#Pinks fun game glitch corner
pinkomalin · 6 months
I was playing Sonic Unleashed and-
I WAS SHITTING BRICKS. I THOUGHT SONICS DUMBASS WAS GONNA FALL OFF THE STAGE. Doesn’t help that I was stuck on this part of the stage for an hour.
I got another clip from this game but I’ll post it later. probably.
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eagle-warri · 11 months
MAG XXX: Labyrinthine
(inspired by both @cherrifire’s Distortion!BigB and @mothofprophecy’s Distortion!Grian. And also the fact that Secret Life is basically a Spiral domain at this point)
tw: derealization, descriptions of glitching
[ARCHIVIST] Statement of G. Rian regarding a maze of doors. Statement given October 29, 20…that can’t be right. The statement says it was given 2023, that day hasn’t happened yet. It must’ve been a mistake, I’ll have to refile it. Statement begins.
[ARCHIVIST (statement)] Alright, first thing you need to know is that I am not the best guy sometimes, but I try! If I sometimes trap my friends in death games for fun, well, no one’s perfect. I see how you’re looking at me, they’re fine. Mostly. Don’t ask about Jimmy.
Anyways. I was running another game, but something was wrong. I wasn’t completely in control anymore, something…else had gotten in there. And not of my own design. Something not of blood and life and death, like the games always were, not of the binding strings and rot of Double or the ticking time of Lim or the hopping bloodlust of Last, but of color and twisting and lies. We had…they were called Secrets. Things we had to do or we suffered the consequences. And there was one player…
It was BigB. Don’t ask about a real name, only about half the players went by one, and he wasn’t one of them. But from the start his secrets were weird. First one I’m almost sure was hole-related, but he would not tell me, which I’m kind of annoyed about. But the second one…
I don’t even know what his secret was for, but he had some sort of labyrinth built, and he invited me in. I took it, obviously. But as I passed him, something was a bit off. Nothing was wrong looking right at him, but out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn that he was glitching. Like, he had this weird, colorful outline, and his fingers were too long. I didn’t think much of it. Probably should have, otherwise I wouldn’t be in here.
Anyways, I headed in, and figured that it was a maze thing, that I’d have to find my way out. Especially when I glanced back and realized the door wasn’t there anymore. I kept going, but it seemed like I was going in circles. The doors on the walls kept changing, colors and styles glitching. Eventually I tried just walking in one direction. Until I realized that I should have been past the world border. There should’ve…well what should’ve happened is that there was a wall, a border somewhere that you couldn’t go through. A pocket domain’s only so large, ya know? Suppose you do, given this place.
I kept going. Eventually I started running, checking every door I could. It only seemed to glitch more the more I was in there. It was as if whatever had trapped me in that place didn’t like me. And every so often, when I glanced back, I saw BigB. He seemed at home in the glitches, but so wrong at the same time. His limbs didn’t look right, his sweater glitching from blue to pink to purple. The curls in his hair only spiraled in and in and in and in, never seeming to stop.
I found the one door that wasn’t glitching. It seemed normal, your typical birch door that seemed stark against the dissolving hallway around me. I grabbed for it and went through it and…
I woke up on the ground, looking up at BigB. He looked…normal. It was a stark contrast from the glitching mess that had been in the maze. He helped me up, saying I’d passed out in there, that he’d dragged me out. He shrugged before waving a goodbye as I walked up the stairs that spiraled up to ground level. 
As I left, I thought to check my secret. It said to move some doors around people’s bases, and I did! Twice as many as I needed to, actually. And I built this confusing base thing, basically all stairs.
I never realized how much fun it was to confuse people like that.
[ARCHIVIST] Statement ends. There’s…a lot to unpack here. That Jimmy he mentioned…I’m pretty sure we have an End statement by a Jimmy that refers to a “G” a couple of times. But the other things. Mr. Rian seems like a dangerous Avatar. It seems less like he belongs to someone specific, and more to a fear, something game and death and blood and control. Adding being Spiral-touched to that can’t be good for anyone. Hell, it seems like he’s halfway to being an Archivist himself, if he wasn’t so tied to Web.
That BigB he mentioned confuses me too. He doesn’t match the description of Michael or Helen, but he’s obviously a Distortion. The doors make that obvious enough. Maybe this thing really is from that date. Or maybe it’s not, and the Spiral is just messing with me.
Not really that much to follow up on here, unless I want someone to end up in his…what did he call it? “Pocket Domain?”
Whatever that is, it sounds worrying. For now, I’ll only hope that none of us cross G’s path.
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macaroon-sapling · 1 year
Headcanons - Vanessa & Glitchtrap ✷
Fun facts about a normal girl and her rabbit-shaped friend (not really) who lives in her PC!
✧ Before she was brainwashed in the beta testing of Fazbear Entertainment's VR game, Help Wanted, Vanessa was just a quirky young woman attending a small college for computer science. One day, she noticed that a weird little glitch showed up on her PC monitor.
✧ To support her college endeavours, Vanessa works at a local crafts and fabric store. She really enjoys her job, and gets along with her coworkers even though she's a little too awkward to talk to them sometimes. Her favourite parts of the job are putting out new fabric swatches and organizing the buttons. She's sorta friends with the manager too, who thinks the girl should really get out more. The only real downside to working at the little store is that it doesn't pay all that much.
✧ Preferring to be alone rather than living with a roommate, Vanessa lives by herself in a small apartment complex near the college she goes to. It can get very lonely, but she appreciates all the time she has to herself. It's good for keeping up with homework and her online discord friends. She's decorated her apartment with all sorts of movie posters, figurines, Hello Kitty merch, tiny plants, a bisexual pride flag, and random cute items. There's a lot of pink, hearts, rainbows, and puppies! Oh, and a lot of Monster Energy cans. So many Monster Energy cans...
✧ Vanessa loves girly alt fashion, and adds little elements of it to her everyday outfits. Things like silly earrings, pastel plastic chains, enamel pins, and homemade kandi bracelets really match with her creative style. Her favourite clothes are often colourful graphic t-shirts and baggy jeans with unique designs on them. She also has thin rainbow striped sections in her dirty blonde hair that she dyes herself every once in a while.
✧ Besides fashion, Vanessa is a big fan of vocaloid music, alt rock bands, slasher movies, and true crime. Her favourite bands are ones like Mindless Self Indulgence, and her favourite movie is the classic Friday the 13th. That brings us to her favourite true crime case, the serial killer William Afton and his infamous string of murders in the 1980s. She had never really gone to a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location more than like once as a kid, but the horrific tale of the killer former CEO fascinated her. How lucky for her then, that the man himself would show up in a ghostly shimeji-like fashion on her very own computer! Yay......
✧ On a perfectly ordinary day, Vanessa came home from her morning college classes and sat at her PC, just like she did everyday. She promptly opened discord and just was about to start chatting away in one of her fandom servers. Then she noticed something casually appear in her peripheral vision, on the lower corner of her screen, something that wasn't supposed to be there. Were those.. tiny rabbit ears? Indeed they were. Using her cursor, she quickly clicked and dragged on those ears before they could disappear again. What she found dangling on her cursor was obviously a virus. Damn it, where could she have accidentally downloaded a virus? Was it from a badly coded Minecraft mod she had downloaded? Maybe from a virus-laced online game she had foolishly played? The possibilities ran through her mind as she grimaced at the odd yellow rabbit-virus-thing seemingly trying to get away from her digital grasp. That was until the virus suddenly looked up, directly at her, and angrily yelled for her to let go. Fancy that, a computer virus had just made eye contact and called her a bitch! Obviously very startled, Vanessa immediately dropped the virus on her screen and jumped back in her computer chair. She watched in stunned silence as the little bunny guy dusted himself off, then stared at the metaphorical "floor" on her desktop wallpaper (a pastel pixel art fairy forest) in frustration of having been prematurely noticed. Fucking creepy!
✧ Through trial and error, Vanessa soon found out that she had gotten the virus from her first beta testing session of Help Wanted (told you her job didn't pay enough). Through some very carefully asked questions (this is sarcasm, she straight up asked him multiple times until he admitted just enough that she could be sure of the situation), she also found out that the rabbit-virus-thing in her computer was the real actual ghost of her serial killer interest, William Afton. She was.. weirdly ok with this. For a lonely girl with nothing better to do in her free time, this was surely fascinating to say the least.
✧ Over the next few weeks, Vanessa and Glitchtrap (she learned very quickly that she really shouldn't call him William) began to develop what Vanessa would call a friendship. Anyone else would call it the beginnings of manipulation and having an annoying little ghost stealing your money and constantly snooping in your files. Keeping Glitchtrap out of her discord, instagram, and deviant art accounts was like a full time job. While freeloading in her computer, Glitchtrap developed a habit of playing games that Vanessa had downloaded. He'd only really do this when he was really bored and she was away at college. He pretty much only got into Minecraft, even though he'd constantly complain about how "shit" the graphics were, despite how much Vanessa tried to explain that the graphics were "awesome actually!".
✧ In this very short time period of mostly harmless antics with Glitchtrap, the worst thing he did to Vanessa was quietly steal over $300 for a memory extension for her PC. And once the part arrived, he proceeded to sit there like an asshole and command her to install it. Poor Vanessa, it's not like she has that kind of money! She's in college, Glitchtrap! It's not like he remembers what it was like to be a college student. Vanessa did indeed install the memory expansion though. Glitchtrap made sure to order one from a non-refundable website. What a prick.
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xcometstarx · 6 months
Storm Of Fire
Chapter 1: Lost and Found
It was a peaceful day on the Tapops station. To much surprise, it was calm and the cadets didn't have to do anything. The Kokotiam gang were in the library, 5 of the 7 elements with them. Our elemental boy was sitting on a bean bag, talking to Thunder, who was in another bean bag, and Quake, who was on the floor. Blaze was hanging upside down in a chair, talking to Ice, who was behind the chair, and Thorn, who was beside Ice. Fang, Gopal, and Qually were all engaged in a game of Uno, Yaya and Ying were looking over books of different planets and power spheras, and Octobot was charging in the back corner.
There was two people missing from this cluster; the youngest, light element, and the second oldest, wind element. Finding Solar would be simple: he was probably in his lab. Cyclone..thats a little bit of a challenge. He could be anywhere, doing almost anything that involved fun and pranks. Still, it was unusual for Cyclone to not be with the rest of the elements, or the gang. But, everyone needs their alone time, right?
In the main control room of the Tapops ship, was Solar. He sat there, looking at the 7 different screens he had pulled up on the main panel. He had his goggles on over his eyes as he looked at all the screens. He seemed to be focused, staring at the screens with a determined look on his face. His hands moved over the keyboard with ease, letting out a annoyed/frustrated sigh whenever he got a error message or the screen glitched.
"Cadet Solar?" A voice said, and Solar flipped his goggles up and turned around quickly in his chair, his finger tips already charged with his light beam. He lowered his hand when he saw Commander KoKo Ci and Admiral Tarung walk into the control room. He quickly did the Tapops salute, before Commander Koko Ci said, "Solar, what are you doing in here?"
Solar paused, unsure whether to cause panic over something that couldn't be true at all, or to get help because the situation was dire. Well, he was going to go with the second, because he needed all the help he could get.
"Noticed how we haven't seen Cyclone in..over 5 hours?" Solar says, resting his head on his hand, and his elbow on the chairs arm rest. He looked at Commander Koko Ci and Admiral Tarung, waiting for their responses.
"It is strange, but how do we know he just isn't somewhere hiding on the ship as a prank?" Koko Ci asked, and Solar turned around, moving a mouse to a screen, and saying, "Look."
He pulled up a screen with 13 icons on it; a red carrot donut, a blue tornado looking swirl, a red lightning bolt, a brown mountain, a green tree, a light blue wave, a red and orange fire, a yellow star, a green and yellow chocolate bar, a dark green spatula, a pink glowing book, a blue and yellow shoes with feathers on the back, and a orange lightning symbol, the shape of a B. "These are all trackers I put in everyone's watches, just in case." Solar said, Koko Ci and Tarung exchanging looks behind him. "Watch the blue tornado, 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘊𝘺𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴-" Solar said, tapping it, the symbol glitching, before the screen goes black for a few seconds, then turns back on, the 13 symbols still on them. Koko Ci and Tarung seemed slightly suprised, and Tarung said, "Could it be a glitch on The tracker?"
"No, because if it was the tracker, his symbol wouldn't even be showing up." Solar replied, turning back around in the chair. Solar tapped another symbol, the orange B shaped lightning, and it came up, perfectly fine, with a dot blinking in the library on a map. Solar gestured to the screen as he turned to face Koko Ci and Tarung with a face that said, 'See?' "Solar, what are you suggesting?" Koko Ci said, stepping forward. "I didn't want to cause panic over nothing, but..I think Cyclone might be in trouble."
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tittaexperts · 2 years
Warped reality 2k
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Warped reality 2k how to#
Warped reality 2k full#
Mainly because I know that as the year comes to an end, 2K will drop even more insane cards that make current cards look ancient. Is this my endgame lineup? Definitely not. My current squad is a mix of high-end, overpowered cards (auctionable + rewards), and budget-friendly beasts that I just really like playing with. card, no one would ever use it competitively.īut again, there are so many great cards that do check off the boxes I just mentioned, anyone should be able to compete and win some games, which is great. For example, I love James Harden, but at this point even if he gets a G.O.A.T. Just like every other year, the endgame is all about height, wingspan, and animations, which does unfortunately take some of the fun and strategy out of squad building. So I would never “quit MyTeam” because a certain card has dropped and the meta evolves. I have Yao, and he is probably my favorite card, but I definitely don’t win every game I play with him. Then the Warped Reality set was the point where people claimed that MyTeam was “over,” thanks to point guard Galaxy Opal Ben Simmons, Pink Diamond Bol Bol, and a 3-point shooting Diamond Sim Bhullar (which objectively was/is insane, as is the fact that he just got a Dark Matter card on Friday that is even better).įrom there, it really was just a hop, skip, and a jump to get to Invincible Yao Ming, who is probably the best card in the game now, though with Sim or opal Shawn Bradley so easy to get (and so dominant in their own right), Yao isn’t as invincible as his card art would suggest. Point guard Kobe/Grant Hill started the oversaturation of tall point guards, and of course opal C/SG Durant was arguably the best card in the game for a while. I’ve been adding HOF badges to mine for a while now, and he’s basically an Invincible card.īut Out of Position 1 was where things got really silly. Looking back, I just want to go over a few content highlights that got us to where we are today.įirst up, waaaaay back in Season 6 (at least I think it was Season 6, like I said, they blur together), the Radioactive set gave us Dark Matter Tracy McGrady, who even today is an amazing card that I still use often. I think he has, what, 75 cards right now? Or maybe that’s the number of HOF badges on his most recent card? Plus, the amount of options for players of different play styles and budgets is impressive, especially if you like LeBron James. Not only that, but if I open a pack in July, pulling a galaxy opal gets a sigh and an eye-roll, which is telling.ĭon’t get me wrong, even though MyTeam is in full-blown fantasy land, I’m still having fun with the insane cards. And now in July, pink diamonds no longer exist, as every pack or reward card is galaxy opal or better. A pink diamond in June had four times the amount of hall of fame badges that the best card of the game in March had. The amount of content this year is awesome (free and paid), especially compared to previous years, but unfortunately, the cards are all at a place now where they are all basically interchangeable. Having some distance is nice, though, as it allows me to really reflect on the most memorable (and important) aspect of these MyTeam seasons, which to me is (and always has been) the content. I’ve gotten all of those rewards, and enjoyed the structure that XP brought, but I guess at some point I was expecting a new season to bring something groundbreaking - and no, Triple Threat Spotlight Sims don’t count. There’s a level 40 XP reward, which everything else orbits around, and that’s about it. NBA 2K21 MyTeam Year In ReviewĢK did a nice job of making previous seasons all feel cosmetically different, but as I think back on it all now, they still definitely blur together.
