#anyway lantern rite how we feeling
sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Death At The Hands Of A God
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Warnings: general sagau, imposter au, light descriptions of violence/gore, you die/are killed (by Venti), angst
It seemed as if the rain was particularly heavy, almost unusually so as it fell in sheets, occasionally catching the light of the moon, making it look no different than strands of silver.
That should have been a sign, the rain, the fog, the agitation of the weather. Mondstadt hadn't faced a storm this bad since before their current Archon, even the winds of Dvalin paled in comparison.
Venti was so ignorant not to pick up on the clues laid out before him by his own nation as he trudged through heavy rain, his bow at the ready and a sinking feeling in his chest.
He would never say he disliked the rain, despite what unpleasant memories linger in the back of his mind from those times. But everything carried a harsher weight when was faced with his current task, one assigned to him by no other than his creator.
Venti stopped to rest a moment, leaning against a tree for partial coverage, though it did little to shield his already soaked clothes. He felt something heavy and unpleasant in his chest as he reflected on the situation, an unshakable sense of wrongness, one that clouded his mind and dulled his senses. You were what he was after, you who posed a threat to the divine order simply because of your face.
He thought back on his creators’ honeyed words, a sickeningly sweet tone that he had never heard them use before, not that they very commonly addressed him at all, which made this particular summons out of place, a mixture of excitement and worry bubbling in his chest as he walked through their temple. To kill someone impersonating them, that is what they ordered him, hinting at the possible consequences his nation may face if he didn't comply with the utmost enthusiasm, the threat of which rang particularly loud when faced with what they had done to other nations in fits of anger.
He knew deep within him that this wasn't remotely justified, that he might as well be punished alongside you if the crime was simply stealing a face. If only you chose to look like another human, or even an Archon, he would have taken your mimicry of him as a complementary. But alas. Those feelings were pushed down and covered by the vow he made to his nation, one born of nothing but love and a promise for a brighter future.
Venti had considered alternatives, confronting you with your motive, begging you to make yourself scarce, making his own judgement on your reasons and framing his response accordingly, but those were all fleeting thoughts, quickly pushed away as soon as they arose. He couldn't get attached, he couldn't afford to think of you as human, and he certainly couldn't afford it getting back to his creator that he failed them.
He had heard about your existence from other sources, apparently being so bold as to walk directly into Mondstadt. You weren't met with pitchforks and torches, his people were more civilized than that, but the hostility was as sharp as a knife. You had left of your own accord after having no luck obtaining food or a place to stay, he had only heard after the fact from gossipers drinking late into the night, the faces of which were forced into his mind as he once again thought of his creators’ threat.
Venti was pulled from his thoughts due to a subtle noise, one almost unnoticeable through the heavy onset of rain, but it was there. A branch and a pile of leaves, something big enough to break them, and no one in their right mind would be out in this weather, except...
He swallowed what little apprehension he’d not already buried, reverting his mindset to something it had been five hundred years ago with the quick draw of his bow. The Archon saw you in the distance, just as soaked as he was, clothes tattered and foreign, scared. A quick death was the least you deserved, one free from suffering, and maybe your next life would be more forgiving.
He aimed for your head, a clear shot even now, but it seemed the moonlight that glinting off his bow caught your attention as you quickly turned your body to face him in a defensive stance, eyes wide, fearful, as if you could see what was about to come to fruition.
Your mouth moved, only fragments of the noise it produced were carried to him, broken syllables and muffled notes the very wind urged him to listen to.
You had said his name.
Venti faltered before the arrow released, for the first time in centuries, its' path no longer as steady or sure as it had been.
It hit your throat.
Venti's legs were moving before he consciously realized, forcing his body to where you fell, as if collapsing in on yourself, until he could finally see you clearly, drenched in rain and golden liquid, mixing together indiscriminately as they soak into the ground below.
There was a feeling of shock, which developed in his throat first, spreading evenly throughout the rest of his body, as if it were in his bloodstream. He looked at your terrified expression, a pained and now lifeless one, holding only fragments of the fear you felt.
What had he done.
Venti felt himself fall to his knees, hands immediately going to where his arrow lay firmly lodged, feeling for a pulse in an act he knew to be worthless.
"No. No, n-no— no. Please!" His voice cracked as his mind caught up with what his eyes were forcing him to behold.
You were the divine creator, Teyvat's one true God, and he had—
No. He couldn't even think it, the word that was on the tip of his mind carried nothing but pain, anguish and insufferable heartache, the likes of which he hadn't felt, well since...
Without thinking, Venti wrapped his arms around you, laid his head on your stomach, forced his eyes closed, and prayed. For your return, for forgiveness, and if not for any of that, then simply for a form of retribution.
He hadn't realized he'd started crying, tears and rain alike falling from his face onto your form, pooling at his eyes until the world around him became harder and harder to see.
The position you both rested in was not unlike that day long ago, forever etched in his memory and resurfaced through reflections.
Was this simple his fate? To find himself holding in his arms the corpse of someone he loved so dearly, over and over again. Was it written in his very being that all good things would be torn violently from him with little care to how it left him shattered, scrambling for the pieces of what little piece of mind he had left.
There was no coming back from this, no form of atonement. He could feel the shackles encasing his wrists, invisibly tying him to this moment, to where you had stood alive moments prior. His days of living freely died with you, forever encased in the space between where your souls had briefly met, and it was no more than he deserved.
It was only a moment later that your body was gone, dissolved into the stardust it was born from, slipping through his arms and carried by the wind that no longer obeyed him. That didn't stop him from reaching desperately, gasping and clawing at the air for what remained, heart in his throat as he begged for mercy, for anything but you depriving him of your vessel even after death.
You couldn't really be gone, not fully, you who so powerfully morphed this world from willpower alone, who disappeared for an infinite stretch of time only to descend again. Even if your vessel may have been no stronger than human, your soul was as old and powerful as existence itself, it would linger on in whatever form it had existed before, watching, waiting.
He would be ready for when you decided to give this world a second chance, he would wait an eternity and more to see your face again and repent a thousand times over, bear any hardships in the time between only to fall to his knees in complete acceptance at whatever you deem an acceptable punishment when faced with your light again.
But first...
It seemed as if there was a loose end to tie up, a deceiver bearing the ultimate sin, one much more deserving of his arrow, and one that would suffer a fate worse than death in your name.
Venti roughly brushed the tears from his face, eyes darkening as he shakily pulled himself from his knees, feeling as if his body couldn't decide between flying or collapsing.
His ‘creator’ would soon face all the fear and pain that was forced upon you, the wrath of a god who had lost everything for the second time, a goal he planned to pursue till his dying breath.
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five-rivers · 5 months
My Kingdom of Fish poll fic! Continued from here.
(Also for Dannymay Day 6: Immortal AU, because KoF is one!)
But Danny had already started to reach for the badge with the lantern symbol, entranced by its curlicues and the graceful curve of the glass.  The librarian took this as him pointing, and swept all the other badges off the table.  
“So, um,” said Danny, rubbing the back of his neck, “what kind of an alteration are we talking about, here?”  He could practically feel his parents glaring at him, for all that he was a whole dimension away.  
“The lantern is the symbol of light,” said the librarian.  “That’s what it gives you.  Extra light.”
A pretty minor transformation, then, compared to other places he’d been.  “Anything else I should know about?  Side effects?  Library rules?”
“Your Library of Tongues card says you’re a minor.”
“I mean, when I got it, but that was years ago.  I’m over eighteen.”
The librarian looked at him skeptically.  “Chronologically, perhaps.  Board policy restricts minors from accessing age-inappropriate topics.  These topics include, but are not limited to, certain sexual and reproductive material, details of portal mechanics and construction, duplication, decomposition of human bodies, summoning rituals, except for instructions on how to prevent oneself from being summoned, metaphysical or core bonding, except for prevention methods, coming of age rituals, customs, and rites, and any similar rituals restricted to adults.  Do you accept these restrictions?”
“I’m not sure how I’m going to tell if something includes one of those things without looking at it,” said Danny, rocking back slightly.  “Why are portals restricted, anyway?” he asked, echoing a question from his Dad.
“Because they are exceedingly dangerous and liable to end people.  But you won’t need to figure out what is disallowed yourself.”  She held up a roll of stickers.  Most of them were generic circles, but the one on the end was a cute little cluster of stars.  In the center of the largest star, the word ‘MINOR’ was written.  “We add these to minors’ badges.  They’re linked to an effect that will prevent you from entering the relevant areas.”
“Oh, that’s alright, then,” said Danny.  It grated, a little, but he had more or less accepted that ghosts, much like his parents, were never going to see him as a full adult.  
Partially, unfortunately, because he never would be.  
The librarian stuck the sticker on the badge.  “As for other rules,” she began, “common courtesy applies.  No fights.  Capturing pests like dire bookworms is fine.  No damage to the library.  Food items should not leave marked areas.  Do not attempt to remove books from the library.”  She tapped the visitor’s badge against the counter and began to make another note on her pad of paper.  “And be quiet, or the lost ones might take you, I suppose.”
Danny’s eyebrows went up.  “Lost ones?”
