nando161mando · 2 months
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COVID denialism and misinformation has led to Olympic athletes not even washing their hands because they wrongly think it will help them become more resistant against disease.
There is no evidence handwashing weakens your immune system. There is no evidence that adopting unsanitary practices makes your immune system stronger. But there is a lot of evidence that handwashing and other precautions protects you and others from infectious diseases, especially in risky environments like bathrooms.
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borboletasnegras · 9 months
*textão absolutamente necessário.
Não é a primeira vez que me deparo com discursos gordofóbicos pesados aqui no tumblr, até já encontrei tumblrs voltados apenas para destilar gordofobia, incentivar jejuns absurdos e compartilhar dietas malucas. Uma vez (felizmente, não lembro da url) encontrei um tumblr desses em que a menina tinha o maior complexo com o corpo dela e se xingava de forma pesadíssima. No meio desses xingamentos, a dona do tumblr claramente insultava todas as pessoas gordinhas usando termos como "porc4s".
Tá, mas pq precisamos falar sobre isso?
Nós sabemos muito bem que esse ódio ao corpo pode causar depressão, mutilação, suicídio, baixa autoestima, etc. Ninguém merece se sentir assim. É loucura, porque parece que o tumblr virou uma terra sem lei em que pessoas se sentem confortáveis em compartilhar esse tipo de conteúdo, o que é um ABSURDO.
E sabe o que é mais assustador? É que, talvez, esses tumblrs não passem de fakes de pessoas cruéis que destilam ódio gratuito só para ferir os outros e incentivar comportamentos problemáticos. Pensar nisso me deixa muito surpresa com o nível da maldade humana.
Portanto, gente, se vocês encontrarem por aí conteúdos gordofóbicos de tumblrs dedicados a espalhar esse tipo de conteúdo DENUNCIEM para a moderação como discurso de ódio (porque realmente é).
E lembrem-se: só façam dietas passadas por PROFISSIONAIS!!
Obrigada àqueles que leram até aqui. Se puderem, rebloguem para que mais pessoas fiquem cientes!!
Uma palhinha dos conteúdos que andam circulando por aí:
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lunariasecret · 2 months
yk what the annoying thing about having a family from balkan is? Everything you do ever since you were a little girl will be judged. Everything you do could destroy the family. Everything you do could damage the reputation. Albanian families will keep their traditions the way they are. It doesn’t matter how many changes the world has made, it doesn’t matter how many more feminists rise, to them it does not matter!! Why is that? Because they raise their children to be anxious. They traumatise their children from when they were little til today. Oh you’re gonna eat more than one cookie at another persons house as a guest? That’s shameful, stop eating! Oh you want to go and play with the boys? You cant do that, you’re a girl that’s embarrassing you will embarrass the whole family!
I always wondered why I knew even as a kid under 10 years old why I wasn’t allowed to play with boys or kiss a boy or be anywhere near a boy.. it’s because of how they terrorise you! Everything you do can bring your family to shame! This is the reason why I understood George from the show Queen Charlotte. I understood his panic attacks of letting a whole empire fall to shit. But his empire was my family. It’s stuck with me now. I get anxious whenever I do something and make a decision. Because I don’t know if it’ll get me in trouble and what the consequences might be.
Of course I’m gonna be absolutely radical and point out that this ONLY and SOLELY applied to girls. Girls are the black sheep of the family. Albanians hate girls. They would rather have boys. Girls are only their to wait on the guests, make food and clean. It disgusts me to my core. I hate the albanian mindset. The way it is still set so far back that it could literally match bridgertons timeline. It disgusts me.
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nourween · 9 months
Tiene una semana para depurar su blog. La campaña se hará del mismo modo que se hizo para cerrar los blogs al acosador Jhonny Gonzalez.
Se recopilaron los textos que pertenecen a otros autores los voy a pasar como colaboración a diferentes blogs en Tumblr habla hispana e inglesa con sus respectivos autores, luego citaremos a tu blog como plagio y eso hará que las denuncias tengan más peso.
Entonces o borras el contenido ajeno de tu blog y de los grupales a los que estás perjudicando o lo hacemos nosotros por ti al borrar tu blog.
