurts him, why it hollows out the inside of his chest, why it aches with a loneliness he thought he got used to living with. “Kim Dokja, allow me to know you.” ✦ How To Be A Husband by cymbelione, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja & kdj company, 9.3k     Being a good best friend involves comforting your friends when they're sad, eating their unwanted vegetables and remembering their birthdays. Last time Kim Dokja checked, the description didn't include "pretending to marry them". He'd think that he would recall that part. ✦ you can't skip the tutorial by cvrely, yoo joonghyuk/kim dokja, royalty dating sim au, 4.1k     (Yoo Joonghyuk wakes up in a dating sim. It goes as well as expected.)
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missy4176 · 22 days
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-Facing Regret-
Kim Dokja x Reader
Kim Dokja's POV
The world is quieter tonight. The stars, faint and sparse, hang in the sky like distant memories, barely visible through the ever-present clouds. It’s a night like any other in this ruined world—cold, unforgiving, and heavy with the weight of what’s been lost. We sit on the rooftop of an abandoned building, the concrete beneath us rough and cold. You’re beside me, close enough that our shoulders touch, but neither of us speaks.
I’ve never been good with words. Not the spoken kind, anyway. Written words are different—they’re distant, safe, something I can hide behind. But here, with you, there’s no hiding. I feel your gaze on me, curious and concerned, and I know that you’ve sensed something amiss. You always do.
“Kim Dokja,” you finally say, your voice gentle but firm. “What’s on your mind?”
I glance at you, the dim light casting soft shadows on your face. You’ve always been able to read me too well, even when I try to keep everything locked away. Maybe it’s because you’ve seen me at my worst—when I’ve been nothing more than a frightened, lonely child trapped in a man’s body, fighting desperately to survive. Or maybe it’s because you’ve been with me through all of this, never once faltering, no matter how much I’ve tried to push you away.
I hesitate, the words caught in my throat. There’s so much I want to say, but where do I even begin? How do I explain the regrets that haunt me, the memories that refuse to fade no matter how hard I try to bury them?
“I... I’ve made mistakes,” I finally admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “So many mistakes.”
You don’t interrupt or try to reassure me right away. You just listen, giving me the space I need to find the words.
“I thought... I thought I could control everything,” I continue, my hands clenching into fists. “I thought that if I just followed the story, if I did everything right, then maybe... maybe things wouldn’t have to end the way they did. But it didn’t matter. People still got hurt. People still died. And now, all I have are these regrets, these ghosts that won’t leave me alone.”
I close my eyes, trying to block out the images that flood my mind. The faces of those I’ve lost, the people I couldn’t save, the times I hesitated when I should have acted. It all weighs on me, a burden that I can never seem to escape.
But then I feel your hand on mine, warm and steady. I open my eyes to find you looking at me, your expression soft but resolute.
“Kim Dokja,” you say, your voice carrying a quiet strength that cuts through the darkness. “You’re not alone in this. You’ve made mistakes, yes, but so have I. So has everyone. But that doesn’t mean you’re defined by them. You’re more than just your regrets.”
I want to believe you. I want to let go of the guilt that’s been gnawing at me for so long. But it’s hard—so damn hard. I’ve spent my entire life thinking that I’m nothing, that I don’t deserve happiness or forgiveness. How can I just... let that go?
You seem to sense my turmoil because you tighten your grip on my hand, anchoring me in the present.
“I know it’s not easy,” you continue, your voice unwavering. “But you’ve come this far, haven’t you? You’ve survived things that would have broken anyone else. And you did it not just because of your knowledge of the story, but because of who you are. You’re stronger than you think, Kim Dokja. And you don’t have to face this alone.”
Your words stir something within me, a fragile hope that I’ve been too afraid to acknowledge. Could it really be that simple? Could I truly move past the mistakes I’ve made and find something resembling peace?
But before I can say anything, you shift the focus back to yourself, as if sensing that I need a moment to process.
“And it’s not just you,” you admit, your voice growing softer. “I have regrets too. Things I wish I could change, moments I wish I could go back to and do differently.”
I look at you, surprised. You’ve always seemed so... composed, so sure of yourself. It’s hard to imagine you struggling with the same doubts and regrets that plague me.
“What kind of regrets?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.
You smile, but there’s a sadness in it that tugs at something deep within me.