“A legend,” said the librarian.  “Every so often, a story circulates about people becoming permanently lost in the lower levels of the library.  I’ve never seen evidence of anything of the sort happening.  We do send out search parties for those guests who fail to leave when their time is up.  Speaking of which, if you manage to get lost, you will be required to take two aids on your next visit.”
The librarian finished writing her note and inserted it into a slot on her desk.  “The copyists’ room has been informed that you will be arriving and your preferences regarding the translation.  They will give you the book you will be translating.”  She held the visitor’s badge out to Danny.  “Clip this to the front of your clothes and try not to lose it.  It’s much more tedious to undo the alterations when you leave if you don’t have it.”
“They don’t just disappear when you leave?” asked Danny.  That was unusual.  Most transformations like this were location-dependent.  
“They do, eventually, but since they aren’t entirely natural, they tend to stick a little more.  So.  Don’t lose the badge.”  She wiggled the badge a little.  
Danny took it and briefly searched for a part of himself that wasn’t covered with equipment and would fit the badge.  It was harder than he’d thought it would be, but he managed.  
The transformation hit almost immediately.  
Most of the glow a ghost produced wasn’t in their skin, but their aura, hovering less than an inch above it.  Danny’s aura flared and billowed out, going from moon-like to a luminous nimbus Danny could probably read by.  
Actually, Danny reflected as his aura stretched out even further, pulling gently but firmly on his core, someone twenty or thirty feet away could read comfortably in this much light.  
His parents exclaimed over the change in brightness and ecto-energy readings, the light no doubt whiting out their video.  
He swayed slightly, and blinked hard as some mechanism in his eyes and perception shifted to accommodate the light.  He reached out to the counter to steady himself, and was surprised when his hand hit not the counter, but the wall.  Somehow, the equipment he had so carefully put on felt loose, precarious, as if he was going to–
At the last minute, he managed to catch the complex camera rig and lower it to the ground.  Then, he decided that sitting down would be good for him, too.  He put his head between his knees as best he could, stripping off a few more pieces of recording equipment to do so, and waited for the waves of dizziness to pass.  
Finally, he looked up.  He could see down the long reception room as easily as before, but it was much better illuminated now.  He held his hand up in front of himself.  The first thing he noticed was how light seemed to trail after it, a sort of neon afterimage, almost like something in a video game.  
Then, he noticed how small it was.  
He jumped to his feet, then off them, so he could properly grasp at the counter.  He only vaguely noticed that his usual jumpsuit had been replaced with loose pants and a smock that fell to his knees.  His hands left glowing prints on the wood.  
“You didn’t tell me I was going to shrink!”  he hissed.  
The librarian held up her hands.  “Usually, it’s not quite so severe.”  Her eyes practically twinkled.  “But you must admit, that it is much easier to tell who is a minor at a glance, this way.”
Danny huffed, drew his eyes down over himself again, then deliberately flew in front of the cameras, light trailing behind him, lingering in the air like ink in water.  “How old do I look right now?” he asked his parents.  
“Oh, dear,” said Maddie.  
“I was never good with ages,” said Jack.  
“Five, I think.  You looked like this when you started school.  Danny, maybe you should come home.”
“I already made the deal to translate, backing out would be bad form.”  He looked around at the equipment he’d shed during his transformation.  “I’m probably not going to be able to bring most of this, though…  It won’t fit, and my arms just aren’t big enough to grab on to everything.”  Although, he could probably drag it around with telekinesis.  That required an awful lot of concentration, though, and he wasn’t sure he could manage it.
“You can leave what you can’t take in here,” said the librarian.  “We have a coat room for just such a purpose.”
Well, that was one problem solved.  Now he just had to decide what he could take.  The Fenton Phones, of course, since they still fit alright in his ears, but what else?
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queenlua · 19 days
can I ask Micaiah/Sothe/Pelleas and some kind of breaking the spirit contract on Pelleas' soul, or some kind of post-op on poly set-up?
The way to unbind a spirit, in the end, is almost insultingly simple: cut the thing out.
Micaiah's been kneeling, poised over a prone, shirtless Pelleas, with a knife in her hand, for over half an hour.  Sothe's impatience is clear, from how he keeps fidgeting beside them, though he hasn't said anything about it.  Yet.
Huddled in this tent, the whole place lit by two lamps, it's like it's wartime again.  They're miles from Castle Nevassa, miles from anywhere else, camping in some little-traveled grove with snow heaped up in great piles all around them.  They agreed this would be neater, if anything were to happen.  If they needed to hide a body.  If this didn't work.
(But it has to work.  She can't lose him.)
"It'll be fine, Micaiah," Pelleas says, with that soft, soft smile, inclining his head slightly—but he's said that before.  He's said it when it wouldn't have been fine at all, actually, when she'd nearly let him get stabbed him through the heart for nothing, saved only by chance—
Micaiah blinks away the wetness in her eyes before it can become tears.  A bead of sweat drips from her brow and onto that naked chest.  It is midwinter; how is she sweating?  The cloth this tent has made of must be robust indeed, to trap the little heat of the three of them so well.  That, or she's caught fever.  She feels feverish, certainly.  She glances up at Sothe, to see if he looks the same.
"Let me," Sothe says, voice rough, "if you can't.  I'll do it."
It is so tempting.  Sothe's good with a knife, better than she is.  It would be so easy.
"It'll be fine," Pelleas repeats, with strength he doesn't have to spare.  She can nearly hear the bones in his jaw creak as he says it.  He's down to half the weight he was a year ago, all skin and bones.  Apparently, once a spirit's tired of its host, things can... progress... quickly.
Sothe reaches out a hand toward the knife in Micaiah's hand.  He moves slowly.  Wraps his pinky around the hilt, then the next finger, and—
"No," she says, jerking her hands backward, and the knife along with it.  He can't do it, she's sure of it now, she has to be the one to do it—though she can't remember why.
She blinks.  Shakes her head.  Her vision blurs a moment, but that's only a trick of the light.  She wishes these lanterns wouldn't flicker quite so much.  Her fingers twitch, but that's only the strain, from holding this position for so long.
"And we're sure about this," Micaiah says, her voice thinner than she'd like, her head foggier than she'd like.  Everything feels so far away.  "Where did we find this rite, anyway?" she asks, to the air.
"You did," Pelleas says, automatic.
Micaiah blinks.  She can't remember.
"In that old book," Sothe adds.  "The one you dug out of the archives."
That sounds like something she'd do.  She'd have searched every library on the continent, if she thought it'd save Pelleas.  So why can't she remember?
It's the spirit, she thinks, the sort of desperate explanation that would only occur to her now.  Using magic, of a sort.  Making her head and her skin and her fingers feel this way, from deep within Pelleas's chest.  Straining and striving to stay alive.
Or it isn't, and something else is desperately wrong here.  Why can't she remember that book—the shape of it, the reason she'd trusted it, if she had any reason to trust it at all? had they tested it, could they test it, was there no other way to do this—
She fixes Sothe in her sights, and goes cross-eyed a moment with the effort of it.  There's a grim set to his face, enhanced by the lanterns' orange glow.
And then she remembers, belatedly, why Sothe can't do it—the one who cuts out the spirit must love the spirit's host.  And she knows, much as she wishes otherwise, that what Sothe feels toward Pelleas is nothing like love.
Why did Sothe offer, then—?  Does he think the book was mistaken?
Or—does he simply not want Pelleas alive?
Something beneath Pelleas's skin hisses, or seems to hiss, satisfied.  Then it hisses, or seems to hiss, beneath her own skin, too.  The lamps are flickering.  The tent is thrumming.  It must be a hundred degrees in here, from how she's sweating, from how slick the knife feels in her fingers.
She can't trust either of them, she realizes at length.  She loves them but she can't trust them, not with this.  The one who'd gladly kill, the one who'd gladly die—and her in the middle, starting to feel faint.  She's seconds from losing her nerve or her consciousness both—maybe there's no spirit, maybe this a setup, some convoluted mess of a thing, why can't she remember—
She presses the tip of the dagger to the center of Pelleas's chest, just above his heart.  Pelleas screws up his face, but he doesn't make a sound.  She presses down a little, just enough to draw the littlest droplet of blood, a pinprick's worth.  She touches the drop with her finger, and that feels real enough.  She lifts that finger to her lips, to her tongue.  Tastes it.  Blinks her vision straight.
She sucks in a deep breath.  Tightens her grip around the knife.  Breathes out.
And the lanterns in the tent flicker out entirely for what happens next.
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themoon-saturn · 2 years
"Say it again."
