#andromedas poll hell
science-lings · 2 days
*Ex: No more guesswork when cooking/baking when it comes to timing, know exactly when unscheduled things happen, good for if you wait for things like a dog and can't do anything until the thing is done.
**Also includes poisons and non-food items. As long as it can be scooped by a spoon or stabbed by a fork, you can eat it. Try Lava idk. The cutlery set includes a reusable straw for (but not limited to) the lactose-intolerant girlies
***probably won't electrocute you
****if you don't want people to talk to you, they won't bc they feel the vibes. general control of some feelings of the people in the vicinity, calm people down, make people excited, (horny?), nothing crazy you can't control their choices or anything.
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tinkabelle24 · 4 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 26: If You Love Her... (TEASER)
A/N: I have a favour to ask you guys. At the end of this excerpt, there's a poll. I need your help deciding what Leo's next move will be. It'll make more sense in a moment, I promise. Enjoy! 😊
[I'm not reading this shit. Be a man and pick up the fucking phone]
Leo sat, staring at his brother's text for what felt like hours, struggling to psych himself up enough to oblige. He'd anticipated this - no matter how sincere his written apology may be, Raph would never accept anything less than an in-person one.
Of course, Leo suspected part of that reason was so he'd be near enough to strangle...
Still, Raph deserved something.
With a tremulous breath, Leo finally pressed 'call', putting the shell-cell on speaker before bringing it to his lips.
The second ring barely sounded when the receiving line picked up. The leader braced himself for a barrage of insults and death threats, but none came. Only breathing...
After several long moments of this, Leo finally opened his mouth to speak-
"Why...?" Came Raph's quiet, gravelly voice, striking guilt through the eldest brother's heart - he'd been crying.
Leo failed to answer initially, unsure whether to ask for clarification - for fear of upsetting Raph further - or just assume the specific situation his brother was referring to. To his relief, he didn't end up having to do either.
"Why'd you do this to me...? How could you think this little of me? That I'd... I've nevah and will nevah... or-or was villifyin' me the only way you could justify to yourself the shit you've put us through? ... What the hell was your endgame, huh? Were you seriously hopin' she'd leave me for you?? How fuckin' little do'ya think of her-?!"
Leo winced at that. "R-Raph-"
"Y'know," Raph sniffled. "I'd planned on askin' Val to be my forever-"
A shuddered gasp forced its way past the leader's lips as he buried his face in his hand, the weight of those words settling over him, like an lead blanket...
"I even got a ring made; forged it outta my old Sai... This weekend - tonight, actually - I was finally gonna give it to her... But'chu couldn't help yourself, could'ya? You just had to stick your nose where it didn't belong... and now, because of you, dear brothah, it seems I've lost... e-everything-"
"...Y-you broke-"
"We're on a break," Raph corrected, venom now dripping from his tongue. And if you value your life, I'd stay right where you are; cuddled up with daddy, like the little bitch you are. Cos, believe it or not, Val's angrier with you right now than I am."
Before Leo could respond, he was met with deafening silence...
On the other end, Mikey levels Donnie a resolute look as they secretly listened in on their eldest brothers' conversation - followed promptly by the shattering of glass and plastic against the brickwork, then quiet, mournful sobbing - beyond Raph's closed and locked bedroom door.
"C'mon," Mikey finally muttered as he proceeded up the hallway, beckoning a puzzled Donnie to follow.
"What??" The purple-banded terrapin hissed, too near to the door to want to risk producing much sound. "Mikey...!"
His littlest brother was already halfway down the staircase, shell-cell to his ear. "We're getting our sister back."
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda @mysticboombox @sketch-mer-6195 @jasminarts01 @obsessedftshit
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Round 1 Matchups
As determined by the poll held, each matchup's poll will last a week and every matchup will be posted this Saturday (29th)!! Without further ado... let's meet our contestants!
Hinata (She/They) by @to-hell-with-good-intentions VS. Sorin Witherstone (He/Him) @bonetrix-arts
Faizan Ayaz (They/He/It) by @blackwickcounty VS. Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Princess Andromeda of Space (She/Her) by @shrimps-4-swords VS. Reshi (He/Him) by @bunsterkeaton
Lennan Hardy (He/Him) by @tomatoclown VS. Mick Venus (He/Him) by @biracy
Jasper (He/Him) by @wintry--mix VS. Smilla Møller (She/Her) by @angeat
Mortimer Sturgis (He/It) by @dyson-the-vacuum VS. Bugsy (Bug/Bugs) by @scentedtyrantwitch
Vicki Monrovia Jr. (She/Her) by @dragonquest-ix VS. Reba Winter (She/Her) by @aincretop
Wentz Way (He/Him) by @porcelain-animatronic VS. Diego Fernandez (He/They) by @cabooseisneat
Nadia Elmas (She/Her) by @calameowri VS. Capital M/The Evil (Any Pronouns) by @year2000electronics
Muffon (He/Him) by @oddbrother VS. Paris (They/He) by @requiemforgotten
Finn (Any Pronouns) by @modernchimera VS. Leon Anders (He/Him) by @homunculusrex
Sorelia Divisav (She/Her) by @dixy VS. Evelyn (They/She/He) by @the-ever-flowing-styx
Emery (She/Her) by @fandomnerd101 VS. Donut (He/They) by @catboyanthem
Tye Loe Madon (He/Him) by @victors-grave VS. Solveig (She/Her) by @spellinwaiting
Chester Wayne Mallory (He/Him) by @liliflower137 VS. Harley Marquez (He/Him) by @fishingwizardyaoi
Matthew Rodriguez (He/Him) by @felipe-kuso VS. Maud (They/She) by @laikacore
Adrian Valencia (He/Him) by @cocainecowgrrl VS. Chandra Maharaj (She/Her) by @dreamypyon
Nick Riverson (He/Him) by @strangeauthor VS. Ulyana (She/They) by @orfisheus
Mallory (He/Him) by @sparkledoodlesr VS. Rain (He/They) by @covepenguin
Everyone get your propoganda ready! Remember: POLLS START THIS SATURDAY!!!
Send in your propoganda here via asks, post submissions, or just tag me in it! Propoganda can be anything ranging from art, to music, to writing, so go ham!! I encourage you to send lots of propoganda for your characters, everyone. :3
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jackdawyt · 4 years
Since my last news update in March, today I’m dissecting everything that has come out of the woodwork in April and May regarding Dragon Age 4. So, get some tea and let’s get this show on the road, because we’ve got over 4,000 words of news to delve into!  
Reveal? (game shows/new hire/remaster):
Following the cancellation of E3, EA Play 2020 Live has been officially confirmed as a digital show, taking place on June 11th, at 4:00 pm PST / 7:00 pm EST. 
Before the outbreak cancelled E3 2020, we knew Mike Gamble, the Project Lead on the next Mass Effect game had plans to make a physical appearance at E3/EA Play. So, the question remains, will BioWare still have a presence at EA Play this year?  
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Mike Gamble is one of the key members of the Mass Effect team, I highly doubt he’s talking about revealing the next Mass Effect game which is currently in very early stages of development, and won’t release until after Dragon Age 4. Perhaps, Mike back in 2019 was hinting at revealing the heavily rumoured Mass Effect Remaster this EA Play?
Earlier in May, EA had a quarterly conference call and it revealed some fascinating information regarding future unannounced titles. Currently, EA have “one more EA HD title, Four EA Partner titles and two mobiles games still unannounced”. Also, EA said "multiple titles" are set to launch on Nintendo Switch this year.
The EA HD title refers to a remaster of an EA game, hence why most people are speculating at the Mass Effect Trilogy. Venturebeat went on to officially state that this title was indeed the Mass Effect Trilogy.
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So, there’s one rumoured possibility for the Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster to be revealed this EA Play, which is cool! BioWare may have a presence this year after all! But I know you all didn’t come for Mass Effect; you came for Dragon Age. So, what do we know about that franchise and a potential reveal?
Jo Berry, a Writer at EA retweeted EA Play Live’s announcement with a party emoji! 👀  
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This could be absolutely nothing, but at a whim, perhaps a reference to a Dragon Age 4 teaser, or EA Motive’s new I.P since she has worked within both teams....  
On top of that, Brianne Battye, Writer at BioWare tweeted about her 8-year journey at BioWare. She’s very grateful for sharing her work, and the awesome people she’s worked with along the way.