Una semana es su alerta ok, mientras tanto voy a respetar tu anonimato, pero si no cumples la campaña se tornará más agresiva dando todo los datos de tu blog con capturas del contenido que plagias y citando a los autores y fuente de los post y luego tus datos de persona.
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deusa-astaroth666 · 5 months
I would like to thank everyone for the messages of support and asks🥺❤️, I've already started the drawings and they will be ready by tomorrow, I'm doing them with great care and it really helped me calm down a lot and I even managed to eat a little. I also have three news, one good and two bad.
The good news is that one of my friends got in touch and is well and safe so far, the water has not reached her house.
Now for the bad, my friend and her family are without drinking water to bathe and the water in the fridge to drink is also running out, I hope they deliver supplies to her soon. The other bad news is that my other friend hasn't gotten in touch yet and to make matters worse, another water dam burst, in other words... the catastrophe has just gotten worse and the chances of the current reaching her house have increased, which only increases my concern. I really hope she is safe, the city of Porto Alegre is devastated by the waters, no one leaves or enters except the volunteers with helicopters and boats, an entire city is under water, there are 78 people dead so far and more than 105 are missing, every hour this number grows, 20 thousand have been rescued and 115 thousand are homeless.
The last time I saw something like this was in the tragedy of Brumadinho in Minas Gerais, please do something about it to make it known to the outside media, Brazil needs help, the State of Rio Grande Do Sul is sinking and the tendency is to get worse, Anything to help our country is welcome, donations, repercussions and prayers, here below there will be some videos of the current situation in the State, they are strong images so watch them if you are psychologically prepared😥
I will translate for you
Flood destroys city of Roca Sales in Rio Grande do Sul
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Unfortunately I can only put a single video here, but on Tik Tok and YouTube there are several of them, if you are interested in donating, the government is creating pix keys and the victims themselves too, I will send some Tik Tok accounts that are fighting to help animals and people who were victims of this tragedy. Every 1 Real (Brazilian currency) is worth 0.20 of the North American dollar.
Government releases Pix key for donations
The number for donations is: 92.958.800/0001-38. When making the transfer, confirm that the destination bank is "Banrisul (Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul)".
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This child asks for help with beds and toys, the wreckage you can see behind is what's left of his house.
Here you can see animal rescue
If you want to make other donations for specific things like animal feed and food, just Google the banks that are receiving them, I think it will be safer that way.
I hope that everyone is well and that none of you have to go through something like this, I will continue to update you about it, as it is the only way I could help the media see us, since as I mentioned before the event has passed. unnoticed since it occurred on the same day as Queen Madonna's concert.
Thank you for reading this far, have a good night❤️❤️
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narcoestadosunidos · 29 days
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@INFORZK pic.twitter.com/6ygPRRSTho
‼️En México Mandan LosMexicanos🇲🇽
🇮🇱🇺🇸#KenSalazar #EEUU @USAmbMex #PoderJudicial #GolpeDeEstado #EEUUMarcos #ReformaAlPoderJudicial @DoliaEstevez @PEDROFERRIZ @EnriqueKrauze https://t.co/Dmn3KbN90b pic.twitter.com/gFcbXHkxGW
—(@olimpiazeuz) August 24, 2024
👉☠️ @EnriqueAlfaroR
@pablolemusn @juanjosefrangie #GazaGenocide🇵🇸#ALERTA #CENTROAMERICA ESPECIALmente A #VENEZUELA Y #MEXICO #LOSTERRORISTAS🇺🇸🇮🇱🇧🇮🇨🇦🇬🇧🇪🇨#EEUU. "INVADEN #Ecuador con #PRETEXTO DEL #narco, #LajefaDelCartelComandoSur #LauraRichardson ‼️NO #LAPUEDEN EN #UCRANIA,#YEMEN,IRAN
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cerebrodigital · 3 months
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Edta madrugada del viernes, un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 golpeó al Perú y continúan las alertas.
Todos los detalles y avances del suceso los puedes seguir aquí:
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The fash have called another demo in Newquay.
Let's see if we can send them packing once and for all.