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Xiao x gn reader
Prompt: Xiao telling you he loves you for the first time at lantern rite :')
an: Hello and welcome back for a shorter one! I got a tiktok that said "write about someone confessing their love to your character for the first time" and I was in the middle of the lantern rite quest so this came from that. Again definitely not proof read so ignore may grammar mistakes pls! Anyways thank you for reading and I hope y'all like it :)
More under the cut
“Come on Xiao… We won't even have to go into the city. We can watch from where ever you want.” you begged. Xiao crossed his arms and looked to the floor, “Demons and monsters are more active right now. Something could happen and I have to be ready.” He glanced up and wished he didn’t, you were giving him a look of pure disappointment. “Okay. I understand then. I’ll see you later.” You start to walk away as Xiao grabs your arm to stop you, “Wait! We can watch the lanterns together… if that’s what you wish. We can watch from the outskirts of the city.” He said avoiding your eyes. “Xiao you promise?! It will be fun, I swear! Thank you!” You smile excitedly, hugging Xiao. He tenses up slightly and before he can do anything you pull away, “I’m sorry… I know you’re not one for hugs, I just was excited. I will meet you this evening outside the city. I’ll call for you.” You thank him again before taking your leave. Xiao watched you go and once you were out of sight he cursed to himself for caving so easily when it came to you. Your touch made him feel like his brain stopped working and the look of joy on your face when he agreed to join you for lantern rite caused his chest to tighten. He wasn’t sure what to make of these emotions at first but deep down he knew… he was in love with you and he had slowly been coming to terms with that fact. Despite his protests, you chiseled away his walls and became one of his closest companions. Someone he trusts and cares for. Someone he wants to protect and cherish for as long as you will allow. He leaned against the railing of Wangshu Inn and turned to the sky, he knew he was closer to a monster than a human but you still stayed by his side and he didn’t get why. Xiao might never understand you but he will spend eternity trying to comprehend how someone as bright and kindhearted as you could stand to be around him.
The sun began to set over Liyue Harbor and you were excited to finally spend lantern rite with Xiao, you went shopping for a new outfit for the festivities and even got a lantern for the two of you to release. “Xiao? Are you there?” you called. Xiao arrived swiftly and looked too stunned to speak, “Xiao are you okay?” you laugh waving your hand in front of his face. “Um- sorry. You just- You look-“ he stutters out. “You like it? I was worried it might be too much.”, “Yes… you look… very pretty.” he finally gets his words out, trying hard not to stare too much at you. “Well thank you… I got this for us! I haven’t released one before so I thought we could do it together.” You hold up the lantern to hide your face. Xiao nods and you both take a seat next to one another as you wait for the show to start. He sits quietly and you try to make small talk to cut the silence just as the harbor lights up. “Oh, it’s time! Are you ready to wish?” You smile brightly. Xiao nods and takes a hold of the lantern with you, you both close your eyes and let it fly into the air. When you open them the lanterns fly over the water casting a beautiful glow and you look at Xiao who is mesmerized. You smile to yourself and you both watch the lights in silence. Xiao looks at you and lets the words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them, “I love you…” You turn to him in shock and he puts his hand over his mouth, "Xiao what did you say?” you grab his arm so he doesn’t teleport away. He messed up. He messed up bad. His mind is telling him to run but before he can do anything you place your hand on his face breaking him free from his thoughts, “Did you… just say you love me?” Xiao doesn’t want to look at you but he can help it, the way the glow of the city reflects in your eyes is almost hypnotizing. “I- forget I said anything! I’m sorry-“ he starts only for you to cut him off with a kiss. His eyes widen in shock but he slowly relaxes, moving his hands to your waist to pull you closer. “I love you too Xiao…” you say softly. He feels at peace like his karmic debt had dissipated from his body with just a few simple words. “Say it again.” He says kissing you once more. “I love you.” you repeat. “Again.” you repeat yourself once more. “I want to learn more about you… I want to protect you and give you the peace and comfort you give me.” Xiao says still holding you close to him. “Oh, my dear Xiao… I will always stay by your side. As long as you would allow me to.” He didn’t deserve this kindness and love from you but yet you still saw the good in him even if he didn’t. Looking into your eyes he knew that you weren’t lying. "I have to ask... what did you wish for?" Xiao asked you in a voice that was barely above a whisper. "Well, I wished for you to have a good year." He gave you soft smile, "You used your wish on me? You are difficult too comprehend.", " Well, then what about you? What did you wish for 'Oh great Adeptus' Xiao?" you tease while poking his arm. "If i tell you it won’t come true so there is no need to mention it." Xiao ignored your protests and questions, just admiring you. 'I just want to be the reason you smile, I want to hear you say those words again every chance I can' Xiao thinks to himself. He had once lost everything dear to him and felt trapped, a slave to his karmic debt but you… you made him feel human. You brought out the best in him and he did the same for you. He may never be fully free from his binds but at least with you, he feels his burden will be easier to carry. 
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mewmewpercy · 1 month
Hello there! Recently I saw your reblog regarding the hoyoverse boycott about whether we should play continuing playing Genshin or not. That same twt user made a thread about how will it no longer participate make any twts about the boycott and how disappointed they are with the boycott is failing.
While I can understand their reasoning I feel like they are still missing out some key details.
For example with the upcoming Captain American movie coming out the BDS wants everyone to boycott everything thats related to Marvel/Disney in order to remove Captain Israel or Sabra from the movie. As of right now I haven't watch a single Marvel or Disney media since the release of Sabra but that doesn't mean I can still like and enjoy Spiderverse and the only merch that I have bought that is Marvel related are usually from artists who are selling their own merchandise. Not something from official Marvel/Disney
Like you said it's hard to boycott a gacha game and the only way you can do that is by attacking their main income. Which is why many encourage to be f2p. What many fail to realize is that idea that hotoverse game has a BIG community of whalers. When in reality that only a small community many do not have that privilege on having a c6 5 star. I have been a f2p since the 2nd Lantern rite and I only spent money on the game on 2 characters out of 13 chatacter that I won by saving
Aiya you bring up a very good point I've forgotten. You can very much like a product and hate the creator.
The idea that every hoyo gamer is a whale has to be the product of youtubers. They have the privilege to spend money the average player can't. A lot of players are young and jobless. A lot of players don't think spending on games is necessary. I play star rail f2p and the only reason I have very few limiteds is because of the lack of interesting male characters or the unfortunate timing of reruns. I feel like it's an unfair assessment to assume an entire playerbase spends thousands because a loud minority does.
Back on the like the product hate the maker idea though. I like music from genshin and star rail. I won't deny that. I also enjoy many character trailers. Am I inherently a terrible racist because I enjoy products made by a shitty company? No. No I am not. Maybe I'll use less than ideal routes of enjoying them to avoid profiting the company instead. Maybe I'd rather commend the work of entire other teams of people separate from the higher ups that are most likely the issue. I've stopped liking content. I don't look at all the art posted. I download whatever I deem useful off the tiktok pages and share with people who play to avoid them getting even a cent extra.
The 5.0 program is supposed to be Friday. Normally I watch them or scrub through vods. I'm not even bothering because I'd rather engage with fans reposting the info than looking at the source. Most of my enjoyment stems from fans anyways and I'm always subject to spoilers about 20 times day of so why bother?
All in all people generalise these games players way too damn much because they assume what they hear loud youtubers say is true for everyone. They assume everyone is dropping hundreds or thousands of dollars. They assume people even spend a dime on refreshes or welkin or small amounts of currency.
People also act like you should be burned at the stake for daring to enjoy things. I can enjoy game lore and music without enjoying the rare time I could be represented being full of races not even close to mine and all white in game. I can say yea I do enjoy someone's trailer and still think they deserve melanin. I don't support the company I support the workers trying their damndest to do what they can to represent cultures.
Just because people play doesn't mean they aren't boycotting and it's a dick move to try and push people to quit or be hella negative just because some loud people say they'll spend. People who whale have decided to skip entirely. People who barely spend went f2p. Even f2p players are debating skipping banners or only pulling on a few. The community dividing over shitty assumptions will be the reason we fail not because people play without paying.
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cecilxa · 2 years
something so treasured, so loved
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summary: xiao doesn't break promises, he cherishes memories instead.
contents: fluffy angst(?), bittersweet, established relationship, gn!reader, uh don't know how to put it lightly but the reader is deceased, changes from 3rd person pov to xiao's pov (main segment), then back
cw: death, see above for reader's status, tiny allusion to violence
recommend listening to: i love you so by the walters (one of my all time favourite songs)
a/n: part of my winter special! also i'm so so sorry this has absolutely nothing to do with winter (my fingers slipped)
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A Yaksha named Alatus- a lover named Xiao- was never the sentimental type. But you changed him. He brings gifts, each with their own message. He hopes you’ll take the time to listen, for he would spend an eternity in the Abyss just to hear your voice again.
The First.
When you first met me, you weren’t scared like all the others. You were simply curious about who I was, either ignorant of my power or did not care that I could kill you in one, fleeting moment. Instead, I was the one intimidated. No one had ever treated me like that; I couldn’t help but want to know more about that new feeling you made me experience. I remember it clearly. A stormy day, clouds overcast, sun hidden behind all the grey, you could hear the thunder from all over Liyue. But you had decided to go outside. It was stupid decision; I still remember your coughs the next day. I got these Mist Flowers from Mondstadt, they remind me of the rain. 
The Second.
