#ZiZhen has many moms
queenofmoons67 · 2 years
MDZS Characters: Cat Designs
Credit for one picrew goes to @felidform; credit for the other goes to @rustypaw. I did find the former one first, which is why most of the designs use that one; the latter one I sought out because Lan Qiren needed his beard, lol.
I had the time of my life making these, and then I realized I wanted to share them with the world. So here they are.
The designs are organized first by sect—Jiang, Jin, Nie, Lan, Wen—and then by generation—parents, Sunshot, juniors. IDs—which include notes about design choices!—are below each pic.
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Jiang Fengmian: Gray shorthair with a wide dark gray stripe across his back. He has dark gray fur around his muzzle, with a short beard and light purple eyes. The scar on his chest equals his death blow. The background is a lake with dandelion seeds blowing on the wind.
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Madam Yu: Light brown tabby with lightning stripes and a snaggletooth. She has dark brown fur over her purple eyes; cream fur on her nose and chest showcase her link to LanlingJin. She’s a shorthair with more severe cheeks than Jiang Fengmian, but she has longer fur in a mane around her neck. Her death blow matches her husband's. She stands on the same lakefront, but with rain and wind.
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Jiang Cheng: Short-haired gray tabby with lightning stripes and severe cheeks. He has dark gray fur on his nose and jaw, frazzled whiskers, purple eyes, a snaggletooth, and a chest scar. His left paw, out of sight, is white to signify Zidian. His background matches his mother’s.
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Jiang Yanli: Short-haired gray tabby, but her fur is longer than her brother’s—more like their dad than their mom—and her stripes are dappled. She has a darker chin like her brother and father, but the LanlingJin cream spot on her nose comes from her mother. She’s blushing, and stands in a field of flowers under a starry sky.
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Wei Wuxian (original body): A long-haired black cat with gray eyes and curly whiskers, he sticks his tongue out. He stands in a shadowed forest, barely visible, with fireflies all around him. Out of sight, he has a bobtail, and not because of genetics; the loss of his tail and its fluffy white tip represents him losing his golden core.
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Ouyang Zizhen: BalingOuyang is often seen as a subsidiary sect to YunmengJiang, so I placed him here. Like the Jiangs, Ouyang Zizhen is a gray tabby, but his stripes are the bold classic, instead of the Jiang mackerel / lightning, and brown instead of a darker gray. He has longer fur than they do, light indigo eyes, and stands among flowers on a lake.
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Jin Guangshan: A medium-furred, yellow cat with red markings. He has rosettes on his body, a solid red underbelly that symbolizes him rolling over to Wen Ruohan, and red spots on his head for his vermilion mark. He has a scar on his lip (perhaps from Madam Jin clawing him after one too many remarks?) and is lazing about in an autumn forest with a piece of grass in his mouth. He has gold eyes and a half-oval shaped face.
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Jin Zixuan: Shares many similarities with his dad, most notably his coloring, the rosettes (which, here, might look unmistakably like peacock feathers), and his body shape (again, the facial shape resembles a spread peacock tail here). Unlike his dad, his vermillion mark is in the form of a red stripe down his forehead—no spots—and he doesn’t have a red belly. His eyes are brown, not gold—but he does stand in the same autumn forest. He’s blushing, and carries leaves for Jiang Yanli.
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Jin Guangyao: Resembles his brother and father in almost everything, from his coloring to the spots on his head. Instead of rosettes, though, he has spots on his body, too, and he has a neckerchief to represent his hat, with a scar peeking out. He stands in the same autumn forest and has a mouse (please pretend it’s dead and not a toy, lol).
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Jin Ling: Has his father’s body shape, but his fur is light cream colored with gray rosettes. A red spot on his nose (the same location as his mother’s yellow spot) represents his vermilion mark. He has a snaggletooth and wears the same angry expression as Jiang Cheng. He stands under a starry sky like his mother, with his father’s autumn leaves in his fur.
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Wei Wuxian (Mo Xuanyu): Has Wei Wuxian's black fur, with Jin Guangshan's red spots. He has Wei Wuxian's gray eyes, a blush on his cheeks, and his tongue sticking out. His nose is half pink, half gray, to symbolize Wei Wuxian living in Mo Xuanyu's body. The lightning shaped scar on his nose is from Jiang Cheng’s Zidian. He stands on a sunny open field, with dandelion seeds blowing on the wind and grass in his fur.
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Nie Mingjue: BIG FURRY CAT. He has a huge, intimidating neck ruff. His fur is mostly dark gray, with tan and olive mixed in; he has a tan mustache, and both his canines poke out. There's a scar on his neck from being beheaded, and his eyes are both red and green, from being a fierce corpse. He stands on a snowy mountain top.
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Nie Huaisang: Looks almost exactly like Nie Mingjue, except his fur is a little shorter / tidier. He has only a small tan spot below his nose, and both his eyes are green. A moth rests on his nose. He stands on a snowy mountain top.
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Lan Qiren: A colorpoint cat, he's a long-haired white cat with gray on his face, ears, and a thin stripe along his spine. His dark blue eyes are heavy, his whiskers long, and the fur on his muzzle is turning white. He has a long gray beard and a blue bow around his neck. He stands in a mountain forest.
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Lan Xichen: A short-haired colorpoint; he is mostly a light cream color, with blue fur on his face and ears. His eyes are wide and trusting, a blue scarf sits on his neck, and he stands in the Jin's autumn forest with fireflies.
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Lan Wangji: Looks exactly like his brother, except he has white fur instead of light cream. His ears are back and he looks sullen, but there are hearts in his eyes and he stands in Wei Wuxian's shadowed forest. There's a scar on his back, a blue scarf on his neck, and dandelion seeds on the wind.
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Lan Sizhui: A tri-colored cat; his base color is dark gray, his stomach is red, his chin is white, and his face is black. He has short-fur, but it's longer--almost spiky--on his cheeks. He wears a blue scarf on his neck, leaves in his fur, and stands on an open, sunny plain with fireflies.
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Lan Jingyi: Has Lan Xichen's soft cream base fur, and a wide stripe of blue on his back. His face and ears are also blue; his fur is a little longer than the other Lans, and his whiskers wild. He's sticking his tongue out, wearing a blue scarf, has sparks in his teal eyes, and standing amongst grass on a wide open plain.
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Wen Ruohan: A medium-furred, dark red cat with broad, black classic tabby stripes. There's a solid stripe of black down his nose, except for spots of red that look like a burning fire. Both his canines are showing, his eyes are red, and his fur sticks out along his muzzle. He stands in a shadowed, foggy forest, with leaves whisked away by the wind. A scar at the juncture of his neck and shoulder marks his death blow.
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Wen Qing: In reverse of Wen Ruohan, Wen Qing and the DafanWens have a short, black fur base, with a red chest. Wen Qing also has a white belly, red on her chin and nose, and yellow eyes. She looks fierce, and mimicking her needles, both her canines are visible. She stands in a shadowed forest, but with light greenery around her.
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Wen Ning: Mostly short gray fur, with a red chest. The back of his neck is black, and there are black stripes to signify his fierce corpse veins. He has white stripes like tears below his red eyes, and a death blow on his neck. He also stands in a shadowed forest with light greenery.
P.S. Cats don’t wear vermilion marks or forehead ribbons; I think I did ok with representing those, but please let me know if you’d rather I did something else.
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ouyang-zizhen · 4 years
Headcanon, part 2
So, I’ve seen a few posts in which ZiZhen has plenty of siblings due to his dad being old and all, and I raise you with: ZiZhen has many moms.
A total of 6, to be precise, would have been 7 if his own mother had survive. So here’s the thing:
1 - ZiZhen is an only child.
2 - His father realized, after marrying his third wife, that the problem of conception does not lie with the women he beds but with his own genetic. He’s still hoping it might happen with the right woman though. 
3 - ZiZhen is pretty much a miracle baby from an infertile (but not sterile) father.
4 - His mother was the first wife. After she died, the second concubine got that title. The third concubine arrived a year after the first wife’s death. 
5 - Ouyang Dad still tried to have more kids, marrying 3 more women, yet never earning any results (3 more instead of 2, because 4 is a bad omen). 
6 - He would have kept only those, but his fourth wife got badly sick and she was expected to die within the year. Not wanting to keep only 4 women in his household (again, bad omen), he took another wife during that time. The fourth wife survived, and they are now 6 in total. 
7 - All the wives, fully aware they’ll never have a child of their own unless Ouyang Dad adopts (which is unlikely), dotes on ZiZhen like he is their own son. 
8 - The second concubine, now first wife, was raised in the Meishan Yu sect, although not part of the main Yu clan. Her family has been part of the sect for three generations. She is the third daughter.
9 - When the Second Concubine married into the Baling sect, ZiZhen’s mom was still childless. She got pregnant with ZiZhen a year or so after the arrival of the Second Concubine, who also remained childless.
10 - ZiZhen knows many stories of his mother through the bedtime tales of the Second Concubine.
11 - The third concubine is from YunMeng. She was a dancer, born from a rogue cultivator, who taught her to train her golden core, and a dancer, who taught her the skills she made a livelihood of after her parents death when she was 16. She was 19 when she joined the OuYang household. 
12 - She and the Second Concubine slowly fell for each other and became lovers. 
13 - ZiZhen once caught them kissing. They both told him beautiful stories of soulmates and how easily those bonds can be broken by the cruelty of the world. ZiZhen listened with rapture and promised never to tell a soul about what he saw, for his aunties were true soulmates. (Yes, they both manipulated ZiZhen into not telling his father of what he saw).
14 - That moment sparked ZiZhen’s interest in love stories and slowly shaped him into the romantic he is. 
15 - He later understood what Second and Third concubine truly meant by their story. It fueled his passion for WangXian more than anything. 
16 - The Fourth Concubine was from the Chang clan. She got sick after hearing of their horrible death at the hands of Xue Yang, and how the latter escaped justice for it. Her cultivation has always been weaker than most, which is why she was thought to die from her pain, but, with the help of Second and Third Concubines, she got through. Her body still does not allow her to travel very far, but she enjoys taking long walks in the gardens of the previous First Wife, lovingly tended to by she and the other concubines. 
17 - During her recovery, she began to write stories to keep herself entertained.
18 - ZiZhen is her most fervent fan, always poking in her rooms to have a sneak peek of her next story. 
19 - Because of the involvement of the Jin Clan in the absence of justice for the Chang, she is the most suspicious of the budding relationship between ZiZhen and Jin Ling. While not outright disagreeing, she always keeps her eyes open to any clues that might tell Jin Ling is not right for ZiZhen.