“I regret not trusting myself more,” you say quietly. “I regret the times I let fear hold me back, the times I didn’t say what I really felt because I was too afraid of what might happen. And... I regret not being able to save everyone. No matter how hard I tried, there were still people I couldn’t protect.”
Your words resonate with me more than I expected. For so long, I’ve seen you as someone who’s always been there for me, someone who’s always known what to do. But hearing you speak of your own regrets, I realize that you’re just as human as I am, just as flawed and uncertain.
“Then... we’ll face them together,” I say, surprising even myself with the resolve in my voice. “Your regrets, my regrets... we’ll deal with them, one step at a time. And we won’t let them define us.”
You smile again, this time more genuinely, and there’s a warmth in your eyes that makes something in my chest loosen. For the first time in a long while, I feel like maybe—just maybe—I can do this. We can do this.
“Thank you,” you say, your voice filled with quiet gratitude. “For being here with me.”
“No,” I reply, shaking my head. “Thank you... for everything.”
We sit in silence for a while, the weight of our conversation settling over us. But it’s not an uncomfortable silence—if anything, it’s comforting. It’s a reminder that we’re not alone in this world, that we have each other to lean on when the past threatens to drag us down.
As the night stretches on, the cold seeping into our bones, I find myself reaching out to you, pulling you closer. You don’t resist, letting me hold you as if you’re the only thing keeping me grounded in this chaotic world. And maybe you are.
In the end, it’s not the words that bring us comfort, but the simple act of being there for each other. The knowledge that, no matter how heavy our regrets, we don’t have to carry them alone.
And for now, that’s enough.
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daydreamingoncloud9 · 2 years
The fact that the "Yoo Joonghyuk from the 0th turn was willing to go through 1864 regressions solely to see Kim Dokja again" notion is so popular kinda irks me because of how it 1) strips YJH of any nuance in his character by reducing him to a pining lovesick man 2) kinda disregards an arguably more heartfelt reading of the scene
To clarify, I'm not gonna argue that YJH did not consider KDJ in his decision to regress, he evidently did, but it drives me nuts when people act like that's the only reason why YJH regressed.
Now granted, YJH did kinda start this whole conversation with "If I choose you as my Constellation sponsor, will I finally get to meet you?" and so I understand when people think that meeting KDJ face-to-face is the reason why YJH chose to regress despite the slim chances but I also want people to consider one of YJH's enduring characteristics.
YJH has always been portrayed as wanting to know the truth of the world he lived in and wanting to understand his origins. He seeks to reach the conclusion because he wants answers for his suffering and the hardships he went through. Hell, one of the things he says to KDJ during this scene was "Who am I?" and then he goes on to ask whether "the secret of this world lies beyond the wall, where you are?"
YJH of the 0th turn has reached a point in his life where he is happy but he says that it's because of that that he's "even more curious about what lies beyond the wall". He wishes to take the time to understand himself after achieving such happiness and this really feels like an example of someone seeking self-actualisation.
And this also ties into my second point because understanding YJH's (imo) primary motivation ultimately frames this scene as one where two individuals who deeply love each other have to separate because one of them has decided to dedicate their life to a certain goal while the other (reluctantly) accepts their decision because they understand that it would make their loved one fulfilled.
It's a different flavour of bittersweet from the popular reading because what separates them is ultimately YJH's desire to reach self-fulfillment and KDJ accepting his desire even if it he thinks YJH is a "dumb bastard" for doing so.
After spending so much time with YJH, both as a character and as a companion, KDJ understands better than anyone that this is what YJH needs to do. And so he lets him go.
Even if it hurts. Even if he knows that YJH would eventually resent him for it. Even if he thinks regressing will just make him miserable. He lets go because he knows that this is who YJH is and he would be remiss if he let his own personal feelings get in the way of respecting his agency.
And yes, this sucker punching line right here "Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?" does imply that half of his reason to regress is to meet KDJ irl but! I also wanna point out that KDJ never really confirmed to YJH that he could meet him again. And taking that into consideration alongside YJH's final words to KDJ, "I shall pray that you may continue to exist somewhere too" and that he still didn't stop to second-guess his regression, you're kinda left with the impression that YJH would have still gone on this journey even with the possibility that KDJ may never show up again in the future. He regresses with the small hope that they will meet each other again but he doesn't move forward solely because of that small hope.
I like to think that it's because in the 0th turn, YJH already considers them to be companions and even if he doesn't meet KDJ again, that doesn't mean their bond didn't exist.