I don’t know how it happened, but you took down my shield. The shield I didn't know I even had. Rex Lapis said to me years ago that the simplest of things meant the greatest of moments, and I had not understood what he was saying until you held my hand. I was ashamed of how calloused and scarred mine were; I did not think that they were worthy of grasping yours. Instead, you kissed my knuckles and said that you were glad you had met me. I couldn’t look at you- as much as I wanted to- but I held your hand everytime we met after that. Some merchant was selling something that made your hands softer, and I thought of you. I probably should’ve bought it for myself, but I thought you would appreciate the gesture.
The Third.
One cloudy day, you said you liked Qingxin. I was taken off guard, but I wanted to see you happy. So I took you to the mountain peaks- fright evident on your face- but I held you tight, and when we got to the top, you were looking at the view. You could see the rolling mountains and hills, while the voices of the wind and birds drifted by. You said it was beautiful, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You never got to bring some Qingxin back, too distracted. But, I could still smell the scent of it weeks after. I visited that exact peak we went to, and it was like you were there with me; I could feel your hand in mine. They’re not the same anymore, but I managed to bring some back.
The Fourth.
You had a necklace made for yourself- the main crystal being made out of Cor Lapis. You said it matched my eyes, and that if you wore it everyday I would be there by your side. I asked why you needed the necklace, when I would always be with you anyway. You didn’t even question the validity of my statement. We both knew how true it was, even when I didn’t know how much weight it carried. This Cor Lapis is the heaviest thing I brought with me, but the lightness I felt on that day was like a clear sky. 
The Fifth.
I realised that I wanted to be with you forever when you pointed out the lights at the annual Lantern Rite. They shone as brightly as the gleaming stars, floating up into the sky to join the moon. But, even after all the lights, I thought it was you that shone the brightest. I still do. You looked at me, and I could see the joy that was overflowing in your eyes, your grin blinding mine. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop wishing to make that night last forever, if it made you smile like that. I couldn’t stop wishing to stay like that forever, if forever meant you by my side. I’ve had this bracelet for a long time now. I would prefer to give it to you, but there’s something stopping me from doing so. I both fear and long for it to be your voice. The red now reminds me not of blood shed, but of destiny. You were the one responsible for that change. For that, I am eternally grateful.
The Last.
Now, as I look at this stony slab of rock, rain is falling on my shoulders, like that first time we met. I barely notice it, because this rain reminds me of you, and you were always the light in my life, guiding me through the dark. I hope that I was one to you, too. The Qingxin and Mist Flowers are in full bloom, infused with adepti magic to make sure they never wilt, because each petal symbolises the memories we shared. I will never forget them; they are too precious for me to do so. Cor Lapis glows in the dark. I hope you’re still wearing your necklace, but if you’re not, don’t worry, I am here. I will always be here for you. 
Sitting next to a polished grave, some blue and white flowers, an orange stone and a little tube of hand cream, Xiao wears a red bracelet on his wrist. He hasn’t noticed yet, but there’s tears streaming down his face, hot and salty. He hasn’t noticed his heart straining, the way his eyes fill with an emotion called longing. The thunder shakes the ground he’s on, but it’s like he’s not there. Instead, he bows his head. Perhaps he’s noticed now. 
“Thank you. I am in your debt. I promise to stand by you forever more.”
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a/n: merry christmas to those who celebrate it! i’m sorry for making you read angst on christmas day (this was supposed to be fluffy I swear)! likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated ❤️
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lillonvia · 1 year
Ayyy mama! guizhong asker is back! (I couldn't use my phone for a while, anyways-) part 3 bAby. So like I said guizhong is alive and well in the game, still pretty cheerful but kinda off for r e a s o n s we already know. (I think it would be pretty cute if both zhongli and her disguise as mortals together as a couple) traveler doing the story quest and all, But it's a bit different. I like to think at this time and age of liyue lots of people would know reader's story and would incorporate it to lantern rite and just other things in general (like how in the game zhongli asks traveler to get the perfume and glaze lily as offerings, I think this can just be coincidence but guizhong). Like how superstitious farmers and shepherds putting bells on their flock of sheep so they would be able to find them, and people putting bells on graves so their deceased loved would be able to find their way home, heck the story itself could be a use for parents for their children to not stray away from them. Okay enough story building and on to the actual ask- ghuizhong meeting a reincarnated reader as a shepherd using the bell for his flock (reader is a teenager in this) how they met is because traveler and zhongli was trying to convince reader to give them the bell for a discount. (since I also wanted to add that bells are really only sold by farmers/blacksmiths since other than for spiritual reasons aren't really sought out for) oh yeah- the stuff that zhongli needs are different in the game it's now like- a toy, the bell, and jade
i have been procrastinating too much i hate myself- IM SO SORRY ANON I CANT WRITE A FIC ABT THIS I AM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF DOING SO </3 but ill share my thoughts and interpretations on it utc instead if that workshsj
guili stepping down from their pedastals and instead posing as a mortal couple is just so adorable to me <3 i have LOVED (platonically) guizhong and guili ever since i saw the lantern rite 2023 cutscene on youtube YOU DONT UNDERSTANDD why did hyv kill off such beautiful and wonderful ppl 😭 first tomo, then signora, makoto, then bonanus, menogias, and guizhong?? WHY. ok thats enough outta me-
and the shepherd bit is also really interesting, since we don’t really have any sort of hint of agriculture yet and i think that it’s really intruiging and unique <3 i love the fact that reader’s story is still well known across liyue to the present day, and i’m sure guizhong is happy that reader’s memory is preserved via the usage of bells.
AND M O R E FOUND FAMILY TROPES W/ GUI AND REINCARNATED READER?? YES PLEASE‼️ i feel like at first, guizhong would try to stray away from helping to find the bell that once belonged to reader, bc she most likely feels that if she did come along (not to mention zhongli was so understanding of this JSJSJSJJ), the memories would come rushing back and theres a chance she can’t hold it in anymore. you has always been so very special to guizhong and by extension, zhongli, after all. <3
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the moment guizhong realizes that reader was reincarnated in a mortal body is probably when she notices how similar current you’s speech mannerisms and little habits—that no one else really noticed but she did, shes your mother after all—greatly resembled the traits of the half-qilin!you.
and the final nail in the coffin is when they asked to spend a moment with guizhong in private, and they dropped a BIIIGGG bomb by saying,
“ its nice to finally be able to see you again, mama. ”
HEHEUJTLRB im so delulu when it comes to mama!guizhong <3
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myjustice · 7 months
spoilers for pt. 4 of lantern rite, thoughts mainly focused on furina.
at first i was concerned that her & hu tao meeting was going to be another little jab at furina's trauma concerning the floods & the people that were lost to the waters & other things ( because she genuinely carries a lot of guilt with her over it & the powerlessness she felt for the last 500 years & just making false promises that she herself as she was had the power to help them when that wasn't the truth ), so i'm really glad that it didn't end up being the case & it ended up being an entirely different thing.
by the sounds of it furina might be testing her wit on making a horror film which i would love to see personally. i hope this comes back full circle in a later patch - would love to see who she thinks would make perfect actors to star in her horror film, it'll probably be characters from liyue since liyue folklore seems to have been the source of inspiration for this film idea she's trying to iron out.
i'm glad that we caught the fontaine cast as they were leaving liyue because i really wanted the lantern rite to be more heavily focused on the liyue cast. i love the implication that the fontaine characters were there enjoying the lantern rite as well though!
i can't express just how happy i am that furina got to meet zhongli first out of the seven & that she got to spend time with him in the company of hu tao. she genuinely enjoyed their company & i adore & i'm so happy that she did because it emphasizes that her isolation isn't something she does with pleasure. furina doesn't like to be alone, she doesn't want to anymore. being on her own is just something she was forced to live with, self-isolation to cope with what may come her way & threaten her spirit. the fact that she can kick it off with others so well is wonderful & that she feels so at ease & comfortable to just be herself around them.
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furina being able to tell there's more to zhongli than meets the eye by a mere conversation was awesome. the exhaustion i feel when people want to discredit her ability to critically think on her own or that she's too "childish" to connect two & two on her own is ridiculous. also this one shot of zhongli looking so happy to see her in person is very cute to me.
