#afterlife au
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It's a beautiful day for a funeral, my love.
Happy March 5th ding dongs >:D
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darkkbluee · 11 months
Sometimes I think, Shinigami King!Light. He'd revolutionize the Shinigami world, bringing in 'jobs', 'money' and internet from the human world. Suddenly, the Shinigami realm is so much more lively that even Ryuk finds it interesting to live there.
Dead!L can go to Hell and take over there. No one can tell him what to do. L has the demon king who tried to order him around over thrown. There isn't food he likes to eat. So, L funds culinary revolution in Hell, including sponsoring air cons, refrigerators, mixers, ovens, etc. Now no one wants to escape Hell because its better there than the human world.
Eventually though, L ends up dealing with the sudden influx of souls caused by Light bringing 'jobs' to the Shinigami Realm. L is once again on the hunt to stop Kira.
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nogu-d-reamers · 13 days
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I wanna make my own AU about "What happened after them died?" With Libby and company
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thewiz9062 · 3 months
Fanart of @unknownamethyst09 's Afterlife Au!!
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Someone give catnap therapy god knows (hehe get it?) he needs it
actually give them all therapy
(yk that one tt audio "thank you for watching the show" ? thats what i wanted to capture here)
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amethyst-draws09 · 3 months
Afterlife au comic! W.i.p first 2 pages! (Part 1 has 4 pages by the way, hoping to release it sometime this week!)
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I didn’t wanna keep yall waiting for to long so I decided to upload a w.i.p of the first 2 pages.
(Also there’s a dove in the first page? Why? I’ll let yall figure it out but it represents something. If you search it you’ll probs find what doves mean traditionally)
Now quick lil q and a
Q: Will there be colour?
A: Yes. Only reason it’s not here is cause like I said it’s a W.I.P
Q: Will you move to digital art.
A: yes most likely in the foreseeable future. Just need a tablet and a stylus. If you got any recommendations lmk.
Q: are all the smiling critters in the comic?
A: yes they are! Part 1 won’t have all of them in though.
Q. How many parts will there be?
A: I don’t know but I’m striving for round 12 with the story I have in mind for the first chapter.
And finally I wanted to thank you all for supporting me. The fan art. Fan comics. And general support by even viewing my comics makes my day. I’m glad you all like my work! (And every single piece of fan art I’ve got I adore so much and that fan comic was just amazing! So thank you everyone 😇)
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jenniferstolzer · 7 months
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I made a cover for my "Beyond the Rim" afterlife AU, specifically for the first of the stories "Sheridan." If you've read the fic it'll look familiar to you maybe. If you haven't, you can find the series here. I am very slowly adding to it. I have a bunch of NotFics lined up for me to prose out when someday I have free time again. Maybe that'll happen.
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mothytheghost · 7 months
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Act 1 Scene 1 pg 0
Hookless Line
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beentobeetle · 11 months
Thinkin abt Arthur dying and reuniting with Hosea, Sean, and Lenny in the afterlife… thinkin abt him seeing Isaac and Eliza… all of them bear hugging each other and laughing and crying and and and… thinkin abt Arthur watching John kill his old friends, him and everyone else welcoming them back… thinkin abt Micah showing up and they all throw him down to hell… thinkin of Charles dying somehow and him and Arthur kissin and smoochin… thinkin abt how Arthur would call John a dumbass for getting killed but basically suffocating him with a hug… Dutch and Hosea crying and huggin and kissin eachother… Javier being so scared to see all his old friends he went against but all of them being so happy to see him… John and Javier talking shit out and being together again… Thinkin abt Red Dead afterlife AU…
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justafeweggnoodles · 3 months
Everything's Interconnected AU Timeline
Probably the most important thing you need to know to understand this AU.
The series logos represent the canonical events that happen in each series, there are some slight differences with what happens in this AU and what happened in the actual series.
Each line represents a different world, with 2 main expectations. Those being X-life and Hermitcraft S8. X-life was in a different world to Afterlife but all the characters where carried across and they happen one after the other. Hermitcraft S8 was a simulation but all the characters where in S9 world, despite being in the middle of space. 
As mentioned on the drawing, the timeline is not to scale.
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Further explanations: (coming soon) Part 1: Kingdomcraft / Empires, Part 2: X-life / Afterlife, Part 3: Hermitcraft S8 & 9, Part 4: Newlife, Part 5: Points of connection
If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask :D
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Who knew being dead was so tiring
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For any of y'all who are waiting for my Mötley Crüe afterlife AU fic to come out, here's a small one shot I made while you guys wait for me to finally finish the actual first chapter of the fic. Sorry it's kinda bad😅 (Poly! crüe warning!!)
