saewokhrisz · 6 months
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trunswicked · 8 months
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Less than a month to go!!
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theartofmany · 10 months
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Artist: Philipp Grote Title: Entrance to the vault
"Second part of the project done for Jama Jurabaev's Unreal Engine 5 course"
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urbanrelics · 9 days
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I adore visiting blast furnaces. They are the most spectacular sights I've ever got to witness. The intricacy of the engineering is quite simply astonishing. This particular specimen in Belgium, which has been under close surveilance since it was shut down in 2008, has been preserved in a remarkably good condition. Almost immediately after the closure, an interest group was established that wanted to preserve the blast furnace as an industrial landmark.
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This blast furnace company, which is a defining feature of the city of Charleroi, was founded in 1836, during the heyday of the European steel industry. Like all other steel companies in the region, this blast furnace was also the subject of numerous takeovers and mergers. These mainly took place in the 1960s and 70s. It always remained a flourishing company, competitive on a global scale. However, the takeover by the Duferco group in 2001 heralded the beginning of the end…
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The site was then operated under the name Carsid. After a fire in 2007, the furnace was temporarily shut down to carry out the necessary repairs. At the same time, capacity was increased and a number of environmental investments were made. The installation would now be operational for another ten years. Barely a year later, the blast furnace was shut down again, due to “poor prospects”. Due to the economic crisis and the declining demand for steel, the operation of the blast furnace company was no longer deemed profitable.
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A “temporary” closure and the search for a buyer should bring relief. After more than three years of uncertainty and economic unemployment, the curtain finally fell for the blast furnace. Since HF4 is one of the best preserved blast furnaces in Europe, the Walloon government is striving to preserve the furnace as industrial heritage. Although a ministerial decree has been published to this effect, the demolition work on the site is progressing steadily…
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Unfortunately Charleroi is one of the poorest cities in Belgium. There is no budget for the necessary sanitation and preservation works, which would run in the millions of euros. The futures is looking bleak for this beautiful piece of industrial heritage...
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falcemartello · 4 months
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Cioè, "vi lasciamo la libertà d'opinione purché la vostra opinione si fondi sulle informazioni approvate da noi."
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a-whispering-echo · 13 days
thinking about UE!Cross and his dragon self. hes from Agùfdof - an icy, mostly mountainous territory, and many of the dragoneborne have wings so they can fly to the top of their hills and mountains to sunbathe. Cross doesnt HAVE wings, and spent a long time thinking they'd just 'grow in' except they never DID, and as such, he never got to go sunbathe, which as a dragonborne, and a as such, a coldblooded creature, meant he got sick very often. Xgaster always left him without proper food, or a healer, because he believed his Heir needed to 'toughen up and get over it' - which is something Cross internalised.
so, when he joins the party, and they get to Nightmares island and bond, and he eventually opens up about this all, his surprised one day, when hes brought to a turret on the castle, with steps circling up to the top of the roof, in the exact spot the sun falls on when it rises first thing in the morning; the perfect place for him to curl up and enjoy both the warm sun rays, and the cool sensation of dawn that his ice dragon self needs.
hes definitely DOESNT cry.
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palmiz · 4 months
Uno studio tedesco intitolato "20 Years of the Euro: Winners and Losers" mostra candidamente che in nessun altro Paese l’Euro ha portato a perdite così elevate di prosperità come in Italia
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chinchillion · 3 months
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etinceelle · 4 months
Les français-es ! Si vous êtes à un endroit où vous pouvez aller voter jusqu'à 20h, allez-y ! C'est important o/
To those in Europe who vote today, please go if you still can !
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viejospellejos · 6 months
El mensaje de un agricultor a la Unión Europea:
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pepperstreak · 7 months
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maciej-smolen-urbex · 8 months
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Rail Rolling Stock Repair Workshops | Urbex 13 / 2019 | Object A / Entrance Hall / Main Building / Splice 2 of 3
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syksyntuuli · 2 months
mietin mahiksii, mul on niitä kai miljoonii?? ne on niin turhii, ennen ku sä oot siin…
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gregor-samsung · 6 months
“ Il presupposto, quasi esplicito, su cui sorse l’UE fu che i paesi ‘peccatori’ (Italia e Grecia in particolare) avevano vissuto fino ad allora al di sopra delle loro possibilità, eccedendo in spesa pubblica ovviamente non immediatamente redditizia. Ricordiamo le prediche in proposito. Certo, ogni tanto ci viene detto che basterebbe l’importo dell’italica evasione fiscale per risanare il debito che ci strangola e ci rende sorvegliati speciali all’interno della UE. Ogni volta però si conclude, con un sospiro, che si tratta di un male incurabile. E allora, ancora una volta, non resta che «pestare» quelli che «stanno sotto». E anche, forse soprattutto, a tal fine, si provvede ad instaurare, di volta in volta, un esecutivo «europeista». Il teorema non fa una grinza. Salvo che in un punto fondamentale, che vorremmo qui brevemente tratteggiare: alle vere e ataviche carenze italiane potrebbe porre rimedio un gigantesco investimento che incrementi proprio la pubblica amministrazione, ma questo è l’esatto contrario di ciò che «chiede l’Europa». È lamento quotidiano, e ben fondato e largamente condiviso, che da noi manchi adeguato e sufficiente personale in tanti settori vitali: magistratura (giudici e cancellieri: il commissario UE alla giustizia ce lo rimproverava cifre alla mano esattamente il 9 luglio scorso), ispettori del lavoro (le morti bianche sono il nostro flagello quotidiano), scuola (abbiamo ancora le vergognose classi-pollaio di gelminiana memoria particolarmente pericolose sotto ogni rispetto), guardie carcerarie (le vicende e i pestaggi recenti sono una macchia), sistema sanitario nazionale (il lamento in proposito fu molto forte quando l’epidemia sembrò soverchiante). E si potrebbe seguitare. Ci ordinano contemporaneamente di ridurre la spesa pubblica, di far funzionare il nostro paese (e di saldare prima o poi il debito). Arduo: «né pentère e volere insieme puossi / per la contradizion che nol consente» (Inferno, XXVII, 119-120). “
Luciano Canfora, La democrazia dei signori, Laterza (Collana: i Robinson / Letture), gennaio 2022. [Libro elettronico]
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urbanrelics · 15 days
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The first visit to this abandoned water tower, back in 2017, was a veritable test to my fear of heights. The ladder you see in the photo above, situated between the two large, rusty pipes, is about 70 meters (230 feet) above ground level. Below that ladder, there is... nothing. I can't say I have conquered my fear of heights entirely, but I did conquer this one!
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In an industrial complex like this, where numerous machines are continuously running at full speed and where high temperatures are generated, it is of course essential to have a sufficiently large water supply, which is also under a guaranteed constant pressure. That is why most steel mills are equipped with their own water tower.
The iffy little ladder, that goes up about another 20 meters (65 feet) leads to the reservoir, which is what you see in the photo below.
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Such a water tower is easily negelected, especially when there are so many other beautiful things to see on the site. Nevertheless, it is usually worth taking a look here too. One can often encounter unexpectedly nice photo opportunities. I really enjoyed the play of colors and lights here.
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This specimen has survived the test of time relatively well, but the extensive decay is becoming increasingly apparent. The climb to the top is not entirely without risks. Rust and concrete rot have wreaked havoc on this water tower in recent years. So be careful if you do want to venture a visit into a place like this...
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blackpointgame · 7 months
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