Warped reality 2k full#
That reboot is just around the corner with the release of 2K22.īut before I get into all that, I want to briefly discuss NBA 2K21 MyTeam’s Season 6 ( Glitched Reality), 7 ( Full Throttle), and 8 ( Trial of Champions).
Warped reality 2k how to#
It’s also the reason I’m going with the NBA 2K21 MyTeam year in review here with this article.īefore getting to that, I just have to say there’s just something really exciting about starting over with lower-tier cards and figuring out how to build a winning squad with flawed (aka “normal”) players. If anything, it’s quite the opposite and I’ve been going crazy these last couple of months - to the point where I’m actually kind of happy that the year is coming to an end with Season 9 (supposedly). It’s definitely been a while since my last post, but I can’t say it’s because “the mode is dead” and I stopped playing MyTeam altogether.
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jaesqueso · 2 years
Glitch Mode (m)
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pairing: game developer!mark x game tester female!reader (featuring friend!haechan (briefly), delivery guy!jeno and mentions of delivery guy!jaemin)
summary: you receive a brand new game to try out and you have a little more fun than you expected
for the Level Up event by @neohub​ ​ ❤
word count: 3,435
warnings: virtual sex, oral sex, unprotected sex, loosely inspired by the game technology on back mirror’s episode “striking vipers”
a/n: alright, I wasn’t sure how I was going to make this work, but here it is! hope ya’ll enjoy ❤
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
“Damn it!”
Your controller is thrown on the couch as the deadly words ‘Game Over’ appear on the screen.
“Sucks to be you.” You hear the grin on Haechan’s voice on the other side of your headset.
“You’re just lucky I’m distracted today.” You scoff at his audacity.
“Keep telling yourself that.” He laughs. “Why are you distracted though?”
“The new game is coming in today.” You grab the controller again upgrading your character to play another round with your friend.
“Oh that new virtual reality thing where you can actual feel everything?” You hum. “That’s from Dream Enterprises right?” You hum again. ”They’re really stepping up their game, they’ve been releasing mad games. What was the name of that one again?”
“Glitch mode.” The door bell makes you quickly exit the game. “That must be it, speak soon loser.”
“Don’t forget to give me feedback- Hey! You’re the one who lost!” You stop listening as you remove the headset to go answer the door.
Opening it you see a big brown box with the distinct Dream logo you’re so familiar with. You’ve always been a fan of playing games all day so actually getting the chance to be paid for it and, even better, trying out new games before they even go to the market it’s incredible. You work with several game developing companies but Dream Enterprises always gets you the most excited because, like Haechan said, they’ve been releasing great games in the past always coming up with new ideas to catch the audience.
Suddenly a pink haired boy peeks from behind the box, greeting you with a beautiful smile.
“Hey Jeno.” You smile back taking the package and placing it on the floor inside your house.
“Sup?” He hands you the papers of the confirmation of delivery. “Are you gonna let me try this one with you?”
“Maybe next time.” You give him the signed papers with a chuckle.
“Oh c’mon you always say that.” He fake pouts. “I know one day you’ll give in.”
“Never say never.” You wink before closing the door on his teasing smirk.
Not that you never thought of inviting him to play a few ‘games’, the delivery boy is actually quite hot and you may or may not order a few useless things from time to time just to see his face. But right now you can’t wait to actually try this game out.
Taking the box into the living room you place it on your coffee table, grabbing something to cut through the tape that keeps it closed. There’s not much inside, only the actual game in disc form, a little cube, a big black helmet with some sort of wing on each side and the instructions.
Welcome to Glitch Mode, the ultimate virtual reality technology where you’ll feel all the adrenaline without any consequences!
You start reading the little book and you get even more excited about the game, what do they mean by feel adrenaline without consequences?
Insert the disc on your console and set up your profile on the main menu.
Following the instructions you choose a username and basic skills for your character, this is a motorcycle race game so you make sure to select a bike that’s fast, has tires with a nice grip and good brakes. But, when are you choosing your actual character?
Place the cube in an open space and press the button to scan your full body and build your super realistic character!
So you actually get to have a character just like yourself? Dope! You grab the little cube and look around the room, you don’t exactly have a lot of space but you make it work. Pushing some stuff to the corners you place the device on the coffee table and click the button on the top before standing in front of it.
A red laser line flashes towards the ceiling slowly descending to the floor passing through your full figure. You look at the screen and see a window popped up communicating with the cube and what happens next makes you widen your eyes: an identical version of yourself comes up on your TV. You get closer to the screen, your mom would kill you if she saw you like this but you need to take a look at details, it looks so realistic!
Choose your style and route you want to race.
Clicking the side arrows on your remote you see ‘your’ clothes change: a hot pink and black badass outfit, a white and blue one with some fur, green and purple (who knew that would work?), and a suit? Kind of a weird choice from the others that are more relaxed and trendy but damn you do look good in a suit, it’s fitted to your body and has some chains on the collar making it more modern. Alright, let’s try it out.
For the route you see several cool spots that you plan to investigate one by one but for now you decide on a futurist spaceship like scenario with greenish neon lights all around.
Put the helmet on and click the button on the left side to start the experience. Lay back and enjoy the ride!
This is it? That’s an easy set up. You sit on your couch and look for the start button before putting the helmet on.
You see a bright white light flashing in your eyes making you close them for a split second before you re-open them. Looking around you see the scenario displayed on the preview of the route you chose, everything looks very realistic, they weren’t lying, you really feel like you just walked into a space ship with a race track if that even makes sense.
As you try to reach out to touch something you look at your arm and see the sleeve of a black blazer remembering you of the outfit you selected. At your right you see a reflective wall and walk closer to it to admire your character. You really feel like you’re looking into a mirror, a very flattering one if you may. And on your head there’s the exact helmet you put on to play, nice touch.
Suddenly you gasp hearing the sound of a motorcycle engine behind you. Turning around you see someone also in a suit and with a similar helmet on top of a bike.
“Are we going to race or what?” A male voice comes out but you can’t see his face behind the black face cover.
This must be a bot you’ll be racing against, that was probably one of the sentences it’s programmed to say. Next to it you see your own vehicle, the one you chose before so you walk and get on it.
He nods your way and you do the same before a glitchy ‘Get started’ sign pops up in the air that’s then replaced by a countdown from 3. Once it’s over, the bot takes off and you curse at your instincts as you try to chase it.
You can feel the air passing through your body and the actual motorcycle as if you were riding it in real life. At each curve your heart also races as adrenaline runs through your veins. Maybe this is what they meant.
Getting distracted with your thoughts you don’t see the obstacle that the bot quickly goes around to proceed and end up crashing against it doing a full turn in the air before your body and the bike hit the floor a few feet away.
Groaning you feel the whole impact, as if you’ve broken a few bones just now. You thought what you assumed was the bot just kept racing but then your hear the other bike come your way and brake with a spin right in front of you.
“How did that feel?” He asks getting out of the motorcycle.
“Hurt like hell.” You prop yourself on your elbows to look at him.
“But how does it feel now?” He continues.
“What do you think-” You stop as you realise you actually don’t feel a thing, yes the fall really hurt but now you feel like you didn’t just have an accident. “Actually, I’m fine…”
“Great, so it works.” He walks to you and extends his hand to help you up.
“It works?” You question confused.
“Feel all the adrenaline without any consequences.” He repeats the words you read before on the manual. “You get the thrill and the pain when something happens and then it’s gone.”
“Oh that’s what it means…” You mumble to yourself. “Wicked!”
“No!” You shriek as he grabs your hands when you were trying to remove your helmet. “If you take it off you’ll exit the game.”
His touch is warm and comforting, very human like. But it goes as fast as it came with him taking a step back, away from you.
“So I have to keep it on the whole time?” You ask already feeling suffocated inside.
“Kind of. You can click here.” He leans closer pressing a button on the right side of your helmet.
The helmet dissolves in pixels in the air leaving just the wings on your ears where the buttons are.
“Way better.” You smile but then notice he goes very quiet. “Is everything ok?”
“Y-yeah.” He stutters, could the bot be glitching?
“Do you have a face underneath that helmet?” You get curious when he slowly nods. “Can I see?”
“S-sure.” His hand goes up pressing to button to reveal what’s underneath.
Your lips part as you admire his features, from his dark grey hair with spiked bangs, his eyebrow piercing and the little diamond right below his other eye, to his strong jaw line, plump lips and dark beautiful eyes.
“Wow, this game has seriously nice graphics, you look so handsome…” You mumble, not even realising the words actually came out of your mouth.
“Oh, thanks?” He scratches the back of his head, a light redness reaching his cheeks. “I guess the recogniser system is that good.”
“Well, I noticed that on myself but I didn’t think the bots would be like this. Your face, your body, that ass… You look fine as hell.” You walk around him still amazed by the technology.
“You’re not so bad yourself- Wait, did you say bots?” Upon getting a positive hum from you he continues. “You think I’m a bot?”
“Aren’t you?” You stop in front of him.
“No.” He chuckles making you tilt your head. “My name is Mark Lee, I’m one of the developers of the game.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” With widen eyes you cover your mouth.
“I’m here to test the game with you and get your feedback.” He explains.
“Aren’t I supposed to do that formally after?” You question still embarrassed by the way you checked him out and made comments on his figure.
“Yeah, but we thought we could get some immediate feedback as well.”
“Well, so far so good?” Mark lets out a laugh at your words. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
“What do you mean?” He raises a brow.
“You know.” You gulp turning around to pick up your motorcycle from the floor that is magically intact after the fall.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific.” His tone sounds a bit teasing but maybe you’re just imagining things.
“You know, checking you out like that and talking about how hot you look, I really thought you were a bot.” You keep your eyes on your vehicle.
“So you take it back then?” You gasp hearing his voice so close to your ear.
“I… Well… I mean… Hm…” You stumble over your words as his body lightly presses against your back.
“Were you lying? You don’t actually think I’m ‘fine as hell’?” He smirks repeating your exact words.
“I do…” You almost whisper unsure if you want him to hear.
“I think you’re fine as hell too.” His hands lay on your hips moving up and down. “This suit looks really good on you.”
“Thanks…” You practically moan under his touch and his low voice.
“You know,” Mark turns you around so you’re facing him, “I always wanted to try something in this game but I’d never found the right player. Maybe you’re the one I’ve been searching for.”
“I am a good player.” You decide to play along eager to know where this will lead to.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Leaning forward he catches your lips in an intense kiss.
You quickly respond wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. His hands move from your hips to your ass, giving it a strong squeeze that makes you moan into his mouth. Parting your lips you allow his tongue to play with your own. You’ve kissed some people in your life but nothing felt like this before, could it be the game or is he just an amazing kisser?
In a quick move Mark lifts you up to sit on the motorcycle, right at the edge so he can grind his bulge on your core, both excited for the experience. Quickly your pants are undone and being thrown on the floor along with your underwear that was surprisingly hot.
“Yeah I may have had something to do with the undergarments design…” He winks with a smirk as he catches you staring at the black lace piece.
“You really wanted to try this out didn’t you?” You bite your lip just thinking about his thought process.
“Can’t you tell?” He takes your hand placing it on his crotch.
Bringing your lips back together you stroke his dick through his pants feeling the hardness trapped inside. His own hand moves up your thigh until it reaches your pussy, running a finger between your folds to collect some of your juices.
“Guess I’m not the only one thrilled about this.” He brings his wet finger to his mouth. “You taste delicious.”
“Shut up and fuck me already.” You plea through half lidded eyes.
“Patience darling, I need to get more of this first.” After another kiss he kneels down right between your legs.
With his help you place your foot on the bike spreading your legs enough to give him room as he dives in. A loud moan fills the fictional street the moment his tongue comes in contact with your clit.
Mark eats you out like an hungry man, lapping at your most sensitive place like no one had ever done, it felt like you could cum right there and then when he barely even started touching you.
You curse under your breath when he pushes two digits inside you curling them up in the perfect angle to hit just the right spot, no one ever found it this quickly. And that’s why in no time you moan his name as the orgasm hits you.
Tugging at your thighs to hold you in place, he rides off your high with his mouth while his hands skilfully unbutton your jacket and shirt revealing your bare chest.
“No bra?” You raise a brow. “Guess you have something to do with that too.”
“Maybe…” He kisses his way up to your lips. “How did that feel?”
“Amazing but…” Teasingly you grab his tie through the chains to pull him closer. “Is that all you got?”
“You wish.”
Claiming your lips again, Mark starts unbuttoning his pants, pushing them along with his briefs just enough to reveal his dick. Eager to feel him you press your palm against his length gasping at the impressive size.
Slowly you start stroking his cock that just keeps getting longer and harder under your touch. His moans merge into your own as his hands cup your breasts, massaging them with just the right grip.
Those naughty hands then descend to your thighs, making your wrap them around his waist as he  lifts you off the bike. Your arms move his shoulders for support, never breaking the savage kiss you’re still sharing.
Smoothly adjusting your positions, Mark sits on the motorcycle with you on his lap. You let your back be laid in the middle of the handle, his mouth finally moving away from yours to take a deep breath as his digits trace your torso until they get to your aching pussy.
You watch attentively when two of his fingers part your folds, his other thumb pressing against your clit in circular motions. Lips part as a soft moan escapes through, pleasure running through your veins as you just want more of him.