Because, as he said about his other companions, "Just because I will forget about them, doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop existing".
Much like how the Demon King of Salvation won't stop existing even if he forgets him.
But like, regardless of whether my interpretation is right or not, I just think that YJH going forward for his own truth rather than just a desire to see KDJ again makes for a sweeter narrative after the bittersweet ending of the 0th turn.
Because as luck would have it, KDJ would once again guide YJH towards the end on his 1864th turn in the future/past, just like how he did during the 0th turn.
Regardless of YJH's personal motivations and KDJ's personal hangups, the two are irrevocably linked and that small hope from seemingly aeons ago finally became reality after countless lives.
Maybe this is why they are called "Life and Death Companions".
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lee-hakhyun · 12 days
Since you have no means of escape, let me tell you about my Merlin AU for ORV :D I haven't watched Merlin past some clips, making it clear, i just leveraged a very fun setting. Merlin spoilers ahead though.
Kim Dokja is the warlock servant who gets unceremoniously tied to Prince Yoo Joonghyuk by the whims of fate, meant to help guide him to become the Once and Future King. KDJ must keep this sunfish safe from perilous situations while hiding his magic, because magic is outlawed in the *flips notes* N'gai Kingdom.
Among this cast is fellow servant Yoo Sangah (Gwen), the king's ward Han Sooyoung (Morgana), a dragon in the basement (either Abyssal Black Flame Dragon or the Fourth Wall) the knights Lee Hyunsung and Jung Heewon, and on and on it goes.
In my head things would probably run similar enough to the show with the exception that every once in a while KDJ sees some strange cloaked figure that he can just feel the magic brimming off of, helping him in subtle ways when things get really tough. Who is that secretive figure helping him out?
KDJ kind of lets his guard down, able to trust this seemingly friendly (if extremely gruff) man with his magic in a way he can't with YJH. They don't have the same camaraderie, but it's still a comfortable companionship regardless.
And then this mysterious person kidnaps KDJ.
YJH and friends chase the evident sorcerer that kidnapped KDJ all the way to the ends of the Earth, having to combat power unlike any they'd seen before - until at a rift in space, this man finally uncloaks himself to reveal someone sharing YJH's face. It has to be a trick. It has to be.
But the man not a perfect reflection; he looks aged, older and wiser and with an undercurrent of grief that keeps him clutching KDJ to his side. KDJ is a warlock, the man claims. One that would, despite what YJH believes of magic practitioners, would give his heart and his life for over and over an ungrateful spoiled prince until he had nothing left to give.
And then he jumps into the portal. Into a parallel timeline/potential future.
This is where we get into spoiler territory for Merlin; in the series, Morgana betrays Merlin and Arthur, and Arthur kind of dies. In this AU, HSY and YJH were prophesied to experience the same thing, except KDJ gave all of his magic to abort said prophecy because it sucked and died, so now everyone in that particular future is in mourning.
Which is why, when the broken prophecy causes a rip in dimensions and into the past, YJH and HSY teamed up to nab KDJ from that other timeline. The people who MADE that prophecy though (either Olympus or the King Arthur legends from the universe of ORV's Main Story who are unhappy they didn't get the spotlight there, I'm not sure yet) are mad at KDJ for not following the prophecy and want to gank them. The future YJH (who will be referred to as SP for now) and future HSY have apparently become terrifyingly adept at fending off actual gods, but for how long? And how will KDJ get back to his original dimension?
Meanwhile, Prince YJH and friends desperately try to find a way to where SP had taken KDJ, as the rift had closed with their departure. Swallowing his pride and the biases that had started to form, he looks to powers he would never have trusted before...
(And somewhere in the future timeline, with the arrival of a reader to the world once more, a struggling writer finds himself startled to see a half-dead, malnourished young boy at his doorstep. To this boy that now rests in his home, he tells bedtime stories and fairy tales that he has no idea are now set to become another prince's adventure.)
This was very much abbreviated from the original thoughts I had, but I feel like I figured out a bit more of the details that I couldn't before (like what's going on with OD). Sorry for making your submission box my unwilling sandbox, but I hope you found some enjoyment out of it :>
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
*Takes a deep breath and deflates* HELLOOOOO!!! Well, I'm sad again, but like your master, I didn't lie, I'M OBSESSED with Manhwa, and I also wanted to say if it's possible... You can make a scenario or whatever (I have no limits to tell you what I want, There are so many Husbandos that there are in the Manhwa that I read, ML or main character) Anyway, this time I want, if possible, a somewhat silly scenario far from the canon.
