#anyone wanna be the anton to my dew
whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
save me will wood save me anton
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whumpy-wyrms · 16 days
Anton's gotta be one of the least horrifying whumpers in any whumpee-pov CYOA I've played.
I've never read TLLR but I just get the feeling he would respect my gender and sexuality.
that’s so real anon actually in chapter 3 of tllr he literally gives Dew (his whumpee) top surgery because he found out he was trans and didn’t want him to be uncomfy. and Anton himself is also trans and aroace!
Anton is a silly goofy guy and honestly he can be a pathetic wet cat at times too. but he can definitely be intimidating when he wants to be! just ask Dew, he knows.
he’s being less scary right now because he wants to try and make a good first impression. buddy. i think you already failed. he’s really not good with people at all, he lives in a middle of a forest miles away from civilization and rarely ever goes into town just to get food. he’s best friends with animals though!! he just doesn’t get people. people are weird and scary to him. not his test subjects though because they’re like, his, and he has all the control over them.
the cyoa is really fun and i’m a bit biased because like.. if i were actually Anton’s test subject, i’d wanna be his friend so bad. if we do everything he wants and talk to him and be nice to him, he will literally just get too attached to us and feel bad about the experiments and we would become best friends. he is incredibly lonely. like so insanely lonely all he really wants is a friend. honestly he just does the science because it’s all he’s ever known and he doesn’t know who he is without it.
i don’t want to accidentally rig the votes or anything, but for the people who haven’t read tllr, here are some helpful tips when dealing with this guy! if you are super defiant he will literally just sedate you man. he has so many tricks up his sleeve you don’t even know. i wouldn’t underestimate him! if you are compliant, he’ll be nice to you! more freedom! if you are super friendly and ask him about science and animals and spend more free time with him, well, now you’re just his friend. not sorry. (i started the cyoa really hoping i’d just get to write us becoming best friends with Anton by the end but that’s not really whumpy is it…)
okay sorry i just rambled on and on but Anton is my favorite oc ever and i love talking about him so if anyone asks about him i WILL just never shut up. i love him sm. thanks for reading the cyoa btw!! i have lots of plans for it and i’m super excited :D
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whumpy-wyrms · 1 year
👻 and 🪦 from the ask game? :3
(from this ask game)
👻- do you believe in ghosts?
“Yeah, I believe in ghosts…” Anton spoke slowly, as if choosing his words carefully. “But I… I wouldn’t want them to exist. I wouldn’t want anyone dead to have to stay trapped in this plane of existence, stuck in an eternal limbo with unfinished business they’d never get closure to. I don’t want ghosts to have to exist. I hope they don’t. But… I think they do.” (cryptic as usual, Anton.)
fun fact, my favorite tllr character is a ghost :) but they won’t get introduced until around chapters 15-17, so it won’t be for a little while
🪦- if something went wrong, how would you want Whumper to lay you to rest?
“Nothing will go wrong!” Dew exclaimed, voice full of emotion. “I’m not gonna die here. But um… if I do die here then uh… I’d want Anton to tell my friends. And I’d wanna be buried by my parents. I guess. But that won’t happen because I’ll escape before then, and- and Anton probably would’t do that anyway! He’d- he’d just- probably just disintegrate me and hide all the evidence and go out and find another test subject as if it’s no big deal, as if my life never mattered to him. …Probably.”
thanks for the ask!
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whumpy-wyrms · 1 year
for Dew, from the ask game:
😱- what’s your greatest fear? Has whumper ever used it against you?
☠️- are you scared to die?
(ask game)
😱- what’s your greatest fear? Has whumper ever used it against you?
“Well, I have a fear of needles… trypanophobia I think it’s called? I don’t even know why, but I hate needles so much- and Anton just doesn’t seem to get it! Yeah, he uses them against me all the time! I know it’s an easy way to control me, and I hate that. But-but I hate being poked with a fucking needle even more. I can’t see this fear going anyway any time soon, despite his ‘attempts.’ Anton’s just making it worse.”
☠️- are you scared to die?
“…Yeah, I am. I mean, I know death is natural and everyone dies and all that, but I- I don’t wanna die. Especially here, w-with Anton. I’m scared sometimes that he’ll go too far and accidentally kill me during experiments… But, h-he always says he won’t kill me so… I dunno.”
“I just- I can’t die here. Not without… not without my friends. If I have to die, I’ll need to s-say goodbye to them first, you know?”
“…But I won’t. I just need to find a way to leave this place. Anton doesn’t seem like the type of person to wanna actually kill anyone anyway.”
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