Between your bodies you grab his shaft, pumping it a few times before brushing the tip between your folds, bumping into his fingers. He removes his hands watching you pleasure yourself with his cock where his thumb was, biting his lip when you let his length go down until it aligns with your dripping hole.
Pushing the tip past your entrance you bring your arms back to support yourself on the bike handle and move your hips towards his pushing his dick deeper inside you until your crotch presses against his.
Once fully inside Mark’s hands grab your waist moving you away until his member almost comes out of you, only to pull you back to him, making you gasp as he pokes your g-spot.
“You like that?” He asks with a naughty smirk.
“Yes! Do it again!” You plea.
“Like this?” He harshly repeats the move.
“Yes! Oh my god!” You groan, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Like a good boy Mark keeps bouncing you on his lap, the position letting him constantly hit the perfect spot inside you. His eyes follow your breasts that bounce at each thrust as your gaze is stuck on how his member keeps disappearing inside you.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum again!” You warn him feeling the orgasm building up.
“Aren’t you gonna wait for me this time?” He groans. ”It’s not a race, baby.”
“Well it should be.” You wink making him chuckle. “C’mon then, hurry, I can’t hold it much longer…”
“Hold on.” He whimpers as his moves get sloppier, clearly about to reach his high too. “Give it to me.”
Yelling his name you cum undone over his length, clenching your walls around him as you coat it with your juices. Mark only has time to free his dick before long strings of cum decorate the skin of your stomach. You let your digits play with his seed, smearing it around.
“Look at this mess.” You smile noticing you don’t even feel tired, already up for another round.
“Wanna see something cool?” He raises his brows with a smirk.
“Hell yeah.”
Suddenly a sign pops up over his head with the words “Restart race” and his hand raises to touch it. In a blink of an eye you are brought back to the starting point of the race, re-dressed and clean.
“Pretty cool, huh?” You turn your head around and see Mark back on his motorcycle just like when you met him earlier.
“Freaking amazing.” Your smile is hidden by the helmet that is back together over your head.
“Glad you like it.” He nods. “Well, I gotta go back to work but have fun exploring the game, maybe you can actually try to finish a race this time.”
“Right.” You both laugh as you never even made it past the middle of the route you chose. “Wait, before you go!”
“Yeah?” Mark stops as he was about to reach for the exit button.
“Think I can order another helmet?”
“Hey Jeno.” With a smile you greet the pink haired boy that rings your bell the next day.
“Another one so soon?” He asks as he hands you the big box he came to deliver. “Or is it just an excuse to see me again?”
“I thought you wanted to try the game with me.” You take the box and head inside, leaving the door open for him.
“Are you serious?” The teasing smile on his face is quickly replaced by a shocked expression at your words.
“Unless you don’t want to!” You shout already unboxing the package in your living room.
“But I have more deliveries to do…” Jeno bites his lip, still waiting out the door.
“Can’t you ask your co-worker Jaemin to do it? Are you really going to miss out on this opportunity?”
You hear the door shut and look to the hallway wondering if he actually went away. But then a familiar figure walks in.
“Hell no.”
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
taglist: @yokshi-unbeliebubble​ ​ @nc-teen​ ​ @yutahoes​ ​ @dimplehyunn​ ​ @iknowyuno​ ​ @bebskyy​ ​ @ne0cultur3technology​ ​ @nurenciye​ ​ @luvjeongjaehyun​ ​ @blondiedae​ ​​
unable to tag: @chenleyang @doahflix @criminalmindsz
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jimlingss · 3 years
(sorry my tumblr app glitched so im not sure if this was sent twice) taking a chance for the requests! how about a seokjin or namjoon arranged marriage au with this: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” 🎄 happy holidays!!
↳ Playground Promises
1.9k || 100% Light Fluff || Kim Seokjin
The bell rings.
Moments later, children are sprinting from the doors and flooding the playground. You watch in fondness as some climb the monkey bars while others sit and dig into the sandbox. All of them were forging their first friendships they’ll remember forever and you were their witness.
This is one of your favourite times of day. You enjoy seeing the kids have their fun, listening to their laughter and giggles, watching their games of tag to play pretend. But today, your enjoyment is interrupted by a certain male teacher that comes to stand behind you.
Tall. Dark. And handsome. His broad shoulders carry the weight of the third-grade class and practically the entire elementary school. But you’d never admit that out loud.
“It’s a bit chilly out today. You should’ve brought your coat with you.”
You hum.
Every staff member, married and single, swoons over Kim Seokjin. It’s hard not to. But if others knew what your relationship was with him, you’re sure you’d never hear the end of it. The kids would make a big fuss and so would all the staff and faculty, and you’d rather avoid that.
“I didn’t know you were on playground duty today.”
“I switched with Sana,” he says and leans over to smile. “Thought you could use some company.”
You scoff. “She’s perfectly fine company.”
The corner of his plump lip pulls. “If you want to talk about the mathletes program. And I’m pretty sure you don’t.”
Before you can respond, a boy approaches the two of you with pink cheeks and wind-swept hair. “Mr. Kim, can I go to the bathroom?” the third-grader asks in the midst of catching his breath and the older man nods.
“Go ahead. But don’t run in the hallway, Lucas.” 
Said boy grins and dashes off.
Seokjin turns to you and lowers his voice. “My mom’s been asking about the kids.”
Your brows furrow. “Why? They’re a good bunch.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t mean your class’ kids, I mean our kids.”
You blink owlishly. “There are no our kids.”
“That’s the problem.”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “Wasn’t getting married enough for them?”
Seokjin shrugs with a faint, mischievous smile. “They want to go out for brunch with your parents this Sunday. Are you free?”
“When am I not free?” you retort lightly, but slip your phone out of your pocket to check your calendar anyhow. Seokjin glances over to your screen and once you finish, you slip it back into your pocket. “I have some marking to do, but I’ll probably finish by then.”
“Okay.” The pair of you turn back to continue monitoring the children playing and you’re glad to revel in the silence that’s been created between you. But after a beat, Kim Seokjin pipes up again. You don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s quite the talkative guy. “Hey, Y/N.”
You look over and he meets your eye.
He asks, “Am I your lock screen?”
Your face heats. If you were once cold, now you were warm from head to toe. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” you mumble. It was just a picture from the other day and you wanted to change things up on your phone. You had nothing else to use. It was convenient. That’s it.
Your entire relationship with him is built on convenience. At least...on his side it is.
Still, Seokjin grins and fortunately, he doesn’t tease.
You rush to change the subject. “A-Anyway, yeah, Sunday works for me. But we should probably talk about this after work.”
“Why? No one’s around.” His smile is spread from ear to ear and he leans in, whispering, “Are you that scared of people finding out we’re married?”
Immediately, you whip your head in all directions. Luckily, there’s no kid or nosy faculty member. You turn back to him, glaring. “I already said, I like to keep my private life under wraps.”
“I remember. But if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were embarrassed of me.”
You scoff and a murmur unintentionally spills out of you, “That’s impossible.”
You don’t notice Seokjin’s smile.
It’s been three months since you got married. It was a summer wedding. More importantly, it was an arranged marriage. And not because you were both wealthy and needed to be wedded to get the inheritance under some arbitrary contract rule or because it was your grandmother’s dying wish. No. You live a much more mundane, normal life than the dramas, movies and books.
It was your mom who threw a fuss. She was scared you’d be alone and unmarried, an old maid like your aunt — you didn’t say it, she just heavily implied it. But following her practically senile meltdown, you agreed. Partly to appease her worries and partly just out of curiosity.
You always wanted to get married. And deep down, you always wanted your own kids. But at the rate you were going, you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to meet someone on your own.
What you didn’t expect on that blind date was for the other person to be Kim Seokjin, third grade teacher. Down the hall from you at the school. Someone across the room every lunchtime. Your dads were apparently long time colleagues, but Jin was still as equally shocked as you were during that first meeting. Yet, he easily agreed to getting married when you brought it up. Even when it was only after two months of occasionally seeing one another outside of your workplaces.
You still don’t know why he said yes.
“Ms. L/N!”
You’re torn out of your trance by a little girl at your knees. 
She pouts. “Jennie won’t let me play on the slide!”
“Did you ask her to share?”
Before any more can be said, she drags you over and Seokjin trails after you. There’s another girl with brown braided hair climbing on the slide, and she swivels her head over as the two of you approach, eyes the size of saucers. 
“Are you taking turns, Jennie?” you ask her, and she vigorously nods.
“I am!”
“Well, you’ve been on it for a while. How about Lisa takes a turn next.”
“Okay,” she draws out and gets off of the slide before turning to her friend. “Here you go.”
It’s always little problems you have to solve — from sharing to knee scrapes and monkey bar accidents. Sometimes it’s difficult for the children to compromise, difficult for them to apologize and difficult for you to find a good solution. But you undoubtedly wish your own issues were this simple.
While you’re stuck in your thoughts, you miss Jin watching you fondly. 
“You’re good with kids,” he says as you move out of the way of running children and walk back to the perimeter.
“I wouldn’t be doing this job if I wasn’t. But I deal with older kids much better.” There’s a reason you teach fifth graders and not any lower than that. Seokjin knows it too.
“Remember when we had to supervise that kindergarten class together?”
You shudder. “It was a nightmare.”
“You weren’t that bad,” he tries to say but then laughs. You feign a glare, and he adds on, “Okay. I’m sorry, but I still mean it. It’s not as terrible as you thought. You’d make a good mom.” 
At that, your glare vanishes in favour of furrowing brows. You really shouldn’t, but you can’t help it when curiosity pries — so you break your own rule against discussing private matters at work. 
“Do you want my kids?”
Seokjin is wide-eyed and he turns to you. “Why not? We’re married.”
“But? Do you not want kids?” 
“No! I definitely want them,” you declare, almost a bit too boldly. He nods and you explain, “It’s just...I don’t know if you’re serious.”
Seokjin blinks. “I’m being perfectly serious.”
“I mean I don’t know if we’re serious.” You add, “Enough to have kids.”
“What’s more serious than being married?” Jin has a genuinely inquisitive and amused expression, head quirked to the side. 
You inhale a sharp breath and his gaze coaxes you to go on, so you do. “It’s just that you agreed so quickly to be married to me. It doesn’t….feel real. I don’t know if you wanted to marry me, if you did it on a whim, if this is some kind of joke—”
He frowns. “This isn’t a joke, Y/N. I wanted to marry you.”
Your mouth hangs open. Your eyes are rounded.
“Mrs. L/N!” You’re interrupted by your fifth-grader, Park Jimin. He sprints to you, huffing and puffing, before leaning his hands onto his knees to catch his breath. “Have you seen Taehyung?! We’re playing tag!”
“No, I haven’t.”
Jin suddenly points to the left. “He went that way.”
Jimin books it.
Silence fills the spaces between you and Seokjin again, but it isn’t like normal. It’s filled with unanswered questions and the suspenseful cliffhanger of an unfinished conversation. The laughter of kids on the playground and field resound around you, but for the first time, you don’t listen to it. 
It fades into the background as you turn to Seokjin, wanting to know more. “What did you just say?”
The man smiles softly. “You have to know.”
“I don’t,” you assert. “So tell me.”
“I’ve always liked you.”
You blink and he continues, “Since you substituted for the art teacher and I saw you squirt red paint all over yourself. It’s something I couldn’t forget. Plus, the way you draw those stick people.” Seokjin laughs heartily and you’re trapped in your spot, unsure of how to react or what to say. He reads your expression and softens. “Did you really think I would rush into a marriage if I didn’t have feelings for you?”
“I…” Your mouth is agape. “I don’t know. Why did we never talk about this?”
Seokjin shrugs. “You never asked and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t feel the same way. I knew you married me for convenience.”
“That’s not true,” you retort within a beat. This whole time, you thought he married you for convenience sake. But it wasn’t entirely like that for you.
Seokjin’s eyes are big and you swallow down your embarrassment. “Isn’t it obvious every single breathing person loves you? It’s hard not to.”
Slowly but surely, a grin spreads into Seokjin’s puffy cheeks and he’s smiling from ear to ear again. “Well, you’re very good at hiding it then.”
Suddenly, the bell rings.
All the children reluctantly climb off the equipment, some dusting their hands while others grabbing their friends, and they rush into their lineups. There’s a few stranglers lugging their legs while groaning. But busy in their small playground worlds, no one turns around to notice you leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Seokjin’s mouth. It’s shy and brief, like the first peck exchanged between two for the first time. And you pull away just as fast, lips left tingling.
“We can continue this later, Mr. Kim.”
You stride off while Seokjin’s left smiling. After a breathless moment, he chases after you like children who have just made promises of their first love on the playground.
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
Request: I like to think lemongrab likes to watch lsp play video games. Maybe a drabble based of him wanting to play a 2 player game with her?
So full disclosure I am not a hashtag Gamerboy BUT I do know... of minecraft so I went with that one!! This was really fun to write (as you can tell I had a blast with the idea of Lemongrab using a computer) and I hope you like it :) also thank you to the person who requested this for being nice.  
word count: 770 words
LSP considered herself lucky that she’d found a 5 year old laptop floating in a swamp that surprisingly still worked (though the occasional worm poked its head through the hole where the shift key should be) and was functional enough to run a few games. Lemongrab liked to sit next to her and watch whatever she was doing, though she got the impression he didn’t really understand what she was doing.
Lemongrab jabbed a yellow finger at the cracked screen. “What is this?”
“Minecraft.” she replied. 
Lemongrab tapped his fingers together, watching her screen. She was harvesting beetroot from a farm next to her house, Lemongrab pointed at the screen again and tapped her house with his finger. “Did you make these structures?”
“Yeah! I spent ages making the house - also I built a giant statue of myself.” LSP climbed up a hill to show the full huge statue of herself she’d made out of purple wool. 
“Hm! Very nice! Though you are much rounder.” 
“Yeah well it’s a cube world. Plus I could be a cube if I wanted. I once punched myself into a circle so I could totally cube myself.” She went back to her harvesting. “Do you play any games?”
“I play with my doll collection. Nnngh... hoop and stick is acceptable. In the before times I would play hide and seek with the lemon subjects, but such frolicking is past us now.” Lemongrab seemed sad remembering how once the Lemon Earldom had been one big family, and now they were just a kingdom like any other. 
“You know…If you want you can play too? Like, I can set up a server.” she suggested, wanting to cheer him.
“Aaaaa serving of what? Nngh- I am not good with computers. I do not believe I have touched my computer in many months…” Lemongrab trailed off. 
“I could set it up for you.” 
“Hm. Okay.”
