#atla katara
vigohh · 2 days
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Kataang version of Veil’s drawing
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zutarasbuff · 2 days
Critics: Zutara is a toxic ship!
Meanwhile the truth:
Mai being an emotionally distant person expects a lot from Zuko and never really tries to understand his struggles, even in doing so, she seems more of the self-obsessed type as there are gradual bumps in their relationship in the comics.
On the contrary, we have Katara who understands how Zuko must be feeling after parting his ways with Uncle Iroh and assures him that he’s going to forgive him. It’s because of Katara, we find Zuko accepting his flaws for the first time and attaining the much-needed closure. I personally felt that Zuko feels the safest when he’s with Katara because she brings out the best of him.
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robstarsupremacy · 2 days
katara x aang
they so cutee
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korraofthereef · 18 hours
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fabdante · 19 hours
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my first piece colored for the @zutaracoloringbook !
the lines were done in clip studio paint, the color in marker, colored pencil, gel pen, and paint pen. with some minor digital touch ups after scanning.
you can color this piece for yourself for free! it's in this years @zutaracoloringbook , go pick yourself up a copy! there's tons of beautiful pieces in it including this one, all for free!
under the cut, for anyone interested, im going to ramble a lot about the process of this one because i just have a lot of thoughts asdfghjk the tldr is: this is not at all how i expected this piece to look, i fell asleep working on it at one point which is just wild to me, and 'ooo pretty colors'
i've sat on this one for a little bit and im still not sure how i feel about it? i like it but it's also not at all how i expected the color for this piece to look asdfghj
i originally thought the palette would be darker but after printing the piece i realized, given the lines were not as dark as they would have been if they'd been drawn traditionally, that i'd drown out the lines with that color scheme.
i also made a lot of little mistakes ranging from using colors darker then i wanted for shading to at one point Literally Falling Asleep While Coloring With Black Marker, thus leaving a black spot on the page that I then had to work around.
the paper also was a double edged sword. i did not print on marker paper or artist paper, which usually is not an issue with me. i know most marker artists will strangle me for saying this, but i have never drawn on marker paper? like ever? i taught myself how to use marker on mixed media paper and i have rarely used marker paper since. i've just never felt a need? contrary to what people have said, i've never seen any like abnormal wear and tear on my markers doing this and i, personally, just accept that markers are going to bleed. it's not my enemy it's just part of the medium. it's what markers do. they're a wet medium even on paper made for wet mediums they will bleed out and often bleed through a little bit. i learned how to work around that and use it to my advantage. this paper however, the markers didn't bleed at all? and they dried so fast it made maintaining an even texture and blending like i normally do a challenge. it just didn't have a lot of give? HOWEVER the color pay off was CRAZY like the colors are so vivid and bright and rich. like, i made my own color chart for my markers on index cards and then i would often test the colors on scrap paper of the same paper to confirm what the colors going to look like but when i would use colors on the piece itself they were always darker, richer, brighter, and just all around way more vivid. which makes the piece very nice to look at, admittedly asdfghjk. so paper pros: fantastic color pay off like crazy color pay off, paper cons: I Don't Know How To Blend.
for anyone wondering why i didn't print on marker paper: firstly, i don't have any this size. secondly, marker paper tends to be pretty thick and not super malleable so i didn't think it'd be safe for my printer. likewise, i didn't think any of my other paper would be either. so i decided to do what i did last year which was use a fancy paper stock i had that was printer safe for my printer paper so it's not just regular thin computer paper.
some of these technical issues i blame on being out of practice, i haven't worked in marker for a minute and this piece involving such large scale blending was a bit ambitious especially on unfamiliar paper (learning how to blend with markers i find is just a lot of practice with your particular markers to know how they behave while also knowing your paper). but im also just confused because i feel like the paper behaved better when i used it last year and with my self portraits asdfghj im wondering if i just printed this on the wrong side? more testing is in order before i work on my next two pieces dfghjklfghjk
so, anyway, i might try to color this one again because i don't know how satisfied i am with it. like, i like it, but also it just doesn't feel correct. i might do it digitally or i might do it traditionally, we'll see. but im not going to try again until i finish the other two i need to color. i think this stems from the fact that i just feel like the palette was meant to be different then the one i ended up with so it just still feels incomplete to me. we'll see how i feel, though, when i finish the other two.
anyway, if anyone read all of that, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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broadwaybalogna · 2 days
“God! Why do people ship Zutara!? WTF???”
Here’s a response you’ve probably not heard before:
Why not?
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zukosbangtan · 1 day
one thing that really makes my eye twitch is when people pretend like suki isn't part of the gaang!! likeee we saw her early on in season 1 for the first time and she was a recurring character until she became a permanent and integral member of team avatar later on!! it's so sad when she's basically reduced to nothing but sokkas gf and ppl don't deem her important enough of a member and just exclude her from the group. and it's so weird bc not only was she already part of the group even before zuko, she also played a huge part in ending the war together with the gaang but people keep disregarding her and everything she's done which pisses me off so bad like omg.
what i'm trying to say is PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY GIRL SUKIS NAME!!!
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we-are-all-nobodies18 · 3 months
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Damn right we're gonna get blueberry slushy .
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nanamis-username · 2 months
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avatar girleens
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bellwethers · 3 months
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itscuriosu · 2 months
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my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕
sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️
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sourbons · 2 months
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fire nation kataang my cutiepies
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azural83 · 4 months
No way they got rid of katara's anger in THE feminine rage era
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robstarsupremacy · 2 days
proud zutara lover
i adore them so much
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korraofthereef · 2 days
Just finished atla (animated version) OML GREATEST SHOW OF THE CENTURY. Yeah, it’s considered a children’s show but idgaf it was PHENOMENAL.
Here’s a list of my favs in order
5. Zuko
4. Suki
3. Iroh
2. Toph
1. Sokka
Totally cool if you don’t agree with me, I’m just more of a comedic relief girl, so that’s why my top 3 are my top 3.
Onto legend of Korra next, you guys seem to be begging me to watch it…
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m-r-moth · 3 months
Aang - if you got arrested, what would be the charges?
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and.. of course..
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illustrating the incorrect atla quote from @caylenqueen
(the arson zuko from my other post was originally made for this thing, heh)
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