It starts because he lets Tommy get away with it. He feels how his back cracks on contact with the hay and groans at the dull thud that starts to centre his spine. He's lived with worse back pain, but he feels that after years of suffering from the mind crushing agony that was AS that he didn't really need any more back ache in the afterlife too.
“What the hell was that for?!”
He hears Tommy laugh in the distance from the safety of the ground where he had just tossed Mick onto the hayloft instead of just getting the ladder from outside the barn. Mick stands up coughing as he brushes bits of debris off himself, mindlessly cursing Tommy.
Mick soon realises why Tommy was laughing, as he had landed in the hay in such a way that most of the stray pieces that fell out of the stack had somehow landed in his hair, making him look like a semi goth scarecrow. Mick shakes the hay out of his tresses and growls.
“Couldn't you have just gotten the ladder!?”
Tommy's enjoyment seems to increase with Mick's irritation as he just laughs harder at Mick's angry expression. Or at least that's what Mick thought he was laughing at before he rubbed at his most likely dirt covered face to discover that hay had somehow found its  way stuck to his face. He wipes it off quickly.
Tommy keeps giggling as he explains his very logical reasons for throwing Mick about two feet in the air to the top floor of their barn.
“No could do dude, ladder was way to fucking far and you where right here.”
Yes, a perfectly logical explanation for throwing him like he weighed three pounds.
Mick grabs a fistful of hay from the stack and throws it into Tommy's unsuspecting laughing mouth, causing him to choke and spit up grassy bits of flem.
Mick doesn't dwell on the interaction for too long,(which was his first mistake),Tommy doing something dumb and reckless at the expense of someone else wasn't exactly front page news, so he doesn't bother wasting his breath on any further complaints and they continue their Sunday morning chores. This was the day they considered Sunday anyway, time was kinda..wonky here
They feed the cows and calves in no time at all and head back inside the house, the events in the barn completely forgotten if not for the six inch thread of hay that Nikki pulls out of his hair with a confused expression when Nikki's passing them on his way to the greenhouse.
“You lose a fight with a haystack old man?”
Mick looks at the strand of hay pinched between Nikki's thumb and forefinger and comically blows it out of his grasp.
“You should have seen the other guy.”
They laugh and for once it's not an awkward or uncomfortable laugh shared between them.
He should have said something. But what was there to say.
It starts because he doesn't reprimand Vince. It's evening by then and they've all come inside for the day, hats tossed aside on top of every surface that wasn't a hatrack and flannel shirts tossed aside on the decrypted hardwood floor to be picked up tomorrow when shirts were necessary for the outside again.
Their all in the living room watching twilight zone on VHS, their small staticy box TV glitching every so often but they'd all been here for long enough for it not to bother them anymore, still didn't stop them all of from annoying him every day to fix it (okay maybe they weren't all used to it). Or should he say he and Vince are watching it as the terror twins have long since fallen asleep, leaning against each other, Nikki snoring and Tommy drooling onto Nikki's hair.
Mick stands up from his rocking chair, setting the thick quilt blanket that laid on his lap aside on the arm of the long couch the other guys where sitting on, he walks behind the couch,not wanting to disturb the guys in his quest for a glass of some of that cordial that they'd made recently, it was such a good batch that it was almost finished so he wanted to maybe have the last glass himself if none of the other guys wanted it.
He walks through the small foyer and then into their kitchen, and as soon as he opens the fridge he hears a voice from the living room.
“Can you bring me a glass of that too?”
Mick pours the last bit of the drink out into his glass and chucks the pitcher inside the sink. He chucks it too hard apparently as the pitcher breaks in the sink with a very audible crack.
And suddenly Vince is in the kitchen with him. 
“You break the pitcher?”
He doesn't sound angry.
“Uh-, yeah, I'm uh sorry, I wasn't careful and i-”
Mick continues to try and ramble and doesn't move away from the sink, fidgeting and back turned to Vince.
“Lemme see”
Mick nervously rolls his eyes as he tries to play his anxiety off as annoyens.
“It's a broken pitcher Vince, that's what it looks like”
“Not the pitcher, your hand!”
“ …I’m okay
“I need to know you didn't hurt yourself”
“I didn't”
“Then let me see”
Mick doesn't know why he was so adamant on staying put, maybe it was built-in survival instinct, like if he didn't see the damage he wouldn't get into trouble, not that he would have even if Vince did see it he just…he doesn't know, all he does know is that his instincts are telling him to stay and so he does, and doesn't move a muscle. 
He knew he got these instincts from their earlier days, when things had been a little more..hostile between everyone, but they hadn't treated each other like that for years so…why did it even matter. 
 He doesn't expect to be forcefully lifted from the armpits up in the air and moved away from the sink physically. He's so shocked that he forgets to be outraged about it, and instead stands dumbfounded and frozen at the sudden out of character action.
“I said let me see..” Vince sounds serious.
