#not as sad thankfully
sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Death At The Hands Of A God
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Warnings: general sagau, imposter au, light descriptions of violence/gore, you die/are killed (by Venti), angst
It seemed as if the rain was particularly heavy, almost unusually so as it fell in sheets, occasionally catching the light of the moon, making it look no different than strands of silver.
That should have been a sign, the rain, the fog, the agitation of the weather. Mondstadt hadn't faced a storm this bad since before their current Archon, even the winds of Dvalin paled in comparison.
Venti was so ignorant not to pick up on the clues laid out before him by his own nation as he trudged through heavy rain, his bow at the ready and a sinking feeling in his chest.
He would never say he disliked the rain, despite what unpleasant memories linger in the back of his mind from those times. But everything carried a harsher weight when was faced with his current task, one assigned to him by no other than his creator.
Venti stopped to rest a moment, leaning against a tree for partial coverage, though it did little to shield his already soaked clothes. He felt something heavy and unpleasant in his chest as he reflected on the situation, an unshakable sense of wrongness, one that clouded his mind and dulled his senses. You were what he was after, you who posed a threat to the divine order simply because of your face.
He thought back on his creators’ honeyed words, a sickeningly sweet tone that he had never heard them use before, not that they very commonly addressed him at all, which made this particular summons out of place, a mixture of excitement and worry bubbling in his chest as he walked through their temple. To kill someone impersonating them, that is what they ordered him, hinting at the possible consequences his nation may face if he didn't comply with the utmost enthusiasm, the threat of which rang particularly loud when faced with what they had done to other nations in fits of anger.
He knew deep within him that this wasn't remotely justified, that he might as well be punished alongside you if the crime was simply stealing a face. If only you chose to look like another human, or even an Archon, he would have taken your mimicry of him as a complementary. But alas. Those feelings were pushed down and covered by the vow he made to his nation, one born of nothing but love and a promise for a brighter future.
Venti had considered alternatives, confronting you with your motive, begging you to make yourself scarce, making his own judgement on your reasons and framing his response accordingly, but those were all fleeting thoughts, quickly pushed away as soon as they arose. He couldn't get attached, he couldn't afford to think of you as human, and he certainly couldn't afford it getting back to his creator that he failed them.
He had heard about your existence from other sources, apparently being so bold as to walk directly into Mondstadt. You weren't met with pitchforks and torches, his people were more civilized than that, but the hostility was as sharp as a knife. You had left of your own accord after having no luck obtaining food or a place to stay, he had only heard after the fact from gossipers drinking late into the night, the faces of which were forced into his mind as he once again thought of his creators’ threat.
Venti was pulled from his thoughts due to a subtle noise, one almost unnoticeable through the heavy onset of rain, but it was there. A branch and a pile of leaves, something big enough to break them, and no one in their right mind would be out in this weather, except...
He swallowed what little apprehension he’d not already buried, reverting his mindset to something it had been five hundred years ago with the quick draw of his bow. The Archon saw you in the distance, just as soaked as he was, clothes tattered and foreign, scared. A quick death was the least you deserved, one free from suffering, and maybe your next life would be more forgiving.
He aimed for your head, a clear shot even now, but it seemed the moonlight that glinting off his bow caught your attention as you quickly turned your body to face him in a defensive stance, eyes wide, fearful, as if you could see what was about to come to fruition.
Your mouth moved, only fragments of the noise it produced were carried to him, broken syllables and muffled notes the very wind urged him to listen to.
You had said his name.
Venti faltered before the arrow released, for the first time in centuries, its' path no longer as steady or sure as it had been.
It hit your throat.
Venti's legs were moving before he consciously realized, forcing his body to where you fell, as if collapsing in on yourself, until he could finally see you clearly, drenched in rain and golden liquid, mixing together indiscriminately as they soak into the ground below.
There was a feeling of shock, which developed in his throat first, spreading evenly throughout the rest of his body, as if it were in his bloodstream. He looked at your terrified expression, a pained and now lifeless one, holding only fragments of the fear you felt.
What had he done.
Venti felt himself fall to his knees, hands immediately going to where his arrow lay firmly lodged, feeling for a pulse in an act he knew to be worthless.
"No. No, n-no— no. Please!" His voice cracked as his mind caught up with what his eyes were forcing him to behold.
You were the divine creator, Teyvat's one true God, and he had—
No. He couldn't even think it, the word that was on the tip of his mind carried nothing but pain, anguish and insufferable heartache, the likes of which he hadn't felt, well since...