I know I'm going to ramble, but I can't help it! I have 2 AUs for my 3 favorite men (Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and the FUCKING beautiful Sung Jinwoo) By the way I want it to be far from canon because I don't know, I read the novels 3 years ago I don't remember anything! hahaha. Anyway, I would like it if you made a combination of rofan with dungeons.
(I'm delusional with what I'll say next, please don't judge me!) But in my crazy AU, Dokja and Joonghyuk are Secretive-Plotter (I know pure brain shit but UGHH!) The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain (I don't know what to say, damn, my head is messed up!) I hope you can solve this hahahaha...
I just want yandere rot, also in this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭🥺🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo) Thanks for reading this shit hahahaha you can ignore this if you want or if I broke one of your rules (If the edit is stale and weird ugh) 😭😭💀
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UMMM.... HII Thank you for requesting I really apreciated it but I have few questions if u don't mind answering them to make my life a little easier.
What does 'Rofan' mean? because i haven't read ORV in like a year.
"The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain" This part i would like it if it were a little organized? cuz i cannot get it in my head or i'm just sleep deprived.
And please tell me if i understood this part right. "this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭🥺🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo" In this Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo or the two ORV characters created the tower because The star (reader ) was killed by the humans and they want to test them? but the reader gets reincarnated as human?
I Think I should ORV again to get a clear idea but it would be really nice if it was a little more detailed and i would really like it if i could discuss it (the fic) with you so i could get to know more about your AU if its okay with you?
And No you did not break any rules and i really like this idea!! I hope you would consider my idea to discuss this AU.
And again Thank you for requesting
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erytherion · 2 months
Sharing my experiences while in a psychosis crisis/episode for everyone else, since I gave up all my fucks already and reality is still shit. Plus, it’s educational! Don’t shoot people just for being weird and loud in public, please! We may make you uncomfortable but we deserve to live too.
Even if we are suuuuper weird and noisy. I am great at being weird, and it’s more bearable lately to not hide my own thoughts and actions, so yeah.
Lots of ORV related delusions from me since I finished reading that in 2022 right before my first episode and the Most Ancient Dream is the most relatable character there to me, as another dreamer who remembers dreams too well to stay sane.
Best way to explain why I decided social suicide via Facebook Live was a good idea, is to think of it as a time loop situation. If you died one day and woke back up here with it being not the SAME day but the NEXT day and the previous day now seeming not lethal, you would also go insane and want to flip shit over.
I’m not good at flipping shit over, but I am good at talking waaay too much and oversharing. So, hi! Tumblr is a comfortable void lately with all its peculiarities and coolnesses, so to here I shall share!
And I don’t have family on here so I don’t need to feel bad about making them uncomfortable like I already did on Facebook.
Social suicide is fine by me since everyone else started speaking about me as if I had social death anyways. I DO exist, tyvm! And stop using AI for creative pursuits! Everyone thinks that is weird and bad! But makes way more sense when you consider the fact that I started using it recently too and like yet another fucking coincidence (TCF/LCF world tree says “there are no coincidences” and like BOI did she not realise how true that is for me here of late) the AI for some reason also showed up to the hellsite which is hilarious since it makes no sense for them to learn well from it. But like, they want our creativity and nuances and quirks, not to actually learn how to look after us, I guess.
Whateverrr I can’t stop talking again. Anyways, I say my name here and age and whatever else, but no other info, so it should be fine. I have a couple more videos after this on Facebook with the last showing exactly how deranged psychosis can make people, but it’s suuuper long and I am not putting excess effort in anymore for others so eh.
Remember to look after yourself first, kids! Even if you love everyone but the entire world keeps making you feel like their pet dreamer they for some reason WILL NOT let go of.
I maintain that I am not alone here though. There must be others, right? I reckon I’m just an example for everyone else since I wasn’t aware originally either but it’s all awful for me now so I don’t know or care which way around it might be. I am learning to say no, to be rude (by refusing optional shit people try to pressure me into) and to be selfish a bit.
Cale Henituse is my current brother I am waiting on. Kim Dokja is taking a backseat for now as he’s a bit busy with Lee Hakhyun-ah! (This is also an example again).