20 - The Fifth Concubine is the 5th daughter of a rich Baling family. She was raised in the sect, developing a strong core, often helping Young Master ZiZhen, age 14 by now, to train. At age 25, still unmarried, the Fifth Concubine was noticed for the first time by OuYang Dad, on a day she actually bothered to dress nicely. She went back to what I would call an “Ancient Chinese Butch Look” shortly after the wedding. 
21 - Fifth Concubine then proceeded to thoroughly seduce Second, Third and Fourth Concubine into a relationship all together. Their laughter can often be heard in the courtyard linking each of their pavillion together. 
22 - Sixth Concubine was a rogue cultivator herself. Fifth Concubine saw her at the market one day. They talked and fell in love. Fifth Concubine, with the help of Second, Third and Fourth, who also met Sixth and were charmed, managed to convince her husband to take Sixth in with them. “Four is a bad omen husband, you need another one of us!”
23 - When Fourth fell sick, that’s when OuYang Dad hurriedly tried to find Seventh Concubine. She was a merchant’s daughter, selling her father’s ware at the market. Ouyang Dad tried to haggle something much cheaper than it was worth. She stood her ground. He asked to marry her. 
24 - She refused at first. “I am not a cultivator, what am I bringing to you?” OuYang Dad, at this point trying one last time before calling it quit, decided that maybe it would work, a baby with a non-cultivator. 
25 - It did not work. But Seventh is pretty happy with her lot. She’s well taken care of, especially by the other concubine who all warmly welcomed her, and they all promised to take care of her the same, even once she’s old and grey. 
26 - So ZiZhen is really well loved by his father’s remaining 6 wives. That’s where he gets his “Respect Women” juice from. 
27 - The only reason why he’s been feeling down lately with his father’s expectations and mistreatment is because said father also cut the time ZiZhen is allowed to spend with them, he has “Sect Related Duties” now, he doesn’t have the time to play around anymore. 
28 - The Wives eventually called bullshit. ZiZhen has been feeling better ever since. 
29 - OuYang Dad is painfully oblivious to his Wives relationship together. He is just happy none of them are giving him any headaches. 
30 - One day, Jiggy went to Ouyang Dad and congratulated him on the harmony of his household. Jiggy, of course, thought he would be subtly blackmailing OuYang Dad with the scandal of his wives together (where did he learnt that? Fuck if I know!), but Oblivious OuYang just smiled and thanked him, which kinda messed up Jiggy’s plan. Not that he needed to blackmail Sect Leader OuYang, but it’s always useful to do so. Anyway, Jiggy left the conversation thinking Ouyang Dad thought everyone knew already and he was happy with it. 
31 - Eventually, Ouyang Dad DID learn the truth, well into ZiZhen’s 20′s. He got mad for about 5 minutes before calming down. “At least they can’t get pregnant from this, it won’t bring me any shame.”
32 - He lets them be, especially since they let him be. He enjoys his quiet evenings away from whatever his wives are doing. 
33 - Which is ironic considering he is friends with one of the loudest mouths in the Cultivation world, Sect Leader Yao. 
34 - All the wives avoid him like the plague whenever he visits Baling. 
35 - All the wives having a golden core, they go to Night Hunts together from time to time. Seventh sometimes tags along despite not having a golden core, while Fourth tends to stay at home after her sickness. 
36 - They are all very careful though, since they know ZiZhen’s mother died during a Night Hunt and they all promised ZiZhen they would not be careless.
37 - ZiZhen started calling the Concubines “Autie”, but one day, he accidentally called Fourth “Mom”, and all the others got jealous and wanted to be called “Mom” too, so he now calls them First mom, Second mom, Third mom, etc.
38 - He uses a different, more childish word when talking about his deceased birth mother. 
Aaaaaand that’s it for tonight folks! I know some of what I’ve written gets change a little now that I have this headcanon in mind, but I’ll keep this for whatever’s coming next in the OG world (well, canon-divergence world now XD). See you guys soon with some new OS!
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Crossover - MDZS + Twisted Wonderland
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, End.
Backstory: the MDZS cast was transported to the twisted wonderland world by a talisman or from a gathering nighthunting or with an ancient artifact. Though, when they get back it’s where they started so it’s a pause on their world. This will be taken place after all the overblots actually. ENJOY!~~
Twisted Wonderland Part 6:
Ignihyde Dorm:
“What is this?! An anime coming to life?!” - Idia who si about to be flogged for saying AnImE when it’s a xianxia or manhwua or Donghua whatever you prefer
I’m just casually putting Chinese and Japanese cartoon characters together lmao!
Idia will be terrified and even more so he be in his tablet form meet going a near world record of 5 kilometer
Poor shut in isn’t ready for these and even label them as extroverts
Yeah I wouldn’t call Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng extrovert Idia
Funny thing is that Nie Huasiang or maybe Wangji can break into Idia exterior with no problem
Maybe even Sizhui cause Sizhui is good radish boi
It took some convincing and chill encounters for Idia to help out these boomers
Cause technology is vastly different
Even though Wei Wuxian is making talisman and invention somewhat similar to modern day but ancient style
Wei Wuxian and Idia will bond on invention and making new technologies
Wei Wuxian might even show Idia his notes and theories
Idia will be edged forward to the Junior quartet with Sizhui silent urging
He will stick to Sizhui, Yuu, Ortho, and even Ouyang
Like cmon!
Zizhen and Idia will bond on romance novels and simping for not alive girls
In different sense-!!
Nie Huasiang will most likely have Idia under his tutelage
Cause both be damn similar
Lan Wangji may seem cold like a certain tsuntoro—!
Idia will likely ramble about his games and such to the juniors and Wei Wuxian
Idia will enjoy the rabbit cuddle and not so much the burying but at least he has his hands out
Lucky bastar—
Basically he be around once in a while
Definitely see Wen Ning as a SSR+ character
Much to Wei Wuxian dismay
Cause I know Wei Wuxian gonna be like Lilia lmao!
Wei Wuxian: Wen Ning is an UR+ character!
Idia: No way, he must be a SSR+ Character!
Wen Ning: *pikachu face* ?????
Definitely interact in a way but takes some convincing
Similar to Kalim, he is welcoming them all!
Basically mdzs Wen Ning while Wen Ning is twisted wonderland Ortho
Back from the dead duo!
They will definitely click and see each other as besties
Cinnamon rolls go BRRRRRRRRRR
Ortho is intrigue by Wei Wuxian as a whole
Definitely loves the stories
He will research many ways as he does for Idia to Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian be having his own personal google here—
Ortho is definitely gonna be given lots of attention by the Junior quartet
Jingyi will no doubt ask many questions which Ortho happily replies
Jin Ling is curious and will be more calmer
Zizhen will light up and ask any questions regarding if Ortho knows any fair maiden
Child. No.
Sizhui just gonna be the mediator and mom friend of the three
Ortho is overwhelmed but who cares!
Will definitely rate each scoville level of Wei Wuxian cookings and record them as entertainment
He just happy to have new friends honestly.
Also. Bunnies piles and being buried? YES.
He gonna be buried in bunnies and be surrounded by radishes with a happy face.
Someone draw the bunnie pile PLEASE!
Diasomnia Dorm:
He will definitely respect these people as they have lived longer than him.
Will want to know EVERYTHING!
Will definitely be invited no matter what!
I mean, how did you think Wei Wuxian got his fuddy duddy?
Lan Qiren gonna see him as his youngest nephew
Wangji and Malleus be bonding like quiet bros
Definitely talking about bunnies and gargoyles!
Just a whole bunch of bunnies hopping around while these “cold” duo converse in calm manner
Wei Wuxian drawing go BRRRRRRRRRR
The Junior Quartet aren’t scared of Malleus at all. He just gives the same vibes his Angry Grape Uncle and Hanguang-jun (Lan Wangji)
Jingyi will strike a convo with Malleus and definitely waves to him
Dragon boi happy stat go BRRRRRRRRR
Like Lan Xichen will INVITE him for tea
Jiang Cheng will TREAT him NORMALLY
Nie Huasiang just gonna be Nie Huasiang but WILL get to know Malleus better
He even suggest to be in the gargoyle club.
Definitely makes fan of gargoyle for malleus
Wei Wuxian gonna talk to him like a little brother
Will toss him in bunnies and be buried with gargoyle scarecrow around
Cause I’m his vignettes, any gargoyle must have some kind of use or else it’s just useless
Definitely will be happy that these cultivators treat him as normal
Cause they faced way weirder and worse
Malleu honey, you can’t even compare to the people these men meet
Definitely enjoys Wei Wuxian storytelling and babying
Will make fun of Leona suffocating under bunnies
Very curious of the cultivation world and Wei Wuxian works
All in all. He is happy~!!
Boomers meet boomers?
Wei Wuxian and Lilia will CLICK!
Both have so many stories and definitely will co-mama the first year+Junior Quartet on adventures
Will happily adopt the Junior quartet and be those mom friends
Lilia has adopted two so he willing to adopt cultivators too
Sizhui be having three parents lmao! And they’re all men~~
Will tease Lan Qiren and Jiang Cheng
Quite curious and had a pleasant convo with Nie Huasiang
Respects Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng
Sees them both as good leaders and let Malleus hang out to learn more
Thing is that both aren’t really good in the inside if ya know what I mean?
Those who knows. Knows. Those who don’t. Dont.
Lilia definitely amused by Lan Qiren almost qi deviation and will ask about this illness among the cultivators
Want to learn more of the cultivation world and it’s history
He is weirdly invested in the campaign and how. It. Go. Down.
Like the events and how it led up was from these people standing before him.
Cough cough.
Lilia gonna be amused by the PDA of the shameless couple and Wei Wuxian irrational fear
Definitely teases Wei Wuxian about who teases him back
I smell vinegar from a certain Lan.
Yeah…after that. No one slept. It can be heard from even at RSA.
Lilia gets the messages and backs off even though he was merely gossiping with a fellow comrade
Definitely invested in music cultivation and demonic cultivation
Never was something he has seen before
Happy that these people accepted malleus
Will ACTUALLY help to bury any of the kiddos lmao!
He gonna be a happy old bat with these old men too.
