#radical feminists do interact
venusgrl · 1 day
words fail to describe the second hand embarrassment i feel in my body when i see a feminist criticize something like sex work, makeup, cosmetic surgery, etc and someone comes up and says “isn’t feminism supposed to be about women’s choices :((” or something adjacent to that, and then we have to remind everyone that no, feminism is about FEMALE LIBERATION and not what makes YOU feel comfortable as an individual. with the rise of liberal feminism we’ve forgotten that feminism is a political movement and it’s not meant to be fun. it’s supposed to question and tear apart what’s seen as the status quo for women. if you can’t handle even the smallest criticism of things that you as a woman enjoy and take part in then feminism simply isn’t for you
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edonee · 7 hours
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how it feels talking real feminism with the libfem crowd
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radfemsiren · 23 hours
The way Islam talks about poor ppl: 🥰❤️🌸
Islam about women: ☠️🔥🔥☠️🔥☠️
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womenloveressss · 2 days
Anyone romanticizing the 50s housewife culture must remember that these women were forced out of their jobs back home to bear children and cook all day long. They were chronically depressed and kept agreeable on pills, cigarettes and alcohol. Most of them were groomed early on and many abused by their male relatives returning from war. They were taken in their formative years and every ambition and dream in them was killed to make room for those of their husbands. It was done to control them, to keep them subjugated and dehumanized.
They were used as punching bags for their traumatized husbands and had no way of leaving in case they endured abuse. If they did they lost their children, their dignity and often became homeless. To leave their husbands would be the last choice they could make, so many would stay abused, protect their children and die at his hands.
No amount of choice today can excuse the disrespect you show these women who survived. Who fought against everyone in their live to end this culture. Who gave us a choice of ways of live. Don’t exchange this choice for subjugation. Don’t you dare forget the sacrifices that were made for you, just because you don’t want to worry about finances. The wealth of man was amounted because of women of were robbed of everything.
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newradpolls · 3 days
how about as a question: have you actually read one og dworkin’s books or just quotes anf summaries on social media? with as options
yes a full book at least
no mostly quotes
no summaries only
i am jared 19 and can’t read/show results
i think it would be interesting because dworkin actually had a lot of controversial views I never seen mentioned on here and I’d like to know if those are purposefully ignored or people are just lying about actually reading
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godisfemale · 3 days
Still thinking about the girl on tiktok who was showing off her tattoo of lobotomy tools thinking it was quirky, and all the comments where saying how cool of an idea it was, what a disturbing thing to have permanently on your body I wonder if she knows 60% of lobotomy’s in America were preformed on women
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lorynna · 2 days
I'm so fucking done with men having any opinions on abortion, telling me to calm down when I am aware that I have my basic human rights denied, smiling down on me, belittling me and burdening me with their "oh so important words" on why they don't think it's ethical or why they don't "approve".
The rage and hate that burns inside of me in these moments is indescribable.
And I remember the earlier days from when I tried to teach myself patience, tried to talk to them calmly and from a standpoint of both emotions and logic at the same time and it would not change a single thing.
I can't do this anymore and I am not ashamed for it. I can't "debate" this patiently as if this topic was even up to debate for me or not something that fueled me with rage every single time I was forced to hear another male raise his voice on this topic.
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Genderists are like "Reminder that "having lunch" doesn't have to invove eating food. Some people have lunch by sitting on a chair, at a table, with atmospheric music, reading a magazine or talking with friends. Remember that some people have eating disorders or are fasting for religious reasons. What do you mean words have meanings."
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icarus-phaethon · 2 days
All men who love to say sex work is work, not rape are requested to give blowjobs for $100. It's not gay. It's employment✨️✨️
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radifemsara · 2 days
It's funny how #they think a woman is a feeling and whatnot, till it's time for #them to exploit one as a surrogate. Then everyone seems to know and realizes who are the actual women.
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campbellblog · 19 hours
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venusgrl · 2 days
the commodification of the female body and the normalization of porn in leftist spaces is one of the many reasons why we’re absolutely cooked. i’m literally on my hands and knees BEGGING for leftists (especially leftist men) to stop acting like porn is woke
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edonee · 9 hours
apparently cowboyjen (butch woman in her 50s who kinda blew up on tiktok. look her up!) is getting attacked for stating that a lesbian is a female attracted to other females. eye roll. jen join radblr i promise you'll be welcome here 🙏
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radfemsiren · 2 days
"Porn is a natural way of expressing sexuality!"
The sexuality in question:
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i've always prided myself on my ability to empathize with people, and i think caring for others even if you don't like them is such an important skill, but i also have come to the conclusion that women's compassion is taken advantage of and abused constantly. i hate how this value of mine can become so twisted. i still exercise my compassion like a muscle but its totally exhausting to walk this thin line between literally just being a kind person and being a doormat, looking for humanity where there is none--but it's always worth it to me. people become easier to understand when you remember that they ARE people.
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radfem-polls · 2 days
btw by (from Colombia) I mean Colombia or further east and south, not as in, a south American who is from specifically Colombia 😭 I hope this makes sense
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