Patrick Weekes replied saying they: “Cannot wait for everyone else to see what you've been working on recently. :)”
Then, Brianne said: “Right back at you :)”
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Two HUGE witters on the Dragon Age team are excited for everyone else to see what they’ve all been working on recently! 👀 When I saw this tweet, I was trying to stay calm and keep my expectations low, but come on when you see a tweet like this, you just get so excited! The question is, when will we see what they’ve been working on, and is it anytime soon? Please?
Well, there is something else we need to talk about that may relate to a potential tease.
Hilary Heskett, who used to be EA’s Global Product Manager has returned to work at EA and BioWare. Put simply, she’s a Digital Marketer for BioWare.  
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Hilary; particularly, was heavily involved in Dragon Age: Inquisition’s marketing! In fact, the majority of her work at EA involved representing BioWare as a brand online creating trailers, key art, screenshots, packaging, and advertisements. So, it’s a fair assumption that she’ll be fulfilling the exact same role for future BioWare titles like Dragon Age 4.  
With Hilary joining the team at this point in development, could the marketing stages of Dragon Age 4 soon begin, perhaps at EA Play? Or later on in 2020? Or is she going to be marketing the Mass Effect Remaster?
I sound impatient, but, in the past BioWare have a habit of starting the marketing stages of their products at least two years before an initial release.  
With that, we’ve got to ask ourselves, is hiring a marketer at this point in time a mere coincidence? or is it preparation for when marketing does start? Are we on the verge of seeing Dragon Age 4 official content soon?  
Not to waffle on, because we’ve got a lot to talk about in this video, but I was hired as a Digital Marketer for an app company in the UK. As I understand it, you normally enter projects, mid-to-end of production, because what would a marketer do in the early stages logically? Your role is to be there for the advertising of the product.  
So, in BioWare’s case, it's my understanding that Hilary has joined the team with one year full-swing production, is she about to begin the marketing stages of the next Dragon Age game? Is the game ready for that stage? If anything, I think with Hilary’s background, she’s the perfect person to market Dragon Age 4.  
On top of EA Play, Geoff Keighley announced Summer Game Fest, a new industry-wide celebration of video games. Showcasing digital news, In-game events, & playable content. EA are headlining the event with EA Play, but there are many other world premieres spread throughout the summer. So, there’s a potential for other trailer reveals later on in the year, not to mention The Game Awards.
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And, there’s also this leak that shows Dragon Age 4 on a list of PS5 games from the newest issue of PlayStation magazine UK. PlayStation are having an event on June 4th, so we’ll find out if this leak is true soon enough.
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If we’re going to see anything Dragon Age 4 related this year, EA Play is the biggest contender for a reveal. I know the whole world could do with that right now! At this current moment, there is no schedule for the show. However, Saria, myself, Fusselkorn and maybe other content creators will be streaming EA Play, no matter what, so turn those reminders on and come join us in our clown suits.
Development (teases/production):
Moving on to teases and development updates. Currently, BioWare are hiring a ‘Senior Outsource Producer.’
This is a pretty big deal, to those who don’t know what a ‘Senior Outsource Producer’ would do...
“Outsourcing development means to hire out any process of a business to third party. The process helps your company or organization to grow.”
To grant more perspective, during Mass Effect: Andromeda’s development, major aspects of the game's animations were outsourced to other EA studios. 
However, this isn’t going to be the same for Dragon Age 4, this role is for one Producer to help the outsourcing team into a robust and comprehensive department that supports BioWare projects in all aspects of development.  
I have friend in triple AAA games, and they had something to say about outsourcing regarding Dragon Age 4: “To be honest, I'd say (outsourcing is) different per studio due to scope. But with something big like Dragon Age I'd probably say outsourcing would start early to mid-production as they have a hell of a lot to do. Some studios outsource from the get go though so that's also possible. And It's rare that outsourcing starts in the final leg of development.”
What I understand from the job posting is that BioWare are looking to hire a producer who will be dedicated to outsourcing so they can establish a pipeline and maintain proper standards for outsourcing. This hiring was posted in May, so the studio might be a few months early from when they actually have to outsource. However, this process will be coming up soon in major development.  
Moving on. In early April, Mark Darrah went on a twitter rampage sharing many tweets relating to Dragon Age 4. One tweet stated: “Is tweeting more going to make you all speculate more or less?”. Followed by a poll with the answers “more”, “less” & “Dragon Age 4!?”
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The following week, Mark Darrah teased his three Wolf-Rook books he has placed on a shelf at home.
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Later on, in the month, he decided to stack each of them, prompted with the caption: “Spoiler: these are a terrible building material…”
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Just last week, Mark tweeted the Wolf-Rook book once more, with the following meme: “Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?”
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This cheeky tease encouraged Melissa Janowicz (Gameplay Designer) to join the fun and share her own Wolf-Rook book! She said: “It's an absolutely gorgeous book. I'll treasure it for life.”
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Ahhh. The secrets these books could hold about Dragon Age 4’s core concepts.... And Mark Darrah is just staking them together, making book forts out of them, as you do! 😂 Maybe one day, we’ll uncover the secrets held within every page, but that day is not yet upon on.
On the same memey day, Chris Anderson, (Application Development/Publishing Support at BioWare) tweeted: “Other people are teasing things, so what the hell, here's an image that I used in something I was working on today.” With a pink image shown.  
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Chris and Melissa followed a Twitter conversation about pink being the “perfect colour for when you need something that screams temp.”
Basically, this pink actually has some context for the development of Dragon Age 4. ‘Temp’ means temporary textures, the first blocked out layer of a texture before actual detailed textures are added.
This can refer to many scenes or models in the early texturing phases, as art assets are still in the approval stages. On a wild, out-there whim, perhaps the team are wrapping up a trailer for a reveal? Maybe?... please?
John Epler (Narrative Director) shared his most controversial opinion of all time:
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I loved the Hinterlands, but as a fan of the previous Dragon Age game’s ‘linear with freedom' approach, I appreciate John’s take on open world’s since Dragon Age: Inquisition, perhaps this will shape the way forward for future BioWare titles?  
Alix Wilton Regan, voice actress of the Female British Inquisitor retweeted Autumn Witch’s poll asking if people believe the Inquisitor will return as a voiced appearance in Dragon Age 4. Alix tweeted: “C’mon #DAI Fans, you know what to do ;)”
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Patrick Weekes replied to Alix’s post with an eye's emoji 👀.... I think I speak for everyone when I say, in some capacity, the Inquisitor has got to return in the next game!
In another tweet, Patrick Weekes teased potential new companions when a Twitter trend placed 5 Dragon Age characters in 6 different camps went around the platform.  
When choosing their preferred camp, Patrick Weekes tweeted: “Finally, in Camp 7, it's turned into a bit of a mess, with coffee grounds spilled everywhere and the couch inexplicably on fire after a drinking game gone wrong. But that's another story.” 
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Of course, there’s not much to tear apart here, but we have acknowledgement of the next party members! It sounds like they’re a wild bunch already!  
In early April, Mark Darrah answered a few current development tweets:
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So, that’s...Splendid.
Karin Weekes (Editor) tweeted that they “got to sort/catalog/document updates to made-up languages at work today.”  
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Following that tweet, @ladyiolanthe asked Karin: “Do you think BioWare might ever be able to release Qunari, Dwarvish, and Elvhen lexicons in a World of Thedas Volume 3 sort of book? Or is that unlikely since they're ciphers and maybe there isn't a standardized grammatical structure, etc?”
Karin replied with: “That’s an interesting idea - I, for one, would find it a hoot! I might send out some feelers…” Any books of made-up languages I can get my hands on would be greatly appreciated!  
Alain Baxter, (‘Production guy’) tweeted: “BioWare review of content today. All I can say is “Scriplet”. 😎
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Apparently a ‘Scriptlet’ is an action verb. Alain is teasing premature scripts as they ‘perform their function’ So, something exciting is going down in the scripts, to be worked on in-engine. Or maybe it’s just an inside joke?
John Epler tweeted a great design message about “how 90% of ‘bad’ decisions are, in fact, the best decision at the time. For John, that will always be the camera zoomed conversations in DA: I. People didn’t like it, and asked why not just make them full scenes. But that’s not the decision they make in-house. It was 'make them simple conversations or else cut them'. Game dev is all about making the best decision you can at the time, with the resources you have .A lot of stuff you thought was weird or awkward came down to a gut call of 'this is the best I can make this and I trust it's good enough'. Sometimes we're right, sometimes not.” 
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 Awesome words to think on, Dragon Age 4 will be amazing, I’m sure, but just remember to set your expectations right and realise everything design-wise, happens for a reason.  