Somewhat got buried in bunnies before Wei Wuxian initiated
Partly adopted but adopted regardless
He is sleepy which Lan Xichen worries about
Lilia had to reassure that Silver has slow metabolism and it’s normal
So the Junior quartet kinda just picked him up with them to hang out whenever seen
Silver will get some duels on the sword with each of the juniors
They will definitely trade tips on their swordsmanship
He finds solace nearby Lan Xichen
Lan Xichen be a comfort level literally and figuratively
Basically is chill and got adopted twice lmao
Mama Wei and Mama Lilia be taking care of this sleepy boi
Silencing spell right on the spot
Just silenced
Cannot open mouth unless he wanna be some kind of creepy guy with ripped lips
He learned his lessons to lower his voice for once
Everyone celebrated this
Sebek knows not to be loud towards the Lan
Wangji does not take loudness unless it’s from his WiFi
Lan Qiren almost shouted and lecture Sebek lol
Lilia is enjoying the whole show while comforting a silenced sulking crocodile at a corner
Sebek almost run his mouth so Jin Ling being Jin Ling walked up to him.
Jin Ling: first time? *smirks*
Sebek: *cannot say anything beside mumbles and jumbles*
Yeah…these two kinds clash a bit before setting their differences 1 month later.
It took fricking one month to settle their dispute.
He definitely learns to be quiet when needed
Definitely finds Wei Wuxian sus until he saw how they all treated malleus
Sebek: *crying tears and wiping it with doting face* sniff It’s been so long since Lord Malleus was so joyful! Sniff
He will learn….eventually..
Definitely tossed in bunny pile and buried beside malleus
Adoption paper go BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
FINALLY!! ITS OVER YES!!!!!! Anyway ask me or request! If you want to see more mdzs X twisted wonderland content~!! BYEEEEE!!!!
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
out of my league - junior quartet hcs
how the juniors would react if someone (a little kid) tried to make a move on you
aka. the juniors fight over you with a worthy opponent
Lan Sizhui
Sizhui sighs quietly from where he sits
it was unnecessary for him to be as nervous as he was
but this was his first time meeting your family, as your boyfriend
at one of your big family functions nonetheless
although you had reassured him that it would be fine, he still feels way out of his depth
considering how so many people were here today
and also...
there was already some competition
“y/n is the love of my life,” 
SIzhui nods, a bit amused, a bit intimidated by the first grader that had sat down next to him on the living room couch
at first, Sizhui had thought that the kid was just well, a kid
but when Sizhui learns that the little boy (by the name of Bao Lan (or Bao-Bao as you like to call him)) is a close (really close) family friend
and that well, you’ve been babysitting this little boy practically since he was born 
so the attachment to you isn’t much of a surprise
SIzhui’s more surprised at the kind of attachment that’s developed
“i am going to marry y/n when i grow up” the little boy delivers when Sizhui’s trying to enjoy a small bite from what he’d grabbed at the snack table
Sizhui doesn’t really know how to respond to that, because you’ll probably be a lot different from how you look to him now when he’s finally old enough to marry him
Sizhui also feels the lightest bit of jealousy that such a little man can assert your hand of marriage so easily
but before he can say anything, you come back to the living room, smiling at the both of them before taking a seat in between them
the little boy smiles at you, and because he’s still pretty small, easily climbs into your lap
is Sizhui jealous? 
absolutely of course  not
“hey, munchkin, what are you talking about with my special friend here?” you ask the little boy 
Sizhui feels slightly irked that you refer to him as your ‘special friend’ when talking to this little boy because he wasn’t just a special friend he was your boyfriend for god’s sake-
“i’m telling Sizhui-ge that i’m going to marry you when i grow up,” the little boy explains smiling a wide smile at the laugh that bubbles from you as you hold him on your lap
“ahh, my little donut, if you marry me that means you’ll have to live with my forever, do you think you can do that?” you tease the little boy, 
“if you marry you have to make me happy all the time, can you do that?” 
“yes yes yes!”
“are you sure?” you continue to ask and the little boy only nods more vigorously
you laugh at the reaction turning over to Sizhui who’s staring at the little boy with a funny kind of expression,
“he’s tough competition,” you whisper to Sizhui leaning up to him before leaning down to blow raspberries against the little boy’s neck
Sizhui smiles, looks down at the little boy when he’s done giggling in your arms, 
“look forward to winning y/n’s heart against you, Bao Lan,” Sizhui says, absolutely seriously and holds his hand out for Bao Bao  to take 
you muffle a giggle as Bao Bao’s tiny hand is completely enveloped by Sizhui’s much larger hands
Lan Jingyi
Jingyi loves his little cousin to pieces
because he’s a cute kid and witty despite his young age
but right now
when he watches his little cousin, Ru-Ru you guys call him, completely latched onto you ever since he’d introduced you to everyone at the family dinner
it’s the second time that Jingyi has tried to hold the toddler for you (he can tell your arms are getting tired) but Ru-Ru stubbornly wraps his tiny legs and arms around you koala style
so you’re stuck,
“aw Ru-Ru, y/n-jie has to eat too,” Jingyi tries to convince when he brings over two plates to you and Ru-Ru,
“Ru-Ru can feed jie!” Ru-Ru announces and Jingyi sees the slightest widening of your eyes
because for however much you loved little kids, you (unfortunately) didn’t love Ru-Ru enough for him to get sauce on your new blouse,
Jingyi also has a similar reaction to you, if only for the reason that only he could feed you and no one else
even if that someone else was a 5 year old
“ah, behave now Ru-Ru, come sit with me,” Jingyi tries to say but then Ru-Ru does the most out of character thing and starts to cry
Jingyi is completely in shock, watching flabbergasted as you try to calm the child down 
“Ru-Ru, don’t cry it’ll make jie sad too,” you tell the little boy who’s face became red and blotchy at the idea of being separated from you
you bring the boy into your arms, holding him close as he clings to you, 
while your arm pats Ru-Ru back, laying on your shoulder you give Jingyi a small look to the dish that he bought for you
at first Jingyi doesn’t get it, but then he sees you open your mouth
and as Ru-Ru falls asleep to your gentle pats, Jingyi feeds you as he usually does
as he’s meant to
Jin Ling
you’re sat on a park bench, eating a small popsicle
the weather is nice today, which is why it seems that the playground that you’re sat near is busier than ever
Jin Ling sits on the bench beside you, both of you just enjoying a more laid back sort of date
because you’d both been so busy lately to actually plan something 
it’s still nice nonetheless
and everything had been going well when suddenly
there was a shrill cry
you both look up from the bench to see a small little boy, bawling his eyes out at the bottom of the kiddy slides
you’ve always been protective, especially in situations where someone is hurt
so you’re quick to give your uneaten popsicle to Jin Ling and rush over to help
when you get to the little kid, you’re checking for any bleeding because the cries sounded terrible
“hey, pumpkin, where are you hurt? is there a big boo-boo?” you coax the young child and after a few murmured exchanges between the both of you, the child points to his knees
you’re gentle when you lift his pant leg up to check, relieved to see just a bit of redness and nothing to scraped up or bleeding
Jin Ling stands to the side, holding the melting popsicles in his hand as he stares at the kid
“aw, don’t worry, no more owwies” you tell the little boy when you rub his knee gently
the little boy sniffles, and Jin LIng watches (irritated more than amused) as the boy stares at you
“jie” the boy whimpers to you and you hum to him, worried that he might still be hurt
“can you kiss it better?” the little boy asks and before you can even reply Jin Ling butts in,
“it’ll still hurt if she kisses it, doesn’t matter,” 
Ouyang Zizhen
you’re on a picnic date with Zizhen, at one of the little parks near your neighborhood
you guys are the picture of ‘couple-y’
him lying besides you on his arm as you sit near by, throwing grapes into his mouth
it’s a very cute and relaxing date, one that you both had been looking forward to having for a while
between your classes and Zizhen’s job, you barely have had time to see each other
finally, Zizhen thinks happily when he looks up at you
you smile down at him when you catch his eye, giving him the last of the grapes before you reach down and grab your own snack
you’re both just enjoying each other’s company, Zizhen easily being lost in your eyes
so he doesn’t notice the little boy that’s run up to your guys romantic date until he hears the little chirp of “hi!”
you turn to your side, face naturally smiling at the boy, maybe like 6 or 7 years old, smiles at you in greeting 
“hello there mister,” you greet because the little bow tie and suspenders outfit that the little boy has on is quite adorable
Zizhen sits up to watch the interact, his heart swooning at the sight of you as you talk to the little kid
“miss i asked my mom to let me come here to tell you that you are very very very pretty,” the little boy compliments and you giggle, 
“why thank you, you look very dashing yourself,” you reply back and the little boy smiles and suddenly grabs your hand
“will you play with me? and be my new friend?” the little boy asks and Zizhen tilts his head from where he’s sat up behind you
sure this kid is cute, but your date with him-
“i’m sorry, but i’m kind of in the middle of hanging out with a special friend of mine now,” you tell the boy 
you coo at the little pout that comes on his face before the little boy chirps again,
“can i be a special friend too?”
“ah, there’s only one special friend that she has, sorry little dude,” Zizhen interrupts when he sees your hesitation (like WOW okay)
you muffle your small laugh by turning back to the little boy and pinching his cheek 
Zizhen huffs a small smile at the sight of you two
the little boy would be such a cute kid if he wasn’t trying to take you away from him
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cross-d-a · 3 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
AAHH!! @bookjoyworm thank you so much for tagging me!!! I was really intrigued by your titles!!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
I.....have a lot of WIPs. So, uh- they’re all under the cut (>//A//<;) I’m discounting all the old ones I know I’ll never get back to! 
(ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ
(Fulfilled asks and ao3 published fics are linked!)
A Ning & Jiang Zisuan & Liu Sang fam
ChuChu kicks Heihua in the ASS (GET IT BOYS!)
Guardian Crossover
HaoHua are Soft Idiots
Hei Xiazi/Chuchu/Xiao Hua/Xiu Xiu
High Jr dmbj rewrite
iron THREESOME adopt Li Cu
iron threesome pt.2 Li Cu the Cockblocker
iron threesome pt.3 Li Cu makes a FRIEND (aka SUPERPOWERED BABY)
iron triangle transmigrators
Jia Kezi & Li Cu
Jia Kezi and Wu Xie
Jia Kezi amnesia Guardian crossover
Jia Kezi timeloop
Jiang Zisuan SNEAKY BB
Li Cu & Bai Haotian
Li Cu in reboot
Li Cu travels back - poly
Li Cu time travel series (Wu Xie is EMBARRASSING)
Liang Wan centric
Liang Wan is BROS with Xiao Ge
Liu Sang fam
Liu Sang timeloop
Modern Princess Mute
Pan Zi loves his son Wu Xie
star wars crossover
Wu Xie adopts Xiao Bai and Li Cu
Wu Xie Poly fic
Wu Xie takes Xiao Ge’s place :(
WU XIE timetravels!! to Mystic Nine!
guardian crossover.2 reborn in mdzs
guardian crossover
jiang cheng finds baoshan sanren
jin ling reborn
Lan Jingyi reborn
Lan Yuan reborn
Lotus Pier training
Meng Yao and Mo Xuanyu
meng yao hanahaki
Mo Xuanyu bookstore au
Nie Huaisang death death death
Nie Huaisang hanahaki
ouyang zizhen reborn
rogue cultivator jiang cheng raises jin ling
SW Crossover
Yanli timetravels
and i’d die for you (again and again and again)
Feral!Shen Wei & Zhao Yunlan’s ass Suffers
Mama Zhao is brought back to life!!!