Mick doesn't resist when Vince grasps his palms then, gently as ever and checks for any glass shards. Vince doesn't have his prescription glasses here in the purgatory so Mick can see how he strains his eyes to look for any possible injuries.
When he's satisfied that there's none, he leaves Mick like that, probably knowing that if he snapped Mick out of it, chances were he could get maimed for this. So he leaves Mick there frozen in time.
And proceeds to take Mick's glass of cordial as he leaves.
It starts because desperate times call for desperate measures. Him and Nikki had been outside the barrier for a bit too long. It was starting to get dark out and when it got dark, the world around them got dangerous. Demons hid in high places in the forest and that's how he ended up on Nikki's shoulders, adrenaline pumping through the both of them at the same pace like they were one person.
He tells Nikki the coast is clear and then Nikki walks a few metres closer to the barriers, Mick checks and Nikki walks, repeating the cycle.
When the anticipation becomes too much for them, Nikki starts to run, unchecked and blind, in a hurry to get home, to just get home safely, to please get home safely. Nothing happens. They make it back safely and a sigh of relief leaves both their lips, it's only when they're in the safety of their barrier do they realise the situation they're in.
Mick on top of Nikki, Nikki's hands on Mick's thighs as a means of supporting his weight, Mick's hands resting on top of Nikki's hands on his thighs.
Mick feels Nikki's face grow hot under him and suddenly he's thrown on the floor again, quite forcefully actually and Nikki looks apologetic before his face morphs into one of practised indifference as he leaves Mick in the dirt.
It's kind of hard to buy that Nikki's really pissed though when his face is as red as the cherry cordial they made.
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cuddlebugsirius · 1 year
Warning: I cried writing this, so you might cry reading this, but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ this @wolfstarmicrofic is for the May 23rd prompt 'pool' and is a beyond the veil Wolfstar reunion scene, post-Second Wizarding War. Everyone's dead. But no one is alone!
Remus woke to a murmur that was slowly growing louder, his head pillowed on a strangely familiar surface. As the voice grew louder, he recognised it: Sirius.
“My Moony is here, my Moony is here, look Prongs, he's finally here!”
He coughed just once, blinking in the low light, and saw the radiant face of his love leant over his frame. It was then he realised why it was so familiar, this place.
“We’re in the clearing?”
“Moony,” Sirius breathed, toppling Remus off of his lap so that he could flop on top of him in a hug; “Gods, Moony, I've missed being able to touch you so much,”
Eyes watering, he caught James hovering a few feet away from them, Remus' arms full of the boy he loved and the clearing full of their long-gone friends and family. The sun was just rising, casting shadows of the lush fruit trees across the wide open space as everyone he'd been missing came closer and closer to them. Potter Manor was far in the distance, but he would recognise the grove of trees they'd lounged in every summer from fourth year on for eternity.
“Did he live?” He asked, watching Lily and James’ reactions closely, “did we manage it?”
“He lived,” Lily nodded, silent tears streaming down her face as they pooled in James' eyes; “I’m so sorry it cost you your life too, Remus, we never meant to-“
“Don't,” he cut her off, holding Sirius tightly as he sobbed to Remus’ chest; “don't ever apologise for letting me save your boy, or for bringing me back to my love, Lily Potter. If you do I'll, I’ll…”
She was smiling now, cheeks wet but eyes bright; “you’ll what?”
“I’ll- I will never braid your hair for you again!”
A broken laugh escaped Sirius, Remus slowly sitting the pair of them up and nudging him back so that he could see his face more clearly. To take his face in his hands again near knocked the wind from him, but he gathered all the strength he had to say: “hi, Pads,”
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amethyst-draws09 · 3 months
Most of the critters are happy with there afterlife look. (Most of them)
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Lil doodle I did cause I couldn’t get comic out today!
Not the best quality I wanted to give to y’all today but drawing ain’t easy when your equipments starting to run out or just doesn’t work anymore (Don’t worry I got this piece coming tomoz that will make my art 100x better)
With the other critters you’ll see there designs soon in the comic. (My faves that you haven’t seen yet are Bobby and kickins you’ll love there designs)
Now with my au I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! To all of you supporting me along the way. All the fanart and just general support from you guys make my day and makes me cry happy tears 🥲.
I know the quality’s of my drawings ain’t the best cause there hand drawn. I’ve been thinking Moving to digital but I got an I phone so that’s out of the picture (for now)
But I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve gotten and I’m so happy to have all of you supporting me along the way!
Oh and to answer the asks topic. Yes there all being answered! (Got 5 in my inbox rn!) and I’m so thankful for it. Just wanted to let you know yes there ALL being answered. It’s just taking time with all of school and my au aswell. Hope you can understand! 😇
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mothytheghost · 7 months
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Act 1 Scene 1 pg 1
Hookless Line
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