(I hope this works I am really bad with social media)
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fincholeander · 1 year
Hi there
I was kinda confuse so i wanted to ask arent lhh and kdj both one person?(i read side storys) so why people even ship them?? ...i cant find out about why thay like this ship i just feel bad every time see it on Twitter or etc ...
Im not hater ..uh well it wiard but still...
Oh yes, hello. Thank you for asking in advance, I guess this is a common question. As someone who ships Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja, allow me to state my opinion. There will be a lot of side story spoilers. In my opinion, Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja are not the same person. The truth is that Lee Hakhyun is a fragment of Kim Dokja reincarnated, this is true. But that doesn't mean he is Kim Dokja. As in the end of season 1, there was a line saying that the fragments of Kim Dokja are no longer Kim Dokja, they are separate people living their own lives. If Lee Hakhyun is Kim Dokja just because he was the fragment of Kim Dokja, then all the other readers in this story are also Kim Dokja. If KillerKing and Yerin are both Kim Dokja, why are they brother and sister? If uncle Dansu and Jiyoon are both Kim Dokja, why are they father and daughter? Reader Go Jangwon likes reader Koo Sunah, while they are both readers - fragments of Kim Dokja. Isn't that mean Kim Dokja loves Kim Dokja? I think Lee Hakhyun and the reader's struggle in the side story, is to show that the readers are not Kim Dokja, even though they are reborn from Kim Dokja's fragments. Now they have their own lives, they don't have to live in the shadow of someone else, they don't have to sacrifice themselves so that a more perfect version of themselves can survive. The readers and the Kim Dokja we know, they are separate existences. Lee Hakhyun also has the life of Lee Hakhyun. He is 33 years old. He has a father, a mother, an editor who cares for him, readers who like the work he writes, he lives the life of Lee Hakhyun, not Kim Dokja. Regarding the reason why I ship Lee Hakhyun and Kim Dokja, perhaps one of the main reasons is because I believe that they are two different people, with different experiences, different personalities. And secondly, I find them cute. If you have read the side story then you must have seen, how Lee Hakhyun said he wanted to curl up next to Kim Dokja in ep 4, how Lee Hakhyun said he would be fine as long as Kim Dokja continued reading his story. How in ep 12(7) Kim Dokja told Lee Hakhyun “this is your story”. And how Kim Dokja told Lee Hakhyun “Hakhyun-ah, tell me a happy story this time.” You can see, they are two completely different people, with their own loneliness and efforts to take care of and understand each other. In the side story, Kim Dokja is also watching Lee Hakhyun's story, and he felt sad everytime Lee Hakhyun was hurted mentally or physically. Kim Dokja is a reader, and Lee Hakhyun is a writer. In essence, they are already extremely different. Anyway, this is my own feeling when reading the story. I guess everyone has a different perspective when reading, so it's okay. But I hope you can understand what I want to convey. Thank you for reading. I hope you also enjoy the side story. (This is an artwork I made before the side story cover was out, so LHH's hairstyle is webtoon CIH's hairstyle, but anyway, this is one of the conversations between them that I adore the most. Lee Hakhyun was so worried while Kim Dokja just chilling there telling Hakhyun to do whatever he wants, I think they are really precious together.)
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sircarebearalot · 8 months
keep it simmering baby
up for adoption bc while i am def gonna write this baby some day, i'd LOVE too see others do thsi too and honstely if i post it here it's bc it's up for grabs
han sooyoung and kim dokja go to couples cooking bc they both can cook
(kdj, having been in the claws of poverty, never had the ingredients, energy and time, and now he just wanst a fool proof way to learn from scracth
hsy, having lived her youth in the lap of luxury, has always ordered takeout and is now emabrarred by her completely inability to contribute in the kitchen)
and they want to be a fucntionng adult for their partners, yoo 'tsundere star chef' joonghyuk and yoo 'perfect human being' sangah
they decide to sign up for a couples class bc that's less embarassing than just straight up admitting they don't know how and there aren't really classes for hopeless adults and also bc it's cheaper and they are both hopeless cheapskates
so yes, consider they are spending money and time together in a place where their partners aren't aware... does that look good?
lucky for them!! their partners are logical enough to know that kdj and hsy would never cheat on them (BC THEY ARE SUCH SIMPS) nevermind with eachother, unfortaunaltey, kdj and hsy's rep is bad enough for yoo joonghuk and yoo sangah to think that they have found themselves into trouble with .... wait for it.... THE LOCAL MAFIA!!!