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it gets glossed over that the seven see furina & her expelled divinity as one entity ( individual interpretations from the fandom/fanon aside ), so betwixt them they hold her at a very high esteem for being able to successfully deceive the heavenly principles which is an entity that they all fear ( for good reason ). they don't see furina &/or focalors, they just see furina who has simply destroyed her throne & is now like zhongli & venti are, they're just three retired tired & exhausted ex-archons. furina, however, does not fully have her memories intact, she only has vague recollections of her very old life. should that ever return to her in full swing or not is still very much in the air. it's neither a yes or a no.
anyway, i'm glad that it can't be argued that furina cares so much about neuvillette. he means a lot to her. & that she thinks of his wellbeing & is hopeful about him giving himself a chance in this world even with his lack of interest for it which she has known he has for the longest time. she knows him so well it's actually so lovely to see it play out how it does. she's using the traveler as her middle man, to pass on her message to him but i'm hopeful for the day where these two will get to talk to each other again & reconcile as she continues to find a healthy way to sort through her traumas & her woes to where it's not entirely consuming her anymore. having her see that she's deserving of love & is worthy of it & that it's genuine is the day i'm so excited to be able to see & witness for myself. for hundreds of years furina encouraged neuvillette to integrate himself more & more into the human world so that he for himself can see the beauty she saw in it even through the struggles & pains that come with it so i'm sure hearing the advice furina told the traveler to pass on to him was a song he was all too familiar with. him admitting & coming to terms with that is very important to that part of their relationship.
hearing clorinde regard furina as her friend no doubt meant the absolute world to furina & given how familiar furina is with clorinde it was important to me that she heard it from clorinde the most because furina knows clorinde wouldn't just say & toss the word friend around so lightly & so mindlessly. it really strengthened the foundation afterwards for furina to call them both her friends as well a few moments later because that was reassurance to furina. clorinde just saying this is what friends do for each other was letting her know that they really see her as their friend & that it's okay for furina to consider & see them as her friends as well because they already consider her as part of their group. it made me so happy. they all came separately but they all depart together.
in general i was pretty happy. it was so nice to see furina again. she means everything to me.
some tid bits that i found so funny were the implications that zhongli really did avoid neuvillette which the conflict in that is something i love because there really is a deep rooted conflict there by relation that needs to get addressed & ironed over & not fixed by the power of friendship.
hu tao saying that neuvillette was a friend of furina's that still had a lot of growing up to do because it's true, hu tao isn't wrong but it's just so funny that it came from hu tao, not because i believe her immature, but because her saying it out of anybody else is implying something.
& then the fact that furina vaguely recalls neuvillette's age as a result of hu tao saying that neuvillette has so much room to grow. i didn't know there was so much controversy around it because from the very beginning it was made clear that furina knew he was the sovereign. you may interpret the text as you want. both cn/jp say that he's at least a thousand years old while the english translation say he's several thousands which, both in essence, are not wrong. furina counting his previous dragon incarnations into his current one isn't anything new, at least to me.
regardless, i'm happy furina got to spend time with zhongli. they're good friends now.
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2baddiesfanfics · 1 month
Practice Makes Perfect (Chapter 2)
Pairing: Shenhe x Yelan
Tags: Training, Fights, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Teacher-Student Relationship, Mentors, Improper Use of Visions (Genshin Impact), Improper Use of Cryo (Genshin Impact), Battle, Masturbation, Friends to Lovers, Liyue Lantern Rite (Genshin Impact)
Shenhe's training is off to a bumpy start…and not just for her. Yelan is starting to feel things she shouldn't.
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2: Training Troubles
Shenhe’s lessons were comprised of both physical training as well as working to understand the unwritten rules of society. To Yelan, it seemed she caught on quickly when it came to fighting, but not so much when it came to being her own person.
“Alright. First day of training. You ready?” Yelan asked, stretching her arms as they walked to the center of the training room. Shenhe gave a sharp nod.
“First things first: What kind of vision do you have? Also, tell me a bit about your fighting background.”
Shenhe flashed the light blue gem. “It’s cryo. I’ve learned some hand-to-hand combat skills and my weapon of choice is a polearm,” she answered quickly.
“Okay, then. We’ll start with some basics. I’m going to throw some water in the air, and I’d like you to freeze it for me.” She flicked her wrist, and a stream of water shot out in her direction. Shenhe waved her hand and the droplets immediately turned solid and shot back toward Yelan. Swerving her head, Yelan barely dodged them in time.
Wide-eyed, Shenhe started walking toward her. “I apologize! I didn’t mean to use that much force.”
“No, no! It’s alright. That’s what we’re here to figure out together." Yelan reassured her. “How about some basic sparring first, maybe?”
Yelan ran at her readying her fist to throw a punch. Reading her move, Shenhe grabbed her arm and flipped her over her shoulder. With a loud crack, Yelan landed against the wall. “Ow. OW. Wow. Okay. We’ve got a ways to go it seems. No big deal. We’ll get there.”
Shenhe stood in the middle of the training room looking down at her feet. She was beginning to think this was a bad idea.
“Let’s attempt one more thing. Show me some moves with your spear,” Yelan instructed as she slowly walked back to the center of the room massaging her shoulder. She set up a training dummy and stepped back. Shenhe jabbed at an incredible speed and pierced it too many times for Yelan to count. Leaping into the air, she hit the dummy with a cryo-powered strike that sent it flying across the room. Shards of ice littered the floor that was now cratered by the sheer force of the attack. The dummy was nowhere to be seen. Shenhe cringed as she readied herself for beratement.
“Your strength is insanely impressive, Shenhe. In time, I’m sure we’ll get you to a point you’re comfortable with. Don’t worry. We’ll get this room cleaned up. I’ve been meaning to have it renovated anyway.”
The girl relaxed her shoulders. “You’re…not upset with me?” She asked with hesitation in her voice.
Yelan let out a nervous laugh. “Uh, no. This is what we are here to do. You have a gift – now we just have to bring out its potential in a much safer way.”
“A…gift?” No one had ever called it this. She had always seen her strength as a curse.
“Yeah. It might take some time for you to see it that way, but for now, let’s rest up.”
Moving back up to the living quarters of the base, Yelan collected her wallet and headed for the trap door. “I’m going to leave for a bit to get some quotes on getting the training room fixed up with things for your training. Would you like to join me?”
Shenhe shook her head no, thank you, and headed to her room.
A gift! No one’s ever called it that before. Everyone has always told me how dangerous I am and that this ability makes me a monster. Master Yelan didn’t seem afraid of it or me…
Over the next few weeks, the two women conducted various exercises to get Shenhe ready for when Ningguang and Beidou would stop by to assess her progress. Yelan first set up glasses of water for her to freeze. The smaller the increments, the easier it’d be to work her way up to larger amounts without losing control.
When it came to physical strength training, Yelan could tell she was holding back on purpose. “You’re not going to hurt me. I can take it. I’m a lot tougher than I look.”
“Master Yelan, I do not feel my abilities are a gift, as you see them. I can seriously hurt people. I’m a monster with murderous tendencies. That’s why the adepti bound my soul with red ropes - so I would not be a danger to anyone.”
“Just Yelan is fine. No need for formalities. And we need to show that bird she’s wrong about you. The way one perceives their abilities is part of how they manage them. By viewing them as a positive instead of a negative while still understanding the consequences of their misuse is how you’ll master them.”
Yelan put her hand on Shenhe’s shoulder. “Also. You’re not a monster. Maybe a little robotic at times, but certainly not a monster. I’m here to help you evolve into the person you were always meant to be.” Without thinking, Shenhe turned to her and hugged her tightly, catching her completely off guard.
“Thank you,” she whispered before releasing her, a small blush forming on her cheeks.
“Y-yeah…that’s what I am here for. Let’s not dally. Onto the last portion of training.” Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it in her ears.
Although Yelan preferred using a bow, she knew a few moves with a polearm (it was always best to practice with multiple weapons – she never knew when she might have to use one as a part of a secret identity). Shenhe readied her spear, but Yelan noticed her stance was off.
“Here, let me show you something,” Yelan said as she stood next to her, one foot back the other forward. One hand grasped the middle of the spear and the other further down the shaft. “Like this. It gives you a wider stance and free range of your leg movement if need be. You always want to be ready to dodge or parry. If you stand with your feet too close together, it’ll be much harder to protect yourself.”
Shenhe took her stance once more. Yelan approached her to move her into the correct position. Tapping her thigh, she moved one leg back. Coming up behind her, she grabbed the spear and moved her hands where they should be. The proximity made Yelan’s stomach do backflips. Shenhe wiggled in her embrace as she tried to get used to the positioning and it was making Yelan sweat.
“There we go. Hey, why don’t we stop here for the day? I feel like it’s starting to get a bit warm in here and we could both use some downtime.”
Now back in their respective rooms, Yelan was wrestling with thoughts she shouldn’t be having in the shower. She tried to ignore the image of Shenhe pressed against her, the feeling of her writhing far too close for comfort. Soon she found her hands were acting of their own volition. Her fingers teased one of her nipples as her other hand applied pressure between her thighs. It didn’t take long before she was gasping Shenhe’s name as she came, praying the flowing water had drowned out her voice.
It took some time, but the girl was slowly coming into her own. She had developed a bond of trust with Yelan, as well as with Ningguang and Beidou. Now more confident that she wouldn’t seriously injure those around her, Shenhe began to lower the wall she had built over many years of being considered dangerous.
The two were expecting a visit from the Tianquan and the captain and had prepared an exercise to show the progress she had made since the last time they conducted a check-in. The four of them gathered together in the training room as Yelan and Shenhe took their fighting stances at the center. Beidou and Ningguang leaned against the wall at a safe distance to watch.
Yelan launched an attack on Shenhe, and she parried her with just the right amount of force. This was an incredible improvement from the last time - with the hit she took during their first encounter, she ended up at Bubu Pharmacy for the strongest painkillers they had. Yelan offered her a smile in silent encouragement.
Shenhe dodged her punch but fell to the floor when Yelan swiped her leg. Thinking fast, Shenhe kicked the other woman’s shin in retaliation and Yelan fell against her face-to-face. Yelan’s heart raced in her chest. It was as if her surroundings had gone dark and all that shone through the blackness was Shenhe’s ethereal beauty, glistening like new-fallen snow.