Without thinking, Venti wrapped his arms around you, laid his head on your stomach, forced his eyes closed, and prayed. For your return, for forgiveness, and if not for any of that, then simply for a form of retribution.
He hadn't realized he'd started crying, tears and rain alike falling from his face onto your form, pooling at his eyes until the world around him became harder and harder to see.
The position you both rested in was not unlike that day long ago, forever etched in his memory and resurfaced through reflections.
Was this simple his fate? To find himself holding in his arms the corpse of someone he loved so dearly, over and over again. Was it written in his very being that all good things would be torn violently from him with little care to how it left him shattered, scrambling for the pieces of what little piece of mind he had left.
There was no coming back from this, no form of atonement. He could feel the shackles encasing his wrists, invisibly tying him to this moment, to where you had stood alive moments prior. His days of living freely died with you, forever encased in the space between where your souls had briefly met, and it was no more than he deserved.
It was only a moment later that your body was gone, dissolved into the stardust it was born from, slipping through his arms and carried by the wind that no longer obeyed him. That didn't stop him from reaching desperately, gasping and clawing at the air for what remained, heart in his throat as he begged for mercy, for anything but you depriving him of your vessel even after death.
You couldn't really be gone, not fully, you who so powerfully morphed this world from willpower alone, who disappeared for an infinite stretch of time only to descend again. Even if your vessel may have been no stronger than human, your soul was as old and powerful as existence itself, it would linger on in whatever form it had existed before, watching, waiting.
He would be ready for when you decided to give this world a second chance, he would wait an eternity and more to see your face again and repent a thousand times over, bear any hardships in the time between only to fall to his knees in complete acceptance at whatever you deem an acceptable punishment when faced with your light again.
But first...
It seemed as if there was a loose end to tie up, a deceiver bearing the ultimate sin, one much more deserving of his arrow, and one that would suffer a fate worse than death in your name.
Venti roughly brushed the tears from his face, eyes darkening as he shakily pulled himself from his knees, feeling as if his body couldn't decide between flying or collapsing.
His ‘creator’ would soon face all the fear and pain that was forced upon you, the wrath of a god who had lost everything for the second time, a goal he planned to pursue till his dying breath.
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voidedjuice · 13 days
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Songstress robot model UTA-3305, assigned to entertain guests at a high-end restaurant. Currently slowly going out of order due to lacking maintenance, and the presence of foreign biological material growing inside it.
Though it is a robot, it wishes to come to understand the human emotions it's been made to sing about all its "life". Please do entertain it with your stories while you pass by.
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piplupcola · 9 months
Writers trying to convince Disney execs not to cancel Nimona, Owl House, and many other IPs:
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It's almost laughable how ironic this scene is with what a dumpster fire Wish turned out to be
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astragatwo · 5 months
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I liked her a lot, actually
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Diasomnia is so nice and happy and nothing bad will happen. (What do you mean I forgot to draw someone? If I did they were probably just not invited to the scene)
So, chapter 7 huh? XD not to say I'm excited but I have been lurking around the fandom without posting anything about it and this cracked me so yeah, not at all excited to see if we get some nice angsty character development in the form of overblotting for my boi Draconia
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sanitymakesposts · 3 months
We have a family friend who's a first grade teacher, whose students were born in 2016 or 2017. For fun I was googling what like, pop culture events happened in 2015 that they weren't alive for, and most of the stuff felt old. Left shark, the blue-black/white-gold dress, the ALS ice bucket challenge... And Obergefell V Hodges. The US Supreme Court case that struck down state bans on gay marriage, effectively legalizing it across the continent. On the day this post goes up, it'll be nine years exactly. Those kids are the first in her classroom to have always lived in an America where their uncle and his 'roommate' could be legally wed. Not an America free from homophobia, prejudice, or discrimination -- Just one where two consenting adults were allowed to call each other their spouse. Nine years.
The fight is not over. The battle is not won. Homophobia, transphobia, erasure of gender and sexual identity -- It's rampant within America, within our world. Visible, and invisible. I don't care if you don't 'understand' he/him lesbians. I don't care if you have strong opinions on the labels of bisexual and pansexual, and who is allowed to use them and when. People want us dead. We need to stick together. This is a fight that started before we were born, and we will fight until we die.
Nine years.
Happy Pride.