Shifting to other design aspects. Jos Hendricks (Senior Level Designer) tweeted:
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Mike Jungbluth (Animation Director) tweeted: “Just reviewed something in game that hit THIS LEVEL! Hot damn, moments like this are what I live for.” 
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Both tweets are incredibly excited and telling of development for Dragon Age 4, it sounds like they’re building and prototyping an epic scene equivalent in scale to the attack at Haven scene? Perhaps, Solas destroying the Veil? Who knows, but it sounds epic, and I’m living for both dev.'s enthusiasm!
For the final tweet regarding the development side is from Åsa Roos (Principle UX Designer)
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A UX designer writing about Solas? That must be for codex entries? Right? More lore on our Rebel God!  
Unannounced Dragon Age Game:
In my previous March news update, I discussed brashly about the developers on Dragon Age 4 still claiming that this project has not officially been announced yet, however, The Dread Wolf Rises teaser in 2018 certainly alluded to an announcement regarding the next Dragon Age title. Following this story, we have many sources providing clarity on Dragon Age 4’s current ‘unannounced’ situation.  
Patrick Weekes confirmed that they are “working on an unannounced game in the Dragon Age universe.”
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Patrick said: “We would LOVE to be able to say more. We are really excited about what we’re working on. But we can’t share anything right now. Sorry!”
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In April 2019, I painted this unannounced situation rather conspiratorial, I said that perhaps the Dragon Age dev’s can’t share anymore on the next game because Anthem was the next project, and EA are forcing them to not speak on Dragon Age. In an attempt to maintain the crowd by not letting BioWare developers regard Dragon Age 4 as the next working project in the works.
However, I don’t think it’s that deep. I think the developers are just under an NDA, and literally can’t speak about the game.  
In Episode 121 of the Anthem-based ‘Freelancer Codex’ Podcast - as a guest, Melissa Janowicz shared that the developers on the secret Dragon Age team cannot talk about the next game, in fact, they can barely talk about the contents of The Dread Wolf Rises teaser trailer.
Chris Anderson also emphasised this same point in a tweet:
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As a side not, someone asked Chris why not lie and come up with fake answers to fool the fans, and Chris said: “That can, unfortunately, get me in nearly as much trouble!”
Which shows the validity and value in BioWare developer tweets. The developers can’t just lie about the project either. Which honestly helps someone like me out.
As we know, a game is coming, yet it’s still is very much unannounced, probably because as Jason Schreier reported in 2018, Dragon Age 4 is going to change at least 5 times in the next two years, perhaps BioWare don’t want to show us anything because they don’t want to set anything in stone, or show gameplay that is not representative of the final game.  
But that doesn’t extend to a CGI trailer, or a full title drop, Maker knows that would be amazing, and is within the realm of possibility.
New Lore/Fun:
We have some new lore, and other fun things I wanted to share.  
Dragon Age Comic Writer, Nunzio DeFillipis talked HUGELY about the red lyrium idol and what was originally planned for their comics.
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Nunzio recently mentioned in the Unofficial Bioware Forums that the comic characters from Deception were originally chasing the red lyrium idol.
Nunzio stated that the original plan for the comics would've had the characters retrieve the red lyrium idol. Only to have Solas take it back. Eluding to the idol's planned whereabouts before the plot changed since Joplin's cancellation and BioWare's shift regarding this idol in the comics.
Does this still mean that the location of the red lyrium idol is most likely in the hands of Solas and might only be discovered in Dragon Age 4? Or does the next protagonist have a shot at retrieving the idol before Solas finds it?
It seems like a bummer that the original comic idea was scrapped and the writers were forced to change narrative direction regarding this particular idol.
As a funny tweet I saw. Emily (Domino) Talyor tweeted using her overheard in the office hashtag:
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BioWare dev’s can’t even tell their kids, folks.
And, regarding the Fuzzy Freaks livestream. Patrick Weekes’s response to my question, asking how does Solas kill dwarves in their sleep if they have no connection to the Fade, was “very effectively.”  This will be a mystery I will personally be investigating when we have our hands on the game.  
Considering it was really fun for those who watched the Fuzzy Freaks livestream, I’m going to share other silly takeaways:
Patrick Weekes doing a New York accent for the Carta Dwarf is amazing!
“DREAD DUMBASS” - is a jokey dialogue option that Karen Weekes scribbled notes for future reference.  
Patrick likes soft romances and happy endings! IRONICALLY.
Patrick’s style of writing is less high fantasy and more modern.
@DrunkDalish, Co-founder of Dragon Age Day interviewed both Karen and Patrick Weekes. As a lover of Dragon Age lore, these interviews reveal so many loving tidbits that you should read for yourself. However, something I noted that was very significant regarding the future is based on Masked Empire’s ending. So, spoilers for that, but Felassan’s fate isn’t what it seems. Perhaps this elf could come back in the future if needed.
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And, we come to the last topic, this one is centred on the BioWare staff’s wellbeing. Last year, there was a Kotaku article revealing the crunch and working conditions at BW, there was a lot of worry and confusion in the air that the people working on these games were struggling mentally because of senior management and many other reasons. With that in mind, I’m dedicating a section in these news updates to the wellbeing of the developers, any signs/tweets of positivity and hope will be shared in an effort to see if there has been any change in the BioWare offices since Anthem’s release.
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It seems like things are going pretty well and people seem happy and optimistic about the next Dragon Age.  
If there are any major updates to a Dragon Age 4 tease at EA Play, I'll be sure to make an update video, but otherwise, be sure to join our livestream as see for ourselves what waits us this EA Play.
Let me know your thoughts down below, what do you think about a potential EA Play teaser, where are your expectations at?
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CONDUCTOR: Ah, good evening, Traveler. And welcome… to The Penumbra. Take your seat, please, take your seat.
The junction lies just ahead, Traveler. If you'll allow me just a moment.
(CHUCKLES) Well, next stop? Hyperion City.
The Proctor’s final words have haunted Detective Steel ever since she died on her devious riddle. “A place of heroes, as far as the stars but as close as the heart of every child.” And apparently, the home of Ramses O’Flaherty, in some way. But where is that home, you ask? Well, Detective Steel is just about to find out. It’s unfortunate that he didn’t do earlier – if he had, perhaps nobody would have had to die.
Our next stop: Juno Steel and the Dragon’s Den.
JUNO (NARRATOR): An election makes a lot of noise – and, after months of the rallies and speeches and the fights in the street, it’s nice to escape to the quiet of the Martian desert for a while. Because the history of politics in Hyperion City is loud: a bunch of corporations in a bidding war over the Mayor’s office, with enough money changing hands that it’s not a question of whether your candidate’s in some big corporation’s pocket, just – whether this pocket is cozier than the last one.
My name’s Juno Steel. I’m a private eye, and I never thought I’d be helping one of those corporations’ candidates win, but… Ramses O’Flaherty seems like the first politician in a century who might care about people more than profit margins.
And even if he is funded by Northstar Entertainment, a company that mostly sells kids’ movies and cheap T-shirts? Compared to his competition, Ramses sounds like a saint.
VOICE (FROM RADIO): In a move that analysts have been calling “inevitable,” Nadia Bellevue announced this morning that she will be dropping out of the Hyperion City mayoral race, citing poor polls and a drop in Armada Firearms and Fine Liquors’ stock price over the last fiscal quarter. That leaves only Ramses O’Flaherty and current mayor Pilot Pereyra on the ballot when the citizens of Hyperion vote just five weeks from today. Mayor Pereyra had this to say about their opponent:
PILOT PEREYRA (FROM RADIO): Ramses who? (LAUGHS) Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard of Ramses. And I mean, he seems like a good guy. You don’t get as far as he has, doing all that philanthropy, and kids’ movies, and whatever without having some good rub off on you. And I respect that, to a point.
RITA: Ooooooh, Mista Steel, are we there yet? I can’t wait another second!
JUNO: Shh! I’m tryin’ to listen!
PEREYRA: But the fact is that Hyperion’s a tough town, and it needs a firm hand. And all this junk I keep hearing about police reform, criminal rehabilitation? We don’t have time for that. In a city this covered in crime, we need the HCPD more than ever, and we need someone who knows what they’re doing more than ever. So, leave it to the Pilot, eh? I’ve gotten us this far, haven’t I?
RITA: Mista Steeeeel? Are we there yet? Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet—
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): And let me tell you, guys like Ramses… they think they know everything.
JUNO: How the hell am I supposed to answer that? I don’t even know where we’re going!
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): But as soon as it gets time to actually do something?
RITA: Oh come on, that riddle was so easy, boss! You gotta know!