The sound of clapping jolted her back to her senses and she hastily scrambled off Shenhe and helped her to her feet.
“That was awesome, guys! It looks like Shenhe might even be able to take me at this point,” Beidou shouted happily.
“Now that we have her strength under control, I think the next step will be taking her topside to see how she interacts with citizens,” Ningguang voiced her thoughts out loud.
“Baobei, relax! That’ll come in due time. For now, let’s celebrate what she’s accomplished so far. Yelan clearly knows what she’s doing,” Beidou corrected.
Her use of the affectionate nickname for Ningguang made Yelan want to gag. She nodded a quick thank you to Beidou so as not to be perceived as rude and to set a good example for her pupil.
“If that’s all, I think Shenhe and I will turn in,” Yelan announced, hoping they’d take the hint.
After the two women took their leave, Shenhe came to a stop at her mentor’s side. “Yelan…why does Captain Beidou call Lady Ningguang ‘baobei?’”
“It’s just…a nickname Beidou has for her.”
“Oh! Does that mean Ningguang has one for her?” she inquired.
“I’ve heard a variety over the years. Sweetheart, dear, my captain…the list goes on,” Yelan answered, unsure of where the line of questioning was headed.
“They must be good friends to be able to call one another by such names,” Shenhe murmured, clearly in deep thought.
Yelan wasn’t quite sure how to answer her. “Uh…yes. They are very, very good friends. They’ve known each other for years.” They weren’t exactly hiding their relationship from the two of them, yet they hadn’t outright told Shenhe, either. It wasn’t her place to elaborate further.
“Are we not good friends now? Should we give each other nicknames?”
Yelan blinked back at her silently. “I mean…yes, at this point I suppose we are. Is that something you’d want to do?” Her stomach flipped at the thought. She wasn’t used to this kindness, and the way Shenhe was looking at her - that innocent but intense stare - wasn’t helping.
“No, it’s fine. I like your name as it is. It means night orchid, does it not? I’ve always preferred the moonlight in the mountains to the artificial light of the cities,” Shenhe responded with a smile.
Yelan felt her cheeks start to warm. “Thank you. I like yours the way it is as well. Immoral crane is an homage to the one who raised you, right?” Yelan gently stated. For some reason, she felt disappointed that Shenhe hadn’t come up with a term of endearment for her.
Shenhe’s face lit up. “Yes, it is! My master took me in when no one else would. She’s very dear to me. Perhaps I should come up with a nickname for her to show my gratitude. Yelan, thank you for all your help so far. I’m truly indebted to you. I’m going to head to my room to rest now,” Shenhe said before suddenly brushing her lips against Yelan’s cheek.
Yelan stood stock still. Did she just do what I think she did? “G-good night. Sleep well.” Before she could address the gesture, she heard the soft click of Shenhe’s bedroom door.
What was that all about? Why am I reacting like a schoolgirl with a crush? It’s no big deal. She’s probably just imitating something she saw Beidou do. She didn’t mean anything by it.
That night, Yelan dreamed of Shenhe kissing more than just her cheek. She imagined her fingers tracing every inch of her, their bodies intertwined, the taste of her tongue. The cool night air permeated the sweat dripping off her brow, shocking her awake.
What the hell is happening? We are student and teacher. Nothing more. She thought to herself as she stared up at her bedroom ceiling. After tossing and turning for half the night, she gave up on trying to fall back asleep. There was only one way she was going to get any rest.
Removing her pants and underwear, she tossed them to the side of the bed. Already wet, she gathered her arousal and slid a pair of fingers across her clit. Her other hand caressed her breast, her nipple taught and sensitive to the slightest brush. The chill of her room cooled her fingertips and she imagined it was Shenhe using the power bestowed by her vision to tease her. She pictured herself inserting two digits into her and finding the spot that would make her lose herself. Yelan continued to thrust her fingers, calling Shenhe’s name as she came.
Coming down from her high, she rolled over and whispered, “Oh no…this is not good.”
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iustitians · 1 month
[RECALIBRATE] How frequently does your muse evaluate their own ways of thinking? Have they little self-insight/feel set in their minds for better or worse, or are they constantly questioning their own outlook? To the point of self-doubt, even?
Thought, learning and intellect headcanon asks for muses | no longer accepting
Oh god. I started casually answering this and then as I got further I had to open a Google Doc to keep notes, because the more I think about it the more I realize that Neuvillette is such a mixture of someone who is so open to new knowledge and yet at the same time so stuck on his own ways that it's actually kind of ridiculous. Okay let me try to be coherent for at least a moment.
So on the one hand...
How often does he re-evaluate his knowledge? Short answer is, all the time. Neuvillette came to Fontaine to learn about himself and who he is, due to losing many memories but also largely due to being born in human form. That means by extension learning about humanity, and that's what he's been doing all those centuries. He is also fully aware that there is much he doesn't know, he doesn't understand, and perhaps he doesn't truly have the potential to understand due to being a dragon. It's something he openly acknowledges. In that sense, he is certainly open to new discoveries and new knowledge, and re-adjusting and changing what he knew or what he thought he knew about humans and the world around him that now belongs to them.
And there certainly is a high degree of self-doubt involved, too - as I mentioned, he questions not only what he understands, but what he's capable of understanding in the first place. We see that at the beginning of his story quest - in spite of having lived in Fontaine for about 500 years, Neuvillette not only didn't consider himself a part of it, but also in fact didn't seem to even consider that a possibility to begin with. It took the experiences of that whole investigation, everyone pitching in willingly to help him, and then Wriothesley and the Traveler spelling things out for him, for him to begin to realize that both Fontaine and he have changed without him noticing. However, this kind of realization doesn't lead to immediate change. I'd say he's still processing all that to this day, to be honest.
But that doubt also seems to be at least part of what causes him to stand in place, or at least move forward very slowly. He appears to be his own greatest limitation, and that's where I say,
On the other hand...
How often he actually applies this new knowledge he has gained and adjusts to it is a whole different matter, and here my brain just returns a bunch of static noises as the answer. Because for all his openness to learning new things about the world, humans and himself, and for all his readiness to accept and acknowledge everything he had been wrong about, Neuvillette is a horribly inflexible person for whom many meaningful kinds of change take entire centuries to contemplate and then implement. Or try to, anyway. To a varying degree and with varying results. Like as an example, I'm pretty sure Furina has been trying to get him to loosen up and interact more with the human world for centuries, and finally after five hundred years, during the last Lantern Rite, he decided to give it a shot. Finally he was going to implement what he had learned about humanity in all that time by initiating some sort of activity on his own!
So he went to one place in Liyue, tried one new thing, and went back to work after half a day. Good job, buddy.
But hey, baby steps.
And perhaps part of the problem, in addition to the self-doubt issue I mentioned earlier, is something that he himself mentions at the end of Lantern Rite, and something I've been thinking a lot with regards to him recently: he is hardly bereft of time. He is under no pressure to learn and change quickly and rapidly. Of course, this does not apply to matters related to his work, and this kind of knowledge will be put in practice much more effectively. For example, the serial disappearances case taught him that people will sacrifice themselves for spiritual needs as well as each other, so now he will know to consider that as a possible realistic motive in future cases. But matters related to his work are human matters, and human matters are under more time pressure - and time itself is also a human matter.
When it comes to changing himself, he is in no rush because he does not need to rush. He has all the time in the world. If he doesn't understand something now, he can take a couple decades or centuries to think about it. He has too much time.
And sometimes one has to wonder whether that's a good or a bad thing.
tl;dr he's a mess that needs to be studied in a lab
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q1ngqve · 4 months
waaf lannie ur selfship w zhongli looks so so adowable . . 🥺 would you tell me a bit about you two ?? how you met , how you fell in love . . :3 i hope ure having a sweet wednesday so far 🩷💞 i wub u so much !
i got carried away with this :( thank you for asking coco hehe ilysm (also not us sending each other selfship 💌 at the same time)
we met for the first time at the lantern rite festival! i was one of the performers (i play the pipa) during the performance i felt like he was staring at me so i looked and we made eye contact ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა thought he was weird though because he had an odd look on his face and his eyes were practically piercing through my soul
accidentally bumped into him when i was leaving backstage to meet up with ningguang and almost dropped my pipa (i was so angry) but when i looked up, it was him! apologized and asked if my pipa and i were okay (which made me giggle inside a little like who asks if the instrument is okay except for musicians) told him i was fine and he said my performance was really good and was wondering when he can listen again :( told him i wasn’t a full time performer and i only do it when the elders from the group ask me to for special events
bumped into each other for the second time on the streets while i was walking around with ningguang and she officially introduced us! which is where he found out that my father is the top general of the millelith 😋 met again when he came over to our house because my parents invited him over, and i found out that they’re friends??? had a long conversation with him when both my parents passed out from all the baijiu they had with him (while he looked completely fine 💀)
because of them being friends, i get to see him almost every week and my parents would try to set me up with him as a joke ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ eventually the joke turned into me developing real feelings for him and i would avoid him whenever he came over to our house (i gave so many stupid excuses)
i wasn’t sure if he liked me back and i wasn’t ready to risk it :( i just know that he says weird stuff about the past to me and tells me it’s okay if i’ve forgotten (???) and sometimes he looks at me weird (not in the bad way) overhead him talking to a short green haired guy one day while i was out at wangshu inn…didn’t mean to though but that’s how i found out that he’s THE morax. a GOD. OUR GOD. the god that i pray to every morning. the god that i’ve been obsessed with since i was a kid.