Shen Wei has friends
that one Sakura fic
the ABO fic
The one where Da Qing and Zhao Yunlan are married
the possessive panties one
unconventional timeloop
utter filth
Ye Zun has amnesia take TWO
Ye Zun has amnesia!
Yunlan is a selkie
Zhao Yunlan Amnesia fic!
Zhao Yunlan makes a deal with the hallows (chronic pain TIMETRAVEL)
(broken into folders haha)
A Brief Snapshot:
Oldman Bruck
Twin Blades
All Our Yesterdays series
All Our Yesterdays (hurt more than i can say)
Feral Lives AU:
these ruined hands of mine (they seek out you, always you)
Chirrut Revisited
Jedi and Their Clones:
Bant’s Battalion
Hurricane Company
Feemor’s Fleet
King Maul:
Agricorps Obi + Clones
Bodhi and Leia become Besties
Bruck survives and gets sent to Clone Wars
Five People Shmi Skywalker Helped and One Person Who Helped Her
Gernal Shmi ver.2
General Shmi
Hairmaster Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi as slaves
Kilindi Matako Lives
Little Gods
Maul the Hot Single Dad
Maul&Ahsoka&Rex BROT3
my jedi (he did it to himself)
Never Goes the Way You Planned
O’ Death
Obligatory ABO Fic
Old Loves Not Forgotten
rey is shmi
Sense8 au
Temple Guard
The First Apprentice
The Hunt
Unexpected Affection
why am i doing this
Xanatos becomes Obi-Wan’s Master
Zuko fucks shits up
S Fics:
Obisoka timetravel
sand and stardust:
Part Two.hurricane on the edge of oblivion (with nowhere to go)
Shmi the Marvel Mom:
Spidey’s a Nerd:
Star Wars is for Nerds (and Luckily Spidey is one of the nerdiest of them all)
Star Trek Crossovers:
Una as a Jedi
Suns’ Worth:
Kaf and Quiet Nights Pt.2
Scarred Lekku Pt.3
Twin Suns:
One of Many
5 Times Leonard McCoy Allowed Himself to be a Father Despite the Empire (and the one time it made him too damn vulnerable)
How each of the bridge crew found out McCoy was a father 
No Matter How Sweet the Salt:
Tony Stark doesn’t know what to do with himself
At least he’s got JARVIS
Part 2.Tony
Part 3.Stormbreaker
Agent Winter
Gwen and Harry come back
Marvel crossover- Billy lives
Miles gets stuck in the MCU
Nat gets a family
Peter and the bois
Sarah Rogers time travels
that place you were dreaming of
The First Spider-Man
The Fives Moments it Took for Tony and Scott to Admit They Were Best Friends (and the first time they ever did)
The Split
Tony and the Humvee
What if...Aaron answered
wolves and shit:
Karen Wheeler
Steve & Barb buddy fic
haru bday fic
Sakura is Gaara’s Twin Sister
Village Hidden in the Stars
So I....have a lot of fic. As everyone does, haha. I just have too many ideas and a short attention span, unfortunately!!
UUHH I think I’m tagging some ppl who have already been tagged!! So just ignore this if you have! Also, this is no pressure tagging :) You don’t have to continue the chain and you DEF don’t have to send an ask with a title! I just thought you guys might find this fun to do for yourself!ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
@vishcount @jockvillagersonly @s1utspeare @humanlighthouse @thewindsofsong @undyingsunshine and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a go~! 
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biwenqing · 4 years
YES!!! OKAY, OKAY I HAVE THOUGHTS SO PICTURE they’re all about 12. The kiddos’ first DND campaign and Wei Wuxian has agreed to DM for them so they can all be player characters. (Wei Wuxian is a fantastic DM, he’s very good at acting out the NPCs. Also he is Known Cool Dad so he’s allowed to hang out with them).
Lan Sizhui, already the mom friend of the group, is going to let LOOSE. He’s playing a hafling warlock who is the MOST chaotic force of... well chaos. Half the trouble the party gets in is because of him, and that is saying a lot because...
Lan Jingyi is a bard teifling on the run for insulting one too many nobels. He causes most of the other half of trouble between being wanted and using his bardic skills for criminal purposes. 
Ouyang Zizhen plays a dragonborn monk who is OP as all hell. This comes in handy with all the trouble, though he tends to get wrapped up in the schemes instead of stopping them from happening.
A-Qing is a rogue goliath and would be responsible for the other half of the trouble if she wasn’t such a good rogue. No one can prove she has done any crime ever. She has taken more than her fair share of loot too, but not one can prove that either.
Jin Ling is left trying to balance the party with a very sensible elf cleric who is focused on healing because Zizhen has the tank covered. Jin Ling is the reason they get out of the situations everyone else gets them into and he won’t let them forget it.
Have there been some food fights, junk food tossed at each other over Wei Wuxian’s detailed map? Yes. Have they stayed up way past their bedtime? Yes. Will they probably still be playing DND together into their college years and beyond? Of course.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
agents of shield x mdzs au
This is the qUaLitY content y’all get from this blog. Also see me spamming friend about this AU. It’s junior-centered, with a dash of wangxian. This is basically a more in-depth version of what I gave my friend lol
After getting kicked out of SHIELD for questionable experiments involving Kree blood, Wei Wuxian was spying on Hydra (lead by Wen Ruohan) by infiltrating them as a scientist. However, being Wei Wuxian, he neglected to tell anyone since he got kicked out, so everyone thought he betrayed them.
So he’s at Hydra, befriending Wen Qing & Ning, and realizes that they’re good people.
But he got caught giving info to Director LXC, so Wei Wuxian makes his grand escape. He may have accidentally knocked over a terrigenesis crystal while trying to escape the Nightless City.
The terrigenesis crystal may have turned a little boy into an Inhuman (the first time anyone went through terrigenesis) and that little boy (Wen Yuan) may have accidentally burnt down the entire Nightless City.
At least, that’s how WWX explains it to Lan Wangji when he gives LWJ a child to take care of.
So, with Wen Yuan in SHIELD custody, Lan Wangji adopts him & renames him Lan Sizhui. He’s still a child (I don’t know why I keep referring to him as a little boy?? He’s like 12-ish??).
So Wei Wuxian goes off to re-join the remnants of HYDRA because they let him experiment in peace & he gets to keep an eye on them for SHIELD (even though he’s an ex-agent).
But before that, he vouches for WQ & WN to join SHIELD. And though many people there are suspicious, they do have a vacant spot for a doctor now that Dr. Wei is gone & WQ is quite good. They bring WN along too.
Meanwhile: Lan Jingyi is getting abused my his mother & his dad is working across the country so life is quite sucky for him.
Thankfully, his family has connections to one Lan Xichen (who learns about the abuse eventually) and Jingyi gets into SHIELD Academy. What he doesn’t know is that he comes from a line of people with Inhumans genes.
Which may or may not how been why Xichen was visiting.
Anyways, Sizhui & Jingyi meet at SHIELD Academy (both around 13-14?) and Lan Qiren is about to get more headaches.
Eventually, he (now 16) gets told why he was accepted on the first place & asked if he’d like to go through terrigenesis. He’s like “ok” and boom vocal mind control.
That’s actually inaccurate; he has the power to manipulate people with his voice. He has to learn how to control it though.
Wei Wuxian rejoins SHIELD! Lan Sizhui meets the person who saved him all those years ago. yay.
Little did they know, Wei Wuxian was expieriemnting with terrigenesis while he was gone but shhhhhhh-
Now onto Jin Ling’s backstory, cause his is a doozy.
Jiang Yanli got Inhuman genes from her mother. So did jc, but his powers & stuff come into play later. Wwx is their adopted bro, but due to circumstances that will be explained later, Wwx & jc are estranged.
Jyl and jzx raise jl for most of his younger childhood (until he’s about 7-8) when evil HYDRA people come in & kill jzx and kidnap jyl for Inhuman experimentation. Note, she has the genes but isn’t an Inhuman (yet).
Ling is very sad and Jiang Cheng swoops in to take him in. Jc actually worked at as a SHEILD agent back from before lxc was Director (coughxichengcough) but left when his sister was kidnapped so he could try to track her down & save her. Instead he gets his nephew.
Jc also takes over his parents’ buisness to get a source of income.
And jc goes through the woes of being a parent up until he also gets kidnapped by HYDRA. Jl also gets nabbed, but HYDRA separates them
Wwx may have been expierimenting but he tries to do it without hurting any of them, and he validates it because he prevented many people from getting cut open by explaining to the HYDRA heads that they’re most useful alive. It somehow works.
In fact, wwx is assigned to jl. The HYDRA people know wwx’s relation to jc & jyl, so they don’t tell wwx that they kidnapped jc & jyl or that they’re literally in the same facility.
Since wwx was assigned to jl, he basically helps him undergo terrigenesis and tries to determine his power.
Wwx also doesn’t know that jl is kinda his nephew. But he pities him, so he maybe helps jl escape, but in a way so that no one realizes it because he still has his cover to maintain.
(also, I forgot to mention: jyl’s kidnapping caused jc & wwx to become estranged).
So wwx may have had a very loud conversation near jl’s cell about some of the exits and also teaches jl the basics on his Inhuman ability. maybe the device he uses to control jl’s powers happened to malfunction in the middle of the night.
Ling, not knowing that wwx is helping him, uses his power (energy manipulation) to break out and makes a run for it.
He manages to escape (wwx had a very detailed convo about the building’s layout) and gets the hell out of there.
Jl’s smart enough to realize that since HYDRA knows where he lives, that he probably shouldn’t go back home.
He really wants to get his uncle back (and maybe his mom, but he’s not sure she’s still alive) but has like no idea how to use his power to do anything except bomb stuff. & that only works like half the time.
Jin Ling is about to kill a bitch but then he remembers that his uncle gave him an address to go to if anything ever happened (remember, jc is an ex-SHIELD agent so bad things happen quite a lot).
Meanwhile, despite his carefulness, wwx got caught and HYDRA is deciding whether or not he will die. Wwx, being the genius he is, takes all his stuff and gets the fuck outta there.
He decides to go visit his kinda-boyfriend (that he may or may not have been ignoring for like 13 years), lwj back at SHIELD. He also wants to see how the Wen siblings are doing.