PEREYRA (IN BACKGROUND): All that talk shows exactly what it was: just talk.
JUNO: Hey, driver? Just turn the damn radio off. My secretary’s decided she’s all the audio entertainment I need.
Why did you come along, again? You have the day off, Rita.
RITA: And that’s why I came! You’d understand if you’d solved the riddle, boss. It’s so easy: “A place in the heart of every child”? You don’t have to be a detective to solve that.
JUNO: Brain’s full of about six hundred other mysteries, Rita. Who’s tryin’ to kill off Ramses O’Flaherty, for example. So just knock it off, and tell me where—
RITA: Nuh-uh-uh, no way, boss. I ain’t tellin’ you until you figure it out yourself– WHOAMYGOD WE’RE ALMOST THERE!
JUNO: Just tell me where we’re going!
RITA: I can’t take another second boss I feel like I’m gonna burst! Just figure it out already!
JUNO: Is that a gate?
RITA: C’mon, I’m gonna EXPLODE! Pleaeaeaeaease?
JUNO: “Northstar presents”– what the hell?
RITA: It’s Polaris Park boss! Oh gosh oh gosh I can’t wait! I’m so excited!!!
JUNO: Polaris… that Northstar amusement park?
RITA: Mista Steel, you gotta be kiddin’ me! Did someone kill all’a the magic inside’a you or somethin’?
JUNO: Yes.
RITA: Polaris Park! The Place That Fun Calls Home, TM! You gotta know about Polaris Park!
JUNO: I try not to pay too much attention to Northstar movies, Rita.
RITA: Act tough all you want, boss; they might be kids’ stories, but they got all kinds’a things for adults, like jokes, and deep themes, and sometimes advice, like how to kill an evil goat-wizard if you meet one and—
JUNO: Not kids’ stories. Just Northstar. (SIGHS) Let’s get this over with.
RITA: Boss? Is everything—
(GASPS) We’re here we’re here we’re here we’re here!!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Polaris Park was, I’ll admit, a masterpiece. The greatest minds in the solar system had come together to build ‘The Place That Fun Calls Home, TM,’ and the faces of the people we passed said they’d succeeded. They were smiling, every one of them, kids clambering all over their parents with sticky fingers and… stickier voices.
It made my stomach turn. Places like this have always given me the creeps. What people forget is that manipulation is always manipulation, whether you’re being duped into a big debt or a big smile.
RITA: Oh, oh! There’s Orion’s Tower, they sell all kinds’a belts, Mista Steel – also insurance for some reason – and that ride is the Frozen Spinner, they make you put on real mittens before you get on and everything, and that’s—
JUNO (NARRATOR): We walked down the park’s main drag, surrounded on all sides by bright buildings and cartoon robots and foot-long ice cream bars. I was ready to go home by the fourth step in.
That wasn’t on the menu, though. Before we left the parking lot, our driver gave me an entry pass and a letter which said, in Ramses’ rushed handwriting: “Keep an eye out for Lorenzo Vega.”
Whoever the hell that was. Thanks a lot, O’Flaherty. Just tryin’ to save your life over here, no big deal, really.
RITA: I wanna go on a ride! No! I wanna have a hot dog! No! I wanna go on two rides, and have two hot dogs, just for me!
JUNO: Rita, we’re here to work.
RITA: Come ooooooooon, boss! What job could you possibly have to do here?
JUNO: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Ramses gets a lot of his campaign funds from Northstar. If someone wanted to really hit him where it hurts, they could try to strike here… or dig up some dirt here, at least. Security Office might not be a bad place to start.
RITA: Well… if Ramses sent you here, that must mean security ain’t caught ‘em yet, whoever they are. We probably won’t find anything there.
JUNO: Not a bad point. Might be worth snooping around a little on our own first.
RITA: And while we’re at it, I was just thinkin’… a good place to snoop… might be… on… a ride?
JUNO: You’re really not gonna drop this, are you?
RITA: Never.
JUNO: Alright, alright. One ride. Then we get to work—
RITA: Got it Mista Steel okay thanks byeeeeeee!
JUNO: Rita! …Lousy theme park. Lousy rides…
JUNO (NARRATOR): At the end of the street stood a mountain. A big, red, craggy thing with molten lava holograms flowing down its sides. It was the centerpiece of Polaris Park, and everyone on Mars knew what it was called.
RITA: Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak.
Mista Steel, I’m gonna ride that ride six hundred times today.
JUNO: Good luck with that. Sign over here says it’s closed for repairs.
RITA: What over what says it’s WHAT?!
Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me, it can’t be closed! Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak is the whole reason to go to Polaris Park! It’s got everything, Mista Steel, music and big drops and real fast and everyone’s favorite chainmail warrior Andromeda and—
JUNO: That’s coming from the Dragon’s Peak, isn’t it?
RITA: Y– yeah. But maybe, it– maybe it’s just some people havin’ fun, y’know? Screamin’ on the rollercoaster and—
VOICE 1: Oh God, it’s horrible, it’s horrible! They’re all dead!
JUNO: Sounds real fun. Rita?
RITA: I’m comin’, boss!
JUNO (NARRATOR): I shoved us through the crowd, up the long line to the Dragon’s Peak, until it all stopped at a wall of security two guards thick. The park cops had big grins across their faces, but the smiles were all a little too uniform and a little too green to be real. Whatever they were keeping us from wasn’t gonna be pretty.
VOICE 2: I’m so sorry, sir, but you can’t come through here.
JUNO: Pretty sure I could if you’d get that club out of my gut.
RITA: Mista Steel…
VOICE 2: No, I mean, um… visitors do not have access—
JUNO: I work for your boss. Let me through.
VOICE 2: I’m… fairly certain that I work for my boss?
VOICE 3: Is there a problem over here?
VOICE 2: Uhhh… I… uhhhhh…
JUNO: No problem, I was just giving Officer Dental-Plan over here some orders from the top. Who are you?
VOICE 3: The top.
JUNO (NARRATOR): The woman in front of me was equal parts strong jaw, sharp eyes, and grit. Her badge said ‘Chief of Security,’ her eyes said that she didn’t have time for this, and her smile said that Northstar customer service training really was the best on Mars. The only times people smile that genuinely at me are right before they hit me.
But she didn’t. Instead she turned to her toadie and asked:
VOICE 3: Who is this guy and why isn’t he out of my park yet?
JUNO: Ramses O’Flaherty sent me. I have a hall pass, I promise.
VOICE 3: Ramses?
(SIGHS) Of course he did. Let him through, Rick.
VOICE 2 (RICK): But—
VOICE 3: Did I ask?
RICK: Of… course not.
Have a fun-filled day.
JUNO: You don’t sound so happy to see us, Chief.
VOICE 3: Simple reason for that. I’m not.
My name’s Yasmin Swift. I’m chief of security here at Polaris Park.
JUNO: Juno Steel. And this is my secretary, Rita—
JUNO: Who’s… maybe… deflating?
RITA: Why, hello there, Ms. Swift. I like coffee, and squid cream.
JUNO: Rita, what the hell—?
VOICE 3 (YASMIN SWIFT): Breakfast, huh? I’m more of a dinner gal myself.
RITA: (GIGGLING) Oh, Yasmin!
SWIFT: I’m sorry to rain on your day at the park, but, Ramses had pretty bad timing, sending you here this morning. We’ve had a little bit of an… accident. Come on, I’ll show you.
JUNO: …Rita? …What was that?
RITA: She’s preeeeeetty.
JUNO: (SIGHS) I don’t have time for this. I do not have time for this. Come on.
JUNO: (SNIFFS) The hell is that smell? I thought all the food carts were back on the main path, but… it smells like jerky or something in here.
SWIFT: Yeah, about that. If you’re at all squeamish, I’m gonna recommend you close your eyes now.
JUNO: Oh, no.
JUNO (NARRATOR): We found them in the loading area for the ride, sitting in a cart on a track facing a dark tunnel. The cart was looking nice and toasted around the edges, and inside it sat three charbroiled shapes that probably used to be people.
SWIFT: I’m guessing this isn’t how you expected to spend your day.
JUNO: I generally try to assume the worst, but somehow the galaxy keeps finding ways to surprise me.
RITA: Who are those people? We gotta help ‘em, don’t we?
SWIFT: That’s sweet, doll, but I think they’re a little past help. This was bound to happen one day. I’ve been saying that to Vega for years.
RITA: Oh, it’s just too horrible! Somebody hold me!
JUNO: Oof!
RITA: (MUTTERING) Not you, boss!