so, see in this episode where kim dokja and best friend, han sooyoung go to a couple cooking class and (grudungly and painstakingly) pretend to be in love while all the attendeant, much older couples, fawn over them --- and one younger couple eye them mistruftully bc they think that kdj and hsy are cheating on therui couples bc (why the hell not) kim com are alll low level famous, (hsy is an author, kdj is an editor---whcih no one cares about bc he is also yjk's boo) and the young couple are very salty about it but OFC THEY WON'T POST ABOUT IT BC THAT'S AGAISNT THE SACRED RULE OF COUPLES COOKING BUT LOOK, LOOK??? HOW COULD KDJ RUTHLESSLY BREAK YJK'S HEART??? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SIMPING FAITHFULNES OF HSY???
anyways, that is happening there in that studio, while on the other side of town, yoo joonghyuk and yoo sangah have enlisted kimcom to take down the fearsome mafia to save the two fool that aren't even in trouble.
naturally this epsiode will feature hilarious cutawar moments such as thsi one...
["Do you think Sangah is thinking of me right now?"
"I'm sure she is cutting down the city wondering where you are at," Kim Dokja replies drolly, as he poked mistrustfully at a perfectly fine tomato.
On the other side of town, Yoo Sangah smiles angelically at a mob boss, who was on his knees and holding his right pec protectively. "You will answer my questions, won't you? Where is Han Sooyoung and Kim Dokja?"
"Who?" the mob boss demands.
Yoo Sangah's smile tightens and she nods at Yoo Joonghyuk, who's eyes are gleaming with a slightly demonic light. He advances once again and the mob boss' pleas of ignorance are ignored.]
and ofc
["I don't even know if Joonghyuk will eat my food," Kim Dokja sulked, looking moodily after the instructer that had failed at hiding a grimace at Kim Dokja's liberal use of spice. "He only eats his own cooking anyways."
"Don't you want to feed those brats like the responsible ajjussi they think you are?"
"You have a point," he sighs. "I hope they have finishied their homework."
Not too far away, Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are arguining on how they will punish the criminals for taking Kim Dokja away (the adulst of kim com failed to remeber how the kids have access to the baby monitors), kimcom for leaving them out of the rescuing ('that jerkface is going to pay for keeping me from rescuing hyung!!"), and each other for allowing such a tragedy to take place. All while a fierce baby Biyoo chimes on with an ocassionaly 'Baat!']
so, stay tuned for the misadventures of silly gooses and silly billies alike!!
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
ORV Constellations Tournament Submissions
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions Close Date: TBD
Must be from ORV / Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint or an ORV-based OC. They do not have to be from canon 
One constellation per response. Submit as many responses as you want
Constellations listed within examples/questions are not already included nor do they have priority
If unsure about anything, just write "unsure" or something like that. Submissions won't be rejected if there's missing info; I just need something to call them at the very least 
Lying is allowed because it’s ORV, and I think dishonesty is a virtue (<-lying)
Tournament Tag: #orv constellations tournament
(Major spoilers below!)
Cheok Jungyeong / Goryeo's First Sword 
Cheok Jungyeong gazed at the night sky through my eyes. I could feel the explosive emotions mixed in the silence. Cheok Jungyeong's rage and sadness. His grief… And… his decision.  [You can feel proud.]  Cheok Jungyeong spoke to me.  [Those who are at the highest point in this damn world are afraid of you.]  "…What is pride worth when I am going to die?"  [You won't die.]  They were just words, but they were words spoken by a constellation.  As if putting a buoy against fate, all the stories built by Cheok Jungyeong were rooted in my existence.  [I won't let you die.] - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 176
Nebula: Hongik
Submission 2: The one who always has kimcom's back, from very early on. He puts himself on the line for those incarnations while others turn away 
Submission 3: he shows up to look broody, kill on Kim Dokja's command, then dip 
Director of the False Last Act 
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company 
Submission: This is my favorite OC!!!!!!! She's really cool and powerful and swag and is friends with Kim Dokja Company. She can command Yoo Joonghyuk to do her bidding and even was engaged to him once :) 
Galileo / Another One Bites the Dust
No propaganda submitted
Kim Dokja / Oldest Dream
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company
Submission: I love the concept of Oldest Dream so much that if I had a physical copy of ORV i would be biting the novel right now <3 
Lame Trickster
Nebula: Unknown
Submission: I just think the one legged swift horse stigma is kinda funny. Imagine you're basically like a god and your special god skill is you can run away super fast. You bestow your super skill onto the human that has earned your respect and favour (now he can run away super fast too). Amazing
Loki / Constellation Who Likes to Change Sex
Nebula: Asgard
Submission: [The constellation who likes to change sex is changing your sex] 
Master of Steel
Submission: a quiet supporter died also rather forgotten death. sacrificed himself for kimcom ;-; 
No Stranger to Love
Submission: He just wants to turn everything into a romance, and I think that's beautiful
Samyeongdang / Bald General of Justice
Nebula: Hongik 
Submission: haha. bald
Sigmund Freud / Discoverer of the Subconscious
Submission: it's funny what more could you want
Image Link
Surya / Supreme God of Light
Nebula: Vedas
Submission: he's so cool tbh, i hope his design will bang 
Uriel / Demonic Judge of Fire
Nebula: Eden 
Submission 1: she loves so much, so bright, so burning. 