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infowarsrzk0 · 5 months
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https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=446016647780571&set=p.446016647780571&type=3 , #ALERTA #TERRORISTAS de #EEUU🇺🇲#UK #ReinoUnido🇬🇧unen Fuerzas 💪 para defender al "TERCer" #TerroristaSIONISTA @Israel🇮🇱del ataque de #Irán🇮🇷@RNacional_News @JOEBIDEN @NETANYAHU ESTOS #PUERK0Z USARAN EL #HAARP🚨#BLUEBEAM #MKULTRA #CHEMTRAILS #CODIGOLUZIFER🐷https://guerracivil2024.blogspot.com/
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Estén alerta y oren para que no caigan en tentación. El espíritu está dispuesto, pero el cuerpo es débil— Mateo 26:41
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Tsunami alert in Indonesia as Mount Ruang volcano erupts
Officials fear part of volcano could collapse into sea #press
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adribosch-fan · 4 months
El antisemitismo en Europa alcanza cotas sin precedentes, alertan organizaciones especializadas
Las comunidades judías viven con temor a llevar una vida con normalidad y evitan exhibir símbolos religiosos e identitarios por miedo a agresiones Daniela Brik Manifestación por la protección de la vida judía en Berlín, AlemaniaEFE El antisemitismo en países europeos aumenta cada año desde hace tres lustros, según vienen reflejando los estudios sobre el fenómeno llevados a cabo por diferentes…
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theaftermath-rpg · 1 year
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cristianismosimples · 10 months
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"Não­ é a minha palavra como o fogo", pergun­ta o Senhor, "e como um martelo que despeda­ça a rocha?” Jeremias 23:29
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anaenconstruccion · 5 months
Para: Mi corazón
Necesito que te calmes, necesito que respires. Que te des un descanso. 
Ni tú ni yo tenemos el control sobre las cosas, pero nos tenemos a nosotros, y yo jamás te voy a fallar. Sé que tienes miedo porque cuando has confiado, te han traicionado, sé que te han lastimado, pisoteado, no te han valorado, pero eso lo hicieron ellos, no yo. 
Sé también que debí haberte protegido, debí haberte tratado mejor para que no te conformaras con menos, debí haberte hablado bonito, debí chiflarte, escucharte, no debí ignorarte ni poner a todos por encima de ti pero, lo hecho, hecho está. 
Daría todo por volver el tiempo atrás y que empezaramos de cero, solo tú yo. Muchas veces no he confiado en lo que me dices, y Dios, ¡Qué tonta he sido! Eres el único que no me falla, eres el único que me protege de mí misma, de mis reacciones, de mi confianza ciega. 
Eres lo que me mantiene viva y por eso hoy te quiero decir que te valoro, eres lo más valioso para mí, eres la cosa más fuerte que tengo, nunca me abandonas, nadie siente más empatía por mí que tú, cuando lloro, tú lloras conmigo, cuando me altero, tú haces que todo mi cerebro se active y me defiendes hasta de mis propios pensamientos y emociones.
Te amo porque fuiste el primero en amarme, fuiste el primero que creyó que valía la pena bombear sangre para que yo existiera, para que tuviera vida. 
No he sido buena contigo estos últimos (la mayoría) años pero te prometo que ahora te veo, soy consciente de que te preocupas por mí, y quiero quitarte ese peso de encima. Quiero decirte que confíes en mí, que yo me encargo de todo. No quiero que sobrepienses y te contagies de mi ansiedad. 
Hoy te libero, te libero de mi temor, de mis miedos, de mi ansiedad, de mis pensamientos, de mi baja autoestima. Te libero de todo sufrimiento y de cualquier recuerdo doloroso que tengas. Eres libre, libre de protegerme, tú ya haces demasiado por mí todos los días, ya no tienes que hacer más. 
Hoy decido ser yo la que te protege a ti. Decido trabajar en conjunto tuyo, decido no darte más de lo que debes hacer. Relájate por primera vez en todos estos años, respira, sé que no lo has hecho en mucho tiempo. 
Ya no tienes que estar alerta, todo está bien. No tienes que estar a la defensiva, no necesitas apresurarte a lo que pase, yo estoy contigo, yo te cuido. 
Ana Gala lunes, mayo 6, 6:56pm 2024
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