JUNO: Bound to happen, you said?
SWIFT: You know anything about this ride, Juno?
RITA: No, he doesn’t. Mista Steel said all the magic’s dead inside of him.
JUNO: Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak is a roller coaster that tells a story about Chainmail Warrior Andromeda trying to find her way home through Lion Village, has to go through Draco’s mountain for some reason, almost gets roasted, doesn’t end up going home. Just like all her other stories.
RITA: Wha—? But you said– you didn’t know anything about it—
JUNO: I said I didn’t want to know anything about Northstar’s junk. But sometimes not wanting to listen to stuff just makes you listen harder. No offense, Swift.
SWIFT: Hey, to each their own. We don’t all have to enjoy the story, even if it is a modern classic and you’re a moron for not liking it. Want to take a guess where the barbecue went down? Because I have a theory or two.
JUNO: I’m guessing the part where Andromeda gets almost-roasted dropped a word.
SWIFT: The ride’s needed repairs for years, if you ask me. The carts on this thing barely outpace the fire by half a second. All it’d take is for one of the brakes to flip early and, boom. Instant fricassee.
JUNO: Why was anyone on it if the ride was closed, though?
SWIFT: One of the carts started acting up yesterday, so I shut the whole thing down this morning, sent the engineers in, and then… this happened. On their test ride, I’d guess. With a bunch of guests watching from the line, too.
RITA: There are people who get to test roller coasters for their jobs?! Lucky!
JUNO: Rita, are we even looking at the same crime scene right now?
SWIFT: Crime scene? Honestly, Juno, negligence is the only crime I’m seeing here. (SIGHS) Why don’t you take in the park for a little while and I’ll find you later? HQ’s gonna have me behind red tape for a long time. They didn’t like me shutting down the ride for a few hours this morning, and I doubt they’ll like closing it for good.
RITA: You’re closing the Dragon’s Peak?! You can’t do that! That’s the reason everyone comes to Polaris Park! And also I never got to ride it!
SWIFT: Security’s got to be my number one concern, doll. Should’ve shut this ride down years ago.
VOICE 4: Over my soggy corpse, Yasmin.
JUNO (NARRATOR): There was a man walking toward us on two metal legs ending in rusty boots, and his nametag said “Doctor Lorenzo Vega, Head of Resmirks and Developgrins.” Despite the title, he looked like he hadn’t smiled in about a century: age and anger had carved deep enough wrinkles into his face that I could barely make out his eyes, but from what I could see they looked about as greasy and mean as the rest of him.
VOICE 4 (LORENZO VEGA): Yasmin. I see your attempted murder continues apace.
RITA: Murder?! Not my Yasmin!
SWIFT: He doesn’t mean the engineers, doll.
VEGA: I don’t. If anyone mourns my staff it will be their own fault for leaving someone behind to mourn them. Marriage, children, friends… the Northstar work ethic has rotted off the bone. No, it’s not my staff I’m concerned about. Sir, I’d like you to arrest this woman, for the attempted murder of Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak.
JUNO: That’s, uh… He knows you can’t murder something that’s not alive, right?
VEGA: For all of Polaris Park, then.
JUNO: Yeah, also, not alive. You… a little confused, doctor?
VEGA: Perhaps not murder, in that case. But much is on the line here, detective. My life’s work, and probably someone else’s, somewhere, if you care about that kind of thing. This park won’t last a month without that ride.
SWIFT: Maybe so, doctor, but the park doesn’t stand much of a chance if its star attraction’s deep-frying guests, either.
VEGA: You’d best zip up your ego, Yasmin. Your ignorance is showing.
VEGA: The Dragon’s Peak could not have burned my engineers for one very simple reason: there is no fire on this ride.
SWIFT: I hope you’ll give Dr. Vega the benefit of the doubt here, Juno. This might not be very Northstar behavior he’s demonstrating, but he’s a good guy at heart. Probably. If you’re willing to dig down a few hundred meters.
VEGA: Attempting to turn them against me. It won’t work for two reasons, Yasmin. First: I am naturally charismatic, and second: Ramses sent these two for me.
JUNO: Ramse– what?
VEGA: I received the message earlier – direct orders that I’d receive a private investigator to do whatever I say for one full day. Ramses spoils me so. Now tell me: what is your name?
JUNO: You expect me to buy that Ramses gave me to you without even telling you my name?
VEGA: I don’t need you to buy it, detective. Only lease it. (CHUCKLES)
JUNO: What the hell are you even saying?
SWIFT: Look, do you have those orders on you, Vega?
VEGA: Of course not. Do you carry all of your mail everywhere you go?
RITA: I mean, it should all fit on your comms pretty easily—
JUNO: —yeah, Swift, he actually has a pretty good point.
RITA: Oh. Nevermind. Forgot who he was talkin’ to.
VEGA: These deaths cannot have been caused by a malfunction, because the Dragon’s Peak couldn’t burn a fly, and I should know: I built it. Sabotage, detective. This must be sabotage. And you are going to prove it.
JUNO: Sabotage… that’s a pretty serious claim. Should be worth looking into, Swift.
RITA: Really, boss?
SWIFT: Worth looking into? We’ll see about that. Hey, doctor? Can you prove the ride doesn’t generate real fire? Do you have the plans anywhere?
VEGA: Of course I do. And it’s written into the most reliable storage available to humankind.
RITA: Oh, I always wanted to see the plans to the ride! Might be some nice readin’ for bedtime or snacktime or—
VEGA: My cranial fluid.
RITA: Actually nevermind, not gonna take that anywhere near my bed or snacks.
VEGA: I have the plans memorized. In here, no prying eyes can see them.
SWIFT: Welcome to our argument for the past two years, Juno. I say this is a deathtrap; Vega says it isn’t. I try to close it down; Vega tattles to the managers of Polaris Park, they have a tantrum about ticket sales, and then the thing’s back on its rails again. This could’ve been avoided. It could’ve been avoided twenty times over.
JUNO: But, I mean… come on, doc. You can’t really expect us to just take your word for it, right?
VEGA: I can expect that, actually… but I’m beginning to suspect I’ll be disappointed if I do.
(GRUNTS) There’s one other place I stored the plans for the ride: in its brain. Follow me.
JUNO (NARRATOR): Vega led us over to a monitor on a stand overlooking the ride’s track. He flicked the monitor awake, tapped out a hundred-digit password in a second and a half, and we were in.
VEGA: The full ride is too complicated for any human mind other than my own to control it, so I designed it to handle all its own functions. Completely automated. The computer has uplinks throughout the track that my engineers can use to access and interact with all data gathered while the ride runs: power levels, terminal activation logs, security feeds of every room, roaming snack bar—
JUNO: Wait, wait, hang on. What? You have security footage for every room in this ride?
SWIFT: Yeah, doctor. This is the first I’m hearing of it, too.
VEGA: The security footage wouldn’t be very secure if I gave it out to every Tom, Dick, and Yasmin who asked for it.
SWIFT: I’m your Chief of Security!
VEGA: Then I’m sure I told you at some point. I don’t bother remembering details like that.
SWIFT: If I knew that, do you really think I’d have waited this long to shut down your stupid ride?
JUNO: Just bring up the footage already, doc. If you’re so sure the ride’s innocent, your video should prove it.
I’ll have you know that the last time someone ordered me around like that, they died.
RITA: You– killed someone?!
VEGA: Of course not. The two events were unrelated. It just means I have terrible associations with being told what to do that you should be sensitive to.
What? The footage!
SWIFT: What is it now?
VEGA: The data! It’s– it’s disappearing!
JUNO: Disappearing?
VEGA: Self-deleting! This is impossible! My baby! My giant, metal, highly-intelligent baby!
JUNO: How long has this been going on?
VEGA: How should I know? I don’t check! If it’s flawless, there’s no point in checking, because there are no flaws to check for!
SWIFT: Well, what do you call this, then?
RITA: It looks like it just ate another video.
And that musta been dessert.
VEGA: It’s gone. The schematics, all the footage from the past ride, and assorted footage from the past week. Gone.
SWIFT: Deleted? And you didn’t even do anything?
VEGA: What do you think I was doing?
SWIFT: Deleting it, maybe. Covering your precious baby’s tracks.
VEGA: You—!
JUNO: What are you doing now?
VEGA: Shutting down the ride.
There. Everything but the audio cues and lighting, off. And now, Detective Whoever-you-are, you’re going to go in there and figure out who’s harmed my creation. Who has attempted to murder Andromeda and the Dragon’s Peak!
RITA: He… is?