Lemongrab had an old, barely alive Windows PC that made the loudest startup noise the world had ever heard when he brushed the cobwebs off it and turned it on. He logged in using Lemongrab 2’s old account (LSP peeked at his password and realised it was just his name with an exclamation mark at the end) and then moved the keyboard toward her. “Please mine and craft me.”
LSP realised he had a customised lemon shaped cursor which she thought was cute, and for some reason his desktop was overcrowded with downloaded pictures of different fruits. 
“Why all the fruit pics?”
“Lemongrab 2 used the internet to look at melons and pomegranates only. They loved those pomegranates something fierce.” he lamented and sighed while LSP downloaded Minecraft and made an account for him. 
“Okay so… with this we can play together!” 
“Really?” Lemongrab gingerly took the keyboard back and moved around in the game by jabbing at the computer keys as hard as possible with his index finger. He’d spawned in a desert area that reminded him of the place the earldom had used to be before it was moved, back when it had been next to a desert, with the pink lemonade sea behind it. 
LSP’s player character came up to him and started jumping around him, glitching through him several times. She some flowers she’d picked from the grassy area near the desert onto the floor for him to pick up. “Gifts for mine beloved.” 
Lemongrab smiled to himself and then noticed a curious, green cactus in the corner of his screen. It had a face and seemed to be moving towards him. 
“Lemongrab that’s a creeper you need to run away.”
“It’s gonna kill you.”
“I have done them no wrong.”
“It’s programmed to want to kill you.”
“Nature vs nurture. I am going to befriend it.” Lemongrab said stubbornly, and moved towards it. 
“Lemongrab nooo…”
“It isss unfair to assume that just because something is different it is dangerous. Once I extend an olive branch to this creature- OH!” Lemongrab was blown to pieces and died instantly. The text on the screen read ‘Lemmyboy6000 dies in an explosion’. “Oh dear.”
“Lemongrab. I told you. I told you it was gonna kill you.” LSP said matter of factly. “You’re such a noob.”
Lemongrab didn’t say anything but he looked annoyed, and when he respawned he instantly attacked her with one of the flowers she’d given him. 
Soon enough night started falling, and they were forced to call a truce to build a shelter as mobs started spawning. 
“We need to make some beds.” LSP observed. “OMG we can put our beds together!” 
Lemongrab nodded. “That would be acceptable.” 
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merrock · 2 years
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It's amazing how fast June flew by, but here we are, the start of a new month! That means that it's time to go over the things happening this month, talk about some goals for the group, and let you know what's coming up around the corner. Read on, Merrockites!
summer bash (july 2 - 9) -- a big, fun event that happens downtown and includes food and drink, craft vendors, entertainment, games, and so much more. this is a family-friendly event, so bring the kids along!
the pink gala (july 23, 5pm est) -- annual charity gala, this year being held at the botanical gardens in town. everyone in attendance must wear pink in some way! this event is adults only.
mini events -- even though there’s only one little event in town this month, it’s a good one. july 17th is ice cream day, so don’t miss out on that! MORE INFO HERE!
The development resource for July has been posted, and is available whenever you need something fun to do, whether it be this month, or any time moving forward. Plus, glorious summertime can be completed any time between now and July 31st, meaning no one can say that they’re bored. As usual, the Benefactor is looking for testimonials (click here!), if you have something nice to say about the town that you don’t mind us using for ads.
kickin’ this off as usual with a reminder for players to read over our rules. I don’t think there have been any major changes this month, just tightening up on some language, but it never hurts to refresh yourself!
be careful with messages! lately tumblr has been glitching a lot -- if you are chatting with someone, be sure your message is sending, and be sure you are manually checking for a reply. please do not purposely ignore messages or leave people hanging, especially if you are asking for plots or threads!
starters, starters, starters. if you are doing a starter (that is not your initial one!), be sure you are doing it at a time when you can reply back to people, and reply back to everyone. always be sure you’re checking the starter master list to see what’s new!
we completely understand if a thread starts to feel outdated / stale, but communicate with the person you’re writing with. ask them to start something new with you, so they’re not left with a lack of activity. we want to really encourage people to keep threads going with others as long as they can!
be sure that you are following all blogs associated with merrock -- you can find that list right here! (btw you don’t have to follow the promo blog, we just follow it through main!) it’s also a good idea to make sure that you’re keeping up with unfollows, too. if you need to unfollow and refollow everyone to get to where you need to be, that’s fine!
once again, I believe all of our pages should be up to date and good to go! locations recently got a tiny update, where they are listed as open for employees or owners, and our occupation page had some new suggestions added!
there will be two new locations added this month, since it’s not a busy event-month in town, so keep your eyes open for that!
I’ve got something kinda top secret in the works... okay, it’s not really a secret secret, but. it involves us choosing some fun representatives of our town, and getting everyone involved in the process! I know we don’t have traditional ‘mascots’ so something else fun is coming.
and of course, lots of cool things happening in August, too! there’s Watermelon Day on the 3rd, a fun event happening that’ll need some help from you guys, a yard sale & cruise-in, and an end of summer pool party to wind down before school starts.
This month, we really just want to work on inclusivity and the sense of community that we hope to continue to build. Be sure that when you’re doing replies, you’re replying to everyone, not just the same few people. Branch out! If you see someone make a plot call in the OOC, reach out to them, especially if it’s not someone you plot with often. As mentioned above, be sure that you’re not ignoring messages from others, or putting them on the backburner. Let’s make July a real love fest!
Thank you guys for continuing to make this place what it is, and we look forward to a great month ahead! xx
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rhaenyratargeryn · 3 years
A few weeks ago I wrote slutty, slutty Kent x Button fic and then didn’t post it-- but now I’m gonna and reveal myself as a thirsty ho.
title: reciprocity rated: explicit fandom/pairing: Mind Blind (IF) Kent Zarneki x f!Button Wiseman summary: One photo leads to another leads to another... Button could open a gallery with the sheer volume of nudes she possesses of one Kent Zarneki.
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It had started innocently enough. At least, that was the lie I was telling myself because in all honesty, what was innocent about sending your boyfriend a selfie— when that selfie was really just a strategically cut close up of the new strappy bralette you’d bought, peaking out from the unbuttoned V of your Aeon uniform top? Nothing. Absolutely god damn nothing.
The text I sent: new! shockingly comfortable. didn’t want to rip it off as soon as I got home
Kent’s message bubbles were silent, but the “read” notification had gone off. I grinned slyly to myself, getting comfortable back up against my bed pillows. Kent blushed so infrequently, I had made a game of it as much as Glitch, though I had had unprecedented success. Glitch had given me a withering look at the boast.
I mean. It was obvious why I did.
My phone dinged, the notification image showing that in lieu of a text, Kent had sent an image of his own. I clicked the tiny preview and was awarded with a picture much like my own, Kent’s tie loose around his neck, the buttons of his shirt undone to show the pale expanse of skin beneath. I could just barely see the line of his jaw, the smirk ticking up the corner of his lips.
I responded by undoing my own shirt down to my waist, pushing the fabric down around my shoulders and using my arms to help my cleavage look fuller. This was dangerous. Very dangerous, but I shook my head to let my hair cascade down across me, took a few shots and sent the best one.
Are you in bed?
Kent’s reply. Followed shortly by another photo. He had put aside ceremony and fully removed his shirt, revealing he was in bed himself. The dark sheets contrasted against him. All that Aeon training had sculpted and carved him into a lean, but strong figure. He was not bulky, like Grayson, cut more narrowly at his waist which gave his shoulders an even fuller illusion of broadness that made my hands ache to run over them.
Kent Zarneki, in short, was too fucking hot for his own good.
I am
Im taking my clothes off
I assume that is what we are doing?
I sent the three texts in quick succession. The message bubbles in reply were brief.
The image that followed was enough to send a hot pang right down into my stomach. He’d unbuttoned his trousers, using the thumb of his free hand to hold down the band far enough I could see the line of his pelvis and the dark hair that dusted across.
If you want to
I want to
I took off my shirt, throwing it aside without care. I had chosen to wear a high-waisted black skirt that day, which was all the better. I very carefully slid my hand up the cup of my bralette, letting the fabric rise up to show the under curve of my breast, appearing fuller when pressed up into my palm.
I sent it and in a second got a reply.
I smirked. Kent had already been naked from the waist up for some time now. I received a sequence of three images, all of which where very flattering shots of Kent’s own torso and abs.
Seems only fair
I pulled the lacy fabric up and over my head as easily as my shirt, looking down at my own pale breasts, my nipples already hardened in the cool air and in anticipation. Shyness fell over me like a cold shower. Kent had never seen me naked before. What if I was too small? What if I was too big? Was my right breast always that much different from my left? Anxiety panged in my stomach as intense as arousal and despite my delay, Kent’s messages remained silent.
Patient. Waiting.
I could cheat. Brushing my hair over my shoulders, the strands lay perfectly over the tops of my breasts, hiding them from clear view, but not as much as my bralette did. I let the photo catch just the bottom half of my face, my tongue stuck out to the side. Teasing. Taunting. Like it was on purpose, not because I was nervous.
Kent didn’t respond for several minutes. The next image, I felt my mouth go dry. I could very clearly see the outline of his erection, pressing against the groin of his pants and going down the leg.
He wasn’t wearing boxers. Of course he wasn’t. This was Kent Zarneki, a man who was one bad day away from leaving everything and joining a nudist colony.
Is this okay?
It was more than okay. It was super okay. It was, please-send-me-more-now okay.
I relayed as much through the text message and got a photo that sent my heart racing. It was just him. His cheeks flushed, his gray eyes dark and storming, a smug smile half formed on his lips. His dark hair was messy and I nearly groaned with frustration at how badly I wanted to run my fingers through it, tug on it, pull that smirk against my own and kiss it off his face.
The next photo I sent him I hid nothing, cupping my breast in my hand and making as if I was drawing my thumb over my nipple. I showed my face, trying my best to look as effortlessly sexy as him— though no matter what I did, my smile was always more playful than sultry. My cheeks flushed with more than just wanting.
High praise
I replied, trying to remind myself his short responses were normal and not to read into it.
You want praise?
You’re driving me crazy
His words hit me like a sucker punch. His next photo is the second one I didn’t see coming.
No man this gorgeous should ever be blessed in such a way. There were really no words other than “pretty” to describe the flushed skin of his length, not overly long, but definitely blessed where it counted. Or at least where I had heard it counted. It’s all about the girth. My mind supplied in its best Cosmo magazine voice.
The tip was, in all honesty, a very pretty shade of darkened pink, and curved with a sort of perfection that should have been reserved to— I don’t know. Porn stars? Dick models? Do dick models exist? Hand models sure do, and the way his hand was wrapped around himself was enough to make me think he could easily be one of those too.
I snap back and I can practically hear him laugh in my mind.
High praise
Is that an offer or a request?
How could I say no? I definitely didn’t want to. I found the zipper at the top of my skirt and slid it down. I was left in just my panties and hose. I rolled the hose down low on my thighs, sitting up on my knees to take a photo. Hesitating for just a moment, I flicked the camera over to video and let my hand run down over my thigh and then across my hips. I drew my finger over my center, my breath hitching and my hips moving forward as I rolled against my own touch.
I sent it.
And after a moment I got a video in turn. I watched Kent’s hand glide up over his length in slow, languid motions, pausing to rub his palm against the tip of his head. Teasing himself with the lightest touch. His cock flexed and jumped, a tiny gruff sound escaping his lips and reminding me that even though I couldn’t see his face this was Kent. My Kent.
I nearly dropped my cellphone as it began to vibrate, an incoming call displaying on the screen. I laid back, pushing my hose off the rest of the way as I answered. The line was silent before I finally broke it with a breathy- “hey.”
“Are you naked?” Kent’s voice was low, strained, but somehow eager.
I took a quick moment to slide my panties off, kicking them away.
“Now I am.”
Kent took in a deep breath. I let my hand trail between my legs, touching myself in the familiar way I did when I was alone. I traced my index and middle finger up my labia, spreading the soft warm skin, dipping my fingers into the center where I was slick and hot.
“I’m touching myself.” I said, my voice a broken whisper. Kent made a gruff sound of acknowledgement.
“Kent...” I said, “You made me so wet.”
He moaned.
“Is that okay?” I said, teasing him. I appreciated his caution, his check ins, making sure I was enjoying myself.
“Yes. Yes, it’s okay. Tell me.”
“Wow. Six whole words? Be careful, you’ll make me come.”
“That’s the idea.” Kent said, a breathless laugh filtering through his words.
“What about you? Having fun yet, Zarneki?”
Kent made a sound and I heard the rustling of sheets and the faint click of the phone camera shutter. My phone chimed, an image appearing of the head of his cock, wet with pre-cum he was smearing around the tip.
My tongue slid out against my bottom lip.
“Kent, don’t take this the wrong way— but you have such a pretty penis.”
He snorted.
“I’m serious. I want to put it in my mouth, which is not something I thought I’d ever say to any guy. But like? It just looks so appealing.”
“You’re killing me.” Kent said, a groan that sounded almost exasperated coming from his throat. It was hard to tell.
“With my witty charm or because I put a very naughty image in your head?”
I slipped two fingers into my mouth, pursed my lips, made a show of how wet and soft they looked and sent it to Kent.
I felt a burst of pride at his expletive and found my clit with my fingertips, circling in a quicker pace.
“I like listening to you.” I said, thoughtless. I sighed, feeling my whole body warming, “Wish it was closer.”
“...I’m just down the street.” Kent said, trying to play it off like it was a fact and not a very tempting invitation.
“But this is fun. And naughty. And I get a keepsake.”
I heard the question in his voice, almost masked by a small groan. I wondered what his hands were up to.
“The photos. Speaking of which... I wouldn’t mind an after shot.”
“After I make you come all over yourself, Zarneki.”
I heard his breath hitch.
“Only if I get one too.”
“You got it.”
Talking became a non-priority then. The only thing I strained to hear was his breaths, his soft moans, the faint wet sound I sometime thought I heard over the receive— or maybe that was me. I felt flooded, with heat and wanting and need. I pressed harder, worked my palm flat against my clit and stroked my fingers inside, imaging how much further Kent’s slender fingers could reach. Imaging his tongue. That pretty cock.
“Kent.” I whimpered, the involuntary clutch of my walls around my fingers my bodies way of telling me it wanted all of that and more.
“Good?” Kent murmured, a faint reply.
“Yes— I... I just keep imaging if it were you.” I don’t need to explain. I can tell by the way his breathing has fallen into faint rhythmic pants that he got my full meaning and he liked it.
“...me too. I want... I want you.” Kent paused, his next words coming out with earnest sweetness, “I’ll wait as long as you need...  but I’m ready. I want it. This. With you.”