and then i ran because who wouldn’t in this situation 😭 but of course they heard me and the green haired guy ‘dragged’ me back and i was trying so hard not to cry like please i don’t wanna die 😭 he made the green haired guy leave us because he was also looking at me weird and then i realized that he was an adepti lmao 😜 asked me what i heard and i said i didn’t hear anything but he sat me down and told me it was okay, he wanted me to know sooner or later anyway
explained everything to me but i was confused because why did they both look at me weird and why does he keep bringing up things i don’t understand from the past (╹ -╹)? told me i looked exactly like his lover from back in the pre archon war days (shocking!) deduced that i am probably reincarnate because i’ve appeared at least 5 times throughout his life and said he’s been searching for me :(
also asked me about why i was avoiding him and i told him that it was because i had feelings for him and i was afraid he would reject me :( and the only reason i told him at that moment was because he told me he has been searching for me for his whole life so i felt like that was the best time to tell him! asked him if wants to be with me again in this life (the most confident i’ve been) and he said yes (hehe)
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th3-royalty · 2 years
Xiao my beloved {2}
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A/N (Hi sorry for dropping this story for so long I didn't know where I wanted it to go but now I have a psuedo Idea, anyway happy Lantern Rite!!)
After explaining to Aether and Paimon my odd and nonsense sounding story, we head off to Liyue. Why you may ask, well because I want to find a way home and the best way to do that would be talking to a certain immortal since he may know how to send me home.
"soo Paimon gets the whole falling into a new world thing but why are you dressed like that" she asks me curiously. "Well I was sleeping when I got here so obviously I would be wearing my pajamas" I say with a serious expression. Honestly sometimes I wonder how Paimon managed to live without the Traveler, before they met it makes little sense to me.
"are you gonna wear that as we go to Liyue?" Paimon responds. "Well I don't have any other clothes? Since ya know I feel out of the sky?". Which is what I told Aether and Paimon, that I was in my world but then woke up and was here in Teyvat. Thank the Archons Aether was sweet and decided to help me otherwise I don't know what I would do. Probably get killed by the abbys, or a rogue hillichurl. Due to the fact I am now an annoying side character in Genshin, who is helpless!! Ugh I hate this. Getting out of my own thoughts I take a look around, it's so beautiful with the mountains and the trees.... And now I'm getting bit by mosquitoes.. man I forgot how much I dislike the outdoors.
Anyway I am roused from my thoughts when Aether states " Hey I have some extra clothes that I was given on my adventures, they may fit you? Since I got them from a friend in Inazuma" why did he have extra clothes and who gave him these clothes that he was so sure would fit me? I ponder this as he pulls them out. I take one glance and realize oh these are Itto's clothes, I don't know a person they wouldn't fit or at least be too big for. "That works thank you so much for your help" I say as I grab the clothes that are definitely not my size. I didn't even realize Itto has any shirts but oh well. "I'm gonna go change real quick over there" I point to a thicket in the path, which should give me enough cover. "Alright me and Paimon will wait for you here"
I go off to change and try to get myself looking somewhat presentable, thank goodness I feel asleep in a bra last night, or else it would really be a nightmare. As I'm walking away however someone approaches Aether. "Who is this mortal you have brought with you?" a voice I would recognize in a heartbeat if I wasn't so far away and not looking. "There a person from another world like me, also xiao it's rude to sneak up on people you almost gave Paimon a heartache." Aether responds "another? How did they end up here and are they a threat" "Them? I don't know how they got here but I can mostly definitely assure you they aren't a threat. Anyway we are heading off to Liyue to see if Zhongli knows anything that could help."
As they are talking I come walking back not even realizing the fictional love of my life is standing there. "I think these will work even if they are a little big." That's an understatement they do not fit at all. "Oh that's good maybe we should find something that actually fits in Liyue. Also I have someone who I'd like you to meet." Oh who is it, then I look up and see him, I am trying to keep my cool and not immediately flip out!!! "Would you like to introduce yourself?" Aether asks who I already know is Xiao. "hello... I'm Xiao..." " Pleasure I'm (y/n)" WOO I said that so smoothly as if I don't even know who he is!! "Xiao will you be walking with the 3 of us to Liyue?" Aether questions the boy with amber eyes. "I may if I have time, I have other things to do for now so farewell, I may meet you there" Xiao says then he is off in a puff of smoke. I just met the love of my life for .2 seconds. I'm in heaven.
(Read part 1 here)
Hope you all enjoyed the second part of My beloved after waiting like 6 months 🤣
Thank you for all the support in the first installment and maybe of you all like it I will make the 3rd faster. I really appreciate your feedback and hope you enjoy.
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sleepingnova · 1 year
doves in the wind
pairing : kamisato ayaka x gn reader
( I'm using aether bc I don't rlly like lumine like that )
not proofread, I made this at midnight last night.
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sparring with ayaka was never easy. she always wanted you to do your best, even if that meant you would be in the courtyard area for hours non stop. because you were about 7'5 and she was 5'2, so naturally you made her feel very small. most of the time, your vision shrunk you down anyways, so it wasn't that big of a deal. of course, the only reason she kept trying was because she felt like you were going easy on her because of your obvious advantages.
out of the corner of your eye, you saw ayaka's friends, the traveler and paimon. you walked away to put your equipment away for the day, and gestured to ayaka to do the same.
"hey, ayaka! how's it going? aaahh! pl-please don't eat paimon, take traveler instead!" Paimon squealed, pushing the traveler towards you.
the traveler looked back at paimon with a glare, before gazing at you.
"you're really tall." the traveler murmured.
you shrunk down to meet the traveler, walking over and introducing yourself before ayaka cut you off.
"yeah. my name is- "
"Traveler! Paimon! It's so nice to see you both again in inazuma. This is [ y/n ], my partner. their vision allows them to be very versatile. they were a traveler, like you, but they recently got injured in battle, so I requested that they come here, to inazuma, where they would be safe with me."
you nodded, and lifted your shirt to show your wound wrapped in bandages.
"hello. what's your name?" you asked the traveler to which paimon replied with, "paimon's paimon and traveler is traveler. didn't you hear ayaka say our names already??" the floating girl asked with a hint of rudeness, which resulted in the traveler glaring at them with annoyance, mumbling "paimon, they weren't talking to you. mind the business that pays you."
the traveler softly spoke, "hello, [ y/n ], I'm aether. Sorry about paimon, she's a bit of a talker."
'her voice is squeaky, it's giving me a headache.' you thought as paimon yelled "I heard that!" at aether.
"aether. it's a nice name, I've heard of you. we've crossed paths before." you said, to which the three of them looked at you confused.
"paimon thinks you're lying, there's only one traveler, and paimon's never seen you before."
"shush paimon. where have you traveled to?" aether asked.
"I've been to all of the seven nations, I've just come back from sumeru, I bumped into you a while back in liyue, I just don't think you noticed me. I looked a bit different than I do now. Do you remember the gathering for the lantern rite?" you asked, which resulted in aether nodding and paimon squeaking "huh?? you know them? where have you been without paimon?! is that what took you so long to come back in that night, when you were outside with Xiao?"
aether chuckled, and replied, "yes, I do remember you. it's been a while. nice to get some of the fame off my back now that I know there's another world renowned traveler standing right in front of me."
you smiled, but you didn't feel too well all of a sudden. you excused yourself to leave, and left ayaka in the training yards with the two of them.
"wait!" ayaka shouted, running up to you, "is there something wrong? why did you leave?"
"The wind, it is telling me it is time to return home." you answered, walking back towards ritou.
"but, your home is in liyue. please, stay with me. I'm sure my brother would not mind clearing a room for you. I cannot wait until we are married, then we will go everywhere together." she persuaded.
you shook your head, to which aether and paimon walked towards you.
"what's going on here?" paimon asked.
"I have to leave now. I've sent notice to beidou, and her ship just docked. they should be leaving soon, I have to get to the alcor before they leave. you are welcome to walk with me back to ritou, if you'd like. if not, then this is where we part ways for now."
ayaka sighed, with tears forming in the corners of her eyes, knowing she didn't have anything to say that would make you stay.
"goodbye, I wish you a safe journey ahead. I wish to receive a letter from you when you return to liyue." she requested.
you walked over, kissed her hand and forehead, before replying.
"Always, my darling. I will always come back to you. This is farewell for now, to all of you. It was a pleasure to meet you, aether. Next time, I would like to spar with you." you concluded with aether, to which he nodded in return.
when you got back to ritou, you were met with kazuha talking to beidou and thoma.
"yes, I will be accompanying you on your journey back to liyue. there is someone I must visit." kazuha explained.