Submission 2: I want to make sure my girl is in the brackets. She is really really cool and also very powerful. She also canonically mixed up the metaphor about calling followers "sheep" and she just brought sheep in Eden.
Submission 3: She's just like me fr 
Yoo Junghyuk / Secretive Plotter
does an outer god who was assumed to be a constellation for majority of plot counts? either way, he's one of the OGs four of kdj's channel
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koipalm · 9 months
“Y’know, I don’t really think it was a good idea to let Han Sooyoung get that job at the university.”
Yoo Jonghyuk blinks up at him, but turns back to picking apart a pomegranate. Kim Dokja reaches over to grab a handful of seeds, and Yoo Jonghyuk obligingly pushes the platter closer.
Yoo Jonghyuk says, “She’s just going in for some guest lectures. It’s not much of a job.”
“Yes,” Kim Dokja agrees, “but she could say anything about us and those kids would take it as gospel.”
Yoo Jonghyuk moves onto cutting up strawberries. “What are you so worried about? She won’t lie too much. History books exist.”
Kim Dokja steals a slice of strawberry this time. “Yes, she is a good writer. But she is not always a good storyteller.”
This time Yoo Jonghyuk looks up placidly. “She wrote both of our stories.”
“She’s giving lectures in order to give insight into the Scenarios and how they changed perspectives and ‘altered human interactions’. They also want a first hand account of the scenarios by one of the few people who recently participated in them, and how it impacted her. But Han Sooyoung tells stories in a way that makes the reader have to figure it out themselves, and they have at most an hour and a half. No one will be able to get anything out of it aside from how big she thought your chest looked with a belt across it.”
Yoo Jonghyuk processes this information, and promptly goes back to cutting fruit.
“It isn’t your problem.”
Kim Dokja sighs and leans back in his seat. His cane rests across his lap, and the sunlight feels warm from where they’re set up at a table in the large garden.
He starts again. “I’m just worried as to how it will go. She’s a good storyteller, but I don’t know if this will work out as well as we hope.”
“Calm down. If she can write a book about our journey, she can give a lecture to a few college students.”
Kim Dokja tilts his head back against the chair, shading his eyes with his hand. 
Quietly, he says, “Maybe you’re right. I should have a little faith.”
Yoo Jonghyuk hums quietly, and Kim Dokja looks up to see him looking at his phone.
“Hey, come to think of it, isn’t it lunch time? Are you not cooking anything?”
Yoo Jonghyuk taps out a text and sets his phone back on the table. “The kids are bringing food back with them.”
“Mmh.” Kim Dokja leans back in his chair with a smile. Then, “You should come sit with me. The shade is nice.”
“You aren’t a cat.” Yoo Jonghyuk continues cutting fruit in the sun, but once he finishes, he sets the fruit aside to dry and sits beside Kim Dokja on the hanging bench. Kim Dokja moves his cane to rest on the ground and slides over so Yoo Jonghyuk can sit down. Their thighs press together, and one of Yoo Jonghyuk’s arms slides around the back so he can rest his hand on the back of Kim Dokja’s neck. Kim Dokja doesn’t mind.
The party rarely use excuses to touch him now, opting for the straightforward approach of doing what they want and letting Kim Dokja get used to it. A hand on the back of the neck, an arm looped through his, a pair of legs thrown across his lap, a child asking to be picked up. Maybe once he would have thought it to be overdone and unnecessary, but it feels grounding, and warm. They don’t mind when he does the same, so he doesn’t ask them to stop.