So WWX goes back to SHIELD, only about an hour before Ling arrives. In jl’s defense, he had no idea that the entrance to a secret government organization was a quaint little music shop.
He just kinda... walks in, and everyone is freaking bc they have been breached but sees him and thinks “huh he kinda looks like jc” and then lxc thinks “oh no what happened this time”
Lxc introduces himself and jl (being the second best matchmaker here, second to only lxc) accidentally reveals that jc talked about him before.
Lxc is pleasantly surprised (gay) and asks jl to come with him into his office so that they can... chat.
On their way, they pass by the science lab. Wei Wuxian, who just came back to base, is happily walking along with Lan Sizhui, when all hell breaks loose.
Remember when I said that wwx was quite secretive about helping? And that jl is still upset bc he never got his uncle back and he can’t lose another family member, not to them?
So obviously jl does what anyone would if you saw the guy who forced you to undergo a life-changing event and was involved in the organization that kidnapped two of his family members and killed his dad: he attaccs.
If you also remember, I mentioned that jl has no fucking clue what he’s doing. All he knows is energy and boom boom.
And the mini-explosions only work in close range, from what he’s seen. So in his anger, he unlocks a new skill: energy shots.
Wei Wuxian took cover like the second he realized who was attempting to kill him and screaming at the others not to kill his assailant no matter how annoying he was.
Lan Wangji sadly wasn’t at base, but Sizhui was, and he can certainly hold his own against Ling, especially since Sizhui has had more time to train with his power.
Luckily, Jingyi swoops in & uses his voice to force jl to stop. They handcuff him and lxc drags him away into his office.
It’s safe to say that the science lab corridor is fried.
That’s basically how jl got introduced to SHIELD (he eventually joins and learns the truth about wwx, which makes all their past interactions quite awkward).
Now we have Zizhen, who comes into the story after the two Lans have become agents but before the whole Jin Ling fiasco occurs.
Sizhui & Jingyi were sent to see if Agent Ouyang Xingyun (@yoitsamy’s oc older sis of oyzz)‘a family knew where she was because she was on a undercover mission & didn’t check in with her contact last week. + she didn’t contact SHIELD so Director LXC was worried.
They look through the window and everything is a mess, so they kick down the door and try to find anyone. The whole place is torn apart, like people were fighting there.
In the upstairs bedroom, they find Ouyang Zizhen & four of his younger siblings huddled together in a corner, protected by a forcefield-like shield. Once they realize the Lans aren’t a threat, the go back to SHIELD HQ and put in a room there until they can figure out wtf was going on.
Apparently, Zizhen unlocked his powers w/o terrigenesis when they got attacked by someone who was looking for his sister and used it to protect his siblings. They hadn’t seen their big sister in weeks.
So the Lans have a new case to solve, SHIELD has two new Inhumans with off circumstances, and Lan Wangji is one Xichen away from killing Jin Ling.
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the-juniors · 4 years
1. hope it’s alright that i added on to your zombie AU hcs (i LOVE your hcs & couldn’t help myself, & might do it again w/ other of your hcs in the future if it’s okay with you) and 2. how do the parents react to the juniors’s coffee shop? 0-0
1) it is totally alright don’t even worry abt it i loved it, and i would love to see u adding to some of my posts, as long as it’s okay if i add to some of urs bc i love ur hcs
2) thank you for asking cause i’ve been dying to talk abt this one for a minute—
jc, while skeptical at first, is so proud of his son nephew
ling had approached him when they (the quartet) were in the stage of “oh shit, wait we’re actually doing this, okay” to ask for advice
aka ling burst into jc’s office, shoved all his notes into his dad’s jiujiu’s hands nd started explaining everything (rambling is a better word for it)
“what the fuck, a-ling?”
“i don’t know, it’s just kinda, happening?”
a heavy sigh, “okay, so here’s what you guys are missing—“
and he, being the head of Yunmeng Jiang Corp., gives him the rundown on how to own and operate a business and how difficult it rlly is
he’s basically the reality check for the rest of the quartet who don’t know shit abt business nd helps coach them through the process
(they all start calling him uncle during this, but they’ll never call him that to his face)
every step of the way, ling always double checked with jc just to be safe jiujiu, i can’t fuck this up!!!
(jc loves that jl is asking him for advice on this, that he can still rely on him that jl isn’t gonna push him away now that he’s an adult)
so when jc actually walks into the cafe opening day, the pride radiating from him is insurmountable as the quartet greet him at the counter
this got long, so more under the cut
jingyi has extremely absentee parents who would regularly promise to be at things for him and would always last minute cancel
this time is no different
he basically accepted that his parents weren’t gonna show up that day, but when they just never came, part of him was crushed bc in the past at least they would text him
and he feels stupid for hoping that they would come when they never did in the past and really he shouldn’t’ve even though to hope bc why would they change now when there has been countless opening nights, performances, even graduation that they never went to why would they suddenly change for this—
however, with having grown up with sizhui, wwx, lwj, nd wn (that’s right, wangningxian rights in this au) are used to filling the parental role for jingyi and this time is no different
(god, i might have to make a separate post abt the family dynamics in this au, even though this is technically part of my modern au but not really? i’ll worry abt that later)
wwx was practically bouncing off the walls when they were getting ready to head over and was vibrating in his seat, excitedly chatting the entire ride over
wen ning, head baker at a super popular bakery in the city, was excited to try jingyi’s food after countless late-night phone calls finalizing recipes nd giving him advice on how to run a kitchen
lan wangji was more,,,,,concerned abt this whole venture bc they’re barely out of college, only one of them rlly knows a lot abt business, and bc jingyi nd sizhui are going into performance-based careers they’re not going to be able to be around to help all the time nd even emwhen they are there, they can’t do a lot for the business bc of their main careers
nd when the three of them walk into the coffee shop and are greeted by jingyi’s voice singing over the speakers, sizhui taking another customer’s order, and zizhen lighting up when he spots them over the coffee machine, they all just know that they’ll frequent here more than they originally planned
(they become the most regular customers)
side note: zizhen is also in charge of hiring on new employees nd wangji helps guide him through what to look for, what to be wary of, how to conduct an interview, all that
while zizhen is already fairly organized, wangji gives him little tips on what to take note of and always resupplies zizhen with notebooks whenever he fills one up (zizhen bullet journals nd has a separate journal for the coffee shop nd he fills so many journals)
zizhen is rlly receptive to wangji’s nd jiang cheng’s help bc his father does not support this whole coffee shop thing, and makes sure that zizhen is aware of the fact
whenever zizhen would bring up the subject, he’d scoff with a “you still haven’t let that go? we pay for your college tuition, we let you do your journalism thing, and this is how you repay us? by starting a business all on your own that is sure to fall through not two weeks after opening with your roommates that in five years you’ll probably have forgotten about? unbelievable”
opening day, he come to the shop, give a cursory sweeping glance of the shop, scoffs, and leaves
zizhen is both crestfallen and infuriated nd vents to jin ling his entire lunch break because he didn’t even try the coffee a-ling, didn’t even place a goddamn order, if he’s so pressed abt this business going down in two weeks, why not, you know, order smth to make sure that doesn’t fucking happen—
so after those first two weeks of being open (nd the shop decidedly not going out of business, thank you very much) jin ling emails a copy of their stats that clearly show how successful their shop is as well as a link to an article written by a local newspaper about their shop and how they were quickly growing to be an incredibly popular spot, with the email title being, “We Are Not Going Out of Business” —there is no other message attached
(protectively petty jin ling ftw)
he still doesn’t approve, but now he no longer says anything against it
zizhen’s mom on the other hand is a completely different story
she did have her reservations at first bc opening a business of any kind was no small feat a-zhen, but when she saw how excited for this zizhen was, how seriously the four of them were taking this, and the help they were getting from jiang cheng, her concerns were mostly assuaged
zizhen goes to her to vent and rant bc there’s just smth abt verbalizing all ur thoughts to someone willing to listen that just makes them easier to process, you know?
mama ouyang kinda becomes his common sense filter for when he starts to overthink nd helps sort out and organize the verbal spitballing, offering suggestions here nd there to solve the problems he was stressing over, or to prevent further issues from coming up and zizhen has never felt more grateful to have such an amazing mother
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For the ask game, can you answer all of them lmao ?????
Wei Wuxian: Who is the person you’d die for?
My mom.
Yiling Patriarch: Can you handle spices?
Hell yes! Love me some Carolina Reaper Powder on my food, heartburn be damned!
Lan Wangji: Have you ever had an unrequited love? If so, did you confess?
Hanguang-Jun: Did you ever have to break one of your own life principles? If yes, why? If no, which one would you dread breaking the most?
tbh I don’t think I have a life principle.
Lan Sizhui: What is your most favorite childhood memory?
I remember all the bad things from my childhood but no clear incident of something particularly good. Though I get impressions of times mom and I went to the mall on Saturdays and had a girl’s day out. Back when she could still walk.
Lan Jingyi: What is the wildest thing you have ever done?
I lied on official documentation about how you can’t bring things that you found in nature in the Bahamas, back into the US. I sneaked in seashells I found at the beach. You had to sign this paper they gave you before leaving the cruise ship, detailing what you bought and the price of each item. You couldn’t bring more than $5K worth of stuff back into the country.
Ouyang Zizhen: What is the most romantic thing for you?
Considering what I like over what society says I should like. 
As in: Valentine’s Day a few years back a friend took me out to eat. He wanted to take me to the poor man’s upscale restaurant(Red Lobster) and I argued that the nearby Asian Buffet was better because they had a hibachi and other shit we can’t get in other buffets in the area. He said Red Lobster was fancier and the kind of place people went on Valentine’s Day.
I said that Teppanyaki had a discount for VD and I could eat up to 10 plates(I actually ate 12) of food I can’t get on the regular, for like $10, versus waiting an hour for a small ass dish that costs $30 at RL.
Romancing someone should involve their likes, not society’s commercialized bullshit.
Lan Xichen: Have you ever matchmade anyone?
Jiang Yanli: Are you a good cook? Rate your cooking skill with a gif.
Tumblr media
Jiang Cheng: Are you a person that forgives easily? If yes, what has to happen that you don’t? If no, what are the things you struggle forgiving the most?
I am a bitter asshole and will hold a grudge until the ends of the Earth and beyond. Abuse is unacceptable. Especially abuse of children. Personal experience dictates such.
Wen Qing: What traits do you dislike about other people?
When I can see them and they are too close.
Meng Yao: How many siblings do you have? Are you guys close?
1. Eh.
Xiao Xingchen: Who is the person you trust the most?