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naamahdarling · 11 hours
#fucks me up that there are two whole new animals in the house that i barely know#who depend on me for everything#barely recognize me as a friend or helper#and are so incredibly incredibly fragile#i got worried for junie today because her spay incision had some swelling#and it's normal to have some and i have seen it before#but after what we just wemt through i got upset and rushed her to the vet#who said it was fine and thankfully we have free office visits#but i was so upset even though i knew it was probably normal#i look at them and i see adorable cuddly sweet TEMPORARY things and i feel like something inside me got broken somehow#and i was right all along that after it was all over i would come back but not quite as myself#i just hadn't fully understood the extent#we are keeping them and it sort of had to happen when it did but i think it was too early for me#they are so cute and when they do cuddle it's so sweet and obviously i would fight for them as hard as i would for Fancy#because that's just how the deal works and it isn't about you at all it's about how they each carry a little world inside them just as we d#and that deserves equal respect and care regardless of my personal affections#but i look at them and i see little creatures that don't belong here and are foreign in some fundamental way#and that they will be gone in just a little while and things will go back to how they were#which is impossible#we will settle in and i doubt anything i am feeling is abnormal but I'm really struggling and i feel so bad about that#i don't know#it's just a lot to deal with#and i feel very lonely and sad about it#and under it all the sick feeling of having JUST held all three lads as they passed and the VISCERAL reality of it#and knowing one day if everything goes just right i will be holding them too#dear god life is so fragile and every living thing is just as mortal as any other
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so uh
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I call it
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cafe-smut · 6 months
Cheka getting caught up in a gorge as wildebeest flood in. Leona being the one to save him. The king and queen arriving just in time to finds Cheka clinging to the side of a ledge, Leona nowhere to be found among the animals. The go down and find his unmoving body among the dust.
The queen holding Cheka who's wailing for his Uncle as Falena holds his little brothers body, begging him to wake up.
Yuu getting there just in time with some bullshit knowledge as a Disney Kid and minor medical knowledge to get Malleus to push some lightning in Leona to restart his heart.
Falena clinging to his dazed and shocked brother as he sobs, so incredibly glad he's alive.
Falena and Cheka not letting Leona out of their sight until at least 2 weeks after he's fully healed.
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Is that a blaster in your pocket or are you just happy to see me??
Treat me ~ Tip me
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sidetongue · 1 year
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look at hims dancy legs
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
(writer here) perhaps they'd notice us through social media? if we put together a team and made a tik tok and/or instagram account, i know that gets a lot of attention sometimes!
if anyone following this has experience in social media management or marketing, that'd be great!
Honestly I’d rather not get their attention before getting in contact with them directly.
Imagine putting all that together— a social media account, a team, promotional posts— only to have it shut down immediately thereafter. That would be so sad :(((
Like I said we’d need to get into contact with DC/Warner Bros/whoever’s in charge first and get permission. Which is where we’re doomed to fail I fear… 😔
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charmwasjess · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show your latest line (artwork or written) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like!)
Thanks @bolithesenate !!! Have a little of the next chapter of Rabbit Heart I'm editing this morning. I'm almost done with this fic, so soon it won't be the thing I'm constantly sharing on these anymore! :'D
“Dooku, I can manage it!” 
“Get out of my way!” 
How were they suddenly shouting at each other? It felt surreal. 
Sifo-Dyas stepped deliberately into his space. He tipped his head, looking at him sideways, like a snake wagering a strike. His voice was soft. “Do you really think you can stop me?”
--- And I tag - @dapurinthos @rochenn @wonderland-s-angel @reconstructwriter @furious-blueberry0
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saltynsassy31 · 17 days
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
<- Previous - Part 13 - Next ->
🪐🍮Team Saturday/Custard (JP)🍮🪐
Splatfest 17-02-2024
[Master Post - coming soon]
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sweater-equestrian · 28 days
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bluepallilworld · 15 days
So I started once again a school year
And summer was so full of things to draw I got a lil' tired at one point (so many events)
I thought about it for a while and I'll steer clear of the place for a lil' while. The time to get back into studying and stuff. Maybe for a month or so?
So (sorta) study hiatus I guess?
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I'll turn off the notifications but I'll come check once in a while so you can come chat still uwu
And one other thing, I won't have as much time as last year. So I won't be able to participate much to events and collabs etc (and it makes me sad). I'm very proud to be part of a circle of friends who are so kind to each other so sorry in advance, I probably will miss some birthdays too...
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