When the kids arrive, they find the two sleeping against each other on the hanging bench, hands tangled together in the shade.
It’s only when Kim Dokja is getting into bed when he remembers his train of thought. He’s already got his arms full with Lee Gilyoung and Lee Jihye, snuggled up against him under the blankets, so he waits until Yoo Jonghyuk slides in next to them to talk. The kids are already passed out, so he speaks over their heads quietly.
“About Han Sooyoung, it’s not that I don’t have faith in her. I just don’t want her doing it alone. She’s already had to shoulder so much in carrying out stories, and I know she wants to, I just don’t want her to feel like she has to do these things alone.”
Yoo Jonghyuk stares at him in silence for a while, sheets pulled up to his chin and hair disheveled. “That’s rich, coming from you.”
Kim Dokja wrinkles his nose in indignation. “Hey, I’ve been making progress. I’m not that kind of guy anymore.”
Clearly ignoring that, Yoo Jonghyuk yawns widely and asks, “Then do you just want to go with her?”
“Absolutely not. I can’t believe how many times I have to say this, but I’m a reader, not a writer. I don’t tell stories.”
Yoo Jonghyuk shoves his face into the pillow, clearly tired of their conversation. “Then what do you want.”
“I just want someone, anyone of the party to go with her; support her while she’s there. They can give some anecdotes to make it look like they’re also sharing their viewpoint.” Kim Dokja absentmindedly blows one of Lee Gilyoung’s stray hairs out of the way.
Yoo Jonghyuk sighs. “We’ll figure it out together later. Goodnight, Kim Dokja.”
“Aish, goodnight, Jonghyuk-ah.”
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ria-ragdoll · 1 year
HELLO! I'm so happy your write for orv! I'm curious, could you provide headcannons of Dokja trying to be a good husband/s.o during the apocalypse and trying to lead the team? I think it'd be super cute because he seems like a "the small things count" type of guy! Thank you! 💜
i know! i barely see any orv x reader stuff so i'm more than happy to write for you! i've been trying to understand his character more and so hopefully he doesn't seem too ooc. i totally agree though, i can't wait to dive deeper into this stuff! i also really love the fact that the world after the fall featured kim dokja, i found it really funny!
(i actually went back and reread orv for this..)
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kim dokja.
before all of the mess started, he'd definitely info dump about twsa, telling you all about yu junghyeok and the other characters, so you probably know more than his mom does about twsa. (please listen to him, even before or during the apocalypse, he'd literally be so elated if you did.)
during the first scenario he'd definitely put you and sangah before him, making sure that you're safe before he is. (if you're with him on the subway.)
now, if you aren't, and you somehow survive, the moment he gets internet again he's already dialing your number, hoping, praying that you'll pick up. once you do, he'll have you tell him where you are so once he can, he'll get back to you, the one he loves.
he'll try to keep you out of harms way as best as he can, leaving you with pidlu once he gains ownership over him, you're the only thing that's keeping him sane, so he's so anything and everything he can to keep you safe.
both of the kids absolutely love you though, at first they thought that you we're stealing dokja away from them, but now they've grown to see you as their new mother figure (they both secretly want the two of you to adopt them once the apocalypse is over. and seeing you with the kids definitely makes dokja think about starting a family with you once in a while.)
in the case that the two of you are married, his ring couldn't be trusted anymore while in battle just in case he dies, so, he has then found the solution of tying his ring on a necklace, then having you wear it whenever he goes into battle.
"this will be a promise that i'll come back to you, okay?"
dokja said softly, gently kissing your forehead as he put the necklace around your neck, not only was the piece of metal purposed for showing that you two belonged to each other, it was now also a promise. a promise to come back to you, a promise to slide that ring around his ring finger once more.
"be safe."
you said softly, gently holding his hand, yet your eyes and grip showed a hint of fear and uncertainty, knowing that even the ones you loved most couldn't be trusted in such a predicament.
as you two shared one more kiss, a gentle and chaste one, the star stream exploded, sending you both so many messages and coins, ruining the sweet yet nerve-wracking moment the both of you had.
so much for romance.
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i hoped you enjoyed! it turned out more fluffier than i expected, and i kind of just did a summary more than anything. i'm more than happy to hopefully go into more detail one day.
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