My mom.
Xue Yang: On a scale of 1 - 10, how jealous are you?
Depends. I’m extremely jealous of those who are financially stable and never have to worry about skipping 2 meals a day so everyone in the house can have dinner each night. 1000/10.
A-Qing: Do you think you’d be a good spy?
Like... I don’t run. Or do tricks. I’m not the Bond kind of person. But I’m so boring and uninteresting that you could plant me somewhere and people seem to not realize I’m there and I hear shit.
Nie Mingjue: Do you lose your temper easily?
Nie Huaisang: Do you find joy in learning?
Well... not in a school. Teachers suck at their jobs and never manage to make it interesting.
And I get that the schools and state governments are very much to blame in this(standardized testing forcing them to stop scheduled lessons to randomly teach kids something they aren’t meant to learn yet just so they can take this pointless test that does them no favors and only gets them guilt-tripped by their teachers if they don’t do well on this randomly thrown in info they learned 2 weeks ago). I understand that. But most teachers I’ve come across should not be teachers since they sucked at engaging their students and sucked even more at keeping attention or getting a point across.
Mian Mian: Would you rather pursue your dream, or opt for a more stable life?
As someone who’s never had stability, I need it desperately.
Jin Zixuan: What so you value more: Freedom or safety?
Freedom is nice, but safety sounds better. To quote Into the Woods, “at home they don’t care, I’ll be better off there, where there’s nothing to choose so there’s nothing to lose”. 
Growing up in a cult(Baptists) that enforced the belief that only Pastor can make important life decisions for you, has effed me over so much. I hate having to make decisions for myself after years of flipping back and forth between controlling men who made all my decisions for me. I cannot function as an adult and it’s a problem. 
Freedom sounds like it would be unsafe especially for someone like me. I’m sick of being unsafe.
Fairy: Woof?
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Jin Guangshan: Be honest: Is money important?
Yeah. It shouldn’t be, but it really is. And as a poor person, it sucks so much.
Wen Chao: What is your biggest fear?
Loneliness. And yet I don’t like having company. Go figure.
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Untamed Fest Day Twenty-Six: Deadly Sins
Wherein there’s a sleepover, seven students, and various bad manners.
“You’re having a sleepover.”
Sizhui turned from the box of books he was currently unpacking and found his dad at the library door, a proud look on his face and an evil glint in his eye.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” Sizhui asked.
“Both,” Dad said. He waved a finger at him.. “And Jingyi doesn’t count! He has his own room! I want new faces. New friends! Your Granny Wen worries that we’re not socializing you enough and I want video and photographic proof that we’re doing just fine.”
“By forcing me to have a sleepover? As the new kid?”
It sounded like a punishment.
Dad waved off his concerns. “You’ll be fine. Kids talk. You’re the most interesting thing they’ve seen in ages. They probably all want to see the inside of the estate. So, go, invite and make friends. Well, you have two very good friends. So make some associates. Build bridges. Promote student synergy.”
It still sounded like a punishment.
“Do I have to?” Sizhui asked.
Dad frowned and his shoulders dropped, the air seemed to go out of him. “Yeah, I know, it sucks. But the Wens are worried that you’re around too many Lans, and Madame Yu made some noise about you losing your social standing, and your Papa said some kids were wondering if you’re actually a Lan puppet come to life among some other bewildering rumors, and I don’t want that to follow you through your entire time at Lan Academy. One sleepover, the standard school kid social gathering, should quiet most of them.”
Sizhui could understand that, but he didn’t have to like it. “So, I have to be an ambassador?”
“It sounds horrible when you put it like that, but yeah. You don’t have to invite a lot of kids. Just ones you like. Or can stand. For a night. Tops. If they last that long.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he called after his dad’s retreating back.
He never got an answer.
The next day at lunch he sat next to Jingyi and started to make the list.
“Zizhen,” Jingyi said before Sizhui could even uncap his pen.
“Obviously. That was never a question.” He wrote down Zizhen’s name. “Ari,” he said, writing his next.
“Really?” Jingyi asked.
Sizhui nodded. “I like him. He’s nice.”
Jingyi frowned. “I think he smiles too much.”
Sizhui laughed. “That’s because you frown too much.” He wrote down another name.
“Rakesh?” Jingyi asked. “Rakesh Patel? That kid already has it out for you.”
“But maybe this way we can come to an understanding?”
Jingyi patted his head. “Such an optimistic boy. This is why no one thinks you’re real.” He stole Sizhui’s pen and list and Jell-O cup. “Here, let me. I actually know these assholes.”
"Be nice."
"I'm always nice." He narrowed his eyes and looked across the cafeteria. "Now let us judge who shall be worthy."
There were seven of them in total. Sizhui, Jingyi, and Zizhen of course. Then Ari Ramos, Rakesh Patel, Magen Giamo from his math class, and finally D’arcy Manchester who arrived with a sheepish smile, an apple pie, and a ghost-hunting kit.
“My parents think your house is haunted,” she admitted after Papa had taken the pie to the kitchen. “They did a study on this house once. It was inconclusive and they wanted me to gather more readings. I’m so sorry. They’re parapsychologists.”
“That’s...different,” Rakesh said as he slowly devoured a bowl of Chex Mix.
D’arcy shrugged, her red ponytail swaying with her exaggerated movements. “I don’t like to talk about it. Like, I’m not ashamed of it, but it’s weird, you know. Like, people accuse them of being charlatans and I have to explain that they’re not, like, running haunted houses and making a profit. Like, they’re not trying to steal money from people. They just believe that there’s more to the world than what’s generally accepted.”
"Could she say 'like' one more time," Jingyi muttered.
“Well, I find it fascinating,” Sizhui said. He shoved an elbow into Jingyi’s side. “Don’t you?”
Jingyi was not doing his part to help with this whole ambassador thing. Jingyi had asked, more than once, if they could just lock the others, save Zizhen, in one of the hidden rooms and spend the rest of the night playing video games. Jingyi was going to be lucky if Sizhui didn’t strangle him before this night was over.
“You know how I feel about those kind of things,” Jingyi hissed. “If there are ghosts in here, I’m running.”
“Coward,” Ari teased.
“Yup,” Jingyi said with no shame. “You want to die a horrible ghostly death for the sake of your fragile masculinity, you go right on ahead, bro. I’ll be far away from all that ghostly shit.”
“So,” Magen said, dragging out the word, “speaking of ghostly shit, are we here to participate in your family’s coven? Cult? Whatever the Lans are? Seven’s a pretty significant number. Seven Deadly Sins. Seven Virtues. Seven Seals.”
“The Lans aren’t a cult. Or a coven,” Sizhui said, completely baffled. “Or Christian for that matter.”
"And the only deadly thing here is his dad's cooking."
"He gave you food poisoning!"
"That was five years ago!"
"Whoa," Ari said, turning to Zizhen. "So it's true they're betrothed, right? Because they already bicker like they've been married for twenty years."
"Nah, that's just another rumor," Zizhen said. 
“He should be so lucky,” Jingyi said.
Sizhui was absolutely dumping half a canister of chili flakes in his soda once it was time for dinner.
“So, Sizhui, where’d you come from?” Rakesh asked.
“Your mom,” Jingyi muttered. 
That set off a round of spit-takes and Sizhui was never going to get that orange soda out of the carpet.
“Boston,” Sizhui said as he helped Zizhen soak up the spilled Sunkist. “Last spring I decided I wanted to attend the Academy.”
“And you got in?” Ari asked. He snapped his fingers. “Just like that?”
“He’s a Lan,” D’arcy said. “Every single Lan has a place set aside for them.”
“Right, but like…” Ari trailed off. “Never mind.”
“He’s adopted,” Jingyi said. “That’s one of the many ways two men can raise a kid.”
“So, did they like order you from a catalog or something?” Rakesh asked.
“What does that even mean?” D’arcy asked. 
Sizhui would like to know too.
“Like, did they pick the perfect kid to make the perfect Lan? Is there a whole factory? A sperm bank but for Lan heirs?” Rakesh asked. “What were your parents’ SAT scores?”
“They both got 1600s.”
“No, your real parents,” Rakesh said.
“They are his real parents,” Magen said. “Jesus, Rakesh. Just live with the fact he’s better at math than you. For once you have someone challenging you for Valedictorian. Work harder.”
“I don’t know, sperm bank is a better theory than him being the Lan version of Pinocchio,” Ari said.
Sizhui looked up from his piles of paper towels and glared at Jingyi.
“What?” Jingyi asked, mouth full of M&Ms.
“What have you been telling people about me?”
“Nothing! Except that you’re awesome,” Jingyi said. “Look, most of them haven’t seen you outside of Lan family events, so for a long time no one thought you were even real. And they couldn’t understand why, when every other Lan attended from first grade on, you weren’t already enrolled. So rumors have been running rampant since you were five.”
“Oh, it’s surely not been every Lan,” Sizhui said.
“Every Lan born on the east coast,” Zizhen said. 
Wow, did Papa really put his foot down when it came to raising Sizhui on his parents’ own terms.
A loud thud came from within the walls before the lights cut out and an evil laugh echoed through the room. A high-pitched scream that could only be Jingyi filled the air before Sizhui was flattened to the ground with Jingyi clutching to his back.
“Wei Ying!”
His Papa’s voice bellowed through the house before the lights came back on.
“There are secret passages,” Zizhen explained to the group of terrified students. “And Mr. Lan-Wei is a King of Mischief.” He stood, ever the perfect host. “Can I interest anyone in some Bagel Bites? Pizza Rolls? The veggie platter?”
Sizhui laid his head down on the floor, his clothes staining with spilled soda, Jingyi still clinging to his back, and vowed to never, ever, ever have a sleepover again.
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bookwyrmling · 5 years
All I’m saying is an AU where Wei Ying was picked up by Baoshan Sanren instead of Jiang Fenmiang as an orphan in Yiling would be an interesting read.
Raised where people actually knew his mom and while she left and probably shouldn’t even be spoken of anymore, when her very offspring is running around just as wildly as she did, others can’t help but remember and speak.
There’s probably a fair bit of dislike towards the child of someone who left with the understanding that they could never return, but he gets to grow up with Xiao Xingchen and they end up fast friends even though Wei Ying’s high energy and Xiao Xingchen’s calmness made others think they’d clash, they were of an age and somehow found the difference in temperaments a good thing.
But Wei Ying is curious, just like his mother always was. And as some of the others on the mountain always told him as he grew up, he’d end up following her steps because the apple never falls far from the tree. And there’s so much world outside of the mountain where his mother was willing to leave everything she knew for. Where she met his father. So Wei Ying leaves the mountain under the same understanding as his mother: that he will never return.