"hell, the more the merrier! come on aboard!" beidou's voice boomed as she laughed.
"hey hey, there's [ y/n ]!" beidou shouted from afar. kazuha turned around to meet your eyes, and yours were met with his.
the two of you stared at each other for a moment, before he ran off of the ship and embraced you with a soft, but tight hug, almost as if he was telling you to not let go.
"Paimon has a weird feeling about ayaka's partner. They're weird. They kept ignoring paimon!" You heard a high pitched whine from behind you as you turned around.
"could you be any louder? besides, not everyone has to love you, paimon." aether shook his head and sighed as he made eye contact with you, his eyes formed a expression that apologized without his mouth.
you shrugged and got on board, conversing with kazuha, before beidou called you into her quarters and kazuha went to speak with the traveler and paimon.
a while later, as the ship docked in liyue, you were met with the fresh ocean breeze, along with the bustle of busy people walking in the streets. you were finally home. you sent your letter to ayaka, informing her of your arrival back in liyue.
[ Miss Kamisato Ayaka,
I have finally returned to liyue harbor, and I am now back home with the traveler. There are a few things I must tell you concerning what happened and why things ended so soon.
One, why I left was not your fault ever. You have been so kind to me during my stay in inazuma and I thank you. My wounds have healed, so I figured it was time for me to continue my travels around teyvat. I did not wish to burden you anymore with my presence.
Two, I want you to know I love you so much. A part of me yearns for you and I wish you were here with me, experiencing all of this with me.  Our time apart will never dull, as I am sure I will have a lot of things to show you and tell you about my travels when I return to inazuma. My next stop is mondstadt, and then back to sumeru.
Never blame yourself, love. You and me are like doves in the wind, always apart, but they always come back to each other. You'll always be my other dove.
Love, [ y/n ] ]
some time goes by, and you are met with the electrifying wind blowing in your face once more as you dock back in ritou. you thank beidou, and you grab your bags and head off, determined to see her.
as you return back to the familiar training yards, you can't help but hear paimon's squeaky voice and aether laughing at someone. 'they're sparring together.' you thought with a smile.
"hello, love. miss me?" you asked as she ran up to you and tackled you into the ground, kissing you deeply. she peppered your face with kisses before realizing and getting off of you with a faint blush. you shook yourself off and hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground.
"I knew you would come back." She whispered.
"of course I would, you were always my dove. I am always going to come back to you."
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yukihime242 · 11 months
The Waterborne Poetry event has answered a question, and also sprung up a new question.... Actually, two questions, in my most humble opinion...
Anyway, before I move on, do note that there may be 🚨SPOILERS🚨 for those of you who have, for some reason, not done the event during this period... and also for those of you who may have missed it... best if you go watch the gameplay for this event to know what's going on first...
As we all know, the Waterborne Poetry was a follow-up from the Lantern Rite 2023 event where Venti and Hu Tao planned to have a poetry event together. So, here you go, the Waterborne Poetry was born.
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(Picture Source: Genshin Impact thru' Google Image Search)
But, the story doesn't actually only follow up from there, it also follow up from the Endora event back in... 2021, I think? Players who played the event were granted a little Endora Oceanid as their pet.
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(Picture Source: Genshin Impact Wiki Fandom thru' Google Image Search)
Just a quick recap, the little Oceanid Endora... actually, I forgot how the Traveler found her... but what I do remember was, like Callirhoe, Endora grew very weak while traveling, and had to latch herself onto some moveable water source... think if memory serves me right, it was a hydro slime.
In order to help little Endora, the Traveler travelled between Mondstadt and Liyue to capture some rogue Oceanid and letting Endora absorb them. By doing so, Endora would be able to regain her strength and her speech should improve a lot.
Part of the event was us finding out that another Oceanid was actually living in the waters of Springvale. At that time, players weren't really sure what to make of the Oceanid existing in Springvale since there was no appearance of this particular Oceanid. Eventually, I think many forgot about it.
Fast forward to the Waterborne event, it was only in this event that it jogged our memory that there was indeed an Oceanid living in Springvale. And that was none other than Callirhoe.
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(Picture Source: GoldenBow @ YouTube thru' Google Image Search)
Apart from her main romance with Finch, she did make some friends while living in the waters of Springvale. One of them was our beloved feline, Diona.
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(Picture Source: Rock Paper Shotgun thru' Google Image Search)
Because she was touched by their friendship, Callirhoe gave Diona a special ability, that is, to make any drink into a delicious drink no matter what she puts inside.
So... that kinda answers our question about her mixing ability. It's not because she is Mondstadt's version of Xiangling, but because she was blessed by Callirhoe.
But now, that also gives rise to another question which was also addressed by the character himself.
Is Chongyun's pure yang energy a blessing from someone else as well?
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(Picture Source: PC Invasion thru' Google Image Search)
I believe we will get a story that is Chongyun-focused to answer that question... if Hoyoverse remembers...
That was the first question. The second question is whether or not Xiao is truly having romantic feelings for the Traveler.
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I have covered this in my other post of the list of characters having possible romantic feelings for the Traveler. Not going to details again, there seem to be a hint that Xiao does have some romantic feelings to the Traveler.
It was speculation at first, but a little note on the noticeboard at Wangshu Inn has caused this question to be raised.
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Posting only this screenshot so you can go see the rest yourselves :3
Anyway, I hope Hoyoverse will give us the proper closure to all of the romance blossoming in the air... I mean, first, they confirmed that the Lumine X Childe ship is cannon, then they dropped a Lyney having a crush on the Traveler, and now this...
Regardless of who has romantic feelings for the Traveler, I think many players are wanting to see if the Traveler will reciprocate one of them. Who knows? May be we will have an all out war of the various ships involving the Traveler.
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mewmewpercy · 7 months
Aight post two because this really irked me
I watched Lantern Rite via a vod from a va I like since I'm unable to play myself
I had.........thoughts about the Gaming story we saw
Look call me dramatic or whatever the fuck but I really despise the fact that Paimon told his story while he was gone
As someone with parent issues I can't even begin to imagine how heartbroken and devastated I'd be if someone I told went and told others without telling me and then set up some plan to resolve it
Like look it could've gone so much better if he told the story himself. Almost immediately upon meeting the traveller he talks about his daddy issues so is it so bad to assume he'd do the same to Xianyun if asked? Canonically she knew their relationship was strained so I feel like it easily could've been her asking while he was there and him telling
Like I liked that it had a positive ending and I know some people wish someone would tell an adult for them that their parents suck but me personally? I don't like it. Even if it takes me years to acknowledge something as bad enough to tell someone I would never ever excuse them telling someone without my consent. I even have a boundary set for people sharing my words without permission because I don't want someone to think I'm someone I'm not because they see an out of context dm
Anyways here's the full convo with me and my friend
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(5 more will be attached in rb before tagging)
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isshua · 2 years
Hiii happy lantern rite!!! Also have you seen how hot Al Haithaim looks?! Lord have mercy 😩🥵
also I would just like to say I love your work and the amount of time you put into it. I also know that there are struggles in real life that we all have to face and the amount of dedication you put into this blog is astonishing and amazing 🤩 keep up the good work.
also who do you main? I can’t wait for chapter 9 but also pls remember that you have a life outside of this app and we followers will support whatever decision you make. I also love the world building you make with your characters because that would be very hard for me to do not to mention how you tie the lore back in to the story is amazing and I love how you gave even the imposter sort of a personality and make them also feel scared of the fact of them being replaced or even killed by the very people they are trying to manipulate. Anyways thank you soo much for being born and I hope you win all your 50 50s
UAGH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Happy Lantern Rite to you as well! I have seen how Alhaitham looks and I am so excited to pull for him! I know a lot of people don’t like how his attacks look and are calling him Dendro Keqing, but I think he’s really cool (and hot, bro is literally my babygirl)! I’m excited to learn more about him and find out what secrets he’s keeping about who he is and his past.
I four main characters I play as are Anemo Lumine, Razor, Xiao, and Kaeya! Occasionally I’ll add Xiangling and Tighnari to my team, and I’m also currently building Venti so I can switch him in more often! The character I definitely main the most though is Xiao, he’s my personal favorite and also my most powerful character at the moment. I definitely favor him and if he were to become sentient I think the fact that he’s my favorite would cause him to short-circuit. Poor guy isn’t used to having someone love him.
Thank you so much for all the support! I’m always so excited when people tell me that they are really enjoying Messianic Aureation. It’s a brainchild of mine that I’ve been working on ever since I discovered Sagau, and to share it with an audience and have people talk about it and love it makes me so happy! It definitely is a little tough to keep up a regular posting schedule when your a college student, but knowing that I have support regardless gives me the motivation to keep writing! So really, thank you for that!
Thank YOU for being born, and for sticking with Cara’s journey through Teyvat! I’m working on Chapter 9 right now, so it should be out sometime next week or the week after! Again, thank you so so much for the support!!! If you have any other questions about Messianic Aureation or Sagau in general, don’t be afraid to ask! I love interacting with people! Have a great day/night, and I hope you win all of your 50/50’s too!!! :D
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