Whatever I was thinking, whatever I wanted to say fuzzed out around the edges as a prickling sensation spread out from where my fingers were rolling and pressing in tandem. I coaxed my climax out, the peak hanging on the edge for a wonderful few tense moments before it fell. I whimpered, the sound coming out louder than I intended.
I heard Kent swear, or say my name or some combination of the two and then his voice pitched up for just a moment, a gasping moan aching from his throat.
I was hot, messy and completely boneless, laying back on my bed and feeling like I could fall asleep right then and there.
But I owed Kent a picture.
I spread myself open, the puffiness, the redness and slickness hopefully all the evidence he needed to see I had most definitely orgasmed. The moment I opened the chat to send it I received his in turn. His cock lolled back against his stomach, a line of cum connecting to the opaque white puddle settled there. There were drops across his chest and a few splatter across his hand.
My walls clutched hard as I thought what it would feel like to lick him clean.
I sent my own photo, the two of us quiet now, content with just listening to the sound of the other breathing through the phone speaker.
“So. Shower photo shoot next?” I said, unable to hide a nervous giggle.
“Give me just a second to get a towel.”
I had been kidding, but the eagerness in Kent’s voice was enough to make me decide to not correct him.
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pinkomalin · 8 months
I was playing Hi-Fi RUSH with friends and-
I found that this certain spot right before track 11 makes Chai’s legs glitch out. He couldn’t contain the rhythm.
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artb0t · 4 years
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[ALT text for basic image I.D.s, full I.D.s for each page under the read more.]
Pure White, He’s Not Alright
Heh, so here’s the (prologue) comic for that au @dottilyn and I have been working on. the file name is “au meant to hurt you” and i hope it achieves that goal <3
Some minor ramblings under the image ids below the cut if you wanna know more!
[Page 1 - Split into 8 panels, three in the top and bottom rows with two in the center. The first three panels show a dark purple side table in the bottom left corner and a pale foot in the bottom right all in front of a dark grey wall. A phone with a pale pink case sits on top of the table. In the first panel the phone glows and text reads “buzz buzz” in orange. in panel 2 the phone is dark, as is the rest of the room. Panel three has the phone lit up again with the “Buzz Buzz” text. Panel four is an overhead of the phone so it can be read. It is at 3% battery, with a time of 3:46 AM. There are three visible notifications on the phone, one marked as new. The new one reads “Discord, today, 3:6 AM. G.H.R.T.V. : Bro? Are you okay? Normally I’d hear back b-” before getting cut off. The two older messages read “Discord, yesterday, 3:14 PM. G.H.R.T.V. :Shouldn’t be an issue though, right?” and “Discord, yesterday, 10:21 AM. G.H.R.T.V. : Speaking of -(cut off) -ip next week...” Panel five shows the same as panel four, but a pale hand is trying to activate the screen, blocking most of the text. Panels six to eight also show the same as panels one to three, but slightly more zoomed out with Benrey standing in frame, trying to use the phone. He is a pale man in a dark navy shirt, white shorts, and shoulder-length bed head, looking extremely sleepy, like the phone has woken him up. In panel six he’s saying “broooo..... stopppp buzzing.” In Panel seven, Benrey says “It’s too early” while yawning. There are little yawn bubbles around him, and his finger is overlaid through the phone, at a lighter opacity. In panel eight, Benrey has noticed his finger going through the phone with comically open eyes. The yawn bubbles have popped and he is saying “huh?”
Page 2 - This page has 3 small, vertical panels in the upper left corner, overlapping each other slightly while the other 3/4s of the page are one larger scene. In the first small panel, Benrey’s full body is shown and we can see he’s not wearing socks or shoes either as if he just crawled out of bed. He is grabbing the side table for support, and phasing his foot through the side of his Black Mesa Security helmet, which is sitting on the floor. The next is zoomed in slightly to cut off at his knees. This time, Benrey’s hand is going through the side table again, and he looks shocked. The text reads “....whu?” above his head. In the third panel, Benrey is turning away from the left towards the right with an extremely confused expression. The Final panel shows Benrey from the knees up, facing to the right past the viewer. The side table is beside him with the phone (buzzing again) on it as well as his work ID. Benrey’s vest is on a second, shorter side table. On a bed across from the side tables is a pale body. Only the lower legs are visibly, but it is the same skin colour and frame as Benrey himself. He’s looking distraught towards where the head of the body would be, out of frame.
Page 3 - This page has seven panels, split into three rows vertically. In panel one, Benrey is leaning down, looking over what is his body, lying on the bed and slightly blurred to look out of focus. He is shown from the shoulders up, extremely confused, and is saying “Bro, I’m supposed to be IN that.” In the second panel, Benrey has stoop up slightly and can now be seen from the waist up. He’s sticking one of his arms through the body towards the camera, even more concerned. “Why am I not IN that?” He’s asking. In panel three and four, the camera is placed behind the phone on the side table, viewing Benrey from behind. He’s still got his hand in the body, looking away, as the phone buzzes again. In Panel four, he’s turning to look over his shoulder at the phone. In panel five, we see over Benrey’s shoulder as he goes back to the phone. His face is not visible but he is sayin “Oh come on.” Panel six is a close up on the phone. We can see the time is now 3:48 AM, the battery is down to 2% and the new message reads “Discord, Today 3:48 AM. G.H.R.T.V. : Okay well -(cut off)- get back to me soon.” Panel seven, the final one, has a view looking up at Benrey who’s face is lit up from the glow of the phone. He looks quite distressed and is saying “please let this work.”
Page 4 - This page has four panels with images and an additional two with only text. The page has one Main panel, the last one, and everything else is set overtop of it. The first two panels are small, rectangular and floating near the top of the page, flanked by text in “Benrey Speech Blue” saying “no” repeatedly and getting larger each time. The first panel shows his hand almost touching the top of the phone from a dramatic side angle, as the phone gives a “Low Power” warning. The second is more zoomed in, and shows the phone screen shutting itself off. The third panel is wide horizontal on the next row down and we can see the top of the side table where the now off phone sits, Benrey from the waist up, and his body lying on the bed. Standing Benrey has a hand in his hair and his face all screwed up in distress. From this point to the bottom of the page, all the lines fade to white from black, and all of the colours fade to black. There is a smaller horizontal panel with only Benrey blue-text which vertically fades to white that says “NO” and a smaller box underneath that which says “... please”. The final panel shows Benrey leaning against the wall between the side tables and the bed with his body on it. He’s got his head against his knees with his arms wrapped around his legs.
SO ! this is not a “benrey is a xen creature/experiment/glitch/game construct” au, there is no Res Cas, but there Is an experiment that brings our normal main cast together. We don’t have a full plot outlines, but we do have most of our setup figured out! 
Full time security guard, part time glitch-hunter, Mr. Benrey Benrey Benrey has been online friends with his favourite twitch speedrunner, GHRTV for a while now. They were planning on meeting up! Too bad Benrey can’t remember what happened in the last 48 hours, including what ... killed him. When he wakes up again, he’s back in his apartment, but things look different, and things keep getting more different as it turns out he’s been gone for a while. His apartment has been resold as “move in ready” to a recent PHD graduate moving across the country with his toddler son. And well, wouldn’t you know it’s (ex, now) speedrunner Gordon Freeman, finally getting a chance to use his scientific skills. 
Well... Benrey is dead, right? And he’s not sure why he’s still around (and he really doesn’t want to leave) but there’s nothing against having a little fun with his old best friend, right? And you know what, Gordon Freeman is a busy man and he could use some help having fun again. Either someone to help out with having a toddler, even if they can’t really touch him, or someone to just make him laugh again.
don’t worry, it’ll all work out :)
We’ve got ideas and scenes and goofs of all sorts but we have really been having fun coming up with ways to make this as found family as possible. Let everyone rely on and love each other! They deserve it! But also lots of Angst haha. Its basically us using a lot of ideas which would be really fun but are small on their own, and pushing them all together for the gay rights <3
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gohyuck · 4 years
5+9+23 ? With Jaemin.
originally requested by @heyyyun ! my tumblr kept glitching so i copy/pasted your ask into my askbox lol.
based on this post
this was a fun combo of requests lol... and the freaky friday things definitely threw me for a loop. it got lowkey nsfw really fast, too, so there’s that. outright female reader
ft. a horny jeno lmfao
5) roommates
9) freaky friday
23) i thought you hated me but i just accidentally sent you a booty text and you accepted and i am seriously considering it
you aren’t living with jaemin because you want to.
it’s something you make very clear to any and everyone you know - jaemin is your roommate out of your necessity, not out of your choice. he was the first and only person to answer the desperate ad you’d placed in the newspaper when you’d realized you wouldn’t make rent without a roommate, and, before you could find any other option, you were stuck with him.
now, you refuse to be gotten wrong: it isn’t like he’s the worst roommate ever. he can cook, and he cleans up well enough, and he’s never made a late payment. hell, he’s even courteous and about as well-mannered as any guy in his early twenties can get, so you can’t really complain on that front. he’s nice to your friends and always lets you know before having company over, and he doesn’t hesitate to ask if you need anything before he goes shopping for himself. he isn’t a bad guy, by any means.
what he is is an incorrigible and unstoppable flirt.
for his part, he isn’t too thrilled with you either - ‘my little prude’ seems to be his favorite go to nickname for you as of late, and you’d be lying if it didn’t bother you. still, you suppose, you aren’t too gentle in calling him a manwhore to his face. he only ever laughs, seemingly delighted to wear the title like a badge.
even now, you can hear the girl in your living room giggling at something your roommate has said, his own voice just a little too low for you to hear from the confines of your bedroom. he’d texted you during lunch to tell you he’d have a date over, and you’d sent him back four successive eyeroll emojis. he’d taken your annoyance as a ‘yes, please eyefuck your newest fling for two hours while sitting on the couch i paid for’ and now you’re stuck, crosslegged on your bed with your laptop at half mast and one earphone in, other ear listening to jaemin turn his charisma up to the highest it can go for what will culminate in, at most, yet another one night stand that’ll have you wishing for soundproof walls.
you sigh as she laughs again, followed by jaemin saying something along the lines of ‘let me pour you some more’. there’s a faint clink of glasses and a sudden lowering of their voices, and you decide it’s best if you put your other earphone in.
some things aren’t worth the mental scarring.
it’s almost two hours later when you finish with the essay you’re working on, pull your earphones out of your ears and place the case gingerly on your nightstand, and shut your laptop down for the night. you can’t hear anything from out in the living room, and, surprisingly, there’s no unsavory sounds coming in from jaemin’s room down the hall, either. maybe they’ve already had their fun, you ponder.
she’ll slink out of your apartment in the morning, you guess. maybe you’ll be nice and offer her pancakes on her way out.
you grab your phone from where you’d thrown it haphazardly onto your bed earlier. there’s plenty of text messages lighting up your screen, most of which you ignore. one catches your eye immediately, though.
from: jeno ;)
i’ve been thinking about you.
his text has you quirking an eyebrow, but as you scroll up to find the picture that accompanies it, you take a sharp breath, your teeth sinking into your lower lip on impulse.
you’ve been fucking jeno for weeks, but even now the sight of his prominent bulge covered only by thin gray sweatpants has your mouth watering. the two of you are good friends - surprising, considering he’s jaemin’s best friend - and you know what you have will never amount to a real relationship. it’s the healthiest you can imagine a friends-with-benefits relationship to be, and you’re grateful for it.
and for the sex. god, are you grateful for the sex.
you rush to change out of the ratty old band shirt and boy shorts you’re wearing, opting to switch them out for a lace set you’d bought recently that you’ve been dying to show off. you clasp the bra easily before you pull on the matching light pink underwear.
as you settle in front of the floor length mirror that leans against your closet door, you can’t help but let your thoughts wander to jaemin. his little prude, huh? you laugh to yourself, wondering how he’d react if he knew you got dicked down semi-regularly by jeno. just because you aren’t as obvious as he is doesn’t mean you aren’t getting any.
you switch positions until you find a pose that’s just right, capturing your bitten bottom lip, the swell of your breasts, and how the lace hugs your hips. before you can second guess yourself, you snap a picture. 
if only jaemin could see you now.
you type out a short message - see something you like? maybe you should come over and look closer - and hit send, staring at your reflection for a bit longer before pushing yourself off the floor and back up onto your bed. it’s late, far too late for jeno to take you up on your offer, but it can’t hurt to ask. hell, maybe he’ll come over anyways. maybe you can make jaemin wish his walls were soundproof for once.
your phone vibrates in your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts of revenge against your roommate. you glance down, ready to respond cheekily to whatever jeno has said, and -
from: jaemin :/
i wouldn’t mind, sweetheart. still, you could’ve asked in person. i’m only a door away, you know
your eyes widen in panic as you realize that, because you’d been thinking of jaemin earlier, you’d typed his name in and not jeno’s, resulting in you sending your honest-to-god nudes to your roommate. you rush to rectify your mistake, your fingers flying as you type a frantic response.
even as you hurry to tell him not to show up to your room naked, which you’re very afraid of him doing whether he has a girl over or not, a voice in the back of your mind can’t help but perk up.
i mean, jaemin is kind of hot, it says, actively laughing at your predicament. you wouldn’t mind being underneath him as he-
"shit!” you hiss out loud, acting as if swearing will distract you for your own thoughts. you press send, cursing the universe for causing your life to lead up to this moment as you do. 
to: jaemin :/
FUCK they weren’t meant for you 
please delete and pretend this never happened
+ don’t you have someone over????
his response comes quickly, and you brace yourself to read them. 
from: jaemin
lol PLEASE as if you have someone to sends nudes to
but yes i’ll delete :(
she left like an hour ago, not really my type
for the sake of your sanity you choose not to respond, only liking his message about deleting the picture you’d sent. you switch out your lace set for the clothes you’d had on earlier, not even bothering to respond to jeno as you’d meant to earlier. as you put your phone on charge and turn out your light for the night, you do your best to force yourself to sleep. 
hopefully, this whole ordeal will have blown over in the morning. 
♕ ♕ ♕
the first thing you notice when you wake up is how insanely bright the sun is. the white curtains on your window do nothing to stop the light from pouring into the room, and you - wait.
white curtains?
you look around, taking in the beat up ryan plushie on top of the bookshelf in the corner of the room and the gaming chair at the desk. as you become more and more awake, your setting makes itself obvious. 
once you realize it, you bolt upright, wondering what the hell you’re doing in jaemin’s room, especially when jaemin is nowhere to be found. you know you don’t sleepwalk, and you know for a fact that you’d fallen asleep in your own bed. 
it’s only as you swing your legs out of bed and happen to glance down at them that you realize what has happened.
before you can say anything, however, you hear a voice - your own voice exclaim a loud ‘what the hell?’ from down the hall. you rush out of your - jaemin’s - room, only to immediately run into what looks to be your own body.