Maybe he makes his way to Yunmeng because he heard that’s where his father was from. Or maybe he starts off as a rogue cultivator in Yiling because that’s where he was found. Maybe he grabs the attention of the Lan clan as he starts to join night hunts as a rogue cultivator and gets invited to become a visiting disciple the same time as everyone else was there in the story. Maybe that’s how he finds out about his father, when Jiang Fenmiang is visiting because Jiang Cheng is the one who got in trouble for being unable to control his temper and happes to hear the name Wei and see a child that looks just enough like two people he hasn’t seen in over 15 years. Either way, Wei Wuxian finds himself inexorably dragged into the war with the Wen clan all the same.
After Yunmeng is razed, does he drag Jiang Cheng to the actual mountain, like Xiao Xingchen does Song Lan? Or does he still lie about it and make use of Wen Qing’s skills? Either way, that unwavering kindness and self-sacrifice is something he is willing to do for a friend, so his core ends up with Jiang Cheng anyway.
And back up the mountain, while everyone expected things to calm down, no one expected yet another disciple to choose to leave. They should have, really. Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian were inseparable brothers until the first went down the mountain. It only makes sense the other would follow. Xiao Xingchen meets Song Lan while searching for his brother. Is this CQL-verse where they meet up and both see they’ve found something to fight for and someone to fight with and wish each other all the best and hope to meet up many times only for everything to go to shit? Or is this novel-verse where Xiao Xingchen comes down the mountain only after the Burial Mound siege to learn of what tragedies befell his brother through rumors and stories? Does he meet up with a man dressed in funereal garb and playing a guqin who seems to be the one person in this world who does not hate the brother he loved and misses? Does he get to hear another side of the story that isn’t used to frighten others into behaving? Or just plain fright for fright’s sake?
And after Xiao XingChen’s own tragedy with Song Lan, he wanders blind and meets a rambunctious, prankster of a child named A-Qin who reminds him so much of his brother and as much as he shouldn’t be bringing a blind non-cultivating girl around with him, she offers him a sense of home he wasn’t sure he’d ever find again after leaving the mountain for the second time and losing Song Lan. The injured man they pick up has a similar personality, if more twisted, and Xiao XingChen thinks of the stories he’s heard about that lost brother and wonders if he can prevent someone else from going the same way as Wei Wuxian.
And when a resurrected Wei Wuxian comes across Yi City, does he notice the impostor earlier? Or has it been so long and Xue Yan have him down so well that he blames himself after for not realizing a fake when he saw one? And after seeing A-Qin’s memories, he’d feel even more-so that Xue Yan had to do die. For doing what he did to others, for doing what he did to his brother. For daring to ask him to put back together the soul of someone Wei Wuxian loved but whom Xue Yan destroyed so utterly. How much more does his heart go out to Song Lan?
But also, aside from all the tragedy, just imagine Lan Qiren trying to deal with a Wei Wuxian who knew all these stories about his mother. He was enough of a troublemaker like her without having that background knowledge and now an Qiren has to deal with Cangse Sanren’s child who has been raised with her in his memory. Would he survive the whole story without a qi deviation? XD
And what of Baoshan Sanren? Watching three disciples leave in such a short timespan (especially for how long she’s lived) and all suffer so much. Does she hear their stories? Does she pay attention even after they leave? Hoping against hope things will be better for this one? As each one suffers, does she become more sincere in her affirmation to remain disconnected from the world? Or does a part of her want to step in for the children she raised and those she continues to raise, picked up because they were abandoned, left wholly on their own in a cruel world.
And also, Baoshan Sanren goes around picking up abandoned children and raising them.
Xiao Xingchen picks up and watches after a young, abandoned girl and a half-dead injured young man.
Wei Wuxian runs around caring after any child or young person he meets ever (Wen Ning, A-Yuan, Sizhui (even before he knows who he is), Jingyi, Zizhen, etc etc - not including Jin Ling on this list for the simple fact that he is family, but just try telling me he wouldn’t care about him were he not).
ANYWAY, I really just wanted to shoot this out into the world cuz it’s been sitting in my brain for a fair bit. One of those things I’d love to see but not quite up for writing.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
for au request: the juniors all have nightmares. who do each of them go to for comfort?
Nuu that’s sad... but here:
Jin Ling goes to his uncle, ofc. If he’s at the Cloud Reccesses & JC isn’t there, then he will either stay alone and try to calm down by himself or go to WWX. He usually has nightmares about, you know, almost getting murdered by his uncle, and his parents’ death in strange accuracy.
Lan Sizhui always has the same exact nightmare: drowning. In a river. It’s cold and dark and he doesn’t want to remember this, and he always wakes up in a cold sweat. He immediately goes to Jingyi, who’s usually the closest, or whoever happens to be nearby. After calming down a bit & bringing himself back to reality, he’ll separate from whoever he decided to cling to, and go to his dads and just kind of sit with them. He likes being reminded that wwx is actually here with them.
The first time Sizhui had a nightmare & a junior that wasn’t Jingyi was there (idk why they were separated and am offended at myself for making this happen) it was probably Zizhen? Maybe Sizhui was sleeping over at Zizhen’s and had a nightmare. He handled it fine, but was kinda spooked.
Jin Ling, in the other hand, has no clue wtf is going on besides the fact that his friend has a death grip on his arm and might be crying?? He’s both confused and scared until he realizes that Sizhui had a nightmare. Then he gets extremely worried bc he has no experience in calming him down & did not know about this.
He eventually gets Sizhui to calm down, and afterwards Sizhui is definitely mortified, but they kinda cuddle for a while and A Ling asks Sizhui what he has nightmares about. These two probably have the most nightmares of the quartet.
I don’t hc Zizhen as someone who has nightmares frequently, but several near-death experiences/people you love possibly dying might do that. It’s usually about one of his many younger siblings or his friends dying. To which, he’ll wake up and immediately visit whoever he had the nightmare about. Usually, it works out bc he lives with his siblings, but there were a couple times he visited the Cloud Recesses or Carp Tower/Lotus Pier very early in the morning. Jin Ling is kinda used to it, but Jingyi & Sizhui were very worried the first time it happened.
Jingyi has nightmares more often then Zizhen, but less than the other two. It varies a lot, whether it be a satanic blue hedgehog staring him down or the entire Cloud Recesses being burnt down again. He has a lot of crack-nightmare dreams, like being late to class and having to write the rules 100 times. 
The worst ones are the ones where lqr has enough of his bs and kicks him out of the sect. not gonna give ljy sad mom issues today though.
he usually goes to one of his friends for comfort, or just to spill whatever happened in his crazy dream. jl, depending on the seriousness, will either stare at him like he’s insane or awkwardly pat his back for a bit. oyzz comforts him either way, and lsz will either laugh or hug him.
Thanks for the ask!! :)
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ouyang-zizhen · 5 years
OuYang ZiZhen Headcanons
(with some LingZhen thrown in as well)
- His mom died when he was 12
- It’s been him and his dad ever since
- His mom did teach him a few things before she passed away though: cooking and hair styling
- As a result, he’s a real foodie. He could walk the entire map of his world just to try the different foods and it’s one of the reasons why he enjoys going out on night hunts
- He makes amazing dumplings. Jin Ling can attest to that since he’s always stealing them whenever he can
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- His hair is always well taken care of, and he used to spend evenings taking care of his dad’s hair before he would go to sleep
- His scalp massages are the best
- Later on, he also takes care of Jin Ling’s hair
- His relationship with his father has deteriorated ever since he took Wei Wuxian’s side, and dad has been much harder on him, thinking he gave him too much freedom before
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- The sudden change in his dad (and the verbal abuse that came with it) got ZiZhen to loose much of his self-confidence/self-esteem and he’s slowly been regaining it with the help of his friends (especially Jin Ling)
- He has a horse named Forgot, a mare he first met when he was 8
- He named her that way because he couldn’t remember the name his father gave her, and she responded when ZiZhen got close to her and apologized because “I forgot your name”
- I later found out that Forgot is Wàngjì in traditional chinese, which is not the same as Làn Wàngjī, but it’s hilarious and there’s no turning back from that XD
- He becomes Sect Leader at age 20, when his father dies
- I still don’t know if they made up before he dies, I’m open to whatever feels right (and I got many AUs in which his dad is either a worse person or a much better one, so anything could happen really XD)
- He’s a really good archer, greater when shooting while riding his horse
- Which means he got really strong thighs 👀
- As a romantic, all love languages are his language. Gifts? Actions? Time? Touch? Words? When he loves, he says it in all of these
- He wrote hundreds of poems and love letters for Jin Ling but only sent out less than 20 of them (because he's a shy duckling)
- Jin Ling will eventually find out about the rest
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- This is what I imagine older ZiZhen to look like:
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(To be updated with new ideas)
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
Zizhen’s Family
I saw @ouyang-zizhen’s post on Zizhen’s family & decided to share my hcs on Zizhen family. I saw how they mentioned how several posts mentioned/headcanoned that Zizhen having many siblings and idk if any of those were from me, but I think I’ve mentioned it somewhere before. So I thought I’d go in-depth with it. (These are the characters I use in most of my fics w/ Zizhen, like in *shamelessselfpromo* timeless memories.)
Take everything I say with a grain of salt. Despite being partially Chinese, I’m what they call a banana. I know little to nothing about Chinese naming practices, and if the means I listed are correct. So yeah.
Zizhen has one older sister and four younger siblings. The older sister was named Ouyang Xingyun by @yoitsamy, and she’s very gay. Also hopefully future Ouyang Sect Leader. I hc her to be in her late teens/early twenties.
He has three younger sisters (two of them are twins, 9, and another who is 12). His last younger sibling is a baby boy, who’s only several months old.
While his older sister went away to travel/learn for a year, Zizhen took care of his younger siblings. He was quite a mother hen to his younger siblings, bc his mom (Sect Leader Ouyang’s first wife) died of illness a couple years after his birth. His dad remarried and had a kid 6-ish years later.
I’ve named them, but the names aren’t set in stone or anything.
Twin 1 is Ouyang Tingting (literally named her after my cousin; means graceful and slim), twin 2 is Ouyang Wei (also named after someone I’m related to; means small or rose depending on how it’s written, but we’re using small for this one). Their older sister is Ouyang Changying (means flourishing), and the baby brother is Ouyang Xiang (means good luck).
The twins are very chaotic, and Changying isn’t very social. Xiang is a baby, so I don’t know how to characterize him. He’s very quiet for a baby, and Zizhen has the easiest time caring for him.