VEGA: Ramses gave orders that you are do to whatever I say, didn’t he?
JUNO: I don’t know. Did he?
SWIFT: Hang on, doctor. If you think I’m going to let anyone run an investigation in my park without my say-so—
VEGA: Then you go with him. Someone has to take care of my ride. I don’t care who.
JUNO (NARRATOR): I remembered that letter that Ramses’s driver had given me: “Keep an eye out for Lorenzo Vega.”
If Ramses was suspicious of Vega, this might be the only chance I had to figure out why. Especially if he was trying to push the blame onto someone else.
SWIFT: I’m sure Detective Steel has better things to do than—
JUNO: I’ll go along. Rita, you stay out here and enjoy the park.
RITA: Nuh-uh, boss! If you think I’m lettin’ you take a behind-the-scenes tour without me, you’ve got another thing comin’!
JUNO: Rita—
RITA: No buts!
Now come on, Yaaaaasmiiiiin. Do you wanna show me all the spookiest parts of the ride?
SWIFT: If… that’s what we’re doing, I guess I don’t mind doing it with you.
Y’know, you don’t have to hold my hand so tight, doll…
RITA: (GIGGLES) Yeah, I do.
VEGA: Just a minute before you go, detective.
JUNO: Yeah, yeah, you want me to keep an eye on her. I heard you the first time.
VEGA: It’s not that. What did she just call you? Detective Steel, was it?
JUNO: Juno Steel, private eye. Finding it kinda hard to believe Ramses didn’t tell you that.
VEGA: He did… it just didn’t sound familiar until I’d heard it.
JUNO: Y’don’t say.
VEGA: Steel… why does that sound familiar…?
JUNO: Uh… probably because you build your rides with it?
VEGA: No, no, that isn’t it. I was thinking about that name just this morning… but why?
JUNO: Okay, well, have fun figuring that out, doc. I’m gonna go get murdered by your ride now. Bye.
VEGA: (DISTANT) Steel… hmmm… Juno Steel…
JUNO (NARRATOR): We walked along the tracks for a while because riding the cart seemed dangerous. After all, the last couple of people to do that were currently being scraped out of their seats with a spatula. After walking through the first tunnel, we found ourselves, weirdly, outside – in a big green plain, surrounded by stone huts and yawning lions lounging in the grass.
RITA: Oh my gosh, look at all this stuff! It’s gonna take forever to explore all this! Hold my hand, Yasmin, I’m worried I’m gonna get lost!
SWIFT: I’m already holding your hand.
RITA: (GASPS) What was that?!
SWIFT: Just the ride going through its cycles. Vega said he left the audio on – he’ll take any chance to show off.
NARRATOR VOICE (OVER SPEAKERS): And so, after years of searching for a way back home to Polaris, Andromeda the Chainmail Warrior found herself in the Lion Village, where it was said a portal to her home opened once every thousand years.
SWIFT: If we want to get onto the main track without a cart, you’re going to need a retinal scan from a high-ranking employee. Just give me a second.
JUNO: Rita, what’s your read on Vega?
RITA: Huh? Oh, I ain’t barely read any of him, boss. I been a little distracted today. (GIGGLES)
JUNO: Yeah, I can tell. Come on, doesn’t it seem a little convenient to you?
RITA: Hmmm?
JUNO: Vega gets warned for years that someone’s gonna die on this ride; then, someone dies on this ride, and who does he send into the deathtrap but the people sent to watch him, and, the woman that’s been trying to shut him down for years? This is gonna be dangerous… whatever roasted those engineers could get us too, and with him at the controls, this one might not be an accident.
Rita, are you even listening?
RITA: I mean, yeah, it seems convenient, boss. But you’re the detective and this is my day off, so you figure it out, alright?
SWIFT: Alright, we’re in. Should be the last lock.
NARRATOR: And so, after years of searching for a way back home to Polaris, Andromeda the Chainmail Warrior—
JUNO (NARRATOR): The door led us into one of the lion’s huts. The lion it belonged to was musclebound and gray-maned and sitting on his haunches next to everyone’s favorite chainmail warrior, Andromeda.
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —found herself in the Lion Village, where it was said a portal to her home opened once every thousand years.
RITA: (GASPS) Andromeda!
NARRATOR: “Andromeda!” said Leo, the lion-chief. “Our portal opens in one short hour, and then only for a few minutes. But if you want to use it, you will have to pay. On that peak lives the dragon, Draco, with all of his treasure. Bring me a treasure from Draco’s hoard, and you will have your way home!”
RITA: She’s real! I always knew she was real! Mom said, and Mista Steel said, and even I said sometimes – but I always knew, Andromeda was real, even when I knew that was impossible, and, and, and, and—
JUNO: Real, huh?
RITA: Oh. It’s a hologram. I knew that. Mostly.
SWIFT: Everything here’s a combination of robotics, practical effects, and holograms, doll. Here, touch Chief Leo if you want. A mechanical skeleton covered in real lion fur, grown in a real lab.
RITA: Wow, he’s so soft. Can we see him roar? And maybe pounce on Mista Steel?
SWIFT: You can’t turn on the robotics without turning on the carts, too: they run on the same power source.
JUNO: Sounds and lights on the same breaker? Robots and carts– this doesn’t exactly sound up to code.
RITA: I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, boss, that’s basically how I got the office hooked up.
SWIFT: I think being unsafe is part of the thrill for Vega. He’s good with holograms, but he doesn’t like them. He says they’re cheating. Anything safe is cheating with that guy.
Hope you’ve got hiking shoes on: this next part’s supposed to be the mountain, and the doctor went for authenticity.
RITA: Ohh, it’s so dark and spooky in here – how do we know where to go?
SWIFT: I haven’t been on these tracks since my first trainings, but I’ve ridden it enough times to know the way. Just stick close to me, sweetheart, and you’ll be fine.
RITA: Hmmmmmmm.
NARRATOR: Andromeda said:
ANDROMEDA: You’re making a terrible mistake, Leo. Anger Draco, and all the lions will pay for it.
NARRATOR: But Chief Leo only laughed, and called her a fool. And so Andromeda climbed the mountain with a heavy heart.
JUNO: So what’s up with you and Vega, anyway? Hell of a feud the two of you got going on.
SWIFT: How do you mean?
JUNO: I know you’ve got safety reasons for wanting this tilt-a-whirl closed, but he seems to think it’s personal. Granted, he seems to think most things are personal, but still…
SWIFT: Just… different eras of Northstar butting heads. Call it a family squabble.
Vega’s old school – from back in the days when Northstar was just a little movie studio over in Hyperion City. Used to work on building fancy new cameras, now he works on ways to shoot people through a block of ice without hurting the ice. Back then, Northstar was cutthroat: scrappy little movie studio with scrappy little ideas. Great tech, great talent, but no investors. It meant everyone who worked there was… out for blood.
JUNO: And they had plenty of ways to get it, I hear.
SWIFT: Yeah, actually. How did you—
JUNO: —doesn’t matter. You said you’re different. What’s the new era of Northstar like?
RITA: Yeah, Yasmin! Tell us aaaaaall about you. Every teensy weensy little thing.
SWIFT: Either of you have any kids?
JUNO: Eugh.
RITA: No, but I’m… very suggestible.
SWIFT: Well, I do. A little lady, only five years old. Too young to remember the war. Too young to remember all the stuff humanity showed it could do to itself. And when I think about her growing up in a galaxy capable of all that… (SIGHS) Let me just put it this way: the old Northstar was all about making something great. But now? Most of us now… we just want to make something good. Something that the kids can look up to. Heroes that’ll risk it all for what actually matters… not some dumb new camera.
JUNO: You sound like Ramses now.
SWIFT: O’Flaherty might be an old-timer, but I always felt like he was one of us. (CHUCKLES) Call me a sap if you want, but… I think my Esta’s better off with Andromeda around. And I’d do anything for her.
RITA: That’s so beautiful and perfect.
SWIFT: Definitely makes getting up for work a little easier. It’s leaving her in the morning that’s the hard part.
(CLEARS THROAT) Uh, just be ready. Next part gets a little loud.
NARRATOR: Then, at long last, Andromeda arrived at the Dragon’s Peak!
RITA: Ahh!! What was that?!
JUNO: It’s just the stupid ride.
SWIFT: The noise was, but… did either of you see that?
JUNO: See what?
SWIFT: In the lightning, that—
NARRATOR: Then, at long last—
SWIFT: There’s someone up by Draco’s lair!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —Andromeda arrived—
JUNO: What? I don’t see anything—
RITA: Yasmin, save me!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —at the Dragon’s Peak!