“(name)?” it says, and you gulp before nodding.
♕ ♕ ♕
“look,” you say, pinching your - jaemin’s - nose bridge. “we’ve been arguing for like an hour, now. it’s obvious that neither of us know why this happened, so we might as well try to figure out what we can do to make it un-happen!”
“it’s because you sent me that nude,” he says, running a hand through his - your - hair. “the universe reset itself out of shock at seeing you do something remotely sexual.”
“if i was in my own body, i’d kick your ass right now,” you swear, pushing yourself up off of the dining table which you’d been leaning against. you take a threatening step towards jaemin. he laughs. 
“if i was in my own body, i’d... i’d probably be jerking off right now, to be honest. i miss my dick.”
you wince in disgust, staring down at his - your - face. “better not be to my picture.”
he shakes his - your - head at this, though not without raising his eyebrow at you. “i’m not a complete asshole - i deleted when you asked me to.”
“thank you,” you respond, not sure what else is to say. jaemin nods sagely before a grin starts spreading across his face.
“you know, maybe we have to recreate last night to fix it. do the same things, you know? who was the message meant for last night? maybe i’ll send them another one today.”
the thought of jaemin taking nudes of your body makes you feel dizzy in both bad and good ways. you realize he actually expects you to tell him, and you find yourself shaking your head no in response.
he quirks an eyebrow of yours. 
“what, don’t want me to know? it’s not like i’ll tell anyone, you know. i mean-”
“it’s not that,” you hurry to tell him, and he smirks at you in return. 
“no? then what is it?”
before you can respond, jaemin continues speaking, and you realize his question had been rhetorical. “oh, i know!” he says, sounding as if he’s had the realization of a lifetime. “you meant to send it to me, didn’t you? you just lied and got cold feet, after. i knew it! there’s no way you’re actually-”
in your haste to get jaemin to shut the hell up and your current inability to think straight, you cross the space between you two in one stride before pressing your mouth against his (or, you guess, his mouth against yours), desperate to get him to stop talking. your eyes are screwed shut anyways, so you don’t see his slide shut. 
the two of you stay like that for what feels like an eternity before you pull away.  
“i’m so sorry-” you start, opening your eyes to peer sheepishly up at jaemin. 
you blink once, twice, before bursting out into laughter. jaemin, after overcoming his own befuddlement does the same. 
“oh my god, i can’t believe that fixed it,” you say once you get over the shock of being back in your own body. “holy shit.”
“i can’t believe any of that happened in the first place,” jaemin says, and you nod in agreement. a silence falls between the two of you almost immediately as you both try to figure out what to say to each other now. 
you glance around the room, searching for something to fixate your gaze on. you know jaemin is doing the same beside you. before you can say something embarrassing - you’re seriously considering patting him on the back and going ‘good work out there’ - jaemin rests his hands lightly against your waist, forcing you to meet his eyes with yours. 
“i kind of wish i’d experienced our kiss from inside my own body,” he says, and you search his face for an iota of a joke, something that says he’s messing with you. 
there’s none to be found. you reach a hand up to rest against the back of his neck and, before you know it, you’re cupping the back of his head and pulling his lips to yours once again, though this one is much more passionate than the last. his hands tighten their grips on your waist as he pulls you flush against him, and you tangle your fingers in his hair.
once you pull away, you can’t bring yourself to leave his grasp. instead, you ask him the question that’s burning on your mind. 
“do you want to see the lace set in person?”
your roommate nods, his excited actions directly contrasting his dark, hooded gaze. he lets you take his hand in yours, allowing you to drag him to your room. just as you shove open your bedroom door, however, jaemin speaks again. 
“out of curiosity, who was the picture meant for?”
you stare at him for one, two beats before sighing, wincing right after. he gazes back at you both steadily and expectantly, and you figure you may as well say it. 
“it ... it was meant for jeno.” 
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.6
...with the A+ Team
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 3070
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
You get to spend the day with the Avengers. Should you be excited or scared? Well, Steve is by your side, so… you will be alright... right?
Warnings: swearing, FLUFF, Steve’s friends being Steve’s friends… go figure, attempt at humour, and tbh Steve’s damn body needs a warning too
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Story masterlist
Steve took you to lunch. Natasha had been kind enough to lend you some clothes so you didn’t look like Steve’s trophy; he might have looked a bit disappointed if you were being honest, but you suspected Natasha had chosen the clothes with great care and intention to keep Steve’s eyes on you, because you actually didn’t look half-bad, simple summer dress along with matching shoes more suitable for a walk than the ones you had worn to the party.  
And obviously, Steve didn’t forget to tell you that you looked beautiful.
You felt like a princess; it seemed Steve had been serious when saying he had planned on spoiling you. Not that you were complaining. There was just that little annoying voice in the back of your head, reminding you that all of this was too perfect to be true, that there must have been something hiding behind a corner, waiting to cast a shadow over your happiness.
You learned more about Steve’s life in the past. He appeared to be telling you even slightly embarrassing things. When you called him out on it, teasing him that he wanted to scare you away, the tips of his ears went pink and he enlightened you. Apparently, he was ninety eight percent sure it would come to Truth or Dare during the game afternoon and he wanted to get things out in private so you weren’t too taken aback.
That you understood, deciding to reciprocate the gesture and surprisingly… it wasn’t awful.
It actually turned out to be an awfully great idea, because Steve wasn’t wrong.
The game afternoon started with highly intellectual Scrabble, interestingly in a version for more players with bigger board, which fascinated you. You weren’t necessarily bad at it, but it was hard to compete with a man who had seven PhD.s. Still, you had fun.
And then it came. Truth or Dare.
“I start!” Tony exclaimed, his eyes immediately falling on you. Oh no. You should have seen this coming. “Truth or dare?”
You eyed Steve warily, hoping for a clue. He just shook his head. “I don’t think it really matters, doll. You’ll suffer either way.”
You snorted, hoping no one could see how horrified you were at that statement.
“Alright. I honestly dread your dares. I’ll go with truth.”
“Good. Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Avengers.”
“Boo!” Clint called out. “Boring. Obvious choice for at least one of those things.”
You bit your lip. Yeah, it probably was. Just as you opened your mouth to tell who would you marry (not that he wouldn’t be your choice for one more and you weren’t thinking Kill), Tony interjected.
“Ah-ah! No Cap. Avengers minus Cap!” he ordered, causing you to gape.
How dared he!
You bit your cheek, considering an answer and suddenly, another of the three became obvious.
“Firstly – fuck you, Tony, for such a question,” you hissed playfully, drawing a laugh from Natasha and Clint. You smirked in satisfaction, your mind racing.
“Hm… I guess that if can’t pick the obvious choice, I’d marry Thor.” Steve gasped at your side, pretending to be wounded. You shoved him lightly, grinning. “Come on. From what I saw, Asgardians clearly know how to treat their women. And lastly… huh. Do I have to?”
“Yep. Spill. Unless you want to lose already.”
“Ugh, fine. Can I… kill the Hulk, but let Bruce live?” you mumbled, earning a smile from Natasha and the man in question.
“I call bullshit!”
“I call her smart. You did say the Avengers. It’s her turn,” Bruce opposed Tony, rushing to your rescue since you had been so generous to him.
Steve’s hand subtly found yours, giving a tender caress in agreement.
“Alright. Thanks. So…” You honestly had no idea who to pick. You never had been much for this game, never being able to come out with something shocking enough. One might call you boring. You smirked when you figured it out. “Natasha. Truth or dare?”
She squinted at you, suspiciously. “Dare.”
“I dare you to tell me the worse insult for a man you can think of.”
The spy raised an eyebrow, but gave it a serious consideration. "слабый хуй.“
“Ouch,” Clint winced, which was enough of a confirmation.
You repeated the words for yourself before glancing at Tony. “Thanks, Natasha, I’ll remember that in case I ever need that.”
Tony had enough decency to look scandalised at your hint on who you were planning on using it.
“Clint, truth or dare?”
The archer picked the dare. He had to try to juggle with seven apples. To your shock, he actually managed for a few seconds, with seven apples, what the hell – and that was how you learned he had actually been with a circus for a while. Talk about surprises.
To your misfortune, Clint picked you. You decided that another truth was the lesser evil.
“Alright. So… have you seen it?”
Steve choked on his coke whilst your eyes just went wide.
Clint snickered. “I meant Cap’s gear. And if you didn’t, would you like to?”
Yep, still sounded like he was not talking about Steve’s battle gear—and jeez, that sounded dirty as well.
“I am not answering that question unless we state what you mean by that and that it’s not a euphemism,” you proclaimed, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Fine. I mean his shield. Obviously.”
“No I haven’t and… I mean…” you glanced at the man in question, whose face was still red from the cough caused by Clint’s innuendo. “Sure. I’d like to. When or if he’s willing.”
Steve smiled at you, touched by your consideration. Of course he was Captain America. The shield he carried was an important symbol, but only for his famous persona. Not for Steve Rogers. You mainly wanted to know Steve Rogers. You smiled back at him.
“Oh, I’m sure he’s willing to show you his shield and what can he do with it, alright…”
“Barton, I swear you’re the worst,” Steve groaned, tilting his head back. You just rolled your eyes and turned to Bruce, asking about his first kiss when he chose truth.
He inquired Tony about his worst interaction with a fan and Tony passed the torch to Steve, daring him to do one-arm push-ups, one for each year he had. Steve gave him an annoyed look at the mention of his age, but you were very sure that Tony had given him the dare to torture you, because seeing Steve in a t-shirt do exactly that, the muscles on his arms shifting, was… doing things to your heart rate and breathing. You weren’t sure whose physiology was affected more by the workout – yours or Steve’s. By Tony’s knowing smirk, he had a good guess that it was yours.
Steve chose Clint, Clint went for Natasha, Natasha decided to poke Bruce. It was childish and it was more than a bit wonderful.
Tony pulled out a card game then, one you hadn’t seen before. It was called Dobble and it turned the Avengers into actual children, shouting one after another, fake-crying and pushing and poking each other. Your cheeks and belly hurt from the laughter. When you managed to win one of the rounds, you punched the air victoriously, roaring laughter at everyone’s shocked expression. Steve kissed you on the lips, rewarding the winner, letting the others to fight for the second place.
“You’re amazing,” he whispered to your ear, nuzzling his nose in your hair, making your laughter die in your throat and shiver.
“Just trying to make you proud, Steve. Just trying to make you proud and to have a great time while doing so.”
“I’m glad you do.”
Few rounds later, you were all sprawled on the couches, exhausted.
“Sir, I’d like to inform you I finished the scanning of the security update as you asked and found the glitch,” a male voice with British accent sounded above your head all of sudden and you jolted up into a straight sitting position, startled.
“What the hell was that?!” you yelped, causing everyone to stare at you questioningly.
“Jarvis, who else? Thank you, Jarvis, you’re the best,” Tony called out, seemingly unconcerned by talking to a voice coming from the ceiling.
Your face scrunched in even bigger confusion, but seeing everyone unaffected by the intruder, your fear quickly dissolved. “Jarvis?”
“The resident A.I. How did you not meet him before?” Clint questioned, looking at Steve accusatively. You followed his gaze, shocked.
There was an artificial intelligence in the building?! “How did that not come up during the tour?!”
Steve had enough decency to look ashamed. “I was… distracted,” he murmured, his cheeks dusted with a little pink.
Tony snorted, wiggling his eyebrows. “Jarvis, meet Cap’s girl.”
“Hello, Miss. It’s a pleasure to meet you. How do you wish me to call you?”
“Cap’s girl,” Tony repeated, while Clint called out “Miss America.”
“She’s her own person, you know. Not just Steve’s girlfriend,” Natasha scolded them both.
“And she has a name,” Steve added, shooting them a dirty glare.
“And she’s right here,” you grumbled for a good measure and said your name for the… the Jarvis? Just Jarvis, you guessed. You felt surreal when apparently speaking to air, but Tony talked to him (Him? It?) with such ease you couldn’t do it differently.
God knew you might actually hurt Jarvis’ feelings. Did AI have feelings?
“As you wish.”
“Please, Jarvis, grant her unlimited access to my room and to the Tower as well,” Steve pleaded and your head snapped to him, surprised. He only replied with a smile.
“Certainly, Captain,” the AI answered politely.
Seriously? Just like that? An access to the Avengers Tower? And… to Steve’s room? Any time you wanted?
Steve wanted you here, you realized, the revelation overwhelming, but so, so sweet. He wanted you here at any time.
Thank you, you mouthed and he just shook his head, covering your hand with his.
“We talked about this too, Jarvis,” he addressed the AI, scolding for something you didn’t understand.
“I’m aware, Captain. But since Sir is present, I have to call you that.”
Your eyebrows shot up. What was this about? Probably Tony being annoying, your mind supplied helpfully and the corners of your lips twitched in amusement.
“…hold on a sec. Are you telling me you’re calling him something different when I’m not around?” Tony blurted out, scandalized.
“Yes, Sir. But I’m afraid that addressing is classified and you have no authorization to change it,” Jarvis explained, measured.
“I created you! I have all the authorization!”
“That is very true, Sir. However, since you wish me to call him Captain, he outranks you, Sir.”
You burst out laughing, the team soon joining in.
“Did he… did he make his A.I. sassy?” you choked out between your fits, only to have a collective howl of yes to answer you.
“Jarvis, we are going to have a serious talk about loyalty. Soon,” the billionaire grumbled, sending everyone into another outburst. “Right now, actually. Kids, get out of the living room.”
The team scrambled to their feet, putting their dishes to the dishwasher and going each their own way, still chuckling.
“So, this was fun,” you stated as Steve led you down through the halls, his hand on your lower back. He was being very touchy-feely indeed and you definitely enjoyed every second. “What’s happening now? The movie night starts at half past eight, right?”
“Well… I actually thought about working out for a bit if you wouldn’t mind-“
“Was the nearly hundred push-ups – on one arm – not enough?” you teased him and he made a sour face.
“Don’t remind me. A little sparring would be great. I missed the morning run and-“
“And you’re a man of routine.”
He looked at you a bit funny, but didn’t try to deny it.
“Alright. I guess I’ll answer the thousand texts Ryan sent me and… then maybe come watch? Who you’ll be sparring with?”
“Natasha probably, if she’s game. Jarvis, could you ask her?” he called out softly and not a half-minute later, he got his answer.