It’s kind of hard to sibling Changying bc unlike the twins, she doesn’t often say if she wants anything. She is
Wei is headstrong & easily annoyed, and Tingting is a good student but uses it to eavesdrop on people & cause drama.
They know everything. The senior disciple who’s cheating on his wife with a younger woman, the elder who abused his son, the fact that Zizhen is hiding his boyfriends away from his family, e v e r y t h i n g.
Once, one of the guys from around town tried something with Xingyun, so the twins & Changying teamed up to utterly destroy him.
So the guy spread a rumor that he slept with Xingyun, and her littler sisters went all out defending her honor. It was. Scary. Children running around telling everyone that he’s a liar. They may have destroyed his reputation and life. So yeah.
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ouyang-zizhen · 5 years
A LingZhen OS
Modern AU month is done (it will come back from time to time, or, you know, just when I feel like it XD). I wrote this OS a little while ago and since I’m easily terrified when it comes to sharing my writing, it took me some time to gather the courage to share this with you. Thanks to @demonitized-cultivation​, @eternalserenity​ and @chi-zi​ for encouraging me with their kind words! I hope you’ll like the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Context/Synopsis: This happens when Jin Ling and ZiZhen are in their early 20′s. They are about to get married and ZiZhen is reminiscent of a time when Jin Ling was not comfortable with PDA and how he slowly grew into it.
They are walking through the streets of Baling, hand in hand, enjoying the sights and smells of the different shops and stalls. The wedding date having been agreed on, they still have about six months to finish up the details of the venue. The cultivation world had been surprised at Sect Leader Jin’s desire for a small wedding, considering the importance of his sect, but the hundred guests or so had been carefully selected by both young men. Besides, Sect Leader Jiang having agreed to let them have their wedding at Lotus Pier, they needed to respect the peace of their smaller venue. However, that did not mean they would disrespect their guests, and they wanted to treat them first with the best dishes they could offer.
It was Jin Ling who insisted they should have as many delicacies from Baling as they could, to show everyone how important ZiZhen’s home was to him. The thought makes ZiZhen blush, remembering how he thanked his soon to be husband for such a caring touch. He holds Jin Ling’s hand tighter, who squeezed back before entwining their fingers together.
A little girl, no more than eight, gets closer to them as they stopped in front of the flower shop, Jin Ling in an intense discussion with the owner, whom he knows by name now. ZiZhen notices her and smiles. When he bends down to her level, she elevates a plate of small meat rolls towards him. “From my mother,'' she says. ZiZhen looks up behind her, and bows his head towards the woman waiting a few metres away, who promptly bows herself.
- I shall give her my thanks, ZiZhen says, standing back up and eating one of the rolls.
His eyes grow wide, and he grabs Jin Ling arm, yanking him away from the stall.
- A-Ling! You have to taste this!
He takes another roll from the plate and offers it to Jin Ling. The other man leans forward, lips grazing ZiZhen’s fingers as he bites into the piece.
- It’s good, isn’t it?
ZiZhen has a large smile on his face. Jin Ling nods his head, and smiles back at him.
- It is! Is it a Baling specialty?
ZiZhen shrugs.
- Kind of, I used to make something like this with my mom and --
Before ZiZhen can finish, Jin Ling turns to the flower shop owner and excuses himself, then runs in the direction of the woman who made these. The little girl is shocked into place, holding her tray, from which ZiZhen takes another roll for himself as he walks towards his boyfriend. He gets closer in time to catch the woman’s answer to Jin Ling’s demand.
- Of course, Sect Leader Jin, it would be my honour to cook more of these for your wedding!
- Good! Come to Lotus Pier before the end of August, we’ll make sure you have a place to stay and all you need to make the food.
When the woman leaves, ZiZhen takes Jin Ling hands back in his own.
- You didn’t have to do that.
Jin Ling turns towards him, presses a hand on ZiZhen’s cheek and kisses him on the lips. The pressure lingers on ZiZhen’s lips even after Jin Ling pulls back, a tender smile on his face.
- I want you to feel at home with me, and I’ll do anything for it.
He kisses him again.
When he leaves, going back to the florist’s shop, ZiZhen cannot help but stare, distracted, skin heated up from the rapid beating of his heart. Then he smiles. In the years they have been together, Jin Ling became much more comfortable and confident showing his affection towards him in public, but he never thought he would ever be so open as to kiss him like that in the middle of the marketplace.
There was a time in their relationship when ZiZhen believed Jin Ling was embarrassed of being seen in public with him. Oh, they could walk beside each other and talk to each other just fine, and their private life was very sweet and tender, but every time ZiZhen tried to hold his hand, hug him, or worse, kiss him in public, he was met with a gesture, and sometimes words, of rejection. “Not here”, “Not now”, “Please stop, someone could see”. What he first thought was timidity rapidly increased ZiZhen’s insecurity, to the point where he thought Jin Ling was ashamed of him. Just like his father once was. The day after ZiZhen broke down, heart in pieces over his inability to ever be worthy of his love, Jin Ling surprised him by standing up for him and their relationship, first in front of their friends and the elders of his sect, then to anyone who asked about them. Jiang Cheng was angry for a few months to be the last to know, but given he was always angry at something or someone, it barely ruffled Jin Ling’s feathers, even if it did leave ZiZhen with a knot in his stomach whenever he had to meet with him at Lotus Pier.
Then, at Carp Tower, during that same week, ZiZhen was strolling around, enjoying the night air. He startled when he felt arms wrap gently around him from behind. Recognizing Jin Ling’s sleeves, he hesitantly put his hands on top of his and squeezed.
- Are you sure?
Jin Ling replied with a nod, a tightening of his arms around ZiZhen’s waist, and the smallest kiss at the nape of his neck. ZiZhen felt the heat of Jin Ling’s face against his skin, and when he tried to turn around, Jin Ling held him in place.
- Please. Let me do this… at my own pace.
ZiZhen smiled and reached a hand towards Jin Ling’s face, barely pressing the tip of his fingers against his cheek.
- Okay.
Later, during a night hunt with Lan SiZhui, Lan JingYi, and some others from their respective clans, they separated in small groups, both for competition and to cover more grounds. JingYi’s comments when they left together with Fairy got both of them blushing, but Jin Ling grabbed ZiZhen’s hand and did not let go until they were out of sight of everyone. They were still, however, close enough to be within hearing range, so they knew where the other hunters were talking and sometimes screaming at each other. That was when Jin Ling pulled on ZiZhen’s arm, forcing him to crouch on the ground behind a few bushes.
- Wh --
- Shh! I heard something!
ZiZhen kept quiet, looking through the leaves in the direction Jin Ling was staring at, but seeing nothing, he turned his head towards Jin Ling and whispered:
- Perhaps it was just the ot --
The feeling of Jin Ling’s lips on his silenced him. The kiss was tender, not brief but not lasting either. It still left them both scrambling for their breath a little. ZiZhen looked around.
- Someone could see us.
Jin Ling nodded.
- I know.
Before ZiZhen could smile, heart beating loud, Jin Ling stole another kiss from him, putting a hand behind his neck. They didn’t have the chance to deepen the kiss when Fairy barreled into them, jumping around and licking both of their faces.
A year later, they were in Baling, celebrating ZiZhen’s birthday and official ascension to his role as Sect Leader. Every important member of the cultivation world was present. Words already got around that OuYang ZiZhen was into the favours of both Jin and Jiang Sect Leaders, and as a result, many came to him offering toasts in his honor. Most were surprised when, at some point, Jin Ling interfered, arguing that ZiZhen wouldn’t be able to carry himself if he kept drinking. However, as the festivities concluded, both of them were equally drunk and they left the main hall of the OuYang Clan holding onto each other. All who were left witnessed Sect Leader Jin leaving lazy kisses on ZiZhen’s cheek and neck on their way out.
Many saw the two men kissing against the side of a building, giggling and groping at each other while clumsily making their way to ZiZhen’s quarters, which were the closest.
Wei Wuxian spent the next day jabbing at his nephew whenever he could over what he saw. Despite his mortification, Jin Ling still held onto ZiZhen’s hand wherever they went.
The week after their engagement had been announced, as they were travelling between Gusu and YunMeng, the tenant of the inn they stopped at, upon hearing their conversation, kindly told them about this new flower shop they should visit. Jin Ling had been eager to go and ZiZhen happily followed. As the Jin Sect Leader discussed flowers with the shopkeeper, ZiZhen had wandered off towards a display of beautifully crafted vases and bowls, created by the shopkeeper’s son. Bending over one, painted with delicate green and gold patterns, he saw someone bow to him from the corner of his eye.
- I hope my work is pleasing to your eyes, young master.
ZiZhen straightened up, smiling at the man, who looked a few years older than him.
- It is! Who is your master?
The man offered a prideful smile.
- I am self-taught! Although I did have the chance to receive the patronage of a few cultivators… Would you like to offer yours?
Oblivious to the glint of interest in the man’s eyes and his sultry voice, ZiZhen shook his head.
- I apologize, I don’t --
- Perhaps if I show you the other pieces I am working on. Please, follow me in the backroom.
The man was about to reach for ZiZhen’s shoulder when Jin Ling appeared by his side, grabbed him by the waist and pressed his lips against ZiZhen’s. Eyes wide, ZiZhen barely registered what had happened, until he felt Jin Ling’s lips move against his. He closed his eyes with a soft sigh, bringing his arms around his neck. That’s when Jin Ling broke the kiss. In a daze, ZiZhen whispered:
- What was that for?
Putting his hands on Jin Ling’s shoulders, ZiZhen felt the tension in them, and when he focused on his face, the red on his cheeks did nothing to hide the traces of anger in his eyes. Jin Ling was staring in the direction the man had taken, leaving shortly during their display of affection, and once certain he was far enough away, he answered:
- He was flirting with you.
- What?! No he wasn’t!
Jin Ling sighed, relaxing his shoulders at the same time.
- Your heart is too pure for this world.
ZiZhen smiled and let out a small laugh, before asking coyly:
- Isn’t this why you love me?
Jin Ling stared at him, half convincing himself to contradict him, but he pulled ZiZhen back for a kiss instead.
The week after, in YunMeng, Jin Ling offered him the traditional Jiang clarity bell in the colours of the Jin Clan.
- So everyone will know your heart is not for the taking.
Hearing the soft bell hanging from his belt now, ZiZhen focuses on his future husband, who is showing him the new hairpiece he found, a design typical of the men in Baling.
- What do you think?
ZiZhen lifts an eyebrow, amused.
- Don’t you have enough hair pieces already?
Jin Ling pouts with a frown but quickly trades it for a tender smile.
- I want to wear it at the wedding.
This time, ZiZhen is the one who bends his head and kisses him.
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