SWIFT: You two, keep up with me! If someone really is sabotaging my park, I’m not gonna let them get away with it!
JUNO: Swift! Swift!!
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): Then, at long last—
NARRATOR (IN BACKGROUND): —Andromeda arrived at the Dragon’s Peak!
JUNO: Yeah, yeah, we get it! Come on, Rita, let’s go!
RITA: Okay, boss!
JUNO (NARRATOR): While we ran, I held onto Rita as best I could, but I couldn’t save her from her own clumsy feet…
JUNO (NARRATOR): …or, uh, mine.
JUNO: Oof!
RITA: Get offa me, Mista Steel, get offa me! I wanted this day to go like this with someone but it sure ain’t you!
JUNO: Damn it, where did Swift go?
RITA: That’s what I said! She was followin’ the tracks, so hurry, boss, hurry!
JUNO (NARRATOR): So we ran up the rest of the way into the Dragon’s Peak. A set of big stone doors parted, and a set of big glowing eyes stared down at us.
NARRATOR: And there, in all his rage and glory, stood Draco, the mighty dragon!
RITA: OH NO OH NO! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME MISTA DRAGON DON’T KILL ME– oh hey would you look at that he listened.
JUNO: Huh. …He did.
RITA: Careful there, boss! You don’t know what that dragon might do! They’re tricky! Probably.
JUNO: They’re not real, Rita.
This is just another robot puppet, like the lion at the bottom of the hill. Deactivated like everything else. …It looks like the track hugs the wall for a while – come on. Swift can’t have gotten that far ahead yet.
What the hell?
RITA: M-m-mista Steel! The– the dragon, i-it’s—
JUNO: —moving, I can see that!
NARRATOR: Andromeda grabbed a sparkling crown as Draco unleashed its fiery breath!
RITA: Boss!! That’s SO much fire! And boy, is it hot!
JUNO: Step back! Hopefully that’ll be the last of—
RITA: Mista Steel! It’s coming closer!
JUNO: And faster than I’d like, too. Rita, there’s a control panel on the wall by the tracks. Do you think you could hack into it?
RITA: Okay, boss!
The password– I was watchin’ Dr. Vega’s hands when he was puttin’ the password in—
Oh no, oh no!
JUNO: Rita, we’re running out of time, here!
RITA: It’s like a billion-digit password, boss, you’re gonna have to buy me some time!
JUNO (NARRATOR): So I did what I do best: I bought time.
RITA: Did it work?
JUNO: Made its head snap back a little, but it’s coming back. It’s getting kinda warm in here, Rita!
RITA: You think I can’t feel that?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): The fire was close. We were backed up onto the tracks, now, and I swore I could feel the huge workings of the mechanical dragon rumbling in the walls and the floor.
Or… was that the dragon?
RITA: There! I got us into the terminal, boss.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And suddenly it hit me. I put my hand into the fire…
RITA: Now I just gotta– Mista Steel, what are you doin’?! It’s gonna roast you alive!
JUNO (NARRATOR): But it didn’t. I was fine – the fire was just hot air and holograms. The rumbling, though… that got bigger. And then, I remembered what was on the same circuit as the robots.
JUNO: The cart.
RITA: The what?
Hey, let go’a me, you– oooooaaahh!
JUNO: Oof!
NARRATOR: And there, in all his rage and glory, stood Draco, the mighty dragon!
RITA: That rollercoaster cart… almost splattered us, boss!
JUNO: Yeah. It got real close, didn’t it.
NARRATOR: Andromeda grabbed a sparkling crown as Draco unleashed its fiery breath!
RITA: And now– it’s… gone.
JUNO: Sticks around just long enough for you to think you’ll get roasted, but there’s never any real danger.
It’s not fire. Just like Vega said.
RITA: But… then how did those engineers get all burnt up?
JUNO: I don’t know.
Rita, didn’t Vega say the computer kept a log of whoever accessed it last?
RITA: I think so.
JUNO: Check the log, then. Hurry!
RITA: Okay, okay, I don’t see what the rush is. First, I just gotta deactivate the carts…
There. Now I’ll check the logs…
It… doesn’t say who used it, but… it says it was in the next room. D’you think it’s whoever Yasmin saw?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Aaaaaaand that’s when I figured it out.
JUNO: Turn on the security footage for that room.
RITA: Mista Steel—
JUNO: Now, Rita!
RITA: Oh, alright, alright…
(GASPS) N– no… The one who activated the carts– was– Yasmin?!
JUNO (NARRATOR): Yasmin Swift. Security Chief of Polaris Park. The camera feed showed her inspecting the cart that failed to crush us, and I saw Draco’s controls up on the terminal in front of her. Vega was right. Swift had been briefed on the security footage before, and in fact, she knew how to use it better than he did. She proved that about two seconds later when she deactivated the camera we were watching her through.
JUNO: What the…? Rita, bring it back!
RITA: I’m tryin’, boss!
But… it’s just… deleted! Everything that camera’s recorded in the past twenty-four hours is gone!
JUNO: So we have no proof. Great.
SWIFT: Oh…! You’re alright!
JUNO: You sound surprised.
SWIFT: Relieved is more like it. I’m glad you two are so hardy. Surviving what even our engineers couldn’t… I could’ve sworn you’d be charcoal briquettes by now.
RITA: Y-y-y– Yasmin…
SWIFT: What’s the matter, sweetheart? Aren’t you happy to see me?
JUNO (NARRATOR): If she knew we knew, she wasn’t saying a thing; and unfortunately, it was going to have to stay that way.
She knew this ride better than we did. If we let her run wild in here, I’m sure she’d know a hundred ways to roast us, crush us, and fun us straight into our graves. But we couldn’t take her into custody yet, either, because we didn’t have any evidence, and unless she slipped up right in front of us, we’d never get it.
So for now, the safest place was just where I didn’t want to be.
SWIFT: Did you see anyone come through here? I was chasing after someone, but they slipped away…
You two alright? You look a little pale.
JUNO: I’m ready to keep goin’ if you are.
RITA: What?!
JUNO: If you want to go back, Rita, I’ll bring you back first. But we still have a saboteur to catch. And I’m staying in here until I catch ‘em.
SWIFT: Like a dog with a bone, Juno. I like it. What do you say, doll? Coming with?
Yeah. I’m n-not gonna leave you alone, Mista Steel. Not again.
SWIFT: Alright then. Let’s go, ladies.
JUNO (NARRATOR): Yasmin Swift had gotten me, with that strong jaw and that bright smile. It costs nearly twenty creds to get a bottle of water in this stupid theme park, but the smiles, they say, are always free.
Ma wouldn’t’ve agreed. Good old Sarah Steel always said that there was only one thing in life that came free – and that was death.
SWIFT: Keep your eyes peeled. We don’t want to let the murderer get away.
JUNO (NARRATOR): And from the look of things, the alternative was getting more expensive by the minute.
CONDUCTOR: If you've enjoyed this tale, please consider donating to The Penumbra on Patreon. Our artists work tirelessly to bring you these stories, and if you have the means, we hope you will support our efforts. Every dollar helps. You can find that page at patreon.com/thepenumbrapodcast. If you support us on Patreon at the $10 level or higher, you'll receive access to commentary tracks like this one, from actors Kate Jones, Joshua Ilon, and Sarah Gazdowicz:
SARAH: …to be manipulative, but I don’t think that that is true. I think that she thinks Rita is very cute.
KATE: How—
KATE: —can you not?
SARAH: I don’t– I don’t know.
JOSHUA: You have to be around her all the time. [unintelligible mumbling – speak up, Joshua]
KATE: Alright.
JOSHUA: No that’s what we’ve seen! We’ve seen what overexposure to Rita does. That’s what this episode has shown us, more. It’s-it’s beginning– before and after. It’s ‘oh, that’s charming!’ and then, now ‘I can’t get rid of it.’
SARAH: No, but you couldn’t live without Rita.
JOSHUA: No, you couldn’t.
SARAH: You can’t. Rita’s one of a kind.
JOSHUA: Yeah. You can drown in too much water, though…
CONDUCTOR: You can also support The Penumbra by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter @thepenumbrapod, following us on Tumblr @thepenumbrapodcast, telling your friends about us, telling your friends to tell their friends about us, and especially by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. Every rating, comment, and kind word spreads our stories further and inspires us to keep creating more and better tales to come.
We would like to give special thanks to all who support us on Patreon, but especially to Lynné Herman, Gray, Jaimie Gunter, and the Princess and the Scrivener for their incredibly generous contributions per episode. Thank you.