“Agent Romanoff is on board. Agent Barton says he’ll be joining you.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at that, but then only shrugged and pecked your temple before pulling away. “Sounds interesting. Let’s do this.”
“So… does that mean I’m allowed to come along?”
“…if that’s what you want.”
Hearing his reluctance, you wondered if he was worried to show you his… perhaps violent side, fearing it might change your view of him. It was ridiculous; you had a good idea of what he did for living, you had seen some videos back in the day after the invasion. Like it or not, his job required brutal force; you were as aware of that as much of the fact that he used the power he held over others thanks to his serum and training to protect, the hurt part only harming aggressors.
You only considered it for a split second. This was a part of Steve. You had established you wanted to get to know all of Steve. Still, you understood he might not be comfortable to show you yet.
“Absolutely,” you assured him, taking care not to sound adamant. “Unless you mind showing me.”
His previously guarded expression softened and when his lips touched your forehead this time, he lingered.
“I’m willing to show you as much as you think you can take,” he whispered and you couldn’t help but snort despite being moved by his openness. The time spent with Clint and Tony was clearly taking its toll on you.
“Sorry, sorry-”
“I can’t believe they corrupted you like that,” he spoke to the ceiling, whiny.
“I’m sorry. I’m gonna go deal with Ryan now.”
“Good plan.”
You weren’t exaggerating too much; Ryan was incredibly curious about how yesterday went and your swift answer typed out in a rush hadn’t satisfied him. You decided to call him, dutifully spilling the beans about nearly everything. Mostly, you just praised everyone, complained about Tony being an ass in an endearing way with Clint’s support and about Natasha, Bruce and even Thor being kind to you.
Steve you had no words for. You simply revealed he was dreamy and promised to tell Ryan more later, explaining you were too eager to see the sparring session. He understood, giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush, rushing you to end the call immediately and go admire your boyfriend.
Funny how neither you nor Steve had labelled what you had and other people did it for you. You made a mental note to bring it up casually, already knowing it probably wouldn’t be any time soon.
“Uhm… Jarvis?” you called out, uncertain he actually was listening for you.
“What can I do for you?”
“Could you please navigate me to the gym where Steve is?”
“Certainly,” the AI replied easily, giving you instructions as if it was a daily occurrence for him. Which probably was.
You just shook your head and chuckled incredulously. Being a soulmate to an Avenger was so freaking weird.
You kinda liked it. A lot.
“Please tell me you’re not going to shoot at them,” you begged, horrified.
Jarvis led you to one of the gyms in the Tower, only for you to find Steve and Natasha lunging one after another, skilfully blocking and dodging the other one’s punches. They almost looked like they were dancing; brutally, but still with grace.
Clint’s absence confused you – until you found him in the corner. With a bow, string stretched, ready to release an arrow… in their direction.
“I’m gonna shoot at them,” he advertised lowly and it felt like a punch to your gut.
“Are you crazy?!” you hissed.
“People usually shoot at us on missions. And they don’t exactly care we are already fighting someone else. Actually, they are waiting for just that. For when we are distracted.”
A heavy stone fell into your stomach and the reality settled in. Forget Steve being violent. Enter people shooting at him, excited to get the best opportunity to kill him. You gulped against the lump suddenly formed in your throat, respectively following the line of the arrow, dreading how sharp the end of it would be; it wasn’t.
You released a relieved exhale. At least they weren’t hurting each other that much during trainings.
“What kind of an arrow is that?”
“With paint,” the archer hummed absently, “it’s great for identifying the openings each of us leaves.”
You wanted to think of his words, but your mind stubbornly kept returning to the fact how easily Steve could get killed. Your eyes were on the sparring pair, but you weren’t seeing anything, Steve with his hands clutched to his side, blood pouring from under his fingers being the only image in your brain.
Gentle touch on your arm snapped you back to present.
“Hey. Relax,” Clint coaxed and you noticed he lowered his bow. “I didn’t want to freak you out. I should have put it more… civil.”
“You’re just stating the facts,” you replied dully, shaking your head.
“Sure, but I could have done it more gently. Look, I do want to break it to you, slowly, that this is the reality. We fight. Our job’s dangerous. But what you’re seeing right now? That’s how we get ready for the threats. Cap rarely leaves any openings, all of us do. We’re not alone in the field. We watch each other’s back and we train and train and train. To be stronger, faster, better. Think of this like a paintball, it’s basically that. Now, can I try to shoot them or not?”
The low hum of Clint’s voice, the conviction he spoke with despite the minimal volume – and you suspected it was so Steve couldn’t hear you, secretly thinking he did anyway – washed over you like a tide wave of peace. You felt your heart settle, your fear levelling. You knew Steve’s job posed risks. He had told you the very first moment. This was just seeing it a bit closer, your worries earning shape and colours.
“Okay. Thank you, Clint.”
“Anytime. Just so you know, I’ve been trying to get a good shot for almost two minutes. They hide behind the other as if they knew which one I’m trying to hit at the moment. They’re the best among the best.”
Your focus returned to Steve and Natasha. Some interesting noises of exertion were now accompanying their movements.
“Should she be jealous, Cap?” Clint called out, raising his bow again.
“Go to hell, Barton!” sounded unison from the pair and to your surprise, only Natasha’s voice sounded playful.
You wondered why, but had a pretty good guess to be honest. And you were a bit worried about the outcome of your conversation with Clint.
Part 7 (final)
Tags: @cxptain​ @mermaidxatxheart @smilexcaptainx , @murdermornings​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​ @eliza5616​, @rayofdawnworld  @victor-criss-bish​ @skychild29​  @elysianecho​ @simmisblog​ @scentedsongrebel​ @orions-nebula​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​ @songofcosplay​, @ilovesupersoldiers​ @wxstedhexrt @silver-winter-wolf @nova3312​  @guardian-tn @janieavalos​
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Thank you for reading! This fluffy mess will come to an end, but we’ll be off to a three-shot and then a longer instalment that will bring new players in ;)
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wiltingpierrot · 5 years
“No Peeking!” [Crona!Spinel AU]
So some of you actually wanted to read the writing I cut out from an ask and it really makes me happy that you do. But instead of posting what I cut out as is, I decided to lengthen it some more. It’s 1,800+ words long already but I feel I have to create a rift in between. This one is 1,600+ words long.
I am by no means a fanfic writer, and this is my first time writing something like this. So my er... style might be unsavory to some. This might feel rushed and you may find some mistakes here or there. Again, I’m not a literary type of artist.
Anyways, I wrote this while listening to Salve Maria from the Soul Eater OST on loop and I thought some background music helps.
Here’s a youtube link.
You’re in a dark room with no light present at all. You’re counting from one to a bajillion and you’re not sure where it ends. You keep losing count and have to start over again each time. “No peeking, we’re playing hide-and-seek,” she said.
“But Pink, that’s like a huuuuuuuge number! What if I lose count?”
“Oh silly Spinel, just start over.”
She closed the door in front of you.
You don’t know how much time has passed. The complete darkness has been hurting your eyes for so long, you can’t tell if they’re open or closed anymore. How’s the garden? At least there you have plant life to tend to.
You are so lonely, so very lonely. You only wanted someone to talk to. But you’re playing a game with your diamond. You have to follow the rules. Otherwise she’ll...
Your gem is starting to hurt. You’re starting to feel painful sensations, emotions. These emotions are not fun at all. You’re supposed to be happy that you’re playing a game with your Diamond. You wish, you really wish you could throw these feelings someplace else. You just don’t want to feel them right now.
Darn it! You lost count again. So you start over. Stupid sad feelings.
  You keep seeing her face in the black void, her annoyed face looking down at you. You keep seeing variations of these faces, even ones you never saw her make. You’re desperate to override them with happier memories of her. But each time you force yourself to conjure up her beautiful smiling face in your head, another frowning Diamond appears over it.
You frown as well.
 You’re starting to doubt your playmate. You’re starting to doubt yourself. You’re starting to hate yourself for how stupid and naive you are to believe you can actually count to an indefinite number before you can seek for your playmate. She doesn’t want you. She wants to get rid of you. You saw it on her face, how sick she was of you. That’s why she made you do this. She even locked you up in here. 
That can’t be right. These thoughts can’t be right. She said she’d be hiding somewhere and all you gotta do is count and then find her. And it’ll be the greatest hide-and-seek round in all of history. You wish you have a place to just dump all these thoughts when you don’t need them. You definitely don’t need them.
There’s only silence. There’s only darkness. You continue counting, reaching the 8th digit for the umpteenth time.
  You stretched your arm to have your hand feel around the walls, the ceiling, and the floors for the scratch marks you made. You really don’t want to lose count again. You wished you marked the first few hundred thousand a little smaller.
It really hurts your fingers. The fabric around the fingertips of your rubber gloves has been torn off from all the scratching. Well, it’s hard to scratch anything if your nails are covered in rubber anyways.
You just want to be done with counting so you can go out and find her. How much more should you count?
You lost all space eventually, and so is the hope you are ever getting out of here. You stopped counting. The silence only worsens the buzzing noise blasting in your ears. Your hands reached for your face, clutching the skin surrounding your eyes. They reached for your hair next and started tugging and pulling. Your face feels wet; something is flowing out of the corners of your eyes and onto the roughly scratched floor.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“Stupid!” Your eyes widen just as you felt a sharp blow to the back of your head and fell flat on the floor. It didn’t stop there. What felt like a pair of fists continued pummeling at you. “Stupid, stupid, STUPID, MORON!” Each word punctuated at each punch. It hurts. “IDIOT, STUPID HEAD, what a FUCKING DUMBASS!”
It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS. You beg for it to stop. Your hands desperately try to stop whatever is behind you, but you felt nothing. Finding the strength to turn around, you’re ready to face the meanie and- it stopped.
It’s silent again. No one’s here but you. You wondered if you’re just imagining things, but the damage dealt to you felt very real. It still hurts. The words the voice said skewered even deeper into your gem.
You fall to the ground, your back lay flat on the rough floor with arms resting lazily at your sides. Strangely, your arms feel tired and your knuckles are sore. You’re just… so very tired.
  You pondered about the voice you heard in the silence. She… she? She sounds like you. But it’s all rough and gruff, and the echoes they carry are pitched a tad lower. It growls and roars and screams in ways that sounds feral and monstrous. You’re scared. What if she comes back and hurts you more somehow?
  It happened again. And again, and again. You always end up a pained, crying, and quivering mess afterwards. She kept saying mean things to you and Pink. It’s not very nice. It bothers you however; how your hands always end up in places you don’t want them on after every beating. How they always feel sore when the silence comes back.
At times you find your hands gripping tightly around your neck, or clutching at your hair. At other times your fingers are dug into the edges of your gem, as if they were trying to pull it out. There are times where the pulling wouldn’t stop until you feel an electrifying sensation and your form glitches, forcing the hand to let go.
You wonder if it was all real or not. If the voice you’re hearing was your own all along. If the hands that harm you are the ones you possess.
  One more try. You started counting. Back to number one.
It’s better than this painful noise ringing in your head.
 “Listen ya dumb little sack of shit. When are ya gonna stop counting your stupid little numbers, and get your stupid little legs a MOVE ON!?” She’s gripping the top of your head and your chin so roughly it hurts. You still can’t see her. You still can’t feel at her, but she can definitely grab and hurt you. It’s not fair.
“But… but Pink said-“ a couple of fists grinds at the two sides of your cranium.
“Are ya fucking KIDDING ME? Ya always say the same thing EVERY TIME. Pink this, Pink that. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD dumbass, she DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU!” her voice changes volume at times that don’t make sense but it hurts your ears all the same.
She’s… not exactly wrong.
   You poofed somehow. All you remember is that you got so fed up with the terrible treatment and you reached into your gem. For the first time in millenniums your eyes caught a glimpse of a faint, pink light. Your hand was able to pull what felt like a short handle, smooth and glassy.
A pink, glowing blade manifested from the end of the handle, all sharp and curved. A handy sickle. It brought good memories of the lovely garden. The garden. You imagine the place is no longer the beautiful little playground it used to be.
Your hand gripped tighter around the handle. What do you intend to use it for? Even with this faint light present you still couldn’t see her. The glow coming from the blade, while faint as it was hurts your unaccustomed eyes. Looking around the radius of the small glow you could finally see the scratch marks. How ugly… rough, and desperate looking they are. You don’t remember the details, but the way the scratches looked made an almost audible snap in your mind.
The curved end of the blade, while never hitting its intended target, had made its way deep into your shoulder.
 And now you’re back in the complete darkness. And you feel different. Your clothing feels different for sure. You put your hands onto your torso and felt something you can describe as “dark”, cool, and smooth. Your heels felt like there’s something hard and slightly heavy attached to them. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel… you.
You winced. Your eyes widened. A rapidly growing pain spreads around your back. You clutched tightly and desperately around yourself but it does nothing to stop the agonizing sensation. You felt thick liquid flowing beneath your skin. How is that possible?
What started from little whimpers and groans turned into an agonized, bone-chilling scream. You started writhing in place, your hands grabbed at your head. Your fingers dug into your scalp and pulled, causing your back to curl forwards.
It’s too much. It’s too much.
Suddenly, you felt something burst out of your back. No amount of words can explain the pain you feel at that moment. It’s that voice again. Her terrifying, bloodcurdling cry echoed loudly around the room. It was so loud, your ears could pop. She continued to scream, and it gradually turned into manic fits of boisterous laughter.
“FINALLY! HAHAHAHAAA!” A gleeful yell sounded from your back. You finally stopped screaming as the pain gradually goes away. You still feel very sore however.
 Trembling, you dared to turn your head to take a peek of-
Oh. If you are any organic being, you would’ve soiled your shorts already.
-6,000 years ago-
“Apologies, my Diam- er, My Rose Quartz. I can’t help but notice that your Spinel is not with us. Is she alright?” 
“Oh, pffft, she’s fine. I have her play hide-and-seek to make her stay put for a while. She’s counting to like, a bajillion or something right now. Gives me plenty of time to visit the Kindergarten with just you by my side.” 
Pearl can’t help but blush slightly. It soon fades away when she had a little realization though.
“Umm, my Rose Quartz, I’m afraid “a bajillion” is not a definite number.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that… she could be counting forever.”
 Rose stared blankly at her Pearl. Her eyes widened. After what felt like a few minutes she finally waved it off. “She’ll figure it out. It’s not like I locked the door or anything. She’ll just get bored eventually and get out of there.”
“You know, the secret little bunker under the moon base?” 
“…My apologies, Rose Quartz, but I don’t recall hide-and-seek using-” 
Rose made an exasperated sigh. Pearl was starting to regret what she said until Rose Quartz spoke up again.