This tale, Juno Steel and the Dragon’s Den, was told by the following people: Joshua Ilon as Juno Steel, Kate Jones as Rita, Sarah Gazdowicz as Yasmin Swift, Bob Mussett as Lorenzo Vega, Simon Moody as Mayor Pilot Pereyra, and M. Sutherland as the narrator.
On staff at The Penumbra: Kevin Vibert is our lead writer and recording engineer. Sophie Kaner is our director and sound designer. Grahame Turner is our script editor. Noah Simes is our production manager. Alice Chung is our designer and financial manager. Original music by Ryan Vibert. Promotional art by Mikaela Buckley.
The Penumbra is created and produced by Sophie Kaner and Kevin Vibert.
I'm afraid this is the end of the line for today, dear Traveler. We hope you will ride with The Penumbra again soon.
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losangelista2 · 4 years
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When I ask my 84-year-old neighbor how he’s doing, normally he answers “terrible” or “unfortunately, still alive.” But today, my favorite curmudgeon made me cry a bit when he told me, “I’d give anything for 10 more years.” Mr. N heads to the doctor tomorrow because he’s got a tumor on his right lung. “It’s my own fault,” he said. “I smoked for 40 years.” His left lung has already been removed, and he had radiation on a different tumor on the right one a few years ago so he’s not sure what the doctors can do now. As he soaked up some love from Andromeda, he shared that he never received an absentee ballot so he’s planning on GOING TO THE POLLS to vote. For real. And in case I was wondering, no, he doesn’t want to go to heaven. He said hopefully he’ll go to hell because, “I can’t imagine having to look at Jerry Falwell for all eternity.” #mydayinla #losangeles #neighbors #day210 (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGT-uUFlaBw/?igshid=jaod72sdt91r
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ich-farte · 8 years
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Machinima’s Facebook video poll about Mass Effect Andromeda is glitchy as hell, and the irony may just be too much for me to handle. 
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darcblade-blog · 8 years
Who was the best Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer character?
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Mass Effect 3′s multiplayer was a sleeper hit for the game. While many dismissed it as nothing more than a tacked on multiplayer mode, others found it to be a deep horde coop addition to the Mass Effect series. With deep characters and weapons from the Mass Effect universe, players could take on a host of difficult enemies that offered for some an addictive challenge. I was one of these people, spending countless hours and well over 60 videos on Youtube created to help guide Mass Effect Multiplayer players. With the launch of Mass Effect Andromeda around the corner I have recently gone back to remind myself of the good times spent taking on the Collectors, Geth, Reapers and Cerberus. It brought back warm fussy memories of all the time spent with the characters and making the videos that it made me want to make one last little series for the multiplayer. What really was the best classes in the Mass Effect Multiplayer. But I want your help to make this video! So please find a questionnaire below and together lets find out which is truly the communities favorite Mass Effect multiplayer character. 
Click here to take the poll!
The characters have been divided up into the different classes but will be all tallied against one another. Don’t forget also, that you can pick more than one! Hell tick all of them if you like!
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science-lings · 2 months
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science-lings · 26 days
Each spell can be used sporadically and can get stronger/easier with practice. Each one has a cooldown so you can't just spam the one magic thing you know endlessly.
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science-lings · 11 days
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science-lings · 8 months
I need to consult the gay counsel
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science-lings · 3 months
a few more thoughts on the options below the cut, curse the character limit on poll options
3- I love you disabled Phoenix hcs, put him in a wheelchair or something. give him a cane sword bc he saw Misty's staff and Karuma and he would think that a cane with a secret would be cool as hell and Edgeworth would get one commissioned for him for his birthday bc he's extra like that.
5- Mia, Ryunosuke, Kazuma, and even Gregory all play rock paper scissors to see whose turn it is to defend him. The afterlife in the AA universe must be wack.
6- I just think it's funny if he's just constantly barely dodging death due to pure coincidence. He just happens to hit the water just right or move his head at the right moment to avoid the assassin and he just doesn't notice. Everyone wants him dead except the universe itself.
9- he has no backstory, what if he just made a deal with the devil to never die and just... never brought it up to anyone bc no one asked. He would hide something so major about himself and no one would find out because he's just... like that. got that no backstory main character thing going on so anything can be the truth, it's all true if it sounds fun enough to think about.
anyway if you have a hc please tell me I wanna know so bad
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science-lings · 18 days
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science-lings · 3 months
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science-lings · 4 months
More info on the options below the cut
1- My guy just lost his job and has to live out of his old office there's no way he can be allowed to adopt Trucy immediately, but if he had a rich husband who lives overseas and lets them technically commit fraud by moving into his old apartment during social worker visits... that would be much easier. Edgeworth isn't against being a little underhanded in his methods with the law and he has witnessed Phoenix with the Feys so if an infamous attorney were to adopt a child left behind by a tragic trial, he'd be so glad it was Phoenix. That guy has been reeking dad energy for years. It's also important to note that no one doubted the authenticity of their relationship since they went to go sign the papers because most people who have seen them already assumed that they were together. They don't have to try to convince anyone.
2- The things they call each other are so important to me, as kids they're Miles and Phoenix/Nick, in court they're Mr. Edgeworth and Mr. Wright, outside of court but still in a professional setting they're Edgeworth and Wright, when they're flirting they're back to Miles and Phoenix, but when they're insufferably flirting, Pheonix is 'Mr. Edgeworth' and Miles is 'Mr. Wright' They do this before they get married, both legally and actually.
3- They would be so funny on a reality tv show or some kind of game show, if their motive is doing something better than the other, they will put their whole pussies into whatever that thing is, even if it's like the great british baking show and Phoenix is the only one who can kind of bake. If they get to work together they're insane, put these assholes in an escape room and they will fuck that shit up. With Miles, who learned how to pick locks, and Phoenix, who got used to puzzles when working with Professor Layton, they would speedrun an escape room.
4- idk Pheonix just seems like he gets super affectionate with the people he loves, he kisses Trucys forehead/head so constantly it's habitual for him to pop off her hat to smooch her scalp and replace it right after. I also think it would be funny if he was so unprofessional about his love for Edgeworth except when they're in court but that's because they have to stand like twenty feet away from each other. Edgeworth turns red every time but he rarely protests, at least not seriously.
5- I just think they should be each other's 'oh shit' moment because that is funny to me. Phoenix didn't really realize he was attracted to men, at least in that capacity until that newspaper article and Miles had accepted that he was aro until he caught feelings he thought he was immune to. They both deal with it so well... /s
6- Connected to my hc that lawyers in the AA universe get kind of a celebrity status, but both Phoenix and Miles are so offline that they are completely unaware of it. Maya and Trucy and Kay especially are definitely not unaware and they think it's so funny. They contribute to the rumors. There are Edgeworth and Phoenix fancams made from court footage set to kpop. Apollo had a Phoenix Wright stan account and he used to fight the PW haters on twitter before he actually met the guy. He forgot the password so he can't delete it and it's only a matter of time before someone connects the dots. Anyway they trend on twitter every time they meet in court like when a new season of a show comes out and the fanbase goes bonkers.
7- obviously they call and message each other but they both think it's nostalgic to send letters, and Phoenix likes having a reason to send physical pictures from when they were kids since Miles wasn't allowed to keep any of that in the Von Karma household. Edgeworth usually sends sweets from whatever country he's in for Trucy.
8- I personally think that Phoenix has more of that kitten look but I was recently reminded of how often in the of trilogy when ppl have to tell him to put those things away. He can weaponize his big brown eyes and Miles pretends to be unaffected but he's weak to it just like everyone else. He has that kitty vibe, he asks for things by looking really pathetic and sad and it works in his favor every time.
9- Phoenix is the type of guy to fall asleep during most movies if he isn't judging it intently or particularly interested and when they were kids they tried to binge more than one samurai movie and Phoenix fell asleep before the first one ended. That official art just makes him look like such a sleepy guy. Again the kitty energy returns, he's a big napper.
10- these bitches are so good at arguing, but they both want to win so it takes forever to decide on things that actually don't matter that much. If they can't decide on a restaurant to go to for a date they won't finish arguing their case about their preferred place to go until after they close. They never yell at each other or get too emotionally invested in a lot of things but they will draw that shit out and take out evidence and witness testimony if it helps their case. Sometimes it gets so extensive that they have to pull out the whiteboard/ corkboard. Just as long as it's presented like a court case it will be so well communicated between them so they take advantage of that because or else they kinda suck at talking to each other about their problems.
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