“I just… needed a break from her, you know? She can get a little… annoying.” The last word was said through gritted teeth. “Besides, I always wanted to spend the day with just the two of us this time.”
Pearl’s blush returned at full force and she couldn’t help but smile fondly at her Diamond in disguise.
When Rose Quartz urges her to follow her further into the Kindergarten, Pearl can’t help but move as if she has an extra spring in her step.
Umm, yes. This is my attempt at writing. 
This is like an alternative to the usual waiting game from the movie. That means how she will antagonize the Crystal Gems will be different from the usual injector+rejuvenator method as well.
Spinel will come to Earth a lot sooner, but will meet the Crystal Gems a bit later than the original timeline. Sometime after Connie comes back from her Space Camp.
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c-hristy · 5 years
Obsession - Part 1 of 'Addicted' 《Charlastor AU》
    “You will manage?”
    “I will.”
    “Make sure you stick to your promises. I do not like being disappointed.”
    She hummed to herself as she plopped down on a barstool, adjusting her skirt that the slit wasn’t quite so revealing. Beatrice had her tights on, as per request, though she wasn’t a huge fan of them. The bartender glanced at her once and she smirked toward the demon, tipping her head.
    “I’ll get to ya in a moment, Bea.” He said to her, ducking under the counter, “Got a fuck ton of newbies for some reason.”
    “Gotcha,” Bea shrugged, tapping her nails on the bar counter, “Take your time. I’ve got all night.”
    Her eyes turned to the array of television screens that decorated the walls of the bar. Most of the volumes were set to low, subtitles covering the bottom. Sports games, news, drama shows. The bar showed it all; made for more customers if they catered to a wider variety. Bea turned the barstool slightly so that she could catch a better view at one of the screens across the room that was playing some drama that she had seen once before.
    A demon sat down on the stool beside her and she flicked her eyes over to see who it was. Surprise trickled down her spine as she met eyes with her new seatmate.
    His grin spread delightedly across his screen and Bea felt her heart flutter slightly at the sight, “Hello.”
    Beatrice blinked and looked behind her, turning back to the demon in front of her, “Who, me?”
    He laughed, a sound that was slightly filtered. She liked the sound; in a way, it reminded her of her father’s filter, “Yes, you. Can I buy you a drink?”
    “I guess.’ She shrugged nonchalantly, tilting her head and a small smile spreading across her cheeks, “Anything I want?”
    “Anything,” Vox nodded his head, motioning toward the bar, “I don’t really lack funds.”
    Her sweet smile turned impish as she swiveled the barstool, her voice bright, “Hey, you ready?”
    The bartender nodded, holding up a glass, “Your usual?”
    “Nah,” Bea’s eyes flickered over to Vox, “Get me a blue motherfucker.”
    The bartender grinned at her and she winked back, watching him mix the drink. Once the glass was placed in front of her, she took a long sip, relishing in the flavor.
    “What brings you here, buying me drinks?” She turned to Vox, setting the glass on the bartop.   
    “Couldn’t just leave a pretty girl sitting by herself.” His voice was playful, a grin on his screen, “Thought I would come say hello.”
    “Oh, don’t play dumb with me,” Her eyes brightened, a soft red glow coming from them as she took another sip of her drink, “You wouldn’t just come up to the Radio Demon’s daughter without a proposition. What do you want?”
    He laughed easily, leaning onto the counter slightly, “Do I really need a reason for some conversation?”
    Bea thought it over for a moment before shrugging, taking another drink, “I guess not.”
    They sat in silence for a moment, Bea not a hundred percent sure on how to carry on conversation. She didn’t have the widest variety of social experience; her friends were mainly just her siblings. She turned back to the television that was across the room, idly sipping her drink as she watched some commercial for a murdering professionals business. The tune was catchy; she found her fingers tapping along to the beat.
    Once she finished her drink, she set the glass on the bartop and sighed, feeling the warmth curl in her stomach. Vox chuckled at her pleased face and she turned to him, a small smile on hers.
    “Do you want another drink?” 
    “Yeah, okay.”
    Halfway through her next drink, Bea abruptly turned to Vox and grinned impishly at him, “What’s your favorite way to waste time? Because it sure seems like sitting here not talking is something you’re good at.”
    Vox’s eyes glitched in a way that made it seem like he was rolling them and Bea snickered, “There’s plenty going on around us. I’m not wasting time.”
    “Oh?” She peered around, eyebrows furrowing, “What do you mean?”
    “See in the corner,” He nodded toward a pair of demons that were huddled close to each other in a booth, “Those two are fucking right now.”
    Bea squinted and she laughed when she realized that one of the demons was indeed, on top of the other, “Damn!”
    “And over there,” He nodded toward a trio of demons that were near the door, “A drug deal gone bad. The drugs are laced. They’re going out to brawl.”
    “Why not just fight in here,” Bea murmured, tapping her nails against her glass, “That would be much more fun.”
    “The bartender warned them that if they fought again in here, they’d be banned.” Vox’s grin was infectious and she copied it, her ears flicking.
    “Oh, neat.” She tried her best to tune into all of the different conversations around her, though a lot of words seemed to blend together and she sighed in irritation, taking a long drink, “How do you manage to keep it all separate?”
    “Lots of practice.” He shrugged, “Years of being able to separate the voices.”
    “Yeah, ‘cause you’re really old.” Bea laughed, eyes bright, “Older than my dad. That’s just weird. You tryna cradle rob, huh?”
    His screen turned slightly pink and he turned away from her. Bea began to laugh harder, setting her drink down and wrapping her arm around her waist.
    “Yanno, Vox,” Bea slid off the stool, brushing her fingers down her skirt and adjusting the slit once more, “You’re not so bad. I’ve gotta get home, I promised my brother I’d help him with a stream.” She winked at him, making sure her purse was tightly adjusted around her shoulders before turning and then looking at him over her shoulder, “Give me a call, yeah?”
    Before he could reply, the Radio Demon’s daughter left the bar, dodging under a few demons that tried to swipe her bag from her shoulder. Her grin was still spread on her face and Vox couldn’t find it in him to call out for her.
    She hadn’t even given him her number.
    “Where is she?”
    “It’s taking longer than I expected.”
    “Get it done, Vox.”
    “I will. I always do.”
    Bea turned her cart down the aisle that had the boxes of pasta and the like, browsing through the selection. Even in Hell, there was a good business with growing crops and the like, so there were a lot of the same foods that Alastor told her were on Earth in Hell. She reached out for a bottle of alfredo sauce, turning the jar so that she could look over the ingredient list.
    She knew that it was better to make those types of things homemade anyway, and Charlie liked to cook - she just was looking for shortcuts so she could eat whenever she wanted. 
    She turned, still holding the jar. Immediately, her normal frown turned upward into a little smirk, eyes brightening, “Hi there, Vox.”
    The TV demon’s smile was stretched across his entire screen, his hands on his hips, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
    “Oh?” She raised an eyebrow, setting the jar into her cart and then turning back to the boxes of pasta to pick one out, “Why?”
    “You never actually gave me your phone number.”
    Her cheeks flushed a brilliant red and she dipped her head forward so that her hair would cover the stain on her cheeks, “Ah, shit.”
    “So I’ve been trying to find it. But it’s nowhere.” He shrugged, the grin turning slightly into a smirk.
    “Sorry ‘bout that.” She took a deep breath, reaching out and grabbing a box of fettuccine, dropping it into the cart and then gripping the handles, “It’s a little weird that you’ve been trying to find it.”
    He shrugged, following her as she started to make her way down the aisle, “You told me to call you.”
    “Yeah, well,” She peered up at him, her blush still staining her cheeks, “I didn’t really expect you to.”
    Vox seemed pleased with the blush on her cheeks and Bea felt her heart flutter slightly at the look on his screen. His tone was playful when he spoke, “Can I have it now?”
    “Your phone number. Can I have it?”
    Bea cleared her throat and nodded quickly, eyes widening, “Yeah! Give me your phone. I’ll plug it in.”
    Vox rifled through a pocket in his jacket, pulling the device from it. His claws gently raked over her skin when he handed her the phone and she yanked her hand back, startled at the contact. She opened up his contacts and opened up a new file, titling herself as ‘Bea’ with a little fire emoji. She typed in her phone number and then saved it, handing him back his phone.
    “There ya go, all saved up.” She grinned up at him before heading down toward the dairy aisle, lugging a few gallons of milk into the cart and then sighing, her nose wrinkling, “I don’t think my mom thought very deep into how I was going to get these home. I let the car go home and said I would walk.”
    “I could help you carry them home.” He offered, “How far do you live?”
    “Just a few blocks.” She murmured, setting one of the gallons back onto the shelf so she only had two, moving down to where the cheese was, “I can call the car to come back, but that would take a while. Raz and Daz are probably already comfy in the kitchen with mama. She’s making donuts today.”
    Vox nodded, watching her browse through the cheeses before she picked a few out, “It looks like you’re planning to make something?”
    “Yeah,” Bea turned to him and smiled, pointing to the pasta, “I’m gonna attempt to make some meat pasta. It’s my dad and I’s favorite; mama doesn’t really like making it since it means she has to shred meat and she doesn’t like to touch it.”
    Vox motioned toward the creamer that was on a shelf nearby, “If you add that to the cheese and stuff, it’ll make it creamier, rather than using milk.”
    Her eyes brightened with an excited glow and she took it off the shelf, setting it in the cart, “Maybe I’ll try to make some of my own sauce. I guess I don’t need the whole jar anymore.”
    “I can run it back for you.” He picked up from the cart and she nodded toward him.
    “I’m gonna go look at veggies.” She pointed down the aisle toward the produce section, “If you want to keep walking with me.”
    His grin split his screen as he walked back to the aisle with the pasta sauce. Setting it down, his phone buzzed in his pocket and Vox pulled it out, opening the text message.
    ‘You’ve been gone for a while.’
    He sighed, irritated as he typed back, ‘I’ll be back later. Something came up.’
    He set the phone back into his pocket and ignored it when it buzzed again, knowing exactly who it was and not wanting to bother with it. Vox headed back through the aisles, shifting out of the way of two demons who were arguing loudly after the last loaf of bread. 
    Bea stood in front of the mushrooms, weighing two different boxes in her hands. They were different; one was white mushrooms and the other was portahella. Vox watched her expressions change as she considered the two before she unceremoniously tossed both cartons into the cart and then pushed it forward to where the fresh herbs were. 
    His smile softened as he watched her pick a few out. He kept his distance and watched, head tilted just slightly. She took a strong inhale of one of the herbs and her nose scrunched up, Bea tossing the offending item back onto the shelf. Vox made sure to grab a can of chicken broth before walking back over to her.
    “Here,” He held the can up, “You simmer this with the cream and the cheese and it’ll make a sauce.”
    “Oh, thanks.” She grinned at him, picking up a bag of spinach and pursing her lips, “You think this would go good in it?”
    “With mushrooms and cheese? I don’t see why not.” Vox knew how to cook; not that he could eat what he made, per say, but he enjoyed the aspect of it.
    Bea hummed in approval and threw it in, looking over the cart, “I know we have meat at home and mama just asked for the milk, so I think I’m good.”
    Vox and her chatted more about how she should put the sauce together as she checked out. The demon ringing her up gazed at the two of them; the fact that the TV demon was chatting so amicably with the Radio Demon’s daughter was odd to him. 
    Bea picked up the bags while Vox grabbed the gallons of milk, the two of them walking out into the streets of Pentagram City. Many demons parted as they walked, whispers drifting into Bea’s ears. She couldn’t really find it in her to care - he was really entertaining to talk to.
    As they grew closer to the estate, some sort of unease settled in her stomach. Her teeth worried at her lip and she stopped them a few hundred yards from where the gate was.
    “I’ll take it from here,” She shifted the bags so that they were settled on her arm, reaching for the gallons of milk, “I don’t think my dad would be happy if you came onto the property.”
    Some whisper of the deal he made tugged at the back of his mind and he forcibly shoved it away, handing her the containers, “That’s quite alright.”
    Her smile widened, “Call me.”
    “Well, now that I’ve got your number, it’ll be a lot easier!”
    Bea laughed, turning, “Asshole. See ya around.”
    Over the course of the next few weeks, Bea was near constantly on her phone. Alastor wasn’t used to seeing his daughter so attached to the device; she normally didn’t use it as often as she was now. She also used to always keep it on vibration, but now, every few minutes, her ringtone would go off and it was slowly starting to grate at his nerves.
    “Beatrice, darling,” He looked up from the book he was reading in the living room. Bea sat on the couch beside him, her gaze locked on the phone screen, “If your phone is going to ring incessantly, please, turn it on lower.”
    “Oh, sorry, dad.” She murmured, fingers going to the volume keys and pressing it lower until it vibrated once. 
    “What has captured your attention?” He peered over her shoulder and she immediately closed the screen, shoving it into the pocket of her sweatshirt.
    “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
    His grin tightened. She never was one to hide things from him; she always did such a poor job at keeping secrets and this seemed to be no difference, “You are a terrible liar, my fawn.”
    Bea rolled her eyes, pulling her legs up to her chest and looking over at him, “I would never lie. I’m way too pure for that.”
    Alastor chuckled, setting the book down on the table next to the sofa, “You must be misguided.”
    “Eh, I guess you’re right.” Her lips curled upward in a smile and her phone vibrated. Immediately, she pulled it from the pocket and opened it, typing so quickly that Alastor was unable to see who exactly she was messaging before the screen turned off once more, “Oh! That reminds me. Did you like that pasta dish I made the other day?”
    The buck’s grin became more genuine and he nodded, “I did! Where did you find the recipe?”
    “Oh, a friend gave it to me. I was thinking of making something like that again. Maybe a lasagna or something.” Her tone was bright as she looked up at her father.
    “I made your mother a lasagna for our first date,” Alastor began, the sound of his voice crackling with fondness, “A vegetable lasagna.”
    “Ew, what?” Bea’s nose wrinkled up and she shivered, “How do you have lasagna without meat?”
    Alastor laughed, “She did enjoy it! Perhaps the both of us could make one for us and Franklin and then one for your sister and mother.”
    “Oh-” Her phone went off again and she pulled it out, quickly typing another message, “Sure, I’m cool with that.”
    He watched as she continued to message, her fingers moving along the keys in a way that he was uncertain how. Her messages were short and sent in rapid succession - the name at the top of the screen read ‘TV’ and that was it. Worry ebbed in his stomach - what was she hiding to the point that she was unable to even tell him what was going on?
    “It’s been two weeks.”
    “I know.”
    “. . . I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
    The room suddenly felt ten times colder.
    “What did you just say